Palps Sentence Examples
They never bear segmented limbs (palps) and only exceptionally (as in the chafers) is the skeleton composed of more than one sclerite.
In specialized biting insects, such as beetles (Coleo C ptera), the labium tends to become a hard transverse plate bearing the pair of palps, a median structure - known as the ligula - formed of the conjoined laciniae, and a pair of small rounded processes - the reduced galeae - often called the " paraglossae," a term better avoided since it has been applied also to the maxillulae of Aptera, entirety different structures.
First maxillae also modified as piercers; maxillae of both pairs with distinct palps.
Mandibles absent in imago, very exceptionally present in pupa; first maxillae nearly always without laciniae and often without palps, or only with vestigial palps, their galeae elongated and grooved inwardly so as to form a sucking trunk.
Mandibles rarely present, adapted for piercing; first maxillae with palps; second maxillae forming with hypopharynx a suctorial proboscis.
The first pair of limbs is often chelate or prehensile, rarely antenniform; whilst the second, third and fourth may also be chelate, or may be simple palps or walking legs.
The segmentation of the prosoma and the form of the appendages bear a homoplastic similarity to the head, pro-, meso-, and meta-thorax of a Hexapod with mandibles, maxillary palps and three pairs of walking legs; while the opistho io i e d c b o a S' S" 2 I VT V S IV III II I Opisthosoma Prosoma FIG.
Vestigial palps have been described in various species of Hemiptera, but the true nature of these structures is doubtful.
Tellinidae.-External gill-plate directed upwards; siphons separate and elongated; foot with byssus; palps very large; ligament external.
The tenth abdominal segment carries a pair of jointed cerci which are often elongate, and the feelers are always long, while the jaws are usually feeble and membranous, though the typical parts of a mandibulate mouth are present - mandibles, maxillae with inner and outer lobes and palps, and second maxillae (labium) whose lacinae are not fused to form a ligula.
AdvertisementThey are abundantly distinct from the Neuroptera and Mecaptera, through the absence of mandibles in the imago, the maxillae - both pairs of which possess the typical inner and outer lobes and jointed palps - forming a suctorial apparatus.
In all Trichoptera the maxillary palps of the female are fivesegmented.
The family Phryganeidae have males with foursegmented hairy palps; the larvae inhabit stagnant water and make cases of vegetable fragments.
The males of the Sericostomatidae have two or three segmented palps; their larvae inhabit running water and make cases of grains of sand, or of small stones.
In the Leptoceridae, Hydropsychidae, Rhyacophilidae and Hydroptilidae the palps of the males have five segments like those of the females.
AdvertisementThese may be formed by the modification of almost any of the appendages, often the antennules or antennae or some of the thoracic limbs, or even the mandibular palps (some Ostracoda).
All the cephalic appendages are much reduced, the mandibles have no palps, and the maxillulae are vestigial.
In those Copepods in which the palps of the mandibles as well as the antennae are biramous and natatory, the first three pairs of appendages retain throughout life, with little modification, the shape and function which they have in the nauplius stage, and must, in all likelihood, be regarded as approximating to those of the primitive Crustacea.
The palps are very short and conical as a rule.
In Apus, as the figure shows, there are four of these " antenna-like " palps or filaments on the first thoracic limb.
AdvertisementThe mandibular somite bears a pair of gnathobasic hemignaths without rami or palps, and is followed by two jaw-bearing somites (maxillary and labial).
They also have two palps next to the mouth.
It is a small grasshopper, with a very colorful underside, and white palps, as in the picture below.
The palps are always greatly enlarged, with the terminal segments modified into strong pincers used for catching and crushing prey.
The palps are developed into strong pincers equipped with sharp teeth and spines, which are used for catching and crushing prey.
AdvertisementShell oval, elongated, with narrow aperture; neck very long; labial palps prominent.
Mandibles fused into a piercer; first maxillae developed as piercers; palps of both pairs of maxillae present; hypopharynx wanting.
They differ from the Diptera, however, in the general presence of palps to both pairs of maxillae, and in the absence of a hypopharynx, so it is possible that their relationship to the Diptera is less close than has been supposed.
The maxillary palps have usually three, the labial either two or four segments.
The palps, both maxillary and labial, have two segments.
The mandibles are strong, adapted for biting the vegetable substances on which these beetles feed, and the palps of the second maxillae have three segments.
The ventraPscleriteof the head-skeleton (gula), well developed in most families of beetles, is absent among the Rhynchophora, while the palps of the maxillae are much reduced.
Parapod.ia hardly projecting; palps of prosomium forming branched gills; no pharynx or eversible buccal region; no septa in thorax, septa in abdomen regularly disposed.
The palps are really derived from part of the velar area of the larva.
The labial palps are direct continuations of the lips.