Passed-on Sentence Examples
Six days passed on the ship.
Dad had passed on his curly blond hair to Nick and Lisa.
Betsy immediately passed on the information via a tip.
I suspect the new Mrs. Martin passed on sometime a year or so later, after the last letter.
He then went to school in Lausanne, and from there passed on to the Theresianum in Vienna.
The sultan sent him back to the Christian camp, and he passed on to the Holy Land.
Thus, the modern embalmer inherits the mantle passed on through the centuries.
When the strong man passed on without any suitable replacement, collapse followed as surely as day follows night.
An act for the " reorganization " of the government was passed on the 19th of June.
This machine reproduces a copy of the original transmitting slip, which can be passed on to any other Wheatstone circuit or can be run through a " Creed printer," which is a pneumatic machine actuating a typewriter by means of valves.
AdvertisementA law passed on the 22nd of March 1900 gave a B a, special impulse to this form of enterprise by fixing the ratio r naze.
With an eye to the future, he published their Ratio disciplinae, collected money for the "Hidden Seed" still worshipping in secret in Moravia, and had his son-in-law, Peter Jablonsky, consecrated a bishop, and Peter passed on the succession to his son Daniel Ernest Jablonsky.
This measure, which was endorsed by the third Duma in an act passed on the 21st of December 1908, is calculated to have far-reaching and profound effects upon the rural economy of Russia.
Finally in 218 Hannibal took it and passed on into Italy.
An Enabling Act was passed on the 1st of March 1817, and the state was formally admitted into the Union on the 10th of December.
AdvertisementThe " Mecklenburg Declaration," which it is alleged was passed on the 10th of the same month by the same committee, " dissolves the political bonds " which have connected the county with the mother country, " absolves " the citizens of that county " from all allegiance to the British Crown," declares them " a free and independent people," and abounds in other phrases which closely resemble phrases in the great Declaration of the 4th of July 1776.
By the western gates of Makran prehistoric irruptions from Mesopotamia broke into the plains of Lower Sind, and either passed on towards the central provinces of India or were absorbed in the highlands south of Kalat.
Sentence of death was passed on the royalist conspirators.
The Enabling Act was passed on the 30th of April 1802, the first state legislature met on the 1st of March 1803, the Territorial judges gave up their offices on the 15th of April 1803, and the Federal senators and representatives took their seats in Congress on the 17th of October 1803.
A somewhat different criticism must be passed on the Facetiae, a collection of humorous and indecent tales expressed in such Latinity as Poggio could command.
AdvertisementThe question as to whether copper really was first used in Egypt is not yet resolved, and many arguments can be brought against the theory of Egyptian origin and in favour of one in Syria or further north.26 Egypt has also recently been credited with being the inceptor of the whole " megalithic (or heliolithic, as the fashionable word now is) culture " of mankind, from Britain to China and (literally) Peru or at any rate Mexico via the Pacific Isles.27 The theory is that the achievements of the Egyptians in great stone architecture at the time of the pyramid-builders so impressed their contemporaries that they were imitated in the surrounding lands, by the Libyans and Syrians, that the fame of them was carried by the Phoenicians further afield, and that early Arab and Indian traders passed on the megalithic idea to Farther India, and thence to Polynesia and so on so that both the teocalli of Teotihuacan and Stonehenge are ultimately derived through cromlechs and dolmens innumerable from the stone pyramid of Saqqara, built by Imhotep, the architect of King Zoser, about 3100 B.C. (afterwards deified as the patron of science and architecture).
This act was passed on the 2nd of March 1807; it did not, however, come into force till 1st January 1808.
By an ordinance of secession passed on the 26th of January 1861, Louisiana joined the Confederate States.
Under the influence of an applied electric force, he imagined that the B part of the first molecule was liberated at the anode, and that the A part thus isolated united with the B part of the second molecule, which, in its turn, passed on its A to the B of the third molecule.
After a day's delay, during which Sir Henry McCallum reiterated his concurrence, already made known in London, in the justice of the sentence passed on the natives, Lord Elgin gave way (March 30).
AdvertisementThese were traversed on the 16th of November and the raiders passed on to Bethulie capturing Dewetsdorp and 500 men en route.
Calah was burned thou h the stron walls g YP, g g of Nineveh protected the relics of the Assyrian army which had taken refuge behind them; and when the raiders had passed on to other fields of booty, a new palace was erected among the ruins of the neighbouring city.
Following Wallin's route across the desert by Mean and Jauf, Palgrave and his companion, a Syrian Christian, reached Hail in July 1862; here they were hospitably entertained by the amir Talal, nephew of the founder of the Ibn Rashid dynasty, and after some stay passed on with his countenance through Kasim to southern Nejd.
Each event is related in the words of eye-witnesses or contemporaries transmitted to the final narrator through a chain of intermediate reporters (rawis), each of whom passed on the original report to his successor.
The poetic impulse and culture communicated to Roman literature in the last years of the republic passed on without any break of continuity into the literature of the of imperial succeeding age.
Army would maintain the positions occupied during the 13th, and merely passed on these orders to his corps commanders.
On the next day the procession passed on to another mansio; this continued till the 24th, when the shields were replaced in their sacrarium.
The crop is followed by a proventriculus which, in the higher Hymenoptera, forms the so-called " honey stomach," by the contraction of whose walls the solid and liquid food can be separated, passed on into the digestive stomach, or held in the crop ready for regurgitation into the mouth.
The fleets passed on opposite tacks, and the Dutch tried to destroy their enemy with fire-ships without success.
This safe conduct, which had been frequently printed, stated that Huss should, whatever judgment might be passed on him, be allowed to return freely to Bohemia.
In 1848 he came to London, but passed on in 1849 to America, where he ministered as rabbi in Cleveland,Cincinnati, Milwaukee, Detroit and Newark, New Jersey.
Having made the first survey of Victoria Nyanza and confirmed Speke's guesses as to its shape and area, Stanley passed on (half discovering Ruwenzori on the way) to the Congo.
In the opinion of enlightened men this will mitigate the censures that must be passed on him for his laxity in matters financial.
From that time until 1821 the Greeks monopolized the management of Turkey's foreign relations, and soon established the regular system whereby the chief dragoman passed on as a matter of course to the dignity of hospodar of one of the Danubian principalities.
Persecution gave new vitality to their doctrines, which passed on to Wycliffe and Huss, and through these leaders produced the Reformation in Germany and England.
Her influence, however, which was to be so great, was not immediately exercised, and he was passed on to Turin, where there was an institution specially devoted to the reception of neophytes.
Shortly afterwards he was arrested by the French government, and, after a trial at Lyons, sentenced by a police-court magistrate (under a special law passed on the fall of the Commune) to five years' imprisonment, on the ground that he had belonged to the International Workingmen's Association (1883).
That the interval which elapsed before the Prophets and the Hagiographa were also translated was no great one is shown by the prologue to Sirach which speaks of " the Law, the Prophets and the rest of the books," as already current in a translation by 132 B.C. The date at which the various books were combined into a single work is not known, but the existence of the Septuagint as a whole may be assumed for the 1st century A.D., at which period the Greek version was universally accepted by the Jews of the Dispersion as Scripture, and from them passed on to the Christian Church.
The finest encomium was passed on him by the queen herself, when she said, "This judgment I have of you, that you will not be corrupted with any manner of gifts, and that you will be faithful to the state."
A duck-weight of Camirus, probably early, gives 8480; the same passed on to Greece and Italy (17), averaging 8610; but in Italy it was divided, like all other units, into unciae and scripulae (44).
There were unsuccessful insurrections also in 1869 (clerical) and 1870 (republican), but an amnesty, passed on the 13th of October 1870, helped to restore peace; trouble again arose, however, at the 1871 election, at which the candidates were Juarez, Sebastian Lerdo de Tejada and Diaz.
Having taken a prominent part in the political disturbances of this period, French deemed it prudent to leave Ireland in 1651, and the remainder of his life was passed on the continent of Europe.
In 1471 James bestowed the castle and lands of Ravenscraig in Fife on William, earl of Orkney, in exchange for all his rights to the earldom of Orkney, which, by act of parliament passed on the 20th of February of the same year, was annexed to the Scottish crown.
Sentence of excommunication was passed on Friedrich in April 1871, but he refused to acknowledge it and was upheld by the Bavarian government.
This system led to disputes and neglect, and was so unworkable that we find in the texts of the Middle Kingdom the whole responsibility put upon one well-endowed "ko-servant," who passed on his office to a single heir.
Another Portuguese navigator, Martim Affonso de Souza, visited it in 1531, but passed on to Sao Vicente, near Santos, where he established a colony.
It was already closely connected with Gaul, and when Roman civilization and its products invaded Gallia Belgica, they passed on easily to Britain.
A second road, turning north-west from Catterick Bridge, mounted the Pennine Chain by way of forts at Rokeby, Bowes and Brough-underStainmoor, descended into the Eden valley, reached Hadrian's wall near Carlisle (Luguvallium), and passed on to Birrens.
They are forbidden to carry out a sentence of death passed on a criminal without the sanction of the superintendent of the southern Shan states, but otherwise retain nearly all their customary law.
Albert's duchy of Bavaria-Straubing passed on his death in 1404 to his son William II., and in 1417 to his younger son John, who resigned the bishopric of Liege to take up his new position.
Bavaria-Munich passed on the death of John II.
The carriers which were touched under the influence of the positive field plate passed on and gave up a portion of their negative charge to increase that of the negative field plate; in the same Nichol= FIG.
This heating was formerly done by burning part of the gases, after their escape from the furnace top, in a large combustion chamber, around a series of cast iron pipes through which the blast passed on its way from the blowing engine to the tuyeres.
It is much more probable that heat is really the kinetic energy of motion of the molecules, and is passed on from one to another by collisions.
The same sentence was passed on Mahmud Sami and others.
It was through ranks of volunteers drawn up outside the parliament house in Dublin that Grattan passed on the 16th of April 1782, amidst unparalleled popular enthusiasm, to move a declaration of the independence of the Irish parliament.
Spartacus led them against Rome, but their hearts seem to have failed them; and instead of attacking the capital, he passed on again to Lucania.
The dogmas of Epicurus became to his followers a creed embodying the truths on which salvation depended; and they passed on from one generation to another with scarcely a change or addition.
The reservoir is filled yearly by March; after that the volume reaching the reservoir from the south is passed on through the sluices.
The secrecy of the ballot is ensured by special regulations passed on the 28th of April 1903.
In order to carry out these clauses a law was passed on the 27th of June 1873 creating an imperial railway office (Rcichsciscnbahnanzt) for the purpose of exercising a general control over the railways.
In 1880 he became editor of Justice, and worked with success to bring about a revision of the sentences passed on the Communards.
The last privileges of this kind were abolished at Cambridge by a grace passed on the 10th of March 1884.
Spain's fears passed on to Mexico, the Russians being feared only less than Americans.
There he heard of the senate's proclamation of Galba as emperor, and of the sentence of death passed on himself.
Effect was given to this; and in April 1690 the act was passed on which the establishment of the Church of Scotland rests, the Westminster Confession being recognized, the laws in favour of Episcopacy repealed, though the Rescissory Act remained on the statute book, and the assembly appointed to meet.
From Isfahan he passed on to Shiraz, and thence returned in triumph to his own capital of Samarkand.
The Secession Ordinance of Louisiana was passed on the 26th of January 1861 by a convention that met at Baton Rouge.
To these, by a natural process, succeeded the matrix formed of only a thin slice of stone, which was more conveniently adapted for the bezel of the ring; and in this shape the engraved matrix passed on from the Greeks to the Romans.
Meanwhile, however, the territory of Aumale shared the fate of the rest of Normandy, and was annexed to the French crown by King Philip Augustus; but the title of earl of Albemarle, derived from it, continued to be borne in England by William de Fortibus, and was passed on to his heirs (see Albemarle).
The same criticism might be passed on Petrarch's.
As Rivers left no legitimate son the earldom passed on his death to his cousin, John Savage, grandson of the 2nd earl, and a priest in the Roman Catholic Church, on whose death, about 1735, all the family titles became extinct.
The essentially practical character of his administration has led many historians to tax him with avarice, but later research on the fiscal system of the papacy of the period, particularly the joint work of Samaran and Mollat, enables us very sensibly to modify the severe judgment passed on John by Gregorovius and others.
The charge in one case upon the article at a certain stage of its production, and in the other upon a transaction, is supposed to be passed on by the first payer to others.
Sometimes also, when a charge upon a commodity is not of such a figure as to be easily divisible among the ordinary units of retail consumption, so that it can be passed on to a consumer of the articles in the form of an increased price, it may remain fixed upon those who first pay it, at least for a time.
Many of the licences are those of brewers, distillers and publicans, and others in trade, and are paid out of the general profits of the business, so that they can hardly be passed on to the consumers, while other licences are for shooting, for employing carriages and men-servants, and for similar objects, where the charge on the payer is direct.
The sentence passed on Joan of Arc was revoked by the pope on the 7th of July 1456, and since then it has been the custom of Catholic writers to uphold the reality of her divine inspiration.
She imagined that this was the beginning of a courtship, and began to build daydreams about becoming his principal wife, but he took no further notice of her and passed on.
But he finally passed on the wretched fiction as a heritage of his descendants, to cause untold woes in the 15th century.
Encouraged by this victory, the parliament passed on to constitutional reforms, forced on the king a council of twelve peers nominated by themselves, who were to exercise over him much the same control Constitu.
A measure was passed on his initiation, in 1881, authorizing him to arrest and detain suspected persons; and many well-known Irishmen, including Parnell himself and other members of parliament, were thrown into prison.
Harnack, Hellenistic Judaism had worked out the principles of a theology which simply passed on into the Greek-speaking Christian Church.
The new type passed on into the West through Augustine, and the so-called Athanasian creed, which states an s Augustinian version of Greek dogma.
The Law of the Maximum, passed on the 17th of September, fixed the price of food and made it capital to ask for more.
The papacy being then vacant, a definite reply to his proposals was postponed, and Bar Sauma passed on to Paris, where he had audience of the king of France (Philip the Fair).
The king's mensal land, as also that of the tanist or successor to the royal office appointed during the king's lifetime, was not divided up but passed on in its entirety to the next individual elected to the position.
He distinguished himself by being the only member of the assembly who entered a protest against what he deemed the inadequate sentence passed on John Simson, professor of divinity at Glasgow, who was accused of heterodox teaching on the Incarnation.
However, an old college chum had passed on a tip.
One large freighter we passed on an outward leg had only some wreckage to show on our return, having swung at anchor.
It would not help hauliers where their fuel prices are directly passed on to customers.
Some months afterward I received a bill for many thousands of pounds, which I hastily passed on to divisional headquarters.
Queen Mom snuffs it Gawd bless yer ma'am by Kieren McCarthy Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, has passed on.
Can the virus be passed on through eating poultry or eggs?
Optometrists write a spectacle prescription that is given to the patient and passed on to the optician.
The costs of long-term preservation, which cannot be passed on to customers, was a concern for many.
Login shells catch the terminate signal; other- wise this signal is passed on to children from the state in the shell's parent.
As the VDG is stopped, horizontal sync interrupts are not passed on to the CPU during this ' padding ' .
From a coarse herbage we passed on to a carpet of fine green verdure.
The science of geography, passed on from antiquity by Ptolemy, re-established by Varenius and Newton, and systematized by Kant, included within itself definite aspects of all those terrestrial phenomena which are now treated exhaustively under the heads of geology, meteorology, oceanography and anthropology; and the inclusion of the requisite portions of the perfected results of these sciences in geography is simply the gathering in of fruit matured from the seed scattered by geography itself.
An ordinance of secession was passed on the 9th of January 1861, and the constitution was soon amended to conform to the new constitution of the Confederate States.
With the scholar's dislike of textbooks, he rapidly acquired a thorough knowledge of the ancient historians, quickly passed on to medieval times, and here it was that he formed as the ideal of his life the study of universal history, the works of God as displayed in the history of the human race.
The Babylonian syllabary which thus arose, and which, as the culture passed on to the north - known as Assyria - became the Babylonian Assyrian syllabary, 3 was enlarged and modified in the course of time, the Semitic equivalents for many of the signs being distorted or abbreviated to form the basis of new "phonetic" values that were thus of " Semitic " origin; but, on the whole, the " non-Semitic " character of the signs used as syllables in the phonetic method of writing Semitic words was preserved; and, furthermore, down to the latest days of the Babylonian and Assyrian empires the mixed method of writing continued, though there were periods when " purism " was the fashion, and there was a more marked tendency to spell out the words laboriously in preference to using signs with a phonetic complement as an aid in suggesting the reading desired in any given instance.
On the 21st of September 1567 sentence of degradation and death was passed on him and sixteen others, ambassadors from Florence vainly kneeling to the pope for some mitigation, and on the 1st of October he was publicly beheaded and then burned.
In May 1789 - that memorable month of May in which the states-general marched in impressive array to hear a sermon at the church of Notre Dame at Versailles - a vote of censure had actually been passed on him in the House of Commons for a too severe expression used against Hastings.
A law passed on the 1st of July 1902 requires that all private schools must be authorized by the state, and arranges for their periodical inspection, for the enforcement of proper sanitation and discipline, and for the appointment of a suitable staff of teachers.
Originally derived by the Hittites from Babylonia, but modified by themselves, this standard was passed on to the nations of Asia Minor during the period of Hittite conquest, but was eventually superseded by the Phoenician mina of 11,225 grains, and continued to survive only in Cyprus and Cilicia (see also Numismatics).
And he also passed on with the wagon.
Another, without looking round, as though fearing to relax, shouted with his mouth wide open and passed on.
The Emperor passed on to the drawing room, the crowd made a rush for the doors, and several persons with excited faces hurried there and back again.
The unaccustomed coarse food, the vodka he drank during those days, the absence of wine and cigars, his dirty unchanged linen, two almost sleepless nights passed on a short sofa without bedding--all this kept him in a state of excitement bordering on insanity.
He's made my face all bloody, said he in a frightened whisper when the sergeant major had passed on.
Login shells catch the terminate signal; other- wise this signal is passed on to children from the state in the shell 's parent.
When off is specified, the input wave (or the stapes velocity) is passed on directly to the next stage.
From there it is immediately passed on to our ISP, then to us - quicker than you can swat a bug !
As the VDG is stopped, horizontal sync interrupts are not passed on to the CPU during this ' padding '.
This kind of culture is primarily an oral one - it is passed on and formed largely by intimate word-of-mouth communication.
The ailing king passed on the mantle of authority to his eldest son.
Keepsake gifts are nice to hold on to for years to come; many are intended to be passed on from one generation to the next, such as a silver baby rattle.
Dish/Utensil Set-A silver dish and utensil set can be passed on to following generations as a cherished heirloom.
Moms that don't breastfeed do not have to be cautious about what they eat with a fear that certain undesirable things can be passed on to the infant.
Estate sales are sales that occur when a family or loved one sells off the furnishings of a loved one who's recently passed on.
Online stores also have the benefit of buying in bulk and the savings can be passed on to the customer.
Sometimes Dell works with third-party retailers by giving them special discounts that are passed on to you.
In some cases, it may even be better to wait before making additions until your old friend has passed on.
Not only will your pet be more susceptible to other diseases because of his compromised immune system, this disease is easily passed on to other cats.
Merchants are charged a higher fee when a pin transaction takes place, and often this cost is passed on to you in the form of an on-the-spot transaction fee.
Interest accrues solely on the unpaid balance and often interest expenses can be passed on to the client as a case-related expenditure.
While technically the information is supposed to be passed on once you contact one bureau, making a separate request to each will ensure the alert is put on quickly and that it is done properly.
You can also build something to be proud of that can be passed on to other members of the family.
The waste processing costs incurred by waste management companies is reduced, the cost of manufacture are reduced and other incidental costs can be reduced, meaning that cost savings are passed on to the consumer.
This jumble of materials is sorted and passed on to a series of companies who process and recycle the materials back into their original form where they can be reused in manufacturing.
Some of this energy is stored and passed on to animals and humans that consume the plants.
However, as a customer, keep in mind that these savings won't necessarily be passed on it you.
Manmade fibers are cheaper to produce than wool or silk, so the cost-savings is often passed on to consumers.
Usually, a percentage of the image fee is passed on to the photographer.
Even upon receiving a taped audition from Brolin that he put together with the help of directors Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez (he was working with them on Grindhouse and Planet Terror at the time), they passed on him for the role.
Some are still on the rise, others have peaked and found solace in fading into the background, and sadly, a few have passed on.
By eliminating those marketing fees, the reduction of tuition is passed on to the student.
This will decrease the possibility that the fault will not be passed on to the offspring.
Look for the following signs that your pet has truly passed on.
These savings are possible because the contractor has been relieved of the marketing and sales burdens that are often passed on to the homeowner."
Since it is keepsake quality, it can be passed on to future generations, so the initial price can be thought of as an investment.
The savings are then passed on to the customer both in terms of service and pricing of the clothing.
Parent and baby groups also can be an excellent supply of secondhand baby goods, which are often passed on for little or no charge.
Most animal manures provide a wide range of soil nutrients and are readily available at a reasonable cost, but may contain undesirable salts or other substances passed on from the animal's diet.
This cost savings could be passed on to consumers.
Before this law was passed on 1998, grandparents could be granted visitation rights in one state but would have to re-petition the court if the grandchild moved to another state.
Rumors abound that the ride will be demolished, but no judgment has yet been passed on its fate.
And when I say loosely, I mean the rope has so much slack on it, you wished Christian Slater, Tara Reid and Stephen Dorff were hanging on it and falling into a pit of 'I should have passed on this project' hell.
He was taken to a hospital, but passed on shortly afterwards.
Boxed wine is also less expensive to produce, a savings generally passed on to consumers.
Private publishers were finally allowed to print postcards after the Private Mailing Card Act passed on May 19, 1898.
Once such a spontaneous mutation has been established in an individual, however, it can then be passed on to any offspring.
The infection is passed on to others when poor hand washing allows the virus to remain on the hands after eating or using the bathroom.
They grew up, had their own children, and passed on the gene for HbS.
Although the virus is still most likely to be passed on by gay and bisexual males, as of 2004 more than 25 percent of AIDS cases are women, most of whom are African American or Hispanic.
Fraternal twinning appears to be passed on by the female members of a family.
While direct skin-to-plant contact with poison ivy, oak, or sumac is probably the most frequent cause of the rash, the irritants from the plants can also be passed on indirectly.
It cannot determine whether a child is a carrier of a single CF gene that can be passed on to the next generation.
Because bacteria reproduce so quickly, these defenses can be rapidly passed on through generations of bacteria until almost all are immune to the effects of a particular antibiotic.
Both factors VIII and IX are produced by a genetic defect of the X chromosome, so hemophilia A and B are both sex-linked diseases passed on from a female to male offspring.
It causes no illness in the tick carrying it and can be passed on to the tick's offspring.
T. pallidum subspecies endemicum is passed on mostly among children living in poverty in unsanitary environments and with poor hygiene.
In other words, someone probably discovered Matt while procrastinating in their cubicle one day, and passed on the dancing to a friend.
Personalized pet memorials are seen as an important way for pet lovers to remember their pets long after they have passed on.
Other items, like maternity jeans and lounge pants may not transition so well, but can be saved (just in case) or passed on to family and friends.
This test reveals a common bacterial infection (present in 15-40 percent of healthy women), that, if left untreated, can be passed on to the baby during a vaginal birth.
They are considered genetic birth defects when the infection is passed on by the mother during pregnancy.
Enjoy these no-cost sewing resources, passed on from one seamstress to another.
In the meantime, the sketch April designs is passed on to our engineer at our factory and between him and our head seamstress, we make the technical specification sheet and the patterns.
By next year, it may be outgrown, but if it's in good shape, it can be passed on to someone else to enjoy.
Cummings created the song in 1855 after Wesley and Mendelssohn had long passed on.
Once the diamonds have been passed on to jewelers, they are then cut into the familiar faceted diamond shapes that adorn exquisite jewelry.
From the day you first receive it until the day it is passed on to future generations as a family heirloom, it will continue to sparkle with cherished memories.
Not only is it unique and handcrafted, but the platinum will wear well enough to be passed on throughout the generations of your family as a beautiful heirloom.
The brand continued to expand and was passed on to Georges' son, Gaston Louis, before it landed into the able hands of the famous French designer Marc Jacobs.
Sadly, at the age of 95, Mr. Aigner passed on in 2000, but his incredibly chic deigns, including products that contain his signature red color, are still here for consumers to appreciate.
Much of the ancient knowledge of palmistry has been passed on from one generation to the next like many of the other divination arts.
They claim this information is passed on to the studio so that they can gauge customer interest.
Jim, who was a vegetarian, passed on the hot dogs, and instead grabbed his own stick from near his tent to toast a few marshmallows.
He doesn't come from a family of actors, but his father did do a bit of amateur acting and that interest was obviously passed on to Nigel.
Many believe that these guardians are not angels assigned by God, but that they are the spirits of loved ones who have passed on before them.
Some folklorists feel that fairies are supposed to be the spirits of those who have passed on from this life.
In this instance, the skull is not so much a representation of death itself, as it is a symbol of honoring those who have passed on before us.
From this small beginning Brandt managed to build a thriving company, which passed on to his sons upon his death in 1879.
Historically, yoga was taught privately, wherein the master teacher passed on his knowledge to his student.
Alliances with other organization adds power to SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives) in turn passed on to its members.
And those costs will have to be passed on to customers in one form or another.
Part of the value of collecting quotes is to make sure that the lessons learned by one are passed on to the many.
However, he has passed on a legacy to many other cheerleaders who now perform the jump all across the world.
Without enough water, your kidneys can't function properly and their duties are passed on to the liver.
This savings is passed on to the patient.
The credibility and size of provides Coventry with increased buying power which can, in turn, be passed on to Coventry customers.
These claims costs the insurers more money -especially for international travel- and those costs gets passed on to the policyholder.
If the victim didn't have the money either, the cost would be passed on to the government and ultimately to the tax payers.
Indecent proposals, iniquitous contracts, they've all been offered to and passed on by Lauren Curtis.
When Doyle died, his gift was passed on to Cordelia, giving launching her into more supernatural storylines.
Dungeons and Dragons from TSR has been around since the early 70's but Gary Gygax, the game's creator and father of modern roleplaying, passed on in 2008 but his games live on.
In Victorian times, Lady Gregory collected a compilation of older Irish stories and folklore, passed on from medieval legends, in which attractive fairies figure prominently.
Periodically check to make sure your hosting company hasn't increased its fees as they can be passed on to you.
If pressure was applied to Daniel Brennan, it was never passed on to us.
Dean thanked the personable young lady but passed on the invitation.
So after all his troubles he founded his dynasty firmly, and passed on the crown to his son with a better title.