Panama-hats Sentence Examples
The palm family is numerous and includes the species producing vegetable ivory (Phytelephas), straw for plaiting Panama hats (Carludovica palmata), and the peach palm (Guilielma speciosa).
The plaiting of Panama hats from the specially prepared fibre of the " toquilla " palm is a domestic industry among the Indians at Catacoas (Piura) and Eten (Lambayeque).
On the island of Niihau is a fine grass (Cyperus laevigatus), out of which the beautiful Niihau mats were formerly made; it is used in making Panama hats.
The hats are an article of export, and are known abroad as Panama hats.
The making of Panama hats from the fibre of the "toquilla" palm is a household industry.
Choose from everything from ball caps to Panama hats and fedoras.
You can buy genuine Panama hats at The Panama Hat Shop.