Pain Sentence Examples
The pain threatened to cripple him again.
In fact, she felt no pain at all, anywhere.
The pain in his arm became more and more intense.
His expression was a fifty-fifty mixture of pain and anger.
It seems, however, that, while she was still suffering from severe pain, she noticed the movements of her mother's lips.
What is that pain like?
As for Claire … pain spiraled through him.
I'm sick of pain.
You'll always carry that pain, if you don't let yourself become whole again.
After the second day's march Pierre, having examined his feet by the campfire, thought it would be impossible to walk on them; but when everybody got up he went along, limping, and, when he had warmed up, walked without feeling the pain, though at night his feet were more terrible to look at than before.
AdvertisementShe was in pain she didn't understand.
He was reliving the pain of Darian's death, sickened by his own cowardice.
We have ended pain as entertainment—or at least, involuntary participation in pain as entertainment.
Realization washed over her in alternating waves of pain and numbness.
He recalled agony, and the darkness of his thoughts amplified the pain of the new magic in his blood.
AdvertisementWhile the fools looked for my car nearby, I, in spite of excruciating pain, managed to escape their feeble efforts to find me.
The thrills of joy and thrills of pain are undistinguishable.
The child cannot believe that the strongest and wisest of its people have no remedy for its pain, and the hope of relief and the expression of its mother's sympathy while she rubs the bump comforts it.
As big a pain Quinn is at times, I know he's as committed as the rest of us to helping as many kids as possible.
She cried out in pain.
AdvertisementDusty straightened, the pain of his memories subsiding.
When they paused on the bank, she could stand the pain no longer.
The pain in her stomach was almost crippling.
Frankly, it's a pain in the ass with five people using one bathroom.
She hadn't cried in years, unless it was out of pain from a particularly bad beating.
AdvertisementShe tried to think of how she could soften the pain she'd bring him.
She'd struggled with Claire, wanting to spare him the pain he'd unleashed on her.
She caught her breath in a startled gasp of pain.
It was easy for us to recognize Martha's pain with the subject.
You are spared the pain of many sights and sounds, which you are only too happy in escaping.
I passed out again but gradually, the pain in my left side and my throat brought me to a state of half-wakefulness.
She winced and pulled away, remembering the pain too well.
Jilian injected me with something to kill me, she paused, shuddering at the flash of residual pain from the memories.
He stared down at her, his eyes full of pain.
The pain caused by his removal into the hut had made him groan aloud and again lose consciousness.
Maybe he thinks I was in pain; that you were hurting me!
I cried out and my throat suddenly blazed in sharp pain.
While she could heal, she still felt pain.
For the first time in thousands of years, he remembered what real pain felt like.
If she were perfectly still, she could deal with the pain.
Her heart raced to the point of pain, and she felt sick enough to puke.
They were the kind of fangs a man fantasized about, not too large to cause damage but sharp enough to offer an exquisite combination of pleasure and pain if she nipped him.
Pain made her gasp as blood welled and spilled.
He had suffered extreme pain for years before his death, and in fact broke down altogether under disease contracted in the discharge of his duty.
She shivered from cold and pain.
He was not a pretty boy but a man with rugged, bad-boy beauty and a slow sensuality about his movement that made her heart skip a beat despite her pain.
His fury, pain, and sorrow choked her.
After the initial shock, she felt the pleasure, warm and hot, burning and mixing with the pain.
You are happy enough I no longer need to dull the pain.
Deidre heard the pain in Past-Death's voice and felt sorry for her.
If not for the painkillers Mansr gave her as soon as she awoke and her newest discovery to distract her from the lingering pain, she'd be too miserable to move.
If you loved her enough to destroy the world for her, then you know the pain Kris has been through twice. Hell cannot hold a candle to that kind of pain.
Pain registered once more.
Thereupon the Quakers, who were perhaps not without the -obstinacy of which Marcus Aurelius complained in the early Christians, rushed to Massachusetts as if invited, and the result was that the general court of the colony banished them on pain of death, and four of them, three men and one woman,were hanged for refusing to depart from the jurisdiction or for obstinately returning within it.
Certainly placing the family picture face down on the coffee table had done nothing to ease her pain.
Lisa waited for his reply in tense silence, but his response filled her with equal anger and pain.
Actually, her legs felt like stumps and her groin muscles were knotted with pain.
My later proved to be several hours when I opened eyes to a crying wife, white covers, bright lights, stuff attached to me and lots of pain.
Bianca focused on it and channeled her healing energy towards the dark pain.
She punched him in the arm, and he feigned a look of pain.
Jule's face disappeared from the screen, and the pain eased.
His teeth were grinding loudly enough for her to hear, and his face was ashen and drawn in a look of pain. He couldn't answer – that much she discerned at the rippling muscles of his clenched jaw.
But doing so also meant sacrificing her independence and the risk of losing everything that meant something to her, a potential lifetime of pain.
Thanks to pain medication, Clarissa was resting as comfortably as could be expected.
Pain radiated through her.
Ashley was so excited to hang out, she looked like she was in pain while Jessi wasn't budging.
Difficulty and pain in swallowing may be complained of when the cancer is beginning to block the inlet, but if it is situated at the pylorus the discomfort comes on an hour or two after a meal - at the time that the partially digested food is trying to make its way into the small intestine.
It is desultory to a degree; it is a base libel on religion and history; it differs from its model Ariosto in being, not, as Ariosto is, a mixture of romance and burlesque, but a sometimes tedious tissue of burlesque pure and simple; and it is exposed to the objection - often and justly urged - that much of its fun depends simply on the fact that there were and are many people who believe enough in Christianity to make its jokes give pain to them and to make their disgust at such jokes piquant to others.
No poet has surpassed him in the power of vitally reproducing the pleasure and pain of the passing hour, not recalled by idealizing reflection as in Horace, nor overlaid with mythological ornament as in Propertius, but in all the keenness of immediate impression.
After wearisome and disheartening failures, embittered by the pain of an internal disease, Wolfe crowned his work by the decisive victory on the Plains of Abraham (13th of September 1759) by which the French permanently lost Quebec. Twice wounded earlier in the fight, he had refused to leave the field, and a third bullet passing through his lungs inflicted a mortal injury.
To refute this book and to prove that there could be no such thing as religion, he wrote and printed a small pamphlet, A Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain, which brought him some curious acquaintances, and of which he soon became thoroughly ashamed.
The peace decrees of these various synods differed considerably in detail, but in general they were intended fully to protect non-combatants; they forbade, under pain of excommunication, every act of private warfare or violence against ecclesiastical buildings and their environs, and against certain persons, such as clerics, pilgrims, merchants, women and peasants, and against cattle and agricultural implements.
In a convocation held at Oxford under Archbishop Arundel in 1408 it was enacted " that no man hereafter by his own authority translate any text of the Scripture into English or any other tongue, by way of a book, booklet, or tract; and that no man read any such book, booklet, or tract, now lately composed in the time of John Wycliffe or since, or hereafter to be set forth in part or in whole, publicly or privately, upon pain of greater excommunication, until the said translation be approved by the ordinary of the place, or, if the case so require, by the council provincial.
Resorting to stimulants after illness, his marked excess in this respect on the occasion of his inauguration as vice-president undoubtedly did him harm with the public. Faults of personality were his great handicap. Though approachable and not without kindliness of manner, he seemed hard and inflexible; and while president, physical pain and domestic anxieties, added to the struggles of public life, combined to accentuate a naturally somewhat severe temperament.
Among the first of those whom we know to have attached importance to the placing of relics in churches is Ambrose of Milan (Ep. 22), and the 7th general council of Nicaea (787) forbade the consecration of churches in which relics were not present, under pain of ex communication.
In medicine, nitric acid is used externally in a pure state as a caustic to destroy chancres, warts and phagadenic ulcers; and diluted preparations are employed in the treatment of dyspepsia, &c. Poisoning by strong nitric acid produces a widespread gastroenteritis, burning pain in the oesophagus and abdomen and bloody diarrhoea.
For physiognomy of disease, besides the usual medical handbooks, see Cabuchet, Essai sur l'expression de la face dans les maladies (Paris, 1801); Mantegazza, Physiology of Pain (1893), and Polli, Saggio di fisiognomonia e potognomonia (1837).
Origen taught that a germ of the spiritual body is in the present body, and its development depends on the character, that perfect bliss is reached only by stages, that the evil are purified by pain, conscience being symbolized by fire, and that all, even the devil himself, will at last be saved.
This is one rule of wisdom with regard to religion; and another equally important is to avoid superstition, which he boldly defines as the belief that God is like a hard judge who, eager to find fault, narrowly examines our slightest act, that He is revengeful and hard to appease, and that therefore He must be flattered and importuned, and won over by pain and sacrifice.
Suddenly he again felt that he was alive and suffering from a burning, lacerating pain in his head.
Voices prevented her from losing herself to her pain.
Tears formed in her eyes at the heartbreaking sound of his pain.
She'd never felt pain like his!
He'd never been able to share his pain with anyone else.
She closed her eyes, in too much pain to concentrate.
His was not the kind of pain she could fix.
Her lightheadedness was gone and she was grateful his bloodsucking was pain free.
Despite the water, her mouth was dry and aching almost to the point of pain.
This time, there was a combination of distant pain and pleasure as he bit her that almost pierced the hazy dream.
The pain faded once more, and the experience became too dreamlike to be real.
He whispered words she wasn't able to make out then bit her again, this time hard enough for the pain to piece her dreamlike stage.
She couldn't fathom the amount of pain he had caused over his lifetime.
He wasn't trying to numb the pain.
The brief pain turned quickly into pleasure intense enough that she began panting, her hands roaming his body.
He didn't numb the pain this time, and it drove her mad with need.
The pain melted into hot pleasure once again, and she closed her eyes as he fed long and hard.
I do not wish you to feel pain otherwise.
The pain soon turned to pleasure, and she melted against him.
Even if he was incapable of feeling real pain.
Maybe she was stretching her behavior to the limit, like a slingshot—pulling it tight until it snapped back, with stinging pain.
He felt Randy's pain as if it were his own.
She looked up at him and in spite of her obvious pain, actually smiled.
Her eyes were puffy with pain but she still smiled.
She screamed, not expecting the level of sharp pain.
Hot, throbbing pain was in her neck, and she felt woozy.
She'd never felt pain as a deity.
The pain faded then stopped suddenly, but she wasn't able to leave the in-between place.
Was human-Deidre going through the same pain many times a day at Darkyn's hands?
She didn't understand what pain was at that point.
The pain settling into her was of a different kind.
Deidre had bartered for Darkyn to remove the tumor and to do so without pain.
Deidre felt the pain again, the one without a physical source but which she felt as if a knife was piercing her soul.
He felt her pain but didn't know what to do about it.
She listened, not wanting to cry or acknowledge the level of pain she put him through for so long.
Any pain she caused was going to be short lived and quickly fixed, when she revealed herself to Gabriel once more and told him they could be together.
They could've both gone somewhere else entirely, wherever they wanted to go, without the underworld crumbling or the pain Gabriel was in.
The pain she was in or the situation where she might lose her soul in three days.
And she did, clearly enough that she felt the pain of her heart aching once more.
All I do is cause pain.
She shook her head, once again amazed at how awful pain was.
She kept looking at them, possibly wondering what was causing such pain.
Unlike Logan, this man wouldn't hesitate or complain about holding her on the days when the pain was too much.
The physical pain penetrated his mental anguish, and he lowered his weapons.
He cleared it, pushing aside the haze of alcohol and the pain he sensed but didn't understand the source of.
I can write up some pain meds.
Happiness causes her pain, the tumor to grow and eventually, death.
You bargained for your life and pain.
I love a chase and a fight, but the chances of me forgetting not to dull the pain increase if you resist.
Disgusted, she was also relieved there was no pain.
There was no pain, as promised, but the canine was vcmthe size of butcher knife.
She felt the cold circulating but no pain.
The pain and the sight of her blood made her vision dim.
Her eyes skimmed his perfect, buff body before the pain in her hand finally registered.
There was nothing he could say that would take away the pain he'd just caused.
His chest felt tight, but he refused to admit his pain.
The pain in his chest couldn't equate with the pain and distress shooting through him like cold fire.
He'd never felt pain this intense in any of his battles!
Jade said nothing, pain spiraling through him.
My lover is in pain, and you ask me why I'm here?
A favor from an old friend who doesn't want to see you in pain.
Warmth and cold shot through her, righting her stomach but bringing intense pain to her head.
Her mouth opened in a frozen scream as the burning pain paralyzed her.
A hood went over her head, and she was flung across someone's shoulder hard enough to make her ribs flare with pain.
She jerked back, pain shooting through her.
She closed her eyes and pushed herself up, her breath catching at the sharp pain in her ribs.
Its touched eased the heat and pain.
When it'd finished, she felt little pain, and the heat was completely gone.
If you take the amulet, no pain, guaranteed.
The pain surprised her after Lankha's gentle ministrations.
He took away her pain first then shoved a water cube between her lips.
If you're Kris's, pain like you've never known.
The pinch was less today, and the pain gone instantly, replaced by heat and warmth.
There was no pain this time when he bit her, only numbness.
Pain blazed through him as he took the shape of the ancient creature.
The pain subsided, replaced by familiar warmth.
She stepped from the shadow world back into her world and waited for nausea or pain.
It was bandaged and stiff, but no pain.
Yet he didn't seem too affected by a life of pain, exclusion, and conflict.
She cried out and arched, blinded by pain as he held her against the wall.
She shook from pain and fear of what he'd do next, if he was more like Sasha than Rhyn.
She wiped her face again and shook her head, pain thrumming through her body.
Gabriel touched her forehead, and cold lightning buzzed through her, absorbing the pain.
Molly offered her a food and water cube, both of which lessened the pain throbbing through her.
Hot pain slid through him as his body contorted into the new form.
The regret in his dark eyes made her want to beg him not to kill her and comfort him for the pain he'd surely feel hurting his own friend.
He threw her against the wall, blinded by pain and rage.
Katie pushed herself to her feet, remembering what pain a pissed-off Hell-creature could cause.
He sensed the demon.s pain behind its attempt at a chipper tone.
Tears began to spill down her face as she understood the depth of Gabriel.s pain.
The demon crouched in the door, then roared in pain and whirled.
The dying creature let out an otherworldly roar of pain as it burned.
Pain flared through her.
What mattered was that she was safe, and he no longer caused her pain.
His mind foggy with pain, Jade began to humor thoughts he.d previously rejected.
Jade shook his head, feeling as if madness born of desperation were creeping into his mind with the pain.
He saw only warriors on the main floor of the castle and ascended with increasing pain to the floor where Kris would be.
She.d brought him nothing but pain, and now her family had taken Kris from him.
He had to let her go, but the sense of yearning and pain was too strong for her to sleep.
Her chest was clenched so tight, she felt physical pain.
She felt his pain once more at taking away everything Rhyn had and pitied the assassin, despite her predicament.
His face was white with pain, and Rhyn looked over his brother.
Terror drove her to ignore the pain in her lungs and legs.
Pain rippled through him and another wave of power radiated off him, turning the boulders nearby into powder.
In all his years in Hell, he.d never known this kind of pain.
He threw his head back and roared with fury and pain until his throat was raw.
He clenched his jaw, his pain deep and hidden as he thought of his people and his planet.
The etchings of age, pain, and sorrow were upon his brow and cheeks.
He rested his chin atop her head, knowing there were no words to comfort someone who hurt so deeply and regretful that he caused this pain.
Only when the pain in her body returned did she lean back for a break with a grimace.
Though Dean wished to remain at hand's-length from her troubled life he quickly sensed from her disjointed description Cynthia had been correct when she assessed that the woman carried serious emotional pain.
Edith sniffed once, lowered her head, and continued to eat, as if ignoring what had happened might make the pain disappear.
He prays for an answer and I cry for his pain.
Frankly, I agree he was being a pain in the ass, but you quit being a detective when you left the East—we're the guys still on the job.
It gets to be a pain at times.
Searing pain shot through his shoulder and he realized he barely had the strength to halt another rappel.
There was a sense of cold and the ooze of blood filling his boot, and a reeling wave of lightheadedness, but little pain.
She seemed to be grasping for any distraction to dull the pain.
This one would not feel euphoria, only pain and terror.
He braced himself for the battle with his fangs and waited for the inevitable pain from fighting to keep them at bay.
He froze, his face twisted with pain.
Thinking about all the times he nursed her through heartache, she now realized how difficult it must have been for him to witness her pain.
The gut wrenching pain left him unable to process any rational thought.
Even through the pain, being with her comforted him.
He tried to visualize her morphing into a wolf, writhing in pain as she transformed, foaming at the mouth, snarling.
No… there is some discomfort for a short time, I wouldn't call it pain.
He understood the pain of turning your back on your family.
Sarah groaned, He's such a pain.
He understood the pain it would bring.
When no response was forthcoming, he continued, If she were to leave me, it would cause every bit as much pain as leaving my family did.
Jackson marched toward the door, his face twisted with pain and fear.
Jackson winced as if the pain would paralyze him.
He wasn't going to go through that pain again.
Her neck popped, sending a shot of pain down her back.
She screamed as pain shot through her ankle and up her leg.
She tried to stand, but the pain was excruciating.
As he slid away, his belt buckle gouged into her stomach and she cried out in pain.
She had put that pain there.
She, however, saw the lines of pain and exhaustion under his eyes.
She resisted, clenching her hand hard despite her pain.
He pried her fingers away, glancing up at her when she gasped in pain.
Lana awoke lethargic and in pain.
Before her eyes could focus, pain jolted through her.
I'll give you a charge of— Fire tore through her, and she gasped, the pain nearly driving her unconscious before it ceased.
Warmth flowed through her, and the pain dissipated.
She had a feeling the doc would need his own pain meds if he kept taunting the two tense soldiers.
Doc, I need some meal bars, anti-sleepers, and pain killers.
I have a feeling leaving here is going to be a pain.
She slowly moved from her position and crawled down the tree with effort, the movement sending pain through her tender wrist.
She landed hard on her left side, pain flaring through her as her wrist twisted.
She was hauled to her feet and she blinked, struggling to keep the pain at bay.
Lana shoved herself back, ignoring the pain in her wrist as adrenaline flew threw her.
She gasped, waiting to feel the pain certain to come.
She looked up at him from her hurt wrist, pain in her brown eyes.
Her whole body resonated in pain at the thought.
Her smile faded, pain filling her breast.
He felt nothing as he floated in the dark of his mind, until sudden, hot pain tore through him.
He hissed in pain, his dark eyes growing distant.
They made her want to cry, for she couldn't imagine what kind of pain he'd been in after the helo crash.
Rhyn met her gaze. She never imagined him being defeated by anything, and she felt pain at the look on his face.
Pain streaked through her, the kind of pain with no physical source. Katie began to cry, unable to see an end to her ordeal that would mean she – or her baby – lived. She hugged her stomach and sobbed for the loss of Rhyn, her own life, their child's.
The roots around Deidre's left foot snapped free. Katie shoved it aside before it could change its mind and started on the roots around her right foot. Deidre moved her foot with a look of pain. She rubbed her ankle, and Katie cut her arm again.
Rhyn heard the note of pain in the death-dealer's voice. In a week's time, Gabe had gone from quietly confident to troubled to lost. The death-dealer was struggling with himself, a feeling Rhyn knew well.
He was a pain in the ass.
Well, she does, and the woman's a pain in the ass.
Ol' Vinnie was being, as usual, a pain in the butt.
Pain shot up Dean's arm, hot and sharp, but he had no time to think about it as the man's partner jumped from the bar and dashed toward him.
He had risen to fear, heartache, anxiety, bliss, pain and a hundred other feelings that made you beg to be able to bury your head beneath the covers and stay in the warm cocoon of sleep forever.
He was hardly underway before he geared down for the long climb and gradually fell into a rhythm of sorts, muscle-pulling pain and gasps of breath as he inched his way up the first long incline.
I never gave a thought to the pain of childbirth, but here I am worried about pain the first time.
I was worried about it too, but I didn't have any pain.
Is it the pain that troubles you?
It wasn't pain that caused the tears.
There's a worse pain, Carmen.
It was difficult to imagine how a veterinarian could be so unconcerned about the pain of any animal, much less Princess.
Princess was up and down, obviously in pain, but Alex merely checked her over and proclaimed everything normal.
Aren't you going to give her anything for pain?
If she was a human you'd be giving her something for pain.
A sharp pain ripped through her body and she gasped.
The pain abated and she waited a few minutes.
She was lifting the suitcase into the trunk when the second pain hit.
When the pain finally subsided, she headed for the house to get her purse.
She barely made it to the porch steps when the third pain hit.
She gasped as another pain started.
The pain was subsiding as darkness surrounded her again.
Do you need something for pain?
Where was he when the pain started, and why couldn't he do anything to save the baby?
She was weak and the pain was excruciating, but she was determined to go home.
She was in a lot of pain before she passed away?
He could whisk her away from the pain — take her to a place of ecstasy.
Warmth shot up her neck with a sharp pain.
Pain such as she had never known ripped through her body.
Only grief and agonizing pain remained.
Crippling pain began to take over her mind and body.
Her gaze went to the unfamiliar horizon as raw pain began to replace her numbness.
Somehow, they lessened her pain again, as if the strange figure before her wrapped them in magic before placing them in her head.
Her pain faded, and she drew a shaky breath as the tension in her chest loosened.
The pain was gone.
Pain flew threw him, scrambling his thoughts.
The blow hurt, but he was no stranger to pain.
I know pain, and this is nothing, he chanted to himself, waiting for them to release him so he could attack.
Pain flew threw her.
She pushed herself up, grimacing at the flickers of pain still running through her.
The chant no longer soothed the pain within her as she thought of her own past.
At the thought of Darian, her punch faltered, and pain shot through her wrist.
Fear trickled through her as she recalled the amount of pain trusting someone could cause.
Darian couldn't help feeling dirty for causing her to relive the pain.
She focused on him again, pain and anger in her gaze.
He saw his pain in her gaze.
Jenn's distraught features gazed up at him, and he felt bad again for causing her any sort of pain.
Pain radiated through her, but she pushed herself towards the door.
Jenn fell with him, bloodied and in pain.
He felt Jenn's pain the moment he stepped towards Claire.
He knew that kind of pain.
Raw pain filtered through Jenn as they walked away.
She fought harder to keep the pain inside her from winning.
Jenn covered her head, waiting for the pain.
Tears rose with the sharp, hot pain, and Jenn looked down.
The words should've scared her, but the world was growing hazy, the pain fading as darkness crept into her vision.
The weight from her legs lifted suddenly, and fresh pain jarred her back into the imploding world.
Maybe in a few thousand years, after he'd killed every Other and Watcher he could get his hands on and found some way to numb his pain.
There will be no pain.
Sami grimaced, as if annoyed rather than in pain, but otherwise ignored the arrows jutting from his back.
It knew only death and pain, while she lived - -and would die! - -for hope and life!
She gasped, pain ripping through her as a kick landed in her stomach.
Relieved, horrified, she focused on subduing the demon, whose angry pacing in her chest made her want to double over in pain.
Pain smashed through his head.
Gritting her teeth, she ran the dagger down the scar already present at the inside of her forearm, grunting at the hot pain.
I was told you are a man with a heart meant to lead his people away from their pain.
Rissa sobbed into her hands, pain, fear, exhaustion, and frustration bubbling uncontrollably.
She stepped over it, slipped on pebbles, and dropped with a gasp as pain slammed through her knees.
He waited, wishing he knew what to say to repair the years of pain he'd caused his friend.
In either case, he'd just caused her pain he'd never want to feel.
Her body was warm, unlike Memon's, her face contorted in pain even in sleep.
Is he in pain?
His expression indicated pain, but he managed a wry smile.
She screamed again in agony as pain seared through her shoulder.
She tried to sit up, but the motion created a nauseating pain in her shoulder.
Finally she opened her eyes and leaned forward, screaming when the pain hit her again.
Shifting her position to relieve a cramp in her hip, she twisted the injured shoulder and cried out in pain.
As her shoulder began to swell, the pain was nauseating.
She scrambled to sit upright, forcing the pain in her shoulder to the back of her mind.
He examined her, apologizing briefly when he caused pain.
His fingers bit into her arms as darkness took the pain away.
It's probably the pain medication.
She sighed and shrugged, wincing at the pain caused by the motion.
Maybe it was the pain meds – or whatever they were giving her to keep calm.
His grip bit into her arm and the sudden jerk caused pain in her shoulder.
Pain ripped through her shoulder and she cried out.
She woke with pain in the shoulder and her back.
Pain shot through her ankle and her knees buckled.
A sharp pain brought her out of the chair with a cry of alarm.
He gently painted the bump, apologizing when she winced at the pain.
She slapped water at it, and screamed again when she felt a sharp pain in her hand.
She dropped back to her pillow and yawned The sound caught her by surprise - a blood-curdling scream that could be nothing less than a woman in agonizing pain.
It sounded like she was in terrible pain.
He thought physical pain was the source of her tears.
Then memory flooded back with a sharp pain.
Not only that, but they are barbarians, like animals, that feel no pain.
Pain struck him so hard, he gasped.
Pain turned into an emotion almost too strong for him to control.
If you take an innocent life, you will feel the same pain that life does, only you will feel it thrice over, she continued.
To give you a sense of what it's like to harm an innocent, you will first feel the pain you've caused throughout your life.
One day of pain for every innocent you've harmed.
The idea of him in pain caused the familiar vise around her chest to return.
Your life is important to me, more so than the amount of pain I must put you through to sustain it, she replied.
He gave a strangled cry of rage and pain in response.
His eyes went to Xander, who writhed in pain on the other side of the roof.