Outrun Sentence Examples
We can't outrun him.
She couldn't outrun it - in any condition, and it could climb a tree as fast as she could.
The railway still delivered 30,000 men a month at Mukden, and Japan had for a time outrun her resources.
Anything that is big enough to kill you can easily outrun you.
And I have a warship with me, you'll never outrun or outgun her and she has a hundred marines onboard.
Don't outrun the bear, just outrun the people you're with.
The would-be mugger quickly set off on foot, hoping to outrun the now fit and fierce Osbourne.
Her gaze tried to outrun the headlights and then followed the broken line on the highway as it leaped from the dark and shot forward, disappearing under the truck.
It became fairly certain, however, that theory had outrun observational work, and that the latter must again receive renewed attention.
That the emperor had an honest and soldierly satisfaction in his own well-doing is clear; but if he had had anything like the vanity of a Domitian, the senate, ever eager to outrun a ruler's taste for flattery, would never have kept within such moderate bounds.
AdvertisementThe advance guard had now outrun its communications and was actually short of food, while a considerable force was distributed at intervals along the line Ismailia-Kassassin.
Where state laws outrun the mall to bat for new york state.
The occupation of Caporetto threatened to open another route nearly as short, but the possession of Monte Maggiore and the Stol, together with Monte Matajur, gave good hope that the advance of the enemy might be quickly brought to a halt when it had outrun the protecting fire of its own guns.
Rapidly falling temperature must (and visibly does) produce furious motions which wholly outrun mere restoration of statical balance.
As you're aware we could n't outrun anything and except for throwing lumps of coal had nothing to fight back with.
AdvertisementDiscovery had outrun theory; the rush of new facts made Ptolemy practically obsolete in a generation, after having been the fount and origin of all geography for a millennium.
In the electrical building we examined the telephones, autophones, phonographs, and other inventions, and he made me understand how it is possible to send a message on wires that mock space and outrun time, and, like Prometheus, to draw fire from the sky.
Cruise ships are generally equipped to handle any potential threats and can easily outrun dangerous vessels.
Understanding that these clothes have simply outrun their season or aren't selling very well, one can make a confident purchase knowing that the items in question are still well made.
If you are in a vehicle in congested traffic, do not try to outrun the tornado.
AdvertisementA copter can't outclimb or outrun most planes.
Sure, you can try to outrun the competition using the existing stable of cars afforded to you at the beginning of your street racing career, but you'll likely want to expand that garage every opportunity that you get.
Afterburner is cleverly presented in 3-D even though the sprites are in 2-D and the same can be said of Sega's Outrun.
The world's swiftest sprinter cannot outrun a bear.
Shaun Boswell, played by Lucas Black, is sent to Japan in an attempt to outrun the law.
AdvertisementIn the new Battlestar Galactica the remnants of the human Colonials are still trying to outrun the Cylons while searching for the 13th Colony of Man, a habitable planet also known as Earth.
This involves launching attacks against Cylon targets as well as trying to outrun them.
On the morning of the 1st of September - the anniversary of Sedan, as the Japanese officers told their men - Oyama, whose intentions the active Kuroki had somewhat outrun, delivered a last attack with the 2nd and 4th Armies, and the Guard on the south front, in the hope of keeping the main body of the Russians occupied and so assisting Kuroki, but the assailants encountered no resistance, Zarubayev having already retired into the fortress.
Moreover, growing in strength day by day, and aware that the Japanese had outrun their powers, he resolved, in spite of the despondency of many of his senior officers, to take the offensive.
They are carried across the disk by the sun's rotation, partaking in the equatorial acceleration; they also show marked displacements of their own, whether with, or relative to, the neighbouring photosphere does not appear; at the beginning of their life they usually outrun the average daily rotation appropriate to their latitude.
She debated what to do. She knew where Gabe was allegedly taking her, but she couldn't outrun or fight a demon or an assassin or anything else chasing her through the underworld. She'd need help.
If we are dealing with comparatively recent periods there is no evidence of progressive change, but if we go to remote epochs and suppose the sun to have once been diffused in a nebulous state, it is clear that its shrinkage, in spite of radiation, has left it hotter, so that the shrinkage has outrun what would suffice to maintain its radiation.