Panic-attack Sentence Examples
Top of page coping with a panic attack Panic attacks are an indication of severe anxiety you should seek professional help.
Patients with panic attack disorder respond discriminatively to their own interoceptive anxiety stimuli, which are attenuated by administering tricyclic antidepressant medications.
Other people find that cognitive therapy helps them reframe the thoughts that immediately occur before the panic attack to prevent the attack or helps them deal with an attack once it happens.
It's fairly easy to learn and practitioners can use the technique on themselves at home or during panic attack situations.
Having a panic attack is a very frightening experience.
These are just some of the physical symptoms that an individual could experience during a panic attack.
In addition to the physical symptoms, a panic attack also affects a person psychologically and emotionally.
An individual suffering from a panic attack also has a horribly overwhelming and often terrifying sense of fear or dread.
Yet there does not seem to be a reason why the panic attack occurred.
In most instances, a panic attack occurs as a result of stress that has built up over a long period of time.
AdvertisementWhen your stress level reaches a critical point, it may only take a very small amount of added stress to cause a panic attack to occur.
Although the additional stress by itself would not have a big impact on your stress level, it is all your body needs to trigger the panic attack.
Since the final stress seems so small, it appears that there is no reason for the panic attack to occur.
When the perceived danger is false, the body experiences a false alarm and triggers a panic attack.
Eventually, the individual learns to associate the physiological and biological changes in the body that take place under a false or real danger and the learned behavior repeatedly results in a panic attack.
AdvertisementA panic attack that occurs at night is a nocturnal panic attack.
It wakes you from a sound sleep and you awake in the midst of all the symptoms of a regular daytime panic attack.
The person experiencing a panic attack typically has feelings of intense fear and panic.
Agoraphobia is the intense fear of being trapped and having a panic attack in a public place.
As they begin to avoid the places or situations in which the panic attack occurred, their fear generalizes.
AdvertisementIn severe cases, people with agoraphobia can no longer leave their homes for fear of experiencing a panic attack.
A person with agoraphobia may have a panic attack at any time, for no apparent reason.
For this reason, people with agoraphobia avoid places where they might not be able to escape if a panic attack occurs.
Agoraphobia-Abnormal anxiety regarding public places or situations from which the person may wish to flee or in which he or she would be helpless in the event of a panic attack.
Agoraphobia is the intense fear of feeling trapped and having a panic attack in specific situations.
AdvertisementIf you're on a tight budget, the thought of coming up with unique Christmas gift ideas can be enough to send you into a panic attack.
Cristina has a panic attack in the vestibule just before her wedding.