Parks Sentence Examples
Richmond has broad well-shaded streets, several parks, including Glen Miller (139 acres), and handsome public buildings.
Within the bounds of Westminster are the royal palaces, the government offices and many other of the finest public buildings, and the wider area specified includes the majority of the residences of the wealthier classes, the most beautiful parks and the most fashionable places of recreation.
To compensate for the narrowness of its streets and its lack of fine promenades Sydney possesses a number of grand parks, surpassed in few other capitals.
Adjoining are two smaller parks, Cook Park and Philip Park, while north of these stretches the Domain and the botanical gardens.
There are numerous other and smaller parks, of which the chief are Wentworth Park laid out on the site of Blackwattle Swamp, Prince Alfred Park, Belmore Park and Victoria Park adjoining the university grounds.
There are large and well-kept public parks, a common (17 acres) with a soldiers' monument, a free public library, with more than 50,000 volumes in 5907, a city hall, county and municipal court-houses, a county gaol and house of correction, a county industrial school and a state armoury.
Several beautiful parks have been laid out on this hill.
The administration and acreage of parks and open spaces, and their provisions for the public recreation, fall for consideration later, but some of them are notable features in the topography of London.
The administration of parks and open spaces in and round London, topographical details of the principal of which are given in Section I., is divided between the Office of Works, the London County Council, the City Corporation and the borough councils.
The Office of Works controls the Royal parks, the County Council controls the larger parks and open spaces not under Government or City control, and the borough councils the smaller; while the City Corporation controls certain public grounds outside the County of London.
AdvertisementThe London County Council's parks and open spaces increased in number from 40 in 1890 to 114 in 1907, and in acreage from 2656 to 5006 in the same years.
Provision is made for cricket, football and other games in a number of the parks.
Several parks have been laid out on the site of the broad glacis which formerly separated Temesvar from its suburbs, which are now united with it by broad avenues.
The city has 95 acres of boulevards and avenues under park supervision and several fine parks (17, with 307 acres in 1907), notably Washington (containing Calverley's bronze statue of Robert Burns, and Rhind's "Moses at' the Rock of Horeb"), Beaver and Dudley, in which is the old Dudley Observatory - the present Observatory building is in Lake Avenue, south-west of Washington Park, where is also the Albany Hospital.
On every side the town is surrounded by royal parks and woods of sycamores, plane-trees and elms, often of extraordinary size.
AdvertisementMaras have been introduced into several British parks.
These form nearly 60% of its total area, private gardens, parks and open spaces occupying a further 13%.
Parks, &c. - The Prater, a vast expanse (2000 acres) of wood and park on the east side of the city, between the Danube and the Danube Canal, is greatly frequented by all classes.
Other parks are the Hofgarten, the Volksgarten and the Town Park, all adjoining the Ring-Strasse; the Augarten in the Leopoldstadt, the Belvedere Park in the Landstrasse, the Esterhazy Park in Mariahilf, and the Türkenschanz Park in Dobling.
Among the most popular resorts are the parks and gardens belonging to the imperial châteaux of Schönbrunn and Laxenburg.
AdvertisementThere are several small parks and squares, including Central Square, Beacon Square, about which the business portion of the township is centred, and Saltonstall Park, in which is a monument to the memory of Watertown's soldiers who died in the Civil War, and near which are the Town House and the Free Public Library, containing a valuable collection of 60,000 books and pamphlets and historical memorials.
It can be grown in parks and gardens, and thrives well; but the young plants are unable to bear great variations of temperature.
The botanical garden, with its large palm-house, the Hofgarten, surrounded with arcades containing frescoes of Greek landscapes by Rottmann, and the Maximilian park to the east of the Isar, complete the list of public parks.
The city has a number of fine parks.
To this combination of modellers in European style and metal-workers of such force as Suzuki and Okazaki, Japan owes various memorial bronzes and effigies which are gradually finding a place in her parks, her museums, her shrines or her private houses.
AdvertisementThe parks have always afforded to the people their chief means of recreation.
There are several public parks, of which the principal are the Ormeau Park (1870), the Victoria, Alexandra, and Falls Road parks.
Binghamton is picturesquely situated and has a number of parks, the most attractive of which are Ross Park of ioo acres and Ely Park of 134 acres.
The mayor is superintendent of the department of public affairs, and each of the other administrative departments (accounts and finances, public safety, streets and public improvements, and parks and public property) is under the charge of one of the councilmen.
At a radius of nearly a mile is another wall within which lies the closely-packed city proper, and beyond which the town stretches away to the royal parks on the north and to the business quarter, the warehouses, rice-mills, harbour and docks on the south.
The site of Oneida was purchased in1829-1830by Sands Higinbotham, in honour of whom one of the municipal parks (the other is Allen Park) is named.
The species is semi-domesticated in British parks, and occurs wild in western Asia, North Africa, the south of Europe and Sardinia.
There are two small city parks, and a privately owned resort, Millbrook Park.
To the north of the old town are the East and West Parks and the Hampshire county cricket ground, and to the south the small Queen's Park.
There is a statue in the parks of Dr Isaac Watts, the theologian (1674-1748), a native of the town, in whose memory the Watts Memorial Hall was erected in 1875.
Besides St James and City Hall parks in the city, San Jose has Alum Rock Canyon Park, a tract of woo acres, with sixteen mineral springs, in Penitencia Canyon, 7 m.
There are two pretty public parks, one in the Hufen, with a zoological garden attached, another the Luisenwahl which commemorates the sojourn of Queen Louisa of Prussia in the town in the disastrous year 1806.
There are numerous municipal and other parks.
Angus Smith determined London air to vary in oxygen content from 20.857 to 20.95, the air in parks and open spaces showing the higher percentage; Glasgow air showed similar results, varying from 20.887 in the streets to 20 92 9 in open spaces.
At one time this position was supposed to be occupied by the white half-wild cattle of Chillingham and other British parks.
Gardens and promenades have taken the place of the old ramparts, and on the south the city is bounded by the Frederiks and the Flora parks, between which runs the fine avenue called the Dreef, leading to the Haarlemmer Hout or wood.
Hayes, is of interest, and the city has a public library (1873) and parks, in large measure the gifts of his uncle, Sardis Birchard.
There are two private parks, open to the public, and a waterworks system is maintained by the village.
The forest reserves are included in ten national parks, named the Chelan, Columbia, Colville, Kaniksu, Olympic, Ranier, Snoqualmie, Washington, Wanaha and Wenatchee, the Chelan being the largest, with an area of 2,492,500 acres.
The aggregate area of these parks (all of which were opened in 1907 and 1908) is 18,850.7 sq.
It has a number of admirable public buildings, while, among several parks and recreation grounds, mention must be made of the fine botanical garden, 750 acres in extent, where, in Lake Wendouree, pisciculture is carried on with great success.
The city has many beautiful parks and squares, the most picturesque of which is Juneau Park, along the lake bluff.
Other parks are Lake Park, also on the lake shore, at North Point, where stands the waterworks pumping station with its tall tower; Riverside and Kilbourn Parks, east and west respectively of the upper Milwaukee river, in the northern part of the city, Washington Park on the west side, containing a menagerie and a herd of deer; Sherman Park on the west side, and Kosciusko, Humboldt and Mitchell Parks on the south side.
During the summer there are open-air theatres in several private parks or "gardens."
In 1910 Newark had 658 acres in public parks, of which 637 acres were under the administration of the Essex County Park Commission.
To Washington, Military and Lincoln parks, the older ones near the heart of the city, there have been added Branch Brook (277 acres), Weequahic (265.8 acres), West Side (23 acres), and East Side (12.5 acres) parks.
Gardens and parks abound; the palace garden is exceptionally fine, and in the same neighbourhood are the public gardens with the place of amusement known as the Chateau des Fleurs.
According to a reference list compiled by Captain Stanley Flower, there were 102 actually existing public gardens or parks containing collections of wild animals in 1910, while there are also a considerable number of private collections.
Parks.-In 1908 Cincinnati had parks covering about 540 acres; there are numerous pleasant driveways both within the city limits and in the suburban districts, and several attractive resorts are within easy reach.
In 1907 an extensive system of new parks, parkways and boulevards was projected.
In 1908 there were 21 public parks, aggregating more than 1_335 acres.
There are fifteen public parks, the largest of which, Winnikenni Park (214 acres), contiguous to Lake Kenoza, is of great natural beauty.
The city has a public library (housed in the city hall) and eight parks (including Riverside on the Big Sioux), with a total area of more than 500 acres.
A count which was concluded at the end of February 1903, put the number of captive bisons at 1119, of which 969 were in parks and zoological gardens in the United States, 41 in Canada and 109 in Europe.
The public gardens and parks of Melbourne are extensive.
Around the city lie five great parks - Royal Park, in which are excellent zoological gardens; Yarra Park, which contains the leading cricket grounds; the Botanical Gardens, sloping down to the banks of the river; Albert Park, in which is situated a lake much used for boating; and Studley Park on the Yarra river, a favourite resort which has been left in a natural state.
Besides these parks, each suburb has its public gardens, and at Flemington there is a fine race-course, on which the Melbourne cup races are run every November, an event which brings in a large influx of visitors from all parts of Australia.
The tree, which is a native of China and Japan, was introduced into England in 1751 and is a favourite in parks and gardens.
The city has several squares and public parks, one of them, City Park, having an area of about 300 acres.
The palace of the sultan covers an extensive area, and beyond it lie the imperial parks of Agudal, the inner one reserved for the sultan's exclusive use.
Of several parks the largest are Lister, Peel, and Bowling parks, each exceeding fifty acres.
There are a number of parks and mineral springs, and along the lake front a fine driveway, Sheridan Road.
In 1910 the city had seven public parks (1120 acres), including Point Defiance, a thickly wooded park (about 640 acres), and, in the centre of the city, Wright Park, in which is the Seymour Conservatory.
Other parks are maintained by the street railway companies.
On the Schlossberg, which can be ascended by a cable tramway, beautiful parks have been laid out, and on its top is the bell-tower, 60 ft.
The city had in 1908 three parks - Bachman's Reservoir (500 acres); Fair (525 acres) - the Texas state fair grounds, in which an annual exhibition is held - and City park (17 acres).
Lake Cliff, Cycle and Oak Lawn parks are amusement grounds.
The park system comprises more than fifty parks and squares, with a total area of 278 acres.
The largest and most noteworthy are Burnet park (about 100 acres), on high land in the western part of the city, Lincoln park, occupying a heavily wooded ridge in the east, and Schiller, Kirk and Frazer parks.
The city has two parks.
Both the Dominion and the provincial governments have set apart certain areas to be preserved, largely in their wild state, as national parks.
Other parks are at Seedley, Albert and Buile Hill; the last contains a museum, the contents of which have been transferred from Peel Park.
Altogether Salford has thirty parks and open spaces having a total area of 217 acres.
Among the parks are Broadway Park, Central Hill Park, Prospect Hill Park, Lincoln Park, and Nathan Tufts Park.
The public parks and gardens are numerous and include the Botanical Garden with its famous avenue of royal palms (Oreodoxa regia); the Passeio Publico (dating from 1783), a small garden on the water-front facing the harbour entrance; the Jardim d'Acclamacao, forming part of the Praca da Republica (once known as the Campo de Sant' Anna) with its artistic walks and masses of shrubbery; the Praca Tiradentes (the old Largo do Rocio, afterwards rechristened Praca da Constituicao) with its magnificent equestrian statue of Dom Pedro I.
Of the three parks, Pearson Park was presented by a mayor of that name in 1860, and contains statues of Queen Victoria and the Prince Consort.
The city has 21 parks and plazas.
Buffalo to-day has broad and spacious streets, most of which are lined by trees, and many small parks and squares.
The municipal park system is one of unusual beauty, consisting of a chain of parks with a total area of about 1030 acres, encircling the city and connected by boulevards and driveways.
The mayor appoints the heads of the principal executive departments (health, civil service, parks, police and fire).
The father, who made long tours on business, took his wife, child and nurse year after year across England as far as Cumberland and Scotland, visiting towns, cathedrals, castles, colleges, parks, mountains and lakes.
The Parks Board is a board appointed by the city council, and has the complete administration of a fixed percentage of the city taxes.
The streets are boulevarded, trees planted on them, and both of these kept by the Parks Board.
A number of well-kept small parks are found throughout the city, and a large park - the Assiniboine - is being prepared and beautified.
The city has a public library and four large parks; in Court House Square there is a monument erected by popular subscription in honour of the soldiers from Kankakee county who died in the Civil War.
See the Annual Reports (Washington, 1891 sqq.) of the Superintendent of the Park; the Guide to the Yosemite published by the California Geological Survey; John Muir, Our National Parks (Boston, 1901); and Bunnell's Discovery of the Yosemite (New York, 1893).
It is situated on the right bank of the Tay, between the meadows of the North Inch (98 acres) and those of the South Inch (72 acres), both laid out as public parks.
The city park system includes Ottawa Park (280 acres), Bay View Park (202 acres), Riverside Park (118 acres), Central Grove Park (loo acres), Collins Park (90 acres), Walbridge Park (67 acres), with a zoological collection, Navarre Park (53 acres), several smaller parks and triangles, and a boulevard, 18 m.
In the city are two sanitariums. The city has two parks (one, Ethan Allen Park, is on a bluff in the north-west part of the city, and commands a fine view) and four cemeteries; in Green Mount Cemetery, which overlooks the Winooski valley, is a monument over the grave of Ethan Allen, who lived in Burlington from 1778 until his death.
The city is the seat of the state Institute for the Blind (1875), and has three public parks and a public library.
It has several beautiful parks, two hospitals, a number of fine churches and school buildings, and a public library.
The market hall is the chief public building; there are technical schools, a free library, and two public parks.
The city has two large public parks and a Carnegie library, and is the seat of the Curtice Industrial School.
There are several fine parks.
Of parks and open spaces there are in the south, Brodie Park (22 acres), presented in 1871 by Robert Brodie; towards the north Fountain Gardens (7a acres), the gift of Thomas Coats and named from the handsome iron fountain standing in the centre; in the north-west, St James Park (40 acres), with a racecourse (racing dates from 1620, when the earl of Abercorn and the Town Council gave silver bells for the prize); Dunn Square and the old quarry grounds converted and adorned; and Moss Plantation beyond the north-western boundary.
The city has four parks, in one of which is a soldiers' and sailors' monument of granite and bronze, and not far away, along the shore of lake and bay, are several attractive summer resorts.
There are now many large collections of hardy trees and shrubs in private parks and gardens throughout the British Islands, the interest taken in them by their proprietors having largely increased in recent years.
Queen Street, the main thoroughfare of Brisbane, crosses Albert Street midway between the two parks and leads across the Victoria Bridge (named for Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom) to the separate city of South Brisbane on the other side of the river.
Brisbane is well provided with parks and open spaces; the Victoria Park and Bowen Park are the largest; the high-lying Mount Coot-tha commands fine views, and there are other parks and numerous recreation grounds in various parts of the city, besides the admirable botanical gardens and the gardens of the Acclimatization Society.
Concord has broad streets bordered with shade trees; and has several parks, including Penacook, White, Rollins and the Contoocook river.
It was, of course, not to be expected that an Oxonian Tory should praise the Presbyterian polity and ritual, or that an eye accustomed to the hedgerows and parks of England should not be struck by the bareness of Berwickshire and East Lothian.
Kansas City has over 2000 acres in public parks; but Swope Park, containing 1354 acres, lies south of the city limits.
The security which he thereby gained gave him the opportunity to indulge his taste for costly buildings, parks and other luxuries, of which the chroniclers give accounts bordering on the fabulous.
It is built for the most part on level ground at the foot of high bluffs; and has several parks, the most attractive of which, commanding fine views, is Fairmount Park.
Dunkirk is attractively situated high above the lake, and has several parks, including Point Gratiot and Washington; in the city are the Dunkirk free library, the Brooks Memorial hospital (1891), and St Mary's academy.
The Assyrian kings also maintained magnificent parks, or "paradises," in which game of every kind was enclosed; and perhaps it was from them that the Persian sovereigns borrowed the practice mentioned both by Xenophon in the Cyropaedia and by Curtius.
The largest and most popular of the parks in Budapest is the Varosliget, on the north-east side of the town.
Stranahan (1808-1898), who did more than any other man for the development of Brooklyn's system of parks and boulevards.
The town stands on the Duderhof Hills and consists (i) of the town proper, surrounded by villages and a German colony, which are summer resorts for the inhabitants of St Petersburg; and (2) of the imperial parks and palaces.
The imperial parks and gardens cover 1680 acres; the chief of them is the "old" garden, containing the "old palace," built (1724) by Rastrelli and gorgeously decorated with mother-of-pearl, marbles, amber, lapis lazuli, silver and gold; the gallery of Cameron adorned with fine statues and entrance gates; numerous pavilions and kiosks; and a bronze statue (1900) of the poet Pushkin.
More than one-half the area of the city is comprised in its streets, avenues and public parks.
In its lowest portions just behind the front ranges are the natural "parks" - great plateaus basined by superb enclosing ranges; and to the west of these, and between them, and covering the remainder of the state east of the plateau region, is an entanglement of mountains, tier above tier, running from north to south, buttressed laterally with splendid spurs, dominated by scores of magnificent peaks, cut by river valleys, and divided by mesas and plateaus.
One of the most remarkable orographical features of the state are the great mountain "parks" - North, Estes, Middle, South and San Luis - extending from the northern to the southern border of the state, and lying (with the exception of Middle Park) just east of the continental divide.
These "parks" are great plateaus, not all of them level, lying below the barriers of surrounding mountain chains.
These parks are frequented by great quantities of large game, and - especially the North and Middle - are famous hunting-grounds.
Eleven topographical and climatic divisions are recognized by the United States Weather Bureau within its borders, including the several parks, the continental divide, and various river valleys.
Timber is confined almost wholly to the high mountain sides, the mountain valleys and the parks being for the most part bare.
The great parks are a favourite range and shelter.
Considerable bands of antelope live in the parks and even descend to the eastern plains, and the mule-deer, the most common of large game, is abundant all through the mountains of the west.
The lands available for agriculture are the lowlands and the mountain parks and valleys.
The parks and mountain valleys are largely given over to ranges.
The stratified rocks of the Great Plains, the Parks, and the Plateaus contain enormous quantities of coal.
The main areas are on the two flanks of the Rockies, with two smaller fields in the Parks.
In 1909 the city had about 1000 acres of parks and r r z m.
Louis & San Francisco railway systems. The city has two public parks, and is a trading centre for the surrounding fertile farming country.
There are several parks of great beauty, and along the shores of Lake Mendota there is a broad boulevarded drive of 12 m.
The war organization of the home establishment, with its general and special reserves, aimed at the mobilization and despatch overseas of 6 army divisions, each of 12 battalions in 3 brigades; 9 field batteries in 3 brigades, a brigade of 3 field howitzer batteries, and a heavy battery, each with the appropriate ammunition columns; 2 field companies and telegraph company R.E.; 2 companies mounted infantry; and ambulances, columns and parks.
The old market cross still exists, and there are two public parks.
Bloomington has a public library, Franklin and Miller parks; among its principal buildings are the court house, built of marble, and the Y.M.C.A.
In the parks, claires and reservoirs the private culture of oysters has attained great perfection.
It is probable that 60 to 75% are reared from the spat in artificial parks, the remainder having been laid down for a time to increase in size and flavour in shoal waters along the coasts.
But in the middle of the century the natural beds had been almost exhausted and the system of government control, letting "parks" to private tenants, and artificial cultivation was instituted.
Nearly all the European garden flowers, even the rarer ones, can now be seen not only in the parks and gardens of the rich and well-to-do but in many unpretentious courtyards with only a few square yards of surface.
On the 10th of July 1359 Wykeham was made chief keeper and surveyor, not only of Windsor, but of the castles of Dover, Hadley and Leeds (Kent), and of the manors of Foliejohn, Eton, Guildford, Kennington, Sheen (now Richmond), Eltham and Langly and their parks, with power to repair them and to pay for workmen and materials.
The parks of the city are extensive and fine.
The town possesses 103 acres of parks and open spaces, the chief being Llewelyn Park of 42 acres in the north of the town near Morriston, Victoria Park (16 acres) and recreation ground (8 acres) abutting on the sands in the west, with the privately owned football field between them, Cwmdonkin (13 acres) commanding a fine panoramic view of the bay, and Brynmill (9 acres) with a disused reservoir constructed in 1837 and now converted into an ornamental lake.
Other features of these parks are a small botanical garden in Cwmdonkin, a good collection of waterfowl in Brynmill, and a small aviary of the rarer British birds in Victoria Park, which also has a meteorological station in connexion with the meteorological office, and a statue of Mr William Thomas of Lan erected in 1905 in appreciation of the work done by him in preserving and obtaining "open spaces" for Swansea.
It has wide streets and attractive parks, and is, to some extent, a residential suburb of New York and other neighbouring cities.
There are two public parks - Broad Meadow (zo acres), part of ground reclaimed in 1859, and Levengrove (32 acres), presented to the corporation in 1885 by Peter Denny and John McMillan, two shipbuilders who helped lay the foundation of the town's present prosperity.
The public streets have a total length of about 350 m., and a large staff of workmen is regularly employed in maintaining and cleaning the public roads and parks.
Other parks are Institute Park (18 acres) and Boynton Park (113 acres) in the N.W.
His park and pleasure grounds near Rome, and the costly and laborious works in his parks and villas at Tusculum, near Naples, earned for him from Pompey (it is said) the title of the "Roman Xerxes."
The state is also acquiring, and maintaining as demonstration acres and public parks, forest reserves in various parts of the state.
There are many parks, ranging in size from Carlton Park of one acre to High Park (375 acres) and Island Park (389), the latter being across the harbour and constituting the favourite resort of the people during the summer.
The parks and open spaces include Wellington Park, Well Park in the heart of the town (these were the gift of Sir Michael Shaw-Stewart), Whin Hill, Lyle Road - a broad drive winding over the heights towards Gourock, constructed as a "relief work" in the severe winter of 1879-1880.
They may also contribute parks.
The town possesses several parks, one, the Victoria Park, facing the Indian Ocean.
There are three parks, one of which, Lake Park, is a pleasure and health resort, with a lake and chalybeate and sulphur springs.
Immediately after his marriage we find him employed under the chief of the Ki clan to whose jurisdiction the district of Tsow belonged, first as keeper of stores, and then as superintendent of parks and herds.
The department of public safety controls the bureaus of police, detectives, fire, health, electricity and building inspection; the department of public works controls bureaus of surveys, construction, highways and sewers, city property, water, assessment of water rents, parks, deed registry, bridges and light.
The town, which is well laid out, with parks and gardens, and pleasantly situated in a hollow among hills, rapidly increased in population under the enlightened administration of the raja, Sir Sudhal Rao, K.C.I.E.
There are two large parks and an excellent botanical garden.
It possesses a large kursaal, several bathing establishments, a hospital for poor patients and several parks.
Baden possesses several parks and is surrounded by lovely and interesting spots, of which the most frequented is the picturesque valley of the Helenenthal, which is traversed by the Schwechat.
The city has parks, including Hoyt Park (27 acres), used for athletic sports, Rust Park (150 acres), occupying an island in the river, and Riverside Park, a pleasure resort.
Avignon, which lies on the left bank of the Rhone, a few miles above its confluence with the Durance, occupies a large oval-shaped area not fully populated, and covered in great part by parks and gardens.
It is built on an eminence (1150 ft.), and has two public parks, a substantial court-house, a soldiers' and sailors' memorial building, a public library, a hospital and many fine residences.
The first commissioner of works is the head of the board, and has the custody of the royal palaces and parks and of all public buildings not specially assigned to other departments; he is a member of the government and frequently has a seat in the cabinet.
In 1908 there were in the city under the jurisdiction of the department of public parks and squares 13 parks of Io acres or more each and 33 squares, and the total acreage of parks was 2188 acres and of squares 86.53 acres.
Chief among the parks is Druid Hill Park in the N.W.
Oleson Park and Reynold's Park are the city's principal parks.
The city has six public parks, Lord's Park containing 112, and Wing Park 121 acres.
The city is surrounded by beautiful parks and gardens.
The only developed parks are Pioneer and City Hall, both small, and Liberty Park (I io acres), in which Brigham Young built a grist mill in 1852 and which was bought from his estate by the city in 1880.
There are bathing parks on the shores of Great Salt Lake, 11 -15 m.
There are several public parks and gardens on well-chosen elevated sites, the principal being the Botanical Garden, from which the city and port are well seen.
Potsdam is almost entirely surrounded by a fringe of royal palaces, parks and pleasure-grounds, which fairly substantiate its claim to the title of a "German Versailles."
The whole aspect of the city has been changed by the construction of handsome public buildings, the laying-out of parks and the widening of the streets.
The city has two fine parks, a Carnegie library, a Federal building, the Immanuel and St Joseph hospitals, two commercial colleges, and a state normal school (1868).
Of the parks and public gardens, the most extensive is the Queen's Domain, covering an area of about 700 acres, while the most central is Franklin Square, adorned with a statue of Sir John Franklin, the famous Arctic explorer, who was governor of Tasmania from 1837 to 1843.
There are parks on the east and west of the town, and a new racecourse (1887) replaces that formerly on the site of the west park.
The city, being in a treeless region, is proud of the avenues of trees that line several of its streets and of its parks, especially of the Alexander Park, with a statue of Alexander II.
The city has several parks, the Union county court house (1905), a public library and several charitable institutions.
Since then many other living examples have been introduced, and it has bred both there and in many private parks in Britain.
Springfield has a good system of parks (under a board of park commissioners) with a total acreage of 550 acres.
It has an extensive system of boulevards, parkways and parks (aggregating 2465 acres in 1908).
Among the parks are Loring, near the centre of the city, in which is a statue of Ole Bull; Lyndale, in the south-west part of the city; Interlachen, just north-west of Lyndale; Glenwood, in the west of the city; Van Cleve, Logan, Windom and Columbia in the part of the city east of the Mississippi river; Riverside, on the south-west bank of the Mississippi; and Minnehaha Park, in which are the Minnehaha Falls, a beautiful cascade of the Minnehaha Creek (the outlet of Lake Minnetonka), near the Mississippi, with a fall of 50 ft., well known from Longfellow's poem " Hiawatha."
It provides for the election of a mayor, treasurer and comptroller for two-years terms; for elected boards of control for library, parks and education, and for a unicameral city council, half of which is chosen every two years for a term of four years.
The parks, gardens and drives are extensive and pleasant.
There are golf links in Meyrick and Queen's parks, both laid out by the corporation, which has in other ways studied the entertainment of visitors.
The city has fine public buildings, many handsome residences, and several beautiful parks.
The city of Newton is primarily a residential suburb of Boston; along the Charles is a part (191.12 acres) of the Charles River Reservation of the Metropolitan Park system, and the city has several attractive public parks, including Norumbega Park, on the banks of the river, with a large open-air theatre; boating, especially canoeing, on the river is very popular.
Helsingfors is handsome and well laid out with wide streets, parks, gardens and monuments.
The intersections of the diagonal streets left a number of small, triangular parks, which, as well as the larger ones, are well shaded.
The parks of Detroit are numerous and their total area is about 1200 acres.
There is one commissioner each, appointed by the mayor, for the parks and boulevards, police and public works departments.
The city is primarily a residential suburb of New York City, and has some fine colonial residences, and several beautiful residential parks, notably Rochelle, Neptune, and Beechmont Parks.
The predominance of stone and brick as building materials, the dominating cathedral spire, and the well-planted parks, avenues and private gardens, recall the aspect of an English residential town.
Parks are visited annually by trained, impartial assessors.
Many people are already used to District Council employed parking attendants who work in off-street car parks.
Five of London's Royal Parks will provide a stunning backdrop to the grand finale of this year's Tour of Britain.
Disabled Car Parking All City Council car parks offer free parking for disabled motorists displaying a valid blue/orange badge.
Membership also offers access to the 80 camping barns in some of the best countryside in England, including six National Parks.
They incorporated full air conditioning, atriums, glass wall climber lifts, fully accessible floors, basement and semi basement car parks.
The Danube curves gently and reflects in Budapest's broad avenues, leafy parks and elaborate bathhouses.
There are colorful temples, scenic national parks, cool mountain resorts and deserted sandy beaches.
More than 1,250 homes and one of Shropshire's biggest retail parks were left without electricity earlier today during a massive power blackout.
Included is a 2 day Hopper Pass to the Disney® Parks and the spectacular bonfire and Fireworks celebrations.
As with all parks, Victoria Park has original bylaws some of which by today's standards would be seen as quirky.
Please use the designated car parks on the left of Lime Way.
The other main car park in Exeter is Haven Banks Car Parks positioned on the south side of the river.
At off airport car parks your car will be parked for you in a secure compound.
Just as important are the people who empty the cesspits, the street sweepers, refuse collectors and those who staff the car parks.
Its study seem saying quot Denise Parks - State Farm Insurance look agent said Charles.
See how the parks have changed over the years and view brochures that introduced some of the most famous roller coasters in the world.
Lately, farmers have started planting coca in national parks where laws prevent spraying.
Set in a beautiful oak copse divided between two parks amidst the shy red squirrels.
Forget theme parks and rollercoasters, here's our selection of comfortably extreme days out with your little daredevil.
There are a number of golf courses just a short drive from Praia da Luz and coaches take day-trippers to the local water parks.
A separate leaflet offering security advice to private motorists will be delivered door-to-door in central Witham and distributed in car parks.
Season tickets of varying durations are available at all of our city center car parks.
Watersports, hiking, horseback excursions on the beach and theme parks are on the doorstep.
The term street includes footways, car parks, public house forecourts and generally any area where the public have access without payment.
Most of the Parks lies on light soils overlying gravel, limiting the range of plant material which can be grown.
In time this English holly forms a tall conical tree - making a majestic, evergreen specimen plant for large gardens or parks.
Awash with parks and green open space, Richmond seems idyllic.
The team has to lock the parks each night, dispose of needles and carry out playground inspections in 43 parks and open spaces.
However, trees in parks and gardens can also be colonized, including japonica, walnut, cotoneaster and laburnum in Herefordshire.
Others go on to be zoo keepers or work in wildlife parks.
You can chose to stay in luxury African safari lodges or budget national parks accommodation.
Although the signs to the parks are good always spend a few minuets learning your route and preparing for the journey.
But how much can building parks and painting murals realistically contribute to the peace process?
The new Town & Country Planning Act sets up a ' land-use planning system ' which includes national parks.
The campaign group claimed the development would desecrate the area and create an unwelcome precedent for other national parks.
You will also have the chance to meet best selling novelist Adele Parks, who will be joining us on the day.
Here he worked in domestic, commercial and entertainment fields, including the planning of amusement parks.
There are events for all ages in locations ranging from country parks to inflatable planetariums.
Areas of study include regionalism; East Anglian History and Landscape; Parks and Gardens; Churches and Monasteries; Medieval and Post-Medieval Archeology.
Thailand has 16% of its total area under national parks and wildlife reserves.
The railroad line and car parks sit in the old riverbed.
Pass native fishing villages and forested slopes; set foot on ice-age glaciers, visit gold rush settlements and parks of totem poles.
Alicante safari parks There are 2 main safari parks within easy driving distance of Alicante, & both are located in Alicante province itself.
Parks and Open Spaces nationally became shabby at best.
For freestyle skiers there is a choice of two fantastic terrain parks.
The green Flag Award scheme is the national standard for parks and green spaces.
Most of the little car parks around the area we found to be free which included places such as Ranworth and Salhouse.
Table 1 summarizes the results from a set of travel cost studies that have estimated visitor consumer surplus for various national parks.
They were at almost all the theme parks in good numbers, and were incredibly tame.
Check your guide has a good solid car a 4WD is a must in the rough terrain of the parks.
All abilities are welcome to enjoy multi terrain coaching on piste, off piste, or in the parks.
The holiday resort of Orlando offers people of every age a marvelous opportunity to enjoy the superb theme parks and sights of Central Florida.
For all you adrenalin junkies here are the top theme parks and water parks to check out in the UK.
You are here travel family travel theme parks and parks.. .
The remaining " hidden " car parks, that are known to residents, will remain uncharged for their use.
Inevitably, with all the significant benefits, impulse ventilation systems for car parks are here to stay.
Playing fields, parks, motorway verges are new sources of grassland.
All best wishes for health, happiness, and many lovely walks in many beautiful parks along many tidal and non-tidal waterways.
The company intends to manage the parks as a haven for wildlife and as a way of regenerating native woodland.
Their street and playful look couldn't be best seen worn in the top parks of London.
Labor councilors have called on the Royal Parks Agency to provide new zebra crossings on the ring road around the park.
Its streets are wide and well constructed, and there are sixteen public parks, three of which, East Lake, Lakeview and Capitol, are particularly attractive.
Jagged crags, sudden abysses, magnificent canyons, forests with open parks, undulating hills, mountain prairies, freaks of weathering and erosion, and the enclosing lines of the successive hog-backs afford scenery of remarkable variety and wild beauty.
In Lombardy and France tall hedges are sometimes formed of this poplar for shelter or shade, while in the suburban parks of Britain it is serviceable as a screen for hiding buildings or other unsightly objects from view; its growth is extremely rapid, and it often attains a height of Too ft.
In 1909 the city adopted by popular vote government by commission under a state law of 1907 providing for a mayor and four commissioners, heads of the executive, finance, streets and public improvements, parks, public buildings and health, and water and lights departments, all elected for two years and nominated by primary election or by petition signed by at least 25 voters.
About 637.8 acres are devoted to city parks, among which are William Byrd Park (300 acres), in the western part of the city, Joseph Bryan Park (262.6 acres), Chimborazo Park (29 acres), near its eastern boundary, Gambles Hill Park (8.8 acres), Monroe Square (72 acres), Jefferson Park (6.3 acres) and Marshall Square (7 acres).
Other parks are the Hofgarten, the Volksgarten and the Town Park, all adjoining the Ring-Strasse; the Augarten in the Leopoldstadt, the Belvedere Park in the Landstrasse, the Esterhazy Park in Mariahilf, and the Türkenschanz Park in Dobling.
Among the most popular resorts are the parks and gardens belonging to the imperial châteaux of Schönbrunn and Laxenburg.
There are 22 parks, with about 3800 acres within or on the borders of the city limits; among the parks are Griffith (3015 acres), Elysian (532 acres), Eastlake (57 acres), Westlake (35 acres) and Echo (38 acres).
Washington (5.6 acres), Lincoln (,o acres), Garfield and Hopkins are small parks in the city.
Over the CCC's nine-year life, its workers planted nearly three billion trees, built eight hundred parks, and constructed roads in remote areas.
Areas of study include Regionalism; East Anglian History and Landscape; Parks and Gardens; Churches and Monasteries; Medieval and Post-Medieval Archeology.
Pass native fishing villages and forested slopes; set foot on ice-age glaciers, visit Gold Rush settlements and parks of totem poles.
Alicante Safari Parks There are 2 main safari parks within easy driving distance of Alicante, & both are located in Alicante province itself.
By lunchtime, the car parks were full and a sizable crowd were enjoying the unexpected sunshine.
The Green Flag Award scheme is the national standard for parks and green spaces.
Poole has a greyhound and speedway stadium, an aquarium complex, a thriving Arts Center and water parks.
Amusement parks, beaches, county fairs are just a few examples of possible events for great tailgate parties.
You are here travel family travel theme parks and parks...
The program includes trekking through the Himalayas, going through the National Parks and Wildlife reserves.
Parks were once a vey good way of ensuring that your posterity if you were wealthy enough to own a fair bit of land.
Today 's visitors can use two spacious car parks adjacent to a wetlands nature reserve.
Their street and playful look could n't be best seen worn in the top parks of London.
We recommend that Zappy scooters be used in parks.
The culling of hundreds of Rhesus Macaques in a number of safari parks across Britain in 1999 highlighted the zoonoses issue.
Rosa Parks is a great example of a bastion for desegregation.
Take him to places, such as parks, grocery stores, and museums, and point out different objects, naming each one.
Check out local parks, free museum and art shows, or take a walk around the block.
One thing you will quickly discover as you travel and visit various RV parks is that there is an entire culture and community focused around motorhomes.
Most travel guides of major cities include sections that address day trips out of the city to nearby famous sites including villages and parks.
These include campsites within state and national parks.
Also nearby is Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks, where you can find campgrounds (it's recommended to make reservations), wonderful views and great chances to see wildlife.
Other rewards, such as free tickets to sporting events, concerts, or theme parks might be a worthwhile incentive for a business that can use these perks as employee bonuses.
The categories range from theme parks to grocery stores.
Farmers can use compost as a way to boost crop production, and landscapers often use compost in projects that create parks, golf courses and athletic fields.
In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the U.S. government began conserving scenic wilderness areas by forming National Parks.
The designers of public facilities located within the National Parks used materials found in the natural environment to construct and furnish the buildings they designed.
Waterproof formulas are a must-have in some situations (swimming, water parks, weddings, etc), but you may want to pick up a waterproof and non-waterproof version of your favorite.
Henna is popularly found here in America in amusement parks, beach side malls, and anywhere else where people are vacationing and are in the mood to try something a little different.
On the same map, you can view a road map, which lists road and street names, landmarks, and major areas like colleges and parks.
Forests, rivers, parks, and lakes are good choices for shooting outdoor portraits, but you want to make sure your background doesn't upstage your photo subject.
The cartridge contains the legendary Walt Disney alphabet that is seen throughout the parks and on all licensed apparel.
If you are still planning your trip to one of the Disney parks, make a list of photo ops you want to capture.
Featuring photos from different parks, the layouts show how the colors and embellishments can really set the stage for themes varying from Mickey Mouse to a haunted house and graveyard.
In fact, you can even purchase some Disney-themed scrapbook supplies in the amusement parks' gift shops.
Skiers who enjoy performing tricks in the terrain parks are often referred to as "freeriders."
Those who ski in powder and on steeper terrain will need a longer ski than those who ski on packed snow or in terrain parks.
Freestyle skiers and snowboarders have a choice of three of the Blue Mountain skiing area terrain parks.
The resort boasts three fully-equipped terrain parks.
These parks can be reached by the Toronto city bus lines, which make them suitable for day trips.
The resort has five terrain parks, 13 lifts and more than 34 trails.
Most resorts have trails and terrain parks that are designated for both activities.
There are 28 trails along with terrain parks.
It also has four terrain parks, a snowcross trail and 34 trails on over 158 skiable acres.
In addition to the area's cross-country ski resorts, some of North Michigan's state parks offer specific cross country skiing events.
All of these trails are located on National Park Service land, and therefore require a National Parks pass.
Also note that there are smaller resorts and community parks where skiing occurs as well.
The ski resort features 23 trails and two terrain parks.
Five different terrain parks, a tubing park with 21 slides, and 37 ski trails make this a mountain with a lot to offer.
Excellent group date activities include going to the movies, a special shopping trip, going to local fairs or amusement parks, or going as a team to a school social event.
In addition to the soccer, cycling, and skating opportunities listed previously, Bozeman Parks and Recreation offers information on dozens of teams, leagues, and organizations devoted to sports and fitness.
Places that are open in the summer like parks, watermarks and zoos are always looking for excess amounts of part time staff for the summer.
Include some of the two of you together, as well as individual pictures of yourself and pictures of places that you have been together, such as amusement parks or vacation spots.
Couples can also register for their honeymoon wishes online at all-inclusive resorts and destinations, such as the Disney parks.
In one of the parks we saw a crazy old woman talking to herself just like in the book "Midnight of Garden and Evil," then we had dinner in a strange Moroccan restaurant.
Many offer on-site hotel accommodations, or tickets for theme parks can be included as part of a honeymoon vacation package for an adventurous addition to your honeymoon.
In the United States alone there are hundreds of breathtaking national parks.
From simple ceremonies on the sand to elaborate celebrations at local beach parks, there is no limit to the details of a Hawaiian beach wedding on Oahu.
Outdoor locations can vary widely, from beaches to botanical gardens to parks to backyards.
Check with the convention bureau, parks and recreation department or the office you booked the beach through for answers to these questions.
The parks and recreation board or center who handles beach wedding bookings may offer table rentals or can direct you to reputable rental companies in the area.
Public parks or gardens are often available to rent.
The tour has sold out arenas nationwide, and in 2006 and 2007, will tour Six Flags amusement parks.
In 2006, former Culture Club singer Boy George was ordered to clean up New York City streets and parks after police found drugs in his apartment.
This is an excellent collection, featuring everyone from Mel Gibson to Rosa Parks.
Degrees are available in hotel management, dental hygiene, parks and natural resources and telecommunication technology, just to name a few.
Along with learning the basics of event planning and organization for businesses and corporations, students will also learn how to manage events for parks and recreation departments, resorts, sports centers, and nonprofits.
Both islands offer exquisite national parks with gorgeous foliage and extensive trails.
Inevitably, each tour will visit different cities (most frequently Fairbanks, Anchorage, or both) as well as assorted national parks - Denali is the most popular, home to the highest mountain in North America, the famed Mount McKinley.
Visiting the national parks is an awe-inspiring experience for many, and the convenience of an organized tour coordinated with a decadent cruise makes a truly remarkable vacation.
To preserve this balance of life, more than 25 percent of the country's area is protected through national parks, reserves, and sanctuaries.
Perfect for snorkeling and scuba diving, the island also has three national parks.
The company is part of the Walt Disney Parks and Resorts division and offers some of the same amenities found at Disney World and Disneyland.
Many city parks have banned dogs for different reasons, including public safety and sanitation.
For those parks that do still permit dogs, strict leash laws hamper their outdoor activities.
Some cities regularly advertise dog parks, but more often pet owners must seek them out.
Sanitary stations stocked with plastic bags and antibacterial hand lotion are usually provided in well-equipped canine parks, but owners should come prepared with their own materials.
Furthermore, avoid exceptionally swampy parks or areas of long grass that will harbor elevated mosquito populations.
No matter which method you choose to control ticks on your dog, always check your dog for these little hitchhikers anyway, especially after walks in parks or other wooded areas.
With spring here and summer around the corner, now we can be outside again and make use of our back yards, parks and beaches.
Many parks treat the grasses with chemicals and pesticides.
In some of the London parks they are arranged by themselves in large masses, generally of one kind only.
The site is part of the National Parks Services.
Once in the environment, they migrate through the water table, and can contaminate municipal water supplies, poison fish in local lakes, and damage the delicate balance of nature in our parks, wildlife refuges and neighborhoods.
In many areas of the country, spending time at campgrounds, parks or hiking trails brings the danger of exposure to deer ticks.
Named as a top place to retire by CNN Money, Holland, MI offers beaches, parks, festivals and farmers' markets.
Other nearby services may include specialized therapists and other health care professionals, shopping and restaurants, and parks with walking trails and play equipment for grandchildren.
National parks - If you're over 62, $10 buys a Golden Age Passport, permitting lifetime free access to all American national parks.
The pass currently costs $10 and provides free admission to national parks for the senior and up to three other adults, as well as a discount on other park services like camping.
The Chinese traditionally perform tai chi outdoors, which is considered optimal for good breathing, and so you can find tai chi classes in many local parks.
When you go to entertainment venues, such as movie theaters, zoos, or amusement parks, you may also qualify for a discount.
Seniors who visit museums, National Parks and tourist attractions in major cities will often be able to pay a reduced amount for admission.
Senior citizen programs are offered by many cities through their parks and recreation departments, local hospitals, libraries and other community center organizations.
Amtrak and Greyhound both offer senior discounts and most major theme parks offer senior citizen discount programs.
Sifting through the many senior citizens groups and programs may be an overwhelming endeavor, so to narrow your search you may want to consult your neighborhood newspaper or parks and recreation department.
The Senior Pass program offers an affordable way for seniors to visit federal parks and other facilities.
It includes discounted or free tours any of the national parks, wildlife refuges, or national monuments.
Many retirees choose to do things such as touring national parks and visiting historical sites around the country, but don't limit yourself to sightseeing only in far away places.
There are likely many hidden gems in your own town, and places to explore such as historical sites, museums, and parks.
The state is also home to many national and state parks, national monuments and historic sites.
When people hear the name Disney, most think of Disney theme parks and resorts located in California and Florida.
In addition, Disney provides options for vacation fun beyond the confines of their well-known theme parks by carrying the magic to their very own cruise line.
For those who prefer to visit Disney attractions when the parks are less crowded, schedule trips in off times like September, when kids have gone back to school and family vacations are put on hold.
Also, be sure to carry your card in the parks since many of the restaurants honor the 10% AAA discount.
There are a number of parks and nature trails that make this location a good fit for active seniors.
U. S. citizens and permanent residents older than 62 years old are eligible for a lifetime national parks senior pass for a one-time fee.
The National Parks Senior Pass is a great deal for seniors who enjoy visiting national wildlife refuges, national forests, national recreation areas, and national historic sites.
In some of these parks and recreation areas, additional discounts of up to 50% off may apply for what is termed "expanded amenity fees."
What exactly a senior pass buys isn't always clear-cut because there is such a variety and number of national parks.
For this reason, questions regarding additional discounts or what fees a pass holder is responsible for should be directed to individual parks or recreational locations you plan to visit.
Seniors can purchase their national parks pass at federal sites around the country.
Some, but not all, parks that accept the passes also sell them.
Some parks may also ask to see a photo I.D. to verify that the pass belongs to you.
Try to include contact information (web, address, phone) for specific parks at the end of an article, but if the topic is about a single ride or many parks at once, don't worry about it.
When adding pictures -- do not use generic ride pictures for specific parks.
For international parks, use the country's flag.
When in doubt, don't add a picture -- I'll find a suitable one when I edit the article (I've visited parks all over the country).
See Water Parks in Texas for examples of "generic" pictures in use.
Like all the related Six Flags parks, this installation offers quality entertainment, attractions, and dining with the added convenience of being very near a major metropolitan area, making it easily accessible.
Free admission to all 18 participating Six Flags parks nationwide, perfect for a quick getaway for different thrills.
Many other amusement and theme parks offer similar ride reservations for free, which has sparked the controversy about the Six Flags' extra charge pass, though other visitors appreciate the exclusivity.
Noah's Ark Water Park is America's largest water park, nestled on 70 acres in the heart of Wisconsin Dells and part of the country's biggest collection of indoor and outdoor water parks.
Theme parks and amusement parks may seem similar, but they have a basic fundamental difference.
Busch Gardens Tampa may not offer as many individual rides as some parks, but it focuses on high quality, unique rides that are far more than standard attractions.
There are many benefits to low-key parks - they are typically less expensive than major theme parks and they often feature more interactive games and attractions rather than rides that simply strap riders in for a quick thrill.
Low-key parks are fun for the whole family and most family members can participate in all attractions, instead of being divided by height for the park's best rides.
Furthermore, simple parks are often less crowded than famous theme park destinations, and visitors can usually opt to pay only for the attractions they are interested in, rather than larger parks that charge an overall gate admission.
For a fun day of activities without the high prices of well known theme parks, Pharaoh's Lost Kingdom in Redlands, California is a great option with fun attractions for everyone to enjoy..
There are dozens of admission options for the various Disney parks, and it is important to investigate the different features and benefits of each one in order to find the best choice for your Disney vacation.
Different Disney parks offer different ticket packages for visitors to choose from.
Walt Disney World in Florida, which includes several theme parks and other major attractions, is the larger of the two United States Disney destinations, and it therefore offers a wider range of ticket options.
Guests at the Disneyland complex in California, however, also have several types of tickets to choose from to maximize their getaway to one or both Disney parks in Los Angeles.
Other Disney attractions include the two Disney water parks, Typhoon Lagoon and Blizzard Beach, as well as Pleasure Island Disney's Wide World of Sports Complex.
Tickets to these parks also come in several variations to give guests the opportunity to customize their vacation.
With so many different parks making up both Walt Disney World and Disneyland, many guests look for the cheapest Disney tickets possible so they can enjoy all the parks without breaking the bank.
Both Florida and southern California resident discounts are available for their respective parks, and group discounts are another popular option for families, school trips, church groups, and other large parties.
Choosing less expensive hotels that offer free shuttles to the parks (this also avoids parking fees).
Traveling in the off season when parks typically offer greater discounts and package deals.
Great amusement parks offer many things, including fabulous ride selections, sparkling entertainment, and fun options for every member of the family.
In June 2006, however, the CBS Corporation opted to sell its Paramount parks, and Cedar Fair acquired them.
Season passes vary and range from $95 to $150 for adults ($70 to $150 for kids), depending on how many Cedar Fair parks and water parks are included on the pass.
There are several types of season passes available for the Disneyland resort parks.
These passports give guests unlimited access to both Disney parks for a total of 315 days throughout the year.
Spending hundreds of dollars for admission to a theme park, even such superbly designed parks as Disneyland and Disney's California Adventure, is something that many families have to consider very carefully.
Disneyland annual passes can be a great deal for prospective visitors who plan to spend more than a day or two at the theme parks.
Six Flags Magic Mountain, like all amusement and theme parks, reserves the right to close the park for unusual circumstances at any time and without notice.
These are also extremely rare and amusement parks will reopen as soon as safely possible.
From its beginnings as a berry farm to the theme park it is today, few parks have the history that Knott's Berry Farm has.
A variety of season passes are available, with some options including admission to other Cedar Fair theme parks around the country.
The state is home to eight different theme parks, including some of the most popular parks in the United States.
Together, these parks offer guests 43 roller coasters - a total that ranks Ohio as third in the nation behind California's 73 roller coasters and the 44 in Ohio's eastern neighbor, Pennsylvania.
With so many parks, Ohio is frequently home to new rides, including new unique coaster designs that are hard to find in other, less roller coaster dense destinations.
With so many parks in the state, several of them having reputations for superb roller coasters and continually new thrill seeking attractions, there is no telling what the next new Ohio roller coaster may be.
At the same time, however, amusement parks offer comprehensive training programs for their employees in an effort to avoid operator errors.
Very large amusement parks may have thousands of employees, and a single roller coaster may have anywhere from just two or three operators to a coordinated crew of more than a dozen operators keeping the ride moving smoothly.
To really experience both parks, this ticket is a great value.
You can visit both parks for an unlimited amount of time during a 7-day period.
Castaway Bay in Ohio is an exciting indoor water park that is also one of the hotels at Cedar Point that offers guests an amazing theme park getaway near one of the world's best amusement parks.
Parents and children who are fans of the theme parks are more inclined to try a product associated with a familiar name, and it also spreads publicity for the park.
True Disney fans may wonder how many Disney theme parks are in the world so they can plan the perfect theme park getaway to a fun fantasyland no matter where their vacation destination may be.
Today, a total of 21 Disney theme parks entertain and delight millions of eager visitors annually.
Most casual Disney fans are familiar with the major Disney theme parks, but true fans know that the theme parks are spread across three continents and include many other theme park-like venues.
Between the original Disneyland park in California and the mega Walt Disney World complex in Florida, the United States is home to the most Disney theme parks of any country in the world.
Though Disney's initial European expansion was slow to ignite Disney fervor, today it is a popular destination near Paris and adds to the total of how many Disney theme parks are in the world.
Guests from around the world enjoy Disney theme parks, and Asia is a natural market for this successful empire.
The first store opened in California in 1987 and while most stores are not operated by the parent Disney corporation, they still offer a glimpse of the fantasy all Disney parks are famous for.
With theme parks, water parks, cruise ships, shopping districts, stores and more, it is nearly impossible to determine just how many Disney theme parks are in the world today.
You can learn from other people's mistakes and take their good advice on how to save money, find the best lodging for your needs, and learn the best way to plan your days at the Disney World theme parks.
If, for example, you do not enjoy water parks, then Soak City vouchers or discounts are relatively worthless for your getaway, but you might enjoy more evening amusement park tickets.
Hundreds of visitors are injured at theme and amusement parks each year, from small bumps and bruises to slip and fall accidents, broken bones, strained backs, head injuries, and food poisoning.
There are hundreds of amusement parks, traveling fairs, and local carnivals throughout the country that entertain millions of guests each year.
Complimentary transportation is provided to Disney World theme parks.
Free scheduled shuttles to the downtown Disney area and area parks make getting to your favorite attractions easy.
This Hilton property is located across from the Downtown Disney Marketplace and provides free transportation to Disney World theme parks and water parks.
Although it's a Hilton hotel, it is considered an official hotel of the Walt Disney World Resort, so there are Extra Magic Hours benefits (early admission to theme parks or extended evening hours).
Season passes are available and provide unlimited park visits to Six Flags Great America and Hurricane Harbor, as well as 15 Six Flag theme parks nationwide.
Players complete elaborate scenarios and manage different types of theme parks in addition to building, testing, and riding their own roller coasters.
When parks are closed and rides are quiet for the season, coaster fans can play roller coaster games for excitement and thrills while they await the newest attractions on opening day.
Companies in Florida may give away free tickets to Disney parks and other local attractions.
Disney World employees receive free admission to the major parks as part of their employee benefits.
The Great Wolf Lodge is a well known company of indoor water parks with a dedicated family-oriented design and rustic, north woods lodge-style décor.
One resort is also part of the world renowned Wisconsin Dells water parks community, and another is in Canada.
The Sandusky Great Wolf Lodge was formerly the Great Bear indoor water park resort and is one of the state's oldest indoor water parks, delivering superb accommodations and amenities for the entire family.
Because both Ohio lodges are near immensely popular amusement parks, rooms can sell out quickly for the peak summer season.
This facility is next door to the convention hall, and is only about one mile away from both Disney parks.
It's just a few minutes away from the Disney parks and the Convention Center, and offers a number of amenities that will appeal to vacationers and business travelers alike.
Abandoned amusement parks are a fact of life in this competitive industry, but why do parks vanish and what becomes of their familiar rides and attractions?
These defunct amusement parks may stand empty for years, or they may be quickly removed to make way for new construction developments or other projects.
Another term frequently applied to abandoned amusement parks is "SBNO" - standing but not operating.
This could be due to limited land space, development limitations imposed by the city or state, or simply because a small park cannot compete with the newest high-tech attractions at larger, more profitable parks.
Many times, small family owned parks may be sold to housing developers or other corporations that opt to abandon the amusement park in favor of potentially more profitable projects.
In these instances, the small parks may be completely abandoned or they may be gradually dismantled as rides are sold or relocated.
While amusement parks do carry insurance in case of property damage, the increased premiums after severe damage may be an economic reason for the park's closure.
Sometimes rides and attractions may be removed from abandoned amusement parks to be put in storage to keep them from decaying while legal and financial concerns are sorted out.
While this may be a tragic end for some amusement parks, it is no less tragic than the gradual decay that most abandoned amusement parks undergo.
For years after the parks close, the rides stand empty and go without care or maintenance, gradually surrendering to rust, wood rot, overgrown plants, and other forces that destroy them as effectively as any bulldozer.
Amusement parks hold many fond memories for the guests who enjoy the excitement they offer, and abandoned amusement parks often live on with tributes, documentaries, and regional histories dedicated to their history.
You can purchase Park Hopper tickets, which cover admission to both parks, for any number of consecutive days between one and five.
Those who plan to visit the parks several times in a one year period of time can benefit from purchasing one of the two different types of Disneyland annual passes.
The Premium Annual Passport, which allows unlimited admission and parking for the California Disney parks for a full year, is available for $389.
Residency verification may be required when you enter the parks as well.
These are quick, compact coasters popular at many parks.
Because there are so many theme parks in Orlando, Florida, it is a theme park getaway dream destination for many roller coaster fans and amusement park connoisseurs.
Orlando is a great location for theme parks.
The mild climate with its balmy winters ensures that parks can stay open throughout the year, yet Orlando is far enough away from the coast to be spared the brunt of severe storms, including hurricanes.
The major theme parks, however, are Orlando's most valuable tourist attractions.
The Walt Disney World Resort complex with its multiple parks is undoubtedly the centerpiece of the theme parks in Orlando, Florida.
While every hotel at Disney World and many of the stores are fascinating attractions on their own, the major theme parks annually entertain millions of guests seeking a slice of Disney magic.
Budget carefully for theme parks - tickets can cost $50 or more per park, so look for discount tickets, package deals, and other savings whenever possible.
There are enough theme parks in Orlando, Florida to fill an entire vacation with nothing but thrills and excitement.
By knowing what different parks offer and how to visit them effectively, guests can enjoy every minute of their Florida getaway.
Official Disney World ETickets went away with the dawn of the 1980s, however the term is still used today to describe many of the exceptionally thrilling, exhilarating, and creative rides found within Disney's parks.
When Disney World opened in the 1970s, a duplicate book system was used, and it wasn't until 1982 that both of the major theme parks retired the ticket books for a more easily managed all-day pass.
Disney World has long since extended beyond just the Magic Kingdom, now officially home to Epcot, Animal Kingdom, Disney-MGM, and two water parks.
Below are just a few of the current Eticket rides currently operating in the Florida parks.
Aspiring young astronauts will love this adventure, as will adults looking for a change of pace at the parks.
For awhile, Disney hosted "ETicket Nights" that allowed guests to go on select rides within the parks, and the Disney cast member magazine is known as "The E-Ticket."
The three Sea World theme parks - Sea World San Diego, Sea World San Antonio, and Sea World Florida in Orlando - offer guests an intimate glimpse into aquatic life.
In turn, this makes ticket prices high, but savvy park guests can find Sea World discounts that allow them to enjoy all these parks have to offer without drowning under a tidal wave of dollar signs.
Finding discount Sea World tickets is the easiest way to save money when visiting one of these parks.
Food at all amusement parks is notoriously expensive, and eating outside the park can help trim the fat from a food budget.
Many hotels also offer free shuttle service to local parks, including Sea World, which can eliminate parking fees and traffic delays.
Each Sea World park is located near other exciting attractions, and guests should be sure to investigate discount offers for other theme parks, restaurants, museums, and special events.
Finding Sea World discounts on tickets, hotels, souvenirs, food, and other vacation amenities can help interested travelers enjoy the beauty and excitement of these parks without needing a whale of a budget.
Founded in 1961 with the opening of Six Flags Over Texas in Arlington, the Six Flags chain of amusement parks has grown to more than 20 parks in the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
At one point, there were also numerous Six Flags theme park locations in Europe, but those parks were eventually sold as the corporation consolidated its efforts.
The iconic logo is frequently accompanied by the words "Six Flags" as well as the names of specific parks, though the orientation of the words around the logo can vary.
The logo is also prominently featured as a decorative item in the parks and is displayed on signs, flags, and admission gates.
For example, the park's logo is prominent on Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 games because several parks and coaster designs have been replicated as virtual environments for play.
The latest splashtastic attraction at water parks around the world is the Master Blaster water slide, an exhilarating water coaster that offers guests one wild experience among the waves.
This also makes water coasters ideal for indoor water parks because they can offer high powered thrills without a high initial starting platform.
Hundreds of Master Blaster slides can be found around the world at both indoor and outdoor water parks, and they are often voted the best attractions at popular water parks because of their uniqueness and adrenaline-inducing layouts.
Some parks even use tamer versions of Master Blaster slides as people-movers throughout the park, creating a more exhilarating alternative to lazy rivers or waiting pools.
Many large water parks, as well as newer locations, offer water coasters.
While at first parks were content to offer just one of these innovative coaster slides, many parks now offer multiple Master Blaster attractions.
While "Master Blaster" is the recognizable industry name for these attractions, and several parks do use that name for the ride itself, any water slide that is referred to as a "water coaster" is a similar design.