Palliative Sentence Examples
The true palliative of famine is to be found in the improvement of methods of transport, which make it possible rapidly to convey food from one district to another.
In the long run, however, even this palliative ceased to work; and accordingly on June 5 1917 a new stiffening of the standing orders was voted, which sufficed in effect during the later period of the Parliament.
A good palliative is sweet oil; this will allay any corrosive irritation of the throat and stomach, and at the same time cause vomiting.
In advanced metastatic cancer when cure is unlikely, palliative surgery aims at reducing symptoms.
Intravenous narcotics may also be used for palliative care, to relieve the pain of patients diagnosed with terminal cancer.
Chemotherapy also can ease the symptoms of cancer (palliative chemotherapy), helping some patients have a better quality of life.
There are also drugs that offer palliative care - treating the symptoms of migraines as they arise.
All of the proceeds benefited Children's Hospice and Palliative Care Coalition and its goal to improve care for critically ill children.
Persons in severe pain from terminal cancer are often prescribed narcotics as palliative care.
The review team was able to arrange for five new commodes to be purchased for use in the palliative care ward.
AdvertisementTreatment is entirely palliative; as of 2004, there was no effective antiviral treatment.
The aims of palliative gastrectomy are often to enable oral food intake, stop bleeding or relieve pain.
Treatment - Palliative surgery may relieve the biliary obstruction in carcinoma of the head of the pancreas.
Opened in 1992 the hospice is now acknowledged as providing the highest quality specialist palliative and support care in North Hampshire.
Whilst as district nurses we use the word palliative, many patients are unaware of its meaning.
AdvertisementDefense procurement can not be a short term palliative to the dole queue.
Palliative care Our palliative care Our palliative care aims to maintain and where possible, improve quality of life for patients and their families.
Many common, chronic diseases have therapies that are at best only palliative.
This is not palliative care that takes away the pain of living, a safe haven from life's storm and stress.
Grove House Provides specialist palliative care on a daily basis to all people affected by cancer or a life threatening illness.
AdvertisementIt was the second NHS palliative care hospice in the country.
For palliative care, some additional Poms are recommended for inclusion but strong opiod controlled drugs are not.
The remedy for this condition of affairs is sought in a most elaborate and artificial system, of transferring officers and men from one unit to another at stated intervals in peace-time, but this is no more than a palliative, and there are other difficulties of almost equal importance to be surmounted.
In short " unbearable suffering " can be improved with good access to high quality palliative support.