Outlawed Sentence Examples
It's a wonder we aren't completely outlawed.
During World War I in the United States, fourteen states outlawed speaking German.
We have not only outlawed cruelty to animals, but increasingly, people care about the living conditions of even the animals they eat.
William made his triumphal entry into the capital (September 23), which he had quitted as an outlawed fugitive ten years before.
Matilda or Mahaud, widow of Theobald Walter, escaped from John's solicitations by marrying the outlawed Fulk and following him to the forest.
By 1794, they were outlawed due to their growing subversive activity.
Mobile phone usage while driving has been outlawed in many states.
He entered Edinburgh with his forces, but failed to hold the town against the guns of the castle, and fell back upon Dumfries before the advance of the royal army, which was now joined by James Hepburn, earl of Bothwell, on his return from a three years' outlawed exile in France.
He was outlawed, but returned under a special amnesty after John's reconciliation with the pope.
He was outlawed and deposed, and he died at Jumieges about 1070.
AdvertisementLegitimate coarse fishing methods are effectively outlawed by Scottish angling legislation.
It was not until 1833 that the Trade was finally outlawed in Parliament.
Muhammad and his successors were rulers and could have outlawed slavery.
When that happens, refusal to accept the currency is swiftly outlawed and punished harshly.
Sexism in advertising, through offensive images of women used to sell products for example, is not outlawed by the Sex Discrimination Act.
AdvertisementWidespread use of DDT mostly eliminated the problem, but since DDT was outlawed, these buggers are back and infesting homes, hotels, and even theater seats.
In a world where dogs are often abandoned, discarded, neglected and sometimes outlawed, dog rescue is a necessary and invaluable service that saves lives and mends hearts.
Dog fighting is outlawed in all fifty United States, and in many other places around the globe, yet it is still growing in popularity.
After dog fighting was outlawed in England in the 1800s, breeders started breeding a smaller companion dog.
Some of the foods imported from Mexico in years past have been found to have contaminants that have been outlawed in this country.
AdvertisementSome areas have outlawed them claiming they are akin to indecent exposure.
Qasim, the conqueror of India, cousin of Hajjaj, was dismissed from his post and outlawed.
Immediately after the accession of the Emperor Francis Joseph all the concessions of March had been revoked and Kossuth with his colleagues outlawed.
One result of the victory of Heiligerlee was the determination of Alva that Egmont and Hoorn Orange outlawed.
In 1613 Tyrone was outlawed and attainted by the Irish parliament, and he died in Rome on the 20th of July 1616.
AdvertisementAn outlawed Englishman, Hereward by name, fortified the Isle of Ely and attracted a number of desperate spirits to his side; amongst others came Morcar, formerly earl of Northumbria, who had been disappointed in the hopes which he based on William's personal favour.
Having offended the influential iElfgifu, he was outlawed and compelled to flee to Flanders.
The laws of the Carolingian empire provided that one excom municated by the Church who did not make his peace p within a year and a day should be outlawed, and this general principle was not lost sight of.
He and his adherents were outlawed; no one was to print, sell or read any of his writings, " since they are foul, harmful, suspected, and come from a notorious and stiff-necked heretic."
Buzot was outlawed, and fled to the neighbourhood of Bordeaux, and committed suicide in the woods of St Emilion on the 18th of June 1794.
The slayers of Rizzio fled to England, and were outlawed; Darnley was permitted to protest his innocence and denounce his accomplices; after which he became the scorn of all parties alike, and few men dared or cared to be seen in his company.
On account of an incident that happened at Dundee - his slaughter of a young Englishman named Selby, for an insult offered to him - he is said to have been outlawed, and so driven into rebellion against the English.
Be that as it may, Bruce had now no place of repentance for a sacrilegious homicide; he could not turn his tabard again; he was outlawed, forfeited and excommunicated.
On the 10th of May they were outlawed for non-appearance at Stirling.
Murray knew that his day of influence was over, and encouraged by the promises of Elizabeth, who was remonstrating violently against the match into which she had partly beguiled and partly forced Mary, he assumed a hostile attitude and was outlawed (6th of August 1565).
But a new code of laws outlawed many of these people as dissenters, and in 1676 a burdensome tax was laid by the unrepresentative assembly.
But Berkeley meanwhile had outlawed Bacon, whose forces now marched on the capital demanding recognition as the authorized army of defence.
He was especially urgent for the confirmation of his nominee Johannes Magni as primate, in the place of the rebellious archbishop Gustavus Trolle, who as a convicted traitor had been formally deposed by the Riksdag and was actually an outlawed exile.
He also outlawed the whole body of the clergy, save the timid remnant who promised to disregard the papal commands.
The Convention outlawed Robespierre and his friends and sent out commissioners to rally the citizens.
Two of them, Sir James Tyrell and Sir John Wyndham, were executed, William de la Pole was imprisoned and Suffolk outlawed.
Programs aimed at reducing the number of people in the world have been formally outlawed.
Although commercial surrogacy is outlawed, it is possible to pay living costs (about £ 12,000) to a surrogate mother.
In many parts of the world, we have even outlawed the use of animals fighting as entertainment, such as cockfighting and dogfighting.
You could have the libertarian state, the green state, the clothing-optional state, the state with free public housing for all, the state where puns are outlawed, the state with a two-drink minimum, the fiercely pro-business state—even a state that guarantees free speech but requires that you sing your speech like a show tune.
The man who ten years before and a year later was considered an outlawed brigand is sent to an island two days' sail from France, which for some reason is presented to him as his dominion, and guards are given to him and millions of money are paid him.
After these cruel practices were outlawed in 1835, fans of the Bulldog began breeding it as a companion dog without its original fierceness.
Although the Federal Drug Administration has allowed these hormones to be used in the meat industry, it is interesting to note that several countries have outlawed the import of meats that come from cows treated with growth hormones.
Governor of Michigan, Jennifer Granholm signed the bill that outlawed the sale of violent video games to anyone under the age of 18.
In some cultures, especially those influenced by homophobic religions, homosexuality is considered a perversion and has been outlawed; in some jurisdictions homosexual behavior is a crime punishable by death.
For this very reason, metal cleats have been outlawed when it comes to football.
At one point, the Japanese government even outlawed the practice entirely.
He returned almost immediately, on the pretext that Spain was intriguing against Mexican independence, and on landing (having been previously outlawed) was arrested and executed (July r, 1824).
In this year the archbishop of Canterbury, Robert of Jumieges, having been outlawed and driven from England, Stigand was appointed to the archbishopric; but, regarding Robert as the rightful archbishop, Pope Leo IX.