Outward Sentence Examples
Tipping her palm outward, she blew him a kiss.
Not if outward appearances meant anything.
Deidre forced her attention from her own issues and outward as she walked through the street fair in downtown Atlanta.
A prudent ruler in his position would have sought to preserve the outward forms while changing the inner substance, but Peter was not at all prudent in that sense.
Its coldness stretched outward from her chest, testing her resolve to keep it contained.
The central part of the old factory continued to be used as a court-house till the 19th century, but owing to its ruinous state it was pulled down in 1829 or 1830; in 1840 the only portion that remained was the outward wall.
It is clear from the treatise of Radbertus Paschasius already quoted that the word "substance" was used for reality as distinguished from outward appearance, and that the word "species" meant outward appearance as opposed to reality.
London Bridge is to outward appearance the up-river limit of the port.
A and B are pear-shaped glass vessels connected by a long narrow india-rubber tube, which must be sufficiently strong in the body (or strengthened by a linen coating) to stand an outward pressure of 1 to 2 atmospheres.
It treats all the worships as outward, visible signs of some spiritual truth, and is ready to show how each particular image or rite is the symbol of some aspect of universal divinity.
AdvertisementThe outward sign of this was the substitution of the Roman ritual for the English pre-Reformation use hitherto followed in the services, while English Roman Catholicism became increasingly ultramontane in temper, a tendency much strengthened under Cardinal Manning.
Against the spirit which would treat the church as the mere creature of the state Keble had long chafed inwardly, and now he made his outward protest, asserting the claim of the church to a heavenly origin and a divine prerogative.
From the observations of salinity it is inferred that a surface current flows inwards to the Red Sea in the eastern channel of the Strait of Bab el-Mandeb, while a current of very salt water flows outward to the Indian Ocean, through the western channel, at a depth of 50 to loo fathoms from the surface.
They embody for the time being a vague consciousness of the divine, which is concentrated for some single act into an outward object, like a warrior's spear or the thunderbolt, 2 or the last sheaf of corn into which the Corn-Mother has been driven.
It was not a special subject, like geography or arithmetic, but her way to outward things.
AdvertisementClearly it was the intention of the government, consistently with the whole trend of its policy, to cover its concession to the Protestant party dominant in the Commons by retaining some of the outward forms of the old services until such time as it should be expedient to "take other order."
Although the boundary of the county of London does not, to outward appearance, enclose a city distinct from its suburbs, London outside that boundary may be conveniently considered as suburban.
Thus, at every complete stroke of the piston, the air in the vessel or receiver was diminished by that fraction of itself which is expressed by the ratio of the volume of the available cylindrical space above the outward opening valve to the whole volume of receiver, nozzle and cylinder.
They are distinguished from the Hindus by no outward sign except a slight laxity in the matter of caste observances.
There are, however, no outward signs enabling us to distinguish conclusively between both categories of laws in the codes, nor is it possible to draw a line between permanent laws and personal ordinances of single sovereigns, as has been attempted in the case of Frankish legislation.
AdvertisementAt his death in 1519 Cardinal Giulio de' Medici (son of the Giuliano murdered in the Pazzi conspiracy) took charge of the government; he met with some opposition and had to play off the Ottimati against the Piagnoni, but he did not rule badly and maintained at all events the outward forms of freedom.
The vague and fragmentary character of the narrative, in this section, forcibly contrasts with the clear and careful tracing of the outward way.
It is then kept at a moderate and fairly uniform temperature in a warehouse, when, although there is no marked outward change, the tobacco becomes more mellow.
But the Omayyads (with one exception) were not religious men and, while preserving the outward forms of Islam, allowed full liberty to the pre-Islamic customs of the Arabs and the beliefs and practices of Christians.
On the outward journey he wintered in Sicily, where he employed himself in quarrelling with Philip and in exacting satisfaction from the usurper Tancred for the dower of his widowed sister, Queen Joanna, and for his own share in the inheritance of William the Good.
AdvertisementHe had left Oxford just before the beginning of that Catholic revival which has transfigured both the inner spirit and the outward aspect of the Church of England.
We know the daily life, the familiar personages, the outward aspect of Rome in the age of Domitian xvi.
In Prussian Lithuania a craftier policy allowed greater outward liberty, though the process of German colonization, seconded by persecution, restricted the Lithuanian language which was once dominant in East Prussia to barely five districts (Tilsit 38%, Heydekrug 61.9%, Memel 47.1%, Ragnit 27%, Labiau 30%).
The electric force outward from that point is - dV/dn, where do is a distance measured along the outwardly drawn normal, and the force within the surface is zero.
But if for a period of years we take the total inward passenger movement and subtract from it the total outward passenger movement, we ought to have the net immigration.
By this method we arrive at the conclusion that while the gross immigration during the five years1901-1905was 3, 8 33, 0 7 6, the net immigration was only 1,779,976, showing an outward movement of 273,134, or about 7.12% of the total number of immigrants.
Such a riper analysis of the mystery of his own personality enabled him to arrive at a clearer conception of the idea of divine personality, " whose triunity has nothing potential or unrealized about it; whose triune elements are eternally actualized, by no outward influence, but from within; a Trinity in Unity."
In his will he desired to be buried without any state and without a monument, "but at the utmost a plain stone with this superscription only, Vermis sum, acknowledging myself to be unworthy of the least outward regard in this world and unworthy of any remembrance that hath been so great a sinner."
Cesare Borgia had entered into the Principe as a representative figure rather than an actual personage; so now conversely the theories of the Principe assumed the outward form and semblance of Castruccio.
In the North Atlantic a strong submarine current flowing outward from the Mediterranean leaves the Strait of Gibraltar with a salinity of 38 per mille, and can be traced as far as Madeira and the Bay of Biscay in depths of from 600 to 2800 fathoms, still with a salinity of 35.6 per mille, whereas off the Azores at equal depths the salinity is from 0.5 to 0.7 per mille less.
But while this was true of the outward structure it was impossible to disregard entirely private rights based upon Spanish and Mexican legislation.
It was found necessary to adjourn the sitting until the 7th of June, on which occasion the outward decencies were better observed, partly no doubt from the circumstance that Sigismund was present in person.
The spirits which take possession of man or animal can equally take possession of a material substance, and even replace the substance, leaving the outward accidents of colour, shape and size unchanged.
He had, however, already begun to look sourly upon Aristotle and the current scholastic theology, which he believed hid the simple truth of the gospel and the desperate state of mankind, who were taught a vain reliance upon outward works and ceremonies, when the only safety lay in throwing oneself on God's mercy.
Luther's colleague at Wittenberg, Carlstadt, began denouncing the monastic life, the celibacy of the clergy, the veneration of images; and before the end of 1521 we find the first characteristic outward symptoms of Protestantism.
When it is set vibrating contact lasts during some part of the outward and some part of the inward swing.
Amid the distractions of outward affairs, Maurice had not neglected the internal interests of Saxony.
It is impossible to separate this fusion of law and equity, this union of all the higher courts into one supreme tribunal, from the construction of a single home for this great institution; and the opening of the Royal Courts in the Strand in the year 1882, when Queen Victoria personally presided in her one supreme court, and handed over the care of the building to Lord Selborne, as her chancellor and as the head of this great body, was impressive as an outward and visible sign of the silent revolution, which owed more to Lord Selborne than to any other individual.
The active movement of his spirit spent itself, not in following out its own trains of thought, but in outward observation.
To save himself he hit upon the novel and terrible expedient of uniting the Tatars and the Cossacks Cossack in a determined onslaught upon the Republic, whose Rebellion of inward weakness, despite its brave outward show, 1648.
Hence the necessity for outward conformity, and the importance attached to ritual and ceremony, unity in which must be established at all costs, in contrast to dogma and doctrine, in which he showed himself lenient and large-minded, winning over Hales by friendly discussion, and encouraging the publication of Chillingworth's Religion of Protestants.
In the outward appearance of the adults there is great want of uniformity, one set having their limbs sheltered by no carapace, another having a broad shield over most of them, and a third having a bivalved shell-cover within which the whole body can be enclosed.
He pushes the claim even further, requiring, besides entire outward submission to command, also the complete identification of the place of God, without reference to his personal wisdom, piety or discretion; that any obedience which falls short of making the superior's will one's own, in inward affection as well as in outward effect, is lax aect; that going beyond the letter of command, even in things abstractly good and praiseworthy, is disobedience, and that the "sacrifice of the intellect" is the third and highest grade of obedience, well pleasing to God, when the inferior not only wills what the superior wills, but thinks what he thinks, submitting his judgment, so far as it is possible for the will to influence and lead the judgment.
It was not until November 1537, when all hope of going to the Holy Land was given up, that any outward steps were taken to form these companions into an organized body.
But the mightiest forces, to which in the end this theology too had absolutely to give way, were outward organization and tradition.
The face is oval, with low forehead, high cheek-bones, long eyes sloping outward towards the temples, fleshy lips, nose wide and in some cases flattish but in others aquiline, coarsely moulded features, with a stolid and gloomy expression.
Worshipping God in the spirit, they affirm that the outward Church and all that is performed in it and concerns it has no importance for them.
As soon, however, as events happened among them which disturbed their outward tranquillity, the religious spirit which had guided their fathers immediately revived within them.
As on his outward voyage, Leif was again driven far out of his course by contrary weather - this time to lands (in America) "of which he had previously had no knowledge," where "self-sown" wheat grew, and vines, and "m&sur" (maple?) wood.
His philosophy consisted in an attempt to reconcile the doctrines of his teachers Philo of Larissa and Mnesarchus the Stoic. Against the scepticism of the former, he held that the intellect has in itself a sufficient test of truth; against Mnesarchus, that happiness, though its main factor is virtue, depends also on outward circumstances.
The horns are somewhat erect and spiral, with an outward bend.
They remain the same in outward appearance as they were received, but by that power they are transformed into a spiritual power.
In 830-850, Paschasius Radbert taught that after the priest has uttered the words of institution, nothing remains save the body and blood under the outward form of bread and wine; the substance is changed and the accidents alone remain.
Hincmar of Reims and Haimo of Halberstadt, took the side of Paschasius, and affirmed that the substance of the bread and wine is changed, and that God leaves the colour, taste and other outward properties out of mercy to the worshippers, who would be overcome with dread if the underlying real flesh and blood were nakedly revealed to their gaze !
Both in its inner nature then and outward effects the Eucharist was the Christian counterpart of these two other forms of communion of which one, the heathen, was excluded from the first, and the other, the Jewish, soon to disappear.
The warmed air of summer produces an area of low pressure in the west-central United States, which interrupts the belt of high pressure that planetary conditions alone would form around the earth about latitude 30; hence there is a tendency of the summer winds to blow inward from the northern Pacific over the Cordilleras toward the continental centre, and from the trades of the torrid Atlantic up the Mississippi Valley; conversely in winter time, the cold air over the lands produces a large area of high pressure from which the winds tend to flow outward; thus repelling the westerly winds of the northern Pacific and greatly intensifying the outflow southward to the Gulf of Mexico and eastward to the Atlantic. As a result of these seasonal alternations of temperature and pressure there is something of a monsoon tendency developed in the winds of the Mississippi Valley, southerly infiowing winds prevailing in summer and northerly outfiowing winds in winter; but the general tendency to inflow and outflow is greatly modified by the relief of the lands, to which we next turn.
I (5), takes an outward course and leaves the sub-pallial space by the upper notch d.
Sinjar resolved to punish this crime; but his troops deserted and he himself was taken prisoner by the Ghuzz, who kept him in strict confinement during two years (1153-1155), though treating him with all outward marks of respect.
From each side of the uterus the peritoneum is reflected outward, as a two-layered sheet, to the side wall of the pelvis; this is the broad ligament, and between its layers lie several structures of importance.
There is religious toleration in Brazil, but down to the organization of the republic no non-Catholic church or chapel was permitted to have a spire or other outward symbol of a place of worship.
Her husband, however, who viewed these proceedings with disfavour, banished her friends, took her children from her, threw her into prison,, and eventually made her abandon at any rate the outward forms of Calvinism.
He wore a sharp shirt of hair next his skin, scourged himself every Friday and other fasting days, lay upon the bare ground with a log under his head, and allowed himself but four or five hours' sleep. This access of the ascetic malady lasted but a short time, and More recovered to all outward appearance his balance of mind.
That he intended it to find outward expression in a visible society appears from the careful way in which he trained the apostles to become leaders hereafter, crowning that work by the institution of the sacraments of baptism and the Eucharist.
Luther distinguished between the Spiritual Church, which he identified with the Communion of Saints, and the Corporeal Church, the outward marks of which are Baptism, Sacrament and Gospel.
In 1647 he records that at a time when all outward help had failed "I heard a voice which said, ` There is one, even Christ Jesus, that can speak to thy condition.'
In the twilight it moves about cautiously and as noiselessly as a rat, to which, indeed, at this time it bears some outward resemblance.
Their situation was so dangerous just because it combined inward debility and outward pressure, both tending to the same result, viz.
These, without intermitting the work of reformation, endeavoured by every means to further the outward expansion of Catholicism.
It was not founded on any intuitive ideas of right and wrong, nor was it fashioned upon any outward experiences of time and place, but it was formed entirely on what he held to be the revelation of the will of God in the written word, and throughout all his life his faith led him to act up to the very letter of it."
It is clear, then, that this vestment can only have been assumed with the emperor's permission; and Braun suggests (p. 305) that its use was granted to the patriarchs, after the completion of the schism of East and West, in order "in some sort to give them the character, in outward appearance as well, of popes of the East."
That one's occupation stamps its impress on the outward appearance was also noticed at an early period.
But when the Hundred Years' War brought a real national conflict between England and France, when archery became of supreme importance, and a large proportion even of the cavalry were mercenary soldiers, then the exigencies of serious warfare swept away much of that outward display and those class-conventions on which chivalry had always rested.
To the outward eye his gigantic strength and herculean build lent him the appearance of health and vigour, but forty years of unintermittent toil and anxiety had told upon him, and during the last two-and-twenty years of his reign, by which time all his old self-chosen counsellors had died off, he apathetically resigned himself to the course of events without making any sustained effort to stem the rising tide of Protestantism and democracy.
For now the corporation was styled " The Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the parts adjacent in America," and its object was defined to be " not only to seek the outward welfare and prosperity of those colonies, but more especially to endeavour the good and salvation of their immortal souls, and the publishing the most glorious gospel of Christ among them."
In all these cases the cut should be a clean sloping one, and made in an upward and outward direction.
To this very plausible theory it may be objected that in many slowrunning furnaces, which work very regularly and show no sign of scaffolding, the outward flare of the boshes continues (though steepened) far above this region of pastiness, indeed nearly half-way to the top of the furnace.
Because the outer and inner layers are integrally united, this excess of contraction of the inner layers makes them draw outward towards and against the outer layers, and because of their thus drawing outward the molten lake within no longer suffices to fill completely the central space, so that its upper surface begins to sink.
The mass that follows, characterized by all the outward signs of sorrow proper to Passion Week, is in striking contrast with the joyous triumph of the procession.
As time passed, and custom created familiarity, his style, personal and literary, was seen to be the outward symbol of a firm resolve to preserve a philosophic calm, and of an enormous underlying energy which spent itself in labour, "ohne Hast, aber auch ohne Rast."
Its prosperity now rapidly increased; when railways were introduced it became the meeting-place of several lines, and in 1881 its growth necessitated the pushing outward of the circle of fortifications.
The outward gradient is dO/dr, and is negative if the central hole is heated.
Even in his motives and his impulses, in his mental attitude towards outward surroundings, in his appetites and aversions, inherited tendency and environment have been found to play a very large part; indeed many thinkers hold that the whole of a man's development, mental as well.
God must be worshipped spiritually by prayer and the will to be good, not in outward action.
For outward splendour his position was never surpassed, and before he died he possessed six crowns, those of the Empire, Germany, Sicily, Lombardy, Burgundy and Jerusalem.
Beneath an outward gloss of refinement these nobles were, as a class, coarse and selfish, and they made it their chief object to promote their own interests by fostering absolutist tendencies.
The animating spirit of love, moreover, has here deepened and intensified into a crystalline harmony of earthly passion with the love that is divine and transcending; the outward manifestation is regarded as a symbol of a sentiment at once eternal and quintessential.
They alone have kept the spiritual baptism with fire which Christ instituted, and which has no connexion with the water baptism of John; for the latter was an unregenerate soul, who failed to recognize the Christ, a Jew whose mode of baptism with water belongs to the fleeting outward world and is opposed to the kingdom of God.
Inquiries made in the third year of Justinian's reign drove nearly all of these persons into an outward conformity, and their offspring seem to have become ordinary Christians.
In outward appearance the motmots have an undoubted resemblance to bee-eaters, but, though beautiful birds, various shades of blue and green predominating in their plumage, they do not exhibit such decided and brilliant colours; and, while the beeeaters are only found in the Old World, the motmots are a purely Neotropical form, extending from southern Mexico to Paraguay, and the majority of species inhabit Central America.
In the first centuries of the Christian era, apostasy was most commonly induced by persecution, and was indicated by some outward act, such as offering incense to a heathen deity or blaspheming the name of Christ.'
The commonalty revere him and kiss his hand; the rich show him at least outward respect; and even the government treats him as a person to whom consideration is due for his influence with the masses.
Western Greece appears to have been more barbarous than Thessaly, and its outward connexions, if any, before the Mycenaean period, were with Italy rather than with Greece.
His mind, in spite of its clinging to the outward forms of the old faith, was intensely secular; and he was as devoid of a moral sense as he was of a genuine religious temperament.
In the former group Stanley would, without doubt or hesitation, have placed all questions connected with Episcopal or Presbyterian orders, or that deal only with the outward forms or ceremonies of religion, or with the authorship or age of the books of the Old Testament.
The pilgrims' formed themselves into unions, elected a "master" and concluded their agreements, as to the outward voyage and return, in common.
Earnest men could not disguise from themselves the moral dangers almost inevitably consequent upon them; they recognized, moreover, that many pilgrims were actuated by extremely dubious motives; and they distrusted the exaggerated value set on outward works.
On the other hand, such a decrease as has occurred in Tahiti and Tonga, can be accounted for only by an accumulation of outward causes, such as wars, massacres, and raidings for the Australian and South American labour markets before this traffic was suppressed or regulated.
A visit to Leipzig in 1801, and to Berlin - where there was some prospect of his being invited to settle - in 1804, were the chief outward events of his later years.
They were always mitigations of satisfactions or penances which had been imposed by the church as outward signs of inward sorrow, tests of fitness for pardon, and the needful precedents of absolution.
On his outward voyage Cabral was driven by stress of weather to the coast of Brazil.
When his perfidy became known a civil war ensued, in which he was twice severely defeated - first near Cibalae in Pannonia (October 8th, 314), and next in the plain of Mardia in Thrace; the outward reconciliation, which was effected in the following December, left Licinius in possession of Thrace, Asia Minor, Syria and Egypt, but added numerous provinces to the Western empire.
His diary shows that in the outward journey Scott's mind was full of care and anxiety, while the disappointment of finding by Amundsen's record that he was not first to reach the Pole was a shock from which his spirits seemed never to recover.
He came to the throne at a time when the attacks of the Greeks in Cilicia, and of Zengi on Edessa, were fatally weakening the position of the Franks in northern Syria; and from the beginning of his reign the power of the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem may be said to be slowly declining, though as yet there is little outward trace of its decay to be seen.
To the Arabian state they were always a thorn in the flesh; it was they who helped most to break up its internal order, and it was from them also that it at last received its outward death-blow.
The direction of their inquiry is persistently outward.
The faith of science looks outward as in the dawn of Greek philosophy, and subjectivism such as Hume's has as yet no hold.
It was an article of faith with her disciples that the outward and visible Helena Petrovna Blavatsky was on certain occasions the vehicle of psychic powers of transcendent spiritual import.
The reliance upon ritual - seeking salvation through outward acts.
It expresses itself in outward forms, yet there are not two Churches visible and invisible, but only one.
Let a represent the area of the section of a piston made by a plane perpendicular to its direction of motion, and v its velocity, which is to be considered as positive when outward, and negative when inward.
That baptism or washing with water is the outward manifestation of dying unto sin and walking in newness of life; and therefore in no wise appertaineth to infants."
Krummholz oil, valued in Germany as an outward application in rheumatism and for bruises and sprains, is distilled from the young branches, and a fragrant white resin that exudes in some quantity from the buds is used for similar purposes and as a perfume, under the name of Hungarian balsam it is sold in the towns of Germany, being probably obtained from the Carpathians.
The Abbasid caliphs, who still enjoyed a precarious and shadowy authority at the pleasure of Turkish viziers, gladly surrendered themselves to the protection of the Mahommedan Seljuks, who paid them all outward respect.
Moreover, in moments of great excitement he was able to maintain outward calmness.
This God he could not discover in the Old Testament; on the contrary, he saw there the revelation of a just, stern, jealous, wrathful and variable God, who requires from his servants blind obedience, fear and outward righteousness.
For three years the undertaking went on quietly and simply, subject to few outward troubles other than financial, the number of associates increasing to seventy or eighty.
His own college (Christ's) would have chosen him for the mastership; but a party opposition led to the election of Valentine Cary, who had already quarrelled with Ames for disapproving of the surplice and other outward symbols.
Perhaps, however, the most interesting member of the whole group is the tiny musk-kangaroo (Hypsiprymnodon moschatus) of north-east Australia, which alone represents the sub-family Hypsiprymnodontinae, characterized by the presence of an opposable first toe on the hind-foot and the outward inclination of the penultimate upper premolar, as well by the small and feeble claws.
This feeling explains his detestation of foreign manners and superstitions, his loathing not only of inhuman crimes and cruelties but even of the lesser derelictions from selfrespect, his scorn of luxury and of art as ministering to luxury, his mockery of the poetry and of the stale and dilettante culture of his time, and perhaps, too, his indifference to the schools of philosophy and his readiness to identify all the professors of stoicism with the reserved and close-cropped puritans, who concealed the worst vices under an outward appearance of austerity.
A flight of stone steps leads the way down to a narrow passage, through which the air rushes with violence, outward in summer and inward in winter.
These cave flowers are unfolded by pressure, as if a sheaf were forced through a tight binding, or the crystal fibres curl outward from the centre of the group. Thus spotless arches of 50 ft.
Now such an outward movement of the liquid is just what is required to hasten the removal of intervening air.
It also suffered from the political necessity of avoiding the outward semblance of an aggression.
The small value they attributed to all outward and special forms of service, and the want of any sympathetic craving for the communion of saints, saved the deists from attempting to found a free-thinking church.
A theory sprang up which was supposed to explain the marvellous powers of the Buddhas by representing them as only the outward appearance, the reflection, as it were, or emanation, of ethereal Buddhas dwelling in the skies.
Laymen as well as monks take part in the proceedings, the details of which are unknown to us except from the accounts of the Catholic missionaries - Fathers Huc and Gabet - who describe the principal ceremonial as, in outward appearance, wonderfully like the high mass.
In the same way the Pantshen Lama is looked upon as an incarnation, the Nirmana-kaya, of Amitabha, who had previously appeared under the outward form of Tshonkapa himself; and the Dalai Lama is looked upon as an incarnation of Avalokitesvara.
When either of them dies it is necessary for the other to ascertain in whose body the celestial being whose outward form has been dissolved has been pleased again to incarnate himself.
He declared to Northumberland, the kinsman and master of Thomas Percy, the conspirator, "as for the Catholics, I will neither persecute any that will be quiet and give but an outward obedience to the law, neither will I spare to advance any of them that will be of good service and worthily deserved."
With the approval of Antiochus Epiphanes, the Sadducean section embraced the outward forms of Hellenism, and out of the persecution of the orthodox which followed was born the hope of a future life which was in the circumstances the necessary corollary of God's righteousness and was discovered to be latent in Scripture.
It forms a roughly circular highland area, the drainage lines of which radiate outward from the centre in a series of narrow valleys, the upper parts of which cut deeply into the mountains, and the lower widen into the surrounding plain.
In its outward form the Avesta, as we now have it, belongs to the Sassanian period - the last survival of the compilers' work already alluded to.
Outward trials are for our development through aid of divinely given "wisdom" (2-II).
In outward things he soon became a strict Pharisee.
But as the mean density exceeds that of water, and probably falls but little from the centre to the surface, these gases are gases only in the sense that if the pressure of neighbouring and outward parts gravitating towards the centre were relaxed, they would expand explosively, as we see happening in the eruptive prominences.
The esprit bourru by which he was at all times distinguished, and which he now displayed in his rather arrogant Excuse a Ariste, unfitted him for controversy, and it was of vital importance to him that he should not lose the outward marks of favour which Richelieu continued to show him.
Although the mountains present bold and picturesque outlines on their outward faces, the general aspect of the country north of the coast-lands, except in its south-eastern corner, is bare and monotonous.
Some of the branching forms have a distinct outward resemblance to the polyparies of Sertularia and Plumularia among the recent Hydroida (Calyptoblastea); in none of the unbranching forms, however, is the similarity by any means close.
In the genus Dendrograptus the gonothecae open within the walls of the ordinary thecae, and the branches present an outward resemblance to those of the uniserial Graptoloidea.
Next about the moon was a Circle of white, and next about that the inner Crown, which was of a bluish green within next the white, and of a yellow and red without, and next about these Colours were blue and green on the inside of the Outward Crown, and red on the outside of it.
Their magnificent series of temples and shrines on Mount Abu, one of the seven wonders of India, is perhaps the most striking outward sign of their wealth and importance.
The most distinguishing outward peculiarity of Maha-vira and of his earliest followers was their practice of going quite naked, whence the term Digambara.
Nearly everything, according to them, has a soul within its outward visible shape - not only men and animals, but also all plants, and even particles of earth, and of water (when it is cold), and fire and wind.
It broke down, as it always will break down in practice, whenever the difference of belief is so strongly felt as to seek earnestly to embody itself in diversity of outward practice.
Are not high rank, great splendour of descent, great personal elegance and outward accomplishments ingredients of moment in forming the interest we take in the misfortunes of men?.
As the admission of converts is no longer permitted, the faithful are enjoined to keep their doctrine secret from the profane; and in order that their allegiance may not bring them into danger, they are allowed (like Persian mystics) to make outward profession of whatever religion is dominant around them.
Church History proper; C. The depicting of the present state of the Church; (I) its faith - Dogmatics; the belief of one branch of the Church; (2) its outward condition - Statistics; these should be universal.
The " verification " of this hypothesis, offered in the thirteenth and following chapters of the second book, goes to show in detail that even those ideas which are " most abstruse," how remote soever they may seem from original data of outward sense, or of inner consciousness, " are only such as the understanding frames to itself by repeating and joining together simple ideas that it had at first, either from perceiving objects of sense, or from reflection upon its own operations."
He thus relieves himself of the difficulty of having at the outset to explain how the immediate data of outward sense and reflection are accepted as " qualities " of things and persons.
Locke here treats simple ideas of the five senses as qualities of outward things.
On the 8th the festival of the Supreme Being was solemnized, Robespierre acting as pontiff amid the outward deference and secret jeers of his colleagues.
Just as the phenomena of sudden conversion, complete revolutions of character occurring to outward appearance in a momentary space of time, are no valid argument against determinism - they may be due to the sudden emergence of elements in life and character long concealed - so what looks like the orderly and necessary development of a character growing and exhibiting its activity in accordance with fixed laws may in reality be due to innumerable secret struggles and momentous decisions, acts of choice of which only the results are outwardly apparent.
Even in this negative use of the notion it is necessarily implied that whatever active tendencies in man are found to be " natural " - that is, independent of and uncorrupted by social customs and conventions - will properly take effect in outward acts, but the adoption of " conformity to nature " as a general positive rule for outward conduct seems to have been due to the influence on Zeno of Academic teaching.
In man, as in every other animal, from the moment of birth natural impulse prompts to the maintenance of his physical frame; then, when reason has been developed and has recognized itself as its own sole good, these " primary ends of nature " and whatever promotes these still constitute the outward objects at which reason is to aim; there is a certain value (a La) in them, in proportion to which they are " preferred " (7rponyµtva) and their opposites " rejected " (ci roirpony,ubm); indeed it is only in the due and consistent exercise of such choice that wisdom can find its practical manifestation.
Similarly, in the view taken by the Stoics of the duties of social decorum, and in their attitude to the popular religion, we find a fluctuating compromise between the disposition to repudiate what is conventional, and the disposition to revere what is 1 The Stoics seem to have varied in their view of " good repute," eu50 ia; at first, when the school was more under the influence of Cynicism, they professed an outward as well as an inward indifference to it; ultimately they conceded the point to common sense, and included it among rrponyp. va.
In no one of these schools was the outward coherence of tradition so much strained by inner changes as it was in Plato's.
Rightness of purpose, preference of virtue for its own sake, suppression of vicious desires, were made essential points by the - Aristotelians, who attached the most importance to outward circumstances in their view of virtue, no less than by the Stoics, to whom all outward things were indifferent.
The same may be said of the stricter regulation which Christianity enforced on the relations of the sexes; except so far as the prohibition of divorce is concerned, and the stress laid on " purity of heart " as contrasted with merely outward chastity.
With a similar stress on the self-conscious side of moral action, he argues that rightness of conduct depends solely on the intention, at one time pushing this doctrine to the paradoxical assertion that all outward acts as such are indifferent.'
Human law, however, can deal with outward conduct alone, and natural law, as we have seen, is liable to be vague and obscure in particular applications.
And again we do not attribute goodness to him merely because his outward acts have beneficial results.
It remains to consider how, from the doctrine that affection is the proper object of approbation, we are to deduce moral rules or " natural laws " prescribing or prohibiting outward acts.
It is true that Hegel regards the conscious effort to realize one's own conception of good as a higher stage of moral development than the mere conformity to the jural rules establishing property, maintaining contract and allotting punishment to crime, in which the universal will is first expressed; since in such conformity this will is only accomplished accidentally by the outward concurrence of individual wills, and is not essentially realized in any of them.
Though a ritualist and a rigorous enforcer of outward conformity, he was uncompromisingly hostile to Roman Catholicism, and most of his writings illustrate this antagonism.
The universal uniformity of the production of judgments presupposes the uniformity of our relations to the outward world, and the uniformity of concepts rests similarly on the likeness of our inward nature.
It was evident from the speeches made on the occasion that there was not much cordiality between the various leaders, but the outward solidarity of the party was calculated to bring in renewed subscriptions both at home and from America.
Thereafter the islands (which were uninhabited) were occasionally visited by outward bound ships to the Indies.
The outward and visible progress of the Revolution, due primarily to profound economic disturbance, was thus accelerated and rendered irresistible.
In the third place, the form or essence may be looked upon as embodied in outward things (in singularibus propriis), and thus it is the type more or less represented by the members of a natural kind.
It is the designation of these outward things which forms the " first intention " of names; and it is only at a later stage, when thought comes to observe its own modes, that names, looked upon as predicables and universals, are taken in their " second intention."
The crossing of the bar requires considerable care, and at ebb tide the outward current runs 51knots per hour.
This period of outward prosperity, however, was also that in which the seeds of decline were planted.
For instance, liberty of conscience, established for the first time in 1869, was reduced to a minimum of toleration for Protestant worship, schools and cemeteries, but with a strict prohibition of propaganda and outward signs of faith.
What were they to do, when the outward church said one thing, and the inward voice said another?
Though not holding to outward forms of religion, he was a truly religious man in the highest sense of the word, and was a constant student of the Bible.
It cleared away such conditions as repentance, or some degree of outward or inward reformation, and argued that where Christ is heartily received, full repentance and a new life follow.
Under the " Iron Tsar " the outward semblance of authority was perfectly maintained; but behind this imposing façade the whole structure of the Russian administrative system continued to rot and crumble.
The priests under the law were to have no outward blemish or deformity.
A delicious brunch with Bucks Fizz will be served on your outward journey.
Next on its outward journey the particle passes through a detector called the " electromagnetic calorimeter " .
A top hung outward opening casement offers a medium cost window option with reduced ventilation control.
Be not contented with outward happiness; things are worthy according to their duration.
Before the side-chambers of the Temple, on either side, were galleries in three stories, extending outward ten cubits north and south.
She showed violent displeasure against our baptized Quaker, saying, " God had showed her, he would destroy all outward things.
Venus's rapid motion outward from the Sun will come to a halt when the planet reaches maximum western elongation on August 17th.
One large freighter we passed on an outward leg had only some wreckage to show on our return, having swung at anchor.
Click the image for a large version Neurons in those segments then convey the impulses outward beyond the cord.
A Britain that succeeds globally because working together we build on our scientific genius and are outward looking, internationalist and European.
Once more, I had to endure the ordeal of the outward sign of urinary incontinence.
On their outward voyage, they narrowly escaped capture by a Spanish privateer.
The outward and homeward loops cross over in front of the somber Clubhouse, set in an ancient, solidly built sheepfold.
New Outward Bound placements in East Canada offer exciting summer and winter activities including dog sledding.
Both in his outward conduct and in his inward spiritual desires he was ruled by God's Word.
Ensure the wood does not splinter outward by working from both sides.
Pain or weakness on outward or inward rotation of the arm may indicate a tear in a rotator cuff tendon.
In May 1500 he returned to Rome, where he was received with outward cordiality by Alexander VI., and where he lived for several years immersed in art and literature.
Syria and Egypt next fell before him; he became master of the holy cities of Islam; and, most important of all, he induced the last Caliph of the Abbasid dynasty formally to surrender the title of caliph (q.v.), as well as its outward emblems, viz.
In 337 Philip repudiated Olympias for another wife, Cleopatra, Alexander went with his mother to her home in Epirus, and, though he soon returned and an outward reconciliation between father and son was contrived, their hearts were estranged.
The interior of the city does not correspond to its outward appearance.
His creation of a formidable standing army, the first of its kind in that age of transition from feudal conditions, gave to the Burgundian power all the outward semblance of stability and permanence.
The nature of Cromwell's statesmanship is to be seen rather in his struggles against the retrograde influences and opinions of his time, in the many political reforms anticipated though not originated or established by himself, and in his religious, perhaps fanatical, enthusiasm, than in the outward character of his administration, which, however, in spite of its despotism shows itself in its inner spirit of justice, patriotism and self-sacrifice, so immeasurably superior to that of the Stuarts.
He wandered from village to village and town to town, preaching to enormous audiences, always in the open air; the earnestness and straightforward eloquence with which he insisted that true repentance came from the heart, that pious pilgrimages and the absolution of the Church were mere outward symbols, appealed to all classes.
We thus see in the Scandinavian settlers in Gaul, after they had put on the outward garb of their adopted country, a people restless and enterprising above all others, adopting and spreading abroad all that they could make their own in their new land and everywhere else - a people in many ways highly gifted, greatly affecting and of Sicily modifying at the time every land in which they settled, but, wherever they settled, gradually losing themselves among the people of the land.
In the imperial court, so far as outward decorum and refinement were concerned, there was an immense improvement, and the upper section of the old Russian Dvorianstvo became a noblesse with French aristocratic conceptions and ideals.
Where heavy suburban traffic has to be dealt with, the expedient is occasionally adopted of taking some of the lines round the end in a continuous loop, so that incoming trains can deposit their passengers at an underground platform and immediately proceed on their outward journey.
In the early part of the r9th century an American Friend, Elias Hicks, pressed this doctrine to its furthest limits, and, in doing so, he laid stress on " Christ within " in such a way as practically to take little account of the person and work of the " outward," i.e.
At the same time their avoidance of exact definition embodied in a rig i d creed, together with their disuse of the outward ordinances of Baptism and the Supper, has laid them open to considerable misunderstanding.
Its objects embrace (a) admonition to those who fail in the payment of their just debts, or otherwise walk contrary to the standard of Quaker ethics, and the exclusion of obstinate or gross offenders from the body, and, as incident to this, the hearing of appeals from individuals or meetings considering themselves aggrieved; (b) the care and maintenance of the poor and provision for the Christian education of their children, for which purpose the Society has established boarding schools in different parts of the country; (c) the amicable settlement of " all differences about outward things," either by the parties in controversy or by the submission of the dispute to arbitration, and the restraint of all proceedings at law between members except by leave; (d) the " recording " of ministers (see above); (e) the cognizance of all steps preceding marriage according to Quaker forms; (f) the registration of births, deaths and marriages and the admission of members; (g) the issuing of certificates or letters of approval granted to ministers travelling away from their homes, or to members removing from one meeting to another; and (h) the management of the property belonging to the Society.
In the final compilation, or perhaps in a subsequent redaction, some alterations were made in the original order, some notes were added describing the circumstances in which various psalms had been composed, and lastly, in order to assimilate the outward form of the Psalter to that of the Pentateuch, the three collections were divided into five books.
They show much outward respect for superiors and parents, but they are insincere and incapable of deep emotion.
He gave them outward signs of their faith in the five K's - which will subsequently be explained - he signified the military nature of their calling by the title of "singh" or "lion" and by the wearing of steel, and he strictly prohibited the use of tobacco.
The Nanakpanti Sikhs do not wear the hair long, nor use any of the outward signs of the Sikhs, though they reverence the Granth Sahib and above all the memory of their guru.
The samurai (soldier) learned that his first characteristic must be to suppress all outward displays of emotion.
After the bishop or his commissary has instituted the presentee, he issues a mandate under seal, addressed to the archdeacon or some other neighbouring clergyman, authorizing him to induct the clerk into his benefice, - in other words, to put him into legal possession of the temporalities, which is done by some outward form, and for the most part by delivery of the bell-rope to the clerk, who thereupon tolls the bell.
They proposed to abolish the " idolatry " of the Mass and all other outward signs of what they deemed the old superstitions.
In the domain of religion, Ultramontanism tends to foster popular superstitions and to emphasize outward forms as the essence of religious life, for it can only maintain its dominion so long as the common people remain at a low spiritual level.
She was far too masculine in mind and temperament, and her extravagant addiction to the outward trappings of femininity was probably due to the absence or atrophy of deeper feminine instincts.
His method is critical and pragmatic, "pursuing everywhere the exact facts and the supposed causes of the outward changes of history," leaving wholly out of sight the deeper moving principles and ideas which influence its course.
He was sincerely religious; but his wellmeant efforts to unite the Lutheran and Reformed Churches, in celebration of the tercentenary of the Reformation (1817), revealed the limits of his paternal power; eleven years passed in vain attempts to devise common formulae; a stubborn Lutheran minority had to be coerced by military force, the confiscation of their churches and the imprisonment or exile of their pastors; not till 1834 was outward union secured on the basis of common worship but separate symbols, the opponents of the measure being forbidden to form communities of their own.
She enforced outward decency in her household, was herself temperate in eating and drinking, and was by no means tolerant of disorderly behaviour on the part of the ladies of her court.
As a conscious effort to bring religion into daily life, chivalry was less successful than later puritanism; while the educated classes of our own day far surpass the average medieval knight in discipline, self-control and outward or inward refinement.
The outward frontiers of both were the sea; no difficult physical barriers divided the two territories; the majority of Scots spoke an intelligible form of English, differing from northern English more in spelling and pronunciation than in idiom and vocabulary; and after the Reformation the State religion in both countries was Protestant.
Beethoven read the final prayer of the Mass as a "prayer for inward and outward peace," and, giving it that title, organized it on the basis of a contrast between terrible martial sounds and the triumph of peaceful themes, in a scheme none the less spiritual and sublime because those who first heard it had derived their notions of the horror of war from living in Vienna during its bombardment.
And there is this to be said that idolatry may be an outward symbol of a real indebtedness to idolaters which is not necessarily wiped out when the tangible idols are smashed.
Under the " Iron Tsar " the outward semblance of authority was perfectly maintained; but behind this imposing façade the whole structure of the Russian administrative system continued to rot and crumble.
They were radiating outward from a wooden building in the center ofa clearing right beyond the closest line of trees.
From here re-trace the outward route back to the Fisherman.
Both in his outward conduct and in his inward spiritual desires he was ruled by God 's Word.
The years are years of unbroken continuity of outward blessings.
I try not to immediately stereotype and judge people based on their outward appearances.
The titles identical and fraternal have nothing to do with outward features, and some fraternal twins tend to look even more alike than identical twins do!
Aluminum bats are more popular these days because of the fact that aluminum is more elastic than wood-this means that when the ball hits the bat, it retains more of its kinetic energy (i.e. it will go farther outward into the field).
If you see that the area is getting red, it is important to watch for any spreading of redness outward to the rest of the body.
The traditional cabriole leg, which curves outward like an animal leg, is a distinctive aspect of these furniture pieces.
If you are using more than one color for a pattern make sure you paint beginning in the center and move outward so the colors don't bleed together.
The window extends outward from the room it is installed in, allowing light to enter from three angles and creating the illusion of a larger room.
The rod curves six inches outward in the center, which provides more space and elbow room in the shower.
Start small with things like cabinet hardware and wall prints, and work outward to curtains and stencils.
Work from your T-zone outward, swirling the brush into all creases until you've achieved a nice even coverage that you're pleased with.
Working from your T-zone outward, begin blending a small amount of the foundation onto your skin.
Once you have a small amount of product on the bristles, buff in circular motions from the center of the face outward.
These emotions carry over into the outward appearance, providing a perfect start for the dark eyes and sad designs often found in emo makeup and on clothing.
I prefer to apply it to the apples of my cheeks and blend it outward.
Use an eye shadow color a shade or two away from your natural skin color, and use a slightly darker neutral shade to contour the eyes up or towards the outward corners, depending on your eye shape.
As with liquid liners, start on the inside corner and extend outward.
Always start at the outer corner of the eyelid and sweep color inward rather than outward to prevent an unrealistic and telltale shadow line.
Pack a carbon color into the outer corner and blend outward, extending slightly upward toward the brow bone.
Apply into the crease and then pull the color outward towards the outer corner of your eye using your makeup brush.
Gradually work this line outward towards the outer corner of your eye in a straight line that continues to follow your lash line.
Using the brush, apply the color to the inner tear duct and then blend or pull the color outward toward the outer corner of the eye.Next, you apply your favorite mascara.
Choose your favorite lipstick and apply it starting at the center of the upper lip and moving outward toward one corner.
Return to the center of the upper lip and run it outward toward the other corner.
Place blush on the fullest part of your cheeks and blend well and outward.
Follow the line of your upper lashes from the inner corner of the eye outward, making the line a little thicker in the middle.
Liquid liner is usually applied from the inner to outer corner of the eye in one sweep, although you can also start in the middle and work outward and then fill in the area between the inner corner and the middle.
Using eye liner and working from the inside corner of the eye outward, make short strokes into the lash line.
In this technique, the skier pushes one ski outward, while the inside edge of the opposite ski is pressed into the snow.
In this graceful and athletic technique, the skier pushes one ski outward, while the inner edge of the opposite ski is pressed into the snow.
Inhale taking a deep breath that fills your diaphragm as you push it down and outward.
Menarche may be the first outward indication of your blossoming adulthood.
Normal weight should be based on how you feel, how well your body performs, and your physical health, not on outward appearance.
The tiers come down and then jut outward, sometimes swooping slightly upwards at the bottom of each level.
Regardless of a person's comfort level with lying, most people will unknowingly display certain outward signs that reveal that they are telling lies.
For example, a person who has a delusional disorder may not display any outward signs of lying when speaking about an alleged secret love affair with a movie star because, in the person's mind, the affair is absolutely true.
Meth use can cause a great deal of damage to a person's internal organs, but there are outward signs of meth use that can be recognized as well.
It may not be possible to discover exactly which type of drug a person is using based solely on outward signs.
Turn the entire thing inside out so that the batting is now concealed within and the pattern side of the fabric is facing outward.
Now, gently roll the edges outward to resemble a real calla lily.
There's also the fact that while she was a child, her father was a Program Director for the Outward Bound School.
If the lace socks are crafted with tulle and protrude outward like a tutu, then you've exhausted the classic qualities of these accessories.
Some consider the White German Shepherd to be the outward sign of weaker genetics; others feel they are superior to other German Shepherds.
However, the dramatic increase in water consumption could signal an undetected kidney problem that is just now presenting outward signs.
Also, do dogs' lower teeth in the front protrude outward, or should the teeth be straight up and down?
However, the teeth should be set reasonably straight up and down in the jaw, not protruding outward as you sometimes see on Bulldogs.
Understanding what happens to a dog as it is dying can help you recognize what those outward symptoms mean just a little sooner.
Anestrus - This resting period is not marked by any outward physical signs, and it typically lasts anywhere from four to seven months until proestrus begins again.
They grow well if given enough sunlight and room to sprawl and grow outward.
These plants spread outward rapidly and grow in height quickly as well.
Awning - Used above a door or below a stationary window to get more ventilation, awning windows are generally wider than they are tall and have hinges on the top so that they open outward.
Bay/Bow - Bay and bow windows are a combination of windows that project outward from the home.
Casement - Casement windows have the hinges on either the right or left, and open outward either right or left.
Anderson offers doors that swing both inward and outward as well as doors that slide along the door jamb.
Again, attach the sheet to the wall with sheetrock screws starting from the center of the sheet and work outward.
His revolutionary new design prevents the hoops from turning outward when worn.
Many people desire an outward symbol of this commitment.
When a parent gives a Claddagh to a child, the daughter wears the ring with the heart tip pointed outward on her right ring finger.
Since jewelry is a personal possession and over time often becomes an outward symbol of who you are, make certain your purchase meets all of the criteria you first established before setting out on your shopping expedition.
The shoulder pads on your suit's jacket should not extend outward in ramrod-straight fashion.
Instead, opt for empire-waist styles, which gracefully flow outward to a full skirt; A-line skirts, which conceal wide hips nicely; and belted shirt dresses, which cinch at the waist and look chic in almost all settings.
Stage 1-the first stage shows no outward symptoms.
All seats on the platform face outward and riders are secured with snug harnesses.
When it's full, you have a chance to blow up your car and create a ripple explosion outward from your car, giving you a chance to destroy those cars missed by the traffic jam and are waiting to pass.
In an outward motion from the center to the edge, gently wipe the disc until the solution cannot be seen.
In the case of Pochacco, the dog ears are actually the eyebrows raised and moved outward.
However, the outward appearance of the "regular" PlayStation 3 remained largely unchanged until the unveiling of the Slim model in 2009.
By and large, the outward appearance of these video game consoles were much the same.
Is the link between violent video games and outward violent acts clear or is there more to the story?
Serve it in small dessert wine glasses with tall sides that slope outward, allowing the alcohol fumes to disperse before overwhelming the flavors and scents of the wine.
A van's outward appearance may not indicate to the casual onlooker that it is really a camper-something many people really care about.
If you really want to consider some Palm Pre fashion accessories, then you'll want to dress up the outward look of your hot new smartphone.
In many cases, the child may have few or very minor outward signs of the disorder, and the diagnosis may be missed until the child develops vision problems or cardiac symptoms.
Kyphosis. Kyphosis is an abnormal outward curvature of the spine at the back, sometimes called hunchback when it occurs in the upper back.
In other children with Marfan, the sternum is pushed outward and narrowed.
Pectus carinatum-An abnormality of the chest in which the sternum (breastbone) is pushed outward.
Intersex states are conditions where a newborn's sex organs (genitals) look unusual, making it impossible to identify the gender of the baby from its outward appearance.
The infant responds by hyperextending the toes; the great toe flexes toward the top of the foot and the other toes fan outward.
As a girl approaches puberty, the first outward signs of breast development begin to appear.
Sensory nerves-Sensory or afferent nerves carry impulses of sensation from the periphery or outward parts of the body to the brain and spinal cord.
The side that faces outward into the ear canal is covered with skin and the inside is covered with mucous membrane.
A birth, there may be few outward signs of fragile X syndrome in the newborn infant.
They understand the concepts of permanence and conservation by learning that volume, weight, and numbers may remain constant despite changes in outward appearance.
Other symptoms of complete dislocation include a shortening of the leg and limited ability to abduct the leg, or move it outward.
Another common form of strabismus is exotropia, sometimes called walleye, where the eyes turn outward.
The rash-erythema migrans (EM)-generally develops within three to 30 days and usually begins as a round, red patch that expands outward from the tick bite.
Adenomyosis-Uterine thickening caused when endometrial tissue, which normally lines the uterus, extends outward into the fibrous and muscular tissue of the uterus.
In Rothbart's view, what she calls the attentional system allows the child to regulate his or her outward behavior as well as internal reactions to stimuli.
Keratoconus-An eye condition in which the central part of the cornea bulges outward, interfering with normal vision.
Dance can refine coordination and motor skills in the physique of children who show no outward interest toward participating in team sports.
Your arms can be in any jazz-friendly position, but, typically, the palms of your hands will be facing outward.
Finally, turn your right knee outward and swing your head to the right as well.
Place books horizontally in a stack with the binding facing outward or so the straight edges and the corners are facing toward the ceiling and floor.
For example, if you look closely at the head of a daisy you will see the tiny florets grow in two spirals from the center outward.
Once the hair is mostly dry, use a large round brush to flip the ends of the hair either inward or outward.
Put a fresh spin on this look by curling the ends outward and prop a sparkly tiara on your head in lieu of the clip.
Just as the iron reaches the end of the hair, stop short and give it a little flick of the wrist, curving upward and outward.
Work from the center of your head outward to be sure the extension is even.
Open your first bobby pin so that it's V-shaped, then insert one leg into the twist pointing outward.
Keep in mind that conventional education may give the appearance of creating discipline but outward appearance can be misleading.
Several nationally-recognized outdoor programs, such as Outward Bound and the National Outdoor Leadership School, require their program guides and instructors to have college degrees as well.
Unlike menstruation, ovulation does not always cause significant outward signs or symptoms.
Remember the incision is inside the uterine wall as well, so you may not see any outward symptoms on the skin.
Runway style is notorious for its outward, brash and unforgettable looks.
Couples sometimes want to add extra excitement to their bedrooms, while still maintaining an inordinate desire to keep outward appearances normal!
Another rude hand gesture in Greece is waving your hand while saying goodbye with your palm facing outward; in Greece they wave with their palms inward.
The left hand - If the ring is worn on the left ring finger with the design facing outward, away from the body, the wearer is engaged.
Stitching should be of a tight, clean and thick nylon with the seam pointing outward.
There is a duality - an inward and outward nature - to the Gemini personality in love.
This is an outward facade Virgo puts on for the world.
While they don't necessarily exude outward sex appeal, they boast an inherently chic sensibility that renders them instant classics.
These shoes are revered all over the world, not only for their outward glamour and elegant styles, but also for their signature red soles.
Viewers all over the world identified with the loveable heroine whose inner beauty overshadowed her outward awkwardness.
Some of these brightly colored creations start with tattoo sleeves and just work outward, and others are started with a large piece on the back or chest.
It's an outward sign of the Grace they feel within.
Place the plates on top of each other, with the bottom of both plates facing outward.
This type of diet is not focused on outward appearance and the excess weight that makes us unhappy, but instead focuses on the scientific interior of our bodies which is what determines our over all health.
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with your feet angled slightly outward - once you're situated, you can increase the width of your stance if it's more comfortable.
Pull the band up and outward with each hand at the same time and repeat.
Stand with feet flat, toes pointed outward and legs more than shoulder width apart.
As you lower body toward the floor, keep your elbows close to your sides so that they don't stick outward.
You'll be facing outward, with the pad against the front of your legs and your feet facing down.
The gluteus maximus primarily serves to extend your thigh behind your body, while the medius and minimus muscles serve to move your thigh outward, away from the center of the body.
To do the exercise, grab the chin-up bar with your palms facing outward.
Keeping your fingers interlocked, rotate your fingers so that they're facing your body and your palms are facing outward.
Stand with your feet spread wide and your feet pointing slightly outward.
Place your elbows on your knees to help hold you in this position and use your forearms to press your thighs further outward, stretching your hips and groin.
Stand upright with your feet hip-distance apart and your feet turned outward 45 degrees.
The majority included reinforced circular stitching, some with "spokes" from the center of each cup stitched outward.
The outward appearance of the third generation Zune products was identical to the preceding iteration, but the new devices were given updated firmware.
Contestants are physically attractive, but if their personality traits don't match their outward appearances they find themselves eliminated.
The sound of a key scraping against the door drew Jenn's attention outward again, and she moved to the side of the door, flattening her back against it.
The magic swept through her outward.
It rippled with lightening and spread fast, soon blocking the moon before it rolled outward in every direction.
The beginning of his ascendancy is marked by an unprecedented outward expansion of Athenian power.
In this form the seventh day's rest was one of the few outward ordinances by which the Israelite could still show his fidelity to Yahweh and mark his separation from the heathen.
He believed in the spiritual and unseen rather than in the outward and visible unity of Christendom.
Ostentatious avoidance of a fish-diet became, indeed, one of the outward symbols of militant Protestantism among the Puritans.
Exudations and Rotting.The outward symptoms of many diseases consist in excessive discharges of moisture, often accompanied by bursting of over-turgid cells, and eventually by putrefactive changes.
To all outward appearance the Norman conquest of England was an event of an altogether different character from the Danish conquest.
The 10th century is the time of the settlement of the Northmen in Gaul, and of the change in religion and language of which the softening of the name is the outward sign.
But, as far as outward circumstances are concerned, we may say that the same effect has been brought about by different and almost opposite causes.
All political power was vested in the noble class; the prince sank to a magistrate, keeping only some of the outward forms of sovereignty; the mass of the people were shut out altogether.
And before long nobility won for itself a distinguishing outward badge.
The most striking feature in the development of beetles is the great diversity noticeable in the outward form of the larva in different families.
The grubs, when hatched, start galleries nearly at right angles to this, and when fully grown form oval cells in which they pupate; from these the young beetles emerge by making circular holes directly outward through the bark.
They style themselves " truly spiritual Christians," and in their rejection of the sacraments, their indifference to outward forms, and their insistence on the spiritual interpretation of the Bible (" the letter killeth "), they are closely akin to the Quakers, whom they resemble also in their inoffensive mode of life and the practice of mutual help.
He distinguished between an outward word of God and an inward, the former being the Scriptures and perishable, the latter the divine spirit and eternal.
The book remained essentially the same, albeit great liberties were taken with its details and outward form.
Metamorphosis in Diptera is complete; the larvae are utterly different from the perfect insects in appearance, and, although varying greatly in outward form, are usually footless grubs; those of the Muscidae are generally known as maggots.
According to outward appearance nothing was wanting to complete the emperor's triumph.
This is a very disappointing performance, since the author observes that, notwithstanding his new classification of birds is based on a study of the form of the sternal apparatus, yet, because that lies wholly within the body, he is compelled to have recourse to such outward characters as are afforded by the 1 From carin g, a keel.
The outward set of teeth drill the hole large enough to permit the drilling apparatus to descend freely, and the teeth set inwardly pare down the core to such a diameter as will admit of the body of the cutter passing over it without seizing.
Vincent attributes to Rhazes the statement that copper is potentially silver, and any one who can eliminate the red colour will bring it to the state of silver, for it is copper in outward appearance, but in its inmost nature silver.
In remembrance of these victims of popular wrath Jalal-uddin founded the order of the Maulawi (in Turkish Mevlevi) dervishes, famous for their piety as well as for their peculiar garb of mourning, their music and their mystic dance (sama), which is the outward representation of the circling movement of the spheres, and the inward symbol of the circling movement of the soul caused by the vibrations of a Sufi's fervent love to God.
It is, therefore, also called by Turks Ramadan Bairam, and exhibits more outward signs of rejoicing than the technically " Greater Festival."
Borgia's elevation did not at the time excite much alarm, except in some of the cardinals who knew him, and at first his reign was marked by a strict administration of justice and an orderly method of government in satisfactory contrast with the anarchy of the previous pontificate, as well as by great outward splendour.
From this time Ctesiphon increased in size, and many splendid buildings rose; it had the outward appearance of a large town, although it was by its constitution only a village.
To the student of ecclesiastical history it is remarkable as exhibiting a form of Christianity widely divergent from the prevalent types, being a religious fellowship which has no formulated creed demanding definite subscription, and no liturgy, priesthood or outward sacrament, and which gives to women an equal place with men in church organization.
From the beginning Friends have not practised the outward ordinances of Baptism and the Lord's Supper, even in a nonsacerdotal spirit.
They attach, however, supreme value to the realities of which the observances are reminders or types - on the Baptism which is more than putting away the filth of the flesh, and on the vital union with Christ which is behind any outward ceremony.
Their testimony is not primarily against these outward observances; their disuse of them is due to a sense of the danger of substituting the shadow for the reality.
They believe that an experience of more than 250 years gives ample warrant for the belief that Christ did not command them as a perpetual outward ordinance; on the contrary, they hold that it was alien to His method to lay down minute, outward rules for all time, but that He enunciated principles which His Church should, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, apply to the varying needs of the day.
The outward beginning of this movement was the Manchester Conference of 18 95, a turning-point in Quaker history.
He whom we hear in the Gathas has had to face, not merely all forms of outward opposition and the unbelief and lukewarmness of adherents, but also the inward misgivings of his own heart as to the truth and final victory of his cause.
The true site can be determined, if at all, by excavation only; identifications based on mere outward similarity of names have always been fruitful sources of error.
Government was maintained under the Cuban flag, - the diplomatic and consular relations with even the United States remaining in outward forms unchanged; and the regular forms of the constitution were scrupulously maintained so far as possible.
The outward course of the "Argo" was the same as that of the Greek traders, whose settlements as early as the 6th century B.C. dotted the southern shores of the Euxine.
Others, like Sophocles, described the return voyage as differing from the outward course only in taking the northern instead of the southern shore of the Euxine.
Near its margin the surface of the inland ice is broken up by numerous large crevasses, formed by the outward motion of the glacier covering the underlying land.
In the summer of 1864 a sermon which he preached and printed on Baptismal Regeneration (a doctrine which he strenuously repudiated, maintaining that immersion was only an outward and visible sign of the inward conversion) led to a difference with the bulk of the Evangelical party, both Nonconformist and Anglican.
It has sometimes been thought of as an outward law, sometimes as an inward disposition; and each of these rival conceptions has developed a casuistical method of its own.
All the stress now fell on the disposition, not on the outward act.
His courage was mingled with a mean sort of cunning, and his ambition loved the outward trappings of power as well as its reality; yet he never swerved from his.
The Asiatic conquests made Egypt politically supreme, the centre of life and intercourse, and the tendency arose to pay some attention to outward appearance.
The nitrated product retains the outward form of the original cellulose.
It is a port of call for ships trading with the north of Europe as well as for vessels outward bound to the Arctic regions, Hudson Bay and Canada.
The life of Martineau was so essentially the life of the thinker, and was so typical of the century in which he lived and the society within which he moved, that he can be better understood through his spoken mind than through his outward history.
From the middle of the 2nd century a change began to take place in the outward circumstances of Christianity.
And therefore also because the Church is in a commonwealth, it is of their charge; that is, concerning the outward provision and outward justice, they are to look to it.
The child comes into the world with the ability to learn, and he learns of himself, provided he is supplied with sufficient outward stimulus.
This makes it impossible for a man to live honestly, and at the same time comfortably in outward respects.
Other people choose a cross as an outward testament to their faith.
By turning our attention outward, you will learn more about your world and even yourself.
Asperger neurofeedback is designed to help people recognize and control brainwaves in order to recognize and control outward behaviors.
Few sports require the same amount of time in the gym in conjunction with such an intense concentration on attitude and outward appearance.
When you wipe you want to create rays, moving directly from the inside outward.
Use cold water, dampen a sponge and work from the center of the stain with gentle outward strokes.
A granny square is any crocheted square that is stitched in rounds, meaning you start in the center and work your way outward.
What reasonable man ever supposed that ornaments were something outward and in the skin merely--that the tortoise got his spotted shell, or the shell-fish its mother-o'-pearl tints, by such a contract as the inhabitants of Broadway their Trinity Church?
The two trees whose girth had been small enough for her wrap her arms around had expanded in width and height, reaching towards the gray sky of the underworld. Katie craned her neck, unable to see the tops of the trees. Their trunks had grown outward from the trail until they were as wide as a football field. Their massive roots ruptured the ground that had been the trail, creating a ravine she could see even from their safe distance.