Ovulate Sentence Examples
Still cannot figure out when you ovulate?
In a preliminary trial, women who did not ovulate were treated with acupuncture 30 times over three months.
I am like you and don't know whether it is normal not to ovulate seeing as before my miscarriage I ovulated every month.
You can keep track of your basal body temperature to determine when you will ovulate.
Although you can ask your vet to help you determine the right time to breed, it is possible to watch your female for signs that she is beginning to ovulate.
No one can tell you whether you are pregnant without a blood or urine pregnancy test; however, the online pregnancy test results can tell you whether your intercourse may have coincided with the time when you would have expected to ovulate.
However, even blood tests can not tell you whether or not you're pregnant until 6-8 days after you ovulate.
Since the hormone hCG is not even produced until implantation, early pregnancy tests at home may let you know whether or not you're pregnant seven days after you ovulate.
You can figure out when you ovulate (when your eggs are ready for fertilization).
If you're not sure when you ovulate, there are signs of ovulation that you should look for.
AdvertisementBecause of this variability, it's important to track when you ovulate so you can time intercourse appropriately.
When you ovulate, likely toward the end of this week, the egg will be released into the fallopian tube to wait for your significant other's sperm.
You're more likely to get pregnant around the middle of your menstrual cycle, in the days just before and immediately after you ovulate.
Doctors still can't predict exactly when any one woman will ovulate, even with precise information about body temperature, cervical mucus, and menstrual cycle.
Women who are very underweight generally do not ovulate regularly.
AdvertisementNow that your cycle is regular, you need to have sex when you ovulate.
If your cycles are regular, you probably ovulate about two weeks before your period each month.
About twenty percent of women have physical symptoms when they ovulate.
Women who are very thin may stop having periods and they may not ovulate every month.
Women who don't ovulate regularly are usually given fertility drugs to ensure that an egg is released.
AdvertisementDoctors will be monitoring the women's hormone levels so they know when she is going to ovulate.
But, if you track your ovulation, you might know that you didn't ovulate on day 14 like most women.
Even if you ovulate on a Monday evening, you might not conceive until Wednesday morning.
Or, you could have intercourse on Sunday and conceive on Tuesday when you ovulate.
The downside is that not all women have regular 28 day cycles or some just don't ovulate at exactly midway between periods so these two weeks can be completely arbitrary.
AdvertisementForgetting to take your birth control pill could mean that you ovulate and become pregnant.
Women may experience a slight increase in their basal body temperature (BBT) just before they ovulate.
Tracking these changes on a basal body temperature record form can help some women determine when they ovulate.
Charting for six months or more can help women who do not ovulate regularly to determine their fertile time.
Despite what seems like evidence to the contrary, women lacking a period can still ovulate and women who get a period may not be ovulating.
Most women with regular cycles ovulate around 14 days before their expected period.
So, a woman who had her period on October 1 would likely ovulate on October 14.
A woman might have what appears to be a regular cycle, but she could ovulate on day 13 or 15.
A woman using ovulation predictors who is tracking her cycle might know that she is going to ovulate on the 14th and plan intercourse for the same day.
Most women with regular cycles can expect to ovulate around day 14 of their cycle with day 1 being the day a period starts.
Some women may ovulate a few days earlier or later than day 14, especially if your cycle isn't the standard 28 days.
Two of the most important tips for trying to get pregnant is making sure you know when you ovulate and knowing when it's time to see a doctor for more help.
This oral medication helps a woman ovulate more regularly and increases the quality of the ovulation, making it more likely that she will conceive.
The best time to conceive differs for every woman, according to when you ovulate.
When you ovulate depends upon the length of your menstrual cycle.
In a typical 28 day cycle, counting the first day of your period as day one, you would ovulate on day 14.
If your cycle is 21 days, you'd ovulate on day 7.
If your cycle is normally 30 days, you'd ovulate on day 16.
Of course, if your menstrual cycles aren't predictable, determining when you ovulate becomes a bit more difficult.
The common belief is that women ovulate two weeks after their menstrual cycle.The best time of the month to get pregnant, if this is the case, is 14 days after the first day of your period.
Knowing when you are going to ovulate before it happens is crucial because after ovulation occurs, it may be a little too late to conceive.
Women having regular menstrual cycles typically ovulate about two weeks after the first day of their period.
If you have the device removed right before you ovulate, you do run the risk of becoming pregnant if you had intercourse before the procedure.
While keeping track of your cycle length tells you how long your menstrual cycle is, it doesn't necessarily tell you when you ovulate.
While many women ovulate halfway through the cycle, other women ovulate a few days before or after the halfway mark.
In order for the calculator to be accurate, you should keep track of your basal temperature for a few months in order to determine when you ovulate.
Knowing when you ovulate will enable you to plan intercourse to encourage the male or female sperm to reach the egg first.
Of course, you will have to know exactly when you are about to ovulate, which can be done through various methods of ovulation prediction.
Certain behaviors can affect hormones or the physical ability to ovulate.
The date of your ovulation is an estimate; many women may ovulate before or after day 14.
Most women will ovulate between days 11 and 21 of their menstrual period or around two weeks before they get their next menstrual period.