Ownership Sentence Examples
Still, Alex had taken ownership for what he had done.
A man takes ownership of his deeds and acts responsibly.
The theory of state ownership is excellent.
Property ownership certainly had its problems.
He made mistakes, but he was willing to take ownership and responsible enough to take corrective action.
Of necessity the poor man must surrender to his powerful neighbour the ownership of his lands, which he then received back as a precarium - gaining protection during his lifetime.
This writ was one transferring cases concerning the ownership of property from the courts of the feudal lords to those of the king.
Eye tattooing of this nature is generally considered dangerous and unadvisable; however, some people choose to undergo the procedure as an expression of boldness, body ownership and originality.
On the other hand, buying a 2010 Honda Civic LX Coupe will run about $17,405, but the five-year ownership cost is $27,932.
Legally registering your vehicle is an important part of automobile ownership, but it comes with responsibilities.
AdvertisementFor many years there had been trouble between the ruler and the people over the ownership of the extensive crown lands, it being evidently feared at one time that an English prince might renounce the throne and yet claim the lands.
Subsequently, he undertook first the secretaryship and then the management and chief ownership of some tile-works at Tilbury, but here also he was unfortunate, and his imprisonment in 1703 brought the works to a standstill, and he lost £3000.
Ask to see a portfolio and be sure that it is both extensive and authentically the work of the artist who claims ownership of the work.
Drastic differences like these are why ownership cost is a major concern for many car consumers.
Most states require that you legally register your vehicle within a few days of assuming ownership or moving to the state.
AdvertisementFor more information about specific vehicle ownership responsibilities in your state, contact your local DMV.
Consider cost of ownership before buying.
The length of time for which the holding should last came to be specified, at first for a term of years and then for life, and some payment to the grantor was provided for, not pretending to represent the economic value of the land, but only to serve as a mark of his continued ownership.
The defects of divided ownership had long suggested the expediency of nationalization, but not until 1906 could the diet be induced to give its consent.
In the United Kingdom the ownership of coal, like that of other minerals, is in the proprietor of the soil, and passes with it, except when specially reserved in the sale.
AdvertisementBeginning in 1892 various townships and cities, numbering 18 in 1903, adopted municipal ownership and operation of lighting works.
A Settlement Commission, organized in 1901, decided the ownership of lands, and, on completion, handed over its work to a Land Registration Department.
Somewhat later it disappeared also in the case of the churches of less importance, patronal rights over these being substituted for the former absolute ownership. The pontificate of Alexander III.
It championed the rights of private ownership against Socialism, and combated the anti-Rome movement which was taking place throughout the republic. In foreign affairs it supported the Government.
In regard to the mines specialists were in conference as to the part to be taken by the State and by public bodies in ownership and management.
AdvertisementThe obvious solution of the difficulty was to encourage the free movement of real estate by substituting private ownership for the traditional system.
A senatus-consulte of 1863 laid the basis for the change in the land system by providing (I) for the delimitation of the territory of each tribe, (2) for the repartition of the territory thus delimited among newly formed tribal divisions (douars or communes), and (3) for the recognition of private ownership by the issue of title deeds for such individual or family property (melk) as already existed.
It is the evident policy of the Mexican government to prevent the absorption of its railways by private monopolies, and this is effected by state ownership of a controlling share in most of the trunk lines.
In the first place the plebeians gained full rights of ownership and transfer, and could thus become freeholders of the land which they occupied and of the appurtenances of this land (res mancipi) .
In 1898 the state ordered the sale of the salt lands, because the revenues were less than the expense of keeping up the works; but state ownership was maintained until 1908, when the last of the lands were sold and the office of superintendent of salt lands, created in 1797, was abolished.
Its antiquity is attested by the symbol and formula used in its procedure, the lance (hasta) as the sign of true ownership, the oath or wager (sacramentum), the ancient formula for recovery of property or assertion of liberty.
An act of parliament transferred the ownership to the Metropolitan Board of Works, to which body the London County Council succeeded.
He was an avowed advocate of permanent Government ownership of the telegraph and telephone, and in Dec. 1918 urged legislation to that end.
Private ownership was not interfered with, but all waste lands became the property of the crown, and no non-native could acquire title except as from the government.
Private ownership of slaves, captured in war and given by the king to their captor or otherwise, is certainly seen at the beginning of the XVIIIth Dynasty.
According to the reports of the Inland Revenue Commissioners, the gross income derived from the ownership of lands in Scotland was returned in1879-1880at £7,7 6 9,3 0 3.
Changes have been made in many islands in this respect; but there can be little reason to doubt that the joint ownership of property in clans was common among the entire race in former times.
In 1903 the legislature authorized the municipal ownership of public service corporations, and in 1906 the city of Chicago took steps to acquire ownership of its street railways - a movement which seemed to have spent its force in 1907, when the municipal ownership candidates were defeated in the city's elections - and in 1902 the right of that city to regulate the price of gas was recognized by the United States Circuit Court of Appeals.
From 1897 to 1903 the efforts of the Street Railway Companies of Chicago to extend their franchise, and of the city of Chicago to secure municipal control of its street railway system, resulted in the statute of 1903, which provided for municipal ownership. But the proposed issue under this law of bonds with which Chicago was to purchase or construct railways would have increased the city's bonded indebtedness beyond its constitutional limit, and was therefore declared unconstitutional in April 1907 by the supreme court of the state.
The so-called Adirondack Park, containing over 3,000,000 acres, includes most of the state preserve and large areas held in private ownership.
The most extravagant theory is naturally that which was expressed by the Portuguese advocates in connexion with the dispute as to the ownership of Delagoa Bay.
Hanna & Company in 1877, was extended to include the ownership of a fleet of lake steamships constructed in their own shipyards, and the control and operation of valuable coal and iron mines.
It has, however, been contended that a system of primitive runes existed whence some at least of the later runes were borrowed, and the ownership marks of the Lapps, who have no knowledge of reading and writing, have been regarded as borrowed from these early Teutonic runes.
The total value of the products of all the factories in the District which were operated under private ownership amounted to $18,359,159, and $9,575,971, or 52% of this was the value of printing and publishing, bread and other bakery products, gas and malt liquors.
In legal theory the land of conquered communities passed into the ownership of the Roman state; in practice a revenue was obtained through land taxes in the form of either tithes (decumae) or money payments (stipendia).
When the United States acquired possession of New Mexico, the best portions of the Territory were held in private ownership under Spanish and Mexican grants, which were confirmed by the treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo.
It acted on the principle that the titles of all private landed estate might be called in question, inasmuch as at some time or other it must have belonged to the Crown; and the burden of proof of ownership was held not to lie with the Crown which made the claim, but with the actual owner of the property.
No details of the earlier history of Thebes have been preserved, except that it was governed by a land-holding aristocracy who safeguarded their integrity by rigid statutes about the ownership of property and its transmission.
While the supply had been furnished by a private corporation, the city was in 1910 planning for the ownership of its water-system, the supply to be drawn from the Sierras at a cost of some $45,000,000.
In 1895 there had been some prospect of Chile conceding an outlet on the sea in exchange for a recognition of the Chilean ownership of Tacna and Arica.
As already mentioned, the Bulgarian 7th Div., in arriving from the Struma side a few days after the Crown Prince had fought his way into Salonika from the W., had lost no time in publicly claiming ownership, and it was with hardly concealed joy that the Greek Government received and promptly executed a request to transport this division by sea to the Thracian theatre.
The other members of the coalition had assigned Palestine to Seleucus after what they regarded as Ptolemy's desertion, and for the next hundred years the question of its ownership becomes the standing ground of enmity between the Seleucid and Ptolemaic dynasties.
His residence in Louisiana, his ownership of a large plantation with its slaves, and his family connexion with Jefferson Davis (who had married his daughter), rendered him more acceptable to many of the Southern Democrats than their party candidate, Lewis Cass, an advocate of " squatter sovereignty " and the representative of the democracy of the free North-west.
In 1882 he published Land Nationalization, in which he argued the necessity of state ownership of land, a principle which he had originated long before the appearance of Henry George's work.
It was exempted from all taxation by the state, which reserved the right to buy it, at a fair price, in 1923 or, without making any payment, to succeed to the actual ownership in 2973 upon the expiration of the charter.
A borough councillor must be qualified in the same manner as a county councillor, and he is disqualified in the same way, with this addition, that a peer or ownership voter is not qualified as such, and that a person is disqualified for being a borough councillor if he is in holy orders or is the regular minister of a Dissenting congregation.
What the idea of a protectorate excludes, and the idea of annexation, on the other hand, would include, is that absolute ownership which was signified by the word dominium in Roman law, and which, though not quite satisfactorily, is sometimes described as ` territorial sovereignty.'
It was sold in 1623, and in 1634 given to Ottavio Piccolomini; finally, after many changes of ownership, the castle and titular lordship came in 1840 to the princes of Schaumburg-Lippe.
But, in fact, serfdom naturally took the form of an ugly ownership of live chattels on the part of a privileged class, and all sorts of excesses, of cruelty, ruthless exploitation and wanton caprice, followed as a matter of course.
In both cases there is absorption and administration by the state of so much of the income of the community, and it may be a question whether the private ownership of the property would not be more expedient both for the state and its subjects than state ownership is, in spite of the apparent advantage to all concerned in the state getting so much of its income without the compulsion of a tax.
He favoured Government ownership of armour plate plants as well as of telephones and telegraphs.
The ownership of the soil might be in any one, but the rights of the proprietor were limited by the laws made for the protection of the king's wild beasts.
The rules of kinship largely determined status with its correlative rights and obligations, supplied the place of contract and of laws affecting the ownership, disposition and devolution of property, constituting the clan an organic, selfcontained entity, a political, social and mutual insurance copartnership. The solidarity of the clan was its most important and all-pervading characteristic. The entire territory occupied by a clan was the common and absolute property of that clan.
Subject to this permanent and fundamental ownership, part of the land was set apart for the maintenance of the king as such.
When the particular kind was not specified by the law or by agreement, the payments were made according to convenience in horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, wool, butter, bacon, corn, vegetables, yarn, dye-plants, leather, cloth, articles of use or ornament, &c. As the clan system relaxed, and the fine lost its legal power of fixing the amounts of public tributes, which were similarly payable to the flaith, and neglected its duty of seeing that those tributes were duly applied, the flaith became able to increase these tributes with little check, to confuse them with rent, to confuse jurisdiction with ownership, and to exalt himself at the expense of his fellowclansmen.
There is a city court with elected judge or judges, and an elected common council, which may authorize the municipal ownership of public utilities by ordinance, and can pass legislation over the mayor's veto by a two-thirds vote.
Finding most of its valuable rates hypothecated to the meeting of old debts, the municipality of Palermo has embarked upon municipal ownership and trading in various directions.
But it is nevertheless a monumen.t of the permanence of the old English institutions, even after the ownership of four-fifths of the soil has been changed.
After several changes of ownership, Komotau came in 1588 to Popel of Lobkovic, who established the Jesuits here, which led to trouble between the Protestant burghers and the over-lord.
Ross, who had commanded a brig during the English occupation of Java, settled with his family (who continued in the ownership) on Direction Island, and his little colony was soon strengthened by Hare's runaway slaves.
The ownership and superintendency continued in the Ross family, of whom George Clunies Ross died in 1910, and was succeeded by his son Sydney.
Their numbers were increased by malcontents from Norway, who resented Harald's claim of rights of taxation over lands which the possessors appear to have previously held in absolute ownership. At last Harald was forced to make an expedition to the west to clear the islands and Scottish mainland of Vikings.
Another outstanding feature has been the effect of the Land Purchase Acts in transferring the ownership of the land from the landlords to the tenants.
Although the acts of 1870 and 1881 provided facilities for the purchase of holdings by the tenants, it was only after the passing of the Ashbourne Act in 1885 that the transfer of ownership to the occupying tenants began on an extended scale.
A remarkable development of family ownership was the geilfine system, under which four groups of persons, all nearly related to each other, held four adjacent tracts of land as a sort of common property, subject to regulations now very difficult to understand.'
In both countries rural society was based on the old-fashioned household community, or zadruga, which still survives in the territories that formed the Military Frontier, though everywhere tending to disappear and be replaced by individual ownership. The Croatian peasantry are least prosperous in the riverside districts, where marshfevers prevail, and especially beside the Save.
Henry asked for permission to invade and subjugate Ireland, in order to gain absolute ownership of that isle.
Detroit has made three experiments with municipal ownership. On account of inadequate and unsatisfactory service by a private company, the city bought the water-works as long ago as 1836.
Certain test votes indicated an almost even division on the question of municipal ownership of the railways.
Other evidences of the transition in agricultural life are that in Tolland and Windham counties the value of farm buildings exceeded that of farm land, that in Middlesex and Fairfield counties the acreage as well as the value of the farms declined, that native farm labour and ownership were being replaced by foreign labour and ownership; while dependent land tenure is insignificant, 87% of the farms being worked by their owners.
The ownership of industrial establishments is largely in the hands of individuals, firms, and comparatively small corporations, rather than of large combinations, the average capital per establishment in 1905 being about $32,000.
She nodded and he proceeded to narrate the details of Martha finding the bones, and Fitzgerald coming forth with prop replacements and perhaps sharing ownership of the facility from whence they came.
The changes provided beneficial ownership for its staff.
In 1847 Dodd registered the ownership of his first three vessels, two of which were sailing barges.
The market requirements for a high quality swath bathymetry system with a low total cost of ownership have at last been met.
However, there were other calls for ownership to be passed to the new cairngorm National Park Authority.
The Trustees have recently received the support of the Courts following a dispute over the ownership of certain valuable chattels.
Somalia no longer has a central government, but is divided up between rival clans, warring over ownership of land and resources.
Public ownership is the only way to preserve both jobs and the ability of Britain to exploit deep-mined coal.
Work, production and ownership were all communal, and in these spheres what concerned all was discussed by all.
However, their ownership proved controversial to some, which is why they want to find an exit.
Income in kind from greater ownership of consumer durables implies only slightly faster income growth at the bottom.
Lev's Mobile I have finally been forced (under severe duress) into the ugly world of mobile phone ownership.
Everyone is given total ownership of their customers dealings and feels personally empowered to make instant decisions when called upon to do so.
The main feature of the temple economy was purported to be the exclusive or almost exclusive temple ownership of land.
We heard some fairly hair-raising tales of corruption, especially in areas of land ownership and the business sector.
Terms and Conditions Ownership and Copyright Aurum Ecology respects the intellectual property of others, and we request our visitors to do the same.
F ree marriage There were also marital unions that did not require the women to pass into her husband's ownership.
Interest in shared ownership was however minuscule, as were attempts, if successful for the participants, to encourage self build.
They are individually negotiated, planned and evaluated by the learners, encouraging ownership and leadership by the young adults themselves.
Who should have ownership of the outcomes of peer observation?
No, the owner retains ownership of the horse or pony.
The only reason any of them want to assert ownership is in order to have a right to charge for addresses.
On the other hand, wool, cotton, metals, etc., which came from overseas, were imported through German or Dutch ports, and were stored there, though often already in Austrian ownership. It was of the first necessity to assure the transport through Germany of these Austrianowned goods, and an agreement with the German Government securing this was made.
But just at that time differences arose between Great Britain and the republics as to the ownership of the Kimberley diamond fields which estranged the Boers (see Griqualand and Transvaal).
You will benefit from all the thrills of racehorse ownership for a single payment of £ 275 per year.
We oppose the relaxation of ownership restrictions on religious bodies.
Once on shared paper, does Chopin relinquish ownership?
He maintained that the Bill would streamline and update legislation, support responsible pet ownership and lead to improved breed standards.
Their licensing deal, which lets The Artist retain ownership of his master tapes, is a flirtation, not a marriage.
For the bourgeois revolutionaries, media freedom had been founded upon the absence of state controls and the private ownership of printing presses.
They were simply inquiring about the current ownership.
I looked up the ownership but the records were nearly fifty years old.
Care was taken that the natives enjoyed security of land tenure - though ownership remained with the State - and the right to dispose of their own labour freely.
It should be noted that from its very beginning the land relationship of feudalism was not created primarily for the grantor's income, but that it emphasized in the most striking way his continued ownership.
The principal conditions imposed by Chile were the absolute cession by Peru of the province of Tarapaca, and the occupation for a period of ten years of the territories of Tacna and Arica, the ownership of these districts to be decided by a popular vote of the inhabitants of Tacna and Arica at the expiration of the period named.
The vexed and difficult question of the ownership of the ecclesiastical lands was settled by fixing November 1627 as the deciding date; those who were in possession then were to retain them for forty years, during which time it was hoped a satisfactory arrangement would be reached.
Municipal ownership does not prevail to any extent, and in the larger cities the powers of certain great corporations have tended to cause friction, but such matters as the provision of electric power and light are gradually being taken in hand both by the municipalities and by the province, and a railway and municipal board appointed by the local legislature has certain powers over the railways and electric tramlines.
From this date lordship of the Isle of Wight was always associated with ownership of the castle, which thus became the seat of government of the island.
The conditions of peasant ownership differ from those which prevail in other parts of Russia, and of the total area the peasants hold approximately one-half; 42% of the total is in the hands of private owners, a considerable number of Germans having settled and bought land in the government.
The ownership of property being largely in the hands of absentee landlords, the peasantry have little interest in the land, the profits from which go to enrich other provinces.
But in accordance both with the growing tendency to separate command and administration and with the desire to enlist local sympathies and utilize local resources, "associations," partly of civilian, partly of military members, were formed in every county and charged by statute with all matters relating to the enlistment, service and discharge of the county's quota in the force, finance (other than pay, &c. in camp), buildings, ownership of regimental property, &c. To these duties of county associations are added that of supervising and administering cadet corps of all sorts (other than officers' training corps), and that of providing the extra horses required on mobilization, not only by the territorial force, but by the expeditionary force as well.
In 1890 the ownership of the lake was divided by Great Britain and Germany, the first degree of south latitude being taken as the boundary line.
The printing of his observations was delayed by disputes about their ownership; but they were finally issued from the Clarendon Press, Oxford, in two folio volumes (1798, 1805).
A High Court judge, who awarded joint ownership, then overruled this.
The Preston Dock Railroad Order The Secretary of State's decision to make the Order to transfer ownership of Preston Dock Railroad.
Options include the serving of an Urgent Works Notice, Compulsory Purchase, or the establishment of a Trust to assume ownership.
Like the properties at Rufford Road the six houses in Newby Street, all with three bedrooms, are being refurbished for shared ownership.
The assets are held in beneficial ownership for its staff.
What, then, can possibly be the ethical claim to outright private ownership and control of land?
The IMF demanded that Seoul open Korean companies to foreign ownership.
There are now limitations on cross-media ownership, which has limited Berlusconi's activities somewhat.
In the villages, land ownership is a key factor of poverty.
Germany has high car ownership at 504 cars per 1000 inhabitants.
Employe share ownership schemes themselves can also perhaps be divided into two types.
This advice is really aimed at people new to dog ownership, or lapsed members!
The benefits of concentration to owners appeared greatest where there was common ownership of titles across a number of geographically proximate local newspaper markets.
Racing Guild 2000 The unique, affordable, Internet based approach to shared ownership of a string of thoroughbred racehorses.
The financial considerations are similar to group ownership; it might also require a retainer from participating practices.
Touching upon car ownership and use is politically sensitive the issue has been toned down.
Work is carried out in separate silos, with no ' ownership ' of individual cases.
Cover is worldwide and extends to include the educational, administrative, sporting and social activities of the University, including ownership of property.
They offer the chance for employees to acquire a stake in the ownership of the company for which they work.
The Committee encourages the synods ' continuing active ownership and support of the advocacy work.
We will tackle second-home ownership so that more homes are owned by people who live here year-round.
There has been an increase of wealth among the few, but along with this a general impoverishment of the mass of the people, and the peculiar institution of the mir, framed on the principle of community of ownership and occupation of the land, was not conducive to the growth of individual effort.
Although he broke off the Magyar tribal system, encouraged the private ownership of land, and even made grants of land on condition of military service - in order to secure an armed force independent of the national levy - he based his new principle of government, not on feudalism, but on the organization of the Frankish empire, which he adapted to suit the peculiar exigencies of his realm.
The Old English "books" are derived in a roundabout way from Roman models, and the tribal law of real property was deeply modified by the introduction of individualistic notions as to ownership, donations, wills, rights of women, &c. Yet in this respect also the Norman Conquest increased the store of Roman conceptions by breaking the national isolation of the English Church and opening the way for closer intercourse with France and Italy.
To some extent, we have this in the form of high taxes on cigarettes, which are seen to have negative externalities, and a home interest deduction on income taxes, as home ownership is viewed as having positive social good.
Self-starter with high level of productivity and sense of ownership, with the ability to learn quickly and apply knowledge to new situations.
Two London families are engaged in a legal squabble over the ownership of a cat.
Accordingly this form transfers ownership of the intellectual property rights in your work to UCL.
Assignment is the term given to the outright transfer of ownership of IPR from one person or party to another.
No transference of intellectual property ownership or conveyance of rights is intended or conferred in these links.
A star is essentially a ball of boiling gas trillions of miles away, so ownership is hardly a viable option anyway !
They include direct employe ownership, workers ' co-operatives and simple profit-sharing schemes.
If you have good cash flow, share buybacks help you keep ownership simple and corporate overhead low.
For those shareholders who choose not to participate, their ownership of the company increases.
Perhaps the biggest item on the checklist is whether you stay or go-retain ownership of the business and grow it or sell it and move on to another venture.
Let her be responsible for cleaning her room, making her bed, organizing her toys, etc. This will give her a sense of ownership and pride.
Even younger children should be expected to share the responsibility of pet ownership.
This will uncover existing liens on the property, and it will also help determine ownership.
With a certificate you will not have to store anything-it officially represents your ownership of a specific metal or metals.
Provide real information for the registration details since you may be contacted for verification of ownership of the domain name.
Also be sure you're making a profit after ownership costs are covered!
While ownership leads to great recreational luxury, it's also not without its headaches.
To buy property, there are two ways to ensure ownership.
Held by the bank, the transfer of title ownership is easily accomplished with a Mexican notary public.
Class C RVs range between $5,000 to $100,000, depending on ownership status, size and integrated items like refrigerators and furnaces.
One reason why Germany is a popular choice is that there are no restrictions on foreign ownership of property.
United States laws on exotic animal ownership also preclude people in the U.S. from buying exotic animals without a great deal of red tape.
Parakeets are known for their liveliness, intense colors and are perfect for those that are new to bird ownership.
At LoveToKnow Cats, all of our staff writers have backgrounds in various aspects of the cat fancy, from long-time ownership, to breeding and showing.
It's a tiny under-the-skin implant the size of a grain of rice that contains all vital data regarding the ownership and health of your pet, and in some cases can be read in the field.
Picking cute kitten names is part of the fun of cat ownership.
Many rental homes and apartment complexes prohibit pet ownership, and renters may eventually move to a new location only to find that their new lease doesn't allow them to keep pets.
Cat ownership is a very rewarding experience.
Reading Is Fundamental-RIF, which is the country's largest and oldest children's literacy organization, provides children a number of free paperback books each year through its Books for Ownership Program.
Identifying reasonable financial goals such as home ownership, children's educational needs, health expenses, debt repayment, or job advancement.
Some prior Clout cardholders report that they don't remember receiving notification of the change of ownership and that they have not received any monthly statements from Bank of America to pay off their outstanding balance.
If the couple owns a primary residence as well as a vacation property that are equal in value, the couple may agree that one person should keep the house and the other one will retain ownership of the vacation property.
In Mississippi, each person has the right to retain ownership to his or her property, which means that if one person has title to the property, it is not included in marital property.
The way to prove that an item should be considered separate property is to trace its ownership from the time it was acquired to the present.
While these units appear to be priced much higher than traditional toilets, there is significant savings realized over the lifetime ownership of the product.
Hybrids have similar maintenance and repair costs to traditional cars in the first five years of ownership.
Car share schemes, from lift shares to car ownership cooperatives, can be a great solution.
By 1978, the firm began to transfer ownership of the firm to the employees, until by 2001 it was fully owned and operated by the employees.
The Pennsylvania Conservancy, which administers the museum, has sought to maintain and preserve Fallingwater since it first took ownership in 1964.
Let your child help make some of the choices so there will be a feeling of ownership and contentment.
When you add personal touches to the room that are important to your child, this will help her feel ownership.
By allowing them to feel as though they have a say in what and how the room looks, you'll be empowering them, teaching them invaluable lessons about the decision-making process and giving them a sense of ownership in the process.
Even young toddlers can have some input to give them a sense of ownership once the space is completed.
Fantasy football, like other fantasy sports, is a game that gives participants the opportunity to simulate ownership of a professional football team.
Yet they still offer a unique way to experience pet ownership in the online world.
Virtual pets replicate the fun and challenge of pet ownership without the responsibility of caring for a living animal.
Children may use them to learn more about the responsibilities of pet ownership.
Sierra Summit Ski Area had a change in ownership as well as its name.
Ownership changed in 2010 and is now both locally operated and owned.
If you like more then one, let the student body vote and take ownership in their magical night.
This gives all students a feeling of ownership and responsibility toward subjects they obviously would not care anything about.
Allowing your child to make the final decision is good for several reasons, most importantly; it will give her a sense of ownership that everyone should have whenever creating a personal space.
In 2010, Michael's majority ownership of the Charlotte Bobcats made him the first NBA player to become the majority owner of an NBA team.
Just because this is his first restaurant stateside doesn't mean that he's new to restaurant ownership.
He now goes by Dwayne Johnson and that may have just a little bit to do with the fact that Vince McMahon has partial ownership of the name "The Rock."
While Tom Cruise doesn't flaunt his ownership of a private jet, it is well known that his first date with his wife Katie Holmes took place on his personal aircraft.
By giving them some control over vacation plans, they will feel more ownership and involvement in the trip.
Quite often, legislation is introduced that would seriously restrict dog ownership.
From the selection of your first puppy, through training, breeding and those final years, we offer articles covering all aspects of dog ownership.
Dogs Slideshows offers you a variety of facts, information and images related to all aspects of dog ownership and care.
Be prepared to provide ownership papers that verify the cost you paid for the dog, so potential buyers do not think you are inflating the price.
Also on our website, you can learn about the upcoming AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Day events that will be taking place all over the country, and find out how to hold your own event.
If you find a free Pitbull puppy, keep in mind that responsible dog ownership is expensive under the very best circumstances.
Often, when a breed of dog becomes popular in the media, people flock to buy the latest "trend" in dog ownership.
Your history of dog ownership will also be discussed.
When President Obama and his family announced they were getting Bo, the first thing the club did was to put out a well crafted press release on the responsible breeding and ownership of the Portuguese Water Dog.
This form, once signed, establishes that you relinquish your ownership and rights to the dog.
Many Bulldogs end up in rescues because a dog owner did not understand the commitment of Bulldog ownership.
Children benefit from dog ownership as well; they have a lower rate of asthma and allergies if they grow up with a dog.
The Canine Good Citizen program has a dual purpose that emphasizes both responsible pet ownership and canine behavior that is characterized by good manners.
As a matter of fact, more than 30 state legislatures have enacted CGC resolutions as a way to advocate the concept of responsible pet ownership.
Housebreaking a dog is one of the more challenging and frustrating aspects of pet ownership.
Cutting a dog's nails is one of the more challenging aspects of dog ownership, but it's critical to maintaining the health and wellness of your dog.
An adoption is a life-long commitment that deserves your best effort, so make sure you're prepared for the cost and challenges of dog ownership.
In an effort to control attacks by dogsthat are considered dangerous breeds, many communities have adopted legislation to ban ownership of those breeds in question.
Home ownership is likely to be the largest single expense any person is likely to incur, making it essential to understand the factors that influence home costs.
Some jewelry boxes, such as the metal Personalized Childhood Memories Ballerina Jewelry Box offered by Lenox, can be engraved with your little girl's name for an important statement of ownership.
Take ownership of your experience on the site right away; if you're really not looking for someone to date, say so.
These attractively-designed apartment communities offer many choices, including floor plans, home rental or ownership, and personal assistance.
Investors with 5 to 10 years until retirement should consider some stock ownership in their portfolios.
There are also programs in place to assist seniors with maintaining or securing new home ownership.
Retirement is one of those milestones, like marriage, kids, and home ownership that let people reflect on what they have accomplished.
Home ownership is a valuable investment, but it needs to be protected through performing repairs and regular maintenance in a timely manner.
The ownership of the emulator itself is not illegal, but using illegally-attained ROMs may be illegal.
Ownership changed hands, but its winemaker, Robert Brittan, stayed on and was given free hand to continue operating Stags' Leap as before.
Virgin Mobile Canada started out in March 2005 as a joint venture between Virgin Mobile and Bell Canada wherein the latter retained 49% ownership.
The Vodafone name covers five continents, though they may not have any actual ownership of several service providers that fall under the Vodafone umbrella.
While Vodafone does not have any ownership of the following companies, they do fall under the Vodafone family.
As it turned out, the regulatory body found that Globalive did not meet Canadian ownership and control requirements.
On December 11, 2009, Industry Minister Tony Clement announced that Globalive did meet ownership requirements, since Orascom was simply a creditor and not an owner of Globalive.
Praise dance steps are simply borrowed from different genres of dance, but some are used so frequently in praise dance choreography that they are considered to have secondary ownership in the liturgical dance world.
The United State Supreme Court agreed with Custis Lee and awarded him the ownership of the property.
Most will have property ownership database.
The veteran could use the warrant to apply for a land patent, giving him ownership of a parcel of land.
Salon equipment is one of the larger expenses in beauty salon ownership, proceeded by rent space, opening retail orders and salaries (should you opt for an hourly pay versus stylist commission).
For about the cost of a rent payment, you can enjoy tax deductions and home ownership.
Buying a home is a momentous event, and visiting LoveToKnow Mortgages is the first step toward responsible home ownership.
The original goal of the FHA was to provide a stable mortgage market for American families who dreamed of home ownership.
Though rules may vary by lender, eligibility is typically based on age and ownership status.
Since 1969, millions of people have chosen to work with Countrywide to achieve the dream of home ownership.
You may not realize it, but every single home has a documented history of ownership to it which is referred to as its title.
Part of the process of closing on a home purchase involves a title search, which is when the history of the home's ownership is researched to make sure there are no other people or lenders who are entitled to ownership.
What can you tell me about the CMG Home Ownership Accelerator?
Midland Mortgage Company has made home ownership possible for thousands of homebuyers over the last 25 years.
Both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac work to cultivate mortgage lending that promotes increased home ownership.
Choosing the best company among the various Cleveland mortgage lenders can help make your home ownership dreams come true in one of the most affordable medium-sized cities in the United States.
Seniors can receive a monthly income from home ownership, but being aware of reverse mortgage pitfalls may help them avoid potential headaches.
The Home Possible mortgage can help people obtain mortgages in underserved areas as well as assist immigrants, retirees and first time homebuyers in attaining home ownership.
While borrowers may need to attend educational seminars on home ownership and managing finances, it seems well worth the effort for many individuals.
According to an article published in the Minneapolis Star Tribune in February of 2007, home ownership in Minnesota is at an all-time high of around 78 percent, which also makes it the state with the nation's highest rate for home ownership.
During the 1990s interest rates declined sharply, making home ownership affordable for more people.
The Federal Housing Administration helps lower-income and first-time homebuyers reach their dreams of home ownership.
The FHA was first established in the 1930's with the goal of helping first time homebuyers and lower income families achieve their dream of home ownership.
Arkansas's home ownership rate is currently estimated at 69 percent.
The program not only helps in improving neighborhoods but also in expanding the prospects of home ownership for thousands of individuals and families.
You don't want to buy a home with a $300,000 market value for just $15,000 and then find out that you also have to pay off a $295,000 second mortgage before you can take ownership!
Home ownership became more affordable in the 1980s, with the introduction of President Ronald Reagan's economic strategy.
Lenders who take full ownership of homes then have the job of finding buyers so the lender's investment becomes profitable once again.
The foreclosure process allows a lender to take full ownership of the home.
In every foreclosure, however, it begins with the borrower not meeting a financial obligation and ends with the borrower losing ownership of the home.
The ownership of the home transfers to the new buyer following the foreclosure auction.
The owner retains the ownership and title to the home until the house can be purchased in full by the renter/buyer.
Ownership of the property (as per HUD regulations, a 1-4 unit residential property) is transferred to the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
When the home is foreclosed, the lender or guaranteeing agency takes ownership of the home and the homeowner is no longer considered the legal owner of the home and can no longer reside in the home.
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) offers a variety of programs to assist with home ownership and home repairs.
You may find a grant for everything from conducting studies on home ownership in your region to constructing new multifamily housing developments.
The federal government offers a variety of programs to assist individuals in obtaining home ownership.
If someone purchased a home for another family member to live in, but the occupant did not have an ownership interest in the property, it would not qualify as an owner occupied property resulting in a higher interest rate.
The income can act as retirement income or as a source of passive income, just as it would if renting the home out, but the homeowner doesn't have to worry about the responsibilities associated with home ownership and being a landlord.
Do not only look at the monthly mortgage payment; consider the additional expenses that come with home ownership.
Research home ownership programs that may be available to you.
After the ruling, the company moved to Greeneville, Tennessee and over the years, ownership has changed hands a number of times and currently the machines are made and distributed by Ecoquest.
After the lawsuit was over, the company moved to Greeneville, Tennessee where ownership changed hands a number of times and the company name was changed to EcoQuest.
Some organizations may require other documentation or proof of ownership, though this will have to be information provided to you directly from the charity itself.
Unlike most household goods, vehicles have titles which show ownership.
If you do not process the assignment of ownership on donation documents to the charity, you could be held responsible for parking tickets or damage.
Read all documents and fill in the assignment of ownership space on these documents at the time of donation.
While of course a parent's job is to set limitations and enforce rules, you can help your teen become more excepting of these teenager dating rules if you allow her some ownership as well.
Once you take ownership for yourselves and the behaviors each of you do the breakdown trust, you can then talk about how to work together to support each other, encourage each other and rebuild or perhaps build trust.
If there is a dispute about the ring's ownership in the future, reusing the ring could cause friction and tension in a new relationship.
The company boasts its commitment to the "Trust, Action, Ownership" philosophy.
Anything with a child's name embroidered on it will help to guarantee a lesson of responsibility and ownership that will be cherished.
All of this ownership of material things conveys a sense of order and stability for the sign.
For any businesses requiring animal ownership, however, make sure that your child is aware of the responsibilities before you make the commitment.
Self-Assigned Responsibility Sheets-Instead of assigning specific jobs to your kids, let them feel a sense of ownership by allowing them to choose the jobs they want to do for the day, the week, or the month.
These charts can be used for any age child, and is a powerful tool because they give children a way to take ownership of their actions, and be rewarded for their good behavior.
Horse games for kids allow your child to experience the fun of horse ownership without all of the constant responsibility.
Public domain movies are films that no longer have copyright or exclusive ownership to any authors or studios, or those that have been freely distributed by their creators.
Taking ownership of your money by creating a spending plan is one of the few things in life you can control.
Using cat litter coupons can be an easy way to help cut the costs of pet ownership.
What was the new name of the nightclub in the Square, after its relaunch under new ownership with Sharon Watts?
Roxy takes over ownership of the bar, Claudia Joy goes back to law school, and Pamela leaves her husband.
Check and see if the images are coming from another site or if there are any marks that imply ownership other than the website where you're downloading.
Yet manuals are so easy to lose, especially after years of ownership.
After the company achieved success, it went through several ownership and name changes while still producing an exquisite Gruen wristwatch line that boasted innovative features and technology.
Yielding control doesn't mean yielding total ownership.
In this section the owner describes the company's structure and ownership detail.
Nevada is the only state in the U.S. that refuses to exchange financial or ownership information with the Internal Revenue Service.
Whatever your product or service might be, to know how to develop a business plan is to take ownership of particular aspects of your business.
Domain name ownership is a complicated issue and registration is merely one factor that will be considered in a dispute resolution.
The SBA's Office of Women's Business Ownership Entrepreneurial Development has Women's Business Centers (WBC) around the country which offer counseling, training, and other business development resources.
For such organizations, blogs that provide tips about small business ownership can be a powerful marketing tool.
The Small Business Administration's Office of Women's Business Ownership (OWBO) is an excellent resource for identifying potential funding sources.
Businesses that are operated from a shareholder perspective focus decisions on maximizing wealth of those who have ownership interest in the organization.
Separate fees will be charged for changing of ownership, changing of location or changing of name on an existing business license.
Security, including real estate and equipment ownership, may help, but even then, some lenders will not take on the risk.
The SBA also has an Office of Women's Business Ownership, which operates a number of Women Business Centers throughout the U.S. and its territories.
See if the seller has repair records as well as prior ownership information.
However, among smaller families concerned about the environment and cost of ownership, the MAZDA5 has a loyal following.
When determining your budget, it's also important to take cost of ownership into account.
Since they don't have an ownership stake in the car, they may misuse it.
Regardless of whether you own a Pontiac or a Porsche, luxury car detailing can help you increase your vehicle's value and your pride of ownership.
There's more to owning a car than just the upfront cost, and ownership costs can vary significantly from model to model.
Learn how to plan for all the expenses associated with vehicle ownership.
It's also important to consider the cost of ownership.
Ownership cost takes into account more than just your monthly car payment.
Certain cars hold their value better than others, and this is an important consideration when determining cost of ownership.
No matter what car you choose, vehicle ownership can be expensive.
However, the cost of ownership is influenced by a several factors.
To find out the per mile cost for owning a specific car, you'll need to divide the total five-year ownership cost by the number of miles you expect to drive in five years.
Consider the monthly car payment and the cost of ownership, and settle on a budget you can easily afford.
Don't forget to account for other ownership costs like insurance, fees, parking, fuel, and maintenance and repairs.
Most states do not make vehicle ownership information public; however, you may be able to gain assistance if you explain your predicament at the DMV.
The marque ownership shift didn't stop there.
While purchase price is a very important consideration for most car buyers, it's also good to think about the vehicle's cost of ownership.
This contributes to a lower cost of ownership, making the car a little friendlier for your wallet.
How important is the gas mileage and cost of ownership of this new SUV?
They require few repairs, especially in the first few years of ownership.
If you live near a new housing development, or know of a batch of homes that have just changed ownership, then hit up the new families on the block that may be looking for a residential cleaning price list.
Parents, grandparents, or guardians can purchase Gerber Life Insurance policies and retain ownership until the child turns 21, at which time, ownership is transferred.
Parents, grandparents, or guardians can purchase Gerber life insurance policies for the young adult in their life and retain ownership until the teen turns 21, at which time, ownership is transferred.
This does not apply to instances when the yacht is used for illegal activity by someone who does not have rightful ownership to the yacht, such as if it is stolen and used for illegal purposes.
Cat owners experience the joys of cat ownership but realize that taking a cat into the family is a big responsibility.
Warner, clearly, begs to differ, and there is unlikely to be a challenge to their ownership.
Party rentals are a great way to get ahold of the items you need for the ultimate event, without committing to permanent ownership.
The strategy paid off; after well over a decade of programming and many shifts in corporate ownership, the SciFi Channel is now producing some of the highest quality television out there, according to some critics.
Facebook made some major changes to the terms of use policy regarding the ownership of information that users add to the site.
Employees need to be engaged and take ownership to ensure overall success.
For these purposes, due diligence goes beyond checking ownership and the like -- it also involves checking the popularity of the keywords that make up the URL against their search engine rankings.
Most people tend to be honest, so if it's not big bucks the person will simply turn over the ownership to you.
The ancient custom called the beklem-recht, or lease-right, doubtless accounts for the extended ownership of the land.
During the wars between Turkey and Austria, its ownership was often contested; and it fell before King Matthias I.
The priests in the time of the law of grace shall claim no ownership of worldly possessions.
Keeping alive, as it did, the fact of the grantor's ownership, it did not in form deprive the Church of the land.
The principal political problem before the government of Peru was the ownership of the territories of Tacna and Arica.
In the case of Ecuador and Colombia a dispute arose in 1894 concerning the ownership of large tracts of uninhabited country in the vicinity of the headwaters of the Amazon and its tributaries.
Coal lying under the sea below low-water mark belongs to the crown, and can only be worked upon payment of royalties, even when it is approached from shafts sunk upon land in private ownership. In the Forest of Dean, which is the property of the crown as a royal forest,there are certain curious rights held by a portion of the inhabitants known as the Free Miners of the Forest, who are entitled to mine for coal and iron ore, under leases, known as gales, granted by the principal agent or gaveller representing the crown, in tracts not otherwise occupied.
Here also lived King Radbod, a pagan, and on this isle St Willibrord in the 7th century first preached Christianity; and for its ownership, before and after that date, many sea-rovers have fought.
Of old, a tenant thus obtaining half the produce to himself was held to be co-owner of the soil to the extent of one-fourth; and if he had three-fourths of the crop, his ownership came to one-half.
We based the age on when the ownership of the mine changed hands and when it was last worked.
The municipality owns its electric-lighting plant; the water-works are under private ownership. The first settlement in the neighbourhood was made in 1838.
State operation and ownership is a system which originated in Belgium at the beginning of railway enterprise, and has been consistently carried out by the Scandinavian countries and by Hungary.
With certain exceptions reserved for the provincial court (such as insolvency, ownership of immovable property and divorce), the native high court exercises jurisdiction when all parties to the suit are natives; it also has jurisdiction when the complainant is not a native, but all other parties to the suit are natives.
The government looked on the practice with great disfavour, because it transferred large areas from the easy access of the state to an ownership beyond its reach.
The number of mining claims (pertenencias) registered in 1907 was 12,858, according to official returns, each subject to a tax of 30 soles, or £3, per annum, the payment of which secures complete ownership of the property.
In the Italian Renaissance, only a thin veneer of society's elites participated in the creation or ownership of the frescos, music, statues, and paintings; most were only passive observers.
Calculating the actual, societal costs of fatty foods, alcohol, cars, pet ownership, mercury thermometers, air conditioning, solar panels, razor blades, jogging shoes, and ten thousand other things, and incorporating those costs in the prices as taxes would lead to a vastly more efficient allocation of resources.
He was joking about the fact that you don't accept joint ownership of anything.
In 1 9 05 he was Democratic candidate for mayor of New York on the Municipal Ownership ticket, and four years later on the Independence League ticket; in 1906 he was candidate for governor of New York on the Democratic and Independence League tickets, in every instance being defeated.
The Code recognizes complete private ownership in land, but apparently extends the right to hold land to votaries, merchants (and resident aliens?).
The town, which dates from the rlth century, was governed by its own lords till 1248, after which date it passed through the ownership of the counts of Flanders, the dukes of Burgundy, and the sovereigns of Austria and Spain.
His programme included the collective ownership of the means of production and the international association of labour, but when in June 1899 he entered Waldeck-Rousseau's cabinet of "republican defence" as minister of commerce he limited himself to practical reforms, devoting his attention to the improvement of the mercantile marine, to the development of trade, of technical education, of the postal system, and to the amelioration of the conditions of labour.
The research of a mine in no way impairs the rights of ownership of the land in which the mine is located.
Municipal ownership has been further developed in Cleveland than in any other large city in the United States, chiefly because of the advocacy of Tom Loftin Johnson (born 1854), a street-railway owner, iron manufacturer, an ardent single-taxer, who was elected mayor of the city in 1901, 1903, 1905 and 1907.
To group (a) belong territorial differences in regard to ownership of land and rights of fishing at sea; to group (b) belong pecuniary claims in respect of acts wrongfully done to one or more subjects of one state by, or with the authority of, another state.
The basis of municipal qualification is ownership of real property of the value of £ioo, or the tenancy of premises of the value of £300, or annual value of £2 4.
Here was established, by licence from James I., the so-called Milk Fair, which remained, its ownership always in the same family, until 1905, when, on alterations being made to the Mall, a new stall was erected for the owners during their lifetime, though the cow or cows kept here were no longer allowed.
Recognizing that ownership by a small payment only, not corresponding to the value of the land, it left the larger part of the income to meet the need which had arisen.
The inland telegraph service dates from 1864, when a short line from Callao to Lima was constructed, and state ownership from 1875, when the government assumed control of all lines within the republic, some of which were subsequently handed over to private administration.
The question hinged to a great extent on the qualification necessary for the inhabitants to vote, in the event of a plebiscite being called to decide whether Chilean ownership was to be finally established or the provinces were to revert to Peruvian sovereignty.
The latter state claimed sovereignty over the Napo and Maranon rivers on the grounds of the ecclesiastical jurisdiction exercised over this section of territory during the period of Spanish dominion, the government of Colombia asserting that these ecclesiastical rights to which Colombia became entitled after her separation from the Spanish crown carried also the right of absolute ownership. In a treaty signed by the three interested states in 1895 a compromise was effected by which Colombia withdrew a part of the claim advanced, and it was agreed that any further differences arising out of this frontier question should be submitted to the arbitration of the Spanish crown.
Please respect the private and public ownership of this property and act in a safe and reasonable manner.
The Pisans and Genoese now disputed about the ownership of Sardinia, but the pope and the emperor decided in favour of Pisa.
Regist?ation (enregistrement) duties are charged on the transfer of property in the way of business (fi titre onreux); on changes in ownership effected in the way of donation or succession (a litre gratuit), and 011 a variety of other transactions which must be registered according to law.
He secured full ownership of the county of Avignon through purchase from Queen Joanna (9th of June 1348) and renunciation of feudal claims by Charles IV.
Lands already held in private ownership are supplied with water at the same price as public lands.
The law of England - and the laws of Scotland and Ireland agree with it on this point - recognizes no absolute private ownership of land.
During and after the war of 1868-1878, when many Cuban estates were confiscated, many families emigrated, and many others were ruined, the ownership of plantations largely passed from the hands of Cubans to Spaniards.
Grants of land of the Merovingian kings had carried with them ownership and not a limited right, and the king's patrocinium had not widened in extent in the direction of the later vassal relation.
The most far-reaching of these reforms, carried in the first session of the third Duma, was the partial abolition of the communal and family ownership of land, which involved the establishment of a class of true peasant-proprietors.
It is a mistake to suppose that the question of public or private ownership will make any considerable difference in the system of rate-making adopted by a good railway.
Although he broke off the Magyar tribal system, encouraged the private ownership of land, and even made grants of land on condition of military service... he based his new principle of government, not on feudalism, but on the organization of the Frankish empire, which he adapted.
I'll check further on that storage facility ownership, too.
No one had a suggestion for the next step, but Fred was determined to continue to research the ownership of the severed digit.