Paired Sentence Examples
Hinds believe that the paired piercers are the inner lobes of the maxillae, and the unpaired piercer the left mandible, the right mandible being absent.
Sirian partnered with Rissa while the guards fanned out around them, one alert while the other four paired up to spar.
Uzel, with the majority of students, regards the paired organs as mandibles and the unpaired as an epipharynx.
Dorsal vertebrae frequently have a ventral outgrowth of the centrum; these hypapophyses may be simple vertical blades, I-shaped, or paired knobs; they serve for the attachment of the thoracic origin of the longus collianticus muscle, reaching their greatest development in Sphenisci and Colymbidae.
Omitting the paired tracheo-clavicular muscles, we restrict ourselves to the syringeal proper, those which extend between tracheal and bronchial rings.
The ventral region of the thoracic skeleton is complex, each segment usually possessing a median sternum with paired episterna (in front) and epimera (behind).
The well-known "fire-flies" of the tropics are large click-beetles (Elateridae), that emit light from paired spots on the prothorax and from the base of the ventral abdominal region.
After eating the contents of the egg, the larva moults and becomes a fleshy grub with short legs and with paired spiracles close to the dorsal region, so that, as it floats in and devours the honey, it obtains a supply of air.
Biisgen that the sweet secretion (honey-dew) of the aphids is not derived, as generally believed, from the paired cornicles on the fifth abdominal segment, but from the intestine, whence it exudes in drops and is swallowed by the ants.
In any case the cavity of the prostomium is single, and not formed, as is the cavity of the segments of the body, by paired coelomic chambers.
AdvertisementAmong the simpler Chaetopoda the coelom retains the character of a series of paired chambers, showing the above relations to the exterior and to the gonads.
Though the paired arrangement of the nephridia is the prevalent one in the Chaetopoda, there are many examples, among the Oligochaeta, of species and genera in which there are several, even many, nephridia in each segment of the body, which may or may not be connected among themselves, but have in any case separate orifices on to the exterior.
Tomopteris is remarkable for the fact that the hammer-shaped prostomium has paired ventral processes each with a single seta.
Nephridia generally paired, often very numerous in each segment, in the form of long, much-coiled tubes with intracellular lumen.
It is not quite certain whether these are to be regarded as the remnant of an earlier excretory system, replaced among the Oligochaeta by the subsequently developed paired structures, or whether these "head kidneys" are the first pair of nephridia precociously developed.
AdvertisementIn any case the nephridia which occupy the segments of the body generally are first of all represented by paired structures, the "pronephridia," in which the funnel is composed of but one cell, which is flagellate.
The paired disposition of these organs is the prevalent one among the Oligochaeta, and occurs in all of twelve out of the thirteen families into which the group is divided.
In the genera Pheretima, Megascolex, Dichogaster, &c., each segment contains a large number of nephridia, which, on account of the fact that they are necessarily smaller than the paired nephridia of e.g.
In any case they have been shown in three genera to develop by the growth and splitting into a series of original paired pronephridia.
A complex network, however, does occur in Lybiodrilus and certain other Eudrilidae, where the paired nephridia possess ducts leading to the exterior which ramify and anastomose on the thickness of the body wall.
AdvertisementThe spermathecae are usually paired structures, one pair to each of the segments where they occur.
Nephridia always paired and without plexus of blood capillaries.
Nephridia always paired, rarely (Pontobdella) forming a network communicating from segment to segment; lumen of nephridia always intracellular, funnels pervious or impervious.
This paired organ consists of a string of cells which are perforated by a duct opening to the exterior and ending internally in a flame-cell.
Paired processes on the eighth and ninth abdominal segments may be specialized as external organs of reproduction, but these are probably not appendages.
AdvertisementSpecially characteristic of the class, however, is the presence of a complex system of air-tubes (tracheae) for respiration, usually opening to the exterior by a series of paired spiracles on certain of the body segments.
Paired erectile plates (patagia) are borne on the prothorax in moths, while in moths, sawflies, wasps, bees and other insects there are small plates (tegulae) - see Fig.
Atmospheric air gains access to the air-tubes through paired spiracles or stigmata, which usually occur laterally on most of the body-segments.
The paired oviducts and vasa deferentia are, as we have seen, mesodermal in origin.
Palmen (1884) on these ducts have shown that in may-flies and in female earwigs the paired mesodermal ducts open directly to the exterior, while in male earwigs there is a single mesodermal duct, due either to the coalescence of the two or to the suppression of one.
The series of paired spiracles on most of the trunk-segments is well displayed, as a rule, in terrestrial larvae - caterpillars and the grubs of most beetles, for example.
But the pupa hangs from the surface by means of paired respiratory trumpets on the prothorax, the dorsal thoracic surface, where the cuticle splits to allow the emergence of the fly, being thus directed towards the upper air.
Genital ducts paired and entirely mesodermal.
The sternum has no keel, and ossifies from lateral and paired centres only; the axes of the scapula and cora.coid have the same general direction; certain of the cranial bones have characters very unlike those possessed by the next order - the vomer, for example, being broad posteriorly and generally intervening between the basisphenoidal rostrum and the palatals and pterygoids; the barbs of the feathers are disconnected; there is no syrinx or inferior larynx; and the diaphragm is better developed than in other birds.'
The nervous system is represented by an oesophageal collar and a suboesophageal ganglion, whence paired nerves pass outwards to innervate the anterior extremity and backwards towards its posterior end.
An important feature is the occurrence in some species (Ptychoderidae) of paired longitudinal pleural or lateral folds of the body which are mobile, and can be approximated at their free edges so as to close in the dorsal surface, embracing both the median dorsal nerve-tract and the branchial grooves with the gill-pores, so as to form a temporary peri-branchial and medullary tube, open behind where the folds cease.
The gonadial tubes (gonocoels or gonadial coelom) are originally reticular and paired, though they may be reduced to a simpler condition.
The dorsal aspect is presented showing the prosomatic shield with paired compound eyes and the prosomatic appendages II.
Or again, in the case of paired organs, if one be removed by operation, or destroyed by disease, the other at once undertakes to carry on the functions of both.
She seems to have been an essential feature of the morris dance, and in the may-game was paired sometimes with Robin-Hood, but oftener with Friar Tuck.
The excretory system is highly developed and opens at the posterior extremity by a paired muscular bladder.
Concomitantly its cavity is sub-divided by transverse ridges into a single row and later on into paired rows of compartments.
The tip of the proboscis is armed with a complicated series of chitinous teeth and rasps, by means of which the fly is enabled to pierce the skin of its victim; as usual in Diptera the organ is closed on the upper side by the labrum, or upper lip, and contains the hypopharynx or common outlet of the paired salivary glands, which are situated in the abdomen.
The proboscis of tsetse-flies is without the paired piercing stilets (mandibles and maxillae) possessed by other bloodsucking Diptera, such as the female horse-flies and mosquitoes.
The poison-fangs are "solenoglyphous," perforated, having a wide hole on the anterior side at the base, in connexion with the duct of the large, paired, poison-glands, the presence of which adds considerably to the characteristic broadness of the head.
They are continually changing partners, the ratio c/V representing approximately the ratio of the time during which any one molecule is paired to the time during which it is free.
In other varieties of Patience the object is to make pairs, which are then discarded, the game being brought to a successful conclusion when all the cards have been paired; or to pair cards which will together make certain numbers, and then discard as before.
Canu in 1892 proposed two groups, Monoporodelphya and Diporodelphya, the copulatory openings of the female being paired in the latter, unpaired in the former.
Into this also opens the genital duct from the single or paired gonad (ov).
Additional paired antennae may occur within the coronal surface, which is the seat of the sensory styles, of less complex structure, which occur in many genera.
In Bdelloidaceae and Seisonaceae the whole organ is paired, the germary proximal, the vitellary next the cloaca.
Germary and ovary paired; oviduct absent; young viviparous.
Trophi virgate exsertile; germary paired; genito-urinary cloaca opening above the neck in the male, subapically in the female.
The paired ctenidia are very greatly developed right and left of the elongated body, and form the most prominent organ of the group. Their function is chiefly not respiratory but nutritive, since it is by the currents produced by their ciliated surface that food-particles are brought to the feebly-developed mouth and buccal cavity.
A pair of genital apertures, connected by genital ducts with the paired gonads, are found right and left near the nephridial pores, except in a few cases where the genital duct joins that of the renal organ (Spondylus).
The blood makes its way by large veins to a venous sinus which lies in the middle line below the heart, having the paired renal organs (nephridia) placed between it and that organ.
The May-flies are remarkably primitive in certain of their characters, notably the elongate cerci, the paired, entirely mesodermal genital ducts, and the occurrence of an ecdysis after the acquisition of functional wings.
So in some respects is the lifehistory, with a true larval preparatory stage, unlike the parent form, and living an aquatic life, breathing dissolved air by means of a paired series of abdominal tracheal gills.
The male organs consist of paired testes communicating by delicate canals with a protrusible penis.
This organ is generally single but sometimes paired and occasionally multiple.
From this junction there proceeds an oviduct or " uterus " (paired or single) which before opening to the exterior expands to form a muscular protrusible pouch - the bursa copulatrix.
Meinert, open to the exterior by a median aperture, the terminal part of the duct being single, either by the fusion of the primitive paired ducts or by the suppression of one of them.
Thus the condition in the Dermaptera is more primitive than in any other Pterygote order except the Ephemeroptera (Mayflies) which are still more generalized, the primitive mesodermal ducts (oviducts and vasa deferentia) opening by paired apertures as in the Crustacea.
As in other molluscs the coelom is represented by a large pericardial cavity, situated above the intestine posteriorly, and a generative sac which is single and median and situated in front of the pericardium, except in the Nuttalochiton hyadesi, where the gonads are in a similar position, but are paired.
Into the pharyngeal cavity open salivary glands and radular sac. The former are paired and ventral, and open on a subradular prominence.
The gonads are paired and hermaphrodite, they form a pair of anterior prolongations of the pericardium, extending nearly to the anterior end of the body.
The so-called zoospore of Vaucheria is a coenocyte covered over with paired cilia corresponding in position to nuclei lying below.
In the Asiatic muntjac deer we find a pair of skin-covered horns, or " pedicles," corresponding to the paired horns of the giraffe, although welded to the skull.
Assortative mating exists when individuals which mate are not paired at random, but a definite correlation is established between the characters of one mate and those of the other.
The paired testes extend through the greater part of the body and end in two vasa deferentia which unite with the intestine to form a cloaca.
Paired abdominal ribs are doubtful.
One of the most puzzling features in its structure, and, at the same time, one of the greatest obstacles to the view that it is essentially primitive and not merely a degenerate creature, is the entire absence of the paired organs of special sense, olfactory, optic and auditory, which are so characteristic of the higher vertebrates.
Branchiostoma Costa, having paired sexual organs (gonadic pouches); 2.
In the Machilidae and Lepismidae (these two families are known as the Ectotrophi) the maxillae are like those of typical biting insects, and there is a median tail-bristle in addition to the paired cerci; while in the Campodeidae and Japygidae (which form the group Entotrophi) the jaws are apparently sunk in the head, through a deep inpushing at the mouth, and there is no median tail-bristle.
The first of these usually carries a ventral tube, furnished with paired eversible sacs which assist the insects in walking on smooth surfaces, and perhaps serve also as organs for breathing.
There are no traces either of paired fins or of dermal armour.
The eyes of Crustacea are of two kinds, the unpaired, median or "nauplius " eye, and the paired compound eyes.
Although typically paired, the compound eyes may occasionally coalesce in the middle line into a single organ.
They are primitively paired, but often coalesce with each other more or less completely.
In the region of the trunk, in many cases, paired mesoblastic bands are formed, growing in length by the division of teloblastic cells at the posterior end, and becoming segmented into somites.
The paired eyes are, as yet, wanting, but the unpaired eye is large and conspicuous.
The rudiments of the paired eyes appear under the integument at the sides of the head, but only become pedunculated at a comparatively late stage.
In other respects, however, such as the absence of paired eyes and of a shell-fold, as well as in the characters of the post-oral limbs, the Copepoda are undoubtedly specialized.
While little importance is to be given to such characters as the unsegmented body, the small number of limbs and the absence of a shell-fold and of paired eyes, it has, on the other hand, preserved archaic features in the form of the limbs and the masticatory function of the antenna.
The stomach is small; into it open a small pyloric caecum and the ducts of the liver, paired in Dentaliidae, one on the left only in Siphonodentalium.
The paired ovaries discharge their products into a median coelemic chamber with lateral branches (C), often called the uterus, from which the ripe ova are discharged by a median dorsal pore into the terminal region of the rectum (cloaca).
The existence of paired caeca was previously known in a few armadillos and anteaters, but Dr Mitchell has shown that they are common in these groups, while he has also recorded their occurrence in the hyrax and the manati.
With the aid of these instances of paired caeca, coupled with the frequent existence of a rudiment of its missing fellow when only one is functional, the author has been enabled to demonstrate conclusively that these double organs in birds correspond in relations with their normally single representative in mammals.
Osborn, the tripartite reptilian condyle, by the loss of its median element, has given rise to the paired mammalian condyles; so that this difficulty disappears.
Probably it is fused with the D, Deuterocerebrum, consist protocerebrum, and may also be ing of ganglion cells be concerned in the history of the very longing to the second or peculiar paired eyes of Peripatus, mandibular somite.
This segment is indicated embryologically by its paired coelomic cavities.
In other cases the stigmata are definitely paired and placed in a few segments or in several.
Their trunks open at paired stigmata placed laterally in each somite of the trunk or in alternate somites.
Usually the tracheae open by paired stigmata placed upon the sides of a greater or less number of the somites, but never quite regularly on alternating somites.
The somites following the head are strictly nomomeristic and nomotagmic. The first three form the thorax, thhe appendages of which are the walking legs, tipped with paired claws or ungues (compare the homoplastic claws of Scorpio and Peripatus).
It is nearly always seen paired, though the pairs collect in prodigious flocks; and, when these are broken up, its shrill but musical cry of "tu-lup," "tu-lup," somewhat pettishly repeated, helps to draw attention to it.
A strong ligamentous band behind the metapodium, arising from near the upper extremity of its posterior surface, divides into two at its lower end, and each division, being first connected with one of the paired upper sesamoid bones, passes by the side of the first phalanx to join the extensor tendon of the phalanges.
The body is elongated and vermiform; it bears a number of paired appendages, each terminating in a pair of claws, and all very much alike.
Peripatus is an Arthropod, as shown by (1) the presence of appendages modified as jaws; (2) the presence of paired lateral ostia perforating the wall of heart and putting its cavity in communication with the pericardium; (3) the presence of a vascular body cavity and pericardium (haemocoelic body cavity); (4) absence of a Derivisceral section of the coelom.
Segmentally arranged paired nephridia are present.
Body cavity is continuous with the vascular system, and does not communicate with the paired nephridia.
In others, which represent the perichordal type, the greater share of the formation of the whole vertebra falls to the (paired) dorsal cartilage, but there is in addition a narrow ventral or hypochordal cartilage which fuses with the dorsal or becomes connected with it by calcified tissue; the notochord is thus completely surrounded by a thick sheath in tadpoles with imperfectly developed limbs.
In the Caudata, the frontals remain likewise distinct from the parietals, whilst in the Ecaudata the two elements are fused into one, and in a few forms (Aglossa, some Pelobatidae) the paired condition of these bones has disappeared in the adult.
Paired archways to ground floor, with shouldered architraves and squat central marble column with foliate capital and deep base.
Young shoots This bright green plant has cylindrical stems with paired branches like the stems which are the leaves.
A comparison is also made with cycle 22, which is ' paired ' with cycle 23 in terms of the solar dynamo.
This family contains the paired amphipathic helix (PAH) repeat.
To investigate the function of spinal inhibitory interneurons in Xenopus tadpoles, paired whole-cell recordings were used.
The nave is perhaps 13thC on the basis of paired lancets in the nave.
Images were taken using a CCD camera attached to the eyepiece tube of a stereo microscope using a x1 paired objective with no eyepiece.
Above this are paired bell-openings, tall, each divided by a slender mullion, with a cusped circle at the head.
The sides then, and the end wall as well, have plain arched windows between paired pilasters.
Dave had the wrong pseudonym paired with wrong title.
Green bricks 8 x 2 represent pyrimidines, and are paired with two red purine bricks 2 (6 x 2 ).
Confirmation of a diagnosis of BVD in acute cases depends upon demonstrating seroconversion in paired serum samples.
The third element was a field study of habitats, flora and fauna on a random sample of paired 1 km squares.
A high surrogate is always paired with a low surrogate.
The primary structure is a glulam frame consisting of over 1,000 cubic meters of renewable European whitewood formed into paired columns and beams.
The collarcavity (b.c. 2) is paired, although its ventral mesentery is not complete.
He therefore regards it as the inner lobe (lacinia) of that maxilla, comparing it with the remarkable " pick " of the maxilla of a book-louse (see Copeognatha in article Neuroptera), The paired piercers, connected by muscles with the base of the maxillae, but attached directly to the head skeleton, into which they can be withdrawn, are regarded by Borner as true mandibles.
Generative pores usually paired, sometimes single and median.
Prominent paired limbs are often borne on the tenth segment, the elongate tail-feelers (cerci) of bristle-tails and may-flies, or the forceps of earwigs, for example.
A special " sympathetic " system arises by paired nerves from the oesophageal connectives; these nerves unite, and send back a median recurrent nerve associated with ganglia on the gullet and crop, whence proceed cords to various parts of the digestive system.
As regards wing-structure, the Isoptera with the two pairs closely similar are the most primitive of all winged insects; while in the paired mesodermal genital ducts, the elongate cerci and the conspicuous maxillulae of their larvae the Ephemeroptera retain notable ancestral characters.
In B it is also joined by a paired vagina k, k, and by the " vitello-intestinal duct " (La.urer's canal, f).
In B it is also joined by a paired vagina (kk) and by the "vitello-intestinal duct" (Laurer's canal), f.
The Sialidae or alder-flies (q.v.) differ from other Neuroptera in the jaws of the larva - which is aquatic, breathing by paired, jointed abdominal gills - resembling those of the imago, and being adapted for the mastication of solid food.
Green bricks 8 x 2 represent pyrimidines, and are paired with two red purine bricks 2 (6 x 2).
At Paco Rabanne, whith Rosemary Rodriguez designing, snug reefer jackets with raised collars were paired with thigh high black leather boots.
Great Southern paired Betts with fellow guitarist Dan Toler and the group 's two albums remain a standout in Dickey Betts ' storied career.
Anyway 2 girls paired off & did a striptease show.
Designed in the geometrical Gothic style, it has paired clerestory windows with tracery.
Beatrix Potter nursery items in the form of crib bedding can easily be paired with solid colors (pale).
Because they can be worn alone or paired with another shirt, nursing tank tops are often favored for their versatility and style.
It relies on the benefits of ultrasound technology built into the brush, paired with specially formulated Emmi-dent "nano-bubble" toothpaste, to whiten teeth.
Struggling readers can benefit from selecting subjects that interest them paired with guided reading activities that can help transition from determining meaning to comprehension and eventually to fluency.
The right liquor paired with an interesting mixer can be just as impressive as a complicated concoction with exotic ingredients and garnishes.
The stylish black metal base of this unique table can be paired with either the round table top or the square table top.
However, when paired with a solar system, wind is a great compliment system.
These panels can be paired together on large solar farms to harvest enough energy to power small towns and neighborhoods, or smaller units of cells placed on houses to power the lights and electronic devices for that home.
For Beautiful Balms' frankincense hand cream, the natural antiseptic has been paired with lavender to create sweet-smelling nourishment for the skin.
Ottomans are often paired with chairs as footrests, but they can do double-duty as extra seating.
Curvy furniture in the Rococo style may be paired with neoclassical pieces or even sleek, modern items.
In general, a more ornate panel should be paired with a ornate room, while panels with cleaner lines should be saved for more utilitarian rooms.
These pieces are so popular today because they can be paired with traditional antiques or ultra contemporary pieces.
When traditional style furniture pieces are paired with other rustic elements it makes for an interesting and eclectic decor.
For example, use an unexpected woven sea grass upholstered armchair paired with a tea stained slip-covered sofa accompanied by a white washed pickled wood floor and a multi colored cowhide area rug.
When paired with white or silver it creates a very fresh look.
While it may not be the first color you think of, soft green is actually a very popular kitchen color and it can be paired with tons of other colors to create different looks.
Black can look fantastic when paired with different colors of fabrics and accessories and it can look really great with warm wood floors.
Bring the look to your home by decorating with avocado green, orange or mustard yellow paired with beige-think natural.
Wooden curtain rods add a dramatic effect to a window treatment, especially when paired with carved, decorative finials.
They're popular in European decor and look sleek and modern when paired with today's geometric bedding designs.
Wrought iron lamps are very rustic looking especially when paired with a rawhide or parchment lamp shade.
It's also more versatile when paired with other colors, and can look both casual and dressy, depending on its design.
Now, this season a sexy nude lip color or fresh light pink lip color is paired with the "smoky eye" look.
These eye colors are normally paired with yellow or olive based skin tones, although many fair skinned girls inherit the green flecked gene.
When paired with a neutral lip color, these bold shades can be carried off with confidence.
When paired with their waterproof sealer, La Femme's cake eyeliner in black will provide the control needed to master the signature cat eye swoosh.
Paired with my dark hair and relatively fair skin, it boldly stands out.
Smoky eyes means an intense focus on the eyes, paired with a nude lip.
When paired with a colored mascara, this smoky look goes to a whole new funky level.
Both colors can be paired together at various temperatures.
This bohemian look is right on trend when paired with suede boots and headbands or long maxi dresses and gladiator sandals.
Smoky eyes look best when paired with subtle lipstick and blush, so plan on ditching your dark lips when you go this route!
Colorful eye shadows look best when paired with a neutral lip and a light gloss.
Witches can look frightfully garish when a pale face is paired with exaggerated cosmetics.
Balloons can be painted solo or paired in a group of three or five and can even be painted in varied colors.
A round yellow circle gets paired with black eyes and a black curved smile and represents not only happiness, but the whole Woodstock-era.
A smiley face is a great choice for 70's inspired costumes and parties, especially when paired with the beloved peace symbol.
This natural look can be paired with brown eyeliner and mascara.
When paired with a sexy summer sundress, smoky eyes add some edge to an otherwise innocent look.
Chocolate brown paired with beige, or deep indigo and silver are also good combinations that can create that smoldering look you're after.
It can be paired with shades such as Purple Haze, which is an intense purple color with a matte finish, and Stars 'N' Rockets, a "dirty lavender with red-pink reflects."
When paired with a smoky blue shade such as Nehru, Ego eye shadow will make brown eyes pop.
Canon's consumer-oriented S-Series offers elegant and compact designs paired with innovative features power users desire.
Wine and food properly paired complement each other, enhancing the dining experience.
When wine and food are paired correctly, the results can be heavenly.
A top that goes off the shoulder in some way, paired with a tank, is an easy look.
A maxi dress is great paired with flip-flops or flat sandals.
They're ultra-roomy, and often fall off the shoulder, making them great paired with a tank underneath.
They were most often paired with skirts and tennis shoes, and this look is still popular today.
To be blunt, nothing screams street-walker like a super short mini paired with sky high platforms.
Blazers look especially good paired with jeans or trouser pants, so let your imagination run riot as you shop.
Paired with a turtleneck in the fall, a white dress shirt for your first job interview, or over a dress for a carefree summer look, a sweater vest is a smart investment.
Paired with a tighty white tank, wife beater or your favorite rocker T, suspenders are just plain cool.
The Big Sky Youth Empowerment Project aims to encourage teen growth through outdoor activities such as snowboarding and fly fishing paired with communication and life skills activities.
The group is open to riders of all ages, and younger members are paired with experienced mentors to help encourage their interest in cycling.
When paired with a silk taffeta fabric or a corseted bodice and tulle skirt, a ball gown dress is fit for a princess.
It can also be paired with another material with an inlay or colored dark or light tones for a very modern look.
Candy sticks, chocolate candy sticks, lollipops, licorice strips, and other long candy can be paired or wrapped individually for a nice candy favor as well.
Brooches are a piece of jewelry that can look stunning when paired with a lacy or Victorian style wedding dress.
A red shirt paired with a black tuxedo will look stunning at an evening wedding, holiday wedding, or even a Las Vegas destination wedding.
Use a romantic script font or opt for elaborate filigree capital fonts paired with simpler, more legible fonts for the bulk of the printing.
Great outdoor wedding guest wear for females typically includes a sheath or sundress of some kind paired with a cute cardigan.
While some show up time and time again, the way they're worn and how they're paired with other, less-expected colors will make them look new and trendy again.
Alternately, a solid purple or lavender comforter becomes instantly funky when paired with black and white or brown and cream zebra pillows and other accents.
For example, a black and white zebra print paired with an orange and black tiger print will be difficult to mesh.
Lime green can also be paired with pink towels in the springtime.
Paired with professional dancer Damien Whitewood, Anderson finished in sixth place.
A non-singing celebrity will be paired with a singing celebrity, with the worst of the lot being voted off each week.
While filming the third season of the popular show, Snooki was out in public wearing one of the shortest skirts possible, paired with knee-socks and flip-flops.
Each celebrity dancer is paired with a professional dancer to teach him or her the moves.
In 2006, Swanson appeared on the reality show Skating with Celebrities, where she was paired with professional skater Lloyd Eisler.
On Dancing With the Stars, Jewel has been paired up with Dmitry Chaplan, while husband Ty Murray will dance with Chelsie Hightower.
The pair met during auditions for the movie and were actually paired together during tryouts to see if they had any on-screen chemistry.
Straight skirts - Straight skirts are definitely making a comeback, and girls' straight skirts paired with tailored blouses offer a different rockabilly alternative.
Capri's can be paired with button-up blouses or t-shirts and cute flats that are both stylish and versatile.
However, black backgrounds and accents are sometimes paired with much brighter colors for contrast and intrigue.
A brown skirt and blue blouse are usually paired with the sash.
The lightweight material is cool in the summer and never restricts movement, making them also great for sports such as football when paired with a practice football jersey.
In other pageants, gloves, stockings and fancy shoes (as well as a tiara) will be more likely to be paired with the dress.
The secondary uniform, known as the Activity Uniform (or informally B uniform), is usually a boys' T-shirt paired with scouting pants.
Back then low rise jeans would often be paired with long paisley-printed tops.
So a frilly skirt or a party dress - possibly ripped and held together with safety pins - would be paired with a leather jacket or army boots.
For music-loving girls, the pop punk look is preferred, consisting of band T-shirts, often paired with ties, like Avril Lavigne, and topped with blazers.
In addition, the site also carries Return of the Jedi and The Empire Strikes Back shirts for kids that can be paired with jeans or shorts.
Now they are back in action, often being paired with flouncy dresses and miniskirts.
It can be dressed down with a pair of jeans or dressed up when paired with a skirt.
Brownies around the 1950s wore the stereotypical brown dress, and today the skirt is still brown while a powder blue shirt is paired with it in most cases.
Casual wear such as jeans can be paired with a fun, holiday-decorated sweater or sweatshirt.
Consider a blue or black suit paired with a plaid vest or festive tie.
Pair these dresses with solid or patterned tights and a pair of dressy shoes.Other holiday outfits that will work for girls include tunics with leggings and Christmas sweaters paired with skirts, jeans or slacks.
The average girl might have paired a royal-blue skirt with a pink blouse, purple necklace, green headband, yellow tights and multi-colored shoes, perhaps with striped socks.
They have a great vintage appeal that can easily be paired with plain trousers or jeans, plus saddle shoes or even bowling shoes for an interesting look.
Back in the 1980s, footless tights were a staple item in women's wardrobes, paired with spiky high heels and mini-skirts.
This time around, footless tights are most often paired with ballerina flats or flip flops, making the fashion trend one that has been passed down to girls and to babies.
Footless tights can be paired with many different types of outfits and many different styles of shoes.
On the other hand, a breezy summer dress, a pair of shorts, a long tunic top or sweater dress, or even a long, flowing dress, can all be paired with footless tights.
Look for clothing that can be paired with clothes that make diaper changing easier.
Cabela's offers several low-cost alternatives, in both one-piece snowsuits, and ski jackets paired with bib overall snow pants.
Most dresses can be paired with matching leggings to make a complete outfit.
When paired with a flouncy crinoline skirt, your toddler is on her way to a big win.
These pieces will look stunning when paired with practical metallic ballerina slippers for a high-profile event where the kiddies are welcome.
You'll often see these simple dresses paired with sandals and a coordinating head wrap, and you can do the same.
Skinny jeans can be paired with a tunic, tank, or even a hoodie.
One option for dressier boys' attire is a boy's tuxedo and paisley vest paired with a bow tie.
A plain black tuxedo vest can come across as boring when paired with a black tuxedo on a small child, but a paisley vest, or a brightly colored vest, can liven up the look.
Finally, your child can create her own Hannah Montana look by simply adding accessories and choosing uniquely paired items.
For girls, a pea coat can be paired with virtually any clothing, dressy or otherwise.
Argyle vests are a signature item for preppy intellectuals and they look best when paired with wool slacks and loafers.
Sometimes what is paired with the shirt can determine just how dressy that shirt is.
For boys, shortalls in linen or a cotton/polyester blend paired with a dressy shirt that features a round collar offers an elegant look that is perfect for an Easter morning.
For boys, look for color coordinating outfits such as white T-shirts with flag designs paired with red or blue shorts.
Striped orange and black leggings paired with a simple black cotton dress featuring a happy ghost on the front makes an adorable Halloween outfit for a little girl.
While shortalls are generally paired with short-sleeved shirts, this isn't always the case.
For the winter season, not much can keep your daughters warmer than girls' down parkas paired with thick mittens and hats.
For example, white nylon toddler tights can be paired with a flower girl dress or any other elegant dress in order to complete the outfit.
The Little Misses are paired with Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Messy.
Puffed sleeves are best paired with white tights and Mary Jane's.
T-shirts are often tight-fitting and may be paired with a variety of accessories, such as jackets.
In addition, skinny jeans in dark colors, such as black, brown, charcoal and navy, are often paired with a vintage T-shirt to quickly create that recognizable emo look.
Whether paired with an eyelet hat for a special occasion, or simply to wear a dress for the day, Laura Ashley makes several different styles of sundresses that range from beachwear to flower girl attire.
Paired with a white or pink cardigan, these informal dresses can be used for formal occasions as well.
If not, you should seek out programs that offer a bachelor's degree paired with certification or start from scratch with earning a four-year degree at an on-site school.
Caribbean ports of call demand bright colors and loose-fitting, comfortable clothes, while New England cruises may be better paired with muted colors.
Each dog is paired with one handler who will be taught how to give the commands that each guide animal has been trained to respond to.
If not, the potential handler and canine guide will be paired with other partners until they each find the right companion.
Each puppy is paired with and trained for a particular owner.
They will not be paired with their companion dog at this time, but they will be learning with an experienced, fully trained assistance animal.
Alternately, you may want to conduct a simple Internet search for the phrase "canine rehab center" paired with the name of the city or metropolitan area where you live.
Yet, people with psychiatric conditions paired with service dogs are responding to these dogs.
The in-depth articles are paired with illustrations of garden plans and detailed photos.
Glass is also often paired with metal for long sections of railing to increase stability.
Tahitian, South Sea and Akoya pearls are paired with a selection of sapphires in blue, pink and yellow for a stunning effect.
Diamonds are frequently paired with rubies in rings for a wonderful contrast.
Cool diamonds complement richly toned sapphires well and are frequently paired with the gems in birthstone necklaces.
They're golden sand dollars paired with blue freshwater pearl dangles.
Paired with an endless circle, the pearl can represent a person's connection with life and their hopes for the future.
Circle of life designs paired with pearls represent the idea of perfect unity and a peaceful, harmonious life since pearls symbolize perfection and harmony.
Skinny tie - Paired with a slim-cut dress shirt and contemporary trousers or denim, the skinny tie can add a fresh, but funky and 80s-inspired vibe to your look.
Funky cardigan - Patterned, 80s-style cardigans look cool paired with a fitted tee and modern denim.
This combination works well because polo shirts can be casual, but when they are paired with dress slacks, the entire look becomes work appropriate.
For example, a navy blue sport jacket works equally well for navy blue chinos and beige khakis, but might not look appropriate if paired with army-green khakis.
Tropical colors paired with a white jacket can create a Miami Vice/Don Johnson look.
Paired with a solid-colored sports coat, they create a dressier look for a nice dinner out or a trip to church on Sunday.
The colors of striped shirts tend to be brighter and more contrasting, such as green and navy blue paired together, or combos like orange and red stripes.
Speak to the bride and groom about the fashion expectations, or play it safe with a black tuxedo paired with a light colored vest.
Timeless and distinguished at the same time, a vest can be paired with a tux for snazzy old world style or thrown together with a pair of cords and a crisp white shirt to celebrate the change of seasons.
Nothing looks more rugged chic than a brown paisley vest paired with a pair of broken-in boots and a nice pair of denim jeans.
Converse looks awesome when paired with skinny pants.
Whether paired with mens jogging suits or a pair of jeans, this uplifting apparel line radiates warm and fuzzy feelings that are sure to keep the consumer coming back for more.
An oxford-button down collar is less formal and looks great when paired with khaki pants.
It can look professional and polished when paired with a tie and dress pants.
Black is a classic color and looks sharp when paired with gray, black or even tan.
Make sure it can be paired effectively with both jeans and dress pants.
This doesn't mean you have to wear a navy blue shirt and navy blue slacks, but a blue shirt in any shade paired with dark blue slacks will give you a longer look than a yellow shirt with black pants.
While a crisp white dress shirt, dark suit and plain tie will get you through the workday, so will a pink shirt (men no longer have to fear pink) paired with a charcoal or navy blue suit.
For example, paired with smart trousers and a button down top, it transforms the outfit into something of a relaxed suit.
They can be paired with slacks, but because they are so incredibly causal, they may work best with a comfortable pair of blue jeans.
Camp shirts look great when paired with a dressy sandal or a soft loafer as well.
You can get a button-up shirt with long or short sleeves paired with a pair of pants.
Denim is a comfortable choice for shorts and can be stylish if paired with the right items.
Men's denim shorts can be paired with different items to create unique looks.
Some are so silly that they just can't be taken seriously, while others do look like they could be worn sensibly if paired with the right pants and shoes.
They look right at home tucked into a pair of crisp trousers, paired with jeans (preferably untucked for a more casual look) and tucked into long shorts, as on the golf course.
On casual summer days, kick back in an untucked polo that keeps you cool when paired with shorts or jeans and sandals.
Than can be dressed up or down and paired with just about anything.
Paired with nicely fitting blue jeans and the shoes and accessories you'd like, you'll be ready to take on nearly anything.
For example, if you are going for casual comfort, a pullover jacket is perfect when paired with a hot tank and skort.
For something a little sportier, a heavier, hooded jacket provides additional coverage and added warmth when paired with some plus size shorts.
The beauty of this style is that applies across demographic ranges, which means they can be dressed up and worn to the office and paired with a t-shirt and cowboy boots for the weekend.
This one will look especially cute paired with a pair of red wedges or strappy sandals.
If you like lighter-colored blazers, a tan suit paired with nude pantyhose and nude shoes will appear to add inches to your height.
They can also be worn as loungewear, paired with a cute camisole or tank top.
This Jacquard tapestry bustier will look perfect for an evening out paired with elegant black silk pants or long silk skirt.
Today's women find that the tanga shorts style panty works well paired with a sexy cami or chemise, or worn as lounging or sleeping shorts in warm weather.
If you are attending a formal summer event such as an afternoon wedding or baptism, you can always wear a work top paired with a dressy skirt or dress pants.
Paired with crisp black slacks or a long black skirt, this is one blouse that calls attention to it.
A crisp, white shirt paired with jeans is an easy, low-maintenance outfit.
Paired with a carefully selected bodice, the look comes together seamlessly.
Black is an obvious color; a plain black turtleneck paired with hot pants adds a modest edge because your upper half is covered while your bottom half is on display.
Square necklines are very flattering and they can be paired with spaghetti straps as well as thick straps.
A knee length legging-style short can be paired with a tunic, a tunic-length tank or mini-dress and wedges or sandals with a heel for a fun evening look.
Khaki long shorts paired with a collared shirt or blouse and sneakers like Keds create a classic look that is comfortable for everyday wear.
For example, some women prefer maternity blue jeans and tee shirts while others like the look of maternity knit pants paired with a stylish crepe kurta.
A versatile wardrobe basic with sleek classic lines, the black tank style dress looks fabulous alone or paired with a stylish hand painted black floral cocoon jacket.
You can always wear a solid colored swimsuit, but a plain top paired with a patterned bottom will also work, especially if you have nice hips and legs.
Pavlina Dadakova creations are made with European flair paired with Canadian charm.
Thick straps paired with a V-neckline is a good look for most plus size women.
While dramatically wide shawl collars can look fashionable and chic, you don't want anything this wide when paired with a business suit.
As of spring 2009, however, the line has exclusively paired with Kohl's stores and women will now find Dana Buchman clothes for less expensive prices than were once offered.
These tops, when paired with a simpler or plainer pair of pants, can be worn for casual dinners or movie dates.
Fancy sequin tops, when paired with a formal skirt, can be ideal for cocktail parties, trips to the theater or a dinner out at a fancy restaurant.
You won't look overdressed in a top with a hint of sequins on the neck or sleeves, as long as it is paired with jeans or a denim skirt.
This top can be paired with your choice of coordinating bottoms, which are sold separately.
It is priced under $50 and can be paired with your choice of bottoms.
You can wear it under clothes for a no-bra look but as with most open cup bras, it's best when paired with matching panties and other accessories for a romantic night in.
This demands to be paired with a girdle and black seamed stockings.
The hoodie is a the ultimate in comfort wear and can be paired with any casual clothing.
A short tunic top with a V-neck and empire waist, paired with a bottom that hangs loose to the hips, emphasizes your best curves and creates a flattering hourglass shape.
The 1960s was a time of shorter skirts for formal wear and some of these dresses are very flattering on the taller woman, especially when paired with heels that accentuate the leg.
A long flowing skirt paired with hoop earrings and a bandana makes an easy gypsy costume.
This three-piece costume has a sparkly blue, long sleeved shrug bra top paired with a sleeveless white vest.
The bottoms are white shorts paired with a white belt with sparkly blue star accents.
The modest style of this costume has a blue long sleeve top which reaches to the waistline and is paired with a longer white sleeveless vest.
A blue sweater or tank top paired with a white and blue pleated cheerleader skirt takes on the look of a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader when you add knee high boots or white knee high socks.
Of course, dark hues are also slimming, especially when paired with a sleek heel.
Neutral shoes paired with neutral hosiery create a long, lean silhouette that makes legs look longer and sexier.
Paired with a short haircut, long bangs help to soften the features of your face and is an excellent choice for a woman with a large forehead.
The knowledge you have gained throughout your life paired with your experiences raising your family may provide an excellent background for working as a tutor.
At the start, each woman is paired with one man; the couple has just a few minutes to ask each other questions in order to gain a first impression.
These events are often broken down into age brackets so you will be paired up with others attending the event who are close to your age.
This pair, like model number 6023, is unusual because we usually find frameless looks paired with lighter colored lenses.
That being said, feel free to go gaga over this delicately bold look of a black frame paired with smoke lenses.
It's an aviator look that's paired with grey lenses.
They are done in the most appealing shade of deep jungle green and are paired with a brown lens.
Looking at the various outfits paired with the Dior look can give you an idea of the fashion look you'd like to present.
The combination of these two distinctive colors looks unbeatable when paired together.
In addition to the elegant and chicly sleek arms in the gradient brown lens, this lens color, when paired with the arm temples, provides a stunning, fashionable look.
Polycarbonate lenses paired with titanium frames are not the most heavy duty option, but they will offer you more protection than regular eyeglasses.
Black is easily one of the best looking games to grace the current-gen systems, and the when paired with the outstanding audio, it makes for one hell of a presentation.
A very sweet, dessert wine is best paired with some very salty cheese, while a mild cheese needs a robust wine to set off the flavors.
White gold in color with a light green hue, the wine shows brisk, lively acidity and is best enjoyed when paired with food.
Judy's vision of the tasting room was simple-food was to be paired with every wine.
Paired with each wine was a different caviar presented nicely with a mother-of-pearl spoon to enjoy it with.
Wine charms are a great gift alone or when paired with a beautiful set of wine glasses.
Paired with lemongrass and granny smith apples that taste like they were soaked in lemon juice-the taste of this wine packs a wallop!
Buy wine charms as a small gift to be paired with a beautiful set of wine glasses.
This gives you the opportunity to take a break from your wine tasting, have some food and try out the local foods paired with the wines from the area-a great experience!
Plan out a specific period of time for the wine tasting portion of the party, unless it is a casual dinner paired with different wines for each course.
It won't disappoint, either on its own or paired with cheese, fresh fruits or a wide variety of dishes.
Because it is such a light wine, Beaujolais is often treated like a white wine and served slightly chilled, paired with dishes such as chicken and fish.
Most have a dense, darker flavor, tinged with sweetness, that makes them ideal when paired with cheese such as Stilton.
The truth is, there are many cellular phone plans out there, and they can all be considered good, as long as they're successfully paired up with what a person needs.
Instead, they are "paired" with your phone and then any incoming call will then get routed through to these cellular phone headsets.
The sinuses are paired air pockets located within the bones of the face.
How the genes are paired determines the person's blood type.
The final result of such testing, with the photographed chromosomes paired and organized by shape and size, is called the individual's karyotype.
She often selected classical composers such as Beethoven, causing unrest throughout the classical dance world as she paired her jolting, unheard of movements with pieces of music often associated with the traditional dance.
For a reasonable fee, you can usually take lessons with a partner, or be paired up with someone at the studio once you arrive.
Dancing with the Stars has been on network television for six seasons, and all have provided hours of entertainment to an America that can't seem to get enough of celebrities paired with professional ballroom dancers.
Each year, professional dancers are paired up with a celebrity partner with whom they will dance their way (hopefully) to victory by becoming the latest Dancing with the Stars winners.
Michael Jackson's out-of-the-box choreography, paired with stunning costuming, terrifying makeup and gorgeous, spooky sets provided the full package for the Halloween-themed video that captured audiences the world over.
Affordable basic dancewear can be found in many styles; paired with a few killer accessories, these performance basics can really shine.
Many do not require you to have a partner, as you can be paired on the first day of class.
Whether this daytime favorite is paired with jeans or an elegant gown, it works.
For those searching for a plain and simple or a short hair style for Homecoming, straight hair always looks chic when paired with a mini and a pair of heels.
Sarah Potempa's traditional work, paired with her adventurous spirit, has made her a great success in a short period of time.
If you have extra long hair, a high ponytail makes a dramatic statement when paired with long chandelier earrings.
This style is effortlessly chic and looks great when paired with a vibrant hair color.
A sleek hairstyle can be a showstopper when it's paired with an elaborate gown or low cut neckline, where it can showcase a graceful neck.
This look is purely enchanting when paired with a tulle princess gown or simple shift dress.
This look is perfect for beach weddings or when paired with short hemline dresses, where playfulness and casualness takes center stage.
If you're craving change, why not try a few artistic panels and see the difference it can make when paired with a chic cut!
Over the years and his marriage with Jen, his cropped cut changed ever-so slightly and was often paired with varying beards and goatees.
Twists can be a very urban hairstyle when paired with headscarves and bold jewelry, or they can be swept up with rhinestone clips for a feminine wedding style.
While this style can be smoothed and polished with styling tools and products, a toss and go attitude works best, especially when paired with a touch of natural wave.
A body wave should be paired with long layers to create a multitude of cascading locks.
This look was paired with long locks, often wavy and curled, and was a heavy style that flattered few.
This underground look was also paired with funky fashion hair colors for added impact.
The chic look incorporated a chin length cut paired with a heavy straight bang.
Some accessories, like a beaded headband, might work best on soft, flowing hair, while crystal butterflies might be more appropriate when paired with a classic wedding updo.
When paired with a half up half down updo style funky colors get noticed!
To wear one of the trendiest of all haircuts, why not opt for an asymmetrical short style paired with a bold color?
A super short cut in the back paired with a long side bang is a fresh way to rock the pixie look.
The first bob cut was chin length and paired with a super short choppy bang.
This bold cut is still worn by many women today and is beloved for its slightly masculine line paired with a flirtatious swing.
Falling at the neckline, Vidal's bob flattered a wider audience and was paired with or without bangs.
A vivid color paired with this cut plays up the wearability and trendiness of the look.
Paired with the myth that blondes have more fun, it's no wonder this coveted shade has undeniable appeal.
Outdoor adventures paired with swimming pools and beach parties make an easy to wear hair style much more enticing than the everyday maintenance of blowdryers and flat irons.
If you've never paired your facial shape with a short style, you're in for a surprise.
While men most often sport a punk spike cut, many women have rocked this style and have paired it with a fashion hair color, including pink, blue and purple hues.
This cut is simple, but can look very dramatic with long hair, especially when paired with bangs.
Long hair can be very dramatic when paired with short choppy bangs.
When paired with long tresses, curly locks or parted braids, bangs prove to be a versatile and flattering choice.
The look is great paired with an edgy prom gown, or it can contrast a modest dress.
Pushing layers forward with a pomade creates a vintage style, whereas slicked back tresses elude cool when paired with tapered sides.
A center part paired with pigtails or braids is a simple way to manage longer tresses.
Sing, Spell, Read and Write - A very comprehensive curriculum that uses analogy based phonics instructions paired with multi-media presentation.
Learning activities and games, when paired with plenty of good reading, can help you teach vocabulary almost effortlessly.
If there is a particular agency you'd like to check, conduct an online search for the name of the agency paired with the word "careers" or the word "employment".
A directory of state employment offices are can be found on or you can run an online search for the name of your state paired with the phrase "state employment" to find out where listings are posted.
To find the appropriate agency in your area, conduct an Internet search that pairs the name of the city or county where you live paired with the word "employment" or the phrase "personnel board."
It can be layered under a jacket for the office, then paired with dazzling earrings, pearls, or a splendid scarf for formal evening wear.
Spend the majority of your maternity fashion budget on a few key pieces that can be paired with consignment shop bargains, borrowed clothes, and brightly colored or creatively designed separates.
For example, splurge on quality black dress pants that can be paired with either silk blouses or funky T-shirts.
The pant could be paired with a sparkle tank for evenings, and the jacket could easily pair with jeans for an easy weekend outfit.
Comes in both cream and copper, and can be paired with jeans, dress pants, or a skirt.
These rare treasures can be paired with modern clothing to make your outfit more punk.
Each t-shirt is adorned with retro-looking band logos, but they are often topped off with a feminine twist such as lingerie trim or spaghetti straps paired with an O-ring.
Namely, severe cramping and diarrhea can be the result of drinking castor oil, either paired with, or independent from, going into labor.
When paired with the knit fabric, the entire collection reminds you of stopping at the ice cream truck during the hot lazy days of summer.
Gorgeous shades of cocoa, aqua and leaf green are paired up with cocoa scoop bottoms accented with a side string tie.
Paired with a tankini, for example, creates a sporty look, while those teamed with a sexy halter top will give a retro, 50s shape reminiscent of screen sirens such as Marilyn Monroe.
These are already matched in color and pattern and include tankini tops paired with modest bottoms; you have additional options in cover-ups such as board shorts or skirted bottoms.
Carabella offers a fantastic Coco Reef tankini in a bright island floral top, paired with a solid black bottom.
Now imagine that look paired with sparkling Swarovski crystals.
The wide-strap scoop bikinis are paired with deep-scoop bikini bottoms in a dark color like black or navy.
These tops usually have skinny straps with a center disc or ornament and are paired with a string bikini bottom with slide straps to match.
He posed in a leather jacket paired with his Speedo, substantially pumping up his sex appeal.
A halter-style top in a light, monochromatic hue or patterned floral paired with a dark bottom is ideal for the triangle figure.
White is always sexy, but when it's paired with this detailed back tie of gold circles and beading, the entire look is kicked up a notch.
Pear shaped women may instead find that a tankini-style swimsuit top in a bright pattern paired with a darker solid bottom piece actually focuses attention on the bust area, while de-emphasizing a fuller bottom.
Various behind the scenes photos of the shoot are on her website, including one of her in a much abbreviated white monokini that's made all the more sexy when paired with lethal-looking white heels.
The women's TYR® Guard Tri-Color H-Back Tankini features a three-quarter tank top with thin-line straps, paired with a high-cut bikini bottom.
Essentially, a micro bikini is a thong bikini that covers almost nothing when paired with a super tiny triangle bikini top.
Mini tanga bikinis are usually paired with string bikini tops, and this might not be particularly favorable for women who have larger breasts that require more support.
They look great paired with a bikini top or tank, so you can still look sexy while riding the waves.
This style is unusual because of its paisley/toile, pink and white print; these are not colors you'd expect to find paired together on a toile pattern.
Moreover, not only is the bikini top of the push up variety, but it's paired with a boy short bottom; certainly a sexy combination if there ever was one!
The top also features UPF 50+ sun protection and can be paired with a basic swim diaper bottom or swim diaper skirt.
When paired up with board shorts or swim trunks, they protect the entire torso and thighs.
In fact, Roxy's swim shorts even look good as casual wear when paired up with a coordinating T-shirt or tank top.
Plain black long shorts are paired up with side pockets and a colorful Roxy pocket patch.
Additionally, don't be worried if the sarong has a bright pattern, as more often than not, patterns can be quite attractive when paired with a solidly colored swimsuit.
Should it be paired up with swim shorts or a tanga bottom?
With its adjustability and modest coverage, a shirred top can be paired with shirred or plain bottoms.
A pretty floral pattern paired with a dark bottom make the Island Orchid one piece perfect for women who want to focus on their top halves while minimizing their bottom halves.
The micro design is barely more than a few strategically placed patches held together with string, while a halter bikini top paired with board shorts actually looks quite conservative by today's standards.
This style works well for triangle shaped figures or those with fuller hips and bottoms, particularly when paired with darker colored bottoms.
Paired with a cheeky pair of boy shorts, classical feminine lines can be accentuated.
A tankini swim top paired with boy short bottoms creates a swimsuit that is subtle yet sassy.
Here you'll find a hot pink tankini top paired with boy shorts from Hobie.
This is unusual because the bandeau style is not usually paired with the teardrop bottoms.
Keep in mind that this bikini is still true to its itsy-bitsy roots, but when paired with a super-shiny orange color, it truly enters the stratosphere.
Quality offerings are paired with must-read shopping suggestions and descriptions.
Most commonly, you'll find a classic brief bottom paired with a tankini, if they're paired up at all.
Essentially what this swimsuit is is a bandeau tank top paired with bikini bottoms.
Because the G string is so revealing, the bikini tops paired with them are often similarly skimpy.
If you are not familiar with the swim genre of skirtinis, then simply picture a bikini top paired with a skirt and you'll have a fairly good idea of what you can expect to find.
Bandeau bikini - has a thin, strapless top paired with a bikini bottom.
Bandeau bikini - a bandeau top that is small in width and length is paired with a bikini bottom.
These suits are truly unique because the designs that are paired together give rise to unexpected combinations.
Ever seen polka dots paired with stripes?
When paired with one of Cabela's fashionable tankinis, the finished product takes on a sophisticated feel.
The top of this tankini is done in a light baby blue that's then paired with white polka dots, while the bottom of the set is colored in a dark blue.
Here, you'll find halter style bikinis that are paired with boy shorts, and more traditionally styled tankinis that are then coupled with high-cut bikini bottoms.
For example, you'll find a hot orange color paired with brown and even electric blue.
These bottoms can be paired with any top depending on your preference.
He has super short arms paired with exceedingly long ears.
Goggles let swimmers explore underwater and when paired with a snorkel, permit explorations that can last for hours.
Light layers, like camis paired under structured jackets, are also good clothing choices for apple shapes.
Often paired with tights and go-go boots, the mini skirt started a phenomenon that still exists today.
Flat knee high boots were popular and often paired with skirts and dresses.
A bracelet-length jacket can be very flattering and looks great when paired with a longer flowing sleeve or chunky bracelets.
V-neck tee shirts and turtlenecks are your best friend if you are large-busted, as are camisoles paired with well-tailored jackets.
Paired with an eccentric scarf or cardigan, this wardrobe basic is versatile and creates the perfect layer.
When paired with boots and colored tights, dresses bring feminine gamine into the whole swing of things.
Back in the day, denim paired with suede tops or baby dolls was all a girl needed to look sweet on a hot summer night.
Although patent leather is taking front and center on the fashion runways this season, its less obtrusive sister is kicking back on the rack just waiting to be paired with anything and everything in your closet.
During the summer months, some of the best cute petite outfits come way of short shorts paired with long sleeve tees.
The beauty of this look is during the earlier, chillier portion of spring, it can easily be paired with boots and a blazer.
Whether it's a black shirt-dress paired with pink shoes and a pink handbag, or a black cardigan and jean ensemble topped by a well-placed Fedora, accessories often accompany Victoria Beckham fashion.
Put together, especially if paired with heels, this dress may be too hot to handle.
There's nothing sexier, for example, than a long white sundress paired with gold jewelry, a light scarf and a pair of flat sandals.
Wide leg jeans appear particularly smart when paired with fitted tops.
This style is oh-so-touchable and tempts you to try more feminine looks paired with light colors, embroidery, sweet shapes, and soft designs.
If the look isn't for you, try something when winter comes with a wool cardigan paired with a tank with a ruffled neckline and even ruffled straps.
Paired with classic pumps and a tailored skirt, the look sent a clear "don't mess with me!" vibe.
When paired with other embellishments like embroidery, sequins lend a rich hippie flair to your top.
These can easily be paired with plain t-shirts and tunics to stand out in a crowd.
A taffeta skirt will work just as well for a cocktail party or other semi-formal occasion when paired with a plain top and simple jewelry, or can be part of a black tie event when worn with something more striking.
Likewise, a skirt in a metallic fabric with embroidery should be paired with a simple top.
A bright sweater coat should ideally be paired with a neutral trouser or skirt to maintain some sense of balance.
During the coolest periods of the year, it fits right in among a sea of blacks and jewel tones, and it moves nicely into spring and summer when paired with the appropriate accessories and shoes.
The right suit, paired with the right accessories and hairstyle, will be stunning.
Available in a rainbow design trimmed with white or many varieties of solids, these belts were usually paired with high-waisted jeans, a trendy short skirt, or a clingy tunic.
Consider subtle prints and patterns paired with natural fabrics layered underneath for a more modern look, and don't fear a slight bell-bottomed silhouette, either!