Paid Sentence Examples
I paid the electric and water bill this week.
I almost have the ranch paid off.
Her sister had chosen the gown and --thankfully --paid for it.
It's what you're paid to do.
After your raise, you made $1 million, paid $600,000 in taxes, and were left with $400,000—twenty times more after-tax income.
What had she paid for this favor?
He had paid for the car and told her it was hers.
He visited several cities, and in each place he was well paid for his music.
With the money Gio paid for you to go to Georgetown, you'd think you could get a better job than this!
Not all the attention that has been paid her since she was a child has made her take herself too seriously.
AdvertisementHowie paid for our meal.
We paid for the swimming pool so we might as well use it.
He hadn't paid much attention to any woman in many, many years, but couldn't help thinking her one of the most attractive he'd ever met.
I paid him for three bushes.
Eventually her attempts to tame him paid off, and he allowed her to touch him - provided she was careful not to move too quickly.
AdvertisementWe were each given shares of stock, fully paid for, that would provide substantial dividends for future years.
The Reverend did some mighty bad things but he paid his due.
Who do you think paid the bills if you didn't?
He asked the price and paid for it.
However, the company likely won't choose this outcome because the $10 cost of cleanup is not paid by the company but by society.
AdvertisementSonya had cried and begged to be forgiven and now, as if trying to atone for her fault, paid unceasing attention to her cousin.
Nor did he say anything when she exchanged the guitar for a violin and paid for lessons.
He was getting paid a percentage just to pick up the artwork and deliver it to my broker.
Deidre paid the driver and hurried inside, her mind reeling and her body buzzing with the weird energy of the killer who'd marked her.
You've paid in advance.
AdvertisementThey were paid so well, they didn't need to worry about how to send their two daughters to college anymore.
Maybe if she'd paid more attention to the information coming in or been a better analyst … part of her knew there were no indicators she missed.
The gross income for the year 1907 amounted to £2,702,228, of which £257,920 was paid to the Post Office in respect of royalties.
But he paid no attention to her warning.
When men were killed or wounded, when rows of stretchers went past, when some troops retreated, and when great masses of the enemy came into view through the smoke, no one paid any attention to these things.
They just aren't expected to stray too far from the homestead in the process – or get paid for it.
You're being paid to talk?
He paid for the supplies with a check and took her and Mary out to eat.
Betsy paid him no attention.
He paid each day and he didn't drop off his rent.
The steam mains to the houses are laid by the supply company; the internal pipes and fittings are paid for or rented by the occupier, costing for an installation from £30 for an ordinary eight-roomed house to £Ioo or more for larger buildings.
The state, the departments, and the communes were thus relieved from the payment of salaries and grants to religious bodies, an item of expenditure which amounted in the last year of the old system to 1,101,000 paid by the state and 302,200 contributed by the departments and communes.
In these circumstances the state agreed to guarantee the interest on the capital, the sums it paid in this way being regarded as advances to be reimbursed in the future with interest at 4%.
As before, the sums paid out in respect of guaranteed dividend were to be regarded as advances which were to be paid back to the state out of the profits made, when these permitted, and when the advances were wiped out, the profits, after payment of a certain dividend, were to be divided between the state and the railway, two-thirds going to the former and one-third to the latter.
Universities have been established at Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Hobart, and are well equipped and numerously attended; they are in part supported by grants from the public funds and in part by private endowments and the fees paid by students.
This mine proved to be very rich, and paid £800,000 in dividends to the original owners.
The dividends paid by these mines amounted to about £1,750,000 sterling.
The revenues for educational purposes are derived mainly from a state tax of 8 on the general list, from local taxes, and from the interest on the permanent school fund, which (including the money paid to Vermont by the United States government when a portion of the treasury surplus was distributed among the states in 1837) amounted in 1908 to $1,120,218.
As to judgment debts, it is sufficient to say that, when by the judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction an order is made that a sum of money be paid by one of two parties to another, such a debt is not only enforceable by process of court, but it can be sued upon as if it were an ordinary debt.
Or, when one person is compelled by law to discharge the legal liabilities of another, he becomes the creditor of the person for the money so paid.
If the tenant paid his rent, the landlord could not forbid subletting.
Houses were let usually for the year, but also for longer terms, rent being paid in advance, half-yearly.
This was matter of contract, and the hirer, who usually paid in advance, might demand a guarantee to fulfil the engagement.
If he defaulted he paid five-fold.
The warehouseman took all risks, paid double for all shortage, but no claim could be made .unless he had given a properly witnessed receipt.
A further X100,000 was paid for the Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man and other undertakings, and about £2,000,000 was.
Another splice was made, to be followed, after the " Agamemnon " had paid out about 40 m., by another break.
It had paid the Post Office in royalties already £1,848,000, and the Post Office under the agreement would step into the business in 1911 by merely paying for the plant employed.
The estaglio, or rent, is often paid in kind, and is equivalent to half the produce of good land and one-third of the produce of bad land.
The name condottiero, derived from condolta, a paid contract to supply so many fighting men in serviceable order, sufficiently indicates the nature of the business.
He or she must not, as had been so often the case in the past, be forced to marry some royal favourite, or some one who had paid a sum of money for the privilege.
About £1 4 o per acre was paid for the lease of the land, which after two years was restored to its owners re-soiled and levelled.
The institution owed its origin to federal land grants; it is maintained by the state, the United States, and by small fees paid by the students; tuition is free in all colleges except the college of law.
You've paid a dear price for this thing.
We have paid for the right to look at the matter plainly and simply, and we will not abandon that right.
Would he still be paid?
Everything was perfectly legal and taxes paid.
Because that's what you're paid to do.
Was he an admirer, as Alex thought, or was he paid to make it look like they were involved?
When she was in the hospital, he had paid her bill.
It was three months' salary, though Hannah had added it to the black AmEx her fiancé paid in full every month without a second thought.
She paid the cashier with the remainder of her Euros and returned for a hot shower.
For once, she wished she.d paid attention when her sister told her about travel plans.
Jade and Sasha would soon be out of his way, and his gamble on the hidden honor of Rhyn had paid off.
I took a chance, and it paid off.
He paid no attention and continued to stride down the corridor.
This time, she paid no attention to the shale or placing her feet right.
Told 'em what I paid for the merchandise and they didn't bat an eyebrow.
Donnie had paid no attention to their conversation but having tired of his puzzle, picked up the notebook of letters and numbers and began to study it, turning the binder page by page.
Far off in the distance, Dean could again hear the ringing of Gladys Turnbull's alarm but he paid it no attention.
While the equipment didn't match what was displayed on the cover of current ski magazines, they looked surprisingly good for the twenty bucks Fred said he'd paid for them, with boots and poles part of the package.
You're on a belayed line that is passed under one thigh and over the opposite shoulder so that it can be paid out, nice and smooth, a little at a time....
Someone paid you to vote for Roosevelt?
Three times what we paid you for it!
Dean began to have a sinking feeling about who had paid for the room.
The room's been paid for.
Though countless have paid for me, never has a man risked paying so dearly for my body; his honor, his reputation, his family and even his soul.
She paid for it.
But give the devil his due, he paid his way.
Shipton paid him no mind.
She quieted a sudden rush of excitement with a reminder that he was probably being paid to visit.
Unconsciousness must have paid its call before hands secured him and lowered him to the waiting rescuers below.
When they had thirty pumpkins, Jackson paid and arranged to have them delivered to Fairhaven the next morning.
It was past nine when Alex and Josh paid their bills, and the faint sound of thunder met them at the door.
I would have paid for that, but you wouldn't hear of it.
I understand you have friends doing your chores, and your hospital bill has already been paid through tomorrow, so stop worrying and complete your convalescence.
She had expected to find Alex had paid the hospital bill, but that wasn't the case.
Mr. Tim paid for my education and training.
She'd paid her one night with Brady and still didn't have her micro or the vault.
Brady paid them little attention as he stepped forward, uncertain how he was going to be received.
He'd paid in advance for two assignations after he began to suspect there was a traitor in his organization. The second had been for Katie, in case she couldn't be reasoned with.
You paid for two deaths. Gabe came to collect, and those two lives … disappeared. They're in my underworld right now, running from me.
Dean, who'd been on the force for their entire tenure, was used to their early morning bickering and paid no attention.
I pitched out the junk mail and paid the bills.
They were all designed for Fortune 500 executives, not poorly paid detectives sworn to keep the streets safe for orphans and widows.
Fred prattled on about a mystery where something similar had occurred but Dean paid him no attention as he glanced through the newspaper.
Atlantic City must have paid well this week.
They were still giddy when Fred paid the check, by peeling a large number of ten-dollar bills from a roll that started twice as large as it finished.
The boy asked for a room and paid for it in cash, getting the last two dollars from the girl.
He rose abruptly, his coffee only half finished, and paid his bill.
He paid particular attention to the March expense accounts and itineraries.
At first he paid a few days late but I had a little talk with him and he's straightened out nicely.
Dean paid him no attention and called headquarters to report the break-in, asking them to send a doctor as well.
He paid no heed to the words that were droning on, until a name riveted him to attention.
Don't tell me the slots at Atlantic City paid off again.
As Dean had predicted, no one paid them any heed.
We even paid off his stolen escrow account and talked him into backing off Cynthia Byrne.
Dean paid little attention as his mind remained focused on his chore ahead as he tried to put aside the stiffness in his injured leg.
Then again, as little attention as she paid him, maybe he was going feral.
Vara freed him, paid for his weapons.
With a quick glance to make sure none of his father's men paid him any heed, Taran stole away to the far side of the beach, trailing the barbarian youth.
Memon paid his son no heed, focused completely on Taran.
It is their duty, and a price that must be paid.
Rissa paid heed to his explanation of tactics, uncertain if they were truthful, but noting his assessments.
Taran bit his tongue, wishing he'd paid more attention to his words and less to the memories.
Alex paid for his ticket and tucked the wallet inside his suit jacket.
Like the others, he had paid through tomorrow.
He was merely doing what he was being paid to do.
With the alarm blaring in his mind, he only half paid attention.
No one paid her any heed.
He paid her last warning no heed and kissed her neck from beneath her ear to her collarbone.
In December 1691 he was appointed receiver of the tithes which were originally paid to the bishop of Utrecht, and five years later was nominated to the professorship of eloquence and history.
In 1714 he paid a short visit to Paris and ransacked the libraries.
Like other ecclesiastical lawyers and civil servants of the day, he was paid with ecclesiastical preferments.
He paid frequent visits to the court of his godfather the emperor Frederick II., and his loyalty to Frederick and to his son Conrad IV.
She endeavoured unsuccessfully to eke out her irregularly paid allowance by those expedients to which reduced gentlewomen are driven - fancywork and painting fans and snuff-boxes; she lived in a garret and was often unable to allow herself the luxury of a fire.
He was very careful about his personal appearance, and paid an almost foppish attention to dress and gait.
The good sense and clearness of the views which he expressed caused attention to be paid to his desire to be again employed in India.
As an independent measure of economy, the stipend paid to the titular nawab of Bengal, who was then a minor, was reduced by one-half - to sixteen lakhs a year (say 160,000).
At last, when he was reduced to actual destitution, it was arranged that the East India Company should grant him an annuity of 4000 for a term of years, with 90,000 paid down in advance.
Institutions possessing a special character are the monti frumentarii, public grain deposits, founded for the purpose of supplying peasant proprietors with seed corn, debts being paid in kind with interest after harvest.
In September 1665 the king unexpectedly paid him a visit at Wimborne.
The Terrorists paid a veritable worship to his memory, as to a martyr of Liberty.
He paid the costs of his royal parchment, and left without a word of reproach.
The archons and members of the boule, who certainly received remuneration in 411, and also some minor magistrates, were perhaps paid for the first time by Pericles.
In connexion with this system of salaries should be mentioned a somewhat reactionary law carried by Pericles in 451, by which an Athenian parentage on both sides was made an express condition of retaining the franchise and with it the right of sitting on paid juries.
From time to time the emperors of Trebizond paid tribute to the Seljuk sultans of Iconium, to the grand khans of the Mongols, to Timur the Tatar, to the Turkoman chieftains, and to the Ottomans; but by means of skilful negotiations they were enabled practically to secure their independence.
The term "curate" in the present day is almost exclusively used to signify a clergyman who is assistant to a rector or vicar, by whom he is employed and paid; and a clerk in deacon's orders is competent to be licensed by a bishop to the office of such assistant curate.
In some districts there is a fixed price of blood; at Argyrokastro, for instance, the compensation paid by the homicide to the relatives of his victim is 1200 piastres (about £10), at Khimara 2000 piastres; once the debt has been acquitted amicable relations are restored.
Recent criticism has been far more impartial, and almost too much respect has been paid to his attainments, especially in the matter of metre, though Lydgate himself, with offensive lightheartedness, admits his poor craftsmanship.
Of this $11,271,708 was the value of collars and cuffs (89.5% of the value of the total American product), an industry which gave employment to 49.3% of the wage-earners in Troy, and paid 42.1% of the wages.
Little attention is paid to methods of cultivation, and the farmer has no resources to help him if the cereal crops fail.
The pastoral and agricultural industries have been hampered by fluctuations in the value of the currency, farm products being sold at a gold value for the equivalent in paper, while labourers are paid in currency.
In October 1900 Dr Manuel Campos Salles, president of Brazil, paid a visit to Buenos Aires, and was received with great demonstrations of friendliness.
In Oceania The members of these committees are un- New Caledonia and [N;S]paid, and have no concern with ways and Establishments in 00 means which are in the hands of a paid treasurer (receveur).
The bureaux de bien- Total in 0cc faisance in the larger centres are aided by unpaid workers (commissaires or dames de charit), and in the big towns by paid inquiry officers.
The authorized colonial loans, omitting Algeria and Tunisia, during the period 1884f 904 amounted to 19,200,000, the sums paid for interest and sinking funds on loans varying from 600,000 to 800,000 a year.
The attention he had paid to chemistry in the earlier part of his career enabled him to hold his own in this position, but he found his work more congenial when in 1887 he was transferred to the professorship of physics.
Since 1860 several visits have been paid to the group by scientific investigators - by Dr Habel in 1868; Messrs Baur and Adams, and the naturalists of the "Albatross," between 1888 and 1891; and in 1897-1898 by Mr Charles Harris, whose journey was specially undertaken at the instance of the Hon.
Both entered the country, but George William proved himself the stronger and occupied Ratzeburg; having paid a substantial sum of money to the elector, he was recognized by the inhabitants as their duke.
The satisfactory price obtained during recent years has enabled renewed attention to be paid to copper mining in South Australia, and the production of the metal in 1905 was valued at £470,324.
In several of the states, New South Wales and South Australia proper, the railways yield more than the interest paid by the government on the money borrowed for their construction.
Until other provision was made, the governor-general was to have a salary of £10,000, paid by the Commonwealth.
He paid no heed to them, but began the struggle against the Culebra and the Chagres.
He entered the Protestant Church, and in 1663, through the influence of his friend Abraham Heidanus, who had assisted him in his greatest need, he obtained a poorly paid lectureship at the university.
The active participation of the Roman Catholics in the movement of the United Irishmen was strengthened by the appointment of Tone as paid secretary of the Roman Catholic Committee in the spring of 1792.
No one save the king had the right of jurisdiction over him, while by a law of Canute we learn that he paid a larger heriot than an ordinary thegn.
Much attention has been paid to the improvement of the mechanical details of the lifting and other motions of cranes, and in important installations the gearing is now usually made of cast steel.
He was free, but had to accept monetary compensation for corporal injuries, paid smaller fees and fines, even paid less offerings to the gods.
His master clothed and fed him, paid his doctor's fees, but took all compensation paid for injury done to him.
It is not clear that all lands paid tithe, perhaps only such as once had a special connexion with the temple.
He was usually paid in advance.
The bride-price varied much, according to the position of the parties, but was in excess of that paid for a slave.
If she had no children, he returned her the dowry and paid her a sum equivalent to the bride-price, or a mina of silver, if there had been none.
This is awarded by the Code for corporal injuries to a muskinu or slave (paid to his master); for damages done to property, for breach of contract.
Throughout the Code respect is paid to status.
The plaintiff could swear to his loss by brigands, as to goods claimed, the price paid for a slave purchased abroad or the sum due to him.
A sufficient length of cable to reach the shore or the cable-house is paid overboard and coiled on a raft or rafts, or on the deck of a steam-launch, in order to be connected with the shore.
The cable must not be overstrained in the process of submersion, and must be paid out at the proper rate to give the requisite slack.
The length paid out and the rate of paying out are obtained approximately from the number of turns made by the drum P and its rate of turning.
Whilst it is being paid out the portion between the surface of the water and the bottom of the sea lies along a straight line, the component of the weight at right angles to its length being supported by the frictional resistance to sinking in the water.
It is important to observe that the risk is in no way obviated by the increasing slack paid out, except in so far as the amount of sliding which the strength of the cable is able to produce at the points of contact with the ground may be thereby increased.
There are several reasons for the unsatisfactory financial results apart from the high price paid for the acquisition of the telegraphs.
Slaby paid considerable attention to the study of the phenomena connected with the production of the oscillations in the antenna.
The business subsequently proved profitable, good dividends were paid, and the securities for the most part commanded a premium in the market.
In some of the Lombard mezzadria contracts taxes are paid by the cultivator.
There are various categories of inquilinaggio, according as rent is paid in money or in kind.
In Sardinia wage-earners are paid lod.
Women are, as a rule, paid less than men, and though their wages have also increased, the rise has been slighter than in the case of men.
The officials are not well paid, and are certainly numerous; while the manifold checks and counterchecks have by no means always been sufficient to prevent dishonesty.
The judges of all kinds are very poorly paid.
It is proportional, and is collected by deduction from salaries and pensions paid to servants of the state, where it is assessed on three-eighths of the income, and from interest on consolidated stock, where it is assessed on the whole amount; and by register in the cases of private individuals, who pay on three-fourths of their income, professional men, capitalists or manufacturers, who pay on one-half or nine-twentieths of their income.
One-tenth of the tax is paid to the communes as compensation for revenues made over to the state.
The most important of the local dues is the gate tax, or dazio di consumo, which may be either a surtax upon commodities (such as alcoholic drinks or meat), having already paid customs duty at the frontier, in which case the local surtax may not exceed 50% of the frontier duty, or an exclusively communal duty limited to 10% on flour, bread and farinaceous products,2 and to 20% upon other commodities.
Venice not only paid the costs of the war to the two chief belligerents, but her naval resources also helped to launch the young general on his career of eastern adventure.
The powers, immediately after the revolt, presented a memorandum to Gregory recommending certain moderate reforms, but no attention was paid to it.
In Rome, after the restoration of the temporal power by the French troops, the pope paid no attention to Louis Napoleons advice to maintain some form of constitution, to grant a general amnesty, and to secularize the administration.
On the 11th of May 1893 he denounced the treaty of Uccialli, but the Giolitti cabillet, absorbed by the bank scandals, paid no heed to his action.
The treaty having been duly ratified, and an indemnity of 400,000 paid to Menelek, the Shoan prisoners were released, and Major Nerazzini once more returned to Abyssinia with instructions to secure, if possible, Meneleks assent to the definitive retention of the Mareb-Belesa-Muna line by Italy.
The outset of his administration was marked by Franco-Italian fetes at Toulon (10th to I4th April 1901), when the Italian fleet returned a visit paid by the French Mediterranean squadron to Cagliari in April 1899; and by the despatch of three Italian warships to Prevesa to obtain satisfaction for damage done to Italian subjects by Turkish officials.
C. Licinius Macer (died 66), who has been called the last of the annalists, wrote a voluminous work, which, although he paid great attention to the study of his authorities, was too rhetorical, and exaggerated the achievements of his own family.
ThbkOly's distrust of the emperor now induced him to turn for help to the sultan, who recognized him as prince of Upper Hungary on condition that he paid an anuual tribute of 40,000 florins.
Far more comprehensive was the second charter, granted by Philip's widow Mathilda, after his death on crusade in 1191, as the price paid for the faithfulness of the city to her cause.
He paid especial attention to orthography, and sought to differentiate the meanings of cases of like ending by distinctive marks (the apex to indicate a long vowel is attributed to him).
The study of the differentiation of protoplasm was at that time seldom undertaken, and no particular attention was paid either to fixing it, to enable staining methods to be accurately applied to it, or to studying the action of chemical reagents upon it.
It is evident that as the latter increases in bulk, more and more attention must be paid to the dangers of uprooting by winds and storms. Various mechanisms have been adopted in different cases, some connected with the subterranean and others with the sub-aerial portions of the plant.
Sebastian Munster, on the other hand, in his Cosmographia universalis of 1544, paid no regard to the mathematical basis of Munster.
Only a few papers and works can be mentioned here, with the remark that few authors have paid attention to the all-important innervation of the muscles.
But when Greek deities were introduced into Rome on the advice of the Sibylline books (in 495 B.C., on the occasion of a severe drought), Demeter, the Greek goddess of seed and harvest, whose worship was already common in Sicily and Lower Italy, usurped the place of Ceres in Rome, or rather, to Ceres were added the religious rites which the Greeks paid to Demeter, and the mythological incidents which originated with her.
The flagellants paid for their own personal maintenance, but were allowed to accept board and lodging, if offered.
This secrecy, combined with the fact that the judges were very ill paid, led to universal bribery and corruption.
The crown paid the landlord in obligations representing the capitalized rent, and the peasants had to pay the crown, for forty-nine years, 6% interest on this capital.
Nestor, an old monkish chronicler Origin of Kiev, relates that in the middle of the 9th century of the the Slav and Finnish tribes inhabiting the forest region around Lake Ilmen, between Lake Ladoga and the upper waters of the Dnieper, paid tribute to military adventurers from the land of Ras, which is commonly supposed to have been a part of Sweden.
It always had a prince, no doubt, but he was engaged by formal contract without much attention being paid to hereditary rights, and he was merely leader of the troops, while all the political power remained in the hands of the civil officials and the Vetche, a popular assembly which was called together in the market-place, as occasion required, by the tolling of the great bell.
After a dilatory war of three years he concluded a peace on the ground of free commercial relations, and then he attacked the Livonian Order, on the pretext that the Livonian town of Dorpat had not paid tribute according to ancient treaties.
For this decision there were good reasons, for those turbulent sons of the steppe paid no taxes and were much given to brigandage, and their raiding propensities occasionally created international difficulties with the khan of the Crimea and the sultan of Turkey.
After proclaiming his intention of conferring on his subjects the blessings of peace, he joined in 1798 an Anglo-Austrian coalition against France; but when Austria paid more attention to her own interests than to the interests of monarchical institutions in general, and when England did not respect the independence of Malta, which he had taken under his protection, he succumbed to the artful blandishments of Napoleon and formed with him a plan for ruining the British empire by the conquest of India.
The result of this policy of repression, associated as it was with gross incompetence and corruption in the organs of the administration, was the rapid spread of the revolutionary movement, which gradually permeated the intelligent classes and ultimately " Tolstoi - observed that that was argument and reason, and that he paid no attention to them; he only guided himself (he said) by sentiment, which he felt sure told him what was good and right!
In May 1908 a deputation of Russian the Slav members of the Austrian Reichsrat paid a moveens.
This new entente with Great Britain, cemented by a visit paid by King Edward VII.
Gradually, however, the accommodation improved, and by the middle of the 19th century second-class passengers had begun to enjoy " good glass windows and cushions on the seat," the fares they paid being about 2d.
Such cars in the United States are largely owned, not by the railway companies over whose lines they run, but by the Pullman Car Company, which receives the extra fees paid by passengers for their use.
The right to send a ship to trade with China was one for which large sums were paid, and Pereira, as commander of the expedition, would enjoy commercial privileges which Ataide had, ex officio, the power to grant or withhold.
In 18 3 o the respected missionary John Williams paid his first visit to Samoa.
At the graves of national heroes or ancestors worship was paid.
As is well known, great efforts were made by King Edgar to reduce the number of wolves in the country, but, notwithstanding the annual tribute of 300 skins paid to him during several years by the king of Wales, he was not altogether so successful as has been commonly imagined.
Mines and mining claims are exempt from taxation, but a quarterly tax is levied on the net proceeds of mines, and is not to be paid a second time so long as the products remain in the hands of the original producer.
Then in 1763 was delivered his speech in "The Parson's Cause" - a suit brought by a clergyman, Rev. James Maury, in the Hanover County Court, to secure restitution for money considered by him to be due on account of his salary (16,000 pounds of tobacco by law) having been paid in money calculated at a rate less than the current market price of tobacco.
The chief command of the newly organized army was also given to him, but previously, at the head of a body of militia, he had demanded satisfaction for powder removed from the public store by order of Lord Dunmore, the royal governor, with the result that £330 was paid in compensation.
Among those who paid tribute were Rasun (the biblical Rezin) of Damascus, Menahem of Samaria, the kings of Tyre, Byblos and Hamath and the queen of Aribi (Arabia, the Syrian desert).
The desert peoples who paid tribute on this occasion still continued restless, and in 715 Sargon removed men of Tamud, Ibadid, Marsiman, I;Iayapa, " the remote Arabs of the desert," and placed them in the land of Beth-Omri.
Now the penalty had been paid, and the Babylonians, whose policy was less destructive than that of Assyria, contented themselves with appointing as governor a certain Gedaliah.
Moreover, the maintenance of the Temple servants called for supervision; the customary allowances had not been paid to the Levites who had come to Jerusalem after the smaller shrines had been put down, and they had now forsaken the city.
As ruler of the nation the high priest paid its tribute to Egypt, its overlord.
From this point to the end of the period the Jews were dependents of Rome, free to attend to their own affairs, so long as they paid taxes to the subordinate rulers, Herodian or Roman, whom they detested equally.
The king imposed a fine upon them, and the wife of PherorasHerod's brother - paid it on their behalf.
Agrippa, the grandson of Herod the Great, was an avowed partisan of the new emperor and had paid penalty for a premature avowal of his preference.
The case was tried in 1329 and decided against Lymington, but in 1750 the judgment was reversed, and since then the petty customs have been regularly paid.
He strongly promoted the League of Nations in the early part of that year; he attended the International Socialist Conference at Berne; and in Dec. 1920 he paid an informal visit to Ireland in the hope of promoting peace.
The labour needed in this industry is supplied by Indian peons, who live in a state of semi-servitude and are paid barely enough to sustain life.
In addition to the ordinary suffrage qualifications of age, sex, and residence, the voter must have paid all taxes due from him for the two years immediately preceding the election, and he must be able to read any section of the constitution or "be able to understand the same when read to him, or give a reasonable interpretation thereof."
The sessions are still too short, teachers are poorly paid and attendance is voluntary.
As the principal of these funds is never to be paid, the real debt was slightly over $1,000,000.
However, there was a speedy reaction against the oppositon which had in no small measure been inspired by fear of a requirement that debts be paid in gold and silver.
Homage was paid to him by the rabbinical heads of the colleges (each of whom was called Gaon, q.v.); rich gifts were presented; he visited the synagogue in state, where a costly canopy had been erected over his seat.
The floral structure is so curious that perhaps less attention has been paid to the vegetative organs than the peculiarities of their organisation demand.
This large number is partly accounted for by the diligent search in all countries that has been made for these plants for purposes of cultivation - they being held at present in the greatest esteem by plantlovers, and prices being paid for new or rare varieties which recall the days of the tulipomania.
Kara Mustafa paid for his defeat with his life; he was beheaded at Belgrade in 1683 and his head was brought to the sultan on a silver dish.
He therefore deserves the homage which Xenophon paid to him in choosing him as hero for his didactic novel.
Taxation is assessed under British supervision and paid into the native treasury.
A fixed portion is paid by the emir to the British government.
He arrogated to himself the privileges of royalty, made servants attend him upon their knees, compelled bishops to tie his shoelatchets and dukes to hold the basin while he washed his hands, and considered it condescension when he allowed ambassadors to kiss his fingers; he paid little heed to their sacrosanct character, and himself laid violent hands on a papal nuncio.
His New Year's presents were reckoned by Giustiniani at 15,000 ducats, and the emperor paid - or owed - him 18,000 livres a year.
German stamps were introduced from Berlin; the occupied towns were garrisoned by the Landwehr; and requisitions on a large scale were demanded, and paid for in cheques which, at the close of the war, were to be honoured by whichever side should stand in the unpleasant position of the conquered.
Huxley gave it as his opinion that it was sufficient to cover the whole cost of the war indemnity paid by France to Germany in 1870.
For La Devineresse he and his coadjutor de Vise (1638-1710, founder of the Mercure galant, to which Thomas contributed) received above 6000 livres, the largest sum known to have been thus paid.
Rents were paid in corn; and for the largest farm, which he thinks should employ no more than two ploughs, the rent was about six chalders of victual " when the ground is very good, and four in that which is not so good.
In Great Britain little attention is paid to this important branch of agricultural science, but in America and the British colonies the case is different.
On her way back to Scotland she was driven by storms to Portsmouth harbour and paid a friendly visit to Edward VI.
He arrived at the republican headquarters, then at 0111oules on the north-west of Toulon, on the 16th of September; and it is noteworthy that as early as September 10th the commissioners had seen the need of attacking the allied fleet and had paid some attention to the headland behind l'Eguillette, which commanded both the outer and the inner harbour.
Through Spain he then threatened Portugal with extinction unless she too paid a heavy subsidy, a demand with which the court of Lisbon was fain to comply.
Princely abodes in France and annuities (the latter to be paid by Spain) - such was the price at which Napoleon bought the crown of Spain and the Indies.
Wareham was accounted a borough in Domesday Book, and the burgesses in 1176 paid 20 marks for a default.
Deciding not to enter the ministry, he paid back the money advanced by the society.
On the whole Brandt's labours were of no small service in asserting the principle that consideration must be paid to osteology; for his position was such as to gain more attention to his views than some of his less favourably placed brethren had succeeded in doing.
The 85,000 marks, the price of transport, were not forthcoming, and the Venetians declined to sail till they were paid.
The school revenues are derived from the sale and rental of public lands granted by Congress, and of the salt and swamp lands devoted by the state to such purposes, from a uniform levy of one mill on each dollar of taxable property in the state, from local levies (averaging 7.2 mills in township districts and 10.07 mills in separate districts in 1908), from certain fines and licences, and from tuition fees paid by non-resident pupils.
The funded debt was then gradually reduced until the last installment was paid in 1903.
Boston paid in 1907 36% of all state taxes, and about 33, 62, 47 and 79% respectively of the assessments for the metropolitan sewer, parks, boulevards and water services.
Where there is an unqualified covenant to repair, and the premises during the tenancy are burnt down, or destroyed by some other inevitable calamity, the tenant is bound to rebuild and restore them at his own expense, even although the landlord has taken out a policy on his own account and been paid by the insurance company in respect of it.
The Liberal party and Sagasta paid the penalty of their lack of success, and directly the Cortes met in March 1899, after the peace treaty of the 1 oth of December 1898 with the United States, they were defeated in the senate.
Under these circumstances it is not surprising to find that those who have paid attention to the botany of the cottons differ greatly in the number of species they recognize.
It is paid for at the rate of from 45 to cents per cwt.
Using average prices paid for nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash when bought in large quantities and in good forms, these ingredients, in a ton of cotton seed, amount to $9.00 worth of fertilizing material.
Attention has been paid in the West Indies to seed selection, by the officers of the imperial Department of Agriculture, with the object of retaining for West Indian Sea Island cotton its place as the most valuable cotton on the British market.
From all differences interest at 5% is deducted for the time between settlement day and the tenth day of the second month on which the " future " elapses, since settlement terms mean that money is paid in instalments before it is actually due.
These official prices are sometimes prices actually paid, and sometimes prices settled by 1 Transactions of too bales only.
While quoted " spot " remained low, the prices paid by most spinners for the special kinds of cotton that they needed might rise.
But the king had another force in addition to the feudal levy - a paid force of soudoyers, 2 holding fiefs, not of land, but of pay (fiefs de soudee).
Along with this paid cavalry went another branch of the army, the Turcopuli, a body of light cavalry, recruited from the Syrians and Mahommedans, and using the tactics of the Arabs; while an infantry was found among the Armenians, the best soldiers of the East, and the Maronites, who furnished the kingdom with archers.
It is true that the king had a revenue, collected by the vicomte and paid into the secretum or treasury - a revenue composed of tolls on the caravans and customs from the ports, of the profits of monopolies and the proceeds of justice, of poll-taxes on Jews and Mahommedans, and of the tributes paid by Mahommedan powers.
From Antioch Hadrian set out for Dacia to punish the Roxolani, who, incensed by a reduction of the tribute hitherto paid them, had invaded the Danubian provinces.
The first part of this claim was refunded by a new bond issue, also taken by the Educational Fund, the second was paid from an Indian war claim of $692,946, received from the United States government in 1902, when $132,000 bonds of 1857, held by the United States government, were also extinguished.
From this time Gelo paid little attention to Gela, and devoted himself to the aggrandizement of Syracuse, which attained extraordinary wealth and influence.
Increasing attention was paid to the investigation of the properties of substances and of their effects on the human body, and chemistry profited by the fact that it passed into the hands of men who possessed the highest scientific culture of the time, Still, belief in the possibility of transmutation long remained orthodox, even among the most distinguished men of science.
Lanfranc, during a visit which he paid the pope for the purpose of receiving his pallium, obtained an order from Alexander that the disputed points should be settled by a council of the English Church.
No higher tribute was ever paid to character and ability than that conveyed by this election.
They came into open conflict at the council of Woodstock (July 1163), when Becket successfully opposed the king's proposal that a land-tax, known as the sheriff's aid, which formed part of that official's salary, should be henceforth paid into the Exchequer.
Eustace paid a visit to England in 1051, and was honourably received at the Confessor's court.
In order to ingratiate himself with the people, who still cherished the memory of the Gracchi, Saturninus took about with him Equitius, a paid freedman, who gave himself out to be the son of Tiberius Gracchus.
It is true that by the distillation of many herbs, resins and similar substances, several organic compounds had been prepared, and in a few cases employed as medicines; but the prevailing classification of substances by physical and; superficial properties led to the correlation of organic and inorganic compounds, without any attention being paid to their chemical composition.
Official receptions are held on it, and private visits paid; friends congratulate one another, and presents are given; new clothes are put on, and the graves of relatives are visited.
While the honour paid to martyrdom was a great support to early champions of the faith, it was attended by serious evils.
Not only the workmen and the large class of idlers attracted to Paris by the system, but rentiers and government officials, whose incomes were paid in assignats on a scale arbitrarily fixed by the government, saw themselves threatened with actual starvation.
He left an illegitimate son, to whom was paid in 1524 one hundred and twenty livres for a copy of the Chronique intended for Charles V.'s sister Mary, queen of Hungary.
The promised dowry had not been paid, and the county of Angouleme, which had formerly belonged to Jeanne of Navarre, was now in the possession of the French king's favourite, the constable Charles la Cerda.
Won over by the surrender of Cherbourg in July 1378, the English under John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster, came to his aid; but a heavy price had to be paid for the neutrality of the king of Castile.
In Ethiopia, not only was great veneration paid to the dog, but the inhabitants used to elect a dog as their king.
The enormous sum of i 50o has been paid for a collie, and 000 guineas for a bulldog, both show dogs pure and simple; while L50o is no uncommon price for a fox terrier.
A special article, the object of which was to pacify those who had received grants of land from Sulla, declared such possessions to be private property, for which compensation was to be paid in case of surrender.
Edmond Becquerel was associated with his father in much of his work, but he himself paid special attention to the study of light, investigating the photochemical effects and spectroscopic characters of solar radiation and the electric light, and the phenomena of phosphorescence, particularly as displayed by the sulphides and by compounds of uranium.
The case of James Nayler (1617?-1660), who, in spite of Fox's grave warning, allowed Messianic homage to be paid to him, is the best known of these instances; they are to be explained partly by mental disturbance, resulting from the undue prominence of a single idea, and partly by the general religious excitement of the time and the rudeness of manners prevailing in the classes of society from which many of these individuals came.
Ismail also obtained (July 1875) a firman from the sultan of Turkey making over Zaila to Egypt in return for an increase of £15,000 yearly to the tribute paid to the Porte.
In 1236 and at various subsequent dates in the same century this town suffered severely from encroachments of the sea, and in 1266 it paid the penalty for its adherence to the cause of Simon de Montfort.
If ransomed, the victim became by Athenian law the slave of his redeemer till he paid in money or labour the price which had been given for him.
A portorium - apparently one-eighth for eunuchs, onefortieth for others - was paid on their import or expori, and a duty of 2 or 4% on their sale.
They paid a fixed proportion of the produce (pars agraria) to the owner of the estate, and gave a determinate amount of labour (operae) on the portion of the domain which he kept in his own hands (mansus dominicus).
In January 1815 Portuguese subjects were prohibited from prosecuting the trade north of the equator, and the term after which the traffic should be everywhere unlawful was fixed to end on the 21st of January 1823, but was afterwards extended to February 1830; England paid £300,000 as a compensation to the Portuguese.
During those two years he paid three visits to the university.
In August 1747 Wesley paid his first visit to Ireland, where he had such success that he gave more than six years of his life to the country and crossed the Irish Channel forty-two times.
He paid twenty-two visits, which stirred up all the Scottish churches.
There Julius Caesar dallied with Cleopatra in 47 B.C. and was mobbed by the rabble; there his example was followed by Antony, for whose favour the city paid dear to Octavian, who placed over it a prefect from the imperial household.
The expenses were met by collections made in the Calvinistic Methodist Societies, and as the funds increased masters were multiplied, until in 1786 Charles had seven masters to whom he paid £io per annum; in 1787, twelve; in 1789, fifteen; in 1794, twenty.
The assignats were first to be paid to the creditors of the state.
The constitution requires that a voter must (in addition to other qualifications) either be able to show conclusively ability to read and write, or be the owner of property within the state assessed at not less than $300, on which, if personalty, all taxes are paid.
The constitution provides that no person less than 60 years of age shall be permitted to vote unless he has paid an annual poll-tax of one dollar for the two years next preceding the year in which he offers to vote.
In comparison with other French officials, they are well paid (the salary nowadays ranges from 39,000 to 18,000 francs according to the class).
Primary education is declared by the constitution to be free and compulsory; and its expenses are paid by the central government so far as it may be beyond the power of the province or municipality to bear them.
Every Cuban paid about twice as heavy taxes as a Spaniard of the Peninsula.
Spain paid increasing attention to the island, and in harmony with the policy of the Laws of the Indies many decrees intended to stimulate agriculture and commerce were issued by the crown, first in the form of monopolies, then with increased freedom and with bounties.
Oxen, sheep, horses and other live-stock introduced from Europe thrive well, but little attention is paid to stock-rearing.
The patriarch of Constantinople is the nominal head of the Orthodox priesthood; but by an arrangement concluded in 1879, his authority was delegated to the Austrian emperor, in exchange for a revenue equal to the tribute previously paid by the clergy of the provinces; and his nominations for the metropolitanate of Serajevo, and the bishoprics of Dolnja Tuzla, Banjaluka and Mostar require the imperial assent.
Serajevo is also the seat of the Jewish chief rabbi; and of the highest Moslem ecclesiastic, or reis-el-ulema, who with his council is nominated and paid by the government.
The nominal governor of the country was the Turkish vali, who resided at Banjaluka or Travnik, and rarely interfered in local affairs, if the taxes were duly paid.
Since 1885 great attention has been paid to the sponge fisheries of Tripoli, the annual value of which is about £30,000.
Partial relief was sought in the continual issue of debased currency (beshlik, altilik and their subdivisions), of which the excess of nominal value over intrinsic value ranged between 33 and 97%, and finally paper money (kaime) which was first issued in 1839, bearing an interest of 8%, reduced in 1842 to 6%, such interest being paid on notes of 500 piastres, but not on notes of 20 or 10 piastres, which were issued simultaneously.
The first category included the " imposts " properly so called, the fixed contributions (redevances fixes) to be paid by the " privileged provinces, " and the military exoneration tax.
In the year1910-1911the outstanding advances were to be so far paid off that the credits to be opened under this head would be still further reduced by £T500,000.
The Finance Bill provides that these debts are to be paid out of supplementary credits.
With the two previous loans above mentioned, £T5,50o,000 capital liabilities were paid off, the work of reorganization had made considerable progress, and £T2,000,000 remained in hand at the beginning of1910-1911to continue it.
The latter are bound to pay in to the local authorities all sums collected in five days in town districts, and in fifteen days in villages, if under 1500 piastres; sums of 1500 piastres and over are paid in at once.
On this reduced capital a minimum interest of% was to be paid, the rate of interest to be increased by quarters per cent.
It should be added that the total issue was made sufficient to reserve also £TI, 460,000 for expenses, after taking into account £ioo,000 in cash paid by the government to the public debt administration out of the said issue.
As soon as the unified debt is reduced to £T16,000,000 the reserve fund is to be reduced to £Ti 3 000,000, the surplus over this last amount being paid to the government.
But the Bagdad Railway Company' (the share capital of which is £600,000 half paid up), naturally anxious to earn the whole of the capitalized subvention, completed the construction of the entire 200 kilometres.
At the close of the Crimean War a British bank was opened in 1856 at Constantinople under the name of the Ottoman Bank, with a capital of £500,000 fully paid up. In 1863 this was merged in an Anglo-French bank, under a concession from the Turkish government, as a state bank under the name of the Imperial Ottoman Bank, with a capital of £2,700,000, increased in 1865 to £4,050,000 and in 1875 to £10,000,000, one-half of which is paid up. The original concession to the year 1893 was in 1875 extended to 1913, and in 1895 to 1925.
A duty of 10 per mille on its estimated value has to be paid on transfer by sale, donation or testament; 5 per mille on transfer by inheritance; and, a registration duty on expenses of transfer.
A transfer duty of 5% on the estimated value of emiriye is paid on transmission by sale, inheritance or donation, of 22% on the amount of the debt in case of mortgage or release from mortgage, and of 10% on expenses.
A different scale is established for emiriye with moukataa (rent paid for emiriye with mulk property established upon it).
If the clearance is effected without the necessary permit, the land is nevertheless granted on application, and on the payment of the tapu or sum paid by the proprietor to the state for the value of the land.
The original discoverer of a mine is entitled to a certain indemnity for " right of discovery " to be paid by the concessionaire of that mine, should the discoverer be unable to work it.
The fixed rent is pp piastres per jerib (about 10,000 square metres), to he paid whether the mine is worked or not.
The proportional rents are fixed by the Mines Administration according to the wealth, area and facility of working of the mine, and are inserted in the imperial firman governing the mine, and must be paid before the minerals are exported.