Palestinians Sentence Examples
With population growth and scarcity of land, Israeli Palestinians had to build new houses on their land, which develop into villages.
Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians fled, or were driven, from their homes to become stateless refugees in enforced exile.
Hare 's hour and a half long performance captures the schizoid nature of Israeli society and the abject nature of life for the Palestinians.
Are the Jewish settlers involved in the conflict with Palestinians?
However, it does not change his view that the Israelis have deliberately used their huge army to continually subjugate the Palestinians.
In September 1996, Palestinians destroyed the synagogue at Joseph 's tomb in Nablus.
The fight put up by the courageous Palestinians sent shock waves through israel.
Short term, the Israel 's want to kill as many Palestinians as possible and beat down the Palestinian right to independent statehood.
Three months later he was out and free to organize increasingly violent settler attacks on Palestinians during the intifada.