Owned Sentence Examples
He only owned one suit.
She took in the clean car and shook her head, wondering how many hours a week he spent cleaning everything he owned to keep it all so spotless.
How long had he owned the car?
John and an older brother Dominic owned a bunch of different places.
The landowner to whom Nicholas went was a bachelor, an old cavalryman, a horse fancier, a sportsman, the possessor of some century-old brandy and some old Hungarian wine, who had a snuggery where he smoked, and who owned some splendid horses.
She opened the door, and he strode in as if he owned the place.
Alex had nursed them back to health and released them in the area where the goats had been kept when she owned the dairy.
Jule was right; he owned nothing else, but the number of people who knew about the gem was limited to the Originals and Sofi.
Edmund Waller the poet owned the property of Hall Barn, and died here in 1687.
Sure, he owned the veterinary clinic, but he asked no more of his employees than he did of himself.
AdvertisementJustin owned the land, and he would never sell it to her now.
All were from women who sounded desperate just to talk to the strange man who owned this condo.
The city owns its water-supply system and owns and operates its gas plant; an electric plant, privately owned, lights the streets and many houses.
It is recorded that the king occasionally visited Richard Shute, a Turkey merchant who owned a beautiful green at Barking Hall, and that after one bout his losses were £1000.
It is divided between some twenty firms. The premises of Bass's brewery extend over Soo acres, while Allsopp's stand next; upwards of 5000 hands are employed in all, and many miles of railways owned by the firms cross the streets in all directions on the level, and connect with the lines of the railway companies.
AdvertisementThose of Buenos Aires, Rosario and La Plata are owned by public companies.
His boyhood was spent at Munich where his father, who owned electro-technical works, settled in the early 'eighties.
The plantations are almost entirely owned by the government and Europeans, but the rice mills are in the hands of Chinese.
Nearly all the cable companies possess their own steamers, of sufficient dimensions and specially equipped for making ordinary repairs; but for exceptional cases, where a considerable quantity of new cable may have to be inserted, it may be necessary to charter the services of one of the larger vessels owned by a cable-manufacturing company, at a certain sum per day, which may well reach £200 to £300.
The committee was of opinion that the cable should be owned and worked by the governments interested, and that the general direction should be in the hands of a manager in London under the control of a small board at which the associated governments should be represented.
AdvertisementThey still owned Savoy beyond the Alps, the plains of Bresse, and the maritime province of Nice.
It is built in the simple Doric style, of grey limestone taken from a quarry owned by the state, near the city; is 304 ft.
The waterworks are owned by the municipality.
The tidal harbour, which is owned by a company, is enclosed by two piers and a breakwater, the area being about 30 acres, and the quayage 1400 yds.
The waterworks are owned and operated by the municipality.
AdvertisementThe city is lighted by gas and electricity, - it was one of the first cities in the United States to adopt electric lighting, - and has a good watersupply system, owned by a private corporation, with a 41 acre filter plant of 18,000,000 gallons per diem capacity and an additional supply of water pumped from deep wells outside the city.
Baron von Richthofen noticed with surprise the number of fine country seats, owned by rich men who had retired from business, scattered over the rural districts.
Small vessels may coal at Naos, an island in the Gulf of Panama, which is owned by the United States.
During the years 1861 to 1892 the land owned by the nobles decreased 30%, or from 210,000,000 to 150,000,000 acres; during the following four years an additional 2,119,500 acres were sold; and since then the sales have gone on at an accelerated rate, until in 1903 alone close upon 2,000,000 acres passed out of their hands.
In Argentina about 15% of the railways are owned and operated by the government, the balance being in the hands of private companies, largely controlled in England.
In those parts of the continent of Europe where railways are owned and administered by state authority, the necessity for such agreements is frankly admitted.
The Baltimore & Ohio railroad was built to protect and further the commercial interests of the city of Baltimore; the Cincinnati Southern railway is still owned by the city of Cincinnati, which built the line in the 'seventies for commercial protection against Louisville, Ky.
Such cars in the United States are largely owned, not by the railway companies over whose lines they run, but by the Pullman Car Company, which receives the extra fees paid by passengers for their use.
For a few months he worked as a legal reporter for the Cincinnati Times (owned by his brother C. P. Taft), and then for the Cincinnati Commercial.
The state prison is at Raleigh, although most of the convicts are distributed upon farms owned and operated by the state.
The state owned, in 1909, 30,002 shares of stock in the North Carolina Railroad Company,' with a market value (1907) of $5,580,372 (the stock being quoted at 186), and an annual income of $210,014 and 12,666 shares of stock in the Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad Company, from which the annual income is $31,665.
Before 1183, Dunster had become a mesne borough, owned by the de Mohuns until the 14th century when it passed to the Luttrells, the present owners.
There are about 150 privately owned artesian wells.
The water-supply system and electric-lighting plant are owned and operated by the city.
But these principalities, though independent respecting internal administration, and making war or peace with their neighbours according to opportunity, owned allegiance to the peshwa at Poona as the head of the Mahratta race.
She owned a good estate, though probably impoverished by Parliamentarian exactions, at Mandinam, in Carmarthenshire.
The greatest landholder in Derbyshire at the time of the Domesday Survey was Henry de Ferrers, who owned almost the whole of the modern hundred of Appletree.
The State Capitol Square (to acres) is not owned by the city.
Colonel William Byrd,' who owned much land along the 1 The Byrds and their ancestors, the Steggs, were conspicuous in the early history of Virginia.
The defence of the country was next cared for by regulations for the arming of the whole nation, down to every one who owned the value of a cow, a measure far in advance of the old feudal levy.
During the long wars with Genoa, after the defeats of Curzola, Sapienza, Pola, above all during the crisis of the war of Chioggia, it had been brought home to the Venetians that, as they owned no meat or corn-producing territory, a crushing defeat at sea and a blockade on the mainland exposed them to the grave danger of being starved into surrender.
From the scanty notices of Greek legend it may be gathered that an influx of tribes from the north contributed largely to its population, which was reckoned as Aeolic. It is probable that the country was originally of greater extent, for there was a tradition that the Phocians once owned a strip of land round Daphnus on the sea opposite Euboea, and carried their frontier to Thermopylae; in addition, in early days they controlled the great sanctuary of Delphi.
The drilling of petroleum wells is carried on by individuals or companies, either on lands owned by them, or on properties whose owners grant leases, usually on condition that a certain number of wells shall be sunk within a stated period, and that a portion of the oil obtained (usually from one-tenth to one-fourth) shall be appropriated as royalty to the lessor.
With the adoption of carefully fitted screw-joints in 1865 the pipe line gradually came into general use, until in 1891 the lines owned by the various transit companies of Pennsylvania amounted in length to 25,000 m.
The rhetorical schools experienced a brilliant revival under Constantine and his successors, when Athens became the alma mater of many notable men, including Julian, Libanius, Basil and Gregory of Nazianzus, and in her professors owned the last representatives of a humane and moralized paganism.
Familiae of gladiators were kept by private speculators, who hired them out; they were sometimes owned by men of high rank.
The telegraph and telephone systems are owned by the government.
Apart from gardens and house-property,, all land was, according to this enactment, owned by the state;.
The conquered peoples fell into an inferior caste, made to work for, and to pay for the subsistence of, their conquerors, as under the Arab domination; the principal taxes exacted from them were the kharaj, a tax of indeterminate amount upon realty, based on the value of lands owned by unbelievers - (in contradistinction to the tithe [ashar] which was a tax of fixed amount upon lands owned by believers) - and levied in payment of the privilege of gaining means of existence in a Mussulman country, and the jiziye, a compulsory payment, or poll-tax, to which believers were not subjected, in lieu of military service.
The city owned in 1905 about 290 acres of parks and "open spaces," the chief being Roath Park of Too acres (including a botanical garden of 15 acres), Llandaff fields of 70 acres, and Cathays Park of 60 acres, which was acquired in 1900 mainly with the view of placing in it the chief public buildings of the town.
A homestead which is owned and occupied by a debtor as his dwelling place is exempt from seizure or sale for debts other than taxes, those secured by a mortgage on it, or those incurred for its improvement or repair, or for services performed by labourers or servants.
There is a privately owned electric street car service in the city.
The water-works and electric-lighting plant are owned and operated by the Territorial government, and to the plentiful water-supply is partly due the luxuriant vegetation of the city.
There are a number of grey and blue limestone quarries, one of which is owned and operated by the municipality.
Many of the residences and business places of Bowling Green are heated by a privately owned central hot-water heating plant.
Laplace owned that he had despaired of effecting the integration of the differential equations relative to secular inequalities until Lagrange showed him the way.
Some vestiges of this celebrated monastic house, which formerly owned the famous Welsh MS. known as the "Black Book of Carmarthen," are visible between the present Priory Street and the river.
Notwithstanding this, the French republic had issued to certain native dhows, owned by subjects of the sultan, papers authorizing them to fly the French flag, not only on the Oman littoral but in the Red Sea.
The series of trunk lines terminating at the port of Santos are owned by private companies and are formed by the Sao Paulo, Paulista and Mogyana lines, the first owned by an English company, and the other two by Brazilian companies.
The telegraph lines, which date from 1852, are owned and operated by the national government, with the exception of the lines constructed by private railway companies, and the cable lines of the Amazon and the coast.
At Para connexion is made with the cable laid in the bed of the Amazon to Manaos, which is owned and operated by a subsidized English company.
The purchase of guaranteed railways owned by foreign companies likewise added largely to the bonded indebtedness, though the onus was in existence in another form.
The same law provided an emancipation fund, to be annually applied to the ransom of a certain number of slaves owned by private individuals.
The tramway system is owned by the government.
Most of the remainder are employed on or live upon farms owned by whites, paying annual rents of from £1 to or more.
Large herds of cattle - over 500,000 in the aggregate - are owned by the natives, who also possess vast flocks of goats and sheep. The dairy industry is well established, and Natal butter commands a ready sale.
When at last he was forced to flee from Constantinople, the bridge-keeper's son owned 320 houses in the city, and he had also acquired interests in banks and mines.
At this time the Uitlanders formed a majority of the population, owned half the land and nine-tenths of the property, and they were at least entitled to a hearing.
To have conceived and carried out a policy which, with certain reservations, Burke himself might have originated and owned, is indeed no small title to regard.
The electric-lighting plant is owned and operated by the municipality.
The waterworks and electric-lighting plant are owned and operated by the municipality.
The boats which ply up and down the river itself, without venturing upon the open sea, are mostly craft of Too to 200 tons, owned in the great majority of cases by their captains, men principally of German or Dutch nationality.
The National Telephone Company, working under licence expiring on the 31st of December 1911, had until 1901 practically a monopoly of telephonic communication within London, though the Post Office owned all the trunk lines connecting the various telephone areas of the company.
It is surrounded by Roman walls, which were partly rebuilt by the Moors, and it contains an interesting fortified palace, owned by the dukes of Medinaceli.
From 1229 to 1313 the lordship of Badenoch was owned by the Comyns.
There is a good public library; much attention has been devoted to public improvements; and the water works and the electric lighting plants are owned and operated by the city.
A fine hotel, owned by the railway company, and an excellent golf course are the chief features, together with a town-hall with public reading room, and the place is much frequented for golf and sea-bathing.
Some of the large estates are owned and worked by British subjects.
Wembley adjoins Sudbury on the east; the district is residential, but lacks natural attractions except in the case of Wembley Park, a pleasant wooded recreation ground, owned by a company.
A railway owned by the London & NorthWestern company connects Newry with the deep-water harbour at Greenore; and there is an electric railway to Bessbrook in Co.
Fra Silvestro on the contrary gave way at mere sight of the rack, and this seer of heavenly visions owned himself and his master guilty of every crime laid to their charge.
Corsicana was named in honour of the wife of a Mexican, Navarro, who owned a large tract of land in the county and from whom the county was named.
The first western periodical was the Illinois Monthly Magazine (1830-1832), published, owned, edited and almost entirely written by James Hall, who followed with his Western Monthly Magazine (1833-1836), produced in a similar manner.
Austria owned Das merkwurdige Wien.
The water-works are owned and operated by the municipality.
There are two systems of water-works, one being owned by the village.
In Derby there are an opera house, owned by the city, and a public library.
Of the last-named class 30% owned less than 3 hectares, 60% from 10-50 hectares, 3% from 3-to hectares, 5% from 50-100 hectares, while 17% of all the villagers were landless.
The general illuminant is electricity, and both electrical and gas services are owned by the municipality.
At the time of the Domesday Survey the manor was owned by King William.
Its merchants in 1686 owned forty ships, of a total carrying power of 3300 tons, and the customs collected were close upon X20,000.
Its site was originally included in the so-called "Bingham Patent," a tract on both sides of the Susquehanna river owned by William Bingham (1751-1804), a Philadelphia merchant, who was a member of the Continental Congress in 1787-1788 and of the United States Senate in 1795 - 1801, being president pro tempore of the Senate from the 16th of February to the 3rd of March 1797.
A small steamer, the " Good News," was placed on the lake by the London Missionary Society in 1884, but afterwards became the property of the African Lakes Corporation; a larger steamer, the " Hedwig von Wissmann," carrying a quick-firing Krupp gun, was launched in 1900 by a German expedition under Lieutenant Schloifer; and others are owned by the " Tanganyika Concessions " and Katanga companies.
Personal property consisting of necessary household furniture, working tools and team of horses, professional instruments and a library, not exceeding $250 in value, besides the necessary food for the team for ninety days, provisions for the family, wearing apparel, wages or other income not exceeding $12 a week, and several other things, when owned by a householder or person providing for a family, are also exempt from seizure for debt, unless the debt be for purchase money or for services performed in the family by a domestic.
In 1829 the Safety-Fund Act was passed, which required each bank thereafter chartered or rechartered to pay into the state treasury 3% of its capital stock other than that owned by the state, and from this fund the debts of insolvent banks were to be paid.
A homestead to the value of $1000 which is owned and occupied by the head of a family is exempt from attachment or forced sale except for debts secured by mechanics', labourers', materialmen's or vendors' liens upon the premises.
The railways are state owned and of the standard South African gauge-3 ft.
Sheep numbered over 5,000,000 in 1910, cattle over 600,000, horses over 100,000, goats (chiefly owned by natives) over 1,000,000.
His father, Zaccheus Greeley, owned a farm of 50 acres of stony, sterile land, from which a bare support was wrung.
At the outset he owned the whole of it.
By the 1st of January 1849 he had reduced his interest to 312 shares out of loo; by July 2nd, 1860, to 15 shares; in 1868 he owned only 9; and in 1872, only 6.
Agreements were also concluded by which a share of the goods owned by Germany was conceded to Austria.
The city is well sewered, and has an excellent water-supply system owned by the municipality and representing an investment of more than $5,000,000.
Both Libra and the sign it eventually superseded thus owned a Chaldaean birthplace.
The historical person of that name figures in two charters of the 13th century, and from these it appears that he owned lands in Erceldoune (now Earlstoun), in Berwickshire, which were made over by his son and heir on the 2nd of November 1294 to the foundation of the Holy Trinity at Soltra (or Soutra) on the borders of the same county.
Moreover, despite her immense wealth (in the province of Little Poland alone she owned at this time 26 towns, 83 landed estates and 772 villages), the Church claimed exemption from all public burdens, from all political responsibilities, although her prelates continued to exercise an altogether disproportionate political influence.
The Greeks extended their power to the mainland, where they owned gold mines which were even more valuable than those on the island.
At Lyons and at Marseilles in France there are beautifully situated Gardens with small collections, in each case owned and controlled by the municipalities.
The larger and better known Jardin d'Acclimatation in the Bois de Boulogne is owned and conducted by a private company.
The Zoological Gardens at Breslau, founded in 1863 and owned by a private company, although not large, contain many fine buildings and are a notably well-managed institution.
The chief gardens in Holland are at Amsterdam, owned by the society "Natura Artis Magistra."
Many of the zoological gardens are owned by private companies and derive their income entirely from gate-money, menagerie sales, rent of refreshment rooms, concert-halls and other auxiliary public attractions, any profits being distributed amongst the members of the company.
His birthplace, the scene of Snow-Bound in the eastern part of the city, is owned by the Whittier Association and is open to visitors.
In general, each county has from three to seven commissioners - the number is fixed by county laws - elected on a general ticket of each county for a term of from two to six years, entrusted with the charge and control of property owned by the county, empowered to appoint constables, judges of elections, collectors of taxes, trustees of the poor, and road supervisors, to levy taxes, to revise taxable valuations of real property, and open or close public roads.
At the time of the Domesday Survey it was owned by the abbey, which continued to be the overlord until the dissolution.
Some trade is carried on with Mangareva in a vessel owned by the islanders.
He was the younger son of Richard Evelyn, who owned large estates in the county, and was in 1633 high sheriff of Surrey and Sussex.
The railways are owned partly by the state, partly by the Costa Rica railway company, which, in 1904, arranged to build several branch lines through the banana districts of the Atlantic littoral.
The coastwise trade is principally under the Mexican flag, but the steamers are owned abroad.
It was said in 1859 that the church owned one-third of the real and personal property of the republic. The reform laws of that year nationalized its property, abolished its numerous orders and institutions and deprived it of state support and of all participation in political affairs.
Norristown was founded in 1785, and was named in honour of Isaac Norris (c. 1671-1735), a friend of William Penn and a member of the Pennsylvania legislature, who had owned the land on which the borough is built.
With the exception of a Grand Trunk line in the northern part of the state the several steam railways are owned or leased by the Boston & Maine.
Such a portion of 75% of the tax on fire insurance companies is distributed among the several towns, in proportion to the amount of stock owned in each, as the amount of stock owned within the state bears to the whole amount of stock, and the remainder is reserved as a part of the state tax.
The docks attached to the canals, and certain other smaller docks, are owned by companies, and tolls are levied on vessels entering these, but not those entering the docks under the Board.
The narrow-gauge railway that serves the German plantations in the Vera Paz region is largely owned by Germans.
The telephonic systems of Guatemala la Nueva, Quezaltenango and other cities are owned by private companies.
The chief plantations are owned and managed by Germans; more than half of the crop is sent to Germany, while three-fifths of the remainder go to the United States and one-fifth to Great Britain.
The water-works are owned and operated by the city, and the water is taken from the Elm fork of Trinity river.
The University block (an office building owned by Syracuse University), the Union Building, the Onondaga county savings bank and the Syracuse savings bank are among the most notable business structures; and the Onondaga, the Vanderbilt House and the Yates and St Cloud hotels are the principal hotels.
With the first of the four large systems is connected the Grand Trunk Pacific. The Intercolonial, as also a line across Prince Edward Island, is owned and operated by the federal government.
In Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, the so-called railway belt of British Columbia and the territories, these crown lands are chiefly owned by the federal parliament; in the other provinces, by the local legislatures.
The Canadian Pacific railway controls large land areas in the two new provinces; and large tracts in these provinces are owned by land companies.
Of these the most extensive are the Rocky Mountains Park at Banff, Alberta, owned by the Dominion government, and the "Algonquin National Park," north-east of Lake Simcoe, the property of Ontario.
The western portion, of 1480 m., from Winnipeg to the Pacific, was to be built, owned and operated by the company itself, the government guaranteeing bonds to the extent of 75% of the whole cost of construction.
It is said to have been founded about 1665 by a powerful landholder named Azim Khan, who owned large estates in this part of the country.
Water-power for factories is secured by a system of "water-power canals" from a large dam across the Savannah, built in 1847 and enlarged in 1871; the principal canal, owned by the city, is so valuable as nearly to pay the interest on the municipal debt.
From 1377 to 1396 Gorlitz was a separate duchy ruled by John, a son of the emperor Charles IV., and, like Lower Lusatia, Upper Lusatia owned the authority of Matthias Corvinus from 1469 to 1490, both districts passing a little later with the kingdoms of Hungary and Bohemia to the German king, Ferdinand I.
The city water supply, owned by a private corporation, is obtained from artesian wells with a capacity of 40,000,000 gallons a day.
The district is famous for its salt beds, which are owned and worked by the state, the Laguna Grande alone yielding more than 100,000 tons a year.
Melbourne Hall, a building of the time of William III., surrounded by formal Dutch gardens, stands in a domain owned at an early date by the bishops of Carlisle, whose tithe barn remains near the church.
A priestly kin owned perhaps the spot haunted by the god, and so became holy.
Kahoolawe and Lanai are both privately owned.
The small islands of Lanai, Niihau and Kahoolawe are devoted chiefly to the raising of sheep and cattle - Niihau is one large privately owned sheep-ranch.
At the time of Edward the Confessor, Archbishop Stigand owned the manor, which according to Domesday passed to Ralf de Insula.
The Heath is continued eastward in Parliament Hill (borough of St Pancras), acquired for the public in 1890; and westward outside the county boundary in Golders Hill, owned by Sir Spenser Wells, Bart., until 1898.
In consequence of financial embarrassments, that family had to sell both (the lordship in 1699, the county in 1713) to the Liechtenstein family, which had since the 12th century owned two castles of that name (both now ruined), one in Styria and the other a little S.W.
To its unification Austria was the chief obstacle; she owned Lombardo-Venetia; she controlled the three duchies, whose rulers were Austrian princes; and she upheld the autocracy of the king of Naples and that of the pope against all revolutionary movements.
Between the withdrawal of the Egyptian rule in Syria and the western advance of Assyria there comes an interval during which the city-states of Phoenicia owned no suzerain.
After prolonged experiments in a factory owned by Messrs Bernard Freres at St Michel in Savoy, Minet's process was given up, and at the close of the 19th century the Heroult-Hall method was alone being employed in the manufacture of aluminium throughout the world.
Appleton was first permanently settled in 1833, and was named in honour of Samuel Appleton of Massachusetts, who owned part of the original town plot.
The city has a public library and a library owned by the Ladies' Library Association, and is the seat of the Northern Michigan Asylum for the Insane (opened 1885).
Amongst private persons who owned villas at Praeneste were Pliny the younger and Symmachus.
In 1297 the Colonna family, who then owned Praeneste (Palestrina), revolted from the pope, but in the following year the town was taken and razed to the ground.
The water-works are owned by the municipality.
The greatest part of the Cripple Creek mining properties is owned in Colorado Springs, where the exchange is one of the greatest in the world.
What had previously, it seems, been a well-peopled region, with peasant proprietors, kept healthy by careful drainage, became in the 4th and 3rd centuries B.C. a district consisting in large measure of huge estates (latifundia) owned by the Roman aristocracy, cultivated by gangs tion, of slaves.
So he left school chemistry as he had forsaken university culture, and started for the mines in Tirol owned by the wealthy family of the Fuggers.
The other saga, which by chance came to be looked upon as the chief repository of facts concerning the Vinland voyages, is found in a large Icelandic work known as the Flatey Book, as it was once owned by a man who lived on Flat Island (Flatey), on the north-western coast of Iceland.
The government of the residency of Batavia differs from that of the other residencies in having no native regencies, the lands being privately owned.
On the other hand, the Gaetulians to the south of the Atlas range, on the date-producing slopes towards the Sahara, seem to have owned a precarious subjection to the kings of Mauretania, as afterwards to the Roman government.
But Johnson long afterwards owned that, though he had saved appearances, he had taken care that the Whig dogs should not have the best of it; and, in fact, every passage which has lived, every passage which bears the marks of his higher faculties, is put into the mouth of some member of the opposition.
Philips supporters were the nobles of southern and eastern Germany, while a few cities in the west owned his authority; Ottos friends were found mainly in the north and the north-west of the country.
It effectively controls only the privately owned lines in Prussia.
The first step was the inclusion of Hamburg and Bremen in the Zollverein; this was necessary if German maritime enterprise was to become a national and not merely a local concern, for the two Hansa cities practically controlled the whole foreign trade and owned three-quarters of the shipping; but so long as they were excluded for the Customs Union their interests were more -cosmopolitan than national.
The other railways are owned by private companies, but are subject to the decisions of a federal railway commission.
The fact that they owned house property shows that they were classed as iooT€Xeis, i.e.
A vessel owned in Newburyport having taken a cargo of slaves from Baltimore to New Orleans, he characterized the transaction as an act of "domestic piracy," and avowed his purpose to "cover with thick infamy" those engaged therein.
It must be owned that the first perusal leaves on a European an impression of chaotic confusion - not that the book is so very extensive, for it is not quite as large as the New Testament.
In the greater part of the delta region each town owned a different chief and there was no one dominant tribe.
These lines are privately owned.
Out of 1,153,759 proprietors of land in 1905, 1,005,705 owned less than 5 feddans.
The state domains cover over 240,000.1 eddans, and about 6oo,ooofeddans are owned by foreigners.
Besides the government primary and secondary schools, there are many other schools in the large towns owned by the Moslems, Copts, Hebrews, and by various missionary societies, and in which the education is on the same lines.
The land held in the name of different deities is estimated at about 15% of the whole of Egypt; various temples of Ammon owned two-thirds of this, Re of Heliopolis and Ptah of Memphis being the next in wealth.
Justinian began the war in 535, taking as his pretext the murder of Queen Amalasuntha, daughter of Theodoric, who had placed herself under his protection, and alleging that the Ostrogothic kingdom had always owned a species of allegiance to the emperor at Constantinople.
South of the Sierra lies the Alcudia valley, owned by the crown, and used as pasture for immense flocks of sheep.
The water-works are owned and operated by the municipality, the water being obtained from Lake Goguac, a summer pleasure resort about 2 m.
Now Gessler is the name of a real family, the history of which from 1250 to 1513 has been worked out by Rochholz, who shows in detail that no member ever played the part attributed to the bailiff in the legend, or could have done so, and that the Gesslers could not have owned or dwelt at the castle of Kiissnacht; nor could they have been called Von B runeck.
Of these alps about 45% are owned by the communes (exclusively or jointly) and 54% by individuals, the remaining% being the property of the state or a few great monasteries.
A homestead owned and occupied by a householder having a family is exempt (to the amount of $loon) from liability for debts, except taxes upon, and purchase money for, the same.
Josiah, born in 1730, was the youngest child of another Thomas Wedgwood, who owned a small but thriving pottery in Burslem.
In the end the Son of Man will openly own those who have owned Him before men.
About 150o acres are under rice cultivation, and there are scattered patches of coco-nut and sago palms and a few vegetable gardens, the latter owned for the most part by Chinese.
The system is owned by the municipality.
Their social tendencies are distinctly communistic; property is often owned by the family in common, and a man can call upon the services of his fellow villagers for certain purposes, as the building of a house.
By 1859 there were already fifty-one gardens in existence, owned by private individuals; and the enterprise had extended from its original headquarters in Lakhimpur and Sibsagar as far down the Brahmaputra as Kamrup. In 1856 the tea-plant was discovered wild in the district of Cachar in the Barak valley, and European capital was at once directed to that quarter.
There are sugar factories, where rum is also distilled and a few other manufactures, but the prosperity of the province depends on the "jungle" products obtained through the natives and from the plantations owned by Portuguese and worked by indentured labour, the labourers being generally "recruited" from the far interior.
There are in all over 120 miles of railway, all owned and worked by the government.
Two islands, Farquhar and Coetivy, though geographically within the Seychelles area, remained dependent on Mauritius, being owned by residents in that island.
All the revolutions began in the province of Cavite, where the friars owned 125,000 acres.
Grove Park, once the manorhouse, is owned by the council, and is used as a free library, its grounds being open.
In May 1814 he was commissioned as major-general in the regular army to serve against the British; in November he captured Pensacola, Florida, then owned by Spain, but used by the British as a base of operations; and on the 8th of January 1815 he inflicted a severe defeat on the enemy before New Orleans, the contestants being unaware that a treaty of peace had already been signed.
Still, even at that time it might happen that a freeholder owned some land in villenage by the side of his free tenement, and that a villein held some land freely by agreement with his lord or with a third person.
It is served by the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, the Choctaw, Oklahoma & Gulf (owned by the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific), and the St Louis, El Reno & Western railways, the last extending from El Reno to Guthrie.
The water-supply system is owned and operated by the borough; the water is derived from streams flowing southward in the sparsely settled area east of the borough, and also from driven wells in the same region; it is pumped by ten engines at Ridgewood to a reservoir having a capacity of about 300,000,000 gallons, while a part of it is re-pumped to a high service reservoir near the north entrance to Prospect Park for the service of the most elevated part of the borough.
There are, moreover, numerous passages in the sacred books of the East, especially those of the Buddhists, which warn the student against the assumption that "magical" performances of any kind are to be regarded as proving the truth of the performer's teaching; and indeed it must be owned in justice to the theosophists that similar warnings are to be found scattered throughout their writings; while even Madame Blavatsky herself was wont to expatiate on the folly of accepting her "phenomena" as the mark of spiritual truth.
The principal products of cultivation are sugar, coffee, rice and also tea and pulse (rachang), the plantations being for the most part owned by Europeans.
Even within reservations almost all the merchantable timber is owned by private individuals.
Some of these small settlers owned no cattle, and subsisted by stealing calves and unbranded cattle (mavericks) belonging to the range cattlemen.
Horses, introduced by Europeans and owned only by the wealthier classes, are found in Banjermasin and in Sarawak.
In spite of this, however, large areas in the interior, both in Dutch Borneo and in the territory owned by the British North Borneo Company, are still only nominally under European control, and have experienced few direct effects of European administration.
British North Borneo Or Sabah Sabah is the name applied by the natives to certain portions of the territory situated on the north-western coast of the island, and originally in no way included the remainder of the country now owned by the British North Borneo Company.
At the beginning of the 10th century most of the ocean-going steamers were owned in Germany or the United States; British enterprise being chiefly represented by schooners trading from Jamaica to Bluefields and Greytown.
The plantations are chiefly owned and managed by Germans, and the product is of good quality; but coffee-planting, like most Nicaraguan industries, suffers from the scarcity of labour.
It is now owned by the marquis of Bath.
The first blast-furnace in the colony seems to have been owned by Governor Spotswood, and was built and operated at the head of the Rappahannock river about 1715 by a colony of German Protestants.
When Akbar ascended the throne, only a small portion of what had formerly been comprised within the Mogul empire owned his authority, and he devoted himself with great determination and success to the recovery of the revolted provinces.
We do not need to be reminded that Beatrice's adorer had a wife and children, or that Laura's poet owned a son and daughter by a concubine, in order to perceive that the mystic passion of chivalry was compatible in the middle ages with commonplace matrimony or vulgar illegitimate connexions.
The large tract of land owned by the Luray Caverns Corporations covers all possible modes of entrance.
The iron mines of Elba, and the tin and copper of the mainland, were owned and smelted by the people of Populonia; hot springs too lay some 6 m.
The city owned public land which was let on lease and the rents were farmed out by auction.
The company- Compagnie d'Afrique - who owned the concession for the fishery was suppressed in 1798 on the outbreak of war between France and Algeria.
The majority of gardens are owned by Europeans, 405,486 acres belonging to them as against 16,849 to Indians.
In1878 the nobility, mostly of German descent, owned and farmed 52% of the land; 42% was farmed, but not owned, by the peasants, mostly Esths or Ehsts, and only 3% was owned by persons outside the ranks of the 'nobility.
Sometimes, it must be owned, his realism is rather coarse and brutal, but when he paints the forests of Franche-Comte, the "Stag-Fight," "The Wave," or the "Haunt of the Does," he is inimitable.
Telegraphic communication between all the important towns of the republic, initiated in 1855 with a line between Santiago and Valparaiso, is maintained by the state, which in 1903 owned 93 06 m.
Nearly all the oficinas, or working plants, are owned and operated by British companies, and the railways of this desolate region are generally owned by the same companies and form a part of the working plant.
Under the reform of 1865 full religious freedom is practically accorded, and it is provided that the services of religious organizations other than the Roman Catholic may be held in private residences or in edifices owned by private individuals or corporations.
Until then the gipsies had been treated as slaves and owned by the Church or by private landowners; they had been bought and sold in the open market.
Some nomad tribes who owned many brood mares, and yearly sold hundreds of horses, now hardly possess sufficient animals for their own requirements.
That Cyrus too owned allegiance to the creed, cannot be doubted by an unprejudiced mind, although in the dearth of contemporary monuments we possess no proof at first hand.
The countries west of the Euphrates never owned its dominion, and even of Iran itself not one half was subject to the Arsacids.
While the power of Armenia was at its height under Tigranes (8669 B.C.) all these states owned his rule.
The Hancock-Clarke House (built in part in 1698) is now owned by the Lexington Historical Society and contains a museum of revolutionary and other relics, which were formerly exhibited in the Town Hall.
In the 8th century Glastonbury was already a borough owned by the abbey, which continued to be overlord till the Dissolution.
In nearly every instance the railways are state owned.
The harbours of Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, East London and Durban are state owned, as are also nearly all the railways in the Union.
Hence there was jealousy and competition between the Cape and Natal and a tendency to use the railways (which were state owned), by means of rebates, to counteract the effects of common customs dues.
While making a survey exclusively for the cave-owners in 1908, Max Kaemper of Berlin, Germany, forced an opening from the main cave into a remarkable region to which the general name of "Violet City" was given, in honour of Mrs Violet Blair Janin, who owned a third of the Mammoth Cave estate.
All members might, in connexion with their official duties, travel free on railways and ships owned by the state; but since 1892 none had received any salary except the colonial members, who were paid loo milreis (£22) per month during the session, and So milreis (III) per month during the remainder of the year.
In Golden Gate Park is a museum owned by the city with exhibits of a wide range, including history, ethnology, natural history, the fine arts, &c. Very fine mineral exhibits by the State Mining Bureau, and California Agricultural and Pacific Coast commercial displays by the CaliforniaDevelopment Board, are housed in the Ferry Building, and there is a Memorial Museum in Golden Gate Park.
Within the parish of St Mary was St John's, the church of a small parish of the same name lying to the north of St Mary's and once owned by the Knights Hospitallers.
The town possesses 103 acres of parks and open spaces, the chief being Llewelyn Park of 42 acres in the north of the town near Morriston, Victoria Park (16 acres) and recreation ground (8 acres) abutting on the sands in the west, with the privately owned football field between them, Cwmdonkin (13 acres) commanding a fine panoramic view of the bay, and Brynmill (9 acres) with a disused reservoir constructed in 1837 and now converted into an ornamental lake.
The harbour docks and adjacent railways (which exceed 20 m.) are owned and administered by a harbour trust of 26 members, of whom one is the owner of the Briton Ferry estate (Earl Jersey), 4 represent the lord of the seigniory of Gower (the duke of Beaufort), 12 are proprietary members and 9 are elected annually by the corporation of Swansea.
Rahway was first settled in 1720, and was named in honour of the Indian chief Rahwack, whose tribe owned the site and the surrounding territory; it was chartered as a city in 1858.
Of the total farm acreage of the state 97.6% were held in 1900 by the whites; and of these 80 2% owned in whole or in part the land they cultivated.
By the majority of those historically known as the English deists, from Blount onwards, the name was owned and honoured.
A powerful aristocracy was constituted, which owned estates and had them cultivated by serfs or villeins.
There are many interesting tombs in the churchyard, and the church register contains several entries relating to the Cromwell family, who removed hither from Huntingdon and owned the abbey estates till 1674.
The Romanist nobles, who were not numerous, but some of whom owned vast estates, now also formed a confederacy, pledging themselves to support the pope and the council.
The water-works are owned and operated by the city, the water being obtained from lakes at the foot of the Arapahoe Peak glacier in the Snowy Range, 20 m.
The port is state owned, and is under the administration of the harbour and railway board of the Union.
The Handley library (1910), a memorial to John Handley, a part of whose estate was bequeathed to establish industrial schools for the poor of Winchester, and an auditorium are owned by the municipality.
Avignon at that period still belonged to Provence, and owned King Robert of Naples as sovereign.
It attained its climax of power in the time of Sultan Iskandar Muda (1607-1636), under whom the subject coast extended from Aru opposite Malacca round by the north to Benkulen on the west coast, a sea-board of not less than 110o miles; and besides this, the king's supremacy was owned by the large island of Nias, and by the continental Malay states of Johor, Pahang, Kedah and Perak.
The inland navigation system suffers from a want of uniformity in the size of locks, depth of water, width of channels and other arrangements, so that direct intercommunication between one canal and another is often impossible in consequence; moreover, although the canals, like railways, are owned by many separate bodies, hardly any provision has been made, as it has in the case of railways, for such facilities as the working of through traffic over various systems at an inclusive charge.
This canal is owned by the North Staffordshire railway company.
The total Cossack population in 1893 was 2,648,049 (1,331,470 women), and they owned nearly 146,500,000 acres of land, of which 105,000,000 acres were arable and 9,400,000 under forests.
In 1764 Colonel Bouquet added to the fort a redoubt, the " Block House," which still stands, the sole remaining trace of Fort Pitt, and is owned and cared for by the Daughters of the American Revolution.
The Italians lost over 4500 white and 2000 native troops killed and wounded, and over 2500 prisoners, of which 1600 were white, whilst the Abyssinians owned to a loss of over 3000.
The land is mostly owned by nobles of German descent.
At the time of the Domesday survey the king owned the manor.
Serfdom is very often conceived as a perpetual adherence to the soil of an estate owned by a lord, but this praedial character is not a necessary feature of the condition.
It is contended, for instance, that the revenue from land obtained by the government of India is in reality of the nature of a land rent - a species of property owned by the government.
The city waterworks are owned by the municipality.
They number only some 46,000 all told, but most of the great business houses are owned by Parsee millionaires and most of the large charities are founded by them.
The Burgoynes of Sutton, whose baronetcy dates from 1641, have been in Bedfordshire since the 15th century, whilst the Osborn family have owned Chicksands Priory since its purchase by Peter Osborn in 1576.
The Rumanian system of land tenure dates from 1864, when most of the land was held in large estates, owned privately, or by the state or by monasteries.
They received in return a plot of ground proportionate to the number of animals they owned, and had also rights of grazing and of collecting fuel in the forests.
In 1864, under the government of Prince Cuza, a new law was promulgated, conferring on each peasant family freehold property in lots varying from 72 to 15 acres, according to the number of oxen that they owned.
The average size of a farm was 119.3 acres; 39.9% of all farm families owned a home clear of all incumbrance; and the percentages of farms operated by owners, cash tenants and share tenants were respectively 69.5, 11.
The mines are owned by the government.
The telegraph lines are owned and have been almost entirely built, at a cost up to 1906 of £865,670, by the government, which in 1873 took over the then existing lines (781 m.).
The endeavour to bring about a customs union which would embrace the Transvaal was also little to the taste of President Kruger's Hollander advisers, interested as they were in the schemes of the Netherlands Railway Company, who owned the railways of the Transvaal.
The waterworks and the sewage disposal plant are owned and operated by the municipality.
One mile beyond it, occupying a commanding site on the left bank of the Teviot, stands Branxholm Castle, the Branksome Hall of The Lay of the Last Minstrel, once owned by the Lovels, but since the middle of the 15th century the property of the Scotts of Buccleuch, and up to 1756 the chief seat of the duke.
Thetford owned a royal mint in the 9th century and was a flourishing town when the Conqueror acquired it.
The whole system is owned by the municipality and canfurnish about 300 million gallons daily.
This actual deficit on the lands owned by the university steadily increased up to 1881, when, after the trustees had refused (in 1880) an offer of $1,250,000 for 275,000 acres of pine lands, they sold about 140,600 acres for $2,319,296; ultimately 401,296 acres of the land turned over to the university by Cornell were sold, bringing a net return of about $4,800,000.
No man was entitled to seize unless he owned, or had a surety who owned, sufficient property for indemnity or adjustment in case the seizure should be found to have been wrongful.
Other buildings connected with the history of the Mormon church are three residences of Brigham Young, called the Lion House, the Beehive (the beehive is the symbol of the industry of the Mormon settlers in the desert and appears on the state seal), and the Amelia Palace or Gardo House (1877), which is now privately owned and houses an excellent private art gallery.
The minor sovereigns of Britain owned him as overlord, as they had owned his grandfather Edgar.
He owned, and he sometimes usedbut always to little profita large fleet, while all England instead of the mere realm of Wessex was at his back.
Aslong as he lived England was the centre of a great Northern empire, for Canute reconquered Norway, which had lapsed into independence after his fathers death, and extended his power into the Baltic. Moreover, all the so-called Scandinavian colonists in the Northern Isles and Ireland owned him as overlord.
To the French or Norman knight all peasants on his manor seemed to be villeins, and he failed to understand the distinction between freemen who had personally commended themselves to his English predecessor but still owned their land, and the mass of ordinary servile tenants.
Nor di,d this seem impossible; he owned a far broader and wealthier domain beyond the Channel than did his nominal suzerain King Louis VII., andwhat was of more importancehe far excelled that prince both in vigour and in capacity.
Richard carried out his part of the bargain; he executed a deed of abdication in which he owned himself insufficient and useless.
He owned many ships, and traded with great profit to himself abroad, because he could promise, as a king, advantages to foreign buyers and sellers with which no mere merchant could compete.
Their powers were very equally balanced; if Charles owned broader lands than Francis, they were more scattered and in some cases less loyal.
The waterworks are owned and operated by the city.
The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy (owned by the Great Northern and the Northern Pacific railways) traverses the state along its western boundary and gives it access to a third great railway system with transcontinental service.
A homestead owned and occupied by any resident of the state and consisting of not more than 40 acres of agricultural land outside the limits of a city or village, or one-fourth of an acre within a city or village, together with the dwelling-house and other appurtenances, is exempt from liability for debts other than labourers', mechanics' and purchase-money liens, mortgages and taxes.
The city owns and operates the electriclighting plant; the water-works system is privately owned, and the water supply is obtained from deep wells at San Leandro.
The Crown, who in theory owned all lands, was lord paramount.'
The elevator is placed at the railway station, and is usually owned by the bonanza farmer.
Nearly all the capital stock of the water-works company is owned by the municipality.
Meanwhile, from 1849 to 1852, he was governor of Virginia, in which position he recommended to the legislature the enactment of a law laying an import tax on the products of such states as refused to surrender fugitive slaves owned by Virginia masters.
All taxes levied by the state are paid by the communal council, which assesses the property owned by each family under its authority, collects the amount due and has the right to retain one-fourth, or more, for local requirements.
In 1 2 50 the knights of the Teutonic order owned lands extending round Acre as far east as the Sea of Galilee, and including Safed.
A considerable portion of the larger farms (there were 2390 containing 500 acres or more) were owned by Indians but leased to white men.
The service was one of great exposure and privation; for two years and a half, Farragut wrote, he never owned a bed, but lay down to rest wherever he found the most comfortable berth.
Most of the foreign vessels are owned in Germany or the United States.
The first permanent white settlement on the site of Warren (then owned by Connecticut) was made in 1799 by settlers from Washington (disambiguation)|Washington county, Pennsylvania.
In some cases, however, land which belonged originally to a flaith was owned by a family; and after a number of generations such property presented a great similarity to the gavelled land.
The railways, which are all owned and managed by the Hungarian state, intersect most parts of the country except the mountains south of Ogulin, where there is, nevertheless, a considerable traffic over the passes into Dalmatia and Bosnia.
In 1797 his connexion became known with a scheme, since called "Blount's Conspiracy," which provided for the co-operation of the American frontiersmen, assisted by Indians, and an English force, in the seizure on behalf of Great Britain of the Floridas and Louisiana, then owned by Spain, with which power England was then at war.
In musical skill and invention he already vied with the best professors of the art in Italy; his personal taste would have led him to choose painting as his profession, and one of the most eminent artists of his day, Lodovico Cigoli, owned that to his judgment and counsel he was mainly indebted for the success of his works.
The fruit orchards and raspberry fields of Kent are also known to be greatly benefited by the numerous colonies of bees owned by more than 3000 bee-keepers in the county.
The successes of Alyattes and of Croesus finally changed the Lydian kingdom into a Lydian empire, and all Asia Minor westward of the Halys, except Lycia, owned the supremacy of Sardis.
The Greek anthology contains thirty-four of his epigrams. From the excavations of the villa at Herculaneum there have been recovered thirtysix treatises attributed to Philodemus, and it has been suggested that the villa was actually owned by him; but this is generally denied.
The water-works and the electric lighting plant are owned and operated by the municipality.
The water-works are owned and operated by the city.
The various kingdoms which grew up round each large town had their own rulers, but in the first half of the 16th century they all appear to have owned the sway of the Songhoi kings (see Timbuktu).
The water-works and electric light plant are owned and operated by the municipality.
The lowest specific gravity is owned by the oils belonging to the rape oil group - from 0.913 to 0.916.
The high specific gravity, 0.970, is owned by castor oil and cacao butter, and the highest specific gravity observed hitherto, o-975, by Japan wax and myrtle wax.
Among the prominent buildings of the city are a public library, the high school, a theatre (owned by the Knights of Columbus), a Masonic Temple, the City Bank and several churches, of which the most notable, perhaps, are the Baptist, Methodist, and St Gabriel's (Roman Catholic), which is the gift of members of the Iselin family, to whose interest in yachting is due in part the prominence of the New Rochelle and Larchmont Yacht Clubs.
In Indian Mounds park, within the city limits and owned by the city, are prehistoric mounds.
There is a monument in Quincy in memory of George Rogers Clark, and the homestead (built in 1835) of John Wood, founder of the city, is now owned by the Quincy Historical Society, organized in 1896.
I never even knew the old man owned land out here until I got this phone call and a bunch of e-mails talking about making an offer.
He owned a shoe store at one time—back in the seventies, I think.
Rhyn stood beside a lake on the property the Immortals owned around the castle in the French Alps.
Many of the older homes dating back to the last century were still owned by families with sufficient money to maintain them in at least some semblance of their prior grandeur.
I convinced him he'd get in trouble with the cops and maybe the people who really owned the money—we knew it was nothing legal.
Owned by a vampire much larger than this one.
I'm curious to find out where the nicest car my family has ever owned has been parked!
We need to do diligence of moveable articles owned by the debtor.
The north and east owned a terrific influence, making all pain more poignant, all sorrow sadder.
There are also a municipal abattoir, two privately owned cattle markets, a corn exchange and a " hide and skin market.
Under English law most homes are owned under joint tenancy agreements, which means the property is owned by both partners.
He owned thousands of acres of land, dozens of palaces, and priceless antiques.
Because of the titled aristocrats who owned them, these estates became collectively known as the ' Dukeries ' .
The land reserved is almost wholly owned by aristocrats; with none of it on the land registry.
There are two young children aged 8 and 9. The only capital asset is the jointly owned home subject to a mortgage.
Previously the company had been majority owned by private equity backers.
Balmoral estate in Scotland which is owned by the Queen.
A perfect example of our current selection is this full size billiard table previously owned by Tsar Nicholas of Russia.
The American company CNN, which is owned by the billionaire Ted Turner, is the model of the ' information age ' .
Menzies owned the rights to the works of Charles Dickens but is better remembered for his railroad bookstalls.
An elegant, busy Conran owned brasserie in an area where high class restaurants are surprisingly thin on the ground.