Overruled Sentence Examples
President Hayes returned this bill with his veto, but the veto was overruled in both Houses of Congress.
The queen wished to bury him at the feet of the Swedish kings, and to raise a costly mausoleum in his honour; but these plans were overruled, and a plain monument in the Catholic cemetery was all that marked the place of his rest.
On being overruled he retired from the negotiations.
Arnauld would have undertaken the task himself, but his wiser friends knew that his style was anything but popular, and overruled him.
Even the king wavered for an instant; but, Dahlberg persisting in his opinion, Charles overruled the objections of the commanders.
But again and again he was overruled.
He may veto appropriation bills by items, but any of his vetoes may be overruled by a two-thirds vote of each house.
The same !year he engaged in a contest with the judges, and exhibited articles of complaint against them before the lords of the council; but these complaints were overruled.
Claudius Glicia, but the nomination was at once overruled.
His refusal of this post was overruled, so he entered on his office on the 13th of April; and two days after, the newly constituted Society took its formal corporate vows in the basilica of San Paolo fuori le mura.
AdvertisementHe supplied the momentum which was necessary to counteract the caution of Burghley and Elizabeth; but it was probably fortunate that his headstrong counsels were generally overruled by the circumspection of his sovereign.
Most of Johnsons vetoes were promptly overruled by the large majority opposed to him in both houses, but the vetoes of all the other presidents have generally prevented the enactment of the bills of which they disapproved.
As it frequently happens that cases come before state courts in which questions of Federal law arise, a provision has been made whereby due respect for the latter is secured by giving the party to a suit who relies upon Federal law, and whose contention is overruled by a state court, the right of having the suit removed to a Federal court.
Rodgers would have preferred to keep his command together, and to strike with it at the main course of British commerce, but he was overruled.
But he was overruled by the crown prince Frederick, who thought such a policy too hazardous, when Russia declined to have anything to do with it.
AdvertisementA considerable party wished that the preliminary parliament should continue to act until the assembly should be formed, but this was overruled, the majority contenting themselves with the appointment of a committee of 50, whose duty it should be in the interval to guard the national interests.
As a matter of fact, however, though the armies under Frederick and Joseph were face to face in the field, the affair was settled without actual fighting; Maria Theresa, fearing the chances of another struggle with Prussia, overruled her son at the last moment, and by the treaty of Teschen agreed to be content with the cession of the Quarter of the Inn (Innviertel) and some other districts.
He was now anxious to give up the enterprise, but was overruled by Grey, Wade and others.
On two former occasions, in 1833 and in 1835, the policy of Lord Palmerston, who proposed to afford material aid to the Porte against the pasha of Egypt, was overruled by the cabinet; and again, in 1839, when Baron Brunnow first proposed the active interference of Russia and England, the offer was rejected.
A proposal to send the British fleet into the Baltic was overruled, and the result was that Denmark was left to her own resources against her formidable opponents.
AdvertisementHe was habitually overruled and dominated by his earls, of whom three, Leofric, Godwine and Siwardall old servants of Canutehad far moIe power than their master.
When the electors disregarded it, as was sometimes the case, there was friction; a weak king was sometimes overruled; a strong one generally got his way in the end.
It is therefore as unalterable, even by God himself, as the truths of mathematics, although its effect may be overruled in any particular case by an express command of God; hence it is cognizable a priori, from the abstract consideration of human nature, though its existence may be known a posteriori also from its universal acceptance in human societies.
Several days later Floyd was indicted for malversation in office, but the indictment was overruled on technical grounds.
Two companies brought suit for moneys owed for liquor sold to the state dispensary; the commission resisted the suit on the ground that as a court and as a representative of the state it could not be sued; the circuit court and the circuit court of appeals overruled this plea and put the funds into the hands of a receiver; but in April 1909 this famous cause was closed by the decision of the Federal Supreme Court, upholding the commission and restoring to it the fund.
AdvertisementGeneral Stephenson, who was in command of the British troops in Egypt, wished to send a brigade at once to Dongola, but he was overruled, and it was not until the beginning of November that the British relief force was ready to start from Wadi Halfa under the command of Lord Wolseley.
The Holy Spirit overruled, yet Peter's reply pulled no punches. By whose authority did we heal this cripple?
Although the court had not expressly overruled Danfoss in these judgements, it had, in essence, ignored it.
A High Court judge, who awarded joint ownership, then overruled this.
Unfortunately it is all too often overruled in favor of departments which push specific interests.
In some cases, he even overruled decisions made by department heads.
This Court of Appeal decision has now effectively overruled the decision made last year in The Grecia Express (2002 ).
An appeal was made to the civil courts, which decided (1839) in favour of the New School; but this decision was overruled and a new trial ordered.
By combining the four symbols A, B, X, Y, according to their presence or absence, Garrod got a considerable number of formulae, each of which was overruled, so to speak, by the two categories of the presence or absence of the ambiens muscle.
Dioguardi was eventually overruled by her fellow Idol judges, and Ms. Darrell went on to perform on the show.
In 1897 a decision of Chief Justice Kotze was overruled by an act of the volksraad.
But the rashness of the emperor's brother Titianus and of Proculus, prefect of the praetorian guards, added to Otho's feverish impatience, overruled all opposition, and an immediate advance was decided upon, Otho himself remaining behind with a considerable reserve force at Brixellum, on the southern bank of the Po.
These protests were overruled by the majority of the ministers, who invoked dynastic and monarchical considerations in favor of a desperate stand, however hopeless, in defence of the last remnants of the colonial empire of Spain.
It is an example of the " objection overruled " argument.
Dean's suggestion of placing the little fellow out of doors in the trash was overruled by his more compassionate wife who pointed out the resulting reduced chances of January survival.
West Virginia demurred, but was overruled, and on the 4th of May 1908 a master was appointed to take testimony.
During the negotiations which preceded the Peloponnesian War he did his best to prevent, or at least xo postpone, the inevitable struggle, but was overruled by the war party.
All laws are sanctioned and promulgated by the president, who is invested with the veto power, which can be overruled only by a two-thirds vote.
Finding himself overruled by the war party in the cabinet, on the 1st of April 1861, Seward suggested a war of all America against most of Europe, with himself as the director of the enterprise.
The cardinals thereupon overruled their former decision, and the conclave was held in Rome, the new pope, Cardinal Pecci, being elected on the 20th of February 1878 without let or hindrance.
We must conceive nature as overruled by God not so much Later for the sake of man's happiness as for the sake of his form; moral development.
Claudius intended that Agrippa's young son should succeed to the kingdom; but he was overruled by his advisers, and Judaea was taken over once more by Roman procurators.
In September of the same year the see of Durham fell vacant, and the king overruled the choice of the monks, who had elected and actually installed their sub-prior, Robert de Graystanes, in favour of Aungervyle.
The trial began on the 12th of February 1889 before the archbishop and certain assessors, the protest of Dr King, based on the claim that he could only be tried in a provincial synod, being overruled by Archbishop Benson on the grounds above stated.