Paralogism Sentence Examples
In 1628 Castelli published a small work, Della misura dell' acque correnti, in which he satisfactorily explained several phenomena in the motion of fluids in rivers and canals; but he committed a great paralogism in supposing the velocity of the water proportional to the depth of the orifice below the surface of the vessel.
The self is always subject in consciousness and never can become an object of knowledge (" Paralogism of Pure Reason ").
A "paradox" has been compared with a "paralogism" (7rapa, X6 yos, reason), as that which is contrary to opinion only and not contrary to reason, but it is frequently used in the sense of that which is really absurd or untrue.
This is a mere paralogism; we can never infer either absolute or infinite from relative or finite.