Paradoxical Sentence Examples
He was not only paradoxical to the verge of craziness, but intolerant to the verge of bigotry.
Weight, however paradoxical it may appear, is necessary to flight.
The chief argument against this is that it seems paradoxical to think of Africa rather than Rome as the home of the first Latin version; but it must be remembered that Roman Christianity was originally Greek, and that the beginnings of a Latin church in Rome seem to be surprisingly late.
Nevertheless his reaction does not in this case really carry him beyond the ground of Schopenhauerian philosophy, and his own may perhaps be most truly regarded as the paradoxical development of an inverted Schopenhauerism.
But that space and time, matter and cause should owe their origin to the action of the mind has always seemed paradoxical to common sense.
The contrast here is, at least in my view, somewhat paradoxical.
The conception of the Unconscious, by which von Hartmann describes his ultimate metaphysical principle, is not at bottom as paradoxical as it sounds, being merely a new and mysterious designation for the Absolute of German metaphysicians.
This, at first sight, paradoxical result is explained by the fact that the mean free path of each molecule increases in the same proportion as the density is diminished, so that as the number of molecules crossing each square centimetre decreases, the distance to which each carries its momentum increases, and the total transfer of momentum is unaffected by variation of density.
Thus, in the Parmenides, with the paradox of likeness and unlikeness for his text, he inquires how far the cur14nt theories of being (his own included) are capable of providing, not only for knowledge, but also for predication, and in the concluding sentence he suggests that, as likeness and unlikeness, greatness and smallness, &c., are relations, the initial paradox is no longer paradoxical; while in the Sophist, Zeno's doctrine having been shown to be fatal to reason, thought, speech and utterance, the mutual Koevwvia of Elan which are not abra KaO' abra is elaborately demonstrated.
When, however, he had succeeded in extracting from the sources a general idea that seemed to him clear and simple, he attached himself to it as if to the truth itself, employing dialectic of the most penetrating, subtle and even paradoxical character in his deduction of the logical consequences.
AdvertisementGiven the prominence of Irving's political and racial beliefs at his trial, this result may appear paradoxical.
When etailers increase their real estate holdings, as in happening in the USA, the debate becomes even more paradoxical.
It may seem paradoxical, but it is true, to say that Mr Gladstone was by nature conservative.
But whereas Fechner and Paulsen hold that all physical processes are universally accompanied by psychical processes which are the real causes of psychical sensations, Riehl rejects this paradox of universal parallelism in order to fall into the equally paradoxical hypothesis that something or other, which is neither physical not psychical, causes both the physical phenomena of matter moving in space and the psychical phenomena of mind to arise in us as its common effects.
Although it is relatively unusual, taking anti-anxiety medication causes some patients to experience a paradoxical effect.
AdvertisementPersia and the Caucasus, and fitly called "paradoxical."
The stage is known as "paradoxical sleep" because of the combination of immobile muscles and heightened brain activity.
Baltar's roles as scientist, politician, war criminal and religious leader are paradoxical in nature and are all directly related to his need to survive.
It should be noted that, according to Scottish usage, police " includes drainage, the suppression of nuisances, paving, lighting and cleansing, in addition to the provision of a constabulary force, and that in point of fact, paradoxical as it appears, the bulk of the police burghs do not manage their police.
Paradoxical as it may sound, the truth seems to be that primary judgment, beginning as it does with the simplest feeling and sensation, is not a combination of two mental elements into one, but is a division of one sensible thing into the thing itself and its existence and the belief that it is determined as existing, e.g.
AdvertisementIt was Zeno, the controversialist of the Eleatic school, who was regarded in after times as the " discoverer " of dialectic.3 Zeno's amazing skill in argumentation and his paradoxical conclusions, particular and general, inaugurate a new era.
Whiston is a striking example of the association of an entirely paradoxical bent of mind with proficiency in the exact sciences.
Sir Isaac also left a Church History complete, a History of the Creation, Paradoxical Questions regarding Athanasius, and many divinity tracts.
The foregoing notion of a point at infinity is a very important one in modern geometry; and we have also to consider the paradoxical statement that in plane geometry, or say as regards the plane, infinity is a right line.
Of course it is only apparently paradoxical, the former is a direct cause of the latter.
AdvertisementHis writings emphasize the limited, ambivalent, and sometimes paradoxical nature of organizational learning.
Indeed, he admits his views may seem paradoxical.
The state is paradoxical because the brain is very active, but the body is unable to move, preventing the dreamer from "acting out" the events in the dream.
If you take a scientific perspective on dreaming, you may find that dreams in which you can't move are reflections of the paradoxical REM state.
The latter makes sense when considering the paradoxical REM state.
So inefficient, indeed, were the reforms as a whole, and so unsuited to the national character and customs, that the Slavophil critics of a later date could maintain plausibly the paradoxical thesis that in regard to internal administration Peter was anything but a national benefactor.
Tait collaborated with Balfour Stewart in the Unseen Universe, which was followed by Paradoxical Philosophy.
The upward thrust is the same, however thin the metal may be in the interspace between the outer mould and the core inside; and this was formerly considered paradoxical.
The assertion, paradoxical at first sight, that the twenty-eight " hostelries " of the Chinese sphere had nothing to do with the moon's daily motion, seems to convey the actual fact.
Sanday, followed by Chase and a few other English scholars, has suggested that the Old Latin may have been made originally in Antioch, but this paradoxical view has met with little support.
It is mainly a record of teaching, and the teaching is for the most part stern and paradoxical.
To many persons it will appear paradoxical to ascribe the endowment of a soul to the inferior tribes in the creation, yet it is difficult to discover a valid argument that limits the possession of an immaterial principle to man.
It is perhaps easy to understand how, in the crisis of 1640, when the ethico-political system of Hobbes first took written shape, a peace-loving philosopher should regard the claims of individual conscience as essentially anarchical, and dangerous to social well-being; but however strong might be men's yearning for order, a view of social duty, in which the only fixed positions were selfishness everywhere and unlimited power somewhere, could not but appear offensively paradoxical.
As with other inhalation therapy paradoxical bronchospasm may occur with an immediate increase in wheezing after dosing.
Occasionally they can actually worsen depression in what is known as a paradoxical adverse effect.
Even if paradoxical embolism was the cause of the initial event, as patients age strokes may recur for other reasons.
In the paradoxical encomium, however, he demonstrates that before God wholly different standards apply.
As these bacteria contain many pro-inflammatory components the failure to induce inflammation is paradoxical.
The medicinal uses od wild plants thus remain ultimately paradoxical, and their underlying complexity, wonderful and often unacknowledged.
As a martyr, he must explain his actions and give meaning, however paradoxical, to his last moments.
Paradoxical as it may seem, the mechanical corruptions of a stupid but faithful copyist may tell us more than the intelligent copyings of a less faithful one.
Paradoxical as it may seem, it is the logical conclusion of such comparisons that militarism only exists in countries where there are no citizen armies, and that, where there are citizen armies, they are one of the elements which make for permanent peace.
An axiom based upon this view has been formulated, and although paradoxical it may well be quoted here.
It is a paradoxical fact, that the supply of the stomach even from the substance of the starving individual's body should tend to prolong life.
Wollaston's theory of moral evil as consisting in the practical contradiction of a true proposition, closely resembles the most paradoxical part of Clarke's doctrine, and was not likely to approve itself to the strong common sense of Butler; but his statement of happiness or pleasure as a " justly desirable " end at which every rational being " ought " to aim corresponds exactly to Butler's conception of self-love as a naturally governing impulse; while' the " moral arithmetic " with which he compares pleasures and pains, and endeavours to make the notion of happiness quantitatively precise, is an anticipation of Benthamism.
If Hippias, Polus and Thrasymachus defied conventional morality, they did so independently of one another, and in this, as in other matters, they were disputants maintaining paradoxical theses, rather than thinkers announcing heretical convictions.
The dramatic and literary ability shown in these plays, all of which were published later in book form, was as undoubted as their diction and ideas were characteristically paradoxical.
With a similar stress on the self-conscious side of moral action, he argues that rightness of conduct depends solely on the intention, at one time pushing this doctrine to the paradoxical assertion that all outward acts as such are indifferent.'
To say that the Platonism of Plato's later years, the Platonism of the Parmenides, the Philebus and the Timaeus, is the philosophy of Parmenides enlarged and reconstituted, may perhaps seem paradoxical in the face of the severe criticism to which Eleaticism is subjected, not only in the Parmenides, but also in the Sophist.