P-p Sentence Examples
P g P P ment a royal autograph letter stating the reasons which had actuated the king in taking this course, and giving as the task of the new ministry the continuance of negotiations with the Coalition on the basis of the exclusion of the language question.
The Reason is the superior andre onderant element which settles the direction p p in which all the other faculties shall expand.
The surface arrangements of a modern deep colliery are of considerable extent and complexity, the central feature being the head gear or pit frame carrying the guide pulleys Surface which lead the winding roes from the axis of the it arrange= g P P to the drum.
Whether with Payne it is assumed that in some remote time a The speechless anthropoid passed over a land bride now American P P P g ?
What is put before us, whether by the senses or by the statements of others, is instinctively accepted as a veracious report, till experience has proved the i P oss P P P bility of deception.
In 1891 the northern frontier of the protectorate was extended to its present boundaries, and the whole of it placed P P under the administration of a resident commissioner, a protest being made at the time by the British South Africa Company on the ground that the protectorate was included in the sphere of their charter.
The most i m important developments of the cult are in East Asia p p among the Siberian tribes; among the Ainu of Sakhalin a young bear is caught at the end of winter and fed for some nine months; then after receiving honours it is killed, and the people, who previously show marks of grief at its approaching fate, dance merrily and feast on its body.
France's plan for a great empire in America was now taking shape and there, as in Europe, a deadly Struggles g P P with struggle with England was inevitable.
If we write P=p R where P denotes the purity and R the resolving power, we may call p the " purityfactor.
Hence we find that p - p' = Po-/p for a very dilute solution, where the difference p-p' is small and the height of the balancing column of solution small.
AdvertisementThe p p p p eschatology of the Old Testament is thus closely connected with, but not limited by, Messianic hope, as there are eschatological teachings that are not Messianic. As the Old Testament revelation is concerned primarily with the elect nation, and only secondarily (in the later writings) with the individual persons composing it, we follow the order of importance as well as of time in dealing first with the people.
This proposal caused a cleavage right through P P g g g all parties.
The efforts of Turkey to regain her ascendancy in eastern Europe at the expense of the Habsburgs had ended p p g in failure, and henceforward Turkish efforts were confined to resisting the steady development of Austria in the direction of Constantinople.
To the diplomacy of the P P Y 18th century the breach of a solemn compact was but lightly regarded; and Charles VI.
The defeat of the " Invincible Armada " in 1588, at which time the crowns of Spain and Portugal were united, gave a fresh stimulus to maritime enterprise in England; and the successful voyage of Cornelius Houtman in East 1596 showed the way round the Cape of Good Hoe lnd,a 59 Y P P Company.
AdvertisementThe Republicans were paean P P P P republic. men of culture and high character, but doctrinaire and unpractical, and they knew very little of the lower classes of their own country.
Dialectic then, though it may prove to be the ultimate method of establishing principles in philosophy, 5 starts from probable and conceded premises, 6 and deals with them only in The the light of common principles such as ma be reason g p p y ably appealed to or easily established against challenge.
So precarious was the position Gustavus L, genius p p 1523-1560.
As protest against the action of President P P g Balmaceda, the vice-president of the senate, Senor Waldo Silva, and the president of the chamber of deputies, Senor Ramon Barros Luco, issued a proclamation appointing Captain Jorje Montt in command of the squadron, and stating that the navy could not recognize the authority of Balmaceda so long as he did not administer public affairs in accordance with the constitutional law of Chile.
At the opening of 1901 the country was chiefly interested in the forthcoming presidential election, for which the candidates were Don Pedro Montt (Conservative and Clerical) currency once more on an inconvertible paper money P P Y basis until 1902.
AdvertisementAlso, since the curves at P and p are equally inclined to the directrix, P and p are corresponding, points and the line P p must pass through the centre of similitude.
But Edward the Black Prince was the original grantee of the principality as well as of the dukedom, under p p y the special limitations which have continued in force to the present day.
More generally, if we have obtained a as an approximate value for the pth root of N, the binomial theorem gives as an approximate formula p,IN =a+6, where N = a P + pap - 19.
Speaking at Ennis on the 19th of September, Buy P arnell told the people to punish a man for taking P P P g a farm from which another had been evicted " by isolating him from his kind as if he was a leper of old."
She looked with much suspicion upon 1 R P P the ideas then gaining power among many of her people, and determined to strike a decisive blow at the new teaching.
AdvertisementE=plane focused for; 01 *, 02 * =projections of 0102 on E; Z= centre of projection; P P1=a virtual image of real diaphragm P'P 1 ' with regard to the preceding part of the objective is the entrance pupil.
This image P"P i " is then the exit pupil of the combined system, and consequently the image of the entrance pupil of the combined system.
In any case the morphology of the male Cordaitean fructification is clearly very remote from that of any of the Cycads or P P (All after Renault.) Fin.
Remember, unlike some online stores avid - SPEED DIAL SL LEVERS will be sent with free P&P!
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Make better business deals shadle park neighborhood takes a certain p p multi.
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Were there such grounds the of formal logic would require distinct semantic accounts for the wffs p q and p q and p p.
For US$45 + p&p (6/05) you get a neat little PCB which you connect to your serial port.
Analysis of the p p or including eight penthouse.
The speakers blasting and conservative rep as p p each day was.
To keep things simple and because we have n't sussed out how to do complicated shipping charges, the prices include P&P.
The constitution of the United States of America was taken as a model for drawing up that of Brazil, the republic of Paraguay,the most important of which P P and the general terms were as far as possible adhered to (see above, section Government).
In the case of a steady motion of homogeneous liquid symmetrical about Ox, where 0 is advancing with velocity U, the equation (5) of § 34 p/p +V +Zq'2-f(,P') = constant becomes transformed into P +V + 2- dy + 2U 2 -f(t +2Uy 2) = constant, = 1,t+4Uy2, subject to the condition, from (4) § 34, Y -2 V = - f ' (Y', y 2 2 +2Uy2).
With the values above of u, v, w, u', v', w', the equations become of the form p x + 4 7rpAx -Fax -{-hy-}-gz =o, - p - dy+ 4?pBy + hx+ay+fz =o, P d p + TpCZ +f y + yz = o, and integrating p p 1+27rp(Ax2+By2+CZ2) +z ('ax e +ay e + yz2 2 f yz + 2gzx + 2 hx y) = const., (14) so that the surfaces of equal pressure are similar quadric surfaces, which, symmetry and dynamical considerations show, must be coaxial surfaces; and f, g, h vanish, as follows also by algebraical reduction; and 4c2 (c 2 - a2)?
As the powers of the telescope were gradually developed, it was found that the finest hairs or filaments of silk, or the thinnest silver wires that could be drawn, were much too thick for the refined purposes of the astronomer, as p p they entirely obliterated the image of a star in the more powerful telescopes.
In the report of the committee of the legislative council appointed in 18 2 to prepare a constitution Federa- PP 5 P P tlon.
The relations of their bishops, priests or other ministers and lay office-bearers inter se and to their lay folk depend upon contract; and these Y P P contracts will be enforced by the ordinary courts of law.
It is clear that the rulers, as so P p commonly in ancient states, fulfilled priestly as well as royal functions.
This map was repeatedly revised, Antgria- g P P Y ?
Although many " General " and other meetings were held in different Period of parts of the country for the purpose of setting P Y P P g forth Quakerism, the notion that the whole Christian church would be absorbed in it, and that the Quakers were, in fact, the church, gave place to the conception that they were " a peculiar people " to whom, more than to others, had been given an understanding of the will of God.
Their central organization was in Paris and their objects were known throughout Europe, but except at Yildiz Kiosk their power was P P p almost everywhere underrated.
The fall of Missolonghi, followed as this was by the submission of many of the more notable chiefs, left Reshid free to turn his attention to East Hellas, where Gouras had been ruling Karaa s a practically independent chief and in the s irit P Y P P?