Pan Sentence Examples
He tucked the pan into the cabinet.
The best form of stove is that with which perfect combustion is most nearly attained, and to which a pan of water is affixed to supply a desirable humidity to the air, the gas having the effect of drying the atmosphere.
Sarah entered the room carrying a pan of steaming biscuits.
She sat the pan on the table and sat down.
Cade was beside her, lifting the towel from the hook and a pan from the dish rack.
Tossing the hot pan holder on the counter, she untied the apron.
Megan rinsed a pan and placed it on a towel beside the sink.
Katie stood and carried the pan of potatoes to the sink.
She was rinsing the pan when a vehicle entered the garage.
The ithyphallic Min (Pan) was here worshipped as "the strong Horus."
AdvertisementOne chore remained before I'd do so though I was as nervous as a fly on a fry pan about it.
She had biscuits in the oven and was heating up a pan to fry some eggs when Alex walked in.
To prevent the atmosphere from becoming unduly dry a pan of water is fitted to the stove; this serves to moisten the air before it passes into the distributing flues.
She finished pealing the potato and threw it into the pan before continuing.
By the time Alex walked into the kitchen, she was retrieving a pan of biscuits from the oven.
AdvertisementBy the time Alex arrived for breakfast, she had it on the table and was washing the frying pan in the sink.
The building of this altar is spread over a whole year, during which period the sacrificer has to carry about the sacrificial fire in an earthen pan for at least some time each day, until it is finally deposited on the completed altar to serve as the offering-fire for the Soma oblations.
The pan proper is surmounted by a great cone or hopper called a curb, to provide for the foaming up of the boiling mass and to prevent loss from overflowing.
She poked at the egg in the frying pan with a spatula.
They should always be fitted with a pan of water to supply the necessary humidity to the warmed air, and a flue to carry off any disagreeable fumes.
AdvertisementFormerly the pans were heated by open firing from below; but now the almost universal practice is to boil by steam injected from perforated pipes coiled within the pan, such injection favouring the uniform heating of the mass and causing an agitation favourable to the ultimate mixture and saponification of the materials.
Carmen passed him the pan of meat and vegetables.
After some time the contents of the pan begin to clear and become in the end very transparent.
The contents of the pan are once more allowed to cool and settle, and the soap as now formed constitutes a pure curd coap, carrying with it some proportion of uncombined alkali, but containing the minimum amount of water.
Buying that pan increases your wealth by $20.
AdvertisementKatie piled the potatoes in another pan and picked it up, along with the knife and a bag of peals.
She put a lid on the pan of potatoes and turned to him.
It may be skimmed off the underlye and placed direct in the frames for solidification; but that is a practice scarcely at all followed, the addition of resin soap in the pan and the subsequent " crutching in " of silicate of soda and adulterant mixings being features common to the manufacture.
The soap pan is charged with the tallow or other fat, and open steam is turned on.
Consider the pan you most often cook in today.
But surely a pan that warns you if your house is burning down or your food will kill you has to be worth $200 to you.
She placed the roast in a pan and reached for a knife to trim the fat off of it.
His capital was Caesarea Philippi, where Pan had been worshipped from ancient times, and.
That was indeed the hope for atomic energy in that era, and it did not pan out.
So whether you are rich or poor in the future, you will own this pan and get this benefit.
He nodded, continuing to dry the pan.
He reached his hand back toward his gun and I released my grip like a hot fry pan.
I...I whacked him in the head with the frying pan.
Focusing her attention on the pan of potatoes, she clamped the lid back on and kept her tone even.
I should have been more careful with the pan.
The ordinary method of adding resin consists in stirring it in small fragments into the fatty soap in the stage of clear-boiling; but a better result is obtained by separately preparing a fatty soap and the resin soap, and combining the two in the pan after the underlye has been salted out and removed from the fatty soap. The compound then receives its strengthening boil, after which it is fitted by boiling with added water or weak lye, continuing the boil till by examination of a sample the proper consistency has been reached.
The worship of Pan was introduced after the Persian wars, in consequence of an apparition seen by Pheidippides, the Athenian courier, in the mountains of Arcadia.
A male Pales was sometimes spoken of, corresponding in some respects to Pan; the female Pales was associated with Vesta and Anna Perenna.
Of the same character is the use of incense carried in a perfuming pan before the sovereign at his coronation in the procession from Westminster Hall to the Abbey.
The boulder clay or " hard pan " of which most of the surface lands are composed, forms a very indifferent support for vegetation, and consequently the state is not well adapted for the growing of crops.
Elsewhere south of the mountains the surface soil is mostly hard pan or till, this being deepest on the drumlins.
If using the oven, preheat a griddle pan until hot.
It will be better than any pan you own today.
This pan will cost a dollar.
Enjoy the menu items, such as pan seared chicken, filet mignon, grilled swordfish and maple brined pork chop.
Carmen carried the basket of eggs to the counter beside the sink and watched as Alex took the lid off the roasting pan.
She started placing biscuits in the waiting pan.
Martha was mixing batter while Quinn stood at the stove, heating a frying pan.
Once home she washed the roasting hen and put it in a pan.
She quickly put the plates in the dishwasher and dumped the stale water from the frying pan.
She shut the stove off and moved the frying pan.
Treatment of Settled Soap. - The upper layer having been removed, the desired soap is ladled out or ran off to a crutcher, which is an iron pan provided with hand or mechanical stirring appliances.
According to the second plan, the ordinary oil is treated as for the preparation of a curd soap, and to this the coconut soap separately saponified is added in the pan and both are boiled together till they form a homogeneous soap.
Leake, whom Frazer follows, assumed the Pelasgicum to be a fortified space at the western end of the Acropolis; this view necessitates the assumption that the nine gates were built one within the other, but early antiquity furnishes no instance of such a construction; DOrpfeld believes it to have extended from the grotto of Pan to the sacred precinct of Asclepius.
On the north-west rock the caves known as the grottoes of Pan and Apollo were cleared out; these consist of a slight high-arched indentation immediately to the east of the Clepsydra and a double and somewhat deeper cavern a little farther to the east.
Gran Piedra rises more than 5200 ft., the Ojo del Toro more than 33 00, the Anvil de Baracoa is somewhat lower, and Pan de Matanzas is about 1267 ft.
On the same side of the river, lower down, is the shrine of Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani (of Pan), founder of the Qadirite (Kadaria) sect of dervishes, also a noted place of pilgrimage.
This has an oblong, dish-shaped hearth of acid or basic fire-brick built into a wrought-iron pan, which rests on transverse rails supported by longitudinal walls.
Julius Reviczky (1855-1899) also inclined to the Occidental rather than to the specifically Magyar type of poets; his lyrics are highly finished, aristocratic and pessimistic (Pan halala, " The Death of Pan ").
The acid is then slowly run out by an opening in the bottom of the pan in which the operation is conducted, and water distributed carefully over its surface displaces it in the interstices of the cotton, which is finally subjected to a course of boiling and washing with water.
At the coronation of George III., one of the king's grooms appeared "in a scarlet dress, holding a perfuming pan, burning perfumes, as at previous coronations."
This was followed, next year, by translations of works on the Revolution by Mallet du Pan and Mounier, and at this time he also founded and edited a monthly journal, the Neue deutsche Monatsschrift, in which for five years he wrote, mainly on historical and political questions, maintaining the principles of British constitutionalism against those of revolutionary France.
The clear juice when it arrives at the top of the separator flows slowly over the level edges of, a cross canal and passes in a continuous stream to the service tanks of the evaporators or vacuum pan.
With open-fire batteries for making the syrup, which was afterwards finished in the vacuum pan, very good sugar was produced, but at a cost that would be ruinous in to-day's markets.
It is unquestionably better and easier to evaporate in vacuo than in an open pan, and with a better system of firing, a more liberal provision of steam generators, and multiple-effect evaporators of improved construction, a far larger yield of sugar is obtained from the juice than was possible of attainment in those days, and the megass often suffices as fuel for the crop.
Thus, supposing that moo lb of coal were required to work a single vacuum pan, evaporating, say, 6000 lb of water in a given time, then 500 lb of coal would be required for a double-effect apparatus to do the same work, 333 lb for a triple effect, 250 for a quadruple effect, and 200 lb for a quintuple effect.
The defecated cane juice, having lost about 70% of its bulk by evaporation in the multipleeffect evaporator, is now syrup, and ready to enter the vacuum pan for further concentration and crystallizaHoward's tion.
Howard it is stated, among other things, that " water Pan.
Since Howard published his invention the vacuum pan has been greatly improved and altered in shape and power, and especially of recent years, and the advantages of concentrating in vacuo having been acknowledged, the system has been adopted in many other industries, and crowds of inventors have turned their attention to the principle.
In endeavouring to make a pan of less power do as much and as good work as one of greater power, they have imagined many ingenious mechanical contrivances, such as currents produced mechanically to promote evaporation and crystallization, feeding the pan from many points in order to spread the feed equally throughout the mass of sugar being cooked, and so on.
All their endeavours have obtained at best but a doubtful success, for they have overlooked the fact that to evaporate a given weight of water from the syrup in a vacuum pan at least an equal weight (or in practice about 15% more) of steam must be condensed, and the first cost of mechanical agitators, together with the expenditure they involve for motive power and maintenance, must be put against the slight saving in the heating surface effected by their employment.
On the other hand, the advocates of admitting the feed into a vacuum pan in many minute streams appeal rather to the ignorant and incompetent sugarboiler than to a man who, knowing his business thoroughly, will boil 150 tons of hot raw sugar in a pan in a few hours, feeding it through a single pipe and valve io in.
Nevertheless, it has been found in practice, when syrups with low quotient of purity and high quotient of impurity are being treated, injecting the feed at a number of different points in the pan does reduce the time required to boil the pan, though of no practical advantage with syrups of high quotient of purity and free from the viscosity which impedes circulation and therefore quick boiling.
The choice of the size of the crystals to be produced in a given pan depends upon the market for which they are intended.
It is of course presupposed that the juice has been properly defecated, because without this no amount of skill and knowledge in cooking in the pan will avail; the sugar resulting must be bad, either in colour or grain, or both, and certainly in polarizing power.
On other estates the second sugars, or sugars produced from boiling molasses alone, are not purged to dryness, but when sufficiently separated from their mother-liquor are mixed with the defecated juice, thereby increasing its saccharine richness, and after being converted into syrup in the usual manner are treated in the vacuum pan as first sugars, which in fact they really are.
In certain districts, notably in the Straits Settlements, syrup is prepared as described above for crystallization in a vacuum pan, but instead of being cooked in vacuo it is slowly boiled up in open double-bottom pans.
The crystallized sugar from the vacuum pan has now to be separated from the molasses or mother-liquor surrounding the crystals.
When Cuba was the chief sugar-producing country making clayed sugars it was the custom (followed in refineries and found advantageous in general practice) to discharge the strike of crystallized sugar from the vacuum pan into a receiver heated below by steam, and to stir the mass for a certain time, and then distribute it into the moulds in which it was afterwards clayed.
The vacuum pan is erected at a height which commands the crystallizers, each of which will, as in days gone by in Cuba, hold the contents of the pan, and these in their turn are set high enough to allow the charge to fall into the feeding-trough of the centrifugals, thus obviating the necessity of any labour to remove the raw sugar from the time it leaves the vacuum pan to the time it falls into the centrifugals.
Some crystallizers are made entirely cylindrical, and are connected to the condenser of the vacuum pan; in order to maintain a partial vacuum in them, some are fitted with cold-water pipes to cool them and with steam pipes to heat them, and some are left open to the atmosphere at the top. But the efficiency of all depends on the process of almost imperceptible yet continuous evaporation and the methodical addition of syrup, and not on the idiosyncrasies of the experts who manage them; and there is no doubt that in large commercial processes of manufacture the simpler the apparatus used for obtaining a desired result, and the more easily it is understood, the better it will be for the manufacturer.
The clear juice thus obtained is evaporated in a multiple-effect evaporator and crystallized in a vacuum pan, and the sugar is purged in centrifugals.
The wholesale jam manufacturers of the present day use this sugar; they boil the jam in vacuo and secure a product that will last a long time without deteriorating, but it lacks the delicacy and distinctive flavour of fruit preserved by a careful housekeeper, who boils it in an open pan with cane sugar to a less density, though exposed for a short time to a greater heat.
Any sand or heavy matter in suspension is allowed to fall to the bottom of the pan into the " sandbox " before the melted sugar is run off to the cloth filters.
The firstmentioned process consists of charging and feeding the vacuum pan with the richest syrup, and then as the crystals form and this syrup becomes thereby less rich the'pan is fed with syrup of lower richness, but still of a richness equal to that of the mother-liquor to which it is added, and so on until but little mother-liquor is left, and that of the poorest quality.
By means of a travelling crane the casing is placed within an iron drum, to which it is secured, and is then brought under an overhead vacuum pan, from which the cells are filled with massecuite.
The most favourable retort is a shallow iron pan heated in a sand bath, and provided with a screwed-down lid bearing the delivery tube.
The conical Pan de Matanzas (1277 ft.) is a striking land-mark for sailors.
The most characteristic is the " pan," a circular dish of sheetiron or " tin," with sloping sides about 13 or 14 in.
The pan, about two-thirds filled with the " pay dirt " to be washed, is held in the stream or in a hole filled with water.
The larger stones having been removed by hand, gyratory motion is given to the pan by a combination of shaking and twisting movements so as to keep its contents suspended in the stream of water, which carries away the bulk of the lighter material, leaving the heavy minerals, together with any gold which may have been present.
The washing is repeated until enough of the enriched sand is collected, when the gold is finally recovered by careful washing or " panning out " in a smaller pan.
In Mexico and South America, instead of the pan, a wooden dish or trough, known as " batea," is used.
The " pan " is now only used by prospectors, while the " cradle " and " tom " are practically confined to the Chinese; the sluice is considered to be the best contrivance for washing gold gravels.
This consists of a cast-iron pan having a shallow cylindrical bottom holding mercury, in which a wooden muller, nearly of the same shape as the inside of the pan, and armed below with several projecting blades, is made to revolve by gearing wheels.
A small stool is then placed over the balance pan, and on this is placed a beaker of distilled water so that the solid is totally immersed.
Some balances are provided with a "specific gravity pan," i.e.
All crucibles and other materials which might contain precious metal are ground up and washed in a pan, and the pannings together with a selection from the floor sweepings are remelted.
The scale pan for the coin is shown in fig.
B is the pan on which the coin rests, at a point above the beam.
The coins are placed in a rouleau in the hopper C and the lowest one is pushed on to the pan B by a slide not shown in the figure.
While the coin is being moved the hanger D is held firmly by the forceps E to prevent the pan from being pushed sideways.
The syrinx or pan pipes owes its double name to ancient Greek tradition, ascribing its invention to Pan in connection with a well-known legend of the Arcadian water-nymph "Syrinx."
As a pastoral god he was often closely connected with deities of vegetation, especially Pan and the nymphs.
The epic, which remained in manuscript till 1850, is a genuine representation of Polish life; no picture so faithful appeared till the Pan Tadeusz of Mickiewicz.
His first production was Pan Geldhab, written in 1819 and produced at Warsaw in 1821.
Crude potash is used for the manufacture of glass, and, after being causticized, for the making of soft soap. For many other purposes it must be refined, which is done by treating the crude product with the minimum of cold water required to dissolve the carbonate, removing the undissolved part (which consists chiefly of sulphate), and evaporating the clear liquor to dryness in an iron pan.
The betel nut is the fruit of the Areca or betel palm, Areca Catechu, and the betel leaf is the produce of the betel vine or pan, Chavica Betel, a plant allied to that which yields black pepper.
When chewed a small piece is wrapped up in a leaf of the betel vine or pan, with a pellet of shell lime or chunam; and in some cases a little cardamom, turmeric or other aromatic is added.
The best known of these depressions, Ngami, lies to the north-west and is the central point of an inland water system apparently in process of drying up. To the north-east and connected with Ngami by the Botletle river, is the great Makari-Kari salt pan, which also drains a vast extent of territory, receiving in the rainy season a large volume of water.
Pan, Silenus, the Satyrs and the Fauns were either capriform or had some part of their bodies shaped like that of a goat.
The effect of weights placed in such a dish or pan is of course the same as if they were placed within the bulb of the instrument, since they do not alter the volume of that part which is immersed.
Instead of a scale, only a single mark is placed upon the stem, which is very slender, and bears at the top a small scale pan into which weights are placed until the instrument sinks to the mark upon its stem.
The volume of the displaced liquid being then always the same, its density will be proportional to the whole weight supported, that is, to the weight of the instrument together with the weights required to be placed in the scale pan.
Now let the solid be placed in the lower pan, care being taken that no bubbles of air remain attached to it, and let w i be the weight now required in the scale pan..
Its weight is so adjusted that an additional weight of 5 grammes must be placed in the upper pan to cause the instrument to sink to the mark on the stem in distilled water at the standard temperature.
It is clear that the effect of this "plongeur," when placed in the lower pan, is exactly the same as that of the 5 gramme weight in the upper pan.
To use the instrument for liquids of much greater density than water additional weights must be placed in the upper pan, and the "plongeur" is then placed in the lower pan for the purpose of giving to the instrument the requisite stability.
The hill called Pan de Azucar (Sugar-loaf) is S.W.
Thus a West African native who wants a suhman takes a rudely-cut wooden image or a stone, a root of a plant, or some red earth placed in a pan, and then he calls on a spirit of Sasabonsum ("a genus of deities, every member of which possesses identical characteristics") to enter the object prepared, promising it offerings and worship. If a spirit consents to take up its residence in the object, a low hissing sound is heard, and the suhman is complete.
Lotze (1817-1881) elaborated a very different noumenal idealism, which perhaps we may express by the name " Pan.
He was confused with Pan, Sabazios, Men and Adonis, and there were resemblances between the orgiastic features of his worship and that of Dionysus.
Latimer, on seeing him enter the church, boldly changed his theme to a portrayal of Christ as the pattern priest and bishop. The points of comparison were, of course, deeply distasteful to the prelate, who, though he professed his " obligations for the good admonition he had received," informed the preacher that he " smelt somewhat of the pan."
Limonite often forms a cementing medium in ferruginous sands and gravels, forming "pan"; and in like manner it is the agglutinating agent in many conglomerates, like the South African "banket," where it is auriferous.
When there is a hard pan this should be broken up with the spade or the fork, and have plenty of manure mixed with it.
These are shallow cylindrical troughs containing muddy water in which the diamonds and other heavy minerals (concentrates) are swept to the rim by revolving toothed arms, while the lighter stuff escapes near the centre of the pan.
The leaf of Venus's fly-trap (Dionaea muscipula) when cut off and placed in damp moss, with a pan of water underneath and a bell-glass for a cover, has produced buds from which young plants were obtained.
During the I9th century, however, a large measure of ecclesiastical self-government (by means of general synods, &c.) was introduced, pan passu with the growth of constitutional government in the state; and in effect, though the theoretical supremacy of the sovereign survives in the church as in the state, he cannot exercise it save through the general synod, which is the state parliament for ecclesiastical purposes.
After fusing a panful of colored glass, it was sampled by taking pinches out with tongs; when perfectly combined it was left to cool in the pan, as with modern optical glass.
When cold the pan was chipped away, and the cake of glass broken up into convenient pieces, free of sediment and of scum.
The jurisdiction exercised by consuls in civil and criminal affairs Lord Cromer proposed should cease pan passu with the provision by the Egyptian government, under the powers conferred by the treaty required to set up the new council, of courts having competence to deal with such matters, various safeguards being introduced to prevent injustice in criminal cases.
Under Greek influence he was identified with Pan, and just as there was supposed to be a number of Panisci, so the existence of many Fauni was assumed - misshapen and mischievous goblins of the forest, with pointed ears, tails and goat's feet, who loved to torment sleepers with hideous nightmares.
Basket salt takes its name from the conical baskets from which it is allowed to drain when first it is " drawn " from the pan.
In Britain the brine is so pure that, keeping a small stream of it running into the pan to replace the losses by evaporation and the removal of the salt, it is only necessary occasionally (not often) to reject the mother-liquor when at last it becomes too impure with magnesium chloride; but in some works the mother-liquor not only contains more of this impurity but becomes quite brown from organic matter on concentration, and totally unfit for further service after yielding but two or three crops of salt crystals.
Sometimes, to get rid of these impurities, the brine is treated in a large tub-`(bessoir) with lime; on settling it becomes clear and colourless, but the dissolved lime forms a skin on its surface in the pan, retards the evaporation and impedes the crystallization.
A slight degree of acidity seems more favourable to the crystallization of salt than alkalinity; thus it is a practice to add a certain amount of alum, 2 to 12 lb per pan of brine, especially when, as in fishery salt, fine crystals are required.
The salt is " drawn " from the pan and placed (in the case of boiled salts) in small conical baskets hung round the pan to drain, and thence moulded in square boxes and afterwards stove-dried, or (in case of unboiled salts) " drawn " in a heap on to the " hurdles," on which it drains, and thence is carried to the store.
At the entrance to one of them is a bas-relief dedicated to Pan and the Nymphs.
He began, too, to take an active interest in politics over the Eastern Question, but his enthusiasm was at the moment a flash in the pan.
Another story connects him with the musical contest between Apollo and Marsyas (or Pan).
They consist of a horizontal pan, 17 ft.
The mixture is fed in continuously to the central pan (e), whence it overflows into the compartments (c'), (c 2), (c 3) successively until it reaches the circumference, where it is discharged continously by o and into the collecting-box (q), being now converted into salt-cake.
The sulphuric acid, of which 6 or 7 parts are used to one of impure liquid hydrochloric acid, is always reserved for usein the same process, by driving off the excess of water in a lead pan, fired from the top, so that the principal expense of the process is that of the fuel required for the last operation.
The flame issuing from the furnace by (o) is always further utilized for boiling down the liquors obtained in a later stage, either in a pan (p) fired from the top and supported on pillars (qq) as shown in the drawing, or in pans heated from below.
It is continued until the contents of the pan have been coverted into a thick paste of small crystals of monohydrated sodium carbonate, permeated by a mother-liquor which is removed by draining on perforated plates or by a centrifugal machine, and is always returned to the pans.
This arrangement has the effect that the salts, as they separate out, slide down the sloping part and arrive in the central channel, which is not exposed to the fire-gases, so that they quietly settle there, without caking to the pan, until they are fished out by means of perforated ladles.
The " Thelen pan " (thus named from its inventor, a foreman at the Rhenania works near Aachen) is a mechanically worked fishing-pan, which requires considerably less labour and coal than ordinary boat-pans.
The steam rising from the latter is passed into a similar pan, in which it circulates round another set of pipes, but as it could not bring the liquid in the latter to boil under ordinary conditions, the second pan is connected with a vacuum-pump so that the boiling-point of the liquid in this pan is lowered.
This pan may be followed by a third pan, in which a stronger vacuum is maintained, and so forth.
Pan or betel-leaf is grown by a special caste in most parts of the country.
The most poetical account of his birth and life is given in the so-called Homeric hymn To Pan.
Associated with Pan is a number of Panisci, male and female forest imps, his wives and children, who send evil dreams and apparitions to terrify mankind.
In art Pan is represented in two different aspects.
The story (alluded to by Milton, Rabelais, Mrs Browning and Schiller) of the pilot Thamus, who, sailing near the island of Paxi in the time of Tiberius, was commanded by a mighty voice to proclaim that "Pan is dead," is found in Plutarch (De orac. defectu, 17).
The commoner conjunctions are a, ac, " and "; ond, eithr," but "; o, os, " if "; pan, " when "; tra, " while."
It consisted of a plane conducting plate forming one pan of a balance which was suspended over another insulated plate which could be electrified.
The attraction between the two plates was balanced by a weight put in the opposite pan.
A weight is put in the opposite scale pan and a measured charge of electricity is given to the disk C just sufficient to tip over the balance.
Snow-Harris found that this charge varied as the square root of the weight in the opposite pan, thus showing that the 1 It is probable that an experiment of this kind had been made as far back as 1746 by Daniel Gralath, of Danzig, who has some claims to have suggested the word " electrometer " in connexion with it.
The discovery a few weeks later of the much richer mines at Bultfontein and Du Toits Pan, followed by the great finds at De Beers and Colesberg Kop (Kimberley) caused Jagersfontein to be neglected for several years.
In that year, following smaller finds of diamonds on the banks of the Vaal and Orange rivers, the diamond mines of Du Toits Pan and Bultfontein were opened up. In.
The story told in the memoirs of the French ambassador Bassompierre, that he was killed by the heat of a brasero (a pan of hot charcoal), because the proper official to take it away was not at hand, is a humorous exaggeration of the formal etiquette of the court.
The paste is at once transferred to a larger pan and cold water added to about 3 gallons, covered and allowed to stand for from fourteen to fifteen hours.
A bunch of ' tang sani ' (lamp-wick, the pith of Eriocaulon or Scirpus) is then inserted well into the mass, and the pan slightly canted, when a rich, clear, brown fluid is thus drawn off, and filtered through ' chi mui ' (paper made from bamboo fibre).
The pan in general use is the combination pan.
In working, the muller is raised 2 in., the pan charged with water and then with ore; the muller is then lowered, salt and blue vitriol added, and the charge ground for 3-4 hours.
In amalgamating without the use of chemicals, finely divided iron, worn from the shoes and dies in the stamp-mill and the pan, decomposes cerargyrite and argentite, and the liberated silver is taken up by the quicksilver; the process is hastened by adding salt.
When the charge has been worked, the contents of the pan are discharged into a settler, in which the amalgam is separated from the sands.
It has the same general construction as the pan.
Settling takes about half the time required to work a charge in the pan, hence one settler serves two pans.
P. Boss has modified the ordinary plant by making the pulp flowing from the stamps pass through a grinding pan, then through a series of amalgamating pans followed by a row of settlers.
The Reese River or pan-amalgamation process consists in drystamping crushed dried ore and dried salt (separately or together), charging them into a roasting furnace, and amalgamating the chloridized ore in an iron pan.
The general construction of the pan is the same as in the Washoe process; the management, however, differs.
The large amount of soluble sulphates of iron and copper formed in the roast is made to act upon salt charged in a copper-bottomed amalgamating pan; the chlorides formed finish in the wet way the imperfect chloridation obtained in the furnace.
At the back of the city are three stone-topped hills, Silla, Pan and Tabla, reputed to be those referred to by Columbus in his journal of his first voyage.
He plays the lyre at the banquets of the gods, and causes Marsyas to be flayed alive because he had boasted of his superior skill in playing the flute, and the ears of Midas to grow long because he had declared in favour of Pan, who contended that the flute was a better instrument than Apollo's favourite, the lyre.
The largest, Commissioner's Salt Pan, in the arid northwest district, is 18 to 20 m.
To prevent them from tipping over in the direction of the beams a vertical leg is rigidly fastened to the under side of each pan, the lower end of which is loosely secured by a horizontal stay to a pin in the middle of the frame.
So that if, for example, a fishmonger uses such a machine to ascertain the weight of a piece of fish which he places in the goods - pan, and thereby depresses it down upon its stop, and then places weights in the weights-pan till the goods-pan rises, the customer is charged for more than the real weight of the fish.
The coupling is effected by firmly clamping the ends of the beams upon the top and bottom respectively of a loop of watch - spring, which is tightly stretched round the casting carrying the pan, as is shown in the end view in fig.
Steelyards, again, are frequently arranged as counter machines, having a scoop or pan resting on a pair of knife-edges at the short end, which is prevented V P FIG.
A pan is carried on the knife-edges at the short end, and is kept from tipping over by stays.
A packet is placed on the pan to receive the material from the shoot of a hopper.
This lever is so counterbalanced that when there is no weight in the pan the pendulum is vertical, and the index arm should then stand at zero.
The sugar is run into a conical hopper and is delivered into the open mouth of a bag which is placed on the goods - pan of a balance.
The circular drum is divided into four equal compartments by radial diaphragms. And in a pan at the other end of the beam (which is counter - balanced for the weight of the drum) is a I-lb weight to weigh the tea.
We also note the Faure and Kessler apparatus, which consists of a platinum pan, surmounted by a double-walled leaden hood, in such a manner that, while the hood is constantly cooled from the outside by water, the thin acid condensing on its inside is carried away without being allowed to flow back into the pan.
Moreover, it appears probable that the first somite never had its parapodia modified as jaws, but became a prosthomere with tactile appendages before parapodial jaws were developed at all, or rather pan passu with their development on the second somite.
The ablest of the Royalist journals was Mallet du Pan's Mercure de France.
The Moon in Greek myths loved Endymion, and was bribed to be the mistress of Pan by the present of a fleece, like the Dawn in Australia, whose unchastity was rewarded by a gift of a red cloak of opossum skin.
The eastern chain begins north of the equator at 6000 ft., gradually rises to the height of Nevado (14,146 ft.), Pan de Azucar (12,140 ft.), and in the Sierra Nevada de Cochi attains to peaks of 16,70o ft.
Lisa took a frying pan from the cabinet and started preparing lunch while father and daughter went into the living room to play.
There are also a number of background echoed affirmations, which pan from left to right in your headphones.
Never be tempted to cook with a chip pan after consuming alcohol.
The unattended pan contained a wooden spoon which caught alight causing smoke to activate the smoke alarm.
Remove the pan from the heat and stir in 1 tablespoon of the rose water and the finely chopped almonds.
He is the male spirit of nature and he shares a common ancestry with Pan and Dionysus.
Place chopped apples in a pan with a little water and cook until soft.
Turn the pheasants over and add the apricots, wine mixture and the dates to the pan.
Add the wine to the ingredients in the frying pan and savor the delicious aroma!
It is clear that sample attrition has reduced the number of cases available for longitudinal analysis. [Link to Doc Pan on Attrition] .
Heat the olive oil in a frying pan and gently cook the aubergine until soft.
Using a heavy frying pan gently cook 2 rashers of streaky bacon cut into strips.
Place the Ostrich Meat in pan and add the bouquet garni, cloves and port, then arrange the plums over the top.
The pan would have been used to evaporate natural brine to produce salt, which was important to the Romans as a food preservative.
Half an hour after starting the beef broth cooking, melt a tablespoon of butter in a pan.
Heat the oil in a large flameproof casserole or frying pan over a medium heat.
Serving suggestions Serve it softly set, straight from the pan, with a hearty casserole or rich sauce.
Heat the oil in a large casserole pan set over a moderate heat.
The appliance is built in stainless steel with solid cast iron pan supports.
There's a choice of matt or gloss black cast iron pan supports (made by Aga ).
Bring a large pan of acidulated water to a hard boil and add the drained celeriac.
There is also a wall hung pan with concealed cistern.
Check out the Peter Pan video clip Click Here for a taste of what we can do for you.
A fire blanket or damp cloth should be used on a fat pan fire.
Measure 150ml (6 fl oz) of the syrup in to a small pan and add the cognac.
It may be useful to place a colander, sieve or other device over the pan to keep the artichokes submerged.
Put it with the garlic in a metal colander or steamer basket over a pan of boiling water.
With the plastic pan removed, most of our mobile commodes can be used over standard toilets.
Removable oatmeal seat conceals a plastic commode pan with secure lid and carrying handle.
While the vegetables are cooking place the pasta in a large pan of boiling salted water and cook until tender.
The rain has eased but the firewood still crackles like the devil's frying pan.
Also available is high-altitude beef which is cooked at the table in a frying pan and served with chips and a mustard cream sauce.
Otherwise, use a regular crepe pan, which will produce thinner crepes.
Add the spring onions and remove the pan from the heat so that they remain crunchy.
Cook the marinated lamb cutlets on the griddle pan, allowing 3-4 minutes on each side.
Will compliment grilled and roasted red meats, pan fried cutlets and medallions of game and anything utilizing a strong, mature cheese.
Our Mini Heart Baking Pan will make 6 attractive heart-shaped desserts or cakes for a dinner party or special occasion.
A carelessly discarded match, a chip pan left unattended.
Luther was thrust almost immediately out of the frying pan of religious disputation into the fiery furnace of high politics.
Make sure that the pan does not boil dry.
There are seemingly endless shots of the inside of bars, which pan around to show people dancing.
Never use a fire extinguisher on a fat pan fire.
Remove all but 4 tablespoons of the bacon fat from the pan and add the cabbage.
Place the olive oil in a large frying pan over a high heat and add the fennel wedges.
I opted for pan fried sea bream with baby fennel, wild mushrooms and new potatoes and herb bread crumbs.
On a separate pan, fry the fish filets, which have been dipped in flour, salt and pepper.
Whatever you do, NEVER throw water over a chip pan fire, as it will create a fireball.
Millions of consumers rhythmyx is a. Cases you need pan flutes.
The three course lunch dishes vary from roast red leg partridge to pan fried foie gras.
Brown the guinea fowl in a frying pan in the butter, then transfer to a roasting tin, breast down.
Summer dishes however have been Pan fried seasoned Plaice filets using the Pan fried seasoned Plaice filets using the Pan Fried Lemon Sole recipe.
Most fish is cooked pan fried (a la plancha) and served with mojo sauce.
After about 4 minutes, carefully slip the frittata onto a plate, invert and return to the pan.
Turn the omelet on to a plate, melt the remaining butter in the pan and slide the frittata back into the pan.
Simply wok or pan fry for 6 minutes for a tasty meal.
If you don't have an electric deep-fat fryer and are using an ordinary pan, never fill it more than one-third full.
To avoid having an oil or fat pan fire use a thermostatically controlled deep fat fryer.
The over 60s who currently use the chip pan to make the teatime favorite may qualify for a safer, deep fat fryer.
To make the ganache; melt the chocolate in a bowl set over a pan of simmering water.
In a large saucepan or frying pan, gently heat the ghee or oil.
Chop the chicken into fairly small pieces and add to the pan Fry until golden, and add the finely sliced green pepper.
This was then cooked on a ridged griddle pan over a medium to low heat for about four minutes on each side.
Place on a hot, oiled griddle pan & cook to taste.
Bake on a hot griddle or frying pan, using very little fat.
Bake on a medium heated griddle or flat frying pan for 1/2 minutes per side.
Dip in flour and fry in a large griddle pan using the " I Can't Believe It's Not Butter!
Season to taste and keep warm Heat a cast iron griddle pan until very hot.
Jamie Oliver suggests griddling the asparagus spears on a hot griddle pan for a couple of minutes, turning a couple of times.
Meanwhile, put the haddock in a large frying pan with just enough water to cover.
Melt the butter in a frying pan and cook the halibut, turning once.
There must be a pan of seedlings somewhere of a putative hybrid between these two!
Just below the rim is an engraved Latin inscription which runs around the pan in an unbroken sequence.
In a small pan, gently warm the plum jam and soy sauce.
Gently warm the gin or brandy in a large ladle or small pan and ignite, pouring over pan juices and stirring gently.
Heat a frying pan and, when hot, add the lardons of bacon and fry for about 5 minutes or until colored.
Serve straight from the pan with scoops of ice cream or lashings of cream.
To cook, a large pan of boiling liquid is required, often white wine or cider based.
Crush the mace blades (or ground mace) and add them to the pan.
The pan fried sea bass with thyme and olive oil marinade also hit the spot for the money.
If a film is pan and scanned, open matte or hard matted just for the DVD, then this will be mentioned.
When the oil is heated add the meatballs to the frying pan and cook until they are browned.
Now stir the mixture quickly making sure to get into the corner of the pan to prevent the egg sticking.
Add the wine at intervals, enough to keep the pan slightly moist at all times.
The head is fitted with two high resolution self-referencing encoders with DSP technology which detects the slightest movement of pan or tilt.
Add cream and brandy to pan when sliced mushrooms are cooked.
The bodice features a round neckline, with a sweet fold-over peter pan collar, edged in lilac.
Then add the honey, soya sauce and Stir-fry Chow Mein Sauce to the pan along with the drained noodles and pork.
To boil, bring a pan of water to the boil, add the prepared okra and cook for 4-6 minutes or until tender.
In a small frying pan heat the remaining tbsp olive oil and fry the bread cubes until crisp and brown.
If they don't have enough oomph, pour them into a separate pan and boil until they do.
Heat a roasting tin or large ovenproof frying pan over a medium heat, adding a little olive oil.
Pan's own science fiction list is also rather pallid, I'm afraid.
Do we go from the frying pan into the fire?
Unfortunately while descending he falls into the boiling pan in the fire below and perishes.
Pour entire mixture into a 9-inch square heavy-gauge metal baking pan or a 10-inch heavy-gauge metal pie pan.
This year it is hoped to have a big pan of broth on the boil to keep the hunger pangs at bay.
This year's family pantomime will be PETER PAN (16th Dec 15th Jan ).
To boil, bring a pan of water to the boil and add the prepared parsnips.
Try it with penne pasta with salmon in a creamy sauce, charcuterie or even pan fried venison.
Remove and squeeze dry into the pan to extract pectin, then discard.
I also see the character, Peter Pan, as someone less than innocent and to an extent rather perverted.
The laser isn't used on the blood vessels directly, but is scattered over the whole retina (pan retinal photocoagulation ).
Mix both extracts, pour into a clean pan, reduce by boiling until juice measures 1½ pints.
Quarter the peppers, remove the stem and white pith and lay them skin side upwards on a foil lined grill pan.
Used by a top pizza restaurant chain, this pan is great for baking fresh pizzas.
Cut some lean bacon rashers into small pieces and dry-fry them in a pan until they are almost crisp.
My pan fried red snapper with tomato, olive, onion and thyme confit at Stg 11.25 was another blast of the Mediterranean.
There's a bronze replica of Peter Pan created by Sir George Frampton in 1912.
Warm the marmalade in a small pan until it becomes runny.
A large pan of water is placed between the two groups and a toy sailboat is placed on the water.
If you are using bacon rather than Spanish chorizo sausage, gently fry the bacon in the pan until cooked through.
Forgot to add, i've been drinking all day and missed the pan for a few secs and the floors covered in excrement.
Essentially self-taught, George Gershwin was first a song plugger in Tin Pan Alley and an accompanist.
Heat the oil in a large pan and cook the shallots over a medium heat until softened.
Our shortbread Pan makes a square shortbread with a 9 finely detailed designs baked into the top.
For a yummy healthy treat, dry roast in a heavy frying pan then add a little shoyu at the end.
Mash the beans against the side of the pan with a fork, this allows the beans to thicken the soup.
Meanwhile, grill or sear the tuna steak in a pan.
While you use the strainer, keep the leaves away in a corner of the pan by using a spoon.
Do you need a strainer or a frying pan?
These include kick, lightening strike, weapon strip frying pan to the head and penalty box.
Drop tablespoonfuls of the batter into the pan, well spaced out.
The high thermal conductivity of the pan acts to rapidly thaw most items.
This pan has a tubular tapered steel handle and the original tinsmith made lid.
Remove pan from heat, add teaspoon of vanilla essence, beat until the mix is thick then pour into greased tray.
A vocabulary test for chimpanzees (pan troglodytes ).
Then add the fennel, cumin and white mustard seeds to the pan together with the ground powdered turmeric.
The cause of the fire was a chip pan left unattended.
Each belly pan is supplied with all necessary fittings Powerbronze have begun to incorporate mesh vents into several of our newer belly pan designs.
The pan should be fine but the kitchen smells of boiled vinegar!
Lightly grease the pan with a thick wad of paper towel dipped in oil or melted butter.
Pan's gravity causes the ring material either side of the Enke gap to appear wavy.
Then push the leek to the side of the pan and add the whiting.
Click Pan image, then drag the image to center the subject's face in the preview window.
Line a large wok or pan with 2 to 3 layers of strong foil with a 8 cm overhang.
To Evander was attributed the introduction of Greek rites and customs into his new country; of writing, music and other arts; of the worship of Pan (called Faunus by the Italians) and the festival of Lupercalia.
Owing to this circumstance it is impossible to " fit " or in any way purify soft soap, and all impurities which go into the pan of necessity enter into the finished product.
Since on an average 70% by measurement of the normal defecated cane juice has to be evaporated in order to reduce it to syrup ready for final concentration and crystallization in the vacuum pan, and since to attain the same end as much as 90 to 95% of the volume of mixed juices has to be evaporated when maceration or imbibition is employed, it is clear that some more economical mode of evaporation is necessary in large estates than the open-fire batteries still common in Barbados and some of the West Indian islands, and in small haciendas in Central America and Brazil, but seldom seen elsewhere.
Thus, to defend her immense possessions in Volhynia and Podolia, she converted the castles of Bar and Krzemieniec into first-class fortresses, and placed the former in the hands of her Silesian steward, who acquitted himself so manfully of his charge r that "the Tatars fell away from the frontier all the days of Pan Pretficz," and a large population settled securely beneath the walls of Bar, henceforth known as "the bastion of Podolia."
Various forms of apparatus are employed for this treatment of the crude bicarbonate - sometimes semi-circular troughs with mechanical agitators on the principle of the Thelen pan (see above) - all acting on the principle that the escaping ammonia and carbon dioxide must be fully utilized over again.
We possess a large series of coins of Panticapaeum and other cities from the 5th century B.C. The gold staters of Panticapaeum beating Pan's head and a griffin are specially remarkable for their weight and fine workmanship. We have also coins with the names of the later Spartocids and a singularly complete series of dated solidi issued by the later or Achaemenian dynasty; in them may be noticed the swift degeneration of the gold solidus through silver and potin to bronze (see also Numismatics).
This pan's nanite coating means to clean it, you just wipe it with a nanite rag that doesn't stain.
Its social good, on average, is $2,000 a pan.
Another musket missed fire but flashed in the pan.