Owners Sentence Examples
Most of the private owners belong to the nobility.
One of the three owners of the storage building is named Fitzgerald!
This makes business a meritocracy and encourages business owners to focus on quality, service, and reputation since these are so easy for customers to check.
The owners said there were wild plum and cherry trees, all kinds of nuts and berries - a regular gold mine of natural food.
The rest belongs to private owners who are, however, subject to certain restrictions.
Their ferocious appearance, and not infrequently the habits of their owners, have given this breed a reputation for ferocity and low intelligence.
The typical bop added back to all business owners.
Keep in mind that while the owners of the restaurant may be hippies, they are certainly not vegetarians.
Dogs are welcome to join their owners on the patio, which is kept comfortable, even on chilly winter nights, with a number of toasty heating lamps.
The rest, particularly the manor of Edgware, which made the fortune of the college, was bought from private owners.
AdvertisementThis mine proved to be very rich, and paid £800,000 in dividends to the original owners.
About 42% of the forests belong to the state and about 33% to public bodies and institutions, leaving only 25% for private owners.
The D e Mohun family were overlords of the town from 1086 to the 14th century, when they were followed by the Luttrells, who are the present owners.
In most parts of England the plate-rail was preferred, and it was used on the Surrey iron railway, from Wandsworth to Croydon, which, sanctioned by parliament in 1801, was finished in 1803, and was the first railway available to the public on payment of tolls, previous lines having all been private and reserved exclusively for the use of their owners.
One of these, the Morro Velho mine, belonging to an English company, is not only the deepest gold-mine in existence (over 2000 ft.), but it has been worked since 1725, and since 1835 by its present owners.
AdvertisementBefore 1183, Dunster had become a mesne borough, owned by the de Mohuns until the 14th century when it passed to the Luttrells, the present owners.
The separatists, headed by Carlos Manuel de Cespedes (1819-1874), a wealthy planter who proclaimed the revolution at Yara on the 10th of October, demanded the same reforms, including gradual emancipation of the slaves with indemnity to owners, and the grant of free and universal suffrage.
Owners of the land in which a mine is located have a prior right to work such mine under imperial firman, on the obtention of which a duty of £T4 is payable; if they do not work it the concession may be granted to others, on payment of a certain compensation to the landowner.
The owners of the expropriated properties are given a term of five months for the removal of their furniture.
It was held that although generally speaking every sovereign may decide to whom he will accord the right to fly his flag, yet in this case such right was limited by the general act of the Brussels conference of July 1890 relative to the African slave trade, an act which was ratified by France on the 2nd of June 1892; that accordingly the owners and master of dhows who had been authorized by France to fly the French flag before the last-named date retained this authorization TABLE II.
AdvertisementA further point decided was that the owners or master of dhows duly authorized to fly the French flag within the ruling of the first point, did not enjoy, in consequence of that fact, any such right of extraterritoriality as would exempt them from the sovereignty and jurisdiction of the sultan.
Its principal owners were first the Prestons and latterly the Gilmours.
Tong church, of fine early Perpendicular work, contains a remarkable series of ornate tombs, mainly of the 15th and 16th centuries, to members of the Vernon and Stanley families, former owners of the castle.
The House of Burgesses consists of 160 members, of whom 80 are elected in secret ballot by the direct suffrages of all tax-paying citizens, 40 by the owners of house-property within the city (also by ballot), and the remaining 40, by ballot also, by the so-called "notables," i.e.
When work restarted after the war, the mine owners offered the Kaffir workmen little more than half the wages paid in 1898; but this effort at economy was abandoned, and the old rates of pay were restored in January 1903.
AdvertisementIn the days of the old German empire no fewer than thirty-five different tolls were levied between Melnik and Hamburg, to say nothing of the special dues and privileged exactions of various riparian owners and political authorities.
Here was established, by licence from James I., the so-called Milk Fair, which remained, its ownership always in the same family, until 1905, when, on alterations being made to the Mall, a new stall was erected for the owners during their lifetime, though the cow or cows kept here were no longer allowed.
Many of the names of the rich residential streets and squares in the west have associations with the various owners of the properties; but Mayfair is so called from a fair held on this ground in May as early as the reign of Charles II.
In some cases a driver owns his cab, but the majority of vehicles are let to drivers by owners, and the adjustment of terms between them has led to disputes from time to time.
The Port of London Authority, as constituted by the act of 1908, is a body corporate consisting of a chairman, vice-chairman, 17 members elected by payers of dues, wharfingers and owners of river craft, I member elected by wharfingers exclusively, and To members appointed by the following existing bodies - Admiralty (one); Board of Trade (two); London County Council (two from among its own members and two others); City Corporation (one from among its own members and one other); Trinity House (one).
Covent Garden, the great mart in the west of London for flowers, fruit and vegetables, is in the hands of private owners.
Private owners so burdened may sometimes claim a special toll from passengers, called a "toll traverse."
The tension between Cetywayo and the Transvaal over border disputes continued, and when in 1877 Britain annexed the Transvaal the dispute was transferred to the new owners of the country.
In public or government land the minerals as well as surface belong to the state, and not infrequently these rights have been separated by law and granted or otherwise disposed of to different owners.
The following table may be useful to planters and central factory owners.
The Villa Munichen or Forum ad monachos, so called from the monkish owners of the ground on which it lay, was first called into prominence by Duke Henry the Lion, who established a mint here in 1158, and made it the emporium for the salt coming from Hallein and Reichenhall.
The owners of emancipated slaves were entitled to receive compensation from parliament, because it was parliament that had established this description of property.
Moreover, all securities underwent such sharp depreciation that, on the one hand, the government hesitated to hand over the bonds representing the purchase-price of the railways, lest such an addition to the volume of stocks should cause further depreciation, and, on the other, the former owners of the nationalized lines found the character of their bargain greatly changed.
Dayton's site was purchased in 1795 from John Cleves Symmes by a party of Revolutionary soldiers, and it was laid out as a town in 1796 by Israel Ludlow (one of the owners), by whom it was named in honour of Jonathan Dayton (1760-1824), a soldier in the War of Independence, a member of Congress from New Jersey in 1791- ' 799, and a United States senator in 1799-1805.
Step by step, and in spite of the efforts of the emperors at Constantinople, the great imperial officials became landowners, the owners of land - kinsmen or at least associates of these officials - intruded on the imperial administration, while the necessity for providing for the defence of the imperial territories against the Lombards led to the formation of local militias, who at first were attached to the imperial regiments, but gradually became independent.
About onefourth of the area is under cultivation by private owners and tenants.
Among former owners of the property was Princess Amelia, daughter of George II., who lived here from 1761 till her death in 1786.
Polished rocks outside the cavern and pictographs in the vicinity indicate the work of a prehistoric race earlier than the Osage Indians, who were the historic owners previous to the advent of the white man.
Of the farms 65.1% were cultivated by owners in 1900, a decrease from 76.2% in 1880; and 19.5% were cultivated by cash tenants, an increase from 4.5% in 1880.
The complete autograph of the biography, acquired by John Bigelow in 1867 from its French owners, upon collation with Temple Franklin's edition showed that the latter contained 1200 emasculations and that it omitted entirely what had been written in 1790.
Barry owes its seaport to the determination of a number of colliery owners to secure an alternative port to Cardiff, with an independent railway to it from the coalfields.
More than two-thirds of the farms (152,956) were operated by owners, or part owners, 29,900 were operated by share tenants, and 24,303 by cash tenants.
The money has chiefly been spent on railways, telegraphs, roads, bridges, land purchase from the native tribes and private estate owners, on loans to settlers and on native wars.
The tribe most largely represented was the Basuto (130,213 persons), former owners of considerable tracts in the eastern part of the country, now known as " The Conquered Territory."
In the same year there were 13,370 farms exclusive of those on Indian reservations; of these, 6665 contained less than 175 acres each; 1289 contained more than moo acres each; 8043 contained some irrigated land, the average amount being 118 acres; 11,592 were worked by owners or part owners, 624 by cash tenants, and 606 by share tenants.
It is that the government acting for the people, who are the real owners of all public property, shall permanently retain the fee in public lands, leaving their products to be developed by private capital under leases which are limited in their duration and which give the government complete power to regulate the industrial operations of the lessees.
The first chamber consists of the adult princes of the blood, two representatives of the Lutheran and one of the Roman Catholic Church, a representative of Leipzig university, the proprietor (or a deputy) of the Herrschaft of Wildenfels, a proprietor of the mediatized domains, two of Standesherrschaften, one of those of four estates in fee, the superintendent at Leipzig, a deputy of the collegiate institution at Wurzen, 12 deputies elected by owners of nobiliar estates, ten landed proprietors and five other members nominated by the king and the burgomasters of eight towns.
It had been believed that it was property owners and intellectuals who placed the question of nationality above all others, while behind them stood a solid mass of workingpeople who were uncorrupted by nationalist chauvinism.
Fewer farms were worked by owners in 1900 than in 1890, the percentage in the former year being 78.2 and in the latter year 86.6.
With regard to tenure, 74.7% of the farms were operated by their owners, 15.2% by part owners and 7.2% by share tenants.
In the Empire all churches, and all the property of the Church, were at the disposal of the bishops; in Germanic countries, on the contrary, the territorial nobles were looked upon as the owners of churches built upon their lands, and these became " proprietary churches."
Vast entailed estates were the property of a small group of landlords (in Bohemia 37.7%, in Moravia 34.4%, in Silesia 39.9% of all land belonged to owners representing 0.1% of the population), while great masses of the people did not own a single acre of their native land.
The great majority of the landlords were nobles of foreign origin who acquired their 'estates at the hands of the Habsburg conqueror from 1621 onwards, when, after the battle of the White Mountain, the lands of the Czech nobles and yeomen were confiscated, the owners being executed or, as adherents of the Moravian Brotherhood and other Protestant churches, preferring to pass into exile rather than surrender their faith.
The mountain ranges in the south are largely inhabited by Miao-tsze, who are the original owners of the soil and have been constantly goaded into a state of rebellion by the oppression to which they have been subjected by the Chinese officials.
Saarburg, which has been identified with the Pons Saravi of the Romans, belonged to France from 1661 to 1871, its earlier owners having been the bishops of Metz and the dukes of Lorraine.
In 1890, 69% of the farms were worked by the owners or their managers, in 1900 only 66.4%; but share tenants outnumber cash tenants by almost three to one.
Originally a stronghold of the Cray family, it has passed through the D'Arenbergs to its present owners, the princes of Caraman-Chimay.
A late and dubious tradition asserts that the family name became so discredited owing to the pusillanimous conduct of John and Edward Baliol that it was abandoned by its owners in favour of the form Baillie.
Before the Civil War they were owners of land, but for the most part not owners of slaves, so that a social and political barrier, as well as the barriers of nature, separated them from the other inhabitants of the state.
For instance, in weighing live cattle, owners of markets are now required to provide adequate accommodation.
Farms in the more sterile parts of New Hampshire were abandoned when the depleted soil and the old methods of agriculture made it impossible for owners or tenants to compete with western farmers.
Of the total number of farms in 1900, 26,344, or 89.8%, were operated by owners or part owners, 1639 by cash tenants and 546 by share tenants.
There are besides about 128 private (occasionally aided) schools of similar character, owners of plantations on which there are more than ten children being obliged to provide school accommodation.
Compensation, in its most familiar sense, is however a nomen juris for the reparation or satisfaction made to the owners of property which is taken by the state or by local authorities or by the promoters of parliamentary undertakings, under statutory authority, for public purposes.
Sealing upon land was legitimate sealing; the United States being the owners of the land, the industry was a trust vested in them for the benefit of mankind.
The government offered a bonus to those owners of creameries who would provide cold-storage accommodation at them and keep the room in use for a period of three years.
The government offered subventions to those who would provide cold-storage warehouses at various points where these were necessary, and also arranged with the owners of ocean steamships to provide cold-storage chambers on them by means of mechanical refrigerators.
As to method of cultivation, 36.3 per cent of the farms were in 1900 managed by the owners, 33.3% by cash renters, 24.4% by share tenants, and the remaining 6% by other methods.
It reverted to the Crown in 15Jo, and had various owners until the close of the 18th century, when it came to Sir Thomas Spencer Wilson, whose descendants retain it.
Large estates are the rule in Silesia, where about a third of the land is in the hands of owners possessing at least 250 acres, while properties of 50,000 to 100,000 acres are common.
More than seven-tenths (160,105) were worked by owners or part owners, and onl y 34,529 by share tenants, and 2 3,737 by cash tenants.
The western division of the system was abandoned by the new owners in 1865 and the worked portion of the east division gradually decreased until it, too, was wholly abandoned in 1904, with the exception of the Delaware Division Canal, which since 1866 has been worked by the Lehigh Coal & Navigation Company in connexion with the Lehigh Canal.
All three flags were of such a size as to be conveniently attached to and carried on a lance, and were emblazoned with the arms or some portion of the bearings of their owners.
The order in council mentioned, which may be described as the first constitution granted Ashanti by its British owners, provides that the governor, in issuing ordinances respecting the administration of justice, the raising of revenue, or any other matter, shall respect any native laws by which the civil relations of any chiefs, tribes or populations are regulated, "except so far as they may be incompatible with British sovereignty or clearly injurious to the welfare of the natives themselves."
In 1652 he married Cromwell's daughter, Bridget, widow of Ireton, and was made commande in-chief in Ireland, to which title that of lord deputy was added, The chief feature of his administration, which lasted from September 1652 till September 1655, was the settlement of the soldiers on the confiscated estates and the transplantation of the original owners, which he carried out ruthlessly.
Ultimately it was returned to its former owners, but the Mahommedans considered it desecrated, and it has never since been used as a place of worship. Allahabad (Illahabad) was the name given to the city when Akbar built the great fort.
Certain owners of advowsons are temporarily or permanently disabled from exercising the right which devolves upon other persons; and the crown as patron paramount of all benefices can fill all churches not regularly filled by other patrons.
The castle erected here by the Normans early in the r 2th century frequently changed owners during the course of the Anglo-Welsh wars before 1282.
The nomad Arabs are of two classes, camel owners (Slat El Ilbil) and cattle owners (Baggara), the first-named dwelling in the dry northern regions, the Baggara in southern Kordofan.
The increase in the herds has caused the owners of saladero establishments in Argentina and Uruguay to try the working of factories in Paraguay for the preparation of tasajo (jerked beef) and the manufacture of extract of meat.
Its first owners were Tweeddale Frasers or Frisels, from whom it passed, by marriage, to the Hays of Yester in Haddingtonshire, earls of Tweeddale.
Though now free from constitutional control it was no less subject than before to the influence of corruption, which the English government had wielded through the Irish borough owners, known as the "undertakers," or more directly through the great executive officers.
Wild shrewdly realized that it was safer, and in most cases more profitable, to dispose of such property by returning it to its legitimate owners than to sell it, with the attendant risks, in the open market, and he thus built up an immense business, posing as a recoverer of stolen goods, the thieves receiving a commission on the price paid for recovery.
Such stolen property as could not be returned to the owners with profit was taken abroad in a sloop purchased for this work.
The owners of extensive works were charged from $12 to $20 per acre and upwards for so-called " water rights," or the privilege to take water from the canal, this covering cost of construction.
In April Congress passed and the president approved (6th April) an act emancipating the slaves in the District of Columbia, with compensation to owners - a measure which Lincoln had proposed when in Congress.
Some commanders excluded them altogether; others surrendered them on demand; while still others sheltered and protected them against their owners.
Nearly all the farms are worked by their owners, and a simple and efficient system of landtransfer is in use.
Along the coast landed property is as a rule broken up into small holdings, usually cultivated by their owners.
They are, as a rule, small in extent, and are managed by the owners with the help of five, ten or at most twenty workmen.
Public work may be prevented by remonstrance of interested property owners except in certain instances, when the city, by vote of the people, may overrule all remonstrances.
The Dogs Act 1865 rendered owners of dogs liable for injuries to cattle and sheep; the Dogs Act 1906 extended the owner's liability for injury done to any cattle by a dog, and further, where a dog is proved to have injured cattle or chased sheep it may be treated as a dangerous dog and must be kept under proper control or be destroyed.
Woods cover fully 7% of the area, and their preservation is considered of so much importance that private owners are under strict control as regards cutting of timber.
These were (1) the division of the fyrd or national militia into two parts, relieving each other at fixed intervals, so as to ensure continuity in military operations; (2) the establishment of fortified posts (burgs) and garrisons at certain points; (3) the enforcement of the obligations of thanehood on all owners of five hides of land, thus giving the king a nucleus of highly equipped troops.
He did not suggest that every variation and every character must have a "selection value," although he pointed out that, because of our ignorance of animal physiology, it was extremely rash to set down any characters as valueless to their owners.
On that footing the foreign office grants passports to the holders of colonial certificates of naturalization, and protects them in all foreign countries but that of their origin; and the Merchant Shipping Act 1894, sec. 1, allows persons naturalized in British possessions to be owners of British ships.
When he is viewed an attempt is made to spear him by any of the field who may be within distance; if their spears miss, the owners must wade to recover them.
He utterly distorts the real historical relations of the Three Lands, though he brings in many real historical names, their owners being made to perform historically impossible acts, and introduces many small additions and corrections into the story as he had received it.
The first-fruits of a crop were usually dedicated to the gods to prevent them from being angry; and new canoes, fishing-nets, &c., were dedicated by prayers and offerings, in order that the gods might be propitious to their owners in their use.
In any case the owners of an alp fix the greatest number of cows which it can support during the summer without being permanently damaged.
As the owners of Kuhstiissen may exchange them provisionally.
The prevailing form of tenure is that of owners, 60 7% of the farms being so operated in 190o; but during the decade1890-1900the number of farms cultivated by cash tenants increased 30.8%, and the number by share tenants 24.5%, while the increase of cultivation by owners was only I %.
Railways organized or doing business in the state are required by the constitution to have a public office where books for public inspection are kept, showing the amount of stock, its owners, and the amount of the road's.
Stimulated by the high price paid by the British Museum, the quarry owners diligently searched, and in 1872 another, much finer, preserved specimen was found.
Thus he inherited from his earliest years, with certain traditions of birth and high station, a strong dislike of British rule in Ireland and of the dominant owners of the soil, a firm attachment to his proscribed faith, and habitual skill in evading the law; and these influences may be traced in his subsequent career.
The state also makes annual grants directly to owners who are willing to place their plantations under state supervision, for the sale of plants at half price to the poorer peasantry, for making protective or sheltering plantations, and for free transport of marl or loam.
These floral products which form the food of bees and of their larvae, are in most cases collected and stored by the industrious insects; but some genera of bees act as inquilines or "cuckoo-parasites," laying their eggs in the nests of other bees, so that their larvae may feed at the expense of the rightful owners of the nest.
The land was not held by private owners but by occupiers under the petty corporation; the revenue was not due from individuals, but from the community represented by its head-man.
The work was begun in the autumn of 1908, but financial difficulties with property owners in Resina immediately arose with the result that progress was practically stopped.
More than four-fifths of them were worked by owners, and the remainder chiefly by share tenants.
These commoners might be the several owners, the inhabitants of a parish, freemen of a borough, tenants of a manor, &c. The opening of the fields by throwing down the fences took place on Lammas Day (12th of August) for corn-lands and on Old Midsummer Day (6th of July) for grass.
It is held on a lease in perpetuity granted by the Chinese government to the British Crown, which sublets plots to private owners in the same way as is done at Hankow.
They were forbidden to acquire landed estates in the conquered countries; all land was either made state property or was restored to the old owners subject to a perpetual tribute which provided pay on a splendid scale for the army.
Complaints against oppression found in him a ready listener, and many unlawfully acquired possessions were restored to the legal owners, for instance, to the descendants of Ali and Talha.
The percentage of farms worked by owners fell from 69.1% in 1880 to 54.6% in 1900; the difference of the balances or 1 4.5% indicates the increase of tenant holdings, two-thirds of these being for shares.
But it did more than this; by the king's instructions it endeavoured to make a national valuation list, estimating the annual value of all the land in the country, (1) at the time of King Edward's death, (2) when the new owners received it, (3) at the time of the survey, and further, it reckoned, by command, the potential value as well.
The diet consists of one chamber with thirty-eight members, of whom five are chosen by owners of land worth at least i 50 a year, five by those who derive a similar income from other sources, five by the university of Jena and other public bodies, and twenty-three by the rest of the inhabitants.
The distance to be covered by a pipe line is not prohibitive, and the matter has been under consideration by the owners and lessees of the iron mines.
While many cattlemen have been driven out of business by the encroachments of sheep, the majority of the present flockmasters were range cattle owners in the past and have changed to the more profitable occupation.
At the present time serious collisions between sheep and cattle owners are rare.
According to ancient mythology, the owners of the horn were many and various.
As regards tenure, 90.6% of the farms in 1900 were operated by owners, 2.2% by cash tenants, and 7.2% by share tenants.
The conditions of peasant ownership differ from those which prevail in other parts of Russia, and of the total area the peasants hold approximately one-half; 42% of the total is in the hands of private owners, a considerable number of Germans having settled and bought land in the government.
After changing owners more than once, the lands were purchased in 1637 by the 3rd earl of Lothian.
According to this constitution the sovereignty resides in the nation, but suffrage is restricted to married citizens over twenty-one and unmarried citizens over twenty-five years of age, not in domestic service, who can read and write, and who are the owners of real estate, or who have capital invested in business or industry, or who receive salaries or incomes proportionate in value to such real estate as investment; and as 75% of the population is classed as illiterate, and a great majority of the labouring classes is landless, badly paid, and miserably poor, it is apparent that political sovereignty in Chile is the well-guarded possession of a small minority.
He adhered to the creed of his mother rather than to that of his father; and, in spite of a solemn oath sworn to his predecessor that he would not restore the Catholic churches to their owners, he at once proceeded to do so and to recall the bishops.
A mockery of popular institutions, under the name of a burgher council, indeed existed; but this was a mere delusion, and must not be confounded with the system of local government by means of district burgher councils which that most able man, Commissioner de Mist, sought to establish during the brief government of the Batavian Republic from 1803 to 1806, when the Dutch nation, convinced and ashamed of the false policy by which they had permitted a mere money-making association to disgrace the Batavian name, and to entail degradation on what might have been a free and prosperous colony, sought to redeem their error by making this country a national colonial possession, instead of a slavish property, to be neglected, oppressed or ruined, as the caprice or avarice of its merchant owners might dictate.
The one characteristic which has clung to them throughout is that of owners of property and managers of charitable trusts.
It is now admitted that, apart from treaty, custom has established very few consular privileges; that perhaps consuls may be arrested and incarcerated, not merely on criminal charges, but for civil debt; and that, if they engage in trade or become the owners of immovable property, their persons certainly lose protection.
Cultivation by owners is the prevailing form of tenure, 91.3% of the farms being so operated in 1900 (2.3% by cash tenants and 6.4% by share tenants).
Occasional labour troubles have been very severe in the Coeur d'Alene region, where the attempt in 1892 of the Mine Owners' Association to discriminate in wages between miners and surfacemen brought on a union strike.
Though the royal power was at that period very weak in Bohemia, the open partisanship of the king encouraged the Romanist nobles, who were not numerous, but among whom were some owners of large estates, to attempt to re-establish the Roman creed on their territories.
Of the total number of farms 168,814 were operated by the owners (in 1904, 161,037 by owners and 914 by managers), 22,482 (in 1904, 19,525) by share tenants, 973 1 (in 1904, 7685) by cash tenants; and 312,462 of the inhabitants of the state, or 34 5% of all who were engaged in gainful occupations, were farmers.
The court of claims eventually decided in favour of the owners of Scrivelsby on the ground that Scrivelsby was held in grand serjeanty, that is, that its tenure was dependent on rendering a special service, in this case the championship.
It then came into the hands of Henry VIII., passed from him to his wife Catharine Parr, and thereafter had a succession of owners, among whom were the Howards, to whom it was granted by Queen Elizabeth, and the Cheynes, from whom it was purchased in 1712 by Sir Hans Sloane, after which it passed to the Cadogans.
The first and obvious reason for an inscription on a seal was to ensure identification of the owner; and therefore the names of such owners appear in the earliest examples.
These scalps are in some cases in the hands of private owners, and the Fisheries Department has made arrangements by which some local authorities, e.g.
The marsh lands afford admirable pasture, and a greater proportion of cattle (65 per Iwo inhabitants) is reared in Schleswig-Holstein, mainly by small owners, than in any other Prussian province.
Between 1880 and 1900 the percentage of farms operated by owners decreased from 75.4 to 70.1; the per The amount of timber cut within the state is very small.
In 1846 an act was passed designating slaves as apprentices bound to service until discharged by their owners, and providing that children of 1 The election to the U.S. Senate in 1865 of John Potter Stockton (1826-1900), a great-grandson of Richard Stockton, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, created hardly less excitement than the Broad Seal War.
A county council has the same power of opposing bills in parliament and of prosecuting or defending any legal proceedings necessary = for the promotion or protection of the interests of the inhabitants of a county as are conferred on the council m legal of a municipal borough by the Borough Funds Act 1872, with this difference, that in order to enable them to oppose a bill in parliament at the cost of the county rate, it is not necessary to obtain the consent of the owners and ratepayers within the county.
If the scheme is opposed by the prescribed proportion (one-twentieth) of the owners and ratepayers of the proposed new borough, it has to be confirmed by parliament.
An attempt was made to remedy this state of things by the Public Health Amendment Act 1890, section 19, but the remedy so provided was very partial, and may be said to be confined to the case where two or more houses belonging to different owners are drained into a common drain laid under private land, and ultimately discharging into a sewer in a road or street.
Owners and drivers of public conveyances must not knowingly convey any person suffering from infectious disease, and if any person suffering from such a disease is conveyed in any public vehicle the owner or driver as soon as it comes to his knowledge must give notice to the medical officer.
When all or any of the works aforesaid have been executed in the street, and the council are of opinion that the street ought to become a highway repairable by the inhabitants at large, they may by notice to be fixed up in the street declare it to be a highway repairable by the inhabitants at large, and the declaration will be effective unless, within one month after the notice has been put up, the majority of the owners in the street object thereto.
One important point of difference is that under the latter act the council may resolve that the expenses shall be apportioned among the owners not merely according to frontage, but according to the greater or less degree of benefit to be derived by any premises from the works.
Where an urban council are the council of a borough, and in other cases with the consent of the owners and ratepayers of the district, they may provide market accommodation for their district.
The owners or occupiers of certain specified properties are assessed in respect of the same in the proportion of one-fourth part only of the net annual value thereof.
The resolution must have been published in newspapers circulated in the district, and must have received the consent of the Local Government Board or of a secretary of state, if the matter is one within his jurisdiction; and further, the expenses must not be incurred unless the promotion or opposition has been assented to by the owners and ratepayers of the district assembled at a meeting convened for the purpose of considering the matter, and if necessary, signified by a poll.
The owners and occupiers of houses, buildings and property, other than land, pay a rate in the £ three times greater than that at which the owners and occupiers of land are rated and pay for the purposes of the act.
The number of farms in 1900 was 59,299; of these 18,644 contained between 50 and 100 acres and 17,191 contained between Ioo and 175 acres, the average size being 106.2 acres; 54,263 (or 91.5%) were operated by their owners, 775 were operated by part owners, 2030 by cash tenants, and only 745 by share tenants.
Gradually the Austin canons of Interlaken bought out all the other owners in the valley, but when that house was suppressed in 1528 by the town of Bern the inhabitants gained their freedom.
The proportion of farms operated by owners decreased from 95.4% (9019 farms) in 1880 to 91.2% (17,674 farms) in 190o; those operated by cash tenants increased from o.6% (60 farms) in 1880 to 2.6% (506 farms) in 1900, and those operated by share tenants from 4% (373 farms) in 1880 to 6.2% (1207 farms) in 1900.
After the War of 1812 he relinquished his claim; and in 1819 the ground was bought from the United States government by Henry P. Rothrock, whose heirs are its owners.
The use of steel construction in the erection of large buildings is the natural consequence of the conditions imposed upon owners of property lying within sections of large cities, and the result of the introduction of new materials and devices.
Tocqueville has pointed out that already before the revolution of 1789 the greater part of the territory of France was in the hands of small peasant owners, and modern researches have confirmed Tocqueville's estimate.
In the case of joint-stock companies the company pays the state, and deducts the amount from the individual owners of stocks and shares out of whose incomes the amount comes.
There have been great complaints also of injustice by the possessors of temporary and precarious incomes, who have to pay the same rate of tax as the owners of permanent incomes from property, although these complaints have been diminished to some small extent by the raising of the minimum limit of the income assessed and the increase of the principle of abatements.
The incidence is probably much the same as that of the income tax itself, though there are curious questions as to the ultimate incidence as between owners and occupiers of houses.
The owners of real property, however, continually urge that they are unfairly treated, and that other property should be rated.
These, it is said, can be distributed among different classes of tax-payers, because the income tax falls on the owners of incomes of all kinds of property subject to the duty, if their incomes are above a certain limit, while the incidence of customs and excise duties can be ascertained by inquiries as to the consumption of dutiable articles by different classes.
As a result of these measures the majority of Rumans are peasant proprietors; but the smallness of the holdings renders scientific farming difficult except by cooperation, and many proprietors can only live by working for the owners of large estates.
Italy was the first of the Powers to notify its recognition of Rumanian independence (December 1879); but Bismarck succeeded in prevailing on the Western Powers not Estab- to give official recognition until Rumania should have purchased the railways from their German owners.
In 182 9 a company styling itself the Middlesbrough Owners bought Soo acres of land, and began building in the town.
In the summer of 1863 the convention decreed emancipation with compensation to owners.
The estate counts among its former owners such famous names as the Botelers; George Neville, archbishop of York; John de Vere, earl of Oxford in Henry VII.'s time; Wolsey in the next reign; Robert Carey, earl of Monmouth, and the duke of Monmouth.
The electors to the divisional councils are the owners or occupiers of immovable property.
Members of the councils must be registered voters and owners of immovable property in the division valued at not less than £500.
These illustrations of the enormous variability of discharge serve to explain what is popularly so little understood, namely, the advantage which riparian owners, or other persons Comperei nterested in a given stream, may derive from works cation water.
Thus the benefit to the fisheries and to the riparian owners generally is beyond all question; but the cost to the water authority of conferring that benefit is also very great - commonly (according to the proportion of the natural flow intended to be rendered uniform) 20 to 35% of ' The volume of compensation water is usually fixed as a given fraction of the so-called " available supply " (which by a convention that has served its purpose well, is understood to be the average flow of the stream during the three consecutive driest years).
Nearly four-fifths of the farms (28,636) were operated by owners or part owners, 3729 were operated by share tenants, 2637 by cash tenants and 835 by owners and tenants or managers.
These laws, enforced by fines often arbitrary and excessive, were a great grievance to the unfortunate owners of land within or 1 Manwood's Treatise of the Forest Laws (4th edition, 1717).
The benefit of the disafforestment existed only for the owner of the lands; as to all other persons the land was forest still, and the king's wild beasts were to "have free recourse therein and safe return to the forest, without any hurt or destruction other than by the owners of the lands in the purlieu where they shall be found, and that only to hunt and chase them back again towards the forest without any forestalling" (Manwood, On the Forest Laws - article "Purlieu") .
The dispossessed heirs of the old owners had either to sink to the condition of peasants, or to throw themselves upon.
In 1278 followed the Statute of Gloucester, an act empowering the king to make inquiry as to the right by which old royal estates, or exceptional franchises which infringed on the royal prerogative of justice or taxation, had passed into the hands of their present owners.
A House so chosen was an aristocratic body, but it was aristocratic in a far wider sense than the House of Lords was aristocratic. The trading and legal classes found their representation there by the side of the great owners of land.
Irish landlords complained that their properties, ruined by the famine, and encumbered by the extravagances of their predecessors, could not bear the cost of this new poor law; and the ministry introduced and carried a measure enabling the embarrassed owners of life estates to sell their property and discharge their liabilities.
They number over 350,000 and constitute the intellectual element of the country and are the principal owners of the irrigated land - the Uzbegs being their labourers - merchants, and mollahs or priests.
Such were the laws which suppressed all the remaining bodies corporate, even the academies, and which extinguished all manorial rights without any indemnity to the owners.
Crimes of violence are almost unknown, and the only common breach of law is the killing of tame reindeer belonging to other owners.
In 1900, 59,367 (or a little more than one-half of all) farms were worked by owners or part owners, 33,347 were worked by share tenants, and 13,903 were worked by cash tenants.
Up to 1911 the manufacture of ruin was the leading industry; in that year the factories were closed by Government decree, compensation being given to the factory owners and to the planters who grew sugar and sweet potatoes for the production of alcohol.
More than 1,000,000 Irish acres were forfeited, and, though some part returned to Catholic owners, the Catholic interest in the land was further diminished.
The 40th clause of the Land Act of 1896 greatly stimulated the creation of occupying owners in the case of over-incumbered estates, but solvent landlords were not in a hurry to sell.
Owners, however, could not with any pretence of justice be forced to sell at ruinous prices, nor tenants be forced to give more than they thought fair.
Farms worked by owners numbered 46,645 in 1880 and 60,471 in 1900; by cash tenants, 21,974 in 1880 and 57,046 in 1900; by share tenants, 25,245 in 1880 and 37,838 in 1900.
A Hungarian Navigation Company, subsidized by the state, has also been formed, and the Hungarian railways, the Servian government and private owners own a large number of tugs and barges.
Reid; and his wife and children were by inheritance the owners of slaves, though he himself never was.
At one time the owners of merino flocks enjoyed the right of pasturing their sheep during their migrations on a strip of ground about 100 yds.
The great owners, whether nominally Visigoth or nominally Roman seniores or senatorescontinued to enjoy all the privileges and exemptions of the ordo senatorius in the last days of the empire.
There was the same king possessing theoretically almost absolute power, both administrative and legislative; the same nobles who limited his effective power by rebellion, their constant effort to keep the crown elective, and his no less steady, and by the 10th century victorious, effort to make it hereditary; the same distinction between the few free, who are also the rich owners of land, and the many serfs, who are partial bondsmen, or the slaves pure and simple.
Encouragement of industry was not wanting; the state undertook to develop the herds of merino sheep, by issuing prohibitions against inclosures, which proved the ruin of agriculture, and gave premiums for large merchant ships, which ruined the owners of small vessels and reduced the merchant navy of Spain to a handful of galleons.
He also agreed to respect the freedom of the maroons who had fled from their masters to join the Cubans during the ten years war, and this led to Spains very soon granting gradual emancipation to the remainder of the slaves who had stood by their owners.
They are the cause of great loss to the cattle owners.
There is no appreciable tendency toward management for absentee owners.
Other evidences of the transition in agricultural life are that in Tolland and Windham counties the value of farm buildings exceeded that of farm land, that in Middlesex and Fairfield counties the acreage as well as the value of the farms declined, that native farm labour and ownership were being replaced by foreign labour and ownership; while dependent land tenure is insignificant, 87% of the farms being worked by their owners.
Colorado law exempts land owners from most liability if the land for recreational is freely offered, at no charge.
During this same year, the Nottingham Canal was officially abandoned by its railroad owners.
Cited in the documents are the property addresses and their respective owners.
They are the respective owners.
There is an excellent guide ' living afloat ' written by the Residential Boat Owners Association, which costs £ 7.50.
Turkish Angoras are very loyal toward their owners, often devoting themselves to one or two people.
Rand & Robyn Miller, joint owners of Cyan, demanded perfection from their team of computer animators.
Friendly owners live in a self-contained apartment in the basement accessed by the chalet front door.
It proves that owners can exercise absolute power irrespective of whether they possess the aptitude to run a company more successfully than its board.
However, Owners were able to stay that action, pending arbitration in London.
The new owners have to get proper authorization for a couple of weeks.
The Garden is not private and is shared with the owners of the adjoining barn.
Some owners have used taper roller bearings on the TC front end.
I think many MacBook Pro owners will be very angry to discover their lower end brethren have stolen the show.
Many such pets end their days confined in tiny cages by their inexperienced owners.
The Burnley and Pendle MGOC was formed in the late 1980's for local owners of these classic English sports cars.
The vehicles were admired by the many visitors and several cavalcades gave the proud owners a chance to show their vehicles in action.
Would the owners let us into the deep caves?
The biggest suc- cesses continue to be the buildings we do not adopt but where our intervention stimulates the owners into action.
Not receiving any and business owners least percent of took lise Clark.
The former owners of the Post have moved to Robbie Williams ' favorite restaurant, Mood's, taking their loyal clientele with them.
The Government is also trying to prevent collusion between local officials and mine owners.
He offered pardons to all former confederates and promised to recommend compensation of slave owners for their losses.
Corvettes For Sale We have used corvettes For Sale We have used Corvettes For Sale from dealers and private owners.
Some owners wear full period costume to really get into the swing of things.
Indeed, whenever animal owners challenged the legality of the contiguous cull, MAFF found some way to back down.
The owners had recently knocked through to a walk-in cupboard which created a fantastic roomy kitchen.
The arable land where the stone curlews choose to nest covers land belonging to 84 owners.
The site attracts a fairly catholic following, from first-time cycle owners, through committed commuting cyclists, to racing cyclists.
It will simply discourage owners from selling, and the badly devised levy will make land still dearer.
Owners claimed demurrage pursuant to clause 8 of the charterparty.
In addition, a special derogation has been granted to the owners of ponies grazing in the New Forest and on Dartmoor.
The " Belle " steamer fleet struggled on, despite vessel sales and increasing financial disarray, under various owners until 1931.
In fact, the new owners were so disinterested in the waterway that the canal didn't even have a head office.
It also proposed an easement, conferring recognition of private rights of way for owners.
Content owners and producers sell directly to digital consumers who needs commissioning editors?
EcheverrÃa sanctioned significant land expropriations in Northern Mexico in this period, even taking land from American owners to create new ejidos.
A transient association with owners, lodgers or tenants, however eminent, will not normally be considered important.
Successful small business owners often prove to be extremely employable.
Traded endowments are with-profits endowment policies that have been sold by the original owners before their maturity date.
I think there will be at least 2 more orders as my fellow Xbox owners seem to be extremely envious.
The owners had global gaming expo for nickel players.
The Fleur de Lis in Mill Street is to have a face-lift which could cost owners Charles Wells brewery up to £ 400,000.
In April 1829 textile factory owners began imposing wage reductions on their workers.
The caring resident owners live in the adjacent Georgian farmhouse.
I have no problem with ferrets; it's the ferret owners I have a problem with!
Many devoted ferret owners attend pet ferret owners attend pet ferret shows where they compete.
Boat owners should be aware that pleasure craft may be delayed by up to two hours whilst the temporary pedestrian footbridge is erected.
The owners of London institution Liberty saw a reduced footfall in the West End by a downturn in shopper numbers in the capital.
It would appear that there is a distinct group of one in five lurcher owners who do not fraternize with other lurcher enthusiasts.
Several smaller owners have estates in the parish, mostly freehold.
The owners were incredibly friendly and really made us feel at home.
It was a family of lesser gentry, owners of modest estates.
Some pool owners make the mistake of using these stabilized chlorine granules for " shock " treatment!
Management, research and guidance Management agreements to conserve calcareous grassland on SSSIs have been made between owners and occupiers and EN or CCW.
The super-exploitation of the munitions workers to feed the insatiable greed for profits of the war mongering factory owners.
Most puppies bite and chew their owners, and even growl, especially when they are playing.
Headrests were used to support the neck or the head during sleep to protect the elaborate hairstyles of their owners.
Information on feline and canine heartworm is provided for both veterinarians and pet owners.
Owners of vacant property may wish to avoid liability by bringing their hereditament under the classification of ' relevant industrial hereditament ' .
Different media owners have teamed up on projects, but it's still not holistic.
The new shift in policy has led magic mushroom shop owners to detect a whiff of government hypocrisy.
House owners are often ingenious in their adaptation of pillboxes.
Where these circumstances apply, existing owners will normally refuse to sell whilst hoping for circumstances to change, thereby inhibiting timely regeneration.
The difficulty arises because as I have described above, a large number of ship owners are now insolvent.
Gites may have been inexpensive but they were atrociously uncomfortable and their farmer owners were impossibly irascible.
The capitalist, the wage laborer, as well as the landowner, are commodity owners who are formally independent from each other.
As anticipated, the majority of guarantors are ISPs, but also large-scale brand owners have taken a role.
Ground floor owners were also being requested to construct latrines for use of the passersby.
Another factor common between owners of older and newer MGs is the time, effort and money lavished on the cars.
Beach Danger The Coastguard warns dog owners to keep a tight leash on their pets.
The Operations [sic] said that they don't need lodgers in the flats; they need the owners.
In fact, the move opened a tax loophole for some business owners.
In 1873, leading magnates of the industry formed the Coal Owners Association.
A couple of limousines drive by, but I suspect they contain oil magnates or football club owners rather than state councilors.
However, since 1834, the wigs have been made from horses ' manes, relieving their owners of the need to comb them.
They have been protected for over 50 years and we work with owners and land mangers to keep them in the best condition.
Couple denies Katrina charges The owners of a New Orleans nursing home deny manslaughter over the deaths of 35 patients in Hurricane Katrina.
Both the Boards and the business and process owners who report to the Boards can apply this methodology more widely.
Owners will not knowingly misrepresent the characteristics of the breed not falsely advertize dogs nor mislead any person regarding the quality of the dog.
All boat owners are required to have a permanent mooring for their vessel.
Anyone involved with a club catering for owners of older motorcars can add their clubs details here.
Use of mini motorcycles on private ground Bikes can only be ridden on private property with the owners ' consent.
This is more akin to a moral norm or a code of conduct among a group of pile owners.
Tubman's activities became so notorious that plantation owners offered a $ 40,000 reward for her capture.
Canine Spirit Canine Spirit is the leading outfitter for dogs and their owners who love interacting together!
Many pet owners also argue that their dogs find organic food more palatable.
There have already been reports of the owners of the pachinko parlors involved in the usage of the counterfeit cards.
The cottage is directly behind the owners farmhouse, but enjoys a private garden and a sunny patio.
For those two years, Wimbledon fans were in seemingly perpetual dispute with the club's owners.
Please do not pester site owners to gain access.
The placing of facial pheromones is a behavior which is well known to all cat owners.
In 1989 the owners of an abandoned farm in Ghana sought its help in growing pineapples.
Owners, managers or even auditors can also be assigned review privileges.
I soon realized that being able to help business owners to get results from these optimization methods and strategies could also be amazingly profitable.
Its cousins now proliferate in many northern gardens, their owners made hopeful by global warming.
The benefits of concentration to owners appeared greatest where there was common ownership of titles across a number of geographically proximate local newspaper markets.
After closure the owners sought and gained planning permission for rail served car storage and extensive land reclamation.
The owners have recently refurbished the property to a high standard.
Prior to December 1990 only registered owners and persons with the owner's consent could inspect the register.
In particular, we examined differences between owners and social renters that might explain observed tenure differences in health.
Opportunities for owners to improve the flood resilience of their properties will be discussed.
By that time some state serfs had been freed, some individual owners had freed their serfs.
Other products and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks and/or service marks of their respective owners.
Underneath the magneto you will almost certainly find one or more thin shims, fitted by previous owners.
This was seen as a costly exercise but the owners felt that the cost of not fitting silencers was even greater.
The property is set on a 14 acre smallholding, which the owners are happy to allow visitors to walk around.
The proposal Luton Airport owners propose to build a new runway 3Km in length 1Km south of the existing shorter runway.
Owners will be given time to get an animal spayed or neutered.
If you would like to bring your horse on holiday, the owners also offer stabling.
Budget team owners may purchase access to real-time stats for a nominal fee.
Wonderfully stylish, La Plaça has been converted from a 15th-century farmhouse by owners Jaume and Assumpta.
They are personally supervised by the owners who live in the farm adjacent to the cottages.
We are opposing the owners of the former Wesleyan ' tin tabernacle ' at Hebden Bridge who wish to demolish.
London Taxi Export operate a world wide spares mailing service for owners of Austin & Rover engined London style taxicabs.
Should social housing tenants be encouraged to become home owners?
Photographs displayed in the dining room bear testament to the owners ' hard work over the years.
The coal owners were much too thrifty to supply candles to trapper boys.
Excessive heat can put great stress on plants and make life very tiresome with all the increased need for watering by their owners!
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
All company and/or product names may be trade names, trademarks and/or registered trademarks of the respective owners with which they are associated.
They also handled administrative matters such as the licenses for owners of public houses and itinerant traders.
An Employe buyout involves owners of a company selling a majority of their stock to its employees through an ESOP structured corporate transaction.
The hotel owners maybe he'll balance lat pulldowns triceps.
There were certainly female Autors - owners and producers of acting troupes - in 17th C Spain.
Class T - Unoccupied annex An unoccupied annex An unoccupied property which is an annex to, or in the grounds of, the owners main home.
Owners should remember that there are firmware upgrades available to download from the Creative Website.
Some remain valid despite a lack of interest by their owners to actually complete them.
The legal estate remains vested in the joint owners.
Many cemetery and funerary violinists local Guild branch owners and operators believe Music Memorialization is insignificant or perhaps should be discouraged.
The owners of property are asked to sign a waiver to allow the council to remove graffiti from private property.
The owners of this website do not warrantee or guarantee or make any claim to the website's accuracy, legitimacy, or legality.
Join the growing band of UK Owners and benefit from organized technique weekends, lake and river tours, and racing where available.
The aristocratic owners of these plantations dealt directly with trade, exporting on to the world market from riverside wharfs.
Because most owners of coursing whippets live in rural or semi-rural areas this would have some effect on the rural economy.
Of the 33,104 farms in the state in 1900, 25,982 were farmed by their owners, 1373 by part owners, 314 by owners and tenants, 2424 by cash tenants, 2396 by share tenants, and 615 by managers; 637 farms had more than 500 acres, 3431 were between 260 and 500 acres, 5512 between 175 and 260 acres, 10,215 between 100 and 175 acres, 6513 between 50 and 100 acres, 3511 between 20 and 50 acres, and 3285 less than 20 acres; and dairy produce was the principal source of income of more than one-half of these (16,700), live stock the principal source of income of 7323 farms, and hay and grain of 2519 farms. The general sterility of the soil except along rivers and the bases of hills has made intensive cultivation always necessary, and the competition of new and rich western farm lands has made the agriculture of Vermont develop further toward specialization in dairying and raising live stock.
There is also a considerable coasting trade in coal in conjunction with the South-Eastern & Chatham railway company, who are the owners of the harbour, which accommodates vessels of about 400 tons alongside the quay.
Special liabilities lay upon riparian owners to repair canals, bridges, quays, &c. The state claimed certain proportions of all crops, stock, &c. The king's messengers could commandeer any subject's property, giving a receipt.
Charms and words of power being supposed to possess efficacy in themselves are guarded with great secrecy by their owners, and hence, in so far as prayer verges on spell, there will be a disposition to mutter or otherwise conceal the sacred formula.
In effect the Jews became outlaws, but their presence being often financially necessary, certain officials were permitted to " hold Jews," who were liable to all forms of arbitrary treatment on the side of their " owners."
Still they fell far short of the requirements of the district for in 1865 the Taff Vale Railway Company opened a dock of 26 acres under the headland at Penarth, while in 1884 a group of colliery owners, dissatisfied with their treatment at Cardiff, obtained powers to construct docks at Barry which are now 114 acres in extent.
By way of reprisal land was taken from Polish owners and given to Russians, and settlements were established for colonization purposes - a measure of this kind taking place as late as 1913 - so that proportionately more convicts and political exiles were sent into Lithuania than even into Siberia.
The Balkan States - Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece and Montenegro - regarded themselves as the dispossessed owners of Ottoman territory in Europe.
Tithe rent charge may also be merged in the land tithable, with the consent of the tithe commissioners and the landowner, by the legal and equitable owners of tithes in fee simple or fee tail, or persons having power to appoint the fee simple in tithes, or owners of glebes, or owners of lands and tithes settled to the same uses.
The abbot of Peterborough, the abbot of Tupholme, the abbot of Bardney, the prior of Catleigh, the prior of Sixhills, the abbot of St Mary's, York, the prioress of Stixwould and several lay owners claimed liberties and jurisdiction in their Lincolnshire estates in the 13th century.
Finally, you might argue that fees paid as royalties to the owners of the intellectual property needed to build the Mercedes for $50 will not fall by a thousandfold.
If the farm of the future plugs into the national grid, it will become part of the national food strategy and can be optimized for financial yield for the owners.
Even if you don't accept this, try to accept that war is financially disadvantageous to 99 percent of the business owners in the country and that this is new and meaningful.
In the vicinity of Bogucharovo were large villages belonging to the crown or to owners whose serfs paid quitrent and could work where they pleased.
Besides the plunderers, very various people, some drawn by curiosity, some by official duties, some by self-interest--house owners, clergy, officials of all kinds, tradesmen, artisans, and peasants--streamed into Moscow as blood flows to the heart.
On the same day the Chief of Police came to Pierre, inviting him to send a representative to the Faceted Palace to recover things that were to be returned to their owners that day.
For any technical queries please contact the list owners.
Owners now get grants to remove derelict fences, yet one may well query why people should be paid to remove their own rubbish.
There are also some, well, let 's just say less prolific winning racehorse owners in the club.
Extended and sympathetically refurbished by the current owners within the last twelve months, the property is presented in lovely order throughout.
An entire industry of environmental remediation contractors has developed to help home owners resolve these types of problems.
The property has been renovated by the current owners to provide modern living that compliments the period features.
The reputed land owner or type of land owner (individual private land owners are not identified).
After the Cloptons, the house saw a succession of owners and tenants before being requisitioned by the Army in the Second World War.
Owners have to be resourceful in order to keep their prized possessions on the road.
All group data is Copyright to its respective owners.
Home reversion plans are designed for older home owners who wish to release the maximum amount of equity from their property.
The dogs are returned to their rightful owners in Ramsay Street.
Some were created by artists working for the plantation owners and thus show a somewhat sanitized view of life.
The villages are scavenged at the owners ' expense; no lighting; no supervision.
All conceivable accessories with the added attraction of scumbled owners cabin adorned with barge art.
The trademarks, logos and service marks displayed on this site are the property of their respective owners.
Many are owners quot i do n't reform simulation model.
In contrast, with a sole proprietorship or partnership, the owners can lose personal assets in a business lawsuit.
A parallel competition is run for the sires of evaluated horses enabling stallion owners to benefit from a share of a separate prize fund.
Certain owners may wish to make their security policy more stringent to restrict access to their bandwidth.
Only tavern owners were happy about the high spending on alcohol.
Incorporating or forming an LLC helps protect personal assets and provides tax-deductible benefits for employees and owners.
The owners had never tempted fate by preparing an annual budget.
Britain had declared Australia as terra nullius - a land without owners.
I, uh, I would n't mind sending a thank-you note to the previous owners.
The owners of these properties think it is easy money and rightfully theirs to take.
First, all Web builders and site owners should know the basic and time-tested ways to attract traffic to their Web site.
Excessive heat can put great stress on plants and make life very tiresome with all the increased need for watering by their owners !
CaLSCA is a trade association of independent owners with quality holiday properties, maintained to the highest standards.
Designated trademarks and brands belong to their respective owners.
Underground parking could be more secure - owners can club together for CCTV or security patrols.
Most website owners do not utilize properly what PageRank they already have.
Owners are looking to retire and interest has waned somewhat; they no longer attend trade shows but should do.
The owners of this website do not warrantee or guarantee or make any claim to the website 's accuracy, legitimacy, or legality.
Computer owners wishing to gain a clear picture of the nineteenth century would be well-advised to look elsewhere.
They make those of us doing the research dependent on the whims of owners, who tend to be less focused on our problems.
Pet whippet owners tend not to be the type to stay serious with agility as there is no immediate gratitude.
Tax abatements ease the strain on property owners, because they lessen the amount of property tax that is owed.
You might be surprised to know that many successful business owners came from humble backgrounds.
Old dogs can indeed learn new tricks … and so can their owners.
History relays the story of how many Africans lost their given names once they were sold into slavery, with many taking on the names of their owners and others receiving new names by their owners.
Once you find a cattery or two to check out, communicate with the owners before visiting.
Ask the organization's staff what they know of the dog you are considering--where it came from, why its owners gave it up and what is known of its medical history.
Laptops offer their owners an incredible amount of freedom due to the fact that they can go anywhere.
Talk to your vet, as well as other cat owners you know, about good brands on the market.
Most cat owners feed their cats in the morning, then again in the early evening.
Settle the sale of the rental property with the property's owners or the real estate company negotiating the sale.
You should begin your research into finding a boat that's right for you by talking with other boat owners about their boats.
Many boat owners have walked away from boat shows knowing which kind of boat they want to purchase after perusing the selection on the floor.
American Boat Listing allows users to find new and used boats for sale by owners.
For this reason, many owners selling their properties in this way will not talk to real estate agents.
Mac owners need to open the Applications folder and System Profiler.
The results of your search will likely include listings posted by real estate agencies, individual apartment and condominium owners, travel agents, and organizations that provide multiple apartment postings.
Owner Direct's site connects vacationers with the owners of apartments, condos, villas, chalets, and cabins located worldwide.
Many birds have a long lifespan and may outlive their owners.
The PS2 can also play older PlayStation One games, giving owners an enormous library at their disposal.
One convenient method by which you can locate both dealers and individual RV owners is by using sites like RV Trader, RV USA and RVT.
Many bike owners now chose to insure their bikes, and while this cost might not be too great, it is worth investigating before making a purchase.
Product reviews from customers make it easy to find what you need by reading opinions from other ferret owners.
Owners buying ferret cages online will find the best selection of these entertaining homes for their pets and save money in the process!
Class A owners will often tow a car to use for local transportation while camping.
Then you could be eligible for special discounts and deals offered to business owners.
If you know the owners or the person who orders product, don't feel bad if you use that friendship for cookie requests.
Now don't rely on the owners of the piano to be 100 percent truthful unless they come highly recommended.
You want a company that will stand behind its pianos, even after years of use and different owners.
Unfortunately, trade shows are for business owners only; sorry regular public.
A big sign of carelessness is when owners use regular automobile wheels and tires instead of trailer-specific wheels.
For instance, Kindle owners can shop from Amazon's vast selection of eBooks, Nook owners buy direct from Barnes and Noble and Kobo users have access to eBooks sold by Borders Books.
Even though cats are considered aloof, many cats form special bonds with their owners.
There are also warranties that will require its owners to flip the mattress every 6 months.
These gadgets were specifically designed to keep mechanical watches wound so that owners can avoid the task of constantly resetting watches.
Many store owners have different philosophies but generally retailers want to have positive profit dollars and bring in the revenue.
Hughsnet also has special speeds and pricing for Business owners with multiple computers or users.
With this feature, Nook owners can now lend or borrow a book from each other for a period of 14 days.
Even though the item has been discontinued, Hewlett-Packard continues to provide support for owners of the HP LaserJet 1018.
You will, however, still have to pay a fair price for the HD-DVD, as HD-DVD format owners were allowed to trade in their discs for Blu-ray discs or purchase Blu-ray discs at a discount when the HD-DVD format finally went under.
This is by far the most nutritionally appropriate diet, but not realistic for most cat owners.
Such distractions do not always work, but most pet owners would prefer that their cat stay off their quilted bedspread or mahogany bookshelves.
Pet owners with a taste for luxury can spend close to a thousand dollars on such embellished items, but it's not necessary to spend that much unless you truly want to.
Litter box furniture, such as litter cabinets, give pet owners the ability to disguise their cat's sandbox.
These items are often crafted from materials similar to a pet's human owners.
Some cat owners enjoy decorating their home with elegant pet goods.
However, according to Vet Info, they are susceptible to certain inherited conditions that potential owners should be aware of.
Kittens that are at least eight weeks old are not as labor intensive as puppies, but there are a few things that new cat owners should know about kitten care.
Most owners want to know that their kitten will be cared for when it goes to its new home, so include information on why you want a kitten and that you understand the costs associated with bringing home a new pet, even one you get for free.
If you happen to live near a pet supply store that allows owners to bring their pet along on shopping trips, take your cat with you and see which model it prefers.
Once a cat realizes how great its new bed is, owners get their furniture back.
Some models resemble tiny wooden sleigh beds, others look like over-stuffed couches on a small scale.Luxury cat beds are nearly as much fun for owners as they are for the pets who will sleep in them.
Kitty Incredibubbles are almost as fun for owners as they are for cats.
Cat health is an issue that most pet owners do not consider until the pet falls ill.
An added benefit to spaying and neutering is cat owners will not have to withstand the pining of toms when neighborhood queens are in heat or the erratic nocturnal behavior of a queen in estrus.
Many cat owners think it is perfectly normal to simply set a large bowl of food out for their cats.
Well, for some cat owners that "better way" involves using a self-cleaning litter box.
Many pet owners find a corner makes an ideal place for Kitty's new hang out.
There was a time when pet owners were facing solely practical options where carriers were concerned.
Many average pet owners still scoff at the idea of sweatering up their cat for the winter.
It's the times that it doesn't that can leave pet owners with the blues and the bills.
Most pet owners will find themselves in one of three categories.
For some owners, an unexpected health emergency could become a financial crisis.
For owners who would have no difficulty paying a large vet bill on demand, it might make more sense to forego purchasing a policy altogether.
We wanted to provide a product that was environmentally-friendly, with an additional health benefit for cats and owners.
Pet Ecology's sickness-indicating cat litter is the only known non-prescription cat litter on the market that alerts pet owners to seek veterinarian assistance to prevent serious feline illness.
Although the number is not markedly huge, pet owners are still rightfully nervous.
After the Iams, Nutro and Menu Food "Cuts and Gravy" brands of pet food were recalled from the shelves of stores such as Wal-Mart, Kroger and Safeway, nearly fifty thousand phone calls were received from concerned pet owners.
Many pet owners may not take the time to read the ingredients on their cans of pet food, but there is far more packed into each can than high quality meats and added vitamins.
Pet owners who have concerns regarding how healthy their pets' diets truly are should carefully read all labels before purchasing commercial pet foods.
Even pet owners can benefit from aesthetically pleasing feeding bowls since they be chosen to emphasize and complement your décor while they also provide attractive conversation pieces for covetous neighbors.
About two years ago I acquired a cat named Smokey from my neighbor who saved him from abusive owners.
When you give your cat her own bed, you regain a little of your own territory, but as most cat owners have already observed, felines do not play by our rules, and are notoriously finicky.
Here are some stories from perplexed owners about strange cat behavior.
Since the olfactory tractotomy is considered more invasive, it should probably be a last resort for most pet owners.
Because the olfactory tractotomy is considered more invasive, it should probably be a last resort for most pet owners.
Now I was not the only person stopping to look and talk with the owners.
It seems that every nice weekend, the owners take their four cats out, dress them up and let them enjoy the fresh air and people watch.
The owners, let's call them M and J, were sitting on their front veranda in Adirondack chairs (also all pink), dressed up sipping some drinks.
I have contacted the food company to see if they have been contacted by any other pet owners having similar experiences, and I am awaiting a response.
Stories from confused pet owners about cats and their instinctive kneading behavior.
Because of that, many veterinarians recommend that owners wait a year before introducing a new cat into a home where an animal has had distemper.
This is a good question and one that many pet owners have.
Siamese cats are becoming an increasingly popular choice for pet owners.
Owners of Siamese find them to have unique and bold personalities.
I always tell pet owners to trust their instincts.
We were talking one day recently about Christmas and the challenges we personally have as pet owners.
A mistake that many new cat owners make, particularly those who are familiar with dogs and their body language, is to think that a cat waving his tail wants to play.
Many owners with cats that have strong hunting tendencies learn to recognize this sound and to act accordingly.
Owners who keep cats as hunters to keep rats and mice at bay will look to reward the cat, whereas owners who do not welcome a cat's hunting skills may wish to discourage this behavior.
This is a relevant point and one that does catch many less experienced owners.
The fact is, there is an overabundance of cute, cuddly kittens that need owners to care for them.
There are many perfectly fine animals sitting in shelters that were given up by loving owners because they weren't allowed to make the move to the next dwelling.
Meanwhile, hair loss continues and owners become nearly as distressed as their pets.
Many cat owners treat cat urine stains and odors with remedies they make at home.
Sadly, problems involving inappropriate urination and spraying are one of the reasons cat owners give most often when they surrender their cats to shelters or have them euthanized.
The uric acid is made up of crystals and salts causing many cat owners to become frustrated when their kitty urinates in an inappropriate place such as the couch, carpet or pile of laundry.
The pet food recalls from the last few years have cat owners thinking more seriously about homemade cat food.
It is important for owners to care for their animals in the best way possible, and this includes making sure that their health needs are being met.
Low allergen and hypoallergenic cats may be the answer for many allergy sufferers who dream of sharing their life with a feline friend, but it's clear prospective owners will have to pay a hefty price for that pleasure.
While the correct diagnosing of a severely ill animal should be up to a veterinarian, owners should be aware of the signs that their cat needs medical attention.
Most animal owners know inherently when their pet isn't feeling well.
Many owners wind up adopting a pet from these windows.
Cats should also wear a breakaway collar and visible identification, and owners should search immediately for their pets if they go missing.
Many cat owners just prefer to make their cat's food at home.
Most pet owners will have very little of the Figaro food left.
Spot had problems with throwing up, itchy skin, hair loss and what some cat owners know all too well, a bad odor.
Andi did what many cat owners do in this situation; she began buying premium cat food in the hopes that the right food would help turn Spot's health problems around.
The company makes no claims about this, nor does it list the chemicals it uses anywhere on the label or its website.Many pet owners have become increasingly concerned about chemicals and additives in pet foods.
Although Nestle's decision to stop making Tender Vittles may seem understandable to most pet owners, there are a few finicky cats that simply refuse to eat anything other than this food.
Some owners want to use products such as Tender Vittles cat food as an occasional treat or to entice an older cat with lost appetite to eat.
This makes the breed very appealing to many cat owners.