Outlined Sentence Examples
The lophophore is a simple circle in all Polyzoa except in the Phylactolaemata, where it typically has the form of a horse shoe outlined by the bases of the tentacles.
The organization of the Paris police, which is typical of that in other large towns, may be outlined briefly.
The types of vegetation (tropical forests, sclerophyllous forest, temperate forests, tundra, &c.) thus briefly outlined are groups of Schimpers climatic formations.
But he needed time in order to build a navy and to prepare for the execution of the schemes for the overthrow of the British power in India, which he had lately outlined to General Decaen, the new governor of the French possessions in that land.
He developed this line of argument when moving the second reading of the Home Rule bill in April, and at Dundee in the autumn outlined a general policy under which England would be cut up into self-governing areas.
In 1780 he outlined the plan which was subsequently adopted by Virginia for ceding to the Federal government her claim to the "back lands," i.e.
The principles outlined above constitute the foundations of our science; and although it may happen that experiments may be made with which they appear to be not in complete agreement, yet in general they constitute a body of working hypotheses of inestimable value.
After the war he allied himself with the radical wing of his party, was a member of the joint committee that outlined the congressional plan of reconstructing the late Confederate States, and laboured for the impeachment of President Johnson.
He, however, soon realized that the charters of one town can only be understood by comparing them with those of other towns, and he was gradually led to continue the work which Augustin Thierry had broadly outlined in his studies on the Tiers Etat.
Calcium carbide, graphite, phosphorus and carborundum are now extensively manufactured by the operations outlined above.
AdvertisementMany variations of the electrolytic process as above outlined have been suggested.
Their position is curiously akin to that outlined by William Chillingworth in his famous work The Religion of Protestants (1637-1638).
What may be termed the ancestral Appalachian system was formed during the post-carboniferous revolution, though certain of its elements had been previously outlined, and perhaps at different dates.
Among the many who followed the method of attack first outlined by Hyatt, or who independently discovered his method, only a few can be mentioned here - namely, Waagen (1869), Neumayr (1871), Wiirttemberger (1880), Branco (1880), Mojsisovics (1882), Buckman (1887), Karpinsky (1889), Jackson (1890), Beecher (1890), Perrin-Smith (1897), Clarke (1898) and Grabau (1904).
Suess outlined the ancient relations of Africa and Asia through his " Gondwana Land," a land mass practically identical with the " Lemuria " of zoologists.
AdvertisementOn the 19th of May 1896 a general public education law was promulgated, which provided further regulations for the public schools, and outlined a comprehensive system.
There is in some places an unconformity between the Richmond beds (or their equivalent) and underlying formations, and this unconformity, together with certain palaeontological considerations, has raised the question whether the uppermost part of the system, as outlined above, should not be classed as Silurian (Upper Silurian).
From the conditions outlined it is readily inferred that the faunas of the system were cosmopolitan.
Canada suggested a wider plan to include herself and, in October 1864, a conference was held at Quebec. The conference outlined a plan of federation which subsequently, with slight modifications, passed the imperial parliament as " The British North America Act," and on the ist of July 1867, the Dominion of Canada came into existence.
The rest of her life is merely outlined, though her adventures in escaping from Berengar are treated in more detail.
AdvertisementHis championship of the voluntary schools, his adroit parliamentary handling of the problems opened up by the so-called "crisis in the Church" caused by the Protestant movement against ritualistic practices, and his pronouncement in favour of a Roman Catholic university for Ireland - for which he outlined a scheme that met with much adverse criticism both from his colleagues and his party, - were the most important aspects of Mr Balfour's activity during these years.
Such concordance gives strong support to the theory of diffusion outlined above.
But recent experiments have shown that the simple theory of coagulation here outlined needs amplification in certain directions.
Since belief in the adequacy of the two theories, above outlined, to account for the facts they profess to explain, depends ultimately upon the testimony that can be brought forward of the usefulness of warning characters, of the deception of mimicry and of the capacity for learning by experience possessed by enemies, it is necessary to give some of the evidence that has been accumulated on these points.
A brief outline of a system of classification, mainly that of Zahlbruckner as given in Engler and Prantl's Pjlanzenfamilien, is outlined below.
AdvertisementConstitution of Iron and Steel.-The constitution of the various classes of iron and steel as shown by the microscope explains readily the great influence of carbon which was outlined in §§ 2 and 3.
But Massenez and Richards, following the plan outlined by Pourcel in 1879, have found that even 3% of silicon is permissible if, by adding iron ore, the resultant silica is made into a fluid slag, and if this is removed in the early cool part of the process, when it attacks the lining of the converter but slightly.
At Glasgow on the 5th of December he again outlined a Liberal programme, this and other speeches all leading to the assumption that his return to active co-operation with the Liberal party in the general election - which could not be long delayed - was fairly certain.
Officially then the Church identifies Christianity with the position outlined above, and hostile critics agree to this identification, rejecting the faith in the name of philosophic and scientific truth.
As originally dictated, Beowulf probably contained the story outlined at the beginning of this article, with the addition of one or two of the episodes relating to the hero himself - among them the legend of the swimmiug-match.
The theory of disturbed precessional motion there outlined does not give a convenient view of the oscillations of the axis about the vertical position.
If the hypothesis already outlined is set aside, it is open to the critic to regard large portions of the canonical Romans as having originally occupied a separate setting,5 or to ascribe the textual variations to the exigencies of church reading after the formation of the canon (which might explain the absence of Ev `Pt)t7j in i.
The situation corresponds to that outlined in Acts xx.
The early history of the Eastern Church is outlined in the article Church History.
Jehoiachin's fate is outlined in Jer.
The chief causes of the agrarian insurrection in March 1907 have been outlined above (under Land Tenure).
There is no system outlined in the location of these detached lines, though in 1905-1908 President Reyes planned to connect them in such a way as to form an extensive system radiating from the national capital.
Whilst the general characteristics of the climate are as here outlined, in a country of so large an area as Cape Colony there are many variations in different districts.
The share taken by Great Britain in all this, for which Castlercagh pre-eminently must take the praise or blame, is outlined in the article on the history of Europe (q.v.).
It was this article of the treaty of the 10th of November 1815, rather than the "Holy Alliance," that formed the basis of the serious effort made by the great powers, between 1815 and 1822, to govern Europe in concert, which will be found outlined in the article on the history of Europe.
Breasted and some account of the temples and fortresses from Halfa to Khartum will be found in the following section, Ancient Monuments south of Haifa, while the history of the early and medieval Christian kingdoms is outlined in the articles Ethiopia and Dongola.
The first public intimation of his views was given in a speech to his constituents at Birmingham (May 15, 1903), when he outlined a plan for raising more money by a rearranged tariff, partly to obtain a preferential system for the empire and partly to produce funds for social reform at home.
By combining the various methods which have been outlined here, and by the help of some further additional special methods, and by reasoning in a strictly logical manner, it is possible to resolve a mixture of two oils and fats, and even of three and four, into their components and determine approximately their quantities.
The moonlight outlined his head, but reading any facial expression was impossible in the dim light.
She watched him, mouth agape at the muscles outlined in his back and the tight ass.
The basics of confidentiality, authentication, and some major cryptographic algorithms are outlined in chapter two.
Although the pathway for lignin biosynthesis was outlined many years ago, important basic features are still poorly understood.
There are three designated backpacker campsites in addition to those already outlined within the Accommodation Section.
The Cornwall rivers Project is targeted at 15 river catchments, outlined in the list to the left.
Much of what is outlined above is not new and has been well chronicled in many other works.
Asylum seekers children campaign update now civil servants have outlined some timescales which will be reported to UNISON's Social Work Issues Group.
Kolmogorov's proposal outlined strives for the firmer and less contentious ground expressed in finite combinatorics and effective computation.
They broadly conform to the principles and processes outlined in the sections above.
The noise contour for the existing runway in 2002 is outlined in red but no noise contour for the existing runway in 2002 is outlined in red but no noise contour is given for that runway in 2017.
The area of the cortical contusion is outlined in purple.
A theoretical proposal is outlined for large scale solar desalination using multi effect humidification.
If the contractual documentation includes the provisions outlined above, there may be a number of options.
This BSE image of a zoned dolomite shows an electron microprobe traverse, outlined in red, with analysis spots at 2 µm intervals.
Graphics Draws an outlined round-cornered rectangle using this graphics context's current color. drawstring (String, int, int ).
Under the glass is a table cover on which the church members signed their names which were then outlined in delicate embroidery.
Enlivening total Natural Law Maharishi then outlined his global program to enlivening total Natural Law Maharishi then outlined his global program to enliven Total Natural Law in world consciousness.
These moves are arguably more in keeping with radical feminism than the stereotype of moderate liberal feminism outlined above.
The problems of maintaining geography fieldwork with increased student numbers is outlined.
Many of the topical agents as outlined are relatively ineffective.
A sample magnetometer survey of part of this area was carried out and is outlined below (Bullas 1998 ).
Dose and duration relationships have not been outlined in detail and conjugated equine oestrogens have been used as the predominant estrogen.
However, we have taken the steps outlined above to try to improve the security of your information.
Capability Scotland's briefing paper outlined the need for access for all.
New legislation to be outlined in the Queen's Speech will speed up payments to mothers in cases of disputed paternity.
An emerging health professions framework The subject specific statements for physiotherapy have been set within the emerging health professions framework The subject specific statements for physiotherapy have been set within the emerging health professions framework outlined below.
Seen en masse, the effect of these rippling color fields, outlined by dark webs, is almost psychedelic.
Go to this article Lesson planning 2 Callum Robertson, BBC English Lesson planning 1 outlined the rationale behind lesson planning.
The radical reforms outlined in the 1947 Education Act came into being on 1 April 1948.
The economic reforms are also outlined in the letter.
In October 2002, the then Health Secretary, Alan Milburn, outlined government plans for a radical restructure of social services.
Given the problems outlined above, nothing less than a fundamental policy rethink will do.
The framing tree branches outlined the deeply rutted track in even more darkness.
Line items within the legislation do away with previously sacrosanct personal freedoms outlined within the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
In the early 1750s began a saga to succeed Plummer which here can only be outlined.
Paddington has slowly become more upmarket, thanks to being on the outskirts of area like the ones outlined above.
Prof Alison Richard, university vice-chancellor, outlined details of the anniversary campaign at a press conference at the British Library in London.
The new flood warning system is outlined below in four stages.
That there are defects in the logical process as here outlined to account for the curious rite constitutes no valid objection to the theory advanced, for, in the first place, primitive logic in matters of belief is inherently defective and even contradictory, and, secondly, the strong desire to pierce the mysterious future, forming an impelling factor in all religions - even in the most advanced of our own day - would tend to obscure the weakness of any theory developed to explain a rite which represents merely one endeavour among many to divine the intention and plans of the gods, upon the knowledge of which so much of man's happiness and welfare depended.
The grandiose project was at once vaguely outlined in three formal documents, to the intense satisfaction of both parties, and on both sides there was much rejoicing at the conclusion of such an auspicious alliance; but the diplomatic honeymoon was not of long duration.
The triangular space thus roughly outlined has a total area of about 356,000 sq.
The broad geological and geographical relationships of the country have already been outlined, but the more important sub-divisions may now be taken up with more detail, and for that purpose five areas may be distinguished, much the largest being the Archean protaxis, covering about 2,000,000 sq.
Wellington's official part at the congress is outlined elsewhere (see Verona, Congress Of).
His plans, which made a great stir at the time, were outlined at a synod held at Pistoia in 1786 (see Pistoia, Synod Of).
In addition to the concerns outlined above, use of quasicrystal surface has another interest.
In taking the decisions outlined in this paragraph the Tribunal will be acting in a quasi-judicial capacity.
The rationale for inclusion of each indicator in the system design is outlined below.
Although she is outlined in black ink, one sees ruby red lips and emphatic eyeliner.
Before doing any customisation, ensure you run through the steps outlined in Changing the Look of MyEd below.
I swore under oath the material facts as I have outlined above.
When he reached the crest I saw the ragged uncouth figure outlined for an instant against the cold blue sky.
Outlined thus, Dexter 's novel might sound like an uplifting tale of talent triumphing over prejudice.
To get you in the spirit of creativity, consider trying one of the easy expectant mother corsage projects outlined in the following sections.
Winemaking is highly regulated and only wineries in specifically outlined regions are allowed to label their wine with that particular appellation.
If the rest of your family is insistent on keeping the kitten as well, use the process for introducing a new cat into the household, which is outlined in the article on Bringing a New Cat Home.
Fortunately, it's easy to make the perfect martini by taking a hint from James Bond who, in one of Ian Fleming's famous novels, outlined the ingredients for the perfect martini made with vodka rather than gin.
Some purchases will earn more points than others and each of those types of purchases is outlined in the benefit program rules.
Don't apply for a gas card unless you're willing to accept the Terms and Conditions outlined on the application.
The provisions outlined in these documents will affect your life for many years to come.
Most of the remedies outlined in Tibetan herbal medicine are indigenous to Tibet or neighboring China and India.
Keep in mind that some of the specifics of the installation process will depend on your tiles and your ceiling material, but the basic process is outlined below.
Follow the painting instructions as outlined above.
Mimes and clowns can also go the creepy route with small details such as painted-on stitches, dripping blood, and outlined eerie smiles.
The features outlined in this demo include the improved file browsing system, 16-bit editing capabilities, shadow and highlight correction, customizable keyboard shortcuts and adjustable layer comps.
By following a few of the fashion rules outlined here, you'll be looking young and fabulous in your new mini skirt.
Whereas some may herald evolutions theories, for example, some teens may respond with a t shirt that is declarative of creation theory as outlined in the Bible.
Accreditation of a school means that it has the seal of approval for providing solid and consistent education to its students as outlined in the standards put in place by the accreditating association.
If you suspect that you are or are developing behaviors similar to those outlined above, go to these websites and take a multi-question test.
The American Lung Association has a program outlined for you to follow on its website.
Just a few of those programs offered are outlined below, giving you insights to what kind of learning you might do through Auburn University.
You may weaken the vinegar through dilution with water and there are a variety of different formulas or recipes available, a few of which are outlined below.
You'll probably have more luck shopping from plus size retailers, as outlined above, when searching for your perfect fit.
In addition to what you've outlined in the book, what other words of encouragement do you have for women interested in traveling?
They have access to many resources as well as countless benefits outlined on the organization's website.
Use the steps outlined above as a reference point and you should have your inquiry answered, or problem solved, in no time!.
Carefully outlined safety procedures that all operators are expected to adhere to, with harsh disciplinary measures for safety failures.
Follow all height requirement and rider restriction policies outlined by the water park.
The system was made based on specifications outlined by The 3DO Company, but it was up to the individual manufacturers to make the actual console; they could design the exterior to their liking.
This site also ran the previous True.com promotion as outlined below.
Boldly drawn and outlined in black, boost icons and collectibles are brightly colored and very easy to see on the snow - if you can find them.
This is good-sized winery map for Napa and Sonoma with the individual wine AVA's outlined.
What goes into determining the value is outlined below.
The next time you want to use a cell phone at an international locale, check in with us at LoveToKnow and the guide we have outlined below.
Outlined below are some of the key things that you may want consider when looking to buy used cell phones and accessories.
This Palm Pre vs. iPhone comparison has outlined some of the key differences (and similarities) between the two devices.
The Myers-Briggs inventory is based on Carl Jung's theory of types, outlined in his 1921 work Psychological Types.
Of course the best prevention is to follow closely the rules outlined by the WHO and other groups regarding eating fresh fruits, vegetables, and other foods.
The criteria outlined here for dependent personality disorder is applicable to Americans only, and even then may not apply to all cultural groups within the United States.
Older teens or young adults who have demonstrated at least five of the DSM-IV-TR criteria (or symptoms) outlined above are eligible for a diagnosis of dependent personality disorder.
For this reason, it's most important to learn the nightclub dancing style outlined above instead of any one move that may be popular today and out of fashion tomorrow.
Arlington National Cemetery is divided into 70 sections, all of which are outlined on a visitor's map.
The experience of laser hair removal is quite different than the simple, easy process outlined in generic ads or articles, but overall, it was well worth it.
Review your company's employee manual to find out the policy for reporting harassment, and follow the steps outlined in the policy.
Sorting through the crabs is challenging and workers have to follow rules outlined by the Alaska Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission (CFEC).
All of the government programs outlined are available to individuals who meet certain qualifying criteria.
The risky test is among the potentially harmful pregnancy rumors outlined in the WebMd article " Can You Guess Your Baby's Sex?".
To save the suit from appearing too "adult-like", the front features a large graphic pattern of a heart, rose and dove outlined in pink.
The entire tankini is outlined in pink and comes with a deep V-neck cut and shoulder straps that tie around the neck.
A nice break from the traditional black and white colored bikinis this star seems to have a penchant for, a fifth Fox image shows a pink bikini that's outlined in red.
Making it even more feminine is the fact that the entire suit is outlined in a gentle, baby pink color.
The entire state of California is outlined in yellow, while the Pacific waters that flank the state are colored in a rich, deep blue.
You can still wear all of the suggested outfits outlined above.
All pieces capture by moving as outlined above except for pawns, which move one space diagonally for capture moves only.
Make sure charges are outlined before submitting the final order.
Fill in the outlined design in silver, black or both, depending on the look you are going for.
It is crafted from super soft leather and outlined by bold metal studs.
This bag comes in several different bright finishes, including orange, light pink and purple, and it also boasts a quilted material that's outlined in black trim.
Done in silver and black, the King is outlined in rhinestones in his signature pose; swiveling his hips.
The wallet is outlined in white, accented in black, and topped off with a bright yellow closure.
That means that all of the factors outlined above would apply, and it's why you sometimes see people behaving in a manner that is inconsistent with their sun sign.
Each show on Noggin has a learning goal, and the goal is clearly outlined online.
The parent company of Bratz MGA Entertainment has a selection of Bratz board games outlined on its website.
Kids Soup is a pay-for-membership website, but has very clear subjects outlined and a strong community of users.
Keep it primarily for emergencies or to help track expenses outlined within your personal budget.
Your site has a "Favor Hints" page, where suggestions are outlined as to how someone might return a favor.
As stated previously, you can avoid penalties and taxes on Roth IRA withdrawals if you meet certain exceptions outlined in Publication 590 or Tax Topic 557.
Outlined on page 64 of Publication 590, it states that you can withdraw up to the amount of contributions you all ready made earlier in the year.
Within those categories, 66 tips are outlined to help people make better financial choices on everything from car rentals and auto loans to home repairs and grocery shopping.
They are normally white, and then the pattern is outlined in a darker color, sometimes blue, black or purple.
Question Mark- This reddish-brown and black spotted butterfly is outlined in lavender and on the underside of its lower wing it bears a question mark, hence the name.
This particular piece was outlined entirely in black using a "1-wide" or single needle.
A new map with the route of your trip outlined is a nice reminder of an enjoyable journey.
The device was less accurate than quartz movement clocks, but clearly outlined the possibilities.
The physical demonstration of yoga that most of us are familiar with, the asanas, are but one of a series of eight steps outlined in the Yoga Sutras to join the physical, astral, and casual bodies.
Include any number of "laughter exercises" outlined in Laughter Yoga, such as lion, humming, hearty, shy, or dancing.
Individuals practice the method outlined above while mingling and making eye contact.
You might also like the Sun Salutation Set, which features a pendant with the sequence outlined, a ring, and earrings with Warrior Pose on them.
Of course, this is based on many of the factors outlined above.
However, other symptoms must be present to meet the diagnostic criteria outlined in the DSM IV.
Incorporating effective strategies in relation to the goals outlined in Individual Education Plan (IEP) can be very effective.
Using a person's strengths can help him reach goals outlined in the treatment plan, which the treatment team selects according to his needs.
Achieving short-term objectives eventually leads to successfully reaching long-term goals as outlined by the treatment plan.
Generally every step required to operate a successful business, is outlined in the franchise agreement.
If your goal is focused on a new product, starting a business, or promoting in rank, every goal you set needs to be outlined into these five categories to help your dream become achievable.
Describe the action taken - or to be taken - to solve the problem you've outlined.
Each message generally focuses on the 5 steps outlined above, but email marketing offers different challenges and opportunities for marketers.
When you have a chore list, you already have your tasks outlined.
Follow the suggestions outlined in this article and, you will be able to ensure that the process of spring cleaning the kitchen goes as smoothly as possible.
Finish the quilt as outlined above, again using either batting or muslin as your interior material.
You can calculate your specific requirement by using the detailed formula outlined the book.
It is important to point out that while the above guidelines are vital to an anti-aging diet, persons of every age can benefit from the eating a healthy diet outlined here.
Therefore, it is essential you follow all of the phases of the Atkins diet through maintenance as outlined in one of Dr. Atkins' books.
That's possibly merited for their respective stances, but for a regular person just looking to lose a few pounds, you can't really go wrong with sticking to moderate servings of the foods outlined above.
Eating those low-to-moderate-fat foods with lots of fiber outlined above will keep the hunger at bay.
They ideal body fat percentages outlined below are based on gender and age.
The ideal foods for each body type are outlined in the Body Type Lifetime Nutrition book.
With all of the above factors in mind, you can generally calculate your body's caloric needs by calculating your BMR and then applying your Harris-Benedict number, as outlined above.
Low carbohydrate foods fall into several rough categories, which are outlined below.
One of the most popular, outlined here below, is the Johns Hopkins Hospital version.
For the diet, making the changes outlined above goes a long way in and by itself.
That is the definition of large flat muscles seen outlined on "healthy" people in magazines, especially in icons of male athleticism.
If you don't know what you're doing, odds are you'll get yourself a nasty injury employing the techniques outlined above.
The cardio outlined earlier does the former, while the muscle building training takes care of the latter (almost as a side effect).
Weights - Make sure you choose a weight size that feels comfortable and secure them to the barbell as outlined by the manufacturer.
Some weight lifting basics are outlined below.
After about four weeks of the above schedule, the beginning weight lifter can increase sets to three and follow the same schedule as outlined above.
At the end of this course, one must be able to demonstrate all of the skills outlined above up to level 11.1.
You can vary the recipe as outlined above to make the cream puffs your own unique creation.
If you follow the techniques outlined above and serve it alongside some simple grilled vegetables, you'll have a meal that your entire family loves.
There are some great features of the Federal Employee Health Insurance program, many of which are outlined on the Opm.gov website.
Members of the SOA are expected to adhere to the code of conduct outlined by the organization.
Based in Alabama, the Sheffield Group coverage meets the requirements outlined in Alabama worker's compensation laws.
Many of these are outlined by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners.
Here, the breasts are outlined with triangle pieces of black fabric, while the nipples of the wearer are covered by mere, but bejeweled, pieces of string.
The top edges are outlined with material in a triangle shape.
What you'll love about this site is the fact that all of the different styles of robes that are available are clearly outlined, so searching for a particular look shouldn't be an issue.
The cups can also be outlined in nude lace or nude-covered underwire.
The new shows hosted by these winners are outlined and presented to the judges during the course of the competition.
Every new face has been outlined and the colorization of personalities pop into exisitence from the black and white background, blending in well with the other, more well-known characters.
Your Home Page displays what's outlined above. **@yourname displays every update someone typed in that they directed to you using the "@" symbol.
On this page, every step of creating the app is outlined, enabling programmers to get a feel for how their own preferred language might work in the Facebook framework.
Alternatively, your site may use a graphic interface to set up users and databases such as the one outlined at SiteGround.
The scene was so familiar; abduction, outlined by Betsy, facts presented, Quinn and Howie removing to their basement sanctuary while we waited and Martha recorded.
He wore a white shirt and snug tuxedo pants that outlined long, thick thighs and a tight ass.
He wore jeans and a t-shirt that outlined his lean frame.
He wore jeans and a snug t-shirt that outlined his muscular frame.
His elbows were propped on his knees, the trench falling back to show a lean body, flat stomach and muscular thighs outlined by the soft material of his pants.
The room was dark, the floor-to-ceiling windows displaying the incredible views of the Eiffel Tower, whose frame was outlined by lights against the dark Parisian sky She was about to step onto the balcony when a knock at the door drew her attention.
Her eyes swept over his muscular form, from his shapely shoulders and wide back to the thick thighs outlined by the sweats.
But the indigo jeans hugged his lean hips in a tantalizing way and outlined the long muscles in his thighs.
Elise peeled off her shirt to reveal a snug undershirt that outlined the shape of her muscular upper body.
Indigo jeans outlined the long lean muscles in his thighs, and the sleeves of his western shirt were rolled up to reveal tanned muscular forearms.
Her forearm was still swollen, Jonny's fingers clearly outlined in black-purple bruises on her skin.
A television played somewhere, and light outlined the frame of one door.
On his return, he outlined to Parliament a scheme by which the cost might be greatly reduced, mainly through the transference of authority to Arab chiefs.
Thus, having pierced a spray of flowers in a thin sheet of shibuichi, the artist fits a slender rim of gold, silver or shakudo to the petals, leaves and stalks, so that an effect is produced of transparent blossoms outlined in gold, silver or purple.
The course of development here outlined, in which the nauplius gradually passes into the adult form by the successive addition of somites and appendages in regular order, agrees so well with the process observed in the development of the typical Annelida that we must regard it as being the most primitive method.
She sat a long time looking at the receding line of candles reflected in the glasses and expecting (from tales she had heard) to see a coffin, or him, Prince Andrew, in that last dim, indistinctly outlined square.
That very young woman seemed to Pierre the perfection of Oriental beauty, with her sharply outlined, arched, black eyebrows and the extraordinarily soft, bright color of her long, beautiful, expressionless face.
When dawn outlined the boards hammered across the windows, she rose.