Pain-killers Sentence Examples
Doc, I need some meal bars, anti-sleepers, and pain killers.
Some commonly asked questions I don't like taking pain killers.
From hot baths to cold ice packs and over the counter pain killers to antidepressants, finding the best way to handle stress headaches is the key to quick pain relief.
At the time of his death, Mays was being treated for chronic hip problems and although the reports seem a bit salacious, the levels of pain killers in his system were said to be "therapeutic" levels and not elevated.
As recently as 2009, Kelly admitted to purposely throwing herself down the stairs in order to get prescription pain killers from her doctor.
If you don't, it's a little like popping pain killers every day in case you'd get a headache -- save it and avoid creating an unnecessary dependency.
Regular doses of ibuprofen or other over-the-counter pain killers for a few days will help with the swelling and the pain.
However, these natural pain killers may not adequately dampen a continuing pain message.
Regular exercise has been linked to production of endorphins, the body's natural pain killers.
Either switch to Tylenol or investigate why you need pain killers.
AdvertisementThese pain killers will not affect your breast milk and will help you manage the pain and inflammation.
Soreness, redness and swelling can be addressed with regular, over-the-counter pain killers.
In this way, yoga not only relieves pain (which pain killers and massages can do), but also helps to eliminate chronic back pain if practiced regularly over extended periods of time.
She was, at the time, hooked on pain killers.