Papillae Sentence Examples
It is covered with numerous large papillae, and forms, like the trunk of the elephant, an admirable organ for the examination and prehension of food.
The last named is said to have numerous papillae and no introvert.
The whole of the liver contained in the integuments and tegumentary papillae.
Tegumentary papillae not ramified, and containing cnidosacs with nematocysts.
Body furnished with three pairs of lateral lobes, bearing the tegumentary papillae; foot very narrow; pelagic. Glaucus.
Bases of the rhinophores surrounded by a sheath; dorsal papillae tuberculated and club-shaped, in a single row on either side of the dorsum; no cnidosacs.
Dorsal papillae with a membranous expansion; male and female apertures at some distance from each other; pelagic. Fiona.
Liver ramifies in integuments and extends into dorsal papillae, but there are no cnidosacs.
Foot narrow; dorsal papillae linear or fusiform, in several - series.
Foot broad; dorsal papillae flattened and foliaceous.
AdvertisementBody depressed, without dorsal papillae, but with two very large lateral expansions, with dorsal plications.
Small tufts of tactile hairs or papillae are sometimes observed in small number at the tip of the head; sometimes longer hairs, apparently rather stiff, are seen on the surface, very sparingly distributed between the cilia, and hitherto only in a very limited number of small specimens.
Some scattered papillae may possibly be sense-organs.
These soluble salts combine with the albumins in the body, and are deposited as minute granules of silver albuminate in the connective tissue of the skin papillae, serous membranes, the intima of arteries and the kidney.
In all these families spines and glandular papillae may be super-added.
AdvertisementIn a surprisingly short time the feathers clothing the face of the male are shed, and their place is taken by papillae or small caruncles of bright yellow or pale pink.
The tongue is generally beset with more or less scaly or velvety papillae and has always a well-marked posterior margin, while the anterior portion may or may not be more or less retractile into the posterior part.
The worm-shaped body is devoid of osteoderms. The tongue is short, covered with imbricating papillae and slightly nicked anteriorly.
Tongue arrowshaped, covered with curved papillae.
Tongue long and bifid, with papillae or folds, with osteoderms on the head but not on the body.
AdvertisementCardiidae.-Mantle slightly closed; siphons very short surrounded by papillae which often bear eyes; foot very long.
In most species there are three circumvallate papillae at the base, and the apical portion is generally covered with small, thread-like papillae, some of which in the porcupines become greatly enlarged, forming toothed spines.
In addition to the eyes and the olfactory circle on the head scattered tactile papillae are found on the ectoderm.
Given the presence of all the necessary determinants for the development of pigment in a mammal's coat, some or all of the hairs may bear this pigment according to the pattern determinants, or absence of pattern determinants, which the cells of the hair papillae carry.
The tegmentum is pierced by numerous vertical ramified canals which contain epithelial papillae of the epidermis.
AdvertisementThese papillae form pallial sense-organs, I containing nerve-end bulbs, covered by a dome of cuticle, and innervated from the pallial nervecords.
The cuticle, in some species very thick, contains numerous spicules which are long, hollow and calcified; they are secreted by epithelial papillae.
In some species there are also sensory papillae comparable to the aesthetes of Chitons.
Slender, tapering behind, with subventral cloacal orifice; thin cuticle without papillae; flattened spicules; no gills.
Short and truncated in front; thick cuticle, often without papillae; gills and 7 radula present.
The ectoderm is in some genera modified to form certain excretory glands, which usually take the form of papillae with an apical opening.
These papillae give the surface a roughened aspect; the use of their secretion is unknown.
It has no skin papillae.
The two forms have long and short styles repectively, the stamens occupying corresponding positions half-way down or at the mouth of the corolla-tube; the long-styled flowers have smaller pollen-grains, which correspond with smaller stigmatic papillae on the short styles.
Adaptations for aerial respiration are found in some of the landcrabs, where the lining membrane of the gill-chamber is beset with vascular papillae and acts as a lung.
A pair of frontal papillae or filaments, probably sensory, are commonly present.
Whatever the form, the upper surface is, however, covered with numerous fine papillae, in which the terminal filaments of the taste-nerve are distributed.
It is about the size of and has much the aspect of a Pigeon; 1 its plumage is pure white, its bill somewhat yellow at the base, passing into pale pink towards the tip. Round the eyes the skin is bare, and beset with cream-coloured papillae, while the legs are bluish-grey.
These structures are all enclosed in the middle subcorneous integument, a continuation of the ordinary skin of the limb, but extremely vascular, and having its superficial extent greatly increased by being developed into papillae or laminae.
It is formed of pavement epithelial cells, mainly grouped in a concentric manner around the vascular papillae of the subcorneous integument, so that a section near the base of the hoof, cut transversely to the long axis of these papillae, shows a number of small circular or oval orifices, with cells arranged concentrically round them.
The conical papillae are small and close set, though longer and more filamentous on the intermolar portion.
There are no fungiform papillae on the dorsum, but a few inconspicuous ones scattered along the sides of the organ.
The skin has a velvety appearance, and is thrown into a number of transverse ridges, along which wart-like papillae are placed.
These papillae, which are found everywhere, are the primary papillae; they are covered with small, scale-like projections called secondary papillae, and are specially developed on the dorsal surface, less so on the ventral.
Among the primary papillae smaller accessory papillae are sometimes present.
The appendages of the head are the antennae, the jaws and the oral papillae.
They possess two main rings of projecting tissue, and their extremities bear papillae irregularly arranged.
It is marked by a number of rings of papillae placed transversely to its long axis, the dorsal of which are pigmented like the dorsal surface of the body, and the ventral like the ventral surface.
At the narrow distal end of the leg there are on the ventral surface three or four (rarely five) spiniferous pads, each of which is continued dorsally into a row of papillae.
It bears two sickle-shaped claws, and at its distal end three (rarely four) papillae.
The apertures of the tracheal system are placed in the depressions between the papillae or ridges of the skin.
The salivary glands are the modified nephridia of the segment of the oral papillae.
Skin transversely ridged and beset by wart-like spiniferous papillae.
More constant points of difference are the form of the jaws, the position of the generative orifice, the presence of a receptaculum seminis and a receptaculum ovorum, the arrangement of the primary papillae on the distal end of the feet, and above all the early development.
A and feet with two primary papillae on the anterior side and one on the posterior side; outer jaw with one minor tooth at the base of the main tooth, inner jaw with no interval between the large tooth and the series of small ones; last fully developed leg of the male with enlarged crural gland opening on a large papilla placed on its ventral surface; coxal organs absent; the nephridial openings of the 4th and 5th pairs of legs are placed in the proximal spinous pad.
Last leg of the male with or without a large white papilla on its ventral surface for the opening of a gland, and marked papillae for the, crural glands are sometimes present on other legs of the male; well-developed coxal glands absent.
A variable number of posterior legs of the males anterior to the genital opening with one or two large papillae carrying the openings of the crural glands; well-developed coxal organs present on most of the legs.
The primary papillae usually divided into two portions.
With 23 to 25 pairs of claw-bearing legs, four spinous pads on the legs, and nephridial openings of legs 4 and 5 in the middle of the proximal pad or on its proximal side; feet with two primary papillae, one anterior and one posterior; outer jaw with two, inner jaw with two or three minor teeth at the base of the main tooth, separated by a diastema from the row of small teeth; crural glands present in the male only, in the two pairs of legs preceding the generative opening; coxal glands present.
Small bumps called papillae normally cover the tongue's upper surface.
The blue food coloring stains the normal skin on your tongue, but doesn't stain the fungiform papillae, so they stand out.
Can you identify the fungiform and filiform papillae, glands, and skeletal muscle.
These papillae have taste buds in the medial walls of the cleft.
So the more papillae that you have, the more taste buds.
There are two large circumvallate papillae near the base, rather irregular in form, about a quarter of an inch in diameter and half an inch apart.
The earth is all alive and covered with papillae.
The cuticle is frequently prolonged into spines and papillae, which are especially developed at the anterior end of the body.
It may be entirely bordered by fleshy papillae, or these may be restricted to the sides, or to the sides and the lower border.
These occur on the tips of tendrils and on the tentacles of Drosera; (2) sensitive papillae found on the irritable filaments of certain stamens; and (3) sensitive hairs or bristles on the leaves of Dionaea muscipula and Mimosa pudicaall of which are so constructed that any pressure exerted on them at once reacts on the protoplasm.
These diverticula extend usually one into each of the dorsal papillae or " cerata " when these are present.
The Eolid-like Nudibranchs, amongst other specialities of structure, possess (in some cases at any rate) apertures at the apices of the " cerata " or dorsal papillae, which lead from the exterior into the hepatic caeca.
Some amongst them (Tergipes, Eolis) are also remarkable for possessing peculiarly modified cells placed in sacs (cnidosacs) at the apices of these same papillae, which resemble the " thread-cells " of the Coelentera.
Dorsum furnished on either side with papillae, at the base of which are ramified appendages.
Dorsal papillae spindle-shaped or clubshaped.
These horns, which are of a more or less conical form and usually recurved, and often grow to a great length (three or even four feet), are composed of a solid mass of hardened epidermic cells growing from a cluster of long dermal papillae.
Tongue slightly elongated, covered with scale-like papillae and bifurcating.
Tongue long, with papillae, like that of the Lacertidae but only feebly nicked anteriorly.
With regard to sense organs the epithelial papillae of the mantle have been mentioned.