Overuse Sentence Examples
Has my cataract been caused by overuse of my eyes?
As a result, Tim suffered an overuse wrist tendinitis injury.
There are things in here that I found disagreeable not the least of which is the overuse of Neptune.
Exclusions were sensible, and included more than 15 headache days a month, and symptomatic medication overuse.
For the symptomatic strong, the extent of muscle overuse ranged from two to three muscles.
The ribald humor, the overuse of which might potentially have ruined this bodice ripper, is also kept in check.
This sleepiness should be distinguished from the feeling of physical weariness due to overuse and fatigue of the limb muscles.
Causes Tenosynovitis of the tendons in the tarsal tunnel caused by overuse.
Global warming is the result of overuse of oil and fossil fuels which don't burn clean and in fact create massive pollution issues.
Water pollution can be caused by a variety of things, from improper water treatment to overuse of chemical fertilizers.
AdvertisementThe downside of Adobe Photoshop is its steep learning curve and its overuse of RAM.
His death was ruled a homicide, which was caused primarily by the overuse of propofol, a powerful anesthetic.
If you do use a chemical fertilizer or pesticide in your yard, follow the directions carefully and avoid overuse, which can do serious harm to your lawn.
Do not overuse or give in doses larger than those labeled.
It is usually due to trauma but may occur without trauma such as with the overuse of contact lenses.
AdvertisementBecause bronchodilators provide quick relief, some people may be tempted to overuse them.
Phosphate toxicity can result from the overuse of laxatives or enemas that contain phosphate.
Families consuming a well-balanced diet without overuse of dietary supplements are unlikely to have problems with mineral toxicity.
Controlling inflammation as well as restoring normal use and mobility are the goals of treatment for overuse injuries.
Minor sprains, muscle pulls, blisters, and overuse syndrome are commonly seen injuries in non-contact sports, according to the AOSSM.
AdvertisementThe overuse syndrome is usually related to sports requiring repetitive, high-stress motion such as tennis, swimming, track, golf, and baseball.
Stress fractures, shin splints, and tendonitis are examples of overuse injuries.
If the symptoms of overuse persist beyond a few days of rest or if they recur, a physician should evaluate the athlete.
It is suggested that thumb sucking, overuse of pacifiers, bottle feeding, and recurrent upper respiratory illnesses cause tongue thrusting.
Pediculicides can be poisonous if used improperly or too frequently and overuse can lead to the proliferation of chemically resistant lice.
AdvertisementOveruse of nasal sprays can also produce nosebleeds.
Tenosynovitis-Inflammation of a tendon and its enveloping sheath, usually resulting from overuse injury.
The biggest mistake most people make when considering health symbols or other feng shui symbols is to overuse them.
Overuse of hair dryers can cause damage to the hair and dry the scalp out as well.
The motor is guaranteed for a century, so you don't have to worry about burn-out from overuse.
Overuse or unwise use of incentive gifts - Be aware the majority of the public does not need another mug, key ring, or commemorative plate.
Worksheets can be highly effective when used appropriately, but overuse will only lead to boredom and decreased motivation.
Be cautious of overuse, which might create boredom and frustration for your little learner.
Critics complain that teens often overuse the popular flip flops and end up wearing them inappropriately to work or upscale restaurants.
Many individuals even use them to improve pain in their knees, hips, back and legs, which may be caused by anything from overuse to ill-fitting footwear.
Pulled muscles and misalignments can be the result of injury or simple overuse of the back muscles.
Interest payments and overuse will end up sapping this resource before you know it, and you'll be left with a pile of unaccounted-for debt.
By engaging in a variety of different types of aerobic exercise, you can avoid overuse injuries and boredom.
While these can be eye-catching, some people might perceive an overuse of glitter on a military-related site as a crass display over patriotism.
Despite the occasional stylistic infelicity and the overuse of the first person singular, Nettle writes well.
However, do try to avoid the overuse of direct quotations; try to paraphrase the author's work where possible.
Has his stance been effective in preventing overuse of anesthetists?
Unfortunately, the muscles finally succumb to the strain of chronic overuse.
They do not overuse the keywords, avoiding spam.
Because alcohol overuse and abuse has been so much a part of Western experience, there is clearly a tremendous need-among children and adults-for better education about both alcohol consumption and alcoholism.
Dehydration can result from illness; a hot, dry climate; prolonged exposure to sun or high temperatures; not drinking enough water; and overuse of diuretics or other medications that increase urination.
Technical jargon is fine in limited amounts, but if you overuse jargon when communicating something to, perhaps, someone in marketing, you probably won't succeed.
Other methods of purging include excessive fasting or stringent dieting as a form of self-punishment, excessive exercise, negative self-talk, or overuse of laxatives and enemas.
Strains result from overuse of muscles, improper use of the muscles, or as the result of injury in another part of the body when the body compensates for pain by altering the way it moves.
Signs of desferoxamine toxicity are screened for and generally develop in individuals who overuse the medication when body iron levels are sufficiently low.
Overuse leads to needless expense for the parents, some discomfort and risk for the child, and the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which have become a public health problem.
Unexpected placement of ordinary styles, such as a ponytail placed on the very top of the head instead of a more traditional location or overuse of hair accessories such as mini-clips or small ponytail holders.
Shin splints are caused by overuse or by stress fractures that result from the repeated foot pounding associated with activities such as aerobics, long-distance running, basketball, and volleyball.
It is in most instances traceable to exposure to cold or damp, to overuse of the limbs in walking, &c. Any source of pressure upon the nerve within the pelvis, such as may be produced by a tumour or even by constipation of the bowels, may excite an attack of sciatica.