Overtaken Sentence Examples
Again Pierre was overtaken by the depression he so dreaded.
The linen trade introduced in the middle of the 18th century is extinct, and a like fate has overtaken the kelp and straw-plaiting industries.
Whilst pondering on the course he should follow, the marshal received the news of the awful disaster that had overtaken the emperor at Waterloo.
The great auk, once common on the British coasts, those of Denmark, the east coast of North America, then restricted to those of Newfoundland, Greenland and Iceland, has been killed by man, and the same fate has overtaken the Labrador duck, the Phillip Island parrot, Nestor productus, and the large cormorant of FIG.
Thus he was for two years together at Caesarea in Cappadocia, where he was overtaken by the Maximinian persecution; here he worked at his recension of the Bible.
The 9th and 10th tablets, exclusively devoted to Gilgamesh, describe his wanderings in quest of Ut-Napishtim, from whom he hopes to learn how he may escape the fate that has overtaken his friend Eabani.
Here, however, the inefficiency of the Russian staff actually saved them from the disaster which must certainly have overtaken them had they realized their intention of fighting the French.
Kutusov had now overtaken the French, but fortunately for them he made no effort to close with them, but hung on their flank, molesting them with Cossacks and picking up stragglers.
He was apparently overtaken by poverty, but was generously treated by Vespasian, who made him a present of 50o,000 sesterces.
The bull escaped, but was overtaken, and by order of the Sun, who sent his messenger the raven, was reluctantly sacrificed by Mithras.
AdvertisementWhen the Greeks, on their journey home after the fall of Troy, were overtaken by a storm, Calchas is said to have been thrown ashore at Colophon.
Aymer, however, gained the support of the pope; he was on his way back to England when he was overtaken by a fatal illness at Paris.
Also Roman Catholic writers could accept the definition in so far as 5 Three zones apparently (1) the church's formal decrees, (2) the church's general teaching, (3) points of revelation which the church may not yet have overtaken.
Like the French aristocrats with the reforms of Necker, they would not listen till ruin had overtaken them.
He was at once missed, and the vagrants pursued and overtaken in Leslie wood.
AdvertisementGregory determined personally to undertake the conversion of Britain, and with the pope's consent actually set out upon the mission, but on the third day of his journey he was overtaken by messengers recalling him to Rome.
Having been overtaken by a violent storm, to ensure his safety he vowed to sacrifice to Poseidon the first living thing that met him when he landed on his native shore.
Fannin (c. 1800-1836), who was overtaken on the Coletto Creek while attempting to carry out orders to withdraw from Goliad and to unite with General Houston; he surrendered after a sharp fight (March 19-20) in which he inflicted a heavy loss on the Mexicans, and was marched back with his force to Goliad, where on the morning of the 27th of March they were shot down by Santa Anna's orders.
But they were met by a large force under the three great ealdormen of Mercia, Wilts and Somerset, and forced to head off to the north-west, being finally overtaken and blockaded at Buttington, which some identify with Buttington Tump at the mouth of the Wye, others with Buttington near Welshpool.
The two armies met in 507 at the Campus Vogladensis, near Poitiers, where the Goths were defeated, and their king, who took to flight, was overtaken and slain, it is said, by Clovis himself.
AdvertisementIbn Hobaira was overtaken and compelled to retire to Wasit.
In, fact, if we are to understand Alexander aright, it is fatal to forget that he was overtaken by death, not at the end of his career, but at the beginning, at the age of thirty-three.
Two parties threatened to attack them - on one side those who were anxious for extensive reforms in the municipal organization of London; on the other, those who wished to carry forward the process of inspection and revision of endowments, which had already overtaken the universities, schools and other charities.
On the other hand, a theology which is mainly sacramental is overtaken pretty soon by dumbness.
Soon after the publication of Vivian Grey, Disraeli, who is said by Froude to have been "overtaken by a singular disorder," marked by fits of giddiness ("once he fell into a trance, and did not recover for a week"), went with the Austens on a long summer tour in France, Switzerland and Italy.
AdvertisementFrom him, however, not only has punishment overtaken us, but a pestilence instilled from him resides in us, to which punishment is justly due.
Yet Gorbachev was himself a victim of the general disarray that had overtaken the Communist system.
Compression standards are in a state of continual change so anything written today will be overtaken by events.
However, Martin was soon overtaken by Aussie Superbike newcomer Cameron Donald.
Most drivers ' speed to overtake and a significant number admit to having overtaken when they couldn't see ahead.
I eventually overtook two into front to be overtaken by a wee guy pushing big gears.
What a terrible situation for our travelers, to be thus overtaken by a tempest in a frail bark which they could not manage!
Gently touching on themes of racism and ethnic cleansing, Untold Legends tells the tale of a kingdom overtaken by a monstrous warlord.
In Britain we have seen the collapse of our funded pensions, and our social security pension is being overtaken by means-tested welfare.
This fate has overtaken the elephant, giraffe, the buffalo, quagga, gnu, blesbok, gemsbok and ostrich.
He did not recover his health for more than a year, and as soon as convalescence set in he was seized by so profound a melancholy at the disaster which had thus overtaken him, that he threw himself into the Seine.
I have never seen a Persian unkind to his own horse or his slave, and when overtaken by poverty he will first sell his shirt, then his slave.
Five years afterwards Portugal was overtaken by the tremendous disaster of the Lisbon earthquake (see Lisbon), which, as Oliveira Martins justly observes, was " more than a cataclysm of nature; it was a moral revolution."
Yet the heart of this movie is overtaken by splashy effects.
What a terrible situation for our travelers, to be thus overtaken by a tempest in a frail bark which they could not manage !
Many alcoholics do not recognize or want to recognize the extent that alcohol abuse has overtaken their lives.
When dandelions have overtaken your lawn, there's no need to run out to the store and buy a harmful chemical; simply make your own weed killer.
For example, small patios should not be overtaken by doors opening and closing.
The modest one-piece swimsuit used to be the only type of swimsuit you'd see on the beach, but it was quickly overtaken in popularity by its more modern counterpart, the bikini.
Why are competitor's products inferior, vulnerable to be overtaken by your own, or not meeting the consumer's needs best?
The premise has been rather overtaken by modern mathematics, but the concept continues to intrigue.
Because one of the peripheral kingdoms that rise up in the wreckage of the empire is overtaken by a rogue - a ruler who can telepathically alter the minds and loyalties of people he comes into contact with.
Modern sci-fi just throws out the speed of light as a limiting factor, plugs in a term like 'hyperspace' or 'warpspeed', and the need for Generation Ships is overtaken by events.
Passing into the service of Uruguay, he was sent to Corrientes with a small flotilla to oppose Rosas's forces, but was overtaken by Admiral Brown, against whose fleet he fought for three days.
After his return from his Egyptian campaign, he was preparing an expedition against Rhodes when he was overtaken by sickness and died, on the 22nd of September 1521, in the ninth year of his reign, near the very spot where he had attacked his father's troops, not far from Adrianople.
He was overtaken by a dangerous illness, and on the 2nd of March civil war in support of the king broke out.
When overtaken by a dust-storm it falls on its knees, and stretching its neck along the sand, closes its nostrils and remains thus motionless till the atmosphere clears; and in this position it affords some shelter to its driver, who, wrapping his face in his mantle, crouches behind his beast.
Croce has been overtaken by a similar fate.
A still more serious blow was the destruction of the relief army which Levenhaupt was bringing to Charles from Livonia, and which, hampered by hundreds of loaded wagons, was overtaken and almost destroyed by Peter at Lyesna after a two days' battle against fourfold odds (October).
He consequently fell into a state of doubt, and before he could make up his mind on some questions which he deemed important he was overtaken by death.'
Here he was overtaken by Murat and Ney, but the French columns had straggled so badly that four whole days elapsed before the emperor was able to concentrate his army for battle and then could only oppose 128,000 men to the Russians' 110,000.
When the German squadron was sighted it would have been possible to fall back on the " Canopus," but this would have entailed the destruction of the " Otranto," which would have been overtaken by the enemy in two or three hours.
In 1647 Hobbes was overtaken by a serious illness which disabled him for six months.
Lee evacuated Richmond on the 2nd of April, and was overtaken by Grant and compelled to surrender his entire army on the 9th of April 1865.
While he was negotiating with Haesten the Danes at Appledore broke out and struck north-westwards, but were overtaken by Alfred's eldest son, Edward, and defeated in a general engagement at Farnham, and driven to take refuge in Thorney Island in the Hertfordshire Colne, where they were blockaded and ultimately compelled to submit.
The last dynasty ended with Sultan Jalal-ud-din, during whose reign (1221-1231) a division of the Mogul army of Jenghiz Khan first invaded Khwarizm, while the khan himself was besieging Bamian; Jalal-ud-din, deserted by most of his troops, retired to Ghazni, where he was pursued by Jenghiz Khan, and again retreating towards Hindustan was overtaken and driven across the Indus.
At the expiration of this period the gods gave him to wife Harmonia, daughter of Ares and Aphrodite, by whom he had a son Polydorus, and four daughters, Ino, Autonoe, Agave and Semele - a family which was overtaken by grievous misfortunes.
His attempt, called " The Start," on the 4th of October 1650, to escape from the faction at Perth and to join Huntly and the royalists in the north failed, and he was overtaken and compelled to return.
In recent times a kind of stagnation seems to have overtaken Rumania, and although attempts have been made to place the intellectual life of the nation on a sounder basis, the work of transition from the past to the present has hitherto absorbed more energy than appears necessary.
They were overtaken, however, by Caesar at Bibracte, defeated and forced to submit.
But Juan de Benavides, the Spanish commander, failed to act with decision, was overtaken, and his ships captured in the harbour before the silver could be discharged.
The Wizard told them of the misfortune that had overtaken the wanderers.
Cadet Rostov, ever since he had overtaken the regiment in Poland, had lived with the squadron commander.
Pierre offered the use of his carriage, which had overtaken him, to a wounded general he knew, and drove with him to Moscow.