Parent-child Sentence Examples
The ship is designed to foster parent-child bonding with its magnificent Children's World facility.
The attachment relationship not only forms the emotional basis for the continued development of the parent-child relationship, but can serve as a foundation for future social connections.
The quality of the parent-child relationship is affected by the parent's age, experience, and self-confidence; the stability of the parents' marriage; and the unique characteristics of the child compared with those of the parent.
Socialization is an important part of the parent-child relationship.
It is important that parents recognize that this behavior is normal for the toddler, and the healthy development of independence is promoted by a parent-child relationship that provides support for the child's developing sense of autonomy.
Characteristics that may affect the parent-child relationship in a family include the child's physical appearance, sex, and temperament.
Either parent or a nonparent caregiver may serve as the primary caregiver or form the primary parent-child love relationship.
When children move from infancy into toddlerhood, the parent-child relationship begins to change.
Dimensions of the parent-child relationship are linked to the child's psychological development, specifically how responsive the parents are, and how demanding they are.
In many regards, the security of the first attachment between infant and parent provides the child with the emotional base to begin exploring the world outside the parent-child relationship.
AdvertisementDuring the elementary school years, the child becomes increasingly interested in peers, but this is not be a sign of disinterest in the parent-child relationship.
The parent-child relationship remains the most important influence on the child's development.
During the school years, the parent-child relationship continues to be influenced by the child and the parents.
As the child enters adolescence, biological, cognitive, and emotional changes transform the parent-child relationship.
Although the value of peer relations grows during adolescence, the parent-child relationship remains crucial for the child's psychological development.
AdvertisementAlthough no parent is consistent in all situations, parents do follow some general tendencies in their approach to childrearing, and it is possible to describe a parent-child relationship by the prevailing style of parenting.
These descriptions provide guidelines for both professionals and parents interested in understanding how variations in the parent-child relationship affect the child's development.
The parent-child relationship has a more important influence on the child's psychological development than changes in the composition of the household.
If changes in the parent's marital status or work life disrupt the parent-child relationship, short-term effects on the child's behavior may be noticeable.
One goal of professionals who work with families under stress is to help them reestablish healthy patterns of parent-child interaction.
AdvertisementParents who model truth telling and praise honesty will encourage trust in the parent-child relationship.
Some researchers have speculated that the origins of social competence can be found in infancy, in the quality of the parent-child attachment relationship.
In addition to family interaction patterns and various aspects of the parent-child relationship, children's own thoughts, feelings, and attitudes may influence their social behavior.
Offering the child reading materials about puberty can impart information to the young person without the awkwardness that may characterize the parent-child conversations.
The parent-child relationship continues to be central to the child's sense of security and independence.
AdvertisementSee also Parent-child relationships; Personality development; Personality disorders.
If necessary, the parents must be open to establishing new boundaries within the parent-child relationship.
The toys encourage parent-child interaction, while parents read the story the child interacts with the toys."
In addition, look for parent education programs that focus on child development and parent-child relationships, and consultation programs, which may include home services, short-term help, and school assistance.
She teaches hatha yoga and meditation for adults, yoga for children, including those with special needs, and parent-child yoga.
Parent-child interactions were designed to promote dialogic reading, vocabulary development, and print awareness.
The parent-child relationship consists of a combination of behaviors, feelings, and expectations that are unique to a particular parent and a particular child.
Sometimes, the child's newfound assertiveness during the so-called terrible twos can put a strain on the parent-child relationship.