Pass-through Sentence Examples
The streets are joined by alleys just wide enough to pass through.
Demons cannot pass through it, but your death dealers can.
The current from the line was made to pass through the spring and paper to the cylinder.
Any organism may pass through a series of free-living larval stages.
They also have convenient pass-through pockets and an expansion rear-glove pocket.
She was the first of over 12 million people who would pass through the doors.
The king set out for Rome to secure his coronation, but Venice refused to let him pass through .her territories; and at Trant, on the 4th of February 1508, he took the important step of assuming the title of Roman Emperor Elect, to which he soon received the assent of pope Julius II.
When the key is in the middle position, that is, not making connexion with either the front or back contacts, the received currents pass through both coils of the relay and the rheostat; no interference is, however, felt from this extra resistance because, although the current is halved, it has double the effect on the relay, because it passes through two coils instead of one.
By slightly turning the prism P, the position of the spectrum on the first screen could be shifted sufficiently to cause light of any desired colour to pass through.
This was done by the winged sons of Boreas, and Phineus now told them their course, and that the way to pass through the Symplegades or Cyanean rocks - two cliffs which moved on their bases and crushed whatever sought to pass - was first to fly a pigeon through, and when the cliffs, having closed on the pigeon, began to retire to each side, to row the "Argo" swiftly through.
AdvertisementThe ordinate of the curve changes sign as we pass through a node, so that successive sections are moving always in opposite directions and have opposite displacements.
The Wii MotionPlus also featured a pass-through that still allowed for the attachment of the nunchuk peripheral.
A special surgical needle is used to pass through the skin, creating a hole.
The wide streets are traversed by a system of tramways, which pass through modern suburbs to the mining district about two leagues inland, and on the west a canal enables small vessels to enter the town without using the port.
When the strong magnetizing field is gradually diminished to zero and then reversed, the needles pass from one stable position of rest to another through a condition of instability; and if the field is once more reversed, so that the cycle is completed, the needles again pass through a condition of instability before a position of stable equilibrium is regained.
AdvertisementThe first objective assigned to be captured by the divisions in line included the Hindenburg system on both banks of the canal and the Hindenburg reserve line a mile to the E.; once these had been secured the supporting divisions were to pass through and carry the last line of defence, the MasnieresBeaurevoir line, between the latter village and Le Tronquoy.
The approach to his house was free, and he loved to pass through the city unattended and to pay unexpected visits to his friends.
In some instances the coal seams may be changed as a whole, as for instance in South Wales, where the coking coals of the eastern side of the basin pass through the state of dry steam coal in the centre, and become anthracite in the western side.
A number of molecules moving in obedience to dynamical laws will pass through a series of configurations which can be theoretically determined as soon as the structure of each molecule and the initial position and velocity of every part of it are known.
He was now planning to induce the crusading armies of the West to pass through his territories, and seemed about to play a leading part in the third Crusade.
AdvertisementThis value of 0 is the same for all parabolas which pass through D and E and have their axes at right angles to KL.
Westward from Clyde the new channel, like the old but larger, will pass through Rochester and Lockport to the Niagara river at Tonawanda.
But if hinges are introduced at crown and springings, the calculation of the stresses in the arch ring becomes simple, as the line of pressures must pass through the hinges.
Below this pendulum let there be placed another coil through which passes the current to be measured; then when currents pass through these coils the pendulum of the second clock will be either accelerated or retarded relatively to the other clock, since the action of gravity is supplemented by that of an electric attraction or repulsion between the coils.
The Boca Grande was filled with stone after the city had been captured three times, because of the ease with which an enemy's ships could pass through it at any time, and the narrow and more easily defended Boca Chica, 7 m.
AdvertisementThe great salt caravans pass through it, as well as pilgrims on their way to Mecca.
They at once proceeded to pass through the convocation diet a whole series of salutary measures.
The bodies were formerly exposed to view; but the pilgrims who now pass through the galleries see nothing but the draperies and the inscriptions.
It will be observed that the cleavage planes do not pass through the white bands.
The young usually pass through several stages of development after leaving the egg, and this commonly after, even long after, the egg has left the maternal shell.
His demonstration that the planes of all the planetary orbits pass through the centre of the sun, coupled with his clear recognition of the sun as the moving power of the system, entitles him to rank as the founder of physical astronomy.
After a rough estimate of the perturbations it must sustain from the attraction of the planets, he predicted its return for 1757,-a bold prediction at that time, but justified by the event, for the comet again made its appearance as was expected, though it did not pass through its perihelion till the month of March 1759, the attraction of Jupiter and Saturn having caused, as was computed by Clairault previously to its return, a retardation of 618 days.
The town, however, had yet to pass through many vicissitudes.
They prayed for the auditores, they blessed them and interceded for them, thereby shortening the process of purification the latter had to pass through after death.
For the most part the rivers follow open valleys along belts of weak strata; but they frequently pass through sharp-cut notches in the na1row ridges of the stratified beltthe Delaware water-gap is one of the deepest of these notches; and in the harder rocks of the crystalline belt they have eroded steep-walled gorges, of which the finest is that of the Hudson, because of the greater height and breadth of the crystalline highlands there than at points where the other rivers cross it.
The equation x 2 +y 2 =o denotes a pair of perpendicular imaginary lines; it follows, therefore, that circles always intersect in two imaginary points at infinity along these lines, and since the terms x 2 +y 2 occur in the equation of every circle, it is seen that all circles pass through two fixed points at infinity.
As a military force could not pass through the United States, the expedition was compelled to take the route up Lake Superior, and from the head of that lake through 50o m.
A single family may include isomyarian, anisomyarian and monomyarian forms, and the latter in development pass through stages in which they resemble the first two.
A series of subterranean ways extending many miles have been constructed to enable merchandise traffic to pass through without interfering with passenger trains on the surface railways.
The masseter muscle does not pass through the narrow infra-orbital canal, and the temporal muscle is large.
It has long been an established principle in the intercourse of nations, that where the navigable parts of a river pass through different countries their navigation is free to all.
To diminish the resistance the current should pass through as small a layer of liquid as possible.
All western trade in Canada of the vast provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia, must pass through the narrow belt of loo m., lying between the international boundary line and Lake Winnipeg.
The trade from the wide extent of three-quarters of a million of square miles of prairie and woodland, becoming more populous every year, must flow as through a narrow spout at Winnipeg; every railway must pass through Winnipeg.
Such an organism is found in the peculiar Trichoplax, Lohmanniella, &c. The early stages of most animals pass through such a stage, which is known as a ” planula."
The spermatozoa enter it and pass through its walls and traverse a minute duct formed of two accessory cells, and finally enter the ripe ovum.
He had many struggles to pass through in early life, which tended to discipline his character and to form the habits of severe study and the mental independence for which he came to be distinguished.
By evaporation and condensation, then, the solvent can pass through this perforated partition, which thus acts as a perfect semi-permeable membrane.
England, France, Spain and Germany, dalmatic and tunicle are now no longer tunics, but scapular-like cloaks, with an opening for the head to pass through and square lappets falling from the shoulder over the upper part of the arm; in Italy, on the other hand, though open up the side, they still have regular sleeves and are essentially tunics.
The difficulty of tracing the relationships of algae is largely due to the inadequacy of our knowledge of the conditions under which they pass through the critical stages of their life-cycle.
The state has a fine system of roads, and the Cochin-Shoranur and the Tinnevelly-Quilon railways pass through it.
Other brands don't have the rubber backing, but they do allow liquid to pass through to absorbent newspapers underneath.
The same tiny holes that allow sunlight to pass through the material allow water to evaporate more rapidly than other swimsuits.
It's true that early tan-through suits were unfortunately see-through, which affected sales, but today, tiny pores allow light to pass through the bathing suit, and the pattern is bold to avoid any see-through issues.
Without fluid and carbohydrates, a lot of the vitamins and minerals in tablets can't undergo complete metabolic breakdown, so the nutrients pass through the body unused and are excreted.
A "Stomper" is included to press the meat or other foods down into the grinder so it can pass through the blade.
This model will capture 99% of dust, allergens, pet dander, pollen and smoke from the air as they pass through its filter.
That's because white or colorless diamonds allow the most light to pass through them, giving them a dramatic sparkle.
In this short segment, she outlines in detail the affects of upcoming movements of the planets and stars as they pass through the astrological signs.
After this date, the Earth will begin to pass through the lower portion of the Milky Way galaxy.
Urban legend stories pass through email, word of mouth, articles, books and television shows.
Coronation Street has been on the air since 1960, and has seen numerous cast members pass through its revolving doors over the years.
This needle is straight and several inches long with a hollow center that creates a crescent-shaped slit for the jewelry to pass through.
Once you have picked up your luggage you will pass through customs.
Understand that the TSA personnel are just doing their job and be flexible and patience as you pass through the security check points.
The peptides may pass through the intestinal tract, where the gluten becomes glidainomorphin and the casein becomes casomorphin.
It works in the digestive system by allowing dietary fat to pass through the intestines without being absorbed.
At this point, they were opening up for just about every major metal act that would pass through Connecticut and Massachusetts.
The trails pass through wooded areas and marshland, offering glimpses of a variety of plants and animals, such as great blue herons, barred and great horned owls, redheaded woodpeckers, red-tailed hawks, kestrels and turkey vultures.
The title, like others in Spain, can pass through an heiress to her husband.
Passenger steamers sail from the port of London to the principal ports of she British Isles and northern Europe, and to all parts of the world, but the most favoured passenger services to and from Europe and North America pass through other ports, to which the railways provide special services of trains from London.
For first-class work, however, and especially in steel concrete, it is customary to reject very large stones, and to insist that all shall pass through a ring a of an inch in diameter.
The aggregate should be the best obtainable and of different sizes, the stones being freshly crushed and screened to pass through a -'s in.
There are traces of an altar near the Heraeum which was probably older than the great altar of Zeus; this was probably the original centre of worship. The great altar of Zeus was of elliptic form, the length of the lozenge being directed from south-south-west to north-north-east, in such a manner that the axis would pass through the Cronion.
From the large lens, E, the rays pass through the open air for a considerable distance, depending upon how much the mast has been raised, to the lower optical system.
These sluices are placed on as low a level as possible to permit the most turbid water at the bottom of the tide to pass through a channel in the base of the embankment.
The discovery of America, the invention of printing, the revival of learning and many other causes had contributed to effect a radical change in the point of view from which the world was regarded; and the strongest of all medieval relations, that of the nation to the Church, was about to pass through the fiery trial of the Reformation.
If a man dies unreconciled to God through Christ, he must pass through another cycle of imprisonment in flesh; perhaps in a human, but with equal likelihood in an animal's body.
The oldest form of the legend makes Godiva pass through Coventry market from one end to the other when the people were assembled, attended only by two soldiers, her long hair down so that none saw her, " apparentibus cruribus tamen candidissimis."
The record is obtained by the light from a small lamp reflected downwards by a mirror so as to pass through a slit in a small plate attached to the outer end of the boom.
The smallest detachment of our troops cannot pass through that district without meeting everywhere eager and exulting gratulations, the tone of which proves them to come from glowing hearts.
Many of the species are sedentary, others are winter visitants, while others again simply pass through Egypt on their way to or from warmer or colder regions.
About 250,000 passengers (including some 40,000 pilgrims to Mecca) pass through the canal in a year (see further SUEZ).
Whether examined by functional or by structural features, the conducting paths of the nervous system, traced from beginning to end, never terminate in the centres of that system, but pass through them.
Variation provides the material for selection, and although opinions may differ as to the nature of that material, the modes by which it comes into existence and their relative values and permanences, there is an increasingly wide consensus of opinion that all such material has to pass through the sieve of natural selection and that the sifted products form new varieties and species, and new adaptations.
From the moral world the next step is religion; the moral law gives place to God; but the idea of Godhead, too, as it first appears, is imperfect, and has to pass through the forms of nature-worship and of art before it reaches a full utterance in Christianity.
Routes that pass through the mountain barriers of the frontier between Peshawarand the Gomal occur at intervals along the western border, and in the northern section of the Indian frontier they are all well marked.
It may be that these fainter components are still in the stage when the temperature is rising, and the luminosity is as yet comparatively small; but it is not impossible that the massive stars (owing to their greater gravitation) pass through the earlier stages of evolution more rapidly than the smaller stars.
In Denmark all convicted prisoners pass through several stages, from cellular treatment to the intermediate prison and conditional liberty.
Soon after returning to Charleston he was appointed professor of mathematics in the United States navy, but he chose instead to serve as assistant engineer of a survey undertaken chiefly for the purpose of finding a pass through the mountains for a proposed railway from Charleston to Cincinnati.
The vapourmolecules of the solvent are free to pass through the semi-permeable membrane, and will continue to condense in the solution until the hydrostatic pressure is so raised as to produce equality of vapour-pressure.
Hence if forces P, Q act in OA, OB, the resultant R will pass through C, provided m=P/OA, n=Q/OB;
The plane in question is called the null-plane of P. If the null-plane of P pass through Q, the null-plane of will pass through P, since PQ is a null-line.
As regards the most general motion of a spherical pendulum, it is obvious that a particle moving under gravity on a smooth sphere cannot pass through the highest or lowest point unless it describes a vertical circle.
Should the pen have a nib of two jaws, like those of an ordinary drawing-pen, the plane of the jaws must pass through PT.
What it did make impossible for him was to attain that union immediately on the cessation of his present life, as he would first have to pass through higher and purer stages of mundane existence before reaching that goal; but in this respect he only shared the lot of all but a very few of the saintliest in the higher spheres of life, since the ordinary twice-born would be liable to sink, after his present life, to grades yet lower than that of the Sudra.
The first dorsal spinal nerve coincides in position with the myocomma which separates the first myotome from the second on each side, and thereafter the successive dorsal roots pass through the substance of the myocommata on their way to the skin; they are therefore septal or intersegmental in position.
The Bosporus is under Turkish dominion, and by treaty of 1841, confirmed by the treaty of Berlin in 1878 and at other times, no ship of war other than Turkish may pass through the strait (or through the Dardanelles) without the countenance of the Porte.
As soon as the stock has been kept a sufficient time to pass through all the ordinary extremes of climate, a number of the hardiest may be removed to the more remote station, and the same process gone through, giving protection if necessary while the stock is being increased, but as soon as a large number of healthy individuals are produced, subjecting them to all the vicissitudes of the climate.
On account of the aberrations of all rays which pass through 0, a patch of light, depending in size on the lowest powers of E, x, y which the aberrations contain, will be formed in the plane I'.
He played a prominent part in the conquest of the Incas' kingdom (helping to seize and guard the person of Atahualpa, discovering a pass through the mountains to Cuzco, &c.), and returned to Spain with a fortune of 180,000 ducats, which enabled him to marry the daughter of his old patron d'Avila, and to maintain the state of a nobleman.
Also, since the curves at P and p are equally inclined to the directrix, P and p are corresponding, points and the line P p must pass through the centre of similitude.
These cilia appear to be attached to the cell-wall, being unaffected by plasmolysis, but Fischer states that they really are derived from the central protoplasm and pass through minute pores in cfl,8 the wall.
It has been found, for example, that a toxin may pass through such a filter while an antitoxin may not.
Kanthack and Cobbett, that in certain instances the toxin can be made to pass through a gelatine membrane, whereas the antitoxin cannot, its molecules being of larger size.
P. Boss has modified the ordinary plant by making the pulp flowing from the stamps pass through a grinding pan, then through a series of amalgamating pans followed by a row of settlers.
A few months after his return, through Germany, to London in 1815, he was induced to take up the question of constructing a miner's safety lamp. Experiments with samples of fire-damp sent from Newcastle soon taught him that "explosive mixtures of mine-damp will not pass through small apertures or tubes"; and in a paper read before the Royal Society on the 9th of November he showed that metallic tubes, being better conductors of heat, were superior to glass ones, and explained that the heat lost by contact with a large cooling surface brought the temperature of the first portions of gas exploded below that required for the firing of the other portions.
From this we may pass through various grades of " commensalism," like that of the hermit-crab with its protective anemones, to the cases of actual parasitism.
The majority of the Crustacea are hatched from the egg in a form differing more or less from that of the adult, and pass through a series of free-swimming larval stages.
Imports and exports pass through Mersina.
In the process of fertilization the two male generative nuclei, accompanied by the pollen-tube nucleus and that of the stalk-cell, pass through an open pit at the apex of the pollen-tube into the protoplasm of the ovum.
Of the rivers of the great eastern plains, whose waters pass through the Orinoco and Amazon to the Atlantic, little can be said beyond the barest geographical description.
The New York, Ontario & Western and the West Shore railways pass through West Nyack, a small village about 2 m.
If the Bond aroused disloyalty and mistaken aspirations in one section of the Cape inhabitants, it is equally certain that it caused a great wave of loyal and patriotic enthusiasm to pass through another and more enlightened section.
The beam is of bronze in a single deep casting, cored out in the middle so as to allow the saddle at the top of the stand to pass through the beam and afford a continuous bearing for the fulcrum knife-edge.
These rods pass through holes in the front and back plates of the box, and are furnished with spiral springs, which (when the rods are forced back by hand) are in compression between the back plate of the box and shoulders on the rods.
When the blocks are interconnected by the plugs all the coils are short-circuited; but if the plug or plugs are taken out, then a current flowing from one"end of the series to the other is compelled to pass through the corresponding coils.
And, assuming the above theory of geometrical imaginaries, a curve such that m of its points are situate in an arbitrary line is said to be of the order m; a curve such that n of its tangents pass through an arbitrary point is said to be of the class n; as already appearing, this notion of the order and class of a curve is, however, due to Gergonne.
The solution is still in so far incomplete that we have no properties of the curve II = o, to distinguish one such curve from the several other curves which pass through the points of contact of the double tangents.
The cause of the failure of Murdoch's original vertical retort was undoubtedly that it was completely filled with coal during charging, with the result that the gas liberated from the lower portions of the retort had to pass through a deep bed of red-hot coke, which, by over-baking the gas, destroyed the illuminating hydrocarbons.
Condensation takes place in the ascension pipe, in the arch piece leading to the hydraulic main, and to a still greater extent in the hydraulic main itself where the gas has to pass through water.
A constant flow of liquor is regulated through the washer, and the gas, in order to pass through the perforations, drives the liquor up into the troughs.
A partly successful attempt to make use of certain portions of the liquid products of distillation of coal before condensation by the second method was the Dinsmore process, in which the coal gas and vapours which, if allowed to cool, would form tar, were made to pass through a heated chamber, and a certain proportion of otherwise condensible hydrocarbons was thus converted into permanent gases.
The grate b retains any small pieces of fuel, but allows the liquid cinder to pass through.
A line became continuous, returning into itself by way of infinity; two parallel lines intersect in a point at infinity; all circles pass through two fixed points at infinity (the circular points); two spheres intersect in a fixed circle at infinity; an asymptote became a tangent at infinity; the foci of a conic became the intersections of the tangents from the circular points at infinity; the centre of a conic the pole of the line at infinity, &c. In analytical geometry the line at infinity plays an important part in trilinear co-ordinates.
Another pass through the Pindus chain was that of Gomphi, farther south, by means of which there was communication with the Ambracian Gulf.
He aimed at finding out the cause as well as the mode of the planetary revolutions; and his demonstration that the planes in which they are described all pass through the sun was an important preliminary to a physical explanation of them.
Take a rod LMN bent at right angles at M, such that MN= AB; let the leg LM always pass through a fixed point 0 on AB produced such that OA = CA, where C is the middle point of AB, and cause N to travel along the line perpendicular to AB at C; then the midpoint of MN traces the cissoid.
Six months later the direction of the opposite node will pass through the sun.
Precise conclusions are possible only when a gaseous body is transparent through and through, so that the gas emits its characteristic rays - or when the rays from an incandescent body of any kind pass through a gaseous envelope at a temperature lower than that of the body itself.
Had Maui succeeded in his attempt to pass through the body of Night (considered as a woman) men would have been immortal.
In 1775 Revere was sent by the Massachusetts provincial congress to Philadelphia to study the working of the only powder mill in the colonies, and although he was allowed only to pass through the building, obtained sufficient information to enable him to set up a powder mill at Canton.
Of the old castle, supposed to have been built before the Conquest to command the pass through the valley, there only remains the entrance to a cave beneath, 1so ft.
Their demands were more moderate than in the preceding year, but they nominated members to replace certain obnoxious persons on the royal council, demanded the right to assemble without the royal summons, and certain administrative reforms. In return they promised to raise and finance an army of 30,000 men, but the money - a tithe levied on the annual revenues of the clergy and nobility - voted for this object was not to pass through the dauphin's hands.
In Newton's method, two angles of constant magnitude are caused to revolve about their vertices which are fixed in position, in such a manner that the intersection of two limbs moves along a fixed straight line; then the two remaining limbs envelop a conic. Maclaurin's method, published in his Geometria organica (1719), is based on the proposition that the locus of the vertex of a triangle, the sides of which pass through three fixed points, and the base angles move along two fixed lines, is a conic section.
C and D are the outermost rays which can pass through the instrument.
Dr Bather justifiably anticipates further discoveries, but if, already in Silurian as in modern times, the members of these families had to pass through nauplius and cypris stages to maturity, there is one " enormous gap " between them and the common ancestor of the crustacean class that will not be easily filled.
You are not, under any circumstance to bleed a human dry, at least not yet. It is imperative, for the time being, that we are discreet, pass through civilization undetected.
This corresponds to the deformation of large agglomerates as they pass through the die land.
The ridge tile should be neatly drilled in the center to allow the fixing to pass through into the ridge batten or board below.
And they all pass through the numerous checkpoints on their 150 mile journeys.
From the gate to the entrance you can pass through another deep and very narrow cleft called the Roman Cave.
Cognitive constructivism refers to the developmental stages identified by Piaget that children pass through as they construct meaning based on their experiences.
Then the thermostat opens, allowing the coolant to pass through the exhaust manifold and hence back to the cooling tanks.
Walk to the far right corner and pass through a small coppice to meet a lane.
The loops which pass through the padlock of your chastity device are fashioned with brass ferrules and are non corrosive.
The canal will pass through a box culvert 110 meters long, which will not have a towpath.
The archeologists drive out across the desert, climb an unlikely pass through some mountains and descend toward deep Saharan dunes.
The proposed expressway will pass through South Staffordshire resulting in significant social, environmental and economic impacts.
Juvenile fish such as coarse fish fry small enough to pass through the screen will pass through the turbine with minimal effect on mortality.
The deep green forested hillsides we pass through look for all the world like the approaches to Merthyr.
The main carriage drive was designed to pass through the existing woods, then reveal the house across the sweeping lawns.
The three smaller Stercorarius species which occur in the area are all northern breeders which pass through the area on autumn migration.
Of the brand obtain a seat pass through sheets visible phosphorescence or.
Secondly, those solids that pass through the pump will be liquidized by the pump impeller, making efficient removal of solids almost impossible.
James V., and a numerous retinue of followers pass through Kinross on their way to Perth.
The X-rays pass through your body and are detected by electronic sensors on the other side of the gantry.
Patients with wounds of lesser severity may not need to pass through all echelons of care.
Some of these were originally ship's spars and still had sheaves for the running rigging to pass through.
Five miles of footpath pass through these grasslands and also take you to woodlands, ponds and the lough shore.
Thorne felt a shudder pass through him at the thought.
The DfT's expectation is that 30 mph speed limits will apply on all roads that pass through villages.
The latter especially helps soften the stools, making them easier to pass through the digestive tract.
The larger strainer allows debris like Koi waste or dead plants, up to 8mm in diameter, to pass through.
Passengers holding a direct airside transit visa will not be able to pass through immigration control.
These small molecules pass through the renal tube (coiled tubule) which is surrounded by a capillary network.
From the savage state, through the terror that gives birth to religions, through the creation of families by marriage, through burial rites and piety towards the dead, men approach civilization with the aid of poetic wisdom, and pass through three periods - the divine, heroic and human - in which they have three forms of government, language, literature, jurisprudence and civilization.
Repsolds also provide two insulated sliding contact rings instead of the single ring g, so that the electric current for illuminating the lamps does not pass through the instrument itself but may come to the micrometer from the storage battery through two insulated leads.
The cutter employed to rule these lines removes the silver in fine lines from the surface of the glass, Thus, if a photographic plate, before it is exposed in the telescope, is placed with its sensitive surface nearly in contact with the silvered surface of this reseau, and if parallel light, normal to the surface of the plate, is allowed to fall on the silvered film through the glass on which the film has been deposited, that light will pass through the fine lines in the silver film where the silver has been removed by the cutter, but will otherwise be intercepted by the silver film.
An originally unanticipated difficulty has arisen from the fact that the reseau-lines have not been ruled on plates of optical glass with optical surfaces, and that, in consequence of irregular refraction in the glass plate, the rays do not always pass through the silver film-lines in a direction strictly normal to the silvered surface; therefore, if the sensitive surface of the photographic plate is not in contact with the silver film of the reseau, the undeveloped photographic copy of the reseau may in such a case not be an exact reproduction of the silvered reseau.
The grand Trunk Pacific railway, the great transcontinental line promoted by the Laurier government, passes through Manitoba north of the Canadian Pacific, coming from the east deflects southward to pass through Winnipeg, and then strikes northward in a direct line of easy gradients to find its way through the Rocky Mountains to its terminus of Prince Rupert on the north coast of British Columbia.
Now it had been previously shown by Edison that, when a current was made to pass through an arrangement like that just described, the friction between the paper and the spring was greatly diminished.
Hence, when the undulating telephonic currents were made to pass through the apparatus, the constant variation of the friction of the spring caused the deflexions of the diaphragm to vary in unison with the variation of the electric The extreme smallness of the magnets which might be successfully employed was first demonstrated by Professor Peirce of Brown University, Providence, R.I.
Next, any organism may pass through a series of free-living larval stages, so that the new organism at first resembles its.
As the various portions of the food undergo digestion, they ate allowed to pass through the proventriculus into the stomach, where the nutrient substances are absorbed.
At the same time he persuaded the weak king of Spain (Charles IV.) and his corrupt minister Godoy to permit a French army to pass through Spain towards Portugal; while under a secret treaty signed at Fontainebleau on the 27th of October 1807 Spanish troops were to support the French.
Digestion, regarded not long ago as little more than a trituration and "coction" of ingesta to fit them for absorption and transfer them to the tissues, now appears as an elaboration of peptones and kindred intermediate products which, so far from being always bland, and mere bricks and mortar for repair or fuel for combustion, pass through phases of change during which they become so unfit for assimilation as to be positively poisonous.
Water is poured on the dirt, and the rocking motion imparted to the cradle causes the finer particles to pass through the perforated bottom on to a canvas screen, and thence to the base of the cradle, where the auriferous particles accumulate on transverse bars of wood, called " riffles."
Diagram of the structure of a medusa; the ectoderm is left clear, the endoderm is dotted, the mesogloea is shaded black; a-b, principal axis (see Hydrozoa); to the left of this line the section is supposed to pass through an inter-radius (I.R.); to the right through a radius (R).
The component S 1 of the system, situated between the aperture stop and the object 0, projects an image of the diaphragm, termed by Abbe the " entrance pupil "; the " exit pupil " is the image formed by the component S2 j which is placed behind the aperture stop. All rays which issue from 0 and pass through the aperture stop also pass through the entrance and exit pupils, since these are images of the aperture stop. Since the maximum aperture of the pencils issuing from 0 is the angle u subtended by the entrance pupil at this point, the magnitude of the aberration will be determined by the position and diameter of the entrance pupil.
Arundel was determined to extirpate the Lollards, and used his influence on the king to induce him to frame and pass through parliament the detestable statute De SMEuEeD.
The number of coefficients is 2(m+ r) (m+2); but there is no loss of generality if the equation be divided by one coefficient so as to reduce the coefficient of the corresponding term to unity, hence the number of coefficients may be reckoned as 1(m-1-- 1) (m+2) - r, that is, Zm(m+3); and a curve of the order in may be made to satisfy this number of conditions; for example, to pass through Zrn(m+3) points.
He subsequently examined the passage of gases through septa or partitions of indiarubber, unglazed earthenware and plates of metals such as palladium, and proved that gases pass through these septa neither by diffusion nor effusion nor by transpiration, but in virtue of a selective absorption which the septa appear to exert on the gases in contact with them.
Any solid or liquid transparent medium of lenticular form, having either one convex and one flat surface or two convex surfaces whose axes are coincident, may serve as a " magnifier," the essential condition being that it shall refract the rays which pass through it so as to cause widely diverging rays to become either parallel or but slightly divergent.
But soon the way became too narrow for his body to pass through.
Often when I dream, thoughts pass through my mind like cowled shadows, silent and remote, and disappear.
One could see that he wished to pass through the rooms as quickly as possible, finish with the bows and greetings, and sit down to business in front of a map, where he would feel at home.
We'll pass through the side street, by the Nikulins'!
Larger raindrops are slightly flattened and rays forming the top of a rainbow have to pass through the flattened vertical cross section.
A long pass through to Cook gave him the space he needed and having side stepped the defense he scored the equalizer.
Some of these were originally ship 's spars and still had sheaves for the running rigging to pass through.
The DfT 's expectation is that 30 mph speed limits will apply on all roads that pass through villages.
It has an archway wide enough for coaches to pass through into the picturesque medieval stable yard.
Industrial features are limited in extent, although the early 19th century tramroad associated with the adjacent limestone quarries does pass through the area.
A trickster spirit with a devilish wit, solid objects that pass through walls and a house with an untold secret.
We pass through the vale of tears - we do n't have to dwell there.
There are usually yachts moored above the basin, waiting to pass through the locks.
The toll booth requested a small tender before allowing them to pass through.
They actually pull moisture from the skin, with an open knit weave that allows air to pass through easily.
It is best to have a shell made of cotton fabric, as cotton breathes and allows some heat to pass through.
The display uses a backlight and several thousand red, green, and blue pixels or light squares that open or close to let light pass through them.
Another type is the 'breathing' sock, which is usually made from a natural material that allows air to pass through the material keeping your feet cooler.
First, knowing that there is an Archway rep for the store is a good indicator that a constant flow of new and seasonal Archway products will pass through the store.
The fabric is very porous, allowing air to easily pass through the cover and mattress.
Polarized lenses filter the waves of light by absorbing some of the reflected glare while allowing other light waves to pass through them.
These blinds block light that strikes them from certain angles, while allowing light from other angles to pass through.
They work by decreasing the clotting factor to make it more difficult for dangerous blood clots to form, and also make it easier for blood to pass through constricted arteries.
The slipcovers have straps on the back that pass through both sides of the D-ring and then are passed back through a single side of the D-ring.
This is unique in that data can pass through lines no matter how many people are on the same line at one time.
Make sure to steer him in between the flags to pass through them.
Score one point for every set of flags you successfully pass through and try to get the highest score.
The table below provides a basic explanation of the five puberty stages most girls will pass through.
Be sure and park so closely that others can't pass through without climbing over or crawling through a car.
Many employ drug runners to swallow small bags of the drug, and wait for it to pass through their system.
For instance, crude protein can come from sources such as ground beaks and feathers and pass through the dog's body completely undigested.
The problem here is that grains, especially corn, are often hard for dogs to digest so they pass through the system delivering little nutrition along the way.
Otherwise, dogs can't render the nutrients during digestion, and the bulk of them pass through the system and are eliminated.
Its pale green foliage goes well with any flower, and it may be grown against a sunny wall, where, if protected by a heap of ashes over its roots and a warm straw mat over its branches, it will pass through the winter safely.
Gliding - Gliding windows have a sash that glides in front of the other one horizontally to allow ventilation and makes this a good window choice for a kitchen pass through.
Heat rises from your HVAC system and will pass through your ceiling to your attic space without some heavy duty insulation to keep it in the lower areas of your home.
A breathable fabric allows air to pass through while sweat escapes.
Each player must pass through each phase to win, so if you're stuck behind, things get interesting!
Cut holes in the sheet large enough for a paper airplane to pass through.
The infrared light enters the glasses, and the special filter lenses block other wavelengths of light and only allow infrared light to pass through.
They allow oxygen to pass through the lens to the eye.
Today, many soft contact lenses have been treated with UV protection, and they all allow oxygen to pass through and let the eye "breathe."
It makes sense that infrared exposure would also increase at higher altitudes, as the long wavelengths do not have to pass through as much of the atmosphere at higher levels.
Additionally, OTG motorcycle goggles incorporate grooves or spaces on the sides where the frame of your glasses can pass through without bending the frame or damaging the goggles.
Their mineral crown glass lenses are precision ground, scratch resistant and allow natural light to pass through while providing maximum UV protection.
In Driving Skills, you have to pass through a number of gates on one lap in a set amount of time.
When you're playing against others who are invulnerable and can kill you with one shot, pass through walls, or can see you through obstacles, it saps all the fun out of the game.
The environment is actually on the border of a utopia, but with the government spying on all communication that pass through its city.
When you hit the area and your drifting correctly, you earns points as you pass through the area.
The EX version of the Barcelona drop can pass through fireballs, so it can be easy to set up for an additonal attack.
Later you'll pass through here and the man will give you the Light Arrows.
The vacuum extractor is less likely to injure the mother than forceps, and it allows more space for the baby to pass through the pelvis.
If a platelet and another blood cell pass through the counter at the same time, the instrument will not count the larger cell, which will cause the instrument to accidentally miss the platelet.
A panhypopituitarism dwarf does not pass through the initial onset of adult sexual development (puberty) and never produces enough gonadotropic (sex) hormones to develop adult sexual function.
These individuals do pass through puberty and mature sexually; however, without treatment, they remain proportionately small in stature.
An infant's head and neck are pulled to one side while the shoulders pass through the birth canal.
This makes the airways open wider, letting more air pass through them.
The x rays that pass through the body strike the photographic plate and interact with silver molecules on the surface of the film.
Permeable-A condition in which fluid or certain other substances are allowed to pass through.
This sound is the result of blood attempting to pass through the blocked vessel.
In malrotation, the duodenum is usually coiled to the right, causing obstruction of the duodenum and failure of the stomach contents to pass through to the next portion of small intestine.
The deformed shape makes it hard for sickle cells to pass through narrow blood vessels.
During a CT scan, the patient table is moved through the center hole as x-ray beams pass through the patient's body.
Intestinal obstructions are a partial or complete blockage of the small or large intestine, resulting in failure of the contents of the intestine to pass through the bowel normally.
Shigella are very resistant to the acid produced by the stomach, and this allows them to easily pass through the gastrointestinal tract and infect the colon (large intestine).
Enzymes play an important role in breaking down carbohydrates into forms that can pass through the intestine and be used by the body.
Clots in the veins can now pass through the hole in the heart and directly enter the aorta, where they can do much more damage than in the lungs such as causing infarcts in the brain.
Rubella infection during early pregnancy can pass through the placenta to the developing infant and cause serious birth defects, including heart abnormalities, mental retardation, blindness, and deafness.
As the small filings produced by friction seek to pass through the interstices between the rapidly revolving spherical particles in the vortex, they are detained and become twisted and channelled in their passage, and when they reach the edge of the inner ocean of solar dust they settle upon it as the froth and foam produced by the agitation of water gathers upon its surface.
So complete is the watershed that no streams pass through these ranges, and there is hardly any communication in this direction between the interior of Asia Minor and the coast.
At atmospheric pressure the discharge is able to pass through a far greater distance in helium than in the common gases.
At regular intervals a rotating arm on the distributor connects the five keys of each keyboard to line, thus passing the signals to the distant station, where they pass through the distributor and certain relays which repeat the currents corresponding to the depressed keys and actuate electromagnets in the receivers.
When the oscillations pass through the coil they annul the hysteresis and cause a change of magnetism within the coil connected to the telephone.
This increase may be made evident by making the loop of wire one arm of a Wheatstone's bridge and so arranging the circuits that the oscillations pass through the fine wire.
Only calls originated by a subscriber pass through the selector switch (first selector) provided for his sole use; the calls incoming to him pass through one or other of the various connector switches upon which his circuit is multipled.
The rays which in the absence of the solution of chlorophyll would have occupied those spaces have no power to pass through it, or in other words chlorophyll absorbs those particular rays of light which are missing.
If this is correct it is easy to see that the changes which take place may be initiated by the original delicate protoplasmic strands which pass through the cellwall.
In the region of the neck lateral strands pass through the transverse canal of the cervical vertebrae; but from the thoracic region onwards, where the cardiac branch to the heart is given off, each strand is double and the basal ganglia are successively connected with the next by a branch which runs ventrally over the capitulum of the rib, and by another which passes directly through the foramen or space formed between capitulum and tuberculum.
Two or three membranous flaps, held by numerous chordae tendineae, form a true mitral valve, and allow the blood to pass through the left ostium atrioventriculare.
This was a result of the belief, that whoever knew the names of these rulers would after death pass through all the heavens to the supreme God.
The most interesting of the Heteromera, and perhaps of all the Coleoptera, are some beetles which pass through two or more larval forms in the course of the life-history (hypermetamorphosis).
Though severely tried by disappointments and defeats he never lost hope, and when he died in 1584 he was preparing to renew the struggle and endeavouring to form for that purpose an alliance with England; his great idea, however, was not to be realized till more than a century later, and meanwhile the tsardom of Muscovy had to pass through a severe internal crisis in which its existence was seriously endangered.
Before reaching the new order of things, the country had to pass through an internal crisis similar to that which followed the death of Ivan the Terrible, but not nearly so severe.
At the time of her accession the duchy was ruled by a son of the Polish king Augustus III., and he gave a pretext for aggression by refusing to allow Russian troops returning from the Seven Years' War to pass through his territory.
The Paris line is built with the standard gauge of 4 ft 82 in., but its tunnels are designedly made of such a small crosssection that ordinary main line stock cannot pass through them.
In development they pass through the typical trochosphere and veliger stages provided with boat-like shell.
This by successive divisions forms a group of four to eight cells, which subsequently pass through the blastoderm, and dividing into two groups become symmetrically arranged and surrounded by the rudiments of the ovarian tubes.
The vapours from the still pass through a condenser into a receiver, which is in communication with the exhauster.
Anteriorly it finally communicates with the lacunae just mentioned, which surround the oesophagus, bathe the posterior lobes of the brain, pass through the nerve ring together with the proboscidian sheath, and are generally continued in front of the brain as a lacunar space in the muscular tissue, one on each side.
At the entrance to the mountain Mashu, scorpion-men stand guard, from one of whom he receives advice as to how to pass through the Mashu district.
Charles of France now advanced formal claims on the kingdom, and Alexander drew him to his side and authorized him to pass through Rome ostensibly on a crusade against the Turks, without mentioning Naples.
A pass through the hills gives access to Bahr-Assal; the last of a chain of salt lakes beginning 60 m.
About 90% of the total exports and imports of the country pass through the port, though the completion, in 1904, of a broad-gauge railway connecting Cairo and Port Said deflected some of the cotton exports to the Suez Canal route.
So delicate is the workmanship that stockings have been knitted that could pass through a finger-ring.
It should be noted that this concession was substituted for one negotiated by the same group, and projected to pass through Diarbekr.
The Jew and the heathen had the gospel preached to them in the world below by Christ and his apostles, and Christians will have to pass through processes of purification and trial after death before they reach knowledge and perfect bliss.
Having been refused permission to pass through Morocco, he chose the Guinea Coast route.
Only when the applied electromotive force exceeds this reverse force of polarization, will a permanent steady current pass through the liquid, and visible chemical decomposition proceed.
The knife is then carefully examined, and if there be the slightest flaw in its blade the meat cannot be eaten, as the cut would not have been clean, the uneven blade causing a thrill to pass through the beast and thus driving the blood again through the arteries.
They pass through a viscous stage in cooling from a state of fluidity; they develop effects of colour when the glass mixtures are fused with certain metallic oxides; they are, when cold, bad conductors both of electricity and heat, they are easily fractured by a blow or shock and show a conchoidal fracture; they are but slightly affected by ordinary solvents, but are readily attacked by hydrofluoric acid.
He then supposed this cylindrical column of water to be divided into two parts, - the first, which he called the " cataract," being an hyperboloid generated by the revolution of an hyperbola of the fifth degree around the axis of the cylinder which should pass through the orifice, and the second the remainder of the water in the cylindrical vessel.
The slabs are sent by a conveyor to a drying stove, whence they issue to pass through a cutting machine, provided with knives so arranged that the cutting takes place both downwards and upwards, and here the slabs are cut into cubes.
In his short reign peace was established both at home and abroad, the finances were well regulated, and the various administrative services were placed on a basis that afterwards enabled Spain to pass through the disastrous war with the United States without even the threat of a revolution.
These canals pass through the richest and most populous districts of China, and in particular lead into the great silk-producing districts.
The vapours pass through the inner tube, and the cold water enters at the end farthest from the distilling flask.
The cult-heroes were all persons who had lived the life of man on earth, and it was necessary for the degraded gods to pass through this stage.
If, however, we employ a hollow sphere and let the stem pass through a hole in the side larger than itself, and attach the end to the interior of the sphere, then leakage cannot take place.
If we could come back to the Bible and use biblical terms only, as Cyril of Jerusalem wished in his early days, we know from experience that the old errors would reappear in the form of new questions, and that we should have to pass through the dreary wilderness of controversy from implicit to explicit dogma, from " I believe that Jesus is the Lord " to the confession that the Only Begotten Son is " of one substance with the Father."
This suspension is then run through a conical mill in order td remove all grit, the cones of the mill fitting so tightly that water cannot pass through unless the mill is running; the speed of the mill when working is about 3000 revolutions per minute.
The exports and most of the imports pass through Bagdad.
The young, though born with valves, have at first a nauplian body, and pass through various stages to maturity.
Hence the soul must first pass through a spiritual curriculum.
The rest of the rivers flowing into the Pacific pass through British Columbia and are much shorter, though the two southern ones carry a great volume of water owing to the heavy precipitation of snow and rain in the Cordilleran region.
Some believers, he taught, may pass through purgatorial fires; and this middle class may be helped by the sacraments and the alms of the living.
A few defiles pass through this barrier to the other side of the north Greek watershed.
It occupies an important strategic position on a pass through the mountains at an elevation of 3552 ft.
Remains of similar drainage channels exist in many parts of the Campagna Romana and of southern Etruria at points where the natural drainage was not sufficient, and especially in cultivated or inhabited hills (though it was not necessary here, as in the neighbourhood of Velletri, to create a drainage system, as streams and rivers were already present as natural collectors) and streams very frequently pass through them at the present day.
There is a regulating arrangement, by which onehalf of the guide-passages can be shut off in pairs from the water, and at the same time air is freely admitted into these unused passages by pipes which pass through the hinges of the controlling shutter.
Primary education is supposed to continue till the age of fourteen, but in practice it stops at twelve for all who do not intend to pass through the middle schools, which is essential for all persons seeking state employment of any kind.
Until the time of the French occupation no Christian was allowed to pass through the gates without a special permit from the bey, whilst Jews were altogether forbidden to approach the holy city.
Similarly Qq must pass through the centre of similitude.
The manufactures of Heidelberg include cigars, leather, cement, surgical instruments and beer, but the inhabitants chiefly support themselves by supplying the wants of a large and increasing body of foreign permanent residents, of the considerable number of tourists who during the summer pass through the town, and of the university students.
The foreign object then is either pulled out or pushed into the stomach, depending on whether the physician thinks it will pass through the digestive tract on its own.
With regard to foreign bodies in the digestive tract, between 80 percent and 90 percent pass through without incident; 10-20 percent can be removed with an endoscope; and fewer than 1 percent require surgical removal.
Exudate-Cells, protein, fluid, or other materials that pass through cell or blood vessel walls.
Both diseases involve mutations in copper transport proteins, special channels that allow copper ions to pass through cell membranes.
In males, seminal fluid and sperm also pass through the urethra.
When the esophagus ends in a pouch instead of emptying into the stomach, food, liquids, and saliva cannot pass through.
This symptom occurs when the blind pouch begins to fill with mucus and saliva that would normally pass through the esophagus into the stomach.
Listeria bacteria can pass through the wall of the intestines, and from there they can get into the blood stream.
Attempts to acquire sunlight through glass windows fail to help the body make vitamin D because UV light does not pass through window glass.
In a myth regarding her visit to the underworld, she has to pass through seven gates, giving up something at each gate.
The first individual to pass through Ellis Island was a 15 year old Irish girl named Annie Moore.
A circle marks an intersection of creases where your folds should start or pass through.
If they do not pass through the epididymis in the normal way, sperm may not work normally.
It may cause a decrease in milk production and pass through milk to baby.
This gel coats the lining of the tube and kills sperm as they pass through.
This makes it's unlikely that an egg can pass through.
After the procedure, it's necessary to confirm that the inserts are in place and that no fluids can pass through them.
Another visit to the doctor for a confirmation test is necessary to make sure that the tubes are blocked and that no fluids can pass through them.
You'll need a needle and strong cord, as well as beads with a hole big enough for the cord to pass through.
Thousands of pinpoint holes are woven through the fabric, which allows light to pass through to allow tanning on the skin beneath.
The pass-through window allows the hostess to pass food from the kitchenette to guests seated outdoors.