Parents Sentence Examples
We love our parents, siblings and friends.
I had complete faith that what my parents did was right, whatever it was.
Even your parents had to come up to see you.
Parents whose children are in the military generally aren't the ones hawkishly pushing for war.
Her parents fought and forgave.
My parents at once determined to take me to Baltimore to see if anything could be done for my eyes.
My parents were delighted to hear me speak, and I was overjoyed to give them such a happy surprise.
It's not like you and I who remember our parents; he literally just met his mother for the first time!
Your parents will realize that.
It had 4K of memory and cost my parents about $200.
AdvertisementBenjamin's parents showed him the picture.
I made the mistake of telling her that parents of two of the girls wanted me here to protect them from thieves and murderers.
Maybe she wasn't happy with the way her parents lived.
His parents and friends begged him not to go.
I know my parents loved me, but there are other ways to teach children without hurting them, Martha.
AdvertisementWe didn't let on to this guy, Jude Bryce, about the tip but he was a close neighbor and the parents suspected he might be involved so he was in our radar.
You're trying to live like your parents, Carmen.
We learned later, at first the police were suspicious of the parents as they couldn't believe someone could enter a small house with sleeping adults and two boys in an adjoining room, and not be heard.
Your parents saved money.
It was something her parents never understood... which was probably why they moved to Fayetteville.
AdvertisementIf there had been discord between her parents, she had never seen any indication.
Natasha and Nicholas often noticed their parents conferring together anxiously and privately and heard suggestions of selling the fine ancestral Rostov house and estate near Moscow.
Kids love the adventure, and parents love the pageantry.
Probably not, but she was born and raised here - and her parents are buried here.
His parents are too poor to pay to have the little fellow sent to school; so, instead of giving me a dog, the gentlemen are going to help make Tommy's life as bright and joyous as mine.
AdvertisementWhy don't you call your parents?
But did they love her enough to really punish her like parents did—real parents, with kids of their own?
Naturally neither Natasha nor her parents wished to hear of this, but Prince Andrew was firm.
They never finalized our position as foster parents.
Anyone who has a child knows the love and concern parents feel for their offspring.
In 1810 he received letters from his parents, in which they told him of Natasha's engagement to Bolkonski, and that the wedding would be in a year's time because the old prince made difficulties.
Then he went on to say that he knew her parents would not give her to him--for this there were secret reasons he could reveal only to her--but that if she loved him she need only say the word yes, and no human power could hinder their bliss.
And your old parents, are they still living? he asked.
She would never have considered back-talking her parents.
It was amazing how children honed in on parents emotions and sympathized.
My parents are at a restaurant.
I don't remember much about the parents except they didn't like me.
Your parents will miss us.
Parents would be nice.
The car would be replaced by the insurance that was meant to replace her parents' car.
And why was she so eager to meet his parents?
How could you not know, when he invited you to go see his parents?
Still, by refusing to go up there with Brandon, she was standing between him and his parents.
Are you angry with me because I didn't want to go up to see your parents?
Would it be such an imposition to take just one day off to go see my parents?
Life was empty without him and no one seemed to be anxious to replace him - especially her parents.
You too, probably," then he added, "even if you don't have real parents."
David and Cynthia Dean had experienced little success in trying to secure a more formal arrangement for long term custody of Martha, managing only undocumented assignment as temporary foster parents.
At least Randy and Jen had years of history together, most of their education behind them, and what would ultimately prove to be supportive parents.
So you're not even official foster parents?
Fred had told him the young girl lived between divorced parents, always at odds with one or the other.
Alex and Carmen were the only parents Destiny had ever known.
Alex had lost his parents and had to quit college to raise his little sister.
Carmen had lost her parents before she met Alex.
Carmen had worked with Josh's parents to reserve both the money and the farm for Destiny.
Why not one of his sisters or brothers – or his parents?
Our parents thought two was enough.
Did you ever come to know of your parents being different in any way?
He hadn't been on his own planet since his parents were killed, and he wasn't sure how the planet would choose someone for him when he wasn't there.
Meeting his parents, them accepting me, fitting in with the new place, you know.
Tomorrow she would meet Romas's alien-brothers and parents.
But to know even his most trusted advisor had lost faith in him enough to consort with the man who slaughtered his parents … "We'll talk later," he said, disturbed.
He has since his parents were killed.
Frowning, she went to the kitchen, worried Evelyn's cat found its way home from its adoptive parents up the street.
This was the type of attitude A'Ran had been forced to deal with since his parents were murdered.
It could have been anything, but I'd guess she had a serious rift at home, probably with her parents.
But given the pair of parents the boy was forced to live with, it's a wonder he's as well adjusted as he is.
Connor had decided not to tell his parents about their marriage.
Connor had decided to tell his parents they were going away for the holiday and Elisabeth didn't want to deal with any family issues on her first Christmas with Jackson.
After all, didn't you say your parents left a will dedicating money for that purpose?
His folks were there when I was born and they're like second parents to me, but I'm not going to marry Josh because I'm lonely and poor.
Besides, a baby deserves the right to be welcomed by both parents.
He has two parents and three sisters.
Maybe your parents just got lucky.
As if that were not trial enough, her parents had been ultra religious and conservative.
His parents were poor, and he received a meagre education, but made up for it by careful self-culture.
When Otanes was twelve years old, his parents wished to send him to a distant city to study in a famous school that was there.
Parents were unable to leave their home to bury their child if the child died in the hospital.
Parents kept their children at home, especially in the summer, and certainly away from public swimming areas.
Your parents and friends must take great satisfaction in your progress.
You must remember, dear teacher, that Greek parents were very particular with their children, and they used to let them listen to wise words, and I think they understood some of them.
Then my parents knew I would live, and they were very happy.
If you are going to fight a duel, and you make a will and write affectionate letters to your parents, and if you think you may be killed, you are a fool and are lost for certain.
After the first feeling of perplexity aroused in the parents by Berg's proposal, the holiday tone of joyousness usual at such times took possession of the family, but the rejoicing was external and insincere.
But he went with the firm intention of letting her and her parents feel that the childish relations between himself and Natasha could not be binding either on her or on him.
Before the beginning of the campaign, Rostov had received a letter from his parents in which they told him briefly of Natasha's illness and the breaking off of her engagement to Prince Andrew (which they explained by Natasha's having rejected him) and again asked Nicholas to retire from the army and return home.
He seemed grieved that Pierre had no parents, especially that he had no mother.
Princess Mary asked the countess to let Natasha go with her to Moscow, and both parents gladly accepted this offer, for they saw their daughter losing strength every day and thought that a change of scene and the advice of Moscow doctors would be good for her.
Write to her parents, and leave it to me.
Thinking back, her parents had done both in front of her.
According to Lisa, they were the closest thing to a family that she had other than her parents and siblings.
While she would never have described her parents as over-protective, their devotion to their children was never in doubt.
No. I was thinking about driving up to my parents place today.
So, what do your parents think of this arrangement.
The truth is, I like your companionship - and I'd like my parents to meet one of my best friends.
My parents used to listen to those old songs.
Like her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Marsh had the kind of marriage she would like to have some day – happy.
When you went up to visit his parents, how much time did you spend with them, and how much time did you spend on the ranch?
Kids think their parents should work two jobs to pay for their college education.
We were directed by a friendly voice on our GPS, a previously unused present from my retired parents.
Schedules were exchanged until a free weekend opened up, after our obligatory trip to Iowa and Betsy's parents.
Then she added, We've always treated you exactly the same as if we were your natural parents.
I lied to my parents when they asked me, but a neighbor had seen me there.
Both of my parents were really upset.
I deserved what I got, at least in my parents' eyes.
Then he added, "And we want our parents to feel the same way too."
Dean asked, "Do Jen's parents know?"
Poor Jen must be a wreck and she has telling her parents to look forward to.
That evening Carmen studied the picture of Alex and Katie's parents.
As she dusted his parents' picture, she thought about him.
Thanks to him, my parents fought and I had an unattractive name.
My parents died in a house fire when I was eighteen.
So one of her parents was like us?
She couldn't imagine an upbringing with no parents, a clan of brothers who hated him, and no ability to change his nature.
Wanting to give his friend, Rhyn, a moment of peace with his dead-dead parents, he waited until Rhyn was gone before withdrawing from the shadows.
He never expected his long dead parents to respond but waited anyway.
His gaze lifted, and he recalled vividly the last time he.d seen his parents in this very spot, when they were cut down by bloodthirsty demons during the only period in Immortal history when demons attacked humans.
Your parents must not have liked you much.
If you keep on waiting, you're going to be having children in your fifties, like your parents.
A product of being an only child of aging parents, no doubt.
I never knew why foster parents didn't like me.
It was the only thing I had of my parents, or what I assumed had been my parents.
Was it from my parents?
She was about as close to her parents as any child I've ever seen.
Being ultra conservative and religious didn't make her parents wrong.
In two weeks Alex would be making the decisions and everything that once belonged to her parents would belong to him as well.
Her parents had always cautioned her against making pets of the farm animals.
Maybe Mary was right – and yet, that would mean her parents had been wrong.
Carmen had tried to talk to Alex about his parents on several occasions but he simply gave brief answers and then changed the subject.
That indicated his parents had a lot of faith in him.
Your parents were buried here?
I never thought of doing anything like that for my parents.
He had taken her favorite picture of her parents to an artist and had a painting made that matched the one of his parents.
She was hung up on the biological issue – insisting that if they were patient, God would work miracles and they would have a child, as her parents had.
Carmen was a change-of-life baby, the only child of aging parents.
Maybe it had something to do with the fact that his parents had died in a plane crash.
What had it been like for their parents?
What had it been like for Alex raising Katie after their parents died?
As an only child growing up with aging parents and no relatives, life had often been lonely.
Think of the things she would miss and the instability of having no parents.
The school was sponsoring a play with reversed roles – students playing the part of parents and vice versa.
Carmen had been raised poor by aging and conservative parents who were old time religious.
She had been protected from outside influence – partly by having no television and partly by the fact that neither of her parents worked away from the home.
Carmen was certain that her parents would have loved him, but he wasn't so sure.
What happened to their parents?
If educated at home, the child (after two years of the compulsory period has expired) must undergo a yearly examination, and if it is unsatisfactory the parents will be compelled to send him to a public or private school.
In 1806 his parents removed to Ashtabula county, Ohio, then sparsely settled and almost a wilderness.
The statements as to his parentage and early life are conflicting; but it seems probable that his parents, though poor, were respectable.
The son of humble parents, his father being a truck driver, he was educated in the St.
His parents were of noble birth, and were probably named Einhart and Engilfrit; and their son was educated in the monastery of Fulda, where he was certainly residing in 788 and in 7 9 1.
He was remarkable for ugliness, and was an object of aversion to his parents.
As a result of these assemblies it was decided that those who had become members in childhood simply by virtue of their parents' status could not subsequently join in the celebration of the Lord's Supper nor record votes on ecclesiastical issues, unless they should approve themselves fit; they might, however, in their turn bring their children to baptism and hand on to them the degree of membership which they themselves had received from their own parents.
In 1851 a compromise measure was substituted, increasing the state appropriation to $800,000 and exempting indigent parents from the " rate bill," which was finally abolished in 1867.
All primary and some secondary public schools are controlled by provincial education boards elected by school committees of the parents of pupils.
His parents, having embraced the principles of the Reformation, emigrated to the Palatinate in 1578, in order to enjoy freedom to profess their new faith, and they sent their son to be educated at Strassburg under Johann Sturm (1507-1589).
During the interval between the citation and the appearance of the accused, the professorial members of the synod was instructed to prepare themselves to be able to confute the Arminian errors, and the synod occupied itself with deliberations as to a new translation of the Bible, for which a commission was named, made arrangements for teaching the Heidelberg catechism, and granted permission to the missionaries of the East Indies to baptize such children of heathen parents as were admitted into their families.
He was sent by his parents to frequent the Roman schools, but shocked by the prevailing licentiousness he fled away.
On the decease of his parents in 1838 he was received into the Casa Barolo, where he remained till his death, assisting the marchesa in her charities, and writing chiefly upon religious themes.
Further, ministers of the various denominations might give, on the special request of the parents, instruction to the children of their own congregations for one hour on one day in each week.
Every school was under the supervision of a committee elected by the parents of the children.
Dogmatic teaching was prohibited during school hours, except in rural schools when parents required such teaching to be given.
His parents were of Scottish-Irish descent, but the ancestors of both had been in New England for several generations.
His parents were Quakers, and he himself for many years was in communion with the (Darbyite) Plymouth Brethren, but afterwards became a Presbyterian.
The fact that out of a population of 285,315 in 1900, 88,991 were foreign-born, and 235,889 were of foreign parentage, that 53,854 were born in Germany, that 124,211 had both parents born in Germany, and that 26,834 additional had one or the other parent born in Germany, stamps the character of Milwaukee's population.
Since it regards the training and instruction of childhood as inseparable, and holds that the former is essentially the work of the Church, it contests the right of the state to compel parents to send their children to the state schools and only to the state schools.
While the title "Fathers" was given from at least the beginning of the 4th century to church writers of former days, as being the parents of Christian belief and thought for later times, the expression "Apostolic Fathers" dates only from the latter part of the 1 7th century.
He lost both his parents in infancy, was brought up by a grandmother, and was educated at private schools and by a private tutor.
Of the total population in 1900, 48,349 had either one or both parents foreign-born, German being the principal racial element.
The petition of the archbishop of Posen that the children should be allowed to receive religious instruction in Polish having been rejected by the Prussian minister of education, he issued on the 17th of October a pastoral allowing parents to confine religious instruction became the seat of a Christian bishopric about the middle of the 10th century.
Wincenty Pot (1807-1872) was born at Lublin, and though of foreign extraction by both parents proved an ardent patriot.
An important writer of history is Karl Szajnocha (1818-1868), born in Galicia of Czech parents.
Of the total population in 1900, 43,872 were of foreign parentage (both parents foreign-born), and of these 18,410 were of Irish parentage.
Pop. (1880) 18,472; (1890) 27,412; (1900) 37,175, of whom 8530 were foreign-born (including 2403 French Canadians, 1651 English Canadians and 2144 Irish), and 15,077 were of foreign parentage (both parents foreign-born); (1910 census) 44,115.
School books are purchased out of the proceeds of the school tax, but parents may purchase if they prefer.
Leaving his wife in the care of her parents, he returned to England to settle his affairs.
The parents leave the eggs to hatch where they are deposited, in sand or in mould.
It may be noted that Sir Oliver Lodge has adopted the catechetical form in his book, The Substance of Faith Allied with Science (1907), which is described as " a catechism for parents and teachers."
Mexican citizenship includes all persons born of Mexican parents, all naturalized aliens, and all foreigners owning real estate in the republic or having children by Mexican mothers unless formal declaration is made of an intention to retain the citizenship of another country.
Below the freemen were the slaves, who were war-captives, persons enslaved for punishment, or children sold by their parents.
These idiosyncrasies met with no sympathy from either of his parents, whose ambitious plans for his future career they threatened to disappoint.
His parents gave up their purpose for a time.
An only son, late born, seeing no companions of his own age, hearing nothing but the voices of his parents and the hymns and prayers in the little Calvinist chapel, Arany grew up a grave and gentle, but by no means an ignorant child.
Both his parents died while he was still a child, and he was left to the guardianship of his elder brother, Rene du Bellay, who neglected his education, leaving him to run wild at La Turmeliere.
The misfortune and misconduct of his parents were not the only troubles of Kepler's childhood.
Was not the duty of following the Messiah to supersede even that of burying one's parents, the most sacred of all ancient obligations?
Separating from the total population of the country in 1900 the non-Caucasians (9,185,379), all white persons having both parents foreign (20,803,800), and one-half (2,541,365) of the number of persons having only one parent foreign, the remaining 43,555,250 native inhabitants comprised the descendants of the Americans of 1790, plus those of the few inhabitants of annexed territories, plus those in the third and higher generations of the foreigners who entered the country after 1790 (or for practical purposes, after 1800).
Moreover, in the third and fourth centuries the infants of Christian parents were frequently left unbaptized for years, e.g.
The dragon-flies and May-flies are also active throughout their lives and possess external wingrudiments, though the young insects differ rather strikingly from their parents.
They resemble the May-flies in their " hemimetabolous " lifehistory; the young insects are markedly unlike their parents, inhabiting fresh water and breathing dissolved air, either through tracheal gills at the tip of the abdomen, or by a branching system of air-tubes on the walls of the rectum into which water is periodically admitted.
Georgia's system of public instruction was not instituted until 1870, but as early as 1817 the legislature provided a fund for the education in the private schools of the state of children of indigent parents.
His parents were Quakers in poor circumstances, and gave him very little education.
His parents were poor, and his father died when Andrew was four years old.
The veliger, as soon as its shell has attained some extent and begins to assume definite shape, is no longer of a form common to Mollusca generally, but acquires characters peculiar to the partiY cular class to which its parents belong.
When she was a small child her parents moved to Massachusetts, and soon afterwards to Michigan, where her father cleared a farm, 40 m.
He removed with his parents to Stoughton in 1723, attended the country school there, and at an early age learned the cobbler's trade in his father's shop. Removing to New Milford, Connecticut, in 1743, he worked as county surveyor, engaged in mercantile pursuits, studied law, and in 1754 was admitted to the bar.
Of the native-born whites, 155,716 had either one or both parents foreign-born; and of the total population 93,256 were of unmixed German parentage.
He was regarded by his parents, and seems to have regarded himself, as a genius.
The marriage, we are told, was arranged by the parents of the pair, and was a somewhat hurried act.
John Ruskin returned to his parents, with whom he resided till their death; and neither his marriage nor the annulling of it seems to have affected seriously his literary career.
In 1907-1908 a home for non-leprous boys of leprous parents was established at Honolulu.
Of good descent, his parents were known for generous piety.
Orphans of respectable parents have a home at Birmingham, and the reformatory school has done splendid service for lads who have committed a first offence.
The controversy with Prussia about the education of children of whose parents but one was Roman Catholic led to the imprisonment of Droste-Vischering, archbishop of Cologne, and later of Dunin, archbishop of Gnesen-Posen; but the accession of the royal romanticist Frederick William IV.
His parents had migrated from Yorkshire to London, where his father worked as a blacksmith.
The parents of Faraday belonged to the very small and isolated Christian sect which is commonly called after Robert Sandeman.
The gynaecratic habits of the race are manifested in the names of all these kings, which were formed by a combination of those of their parents, the mother's generally preceding that of the father.
At the age of fourteen he went with his parents to Copenhagen, where he studied theology and natural science.
Schaw's Hospital Trust, at one time intended for the education and maintenance of the children of poor parents, has been modified, and the bequest is used to provide free education and bursaries, while the building has been leased by the trustees of Miss Mary Murray, who bequeathed £20,000 (afterwards increased to 30,000) for the training of poor children as domestic servants.
For it is to be expected a priori that, since albinoes were derived from pigmented progenitors and may at any time appear, side by side with pigmented brothers, in a litter from pigmented parents, they would be carrying the pattern determinants of some one or other of their pigmented ancestors.
C. C. Hurst, more recently, has shown that albino rabbits, whether pure bred for eight generations at least, or extracted from pigmented parents, may carry the determinants for black or for black and grey.
The experiments of the latter author show that, if a gametically pure black rat be crossed with an albino derived from a piebald black and white ancestry, all the offspring in successive litters will be black; but if the same black parent be crossed with albinoes extracted from parents of which one or both are grey, then both grey and black members will appear in the successive litters.
Or, to express it otherwise, an albino extracted from yellow parents, bred with an albino extracted from black parents, will give an albino offspring whose gametes in equal numbers are bearers of the black and yellow determinants.
In his youth he occupied the painful position of an heir apparent who was carefully excluded from all share in government by the jealousy of his parents, and the prevalence of a royal favourite.
This is done about midsummer, when by the aid of torches and long poles many thousands of the young birds are slaughtered, while their parents in alarm and rage hover over the destroyers' heads, uttering harsh and deafening cries.
The first book, Gargantua, describes the birth of that hero (a giant and the son of gigantic parents), whose nativity is ushered in by the account of a tremendous feast.
Livy's easy independent life at Rome, and his aristocratic leanings in politics seem to show that he was the son of well-born and opulent parents; he was certainly well educated, being widely read in Greek literature, and a student both of rhetoric and philosophy.
He dwells with delight on the unselfish patriotism of the old heroes of the republic. In those times children obeyed their parents, the gods were still sincerely worshipped, poverty was no disgrace, sceptical philosophies and foreign fashions in religion and in daily life were unknown.
His parents were Germans.
Hart in The Jewish Quarterly Review for July 1907, the gist of which is that Jesus commends the Pharisees for insisting that when a man has vowed a vow to God he should pay it even though his parents should suffer.
According to Sozomen, his parents were both orthodox Christians, according to the creed sanctioned by the council of Nicaea.
These colonies make provision for the training of boys recruited from those rescued from slavery, from orphans, and from children abandoned or neglected by their parents.
He would be travelling, he said, to all quarters of the kingdom, and must therefore have a mound by which to recognize his parents' resting-place.
They practically constitute sub-races, with a general blending of the characters of the two parents, and only differing from fully-established races in more or less tendency to revert to one or other of the original types.
During his infancy his parents removed to Fountain county, -Indiana, near Veedersburg.
His original name was Jacques Duese, and he came either of a family of petty nobility or else of well-to-do middle-class parents, and was not, as has been popularly supposed, the son of a shoemaker.
Swift's grave humour and power of enforcing momentous truth by ludicrous exaggeration were next displayed in his Modest Proposal for Preventing the' Children of Poor People from being a Burden to their Parents or the Country, by fattening and eating them (1729), a parallel to the Argument against Abolishing Christianity, and as great a masterpiece of tragic as the latter is of comic irony.
On the other hand, from the experiments of Mendel and others, we now know that crossbred animals and plants may present all the characters of one of their pure-bred parents, and we also know that the offspring of what are regarded as pure-bred parents sometimes revert to remote, it may be quite different, ancestors.
His parents were Protestants, and he was educated at the free school at York, where, it is said, John and Christopher Wright and the Jesuit Tesimond alias Greenway, afterwards implicated in the conspiracy, were his schoolfellows.
Three of these (woo) restrict the calling of the grand jury, permit two-thirds of a petit jury to render verdicts in courts not of record, and three-fourths to give verdict in civil ' In 1900 only one person in six had both parents of foreign birth.
Although her parents were in easy circumstances, Joan never learned to read or write, and received her sole religious instruction from her mother, who taught her to recite the Pater Noster, Ave Maria, and Credo.
Towards her parents her conduct was uniformly exemplary, and the charm of her unselfish kindness made her a favourite in the village.
David was the second child of his parents, Neil Livingston (for so he spelled his name, as did his son for many years) and Agnes Hunter.
His parents were typical examples of all that is best among the humbler families of Scotland.
In due time she started with the intention of being confined at her parents' home, but the party halting on the way under the shade of some lofty satin-trees, in a pleasant garden called Lumbini on the river-side, her son, the future Buddha, was there unexpectedly born.
Then she went to other houses, but one said "I have lost a son," another "We have lost our parents," another "I have lost my slave."
In their extremity many of the Kaffirs turned cannibals, and one instance of parents eating their own child is authenticated.
There is, however, an absolute pleasure in certain virtues such as belong to the love of country, parents and friends.
His parents were Quakers from Massachusetts.
This relation was soon by the canonists identified with the blood-tie which connects real parents with their offspring, and the corollary drawn that children, who in baptism had the same god-parent, were real brothers and sisters, who might not marry either each the other or real children of the said god-parent.
Ptolemy deified his parents as the Oeol AS€A401, and his sister-wife, after her death (270), as Philadelphus.
But he marched no further than Dumfries, and then turned back, on the vain pretext that he must conduct his parents funeral in person.
He gave the institutions, which had been thus established, the full benefit of the assistance which the government was prepared to afford to board schools, on their adopting a conscience clause under which the religious susceptibilities of the parents of children were protected.
In 1823 his parents took him to Ohio, and about ten years afterwards to Michigan.
His promise as a mathematician induced his parents to send him to the university of Cambridge, and in October 1839 he entered as a sizar at St John's College.
Of the total population in 1900, 3 0, 44 6 were foreign-born, including 11,235 Irish, 9613 English Canadians, 1944 English, 1483 French Canadians and 1584 Swedish; and 54,200 were of foreign parentage (both parents foreign-born), including 24,961 of Irish parentage, 9829 of English-Canadian parentage, 2587 of English parentage, and 2 288 of French-Canadian parentage.
The parents made a show of their child, decking her out like a bride on a bed, and asserting that she had eaten no food for two years.
Some reckless enthusiasts for truth set four trustworthy hospital nurses to watch her; the Celtic obstinacy of the parents was roused, and in defence of their imposture they allowed death to take place in eight days.
Parents are free to disinherit their children; and, if a son separates from the family without his father's permission, he receives no share of the property except a gun and his wife's dowry.3 The Lapps are of necessity conservative in most of their habits, many of which can hardly have altered since the first taming of the reindeer.
In Greek mythology the term was specially applied to the stone supposed to have been swallowed by Cronus (who feared misfortune from his own children) in mistake for his infant son Zeus, for whom it had been substituted by Uranus and Gaea, his wife's parents (Etymologicum Magnum, s.v.).
Turkish ideas prevail about their social position; but so highly valued are their services, that parents are often unwilling to see their daughters marry; and wives are in many cases older than their husbands.
He was certainly a Christian when he married Palladia, the daughter of heathen parents, Hypatius and Quieta, whose 'displeasure he incurred by persuading his wife to retire with him to a distant monastery, which is almost certainly that founded by St Honoratus at Lerins.
Deeply convinced of the importance of education for the young, Calvin and his coadjutors were solicitous to establish schools throughout the city, and to enforce on parents the sending of their children to them; and as he had no faith in education apart from religious training, he drew up a catechism of Christian doctrine which the children had to learn whilst they were receiving secular instruction.
Subsequent epidemics have not been attended by anything like this mortality, but there has, however, been a steady decrease, principally among young children, owing to whooping-cough, tuberculosis and croup. Every Fijian child seems to contract yaws at some time in its life, a mistaken notion existing on the part of the parents that it strengthens the child's physique.
The Irish Education Act of 1892 provided that the parents of children of not less than 6 nor more than 14 years of age should cause them to attend school in the absence of reasonable excuse on at least 150 days in the year in municipal boroughs and in towns or townships under commissioners; and provisions were made for the partial or total abolition of fees in specified circumstances, for a parliamentary school grant in lieu of abolished school fees, and for the augmentation of the salaries of the national teachers.
It was usual for a chief to send his child to one of his own sub-chiefs, but the parents often chose a chief of their own rank.
In fact, it's likelier that kids of that day were forbidden by proper parents from hanging out at the Globe Theater.
The regiment was also a home, and as unalterably dear and precious as his parents' house.
If it were something specific, it would be one thing, but Jonathan was a good boy and he didn't want to stifle him the way Carmen's parents did her.
High above them were the graves of her parents.
It was different standing beside what was left of her parents and looking down.
They had badgered the parents of their thirteen year old member into getting him a cell phone and then had started on Carmen.
That's what her parents would have said if she had sassed them that way and it slipped out of her mouth before she had time to think about it.
At first I thought Alfonso would have an opportunity to prepare for this – I mean, it wouldn't be like waking him up to tell him his parents had died in a plane crash.
He had never discussed the death of his parents before.
You thought a lot of your parents, didn't you?
Didn't everyone think their parents were wonderful people?
How did he feel about his parents?
He glanced up at their picture over the mantle, and then at the painting he had given her of her parents.
My parents were extraordinary people.
Do you think they were perfect parents?
No, but they were good parents.
What did her parents do that he didn't want her to do?
I just hate to see you restrict yourself because that's the way your parents lived.
He had honored her parents – more than he had honored his natural father.
Not once had he ever said anything bad about her parents.
Tonight her parents were throwing her a twenty-fifth birthday party.
You're parents have spoiled you rotten with fine clothes and a cushion job.
Even if she had decided to work somewhere else after graduating, getting her parents to let her sink or swim would have been impossible.
Besides, her parents would be hurt as well.
I was sorry to see them go, but with the baby coming on and Joe's parents offering him a good job out there in California, they didn't have much choice.
Clara would know, and Megan needed to call her parents anyway.
Their parents died a few years ago, she explained.
She was barely ten years older than Brandon, which her parents pointed out every time she had a bad day managing the two teens.
Her parents never appreciated what that meant, but she did.
If Jonny wouldn't find out, she'd send the kids to her parents.
She felt the need to say something though, knowing how much pain her cousins went through when they lost their parents.
She cleared her throat, then said, My, uh, kids lost their parents in a car accident a few years ago.
Staring at her phone, she typed a quick note to her parents, asking if they were okay with her bringing the kids up.
She could run back to her parents with the kids, too.
She hadn't seen a smile on Ashley's face like that since before the death of the cousins' parents.
Her early years were clouded by the execution of the duc de Montmorency, her mother's only brother, for intriguing against Richelieu in 1631, and that of her mother's cousin the comte de Montmorency-Boutteville for duelling in 1635; but her parents made their peace with Richelieu, and being introduced into society in 1635 she soon became one of the stars of the Hotel Rambouillet, at that time the centre of all that was learned, witty and gay in France.
In 1819 he removed with his parents to Chillicothe, Ohio, where he attended the local academy for two years, studied law in the office of his uncle, William Allen,' and in 1835 was admitted to the bar, becoming his uncle's law partner.
But if the parents wish him to be taught in a private school they must give notice to the mayor of the commune of their intention and the school chosen.
Religious instruction is not imparted by the state-paid teachers in any state, though in certain states persons duly authorized by the religious organizations are allowed to give religious instruction to children of their own denomination where the parents' consent has been obtained.
When born, the Australian baby is of 'a much` lighter colour than its parents and remains so for about a week.
A change of climate, however, is imperatively necessary every five or six years, and the children of European parents should not be kept in the peninsula after they have attained the age of four or five years.
Mothers had the same rights in the absence .of the father; even elder brothers when both parents were dead.
The child was then adopted to care for the parents' old age.
Adoption had to be with consent of the real parents, who usually executed a deed making over the child, who thus ceased to have any claim upon them.
Foundlings and illegitimate children had no parents to object.
If the adopted child discovered his true parents and wanted to return to them, his eye or tongue was torn out.
He lost both parents while still a child.
John had been in the habit of taking the children of powerful subjects as pledges for the good behaviour of their parents.
Marcus himself says, "To the gods I am indebted for having good grandfathers, good parents, a good sister, good teachers, good associates, good kinsmen and friends, nearly everything good."
Finally a clause said that "no person born out of the kingdoms of England, Scotland or Ireland, or the dominions thereunto belonging (although he be naturalized or made a denizen) except such as are born of English parents, shall be capable to be of the Privy Council, or a member of either House of Parliament, or enjoy any office or place of trust, either civil or military, or to have any grant of lands, tenements or hereditaments from the Crown to himself, or to any other or others in trust for him."
Should the young die or be removed during this period, the parents are liable to die, suffering severely from the turgid congestion of the hypertrophied walls of the crop.
Destined by his parents for the Roman Catholic priesthood, he studied theology at Munich, but felt an ever-growing attraction to philosophy.
Of his earlier life it was said that he was born in Egypt of Levite parents, and when the Pharaoh commanded that every new-born male child of the Hebrews should be killed, he was put into a chest and cast upon the Nile.
He was born at Cordova in 1135, fled with his parents from persecution in 1148, settled at Fez in i 160, passing P g there for a Moslem, fled again to Jerusalem in 1165, and finally went to Cairo where he died in 1204.
His parents refused, but Alcestis consented.
They were also charged with the maintenance of order in the mir and the family, punishing infractions of the religious law, husbands who beat their wives, and parents who ill-treated their children.
Mostly sons of poor parents, they live in extreme poverty, supporting themselves chiefly by translating and by tutorial work.
His parents removed to Norwich where he attended an elementary school and evening classes.
Augusta (1719-1772), daughter of Frederick II., duke of SaxeGotha, a union which was welcomed by his parents, but which led to further trouble between father and son.
It seems probable that his parents were among the early converts of Wesley; at any rate, Francis became converted to Methodism in his thirteenth year, and at sixteen became a local preacher.
Society is conceived as regulated by, mutual obligations, of which the duties of parents and children are the most important.
It is only with his incarceration in the Temple on the 13th of August 1792, that his history, apart from that of his parents, becomes of interest.
The boy's talents justified the ambitious hopes which his parents entertained of his future.
For new varieties the flowers should be fertilized with a view to combine, in the seedlings which result from the union, the desirable qualities of the parents.
Origen was born, perhaps at Alexandria, of Christian parents in the year 185 or 186.
For his parents and family see Bonaparte.
But he reluctantly, and most unwisely, allowed himself to be entangled in the scandalous family quarrel between Frederick, prince of Wales, and his parents.
Such a young insect is a larva - a term used by zoologists for young animals generally that are decidedly unlike their parents.
Many larval Hexapods might be defined in similar general terms, unlike as they are to their parents in most points of detail.
The term nymph is applied by many writers on the Hexapoda to all young forms of insects that are not sufficiently unlike their parents to be called larvae.
Young resembling parents.
Young resembling parents, but aquatic in habit, breathing dissolved air by thoracic tracheal gills.
Young resembling parents, but penultimate instar passive and enclosed in a filmy pellicle.
Young animals always unlike parents, the wing-rudiments developing beneath the larval cuticle and only appearing in a penultimate pupal instar, which takes no food and is usually passive.
He was carefully educated by excellent tutors under the watchful eyes of his parents.
His parents meant him for the military profession, but his bent being for study he was allowed to enter the university of Paris.
Then, it is true, two lateral points of ossification appear at the margin, but subsequently the remaining three are developed, and when once formed they grow with much greater rapidity than in the fowl, so that by the time the young duck is quite independent of its parents, and can shift for itself, the whole sternum is completely bony.
He also admitted among his characteristics a physiological consideration (apparently derived from Oken 1) dividing the class A y es into two sections Altrices and Praecoces, according as the young were fed by their parents or, from the first, fed themselves.
Herein he divided the class A y es into two subclasses, to which he applied the names of Insessores and Grallatores (hitherto used by their inventors Vigors and Illiger in a different sense), in the latter work relying chiefly for this division on characters which had not before been used by any systematist, namely that in the former group monogamy generally prevailed and the helpless nestlings were fed by their parents, while the latter group were mostly polygamous, and the chicks at birth were active and capable of feeding themselves.
Henceforward it was to be the serious study of the workings of nature in producing the beings we see around us from beings more or less unlike them, that had existed in bygone ages and had been the parents of a varied and varying offspring - our fellow-creatures of to-day.
Three cemeteries remain intact - King's chapel burying ground, with the graves of John Winthrop and John Cotton; the Old Granary burial ground in the heart of the city, where Samuel Sewall, the parents of Franklin, John Hancock, James Otis and Samuel Adams are buried; and Copp's Hill burial ground, containing the tombs of the Mathers.
Legitimacy of natural children can be established by subsequent marriage of the parents, and the age of consent is sixteen years.
Returning at the age of twenty-two he was compelled, through the misfortunes of his parents, to become a notary in the service of a wealthy kinsman, Osbert Huit Deniers, who was of some importance in London politics.
To the Ancient Order of Hibernians none might be admitted but persons of Irish birth or descent, who were Roman Catholics, and whose parents were Roman Catholics; but notwithstanding this requirement, the organization - being a secret society - was under the ban of the Catholic Church.
After the death of his parents he distributed his possessions among the poor, took ship, and landed at Marseilles.
He derived his surname from the fact that his ancestors were burgraves or chatelains of the town; his parents, who belonged to illustrious Flemish families, were probably the Jean Chastellain and his wife Marie de Masmines mentioned in the town records in 1425 and 1432.
This development, which is accompanied by changes in the structure of the skull, depends on breeding the animals in warm damp hutches, without which the best developed parents fail to produce the desired offspring.
Lurchers are cross-bred dogs, greyhounds and sheepdogs, or deerhounds and collies, being the parents.
In redhibitory actions (for the annulment of sales), if a slave were returned to the seller, so must also be his parents, brothers and personae contubernio conjunctae.
When the news of this reached Paris, it created a strong feeling against the planters; and on the motion of the Abbe Gregoire it was resolved by the assembly on the 15th of May 1791 " that the people of colour resident in the French colonies, born of free parents, were entitled to, as of right, and should be allowed, the enjoyment of all the privileges of French citizens, and among others those of being eligible to seats both in the parochial and colonial assemblies."
And, though it exhibits the Deity in less splendour than its Sephiric parents exhibit the En Soph, because it is farther removed from the primordial source of light than the Sephiroth, still, as it is God manifested, all the multifarious forms in the world point out the unity which they represent.
These receive a grant from the government, which nevertheless encourages all parents to send their children to its own schools.
Torgud, also the son of Christian parents, was a native of the sanjak of Mentesha in Asia Minor, and began his career as a soldier in the Ottoman sea service.
But her parents are said to have objected to her marrying a Roman Catholic, which, in France, considerably limited her choice.
In the autumn of 1880 he returned to Scotland, with his wife and stepson, who were received at once into the Edinburgh household of his parents.
On his return he found both his parents dead, and was appointed the guardian of his eleven young brothers and sisters, in which capacity, profiting by the spoliation of the church, he accumulated immense riches.
A grand social reform was effected in the law passed in September 1871, which enacted that from that date every child born of slave parents should be free, and also declared all the slaves belonging to the state or to the imperial household free from that time.
Both Holberg's parents died in his childhood, his father first, leaving a considerable property; and in his eleventh year he lost his mother also.
We do not yet know whether such absolute blending is possible or not, or whether all apparent blending is only a more or less minutely subdivided " mosaic " of non-combinable characters of the parents, in fact whether the combinations due to heredity in reproduction are ever analogous to chemical compounds or are always comparable to particulate mixtures.
Lamarck had put forward the hypothesis that structural alterations acquired by (that is to say, superimposed upon) a parent in the course of its life are transmitted to the offspring, and that, as these structural alterations are acquired by an animal or plant in consequence of the direct action of the environment, the offspring inheriting them would as a consequence not unfrequently start with a greater fitness for those conditions than its parents started with.
Since on the average only two of the young survive in the struggle for existence to take the place of their two parents, there is a selection out of the ten million young, none of which are exactly alike, and the selection is determined in nature by the survival of the congenital variety which is fittest to the conditions of life.
Stories of tailless kittens, puppies and calves, born from parents one of whom had been thus injured, are abundant, but they have hitherto entirely failed to stand before examination.
It is definitely ascertained that many animals are thus born with distorted or defective eyes whose parents have not had their eyes submitted to any peculiar conditions.
Its first beginnings are seen in the imitative tendencies of animals by which the young of one generation acquire some of the habits of their parents, and by which gregarious and social animals acquire a community of procedure ensuring the advantage of the group. " Taboo," the systematic imposition by the community of restrictions upon the conduct of the individual, is one of its earliest manifestations in primitive man and can be observed even in animal communities.
His parents, Joao Mendes da Silva and Louren9a Coutinho, were descended from Portuguese Jews who had emigrated to Brazil to escape the Inquisition, but in 1702 that tribunal began to persecute the Marranos in Rio, and in October 1712 Lourenca Coutinho fell a victim.
Leonor Maria de Carvalho, whose parents had been burnt by the Inquisition, while she herself had gone through an auto-dale in Spain and been exiled on account of her religion.
But practical necessity has given rise to the existence of many other divisions; see CYTOLOGY, for the structure of cells; EMBRYOLOGY, for the development of individual organisms; HEREDITY and REPRODUCTION, for the relations between parents and offspring.
His parents belonged to the labouring class.
This depicts the journey of the soul from heaven to earth, its life in the body, and its final return to the heavenly home, under the figure of a Parthian prince who is sent from the court of his parents to the land of Egypt to fetch the serpent-guarded pearl; after a time of sloth and forgetfulness he fulfils his quest, and returns triumphant and again puts on the heavenly robe.
Concerning the date of his birth and his parentage nothing definite is known, but as he ascribes his position at court to the merits of his parents they were probably people of some importance.
The parentage of the girl, whose name was Pamela (?1776-1831), is uncertain; but although there is some evidence to support the story of Madame de Geniis that Pamela was born in Newfoundland of parents called Seymour or Sims, the common belief that she was the daughter of Madame de Geniis herself by Philippe (Egalite), duke of Orleans, was probably well founded.
The family appear to have always belonged to the yeoman-tradesman class; their special home was the town of Saint-Loup. Voltaire was the fifth child of his parents - twin boys (of whom one survived), a girl, Marguerite Catherine, and another boy who died young, having preceded him.
The Burmese children are adored by their parents, and are said to be the happiest and merriest children in the world.
The larvae are perfectly white at first and wingless, although in other respects not unlike their parents, but they are not mature insects until after the sixth casting of the skin.
Both his parents were of German extraction.
His parents moved to San Francisco, Cal., where he studied in the public schools.
She was attracted by what she had heard of the desert anchorites, and in 1363-1364, after much struggle, persuaded her parents to allow her to take the habit of the Dominican tertiaries.
He was born of heathen parents in Africa about 260, and became a pupil of Arnobius, whom he far excelled in style though his knowledge of the Scriptures was equally slight.
His first tutor was his grandfather, the physician; and, in the hope of restoring their fallen fortunes, his parents intended him for the same profession.
To the great dissatisfaction of his parents, he resolved to return to Paris (1816), and to earn his living there by giving lessons in mathematics.
His father, William George Spencer, was a schoolmaster, and his parents' religious convictions familiarized him with the doctrines of the Methodists and Quakers.
The parents pay no further attention to them, except the pythons, which incubate their eggs by coiling their body over them, and fiercely defend them.
In April 1790 he could stand London no longer, and once more joined his parents at Paris in the rue de Clery.
His parents were in humble circumstances, and he was left an orphan at an early age.
In the United States, for instance, out of a population of 76,303,387 (in 1900), there were 26,147,407 persons who were either foreign-born or who had one or both parents foreignborn.
He appears to have been born about 340; his parents were Christians, orthodox though living among people mostly Arians and wealthy.
He is a god who lives among men, miraculously reborn each day by the fire-drill, by the friction of the two sticks which are regarded as his parents; he is the supreme director of religious ceremonies and duties,and even has the power of influencing the lot of man in the future world.
The parents and guardians were called upon to select whether each child should learn English or Italian next after learning reading, writing and arithmetic in Maltese.
Of the total population in 1900, 18,921 were foreign-born, including 6991 French-Canadians, 5650 Irish, 1602 Germans and 1118 English; and 33,626 were of foreign parentage (both parents foreign-born), including 12,370 of Irish and 11,050 of French-Canadian parentage.
All the members were patricians, vacancies being filled by co-optation from young men whose parents were both living; membership was for life, subject to certain exceptions.
They relate that, after the death of his parents, Charles was driven by the machinations of the two sons of Margiste to take refuge in Spain, where he accomplished his enfances (youthful exploits) with the Mussulman king Galafre under the feigned name of Mainet.
Having lost both her parents at an early age, Catherine was sent to a convent to be educated; and she was only fourteen when she was married (1533) at Marseilles to the duke of Orleans, afterwards Henry II.
The nest is a beautifully neat structure, often placed at no great height from the ground, but generally so well hidden by the leafy bough on which it is built as not to be easily found, until, the young being hatched, the constant visits of the parents reveal its site.
They, as well as the young, are much sought after by snakes, but the parents are often successful in repelling these deadly enemies, and are always ready to wage war against any intruder on their precincts, be it man, cat or hawk.
His parents appear to have been well-to-do Czechs of the peasant class.
The children of these families were educated in the hope of avenging their parents, and after many years succeeded in doing so, cutting off Sir John Elland and his heir.
His parents, descended from ancient and powerful families, were in constant attendance at the court of Louis XV., and (as was generally the case then in their class) neglected the child.
At the age of twelve he fell ill of smallpox, but his parents showed little or no interest in his recovery.
His attention having been drawn to the blighting of the young shoots of fruit-trees, which was commonly attributed to the ants found upon them, he was the first to find the Aphides that really do the mischief; and, upon searching into the history of their generation, he observed the young within the bodies of their parents.
He was born of heathen parents at Tabatha near Gaza about 290; he was sent to Alexandria for his education and there became a convert to Christianity; about 306 he visited St Anthony and became his disciple, embracing the eremitical life.
He had been designed by his parents for the military profession, but the new light which now broke in upon him determined him to devote his entire energies to the abolition of the existing feudal system and to the establishment of a constitutional government.
When detected, Ferdinand betrayed his associates, and grovelled to his parents.
When at last the inevitable revolt came in 1820 he grovelled to the insurgents as he had done to his parents, descending to the meanest submissions while fear was on him, then intriguing and, when detected, grovelling again.
Besides gifts to friends, parents made Purim gifts to their children, especially in the form of Purim cakes.
The scions should always be ripened portions of the wood of the preceding year, selected from healthy parents; in the case of shy-bearing kinds, it is better to obtain them from the fruitful branches.
Although his parents were Roman Catholics, the prince was, on Feb.
Herein from four to seven eggs, of a greenishwhite closely freckled, so as to seem suffused with light olive, are laid in March or April, and the young on quitting it accompany their parents for some weeks.
The system of human sacrifices, practised among the Ashanti until the closing years of the 19th century, was founded on a sentiment of piety towards parents and other connexions - the chiefs believing that the rank of their dead relatives in the future world would be measured by the number of attendants sent after them.
When he was a year old his parents removed to Howard (Family)|Howard county, Missouri, then a frontier settlement, and the boy was early trained in the hardships and requirements of pioneer life.
He was taken to the United States by his parents when two years old, and was educated in the public schools of New York v11..
The bishops ordered that absolution be refused to teachers in the schools " sans Dieu," and to the parents who sent their children to them, and urged the establishment of private Catholic schools.
Pop. (1890) 40,634; (1900) 5 2, 733, of whom 11,957 were foreign-born, including 5226 from Germany and 1468 from Ireland, and 26,797 were of foreign parentage (both parents foreign-born), including 13,316 of German parentage and 4203 of Irish parentage; (1906, estimate) 59993 Erie is served by the New York, Chicago & St Louis, the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, the Erie & Pittsburg (Pennsylvania Company), the Philadelphia & Erie (Pennsylvania railway), and the Bessemer & Lake Erie railways, and by steamboat lines to many important lake ports.
They are said to remain with their parents till they are about three years old.
In 1494 Giulio went with them into exile; but, on Giovanni's restoration to power, returned to Florence, of which he was made archbishop by his cousin Pope Leo X., a special dispensation being granted on account of his illegitimate birth, followed by a formal declaration of the fact that his parents had been secretly married and that he was therefore legitimate.
His parents died while he was a child and he was under the protection first of a certain Jekuthiel, who died in 1039, and afterwards of Samuel ha-Nagid, the well-known patron of learning.
Not far off, and to the north of the great theatre, stood a small temple, which, as we learn from the inscription still remaining, was dedicated to Isis, and was rebuilt by a certain Popidius Celsinus at the age of six (really of course by his parents), after the original edifice had been reduced to ruin by the great earthquake of 63.
Demophon was burnt to death, and Demeter, to console his parents, took upon herself the care of Triptolemus, instructed him in everything connected with agriculture, and presented him with a wonderful chariot, in which he travelled all over the world, spreading the knowledge of the precious art and the blessings of civilization.
European children born in the country are apt to be seriously disfigured, as in their case the boils almost invariably appear on the face, and whereas native children have as a rule but one boil, those born of European parents will have several.
He had inherited from his ancestors a scrofulous taint, and his parents were weak enough to believe that the royal touch would cure him.
The school age is from six to fourteen, and parents can be compelled to send their children to a Voiksschule, unless, to the satisfaction of the authorities, they are receiving adequate instruction in some other recognized school or institution.
The government responded by fining and imprisoning the parents.
From these religious exercises any children may absent themselves whose parents profess conscientious objections.
Free text books may be issued at the discretion of the local authorities, but in most cases are provided by parents.
At nine years old he went to live with his parents in London, and was sent to the Godolphin School, Hammersmith.
Children, though often neglected, are not unkindly treated, and reverence for their parents and the aged is early inculcated.
Most parents send their boys to school where a knowledge of reading and writing Arabicthe common tongue of the Egyptiansis obtainable, and from the closing years of the 19th century a great desire for the education of girls has arisen (see Education).
He paid exceptionally high prices for Mamelukes, many of whom were sold by their Mongol parents to his agehts, and accustomed them to greater luxury than was usual under his predecessors.
Every child is bound to attend the parish school at least from the seventh to the thirteenth year, unless the parents can prove that it receives suitable instruction in other ways.
This would not, however, explain the formation of fruits intermediate in size and colour between those of crossed parents.
The early death of his parents, which illustrated to him in the most forcible manner the unstableness of all human existence, threw a gloom over his whole life, and fostered in him that earnest piety and fervent love for solitude and meditation which have left numerous traces in his poetical writings, and served him throughout his literary career as a powerful antidote against the enticing favours of princely courts, for which he, unlike most of his contemporaries, never sacrificed a tittle of his self-esteem.
And this, as Philo recognized, is a division appropriate to the sense of the precepts; for antiquity did not look on piety towards parents as a mere precept of probity, part of one's duty towards one's neighbour.
But the current view of the Western Church since Augustine has been that the precept to honour parents heads the second table.
His parents were not married until 1396, and in 1397 King Richard II.
To Malocello's enterprise, moreover, it is probable that Petrarch (born 1304) alludes when he tells how, within the memory of his parents, an armed fleet of Genoese penetrated to the "Fortunatae"; this passage some would refer, without sufficient authority, to the expedition of 1291.
His famous son writes with reverence and affection of both parents, and has left a touching narrative of their death-bed hours.
Within a few weeks of his return (July 7th, 1494) Diirer was married, according to an arrangement apparently made between the parents during his absence, to Agnes Frey, the daughter of a well-to-do merchant of the city.
Both parents were of ScottishIrish Presbyterian descent.
When he was seven his parents moved into Edgefield district, South Carolina, and four years later into Columbus (disambiguation)|Columbus county, Georgia.
Jean Henri was destined by his parents to a commercial life; but at college he decided to be ordained.
The narrow means of his parents were made sufficient by strict frugality.
Irving's severity as a teacher had offended some of the parents, who set up Carlyle to be his rival.
A place in Westminster Abbey was offered, but he was buried, according to his own desire, by the side of his parents at Ecclefechan.
He thought it probable that circumstances affecting the reproductive system of the parents had much influence in producing a plastic condition of the progeny.
Vernon have adduced experimental evidence as to the induction of variation by such causes as difference in the ages of the parents, in the maturity or freshness of the conjugating germ cells, and in the condition of nutrition for the embryos.
This individuality is the result of the particular selection of qualities it receives from its parents, a selection that obviously differs in different cases, as, save in the case of "identical twins," which are supposed to be the product of a single fertilized ovum, no individual pair of brothers, or pair consisting of brother and sister, are alike.
On other views of inheritance, there would be required for prediction knowledge not only of the immediate parents but of the whole line of ancestry, with the result that prediction could reach only some degree of probability for any single individual and be accurate only for the average of a sufficient number of individuals.
Children in their colonies were separated from the parents, and lived in the school, each having his bed and blanket.
Above the relationship of parents all are simply ancestors, no term being used for grandfather which would not equally apply to any more remote male ancestor.
It was also a very common practice to destroy the foetus, but parents were affectionate towards their children.
When Jason returned he sought to avenge the death of his parents, and Medea persuaded the daughters of Pelias to cut in pieces and boil their father, assuring them that he would thus be restored to youth.
Of the population in Igloo, 98.2% was white, 79.9% was native-born, and 51 2% was of foreign parentage (either one or both parents foreign-born).
According to the legend given by Metaphrastes the Byzantine hagiologist, and substantially repeated in the Roman Ada sanctorum and in the Spanish breviary, he was born in Cappadocia of noble Christian parents, from whom he received a careful religious training.
At the age of ten Paul Kruger - as he afterwards came to be known - accompanied his parents in the migration, known as the Great Trek, from the Cape Colony to the territories north of the Orange in the years 1835-1840.
His parents belonged to the yeoman class, and there is some obscurity about Fox's early career.
Luther was never a "wandering student"; his parents were too careful of their child to permit him to lead the life of wandering licence which marked these pests of medieval German scholastic life.
Pious parents, whether among the burghers or peasants, seem to have taught their children a simple evangelical faith.
His parents were Presbyterians, but he early turned towards the Scottish Episcopal Church, and was confirmed in his first year at Oxford, having entered Balliol College in October 1830 as a Snell exhibitioner from the University of Glasgow.
His parents were of humble rank and small means.
It was carried in procession by a boy whose parents were both alive to the temple of Apollo, where it was suspended on the gate.
After the marriage of the Princess Royal in 1858, the new responsibilities devolving upon Princess Alice, as the eldest daughter at home, called forth the higher traits of her character, and brought her into still closer relationship with her parents, and especially with her father.
Of course, persons born from villein parents in lawful wedlock were villeins, but as to the condition of illegitimate children there was a good deal of hesitation.
Metaphysically, all realities are parts of one ultimate reality; but logically, even philosophers think more often only of finite realities, existing men, dogs, horses, &c.; and children know that their parents exist long before they apprehend ultimate reality.
The marriages of children engage the earliest attention of the parents.
A native of Persarmenia (that portion of Armenia which was allotted to Persia by the partition of 384), he may have been prepared and educated by his parents for service in an oriental court.
The parents early moved to Brooklyn, where Whitman spent his youth.
Of the entire population in 1900 persons of foreign birth or parentage (one or both parents being foreign) constituted 54.2 and those of native birth were 75.3%.
Her elder sister, Martha, was betrothed by her parents to Thomas Kyme, a Lincolnshire justice of the peace, but she died before marriage, and Anne was induced or compelled to take her place.
In 1678 she accompanied Mary of Modena to Holland, and in 1679 joined her parents abroad and afterwards in Scotland.
Separated in early years from her parents and sister, her one great friendship had proved only baneful and ensnaring.
On the removal of his parents to Leipzig, he received his early education at the Thomas school, and entered the university in 1847.
At this season the parents are almost regardless of human presence and expose themselves freely.
The striking forms of Alima and Erichthus, at one time regarded as distinct genera, are now with more or less certainty affiliated to their several squillid parents.
After 1818 his parents lived in Charleston, South Carolina, and he went to Yale in 1825 for his education, but left without taking a degree, and entered an attorney's office in New Orleans.
In the previous year (39) his mother had been banished by order of her brother Caligula (Gains) on a charge of treasonable conspiracy, and Nero, thus early deprived of both parents, found shelter in the house of his aunt Domitia, where two slaves, a barber and a dancer, began his training.
But ill-health and the death of his parents brought him back to his studious life, and in 1675 he entered the cloister of the Congregation of St Maur at La Daurade, Toulouse, taking the vows there on the 13th of May 1676.
In 1806 he crossed the mountains with his parents and settled in what is now Maury county, Tennessee.
He preferred study to business, but as his parents were Quakers he did not go to the university.
In many cases the metrical structure 2 is true that in the Confession attributed to him and printed among his Greek works in the first volume of the Roman edition he speaks (p. 129) of his parents as having become martyrs for the Christian faith.
A child of civilized parents brought up from the first amongst savages is a savage, neither more nor less.
In the Chinese combination of Heaven and Earth as the parents and nourishers of all things, the energy and action lie with Tien, Earth being docile and receptive.
The Homeric Erinyes chastise outrages on the poor, injuries to guests, failure to show the respect due to parents or to recognize the rights of age, in this life; only on perjury does the divine doom extend to the next.
It is evident that acclimatization may occur (if it occurs at all) in two ways, either by modifying the constitution of the individual submitted to the new conditions, or by the production of offspring which may be better adapted to those conditions than their parents.
There is no positive evidence that the influence of new climatal conditions on the parents has any tendency to produce variations in the offspring better adapted to such conditions.
The excessive mortality of European troops in India, and the delicacy of the children of European parents, do not affect the real question of acclimatization under proper conditions.
As his parents were poor, and could not afford to allow him to follow a purely scientific career, he became a surgeon of the Prussian army.
He became deeply enamoured of her; but, as her position as priestess and the opposition of her parents rendered their marriage impossible they agreed to carry on a clandestine intercourse.
A strong party, however, cast some doubts upon the legitimacy of the young princes, as the marriage of their parents had not been recognized by the emperor Charles the Bald; consequently it was proposed to offer the crown to the East Frankish ruler Louis, a son of Louis the German.
The habits of life of the Assamese peasantry are pre-eminently domestic. Great respect is paid to old age; when parents are no longer capable of labour they are supported by their children, and scarcely any one is allowed to become a burden to the public. They have also in general a very tender regard for their offspring, and are generous and kind to their relations.
His parents belonged to the mercantile aristocracy - the bankers and traders of Danzig.
Their two children, Arthur and Adele (born 1796), bore the penalty of their parents' incompatibilities.
His parents belonged to the community of Jewish emigrants from Portugal and Spain who, fleeing from Catholic persecution in the Peninsula, had sought refuge in the nearly emancipated Netherlands.
The children, too, he put in mind of going often to church, and taught them to be obedient and dutiful to their parents.
These last are said to be broken by the old birds to serve as nourishment for the newly-hatched chicks, whose stomachs cannot bear the hard food on which their parents thrive.
He was compelled to dismiss all his followers except Buckingham, and to submit to interminable sermons, which generally contained violent invectives against his parents and himself.
The period of incubation lasts for seven weeks, and the young are covered with a whitish down until almost as large as their parents.
They are unable to fly till nearly two years old, and continue for a considerable time after taking wing to roost and hunt with their parents.
These variations have arisen chiefly through cross-breeding, though not entirely so, there being a few cases upon record of the production of "sports" from tubers that have become the parents of new varieties, but authentic cases of the sporting of tubers are few and far between.
If, on the other hand, the true seeds of any of our cultivated varieties are sown, the seedlings show very wide variations from one another and from the parents.
Maule also tried the effect of grafting the potato on these two species and, though he succeeded, there is no record to show whether the product was any hardier than the parents.
His parents were Protestants, and he himself, at first, followed the Protestant persuasion; but he subsequently went over to Catholicism and, along with Cardinal Pazmany, his most serious rival at court, became a pillar of Catholicism, both religiously and politically, and a worthy opponent of the two great Protestant champions of the period, Gabriel Bethlen and George I.Rakoczy.
They state that the colleges were provided to repair the ravages caused by the Black Deaths in the ranks of the clergy, and for the benefit of those whose parents could not without help maintain them at the universities, and the names of the boys appointed by Wykeham and in his time show that "poor and indigent" meant the younger sons of the gentry, and the sons of yeomen, citizens of Winchester or London, and the middle classes generally, who needed the help of exhibitions.
Accompanying his parents to Brazil in 1615 he received his education at the Jesuit college at Bahia.
Children are readily sold by their parents at a price varying from the equivalent of one shilling to one and sixpence.
Donne's parents were Catholics, and his mother, Elizabeth Heywood, was directly descended from the sister of the great Sir Thomas More; she was the daughter of John Heywood the epigrammatist.
As a result parents were fined or imprisoned for withdrawing their children from religious instruction.