Outlaws Sentence Examples
The outlaws walk into town, rob the bank and take the loot to the train station to win.
It was occupied for a time in 1561 by Aguirre and his band of outlaws.
The outlaws still held captive are then released by the hooded man.
An insurrection had occurred in Bitlis, the Hamawand were still virtually outlaws and the whole country refused to respond to the call to a jihad against the British.
At the extreme west between the Sark and Esk as far up the latter as its junction with the Liddel, there was a strip of country, a "No man's land," for generations the haunt of outlaws and brigands.
Away, then, with the dagger and the pike, ere you become brigands and outlaws!
To stop insurgence, the Qing emperor simply outlaws marshal arts.
We had the " Outlaws " around for Sunday dinner, for which I did roast venison.
In effect the Jews became outlaws, but their presence being often financially necessary, certain officials were permitted to " hold Jews," who were liable to all forms of arbitrary treatment on the side of their " owners."
Beginning with the sagas of the west, most perfect in style and form, the earliest in subject is that of Gold-Thori (c. 930), whose adventurous career it relates; Hensa-porissaga tells of the burning of Blund-Ketil, a noble chief, an event which led to Thord Gelli's reforms next year (c. 964); Gislasaga (960-980) tells of the career and death of that ill-fated outlaw; it is beautifully written, and the verses by the editor (13th century) are good and appropriate; Hord's Saga (980) is the life of a band of outlaws on Whalesfirth, and especially of their leader Hord.
AdvertisementNotable releases include Jetpac, Sabre Wulf, The Staff of Karnath, Entombed, Outlaws, Dragonskulle, Marble Madness, Wizards & Warriors, Snake Rattle 'n' Roll, Super Off Road, Narc and several Battletoads titles.
For people who oppose polygamy, however, the act of starring in a reality TV show is likened to mocking the law that outlaws this lifestyle.
Pitted against him are the increasingly lawless motorcycle gangs, made up of pitiless thugs and outlaws.
In some communities they fell into the control of violent men and became simply bands of outlaws, dangerous even to the former members; and the anarchical aspects of the movement excited the North to vigorous condemnation.'
Then came the memorable "proscription," when for the first time in Roman history a list of men declared to be outlaws and public enemies was exhibited in the forum, and a reign of terror began throughout Rome and Italy.
AdvertisementJonathan, who succeeded his brother Judas, was captain of a band of fugitive outlaws.
He returned to the wilds of Judah, and was joined at Adullam 5 by his father's house and by a small band of outlaws, of which he became the head.
Cain's subsequent founding of a city finds a parallel in the legend of the origin of Rome through the swarms of outlaws and broken men of all kinds whom Romulus attracted thither.
In the later history Bashan became remarkable as a refuge for outlaws and robbers, a character it still retains.
The caverns in the sides of the precipice are said to have afforded Wallace and other heroes (or outlaws) refuge in time of trouble, but the old house is most memorable as the home of the poet William Drummond, who here welcomed Ben Jonson; the tree beneath which the two poets sat still stands.
AdvertisementThe citizens organized a " vigilance committee " and hanged many of the outlaws.
His first authentic act is the storm and sacking of Peterborough in 1070, in company with outlaws and Danish invaders.
With these they preyed upon the commerce of the Adriatic. Their ranks were soon swelled by outlaws from all nations, and by their own once peaceful neighbours, from Novi, Ottocac and other Croatian towns.
Of no common race and of no common religion, they welcomed to their ranks the outlaws and broken tribes of all India - Afghans, Mahrattas or Jats.
Local militia, protecting none who refused to join in the common defence, and all serving " not as soldiers but as farmers mutually pledged to protect each other from the depredations of outlaws who infest the state," strove to secure such public order as was necessary to the gathering of crops, so as "to prevent the starvation of the citizens" (governor's circular, 1865).
AdvertisementTo the north also belong the sagas of Gretti the Strong (Ioio-1031), the life and death of the most famous of Icelandic outlaws, the real story of whose career is mixed up with the mythical adventures of Beowulf, here put down to Gretti, and with late romantic episodes and fabulous folk-tales (Dr Vigfusson would ascribe the best parts of this saga to Sturla; its last editor, whose additions would be better away, must have touched it up about 1300), and the stories of the Ljosvetningasaga (1009-1060).
The generous elevation of David's character is seen most clearly in those parts of his life where an inferior nature would have been most at fault, - in his conduct towards Saul, in the blameless reputation of himself and his band of outlaws in the wilderness of Judah, in his repentance under the rebuke of Nathan and in his noble bearing on the revolt of Absalom.
Nearly 20,000 men (40,000 according to other estimates) are living in Siberia the life of brodyagi (runaways or outlaws), trying to make their way through the forests to their native provinces in Russia.
Under Judas Maccabeus the outlaws wandered up and down re-establishing by force their proscribed religion.