Outmoded Sentence Examples
Trends come and go with lightning speed, new, dominant companies emerge seemingly out of nowhere and what's state-of-the-art today becomes hopelessly outmoded tomorrow.
The time is long overdue to break the old outmoded mold.
Rethinking of resource flows is required, with the now outmoded concept of ' disposal ' replaced by one of resource and value recovery.
The sensational brightness of these energy-saving lamps makes all other ESL reflectors look outmoded.
But the Urban Foxes don't really care about outmoded sexual stereotypes.
At the same time, the lyrical romanticism of Clark's work became outmoded.
Moreover, as tenor trombonists developed greater facility in the higher tessitura, the alto was increasingly dismissed as an outmoded upper-register tool.
We urge the government to reform this increasingly outmoded tax, which is operating against objectives set in the 19th century.