Palatial Sentence Examples
The Taj Mahal hotel, which was built by the Tata family in 1904, is the most palatial and modern hotel in India.
Gabriel emerged into Tamer's palatial home in Cairo.
Even in London itself, within easy reach of the palatial Millbank penitentiary, the chief prison of the city, Newgate, was in a disgraceful condition.
It is thought to be truly palatial in scale.
It is a modern town in appearance, with broad streets and palatial business houses.
Berlin is essentially a modern city, the quaint two-storied houses, which formerly characterized it, having given place to palatial business blocks, which somewhat dwarf the streets and squares, which once had an air of stately spaciousness.
The north side of Wilson Street reached almost palatial dignity - the City and County Buildings being erected there in 1844.
Fine broad streets, splendid squares and public gardens, hotels, villas, palatial new public buildings and numerous schools came into existence.
My current Venetian series draws from fading palatial facades, stenciled door numbers and redundant markings on the walls of ancient workspaces.
From the designer lofts of the Heights to the palatial estates of River Oaks, Houston decorating has evolved well beyond the stereotypical cowboy motif.
AdvertisementDepending on the house, the master bath can be a small, simple room or a palatial space with a Jacuzzi, bidet and his and her vanities.
Unfortunately for the heiress, the bracelet is not diamond encrusted, nor does it allow her to leave her palatial Los Angeles, California, home.
Facing the Maidan for a couple of miles is the Chowringhee, one of the famous streets of the world, once a row of palatial residences, but now given up almost entirely to hotels, clubs and shops.
The employment of Judaeans and Israelites for Solomon's palatial buildings, and the heavy taxation for the upkeep of a court which was the wonder of the world, caused grave internal discontent.
Lead, copper, sulphur, orpiment, also lignite, have been found within the confines of the province; also a kind of beautiful, variegated, translucent marble, which takes a high polish, is used in the construction of palatial buildings, tanks, baths, &c., and is known as Maragha, or Tabriz marble.
AdvertisementThe view of the cathedral has been much improved by a clearance of the old houses on the Domhof, including the archiepiscopal palace, but the new Hof, though flanked by many fine buildings, is displeasing owing to the intrusion of numerous modern palatial hotels and shops.
In its neighbourhood also are the palatial buildings of the ministries of justice and of agriculture.
It is now one of the handsomest towns of Hungary, and has several large squares, broad avenues, boulevards and many palatial buildings.
Besides the palatial edifices erected in connexion with the mineral water-cure, there are churches of various denominations, Lutheran, Roman Catholic, Russian-Greek and Anglican, schools and benevolent institutions.
He opened a portal and crossed into the shadow world and then through a portal into a Japanese-style palatial estate overlooking Tokyo.
AdvertisementKatie sought an entrance into the palatial estate, not seeing one along this side. She ran alongside the marble structure. It was well over quarter mile in length. Toby pulled away from her suddenly, and she stopped so fast, she tripped.
As opportunity offers, the narrow streets of the older city are converted into broad, straight boulevards, lined with palatial mansions and public buildings.
The most striking of these are the palaces of Duke Max and of Prince Luitpold; the Odeon, a large building for concerts, adorned with frescoes and marble busts; the war office; the royal library, in the Florentine palatial style; the Ludwigskirche, a successful reproduction of the Italian Romanesque style, built in 1829-1844, and containing a huge fresco of the Last Judgment by Cornelius; the blind asylum; and, lastly, the university.
New and palatial buildings of the various ministries, several high and middle schools, a few big hospitals, and the residences of several Hungarian magnates, are among the principal edifices in this part of the town.
In the same quarter stands the Grassi Museum (1893-1896) for industrial art and ethnology, and a short distance away are the palatial buildings of the Reichs and Deutsche Banks.
AdvertisementNowadays the little fishing villages on the shores of the lakes, notably the Wannsee, cater for the recreation of the Berliners, while palatial summer residences of wealthy merchants occupy the most prominent sites.