Partial Sentence Examples
Such cell-fusions may be partial or complete.
The offer was too partial and came too late.
The work is uncritical and partial, but is his best title to fame.
This remission may be either total (plenary) or partial, according to the terms of the Indulgence.
But this violent and arbitrary remedy is only partial.
Partial views attract and exist in virtue of the fragment of truth - be it great or small - which they include; and it is the work of the theologian to seize this no less than to detect the first spring of error.
Since about 1880 the silk production of the world (including only exports from the East) has more than doubled, the variations owing to partial failures from some countries being more than compensated by increase from others.
Allen, that partial albinism is a condition in which pigment is reduced around definite body centres, so that unpigmented areas occur between the pigment patches or at their borders.
Some animals are wholly pigmented during the summer and autumn, but through the winter and spring they are in the condition of extreme partial albinism and become almost complete albinoes.
Temporizing and partial concessions were of no avail.
AdvertisementHis book is, however, inaccurate and grossly partial.
He thus enunciated the law of the expansion of gases, stated some months later by Gay-Lussac. In the two or three years following the reading of these essays, he published several papers on similar topics, that on the "Absorption of gases by water and other liquids" (1803), containing his "Law of partial pressures."
Elegant liliaceous plants, with rhizomatous stems. P. multiflorum (Solomon's Seal), 2 to 3 ft., with arching stems, and drooping white flowers from the leaf axils, is a handsome border plant, doing especially well in partial shade amongst shrubs, and also well adapted for pot culture for early forcing.
When the greenhouse is not to be used during the summer months, camellias, azaleas and plants of that character should be set out of doors under partial shade; but most of the other plants usually grown in the conservatory or window garden in winter may be set in the open border.
Berkeley had already, in the Querist, attacked the mercan t i le theory of the nature of national wealth and the functions of money, and Locke had, in a partial manner, shown that political economy could with advantage be viewed in relation to the modern system of critical philosophy.
AdvertisementThese efforts to coerce the Dutch, though marred by partial failure, were, however, calculated to win for Joseph II.
The partial election in 1906 reduced the majority in the chamber to 12, while the partial election in 1908 brought the majority down to 8.
Some general idea of the resources of the Kandahar district may be gathered from the fact that it supplied the British troops with everything except luxuries during the entire period of occupation in 1879-81; and that, in spite of the great strain thrown on those resources by the presence of the two armies of Ayub Khan and of General Roberts, and after the total failure of the autumn crops and only a partial harvest the previous spring, the army was fed without great difficulty until the final evacuation, at one-third of the prices paid in Quetta for supplies drawn from India.
The principle of the Tithe Commutation Acts (1836-1860) is to make permanent and general the system which had been only partial or temporary (in most cases), After the and to "substitute a corn rent (known as a tithe rent charge), permanent in quantity and payable Acts.
The style was indeed deficient in ease and variety; and the writer was evidently too partial to the Latin element of our language.
AdvertisementIn case of injury, involving incapacity for more than, thirteen weeks (for the earlier period the Krankenkassen provide), the weekly sum payable during complete or permanent incapacity is fixed at the ratio of two-thirds of the earnings during the year preceding the accident, and in case of partial disablement, at such a proportion of the earnings as corresponds to the loss through disablement.
Its effects were excellent; but obviously no partial remedy was sufficient.
They include a theatre in partial preservation, but they have been mostly carried off to Sivri-Hissar, which is largely built out of them.
We have also for the Norman conquest the halting hexameters of William of Apulia, and for the German conquest the lively and partial verses of Peter of Eboli.'
In addition there are numbers of partial pragmatists, e.g.
AdvertisementFrom the tar distillate, the chrysene can be fractionally precipitated, and the fluoranthene can be separated from most of the pyrene by fractional distillation in a partial vacuum.
They were first attacked by the Romans about 150 B.C.; they were not subdued till Agrippa and Augustus had carried out a series of campaigns (29-19 B.C.) which ended in their partial annihilation.
At the time of the Servian reforms both branches of the plebs had a plausible claim to recognition as members of the state, the clients as already partial members of the curia and the gees, the unattached plebeians as equally free with the patricians and possessing clans of their own as solid and united as the recognized gentes.
But when these families had expelled the Tarquins, and formed themselves into an exclusive aristocracy of privilege, the inconsistency between partial privilege and full burdens came to be strongly felt by the plebeians.
This may be done by soaking the wood in the hot oil for several hours, but the better way is to place the seasoned timber in an iron chamber in which a partial vacuum is created by exhausting the air.
The abolition of this system was announced in 1906, and, as a partial substitute, it was decided to hold an annual examination in Peking of Chinese graduates educated abroad (Times, 22nd of October 1906).
Every truth, every reality, has three aspects or stages; it is the unification of two contradictory elements, of two partial aspects of truth which are not merely contrary, like black and white, but contradictory, like same and different.
A visit to the Rhine, where new interests and the attractions of Maximiliane von Laroche, a daughter of Wieland's friend, the novelist Sophie von Laroche, brought partial healing; his intense preoccupation with literary work on his return to Frankfort did the rest.
Though Aberdaron rectory does not belong to the isle, the farm "Cwrt" (Court), where the abbot held his court, still goes with Bardsey, which was granted to John Wynn of Bodvel, Carnarvonshire, after the battle and partial sack of Norwich by the Puritans in the Civil War; passing through Mary Bodvel to her husband, the earl of Radnor, who sold it to Dr Wilson of York.
Many endeavours were made to avoid the loss of the manganese in this operation, but with only partial or no success.
His well-known correction of Laplace's partial differential equation for the potential was first published in the Bulletin de la societe philomatique (1813).
The figures given are the partial dispersions for ordinary crown and ordinary extra dense flint glasses, styled in Messrs Schott's catalogue of optical glasses as o 60 and 0.102 respectively, having refractive indices of 1 5179 and 1.6489 for the D ray respectively, and (µ D -I)/(l F -µc) =60 2 and 33.8 respectively to indicate their dispersive powers (inverted), = v.
Let it be supposed that two positive lenses of equal curvature powers are made out of these two glasses, then in order to represent the combined dispersion of the two together the two 0µ's for each spectral region may be added together to form 0'µ as in the line below, and then, on again expressing the partial z'µ in terms of L'µ (C to F) we get the new figures in the bottom row beneath the asterisks.
But a floor, however heavy, suspended by three wire ropes and properly balanced over large, well-mounted pulleys, requires an amount of energy to work it which does not exceed that required to operate a platform of moderate dimensions, and there is a freedom, a safety and a facility of working with a complete floor which no partial platform can give.
There is a minimum of ten years, but the individual may elect to continue in separation, or be transferred to partial association.
This appeal has been called by a European scholar "one of the unworthiest comedies of the whole world's history," accepting the report of very partial Arabic writers that it happened when the Syrians were on the point of losing the battle.
On his return to Khorasan he set on foot a series of new expeditions against Jorjan and Tabaristan, with only partial success.
The highest faculty of man, reason, intellectus, intellectualis visio, is that which is not content with the individual or partial, but grasps the whole and thereby comprehends the parts.
The supreme disgrace of the administration was the capture and partial destruction in August 1814 of the city of Washington - this was due, however, to incompetence of the military and not to any lack of prudence on the cabinet's part.
It was respited by the opportunity which was afforded it of fresh draughts from the Aristotle of a less partial and purer tradition, and we have, accordingly, a golden age of revived Scholasticism beginning in the 13th century, admitting now within itself more differences than before.
In spite of this partial failure Leo must be reckoned as one of the greatest of the later Roman emperors.
Partial reduction of tungsten trioxide gives blue or purple-red products which are intermediate in composition between the dioxide and trioxide.
By partial reduction of the tungstates under certain conditions products are obtained which are insoluble in acids and alkalis and present a bronze-like appearance which earned for them the name of tungsten bronzes.
The tetrachloride, WC1 41 is obtained by partial reduction of the higher chlorides with hydrogen; a mixture of the pentaand hexa-chloride is distilled in a stream of hydrogen or carbon dioxide, and the pentachloride which volatilizes returned to the flask several times.
In the long struggle with the emperors over investiture, he zealously carried on the Hildebrandine policy, but with only partial success.
His ambition to found a school of composers as well as a school of pianists met with complete success on the one hand and partial failure on the other.
The series of equations of the type (3) is then replaced by a single linear partial differential equation, or by a set of two or three such equations, according to the number of dependent variables.
Partial Polygons of Resistance.In a structure in which there are pieces supported at more than two joints, let a polygon be con-.
This may be called a partial polygon of resistances.
In considering its properties, the load at each centre of load is to be held to include the resistances of those joints which are not comprehended in the partial polygon of resistances, to which the theorem of 7 will then apply in every respect.
By constructing several partial polygons, and computing the relations between the loads and resistances which are determined by the application of that theorem to each of them, with the aid, if necessary, of Moseleys principle of the least resistance, the whole of the relations amongst the loads and resistances may be found.
This polygon is the partial polygon of resistance.
Only that Homer was recited in fragments by the rhapsodists, and that these partial recitations were made into a continuous whole by Peisistratus; which does not necessarily mean more than that Peisistratus did what other authorities ascribe to Solon and Hipparchus, viz.
There is no trace of such partial independence as was experienced at St Andrews itself, possibly because the bishop's grant was backed up by a royal charter.
Whilst Sankara's chief title to fame rests on his philosophical works, as the upholder of the strict monistic theory of Vedanta, he doubtless played an important part in the partial remodelling of the Hindu system of belief at a time when Buddhism was rapidly losing ground in India.
Indeed, Chaitanya himself, as well as his immediate disciples, have come to be regarded as complete or partial incarnations of the deity to whom adoration is due, as to Krishna himself; and their modern successors, the Gosains, share to the fullest extent in the devout attentions of the worshippers.
Between the eyes and the tail-piece in all the orders nineteen segments are counted, the proof of a segment's existence depending on its separateness, complete or partial, or on a sutural indication, or else on the pair of appendages known to belong to it.
Particular average signifies the damage or partial loss happening to the ship, goods, or freight by some fortuitous or unavoidable accident.
The term average originally meant what is now distinguished as general average; and the expression "particular average," although not strictly accurate, came to be afterwards used for the convenience of distinguishing those damages or partial losses for which no general contribution could be claimed.
The wonders of his Domus aurea were remembered and talked of long after its partial demolition by Vespasian.
The partial triumph of this principle was secure, inasmuch as the majority of established powers in church and state felt threatened by the revolutionary opinions afloat in Europe.
On the other hand, of course, the vagaries of the temperate climate of northern Europe frequently lead to a partial or complete failure of the vintage, whereas the wines produced in relatively hot countries, although they undoubtedly vary in quality from year to year, are rarely, if ever, total failures.
After the must has been allowed to rest for some hours in order to effect a partial clearing, it is drawn off into barrels and fermented in the latter.
After the fall of the Western Empire, a partial revival of city life, particularly in Italy and Germany, gave some scope for a return to the type of finance presented by the Athenian state.
The partial conquest by Ostorius was completed under Julius Frontinus by the year 78, after which the Romans set to work in order to pacify and develop their newly annexed territory.
A natural result of this partial treatment of the towns by the king and his vassals was that the English tongue and also English customs became prevalent if not universal in all the towns of Wales, whilst the rural districts remained strongly Cymric in character, language and sympathy.
The best examples of partial or complete acclimatization are to be found where European races have permanently settled in the tropics, and have maintained themselves for several generations.
The hibernation of these rodents is only partial, and confined to seasons of intense cold.
All colours are complementary, or go in pairs; each pair makes up the whole activity of the retina, and so is equivalent to white; and the two partial activities are so connected that when the first is exhausted the other spontaneously succeeds.
It is when the excitation is partial only, when it does not inevitably and immediately appear as action, that we have the appearance of intellect in the gap. The chief and fundamental difference between Schopenhauer and Spencer lies in the refusal of the latter to give this "adjustment" or "automatic action" the name of will.
Swedish towns, though rarely of quite modern foundation, generally appear so, for the use of brick in building is mainly of modern introduction, and is still by no means general, so that the partial or total destruction of a town by fire is now only less common than formerly.
The elections held on the demise of the Crown resulted in a partial victory for the Caps, especially among the 1771- lower orders; but in the estate of the peasants 1792.
The Orebro Riksdag (April - August 1812), remarkable besides for its partial repudiation of Sweden's national debt and its reactionary press laws, introduced general conscription into Sweden, and thereby enabled the crown prince to carry out his ambitious policy.
In the case of a terminating simple continued fraction the number of partial quotients may be odd or even as we please by writing the I last partial quotient, a n as a n - I +1.
In the case of a recurring continued fraction which represents N, where N is an integer, if n is the number of partial quotients in the recurring cycle, and pnr/gnr the nr th convergent, then p 2 nr - Ng2nr = (- I) nr, whence, if n is odd, integral solutions of the indeterminate equation x 2 - Ny 2 = I (the so-called Pellian equation) can be found.
The partial destruction of San Francisco by earthquake and fire in 1906 was one of the great catastrophes of history.
In some filamentous forms this " fragmentation " into multicellular pieces of equal length or nearly so is a normal phenomenon, each partial filament repeat s ing the growth, division and q?
Beyerinck and Jegunow have shown that some partially anaerobic sulphur bacteria can only exist in strata at a certain depth below the level of quiet waters where SH 2 is being set free below by the bacterial decompositions of vegetable mud and rises to meet the atmospheric oxygen coming down from above, and that this zone of physiological activity rises and falls with the variations of partial pressure of the gases due to the rate of evolution of the SH 2.
This established a central parliament at Vienna with very extensive powers, and introduced an electoral system which was grossly partial to the Germans.
The government of Count Taaffe, in recognition of this concession by the Bohemians, consented to remove some of the grossest anomalies connected with the electoral system of Bohemia, which had hitherto been grossly partial to the German minority of the population.
From the Persian wars to about 350 B.C. Assus enjoyed at least partial independence.
He also delivered forcible speeches upon the death of Kosciusko and upon General Andrew Jackson's course in the Floridas, favouring a partial censure of the latter.
The ore is given only a partial chloridizing roast, on account of the great loss in silver that would be caused by the formation of zinc chloride.
Apart from the numerous parasitic forms, the only Crustacea which have adopted a strictly sedentary habit of life are the Cirripedia, and here, as elsewhere, profound modifications of structure have resulted, leading ultimately to a partial assumption of the radial type of symmetry which is so often associated with a sedentary life.
Mention should also be made of the partial or complete atrophy of the eyes in many Crustacea which live in darkness, either in the deep sea or in subterranean habitats.
A great Roman noble and ecclesiastic, Giacomo Colonna, afterwards bishop of Lombez, now befriended him, and Petrarch lived for some years in partial dependence on this patron.
In 1377 the levying of a polltax provides partial figures from which a total of two to twoand-a-half millions has been deduced, but again divergent views have been expressed as to how far the number was still affected by the Black Death of 1348-1349.
An attempt was made to remedy this state of things by the Public Health Amendment Act 1890, section 19, but the remedy so provided was very partial, and may be said to be confined to the case where two or more houses belonging to different owners are drained into a common drain laid under private land, and ultimately discharging into a sewer in a road or street.
The reason for these partial exemptions apparently is that sanitary arrangements are made chiefly for the benefit of houses and buildings, while the properties just enumerated do not receive the same amount of benefit.
After partial and inadequate legislation in 1891 and 1898, the regular system of land surveys was made applicable to Alaska in 1899, and a generous homestead law was provided in 1903.
Out of some 3,000,000 acres of cultivated land, about twothirds are under constant irrigation and the remaining third under partial irrigation.
For convenience' sake we insert at this point a partial list of missionaries and others who visited the country during the second third of the 19th century - merely calling attention to the fact that their visits were distributed over widely different parts of the country, ruled by distinct lines of monarchs or governors.
Oquirrh, Tintic, Beaver, House and Mineral Mountains are typical examples of these north-south " basin ranges," which rise abruptly from the desert plains and are themselves partial deserts.
During the growth of the cell which forms the megaspore the greater part of the nucellus is absorbed, except the apical portion, which persists as a cone above the megaspore; the partial disorganization of some of the cells in the centre of the nucellar cone forms an irregular cavity, which may be compared with the larger pollen-chamber of Ginkgo and the cycads.
Partial exploration in this region was conducted by the French Mission du Cap Horn in 1882-1883, and the geological foundations are granite and basic volcanic rocks.
It depends on the partial pressure of the oxygen and also on temperature.
The appearances recorded in the Old Testament are manifestations of the Logos, and the knowledge of God possessed by the great leaders and teachers of Israel is due to the same source; (2) as the agency whereby man, enmeshed by illusion, lays hold of the higher spiritual life and rising above his partial point of view participates in the universal reason.
In November 1660 he was flung into Bedford gaol; and there he remained, with some intervals of partial and precarious liberty, during twelve years.
The depression was accentuated by the financial crisis in America, which affected adversely the wool trade, and in a more marked degree the diamond trade, leading to the partial stoppage of the Kimberley mines.
In order to prevent a tendency to slip, due to sudden and partial changes of satura tion, the outer embankment should always be permeable, and well drained at the base except close to the puddle.
On the other hand, the partial or total failure of smaller dams of this description, to retain the reservoir water, has been much more common in the past than is generally supposed.
The new Kessler furnace is a very ingenious apparatus, in which the fire from a gas-producer travels over the sulphuric acid contained in a trough made of Volvic lava, and surmounted by a number of perforated plates, over which fresh acid is constantly running down; the temperature is kept down by the production of a partial vacuum, which greatly promotes the volatilization of the water, whilst retarding that of the acid.
The first case recorded of the partial exemption of an abbot from episcopal control is that of Faustus, abbot of Lerins, at the council of Arles, A.D.
Although essentially mountain animals, sheep generally frequent open, undulating districts, rather than the precipitous heights to which goats are partial.
As Jacobi starts with the doctrine that thought is partial and limited, applicable only to connect facts, but incapable of explaining their existence, it is evident that for him any demonstrative system of metaphysic which should attempt to subject all existence to the principle of logical ground must be repulsive.
The theory of plurality cannot indeed pretend to the certainty of the theory of unity, being of necessity untrustworthy, because it is the partial and inconstant representation of that which is partial and inconstant in nature.
Partial applications of this method are found in many languages.
This Gives The Partial Products, The Sum Of Which Is The Complete Product.
In B The Terminal O'S Of The Partial Products Are Omitted.
The main difficulty is in the correct placing of the curtailed partial products.
The table of multiples will then be as in C. The next step is to arrange the multiplier and the multiplicand above the partial products.
For elementary work the multiplicand may come immediately after the multiplier, as in D; the last figure of each partial product then comes immediately under the corre up to the multiplication of decimals and of approximate values of numbers, is to place the first figure of the multiplier under the first figure of the multiplicand, as in E; the first figure of each partial product will then come under the corresponding figure of the multiplier.
We first construct the multiple-table C, and then subtract successively zoo times, 30 times and I times; these numbers being the partial quotients.
In long division the divisor is put on the left of the dividend, and the quotient on the right; and each partial product, with the remainder after its subtraction, is shown in full.
In short division the divisor and the quotient are placed respectively on the left of and below the dividend, and the partial products and remainders are not shown at all.
The second, which is not essential to the method, is that the remainders are shown, but not the partial products; the remainders being obtained by working from the right, and using complementary addition.
The advantage of the Austrian arrangement of the quotient lies in the indication it gives of the true value of each partial quotient.
A modification of the method, corresponding with D of § ioi, is shown in G; the fact that the partial product 08546 is followed by two blank spaces shows that the figure 2 represents a partial quotient 200.
He is more concise than Monstrelet, but is equally partial to the dukes of Burgundy.
It is generally supposed that it was in turn adopted by the Turks after the capture of Constantinople in 1453, either as a badge of triumph, or to commemorate a partial eclipse of the moon on the night of the final attack.
The construction of a carriage road to Tripoli led to a partial revival of prosperity and to an export of cereals and fruit, and this growth has, in turn, been accentuated by the railway, which now connects it with Aleppo and the Damascus-Beirut line.
The raid on Cadiz under Essex and Raleigh in 1596 was attended with better results, but the Islands voyage to the Azores in 1597 was a very partial success.
Whigs were brought before prejudiced juries and partial judges.
In September 1855 the allied troops succeeded in obtaining possession of the southern side of Sevastopol, and the emperor of the French, satisfied with this partial success, or alarmed at the expense of the war, decided on withdrawing from the struggle.
The most soluble of the constituents of crude coal gas is ammonia, 780 volumes of which are soluble in one volume of water at normal temperature and pressure, and the water in the hydraulic main absorbs a considerable quantity of this compound from the gas and helps to form the ammoniacal liquor, whilst, although the liquor is well agitated by the gas bubbling through it, a partial separation of tar from liquor is effected by gravitation.
In addition the board has partial control over the Wisconsin Workshop for the Blind (1903) at Milwaukee, where there is a willow ware factory, and the Wisconsin Industrial School for Girls (1875) also at Milwaukee.
The secondary and partial object is that Heart which was the seat or organ of His love, and which forms the natural symbol thereof.
Usually, however, it forms a greenish mass, owing to partial oxidation.
It is impossible to doubt that some two or three, four or five perchance, were at home in his mind, being freely admitted there; but of partial admissions to its inner places there seem to have been few or none.
He entered with enthusiasm, both from patriotic and from economical motives, into the question of the improvement of the condition of the serfs and their partial emancipation.
Sacrobosco's De sphaera, he read all the books on the subject that he could buy or borrow; observed a partial solar eclipse on the 12th of September 1662; and attempted the construction of measuring instruments.
The immediate effect of this change was a partial reaction in favour of Roman Catholicism, but the city remained essentially German until the French Revolution, when it was deprived of its privileges as a free town and sank to the level of a French provincial capital.
Russell' with a partial obscuration visible in northern China 2136 B.C. The date cannot be far wrong, and it is by far the earliest assignable to an event of the kind.
The retention, however, by Copernicus of the antique postulate of uniform circular motion impaired the perfection of his plan, since it involved a partial survival of the epicyclical machinery.
And it is by the consideration of this partial accordance in motion that the advance through space of the solar system has been ascertained.
Between 1779 and 1782 the various acts which had hampered the Irish woollen trade were either repealed or modified, but after a brief period of deceptive prosperity followed by failure and distress, the expansion of the trade was limited to the partial supply of the home market.
The Irish Education Act of 1892 provided that the parents of children of not less than 6 nor more than 14 years of age should cause them to attend school in the absence of reasonable excuse on at least 150 days in the year in municipal boroughs and in towns or townships under commissioners; and provisions were made for the partial or total abolition of fees in specified circumstances, for a parliamentary school grant in lieu of abolished school fees, and for the augmentation of the salaries of the national teachers.
The longest account of the battle that followed occurs in a source very partial to Brian and the deeds of Munstermen, in which Maelsechlainn is accused of treachery, and of holding his troops in reserve.
When the chief's legitimate son Shane grew up he declined to be bound by this arrangement, which the king may have made in partial ignorance of the facts.
In 1703 the Irish parliament begged for a legislative union, but as that would have involved at least partial free trade the English monopolists prevented it.
To meet the partial failure of the potatoes in Connaught and Donegal, very large sums were subscribed and administered by two committees, one under the duchess of Marlborough and the other under the lord mayor of Dublin.
He only obtained a partial consent to the first of these, and the last involved him in a serious difficulty with the king.
A partial reconciliation was then effected, and the matter of the pall was compromised.
Though excavations were carried on near Sparta, on the site of the Amyclaeum in 1890 by Tsountas, and in 1904 by Furtwangler, and at the shrine of Menelaus in Therapne by Ross in 1833 and 1841, and by Kastriotis in 1889 and 1900, yet no organized work was tried in Sparta itself save the partial excavation of the "round building" undertaken in 1892 and 1893 by the American School at Athens; the structure has been since found to be a semicircular retainingwall of good Hellenic work, though partly restored in Roman times.
Brfttany This was soon seen after his death in the reaction which menaced his work and those who had served him; but thanks to himself and to his true successor, his eldest daughter Anne, married to the sire de Beaujeu, a younger member of the house of Bourbon, the set-back was only partial.
But soon the partial or total conquest of the Spanish inheritance proved the grandeur of his beginnings and the meanness of his end.
Next came the crowd of stockholders and creditors of the state, who, in face of the governments extravagant anarchy, no longer felt safe from partial or total bankruptcy.
The materials of the work come chiefly from Aristotle, but they are conceived in a Platonizing spirit, which places as the bond of all things a universal soul of the world with its partial or fragmentary souls.
Further, by means of such motion these actual occurrences, which are in themselves timeless, fall for an observer in a definite time - a time which becomes continuous through the partial coincidence of events.
In addition to the above facts of polarization mention may be made of the partial polarization, in a plane perpendicular to that of emission, of the light emitted in an oblique direction from a white-hot solid, and of the polarization produced by diffraction.
Ambrose was elected president; and Palladius, being called upon to defend his opinions, declined, insisting that the meeting was a partial one, and that, all the bishops of the empire not being present, the sense of the Christian church concerning the question in dispute could not be obtained.
There was the same king possessing theoretically almost absolute power, both administrative and legislative; the same nobles who limited his effective power by rebellion, their constant effort to keep the crown elective, and his no less steady, and by the 10th century victorious, effort to make it hereditary; the same distinction between the few free, who are also the rich owners of land, and the many serfs, who are partial bondsmen, or the slaves pure and simple.
Partial revolts took place, but were easily crushed.
He also proved that the process of liquid diffusion causes partial decomposition of certain chemical compounds, the potassium sulphate, for instance, being separated from the aluminium sulphate in alum by the higher diffusibility of the former salt.
But, owing to the various partial reflections which the illuminating cone of rays undergoes when traversing the surfaces of the lenses, a portion of the light comes again into the preparation, and into the eye of the observer, thus veiling the image.
Correction of the spherical aberration in strong systems with very large aperture can not be brought about by means of a single combination of two lenses, but several partial systems are necessary.
We have an approximate time frame and partial ID.
Although Dean didn't say it, he figured God must be partial to roasting temperature and off the scale humidity that quickly drenched his clothes like an afternoon shower.
Frankly, I'm not all that partial about talking to a honky low-life piece of shit like you either, but I guess the winds of fate tossed us together.
Randy was holding up well and it looked as if he would nail down at least a partial scholarship shortly, perhaps to Lehigh or Bucknell, as both were interested.
Mrs. Lincoln seemed pleased to have a variety of music instead of straight country and western, partial as she was to good jazz—plus there were two laps to alternate when the patting on one slacked off.
If Mums was partial, it would be toward Alex.
With his teeth in her neck, he'd been granted partial access to her he was otherwise denied.
Czech Airlines reserves the right to make partial or full disqualification of some discount tariffs from mileage accrual.
These could include alternative forms of injectable opioid maintenance using longer-acting agonists such as methadone and partial agonists such as buprenorphine.
All tolerate a mildly alkaline soil and partial shade tho they thrive best on a neutral, sandy soil in full sun.
So I set off to The Shepherds Bush Empire the other day to make partial amends.
Convergence of the scattering amplitudes with the number of partial waves is improved by using a procedure which is related to the Pade approximation.
This is called a partial nail avulsion (PNA ).
However; on the night of the vote I actually felt the argument falling away from the proponents of the partial ban.
This partial vessel was sculpted into a human upper face with a duck beak descending from just below the nose.
It's caused by a partial blockage of a coronary artery.
She loves Thai food, roast chicken and roast butternut squash, paella and is partial to ice-cream.
Steve is also accomplished in the art of playing with a partial capo.
If not--kindly relax that crablike clutch on my elbow before partial paralysis ensues.
Whilst the tower survived the dissolution of the house, a storm in 1779 led to its partial collapse.
Will the FAS cover people who have taken provisional or partial transfer values or trivial commutation?
When the partial vectorization is not performed, the compiler option -pvctl nodivloop or the compiler option -pvctl nodivloop or the compiler directive option nodivloop is specified.
This represented a partial victory for the ACP position that there should be no obligation to grant reciprocal concessions.
In these conditions it seems appropriate to activate intact visual cortex of blind or partial sight patients to rehabilitate vision.
The work NEEDS to be supplemented, and some entries are woefully deficient -- giving only a partial definition.
Separate consent may be required for whole or partial demolition of building.
Also Required dental Technician perform ceramic crowns & bridge & perform cast partial dentures.
This caused the region of total ozone depletion to grow upwards, with considerable partial depletion of ozone at heights up to 23 km.
Then for a given value of the optimum gain can be found by setting the partial derivative of with respect to to zero.
Recurrence of symptoms occurred in only 1 patient at 3 months, due to only a partial vitreous detachment being obtained.
The factory discharges its effluent to sewer following partial treatment using dissolved air floatation (DAF) technology and high rate filtration.
The property benefits from an upstairs bathroom, partial double glazing and also boasts fire place and stripped floorboards.
The brilliant color of demantoid garnet is due to partial replacement of the silicate by chromic oxide.
He underwent left lower lobectomy and partial resection of the upper lobe.
A partial lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes into the penumbra, or partial shadow.
Kylie revealed that she had cancer in May 2005 and two days later had a partial mastectomy in Australia.
The Spirit of God is unwilling to exercise a partial ministry.
The path or file name for partial path and file name is invalid.
The first advantage is that it does not cause narcosis, even at very high inspired partial pressures.
We report our experience with retroperitoneal laparoscopic partial nephrectomy.
They are also required to do partial front nudity.
Answers to these questions, even partial ones, would be of enormous value.
I remember them being especially partial to the On Ilkley moor version of While Shepherds Watched.
Pirate stations are particularly partial to the RSL frequencies because of the ease with which they can drown out their signal.
Any other piece of legislation seems partial compared to this wide-ranging statute.
Here's your answer Runners who use partial squats find them especially helpful during speed workouts.
It now has partial raked seating, a large stage and state-of-the-art sound and lighting systems.
Soccer and basketball players may also include partial squats as part of their pre-workout warm-ups.
Status employers who costs require partial annually on medical on discount health.
The counters cover the cylindrical walls surrounding the tracking volume of the detector and provide partial of the top and bottom end caps.
Some sensitivity coefficients can be calculated by taking partial derivatives of the equation defining the hardness value.
Newton strategies additionally require the second partial derivatives, thus building a quadratic internal model.
Even with that they only managed a partial refund, the saga continues.
Application of the analog principle leads to quantile regression based interval estimators of values and partial differences of structural functions.
It provides for partial fee remission for students registering for a research degree.
Air France had to substantially reorganize flight departures and arrivals following the partial collapse of boarding lounges at Terminal 2E last May.
In either case, no ' effects ' (amendments or partial repeals) are noted.
Again proposed allowing the partial resumption of Iraq's oil exports to generate revenue to buy humanitarian supplies.
Consequently there has been some partial reversion to wildlife habitat.
The Master refused to make an order for partial revocation.
A partial ria is attached at Annex 3. Question 20 Do you have any comments on the partial RIA?
In partial salpingectomy, the most common occlusion method, the fallopian tubes are cut and tied with suture material.
Certain institutions can offer full or partial tuition scholarships to students they want regardless of nationality.
In the following spring, Isabella was awarded seisin of the stannaries of Devon, apparently in partial recompense.
Partial seizures can progress into a generalized tonic clonic seizure.
Partial selection In some parts of the country, schools which were comprehensive have become partially selective.
The subsidies had been granted prior to the partial sell-off.
Many have a partial moral nature; many who, having little or none, wear the outer semblance of one.
The base is a box metal frame with sprung beech slats giving a partial sprung base.
At high speed, the rushing air tends to create a partial vacuum inside the tube.
In all cases of partial splenectomy, the spleen has regrown to its original size. ' he said.
Japanese spurge is excellent groundcover for areas of full or partial shade.
Previously it was described how a partial standing wave is formed against a wall.
A partial dislocation where the upper arm bone is partially in and partially out of the socket is called a subluxation.
The cross section is calculated by partial wave summation.
It's the ideal no-calorie sweetener for full or partial replacement of nutritive sweeteners in almost any product application.
Term life policies are generally tax-free and may even allow for a partial payout upon diagnosis of a terminal disease.
The atom we are interested in will therefore tend to carry either a partial positive charge or form a positive ion.
Karp's partial isomorphism theorem was first proved in Karp [1965]; see also Barwise [1973] .
Of the remaining third, just under half were on partial housing benefit, and the rest paid all their own rent.
Grave's disease is widely treated, where medical methods are deemed unsatisfactory, by partial thyroidectomy, or Radioactive Iodine ablation.
The modern garden topsoil was removed, revealing a total of 26 full or partial grave cuts within the development area.
In particular the oil was superb; it was highly turbid and is collected by partial cold extraction before even the cold press.
In a partial lunar eclipse, it partly enters the umbra and only part of its surface is darkened.
After initial partial CT resolution the tumor grew, compressing the inferior vena cava.
The scholarship will take the form of a partial fee waiver.
Partial anticoagulation with low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) or low dose warfarin (INR 1.5) are relative contraindications.
In human tumor xenograft models, treatment with XR5944 caused both partial and complete regression of large established tumors.
According to GPG's announcement yesterday, only 2.13% of Shareholders have accepted the Revised Partial Offer.
The following gives a partial statement of it.
A partial attempt to meet the difficulty was made by several acts of parliament (passed after the reports of commissions appointed in 1850 and 1851), which enabled courts of law and equity both to exercise certain powers formerly peculiar to one or other of them.
On this account, observers have until now limited themselves to a partial treatment of such spectra, measuring only a small number of lines, whereby the major part of the rich material present in the plate remains unutilized."
It was followed by several partial conventions.
The very name (Aesthetics), which Baumgarten was the first to use, indicates the imperfect and partial nature of his analysis, pointing as it does to an element so variable as feeling or sensation as the ultimate ground of judgment in questions pertaining to beauty.
The vegetation of the Malayan Islands is for the most part that of the wetter and hotter region of India; but the greater uniformity of the temperature and humidity leads to the predomin ance of certain tropical forms not so conspicuous in India, while the proximity of the Australian continent has permitted the partial diffusion of Australian types which are not seen in India.
That is the replacement of an organ by, sometimes coupled with its partial conversion into, a similar or slightly different organ performing the same or an analogous function.
It was conquered by the Songhoi (Songhay) in the early part of the 16th century, and more than once appears to have made at least partial submission to Bornu.
He is constantly speaking in terms which imply the conquering of one law by another, a habit from which his successors have not freed themselves; and the theory of natural processes which appears to have satisfied him, was that when two forces come into operation there is a partial or complete suspension of one by the other.
An important fact, discovered by Cayley, is that these coefficients, and also the complete covariants, satisfy certain partial differential equations which suffice to determine them, and to ascertain many of their properties.
It is amusing to find him speaking jubilantly of the unexpectedly large audience of eight which assembled to hear his first lecture (in 1854) on partial differential equations and their application to physical problems.
I, however, can give but partial credence to these writings.
As a part of these discoveries has arisen another but kindred doctrine that of hormones (Starling), juices prepared, not for excretion, not even for partial excretion, but for the fulfilment of physiological equilibrium.
In the Eulerian notation u, v, w denote the components of the velocity q parallel to the coordinate axes at any point (x, y, z) at the time t; u, v, w are functions of x, y, z, t, the independent variables; and d is used here to denote partial differentiation with respect to any one of these four independent variables, all capable of varying one at a time.
The first three volumes of the Positive Philosophy contain an exposition of the partial philosophies of the five sciences that precede sociology in the hierarchy.
Gladstone, addressing the electors of Newark, said that he was bound by the opinions of no man and no party, but felt it a duty to watch and resist that growing desire for change which threatened to produce " along with partial good a melancholy preponderance of mischief."
A polybasic acid contains more than one atom of hydrogen which is replaceable by metals; moreover, in such an acid the replacement may be entire with the formation of normal salts, partial with the formation of acid salts, or by two or more different metals with the formation of compound salts (see Salts).
After the flight of the usurper Alexius, and when the blind Isaac, whose claims the crusaders were defending, had been taken by the Greeks from prison a;nd placed on the throne, Villehardouin, with Montmorency and two Venetians, formed the embassy sent to arrange terms. He was again similarly distinguished when it became necessary to remonstrate with Alexius, the blind man's son and virtual successor, on the nonkeeping of the terms. Indeed Villehardouin's talents as a diplomatist seem to have been held in very high esteem, for later, when the Latin empire had become a fact, he was charged with the delicate business of mediating between the emperor Baldwin and Boniface, marquis of Montferrat, in which task he had at least partial success.
Where there is complete freedom from stagnant water in the ground, and abundant room for the spread of its branches to light and air, the larch will flourish in a great variety of soils, stiff clays, wet or mossy peat, and moist alluvium being the chief exceptions; in its native localities it seems partial to the debris of primitive and metamorphic rocks, but is occasionally found growing luxuriantly on calcareous subsoils; in Switzerland it attains the largest size, and forms the best timber, on the northern declivities of the mountains; but in Scotland a southern aspect appears most favourable.
In heredity, complete albinism among animals is always recessive; and partial albinism (piebald) is always recessive to complete pigmentation (self-coloured).
In epiphytic forms the rhizoids of the epiphyte often penetrate into the tissue of the host, and certain epiphytes are not known to occur excepting in connexion with a certain host; but to what extent, if any, there is a partial parasitism in these cases has not been ascertained.
No failure on the part of a party to exercise, no delay in exercising, and no course of dealing with respect to any right, power, or privilege under this Agreement shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any such right, power, or privilege preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power, or privilege under this Agreement.
He himself must bear a part of it, for those goods formed part of the adventure for whose safety the jettison was made; and it is owing to the partial safety of the adventure that any contribution at all is received by him.
Sorbiere, who was by no means partial to things English, definitely speaks of him as " celuy qui a le plus puissamment solicite les interests de la physique, et excite le monde a faire des experiences " (Relation d'un voyage en Angleterre, Cologne, 1666, pp. 63-64).
Knowledge, therefore, with its vehicle, the intellect, is dependent upon the existence of certain nerve-organs located in an animal system; and its function is originally only to present an image of the interconnexions of the manifestations external to the individual organism, and so to give to the individual in a partial and reflected form that feeling with other things, or innate sympathy, which it loses as organization becomes more complex and characteristic. Knowledge or intellect, therefore, is only the surrogate of that more intimate unity of feeling or will which is the underlying reality - the principle of all existence, the essence of all manifestations, inorganic and organic. And the perfection of reason is attained when man has transcended those limits of individuation in which his knowledge at first presents him to himself, when by art he has risen from single objects to universal types, and by suffering and sacrifice has penetrated to that innermost sanctuary where the euthanasia of consciousness is reached - the blessedness of eternal repose.
Although the many attempts that have been made to break in and train zebras for riding and driving have sometimes been rewarded with partial success, the animal has never been domesticated in the true sense of the word (see Horse).
There is only one non-recurring partial quotient al.
In 1874 the university of Göttingen granted her a degree in absentia, excusing her from the oral examination on account of the remarkable excellence of the three dissertations sent in, one of which, on the theory of partial differential equations, is one of her most remarkable works.
Gazette, xlvi., 1908, regards this tissue as belonging to the nucellus.) At the time of pollination the long tubular integument secretes a drop of fluid at its apex, which holds the pollen-grains, brought by the wind, or possibly to some extent by insect agency, and by evaporation these are drawn on to the top of the nucellus, where partial disorganization of the cells has given rise to an irregular pollen-chamber (fig.
In Islam proper they have no raison d'etre; the legends about Adam and Eve on Arafa, about Abraham's sacrifice of the ram at Thabii by Mina, imitated in the sacrifices of the pilgrimage, are clumsy afterthoughts, as appears from their variations and only partial acceptance.
Division.-In the same way, in performing approximate division, we can at a certain stage begin to abbreviate the divisor, taking off one figure (but with correction of the final figure of the partial product) at each stage.
In some mammals the hairy covering is partial and limited to particular regions; in others, as the hippopotamus and the sea-cows, or Sirenia, though scattered over the whole surface, it is extremely short and scanty; xvir.
The photographic registration of meteor-trails, too, has been lately attempted with partial success.
A partial circumcision is practised, which is exceptional with the Melanesians, nor have these usually an elaborate political and social system like that of Fiji.
The volunteers (see Flood, Henry) extorted partial free trade (1779), but manufacturing traditions had perished, and common experience shows how hard these are to recover.
Zevenbergen and Thorne (1987) use a partial quartic expression to model a 3 by 3 local neighborhood.
The US license is for refractory partial epilepsy over the age of 12.
Trials usually recruit patients with drug refractory partial seizures.
The ORSAS Awards provide Scholarships for partial remission of tuition fees for overseas research students.
Again proposed allowing the partial resumption of Iraq 's oil exports to generate revenue to buy humanitarian supplies.
A partial RIA is attached at Annex 3. Question 20 Do you have any comments on the partial RIA?
Partial rotator cuff tears can also been depicted, although the accuracy is lower than for complete tears.
The foliage is best in partial shade - the delicate variegated leaves may scorch in full sun.
They include growth curve modeling, sequential acceptance sampling and partial least squares regression.
Shelduck numbers made a partial recovery from last-year 's record low.
We show, however, that asymmetric states can be moving solutions of the partial differential equation.
The British Empire gained a partial loss of Russian interest in southward expansion.
But I do regard the likely shape of a stateless society as a partial basis for judging the legitimacy of actually existing institutions.
Measuring the sterol content of barley leaves infected with powdery mildew as a means of assessing partial resistance to Erysiphe graminis f.sp. hordei.
Most complex partial attacks start in the temporal lobe.
Grave 's disease is widely treated, where medical methods are deemed unsatisfactory, by partial thyroidectomy, or Radioactive Iodine ablation.
Partial ceramic tiling to walls, radiator, textured ceiling with inset extractor fan.
Recurrent partial seizures are often misdiagnosed as transient cerebral ischaemia if the stereotypical nature of the epileptic symptoms is not recognized.
The typical twitchy movements of partial reversal may also be seen, and the patient may become distressed and agitated.
According to GPG 's announcement yesterday, only 2.13% of Shareholders have accepted the Revised Partial Offer.
Crossword Dictionary is a simple website that lets you put in partial words to display all the words with that combination of letters.
Ten other states have a partial ban on owning exotic animals.
Since the brother may only be partial Siamese, there could be a huge variation in coloring between brothers and sisters.
The average pet owner will typically know nothing about the first three diseases and will possess a partial knowledge of rabies.
They may consistently underpay certain creditors, which makes it harder to detect since partial payments tend to set off fewer red flags than no payments, and thus can drag the scam out for months and months.
Offer to make partial payments, and ask that they freeze further late fees and/or forgive some fees already incurred.
Ethanol provides an intriguing alternative fuel source that some feel is, at least, a partial solution to the United States' current energy crisis.
This is only a partial list of environmental challenges the human race faces.
Partial shade is ideal, as direct sunlight all day will dry out the pile, which needs some moisture to develop properly.
On the other hand, biodegradable bags offer a partial solution to municipal solid waste with a much shorter decomposition period.
Many other companies offer smaller or partial kits that can supplement a basic kit or that you can combine with other products to create your own kit.
Although you can't play the full version of The Sims 2 online, the Sims 2 website offers you some mini games so you can get the partial experience of what the Sims universe is like.
If you and your family are partial to the white meat, purchasing only whole breast might be your best option.
This is just a partial list of Colorado ski resorts.
With a scholarship, you will either be given complete financial aid or partial help with college tuition.
Combs are great for partial and halfdos, long hair left down, sideswept styles, and more.
Sometimes insurance will cover partial costs; check with individual providers to learn more.
Nicorette gum may stick to dental caps, partial bridges, or dentures.
Applegate's mother, Nancy Priddy, began her battle with the disease when Christina was just seven years old, making a full recovery after undergoing a partial mastectomy.
He now goes by Dwayne Johnson and that may have just a little bit to do with the fact that Vince McMahon has partial ownership of the name "The Rock."
Give a boy a variety of sweaters to wear, but don't be surprised if he's partial to pullovers in one basic color.
However, here is a partial list of online degrees.
If you're not able to preview any of the textbooks online or check out their contents at a local library or bookstore, you might be able to find some full or partial text from the titles through an academic database.
Inquire about whether you will be taking a full ocean-to-ocean cruise through the Panama Canal or if you will be taking a partial crossing.
A partial crossing does not cross the entire Canal, but allows passengers to experience one lock of the canal before moving on.
Following is a partial list of these medications available to prevent heartworm in dogs.
If he has a difficult time exercising, manipulating his muscles with massage provides a partial exercise program.
There are 12 breeds that have partial recognition and are listed in the Miscellaneous Class.
They frequently emphasize the importance of total nudity, arguing that partial concealment is more sexual than total exposure.
It is hardy in Britain, thriving in peaty or leafy soils in partial shade.
On rocky banks, borders of the bolder sor