Paean Sentence Examples
It is nearly 20 years since Bill Bryson first penned his deliciously witty paean to precision Troublesome Words.
A soothing tonic indeed to then read Woolf's paean to Elizabeth Barrett Browning's spaniel, Flush.
The word " paean " is now used in the sense of any song of joy or triumph.
Next year he published Le Pape, a vision of the spirit of Christ in appeal against the spirit of Christianity, his ideal follower confronted and contrasted with his nominal vicar; next year again La Pitie supreme, a plea for charity towards tyrants who know not what they do, perverted by omnipotence and degraded by adoration; two years later Religions et religion, a poem which is at once a cry of faith and a protest against the creeds which deform and distort and leave it misshapen and envenomed and defiled; and in the same year L'Ane, a paean of satiric invective against the past follies of learned ignorance, and lyric rapture of confidence in the future wisdom and the final conscience of the world.
A soothing tonic indeed to then read Woolf 's paean to Elizabeth Barrett Browning 's spaniel, Flush.
About the 4th century the paean became merely a formula of adulation; its object was either to implore protection against disease and misfortune, or to offer thanks after such protection had been rendered.
Cicero preferred the cretic -, which he says is the metrical equivalent of the paean.
It was they who set the example of speaking of him as the greatest of mortal men; it was they who struck the first notes of that paean which has gone on resounding to the present day.
The epic of Gilgamesh - the oldest surviving epic poem and greatest paean to friendship in literature containing the pre-biblical sources of The Flood.
Indeed, todayâs Daily Telegraph contains as equally an enthusiastic paean to the book by Lady Antonia Fraser.
AdvertisementIts connexion with Apollo as the slayer of the python led to its association with battle and victory; hence it became the custom for a paean to be sung by an army on the march and before entering into battle, when a fleet left the harbour, and also after a victory had been won.
The Neapolitan troops at first occupied Rome, but, being badly handled by their leader, the Austrian general, Mack, they were soon scattered in flight; and the Republican troops under General The Championnet, after crushing the stubborn resistance Parthenoof the lazzaroni, made their way into Naples and paean proclaimed the Parthenopaean Republic (January 23, Republic. 1799).
De Montmorency Laval, First Bishop Of Quebec, Brings Him Nearer To His Proper Themes, Which Are Found In Full Perfection In The Chant Du Vieux Soldat Canadien, Composed In 1856 To Honour The First French Man Of War That Visited British Quebec, And Le Drapeau De Carillon (1858), A Centennial Paean For Montcalm'S Canadians At Ticonderoga.
On the 23rd the Partheno paean republic was proclaimed.
He is Boedromios (" the helper"), Eleleus (" god of the war-cry"), and the Paean was said to have been originally a song of triumph composed by him of ter his victory over Python.
AdvertisementThe metrical form of the oracular responses at Delphi, the important part played by the paean and the Pythian nomos in his ritual, contributed to make Apollo a god of song and music, friend and leader of the Muses (µovvayErr i s).
The Republicans were paean P P P P republic. men of culture and high character, but doctrinaire and unpractical, and they knew very little of the lower classes of their own country.
Aristotle recommended the paean v v -.
It is equally difficult to discover the relation between Paean or Paeon in the sense of " healer " and Paean in the sense of " song."