Outcomes Sentence Examples
I am forbidden from creating deals with material outcomes.
At the very least, history can clearly show the range of outcomes that are likely.
When businesses and people are made to consider the overall effects of their choices as opposed to only their individual effects, efficient outcomes occur.
In addition he pulled together the outcomes of the event in a creative, easily assimilated way.
Other patient groups with cognitive deficits may have similar outcomes.
A clinical educator 's handbook is provided in which the learning outcomes are identified.
When introducing a new pet, be it a cat or dog, there are two outcomes.
If this is not the woman's first pregnancy, outcomes of her previous pregnancies are of importance in relation to the outcome of this one.
A final evaluation will assess the extent to which the project has met its intended aims and delivered its outcomes.
The review included RCTs with at least 6 months follow-up in which clinical event outcomes were measured.
AdvertisementA clinical educator's handbook is provided in which the learning outcomes are identified.
Our current meat hygiene regime is a prescriptive system concerned more with process than outcomes.
Whether the outcomes of their actions are to the benefit of the majority becomes almost inconsequential.
One baby died as a result of uterine rupture after misoprostol induction, but otherwise outcomes for the babies were similar.
Outcomes included postoperative myocardial infarction, or myocardial ischaemia, or cardiac death over a longer period.
AdvertisementIn the United States, the major reform initiatives of the last decade have focussed on teacher accountability for student outcomes.
B2 Health visiting intended learning outcomes 20 The course is designed to meet the standards of key stakeholders, including the NMC.
Effects are primarily rand labor and outcomes probability of levels of care.
Outcomes Children identify some illnesses eg rubella, chicken pox and some conditions eg boils, tooth decay caused by microorganisms.
This gets rid of the rather mickey mouse questions of which set of ' outcomes ' should be Associate.
AdvertisementAfrican-Americans may have an increased risk of developing a myositis and poorer outcomes compared to Caucasians.
Who should have ownership of the outcomes of peer observation?
The whole book is very clearly set out, with learning outcomes set down for each chapter.
Observational studies have reported odds ratios for women with BV of between 1.4 and 6.9 for these adverse outcomes.
A signal also that matters of justice, whether natural or civil law will have successful outcomes.
AdvertisementThe Local Authority side of the bargain is to deliver enhanced performance in the form of " Key Outcomes " .
Have you any information re surgical treatments and outcomes for pleural mesothelioma, especially extra pleural pneumonectomy please?
The students were also asked specifically how this practicum placement had helped them to meet the learning outcomes for the practicum placement had helped them to meet the learning outcomes for the practicum.
Thus the concern with outcomes was greater, with consequent understandable reluctance to switch to thinking in terms of learning processes.
Based on small numbers, families with reduced likelihood of hereditary retinoblastoma reported more positive outcomes.
Outcomes and lessons learned The response to WOW was even better than mac Robert had expected.
Moreover sloppy speech combined with phonetic spelling can lead to grotesque outcomes.
However, this argument appeared spurious, since practically nothing is reliably known about which kinds of intervention achieve relevant outcomes in PSE work.
Outcomes included inflammatory cells in induced sputum and bronchial biopsies, and methacholine responsiveness.
D Confirmation of conformity with the relevant subject benchmark statement Program aims and outcomes are modeled on the subject benchmark statements.
Without a comprehensive review of all the possible hypothetical outcomes Mr Nicholls suggests that her objection is purely superficial.
Therefore, perhaps supplementary prescribing should be seen as a tool to implement evidence-based medicine, which does improve outcomes.
We offer your child a specially tailored curriculum to approved learning outcomes.
To the extent that outcomes are not efficient, could improved pre-and /or post-trade transparency improve bond market efficiency?
As could be expected these discussions and agreed outcomes will continue to shape the work of MLA East of England in the next triennium.
One of the most remarkable practical outcomes of germ-pathology, however, has been the production of the immunized sera now employed so extensively in the treatment of diphtheria and other contagious diseases.
Outcomes sought were recurrence of haematuria, any prostate surgery, and adverse events.
Measures for most other outcomes remained unchanged in both groups.
The WSU forms an important part of the MARAC process which has had impressive outcomes in reducing repeat victimization for very high risk survivors.
Radical resection of selected bone metastases not only improves quality of life for patients, it also leads to good long-term outcomes.
The role of Development Officers will be revisited to ensure positive outcomes from their work.
In achieving successful outcomes we have identified three key ingredients, notably; flexibility, buy in and a robust methodology.
Similar amounts of spending have brought about very different outcomes in run-down neighborhoods.
One of the two trials aimed at the promotion of screening mammography found no significant differences between groups for nearly all outcomes.
Figure 1 TRIADS Feedback Form The form below lists some common learning outcomes for a typical introductory level sedimentology course.
Ethnic separatism and the idea that people are intrinsically different because of their culture are possible outcomes of a struggle for indigenous rights.
The outcomes of trial of labor in the twin pregnancy were similar to singleton pregnancy.
Search 3 found 18 studies which on the whole, reported favorable outcomes for almost all surrogate endpoints.
This might include tangible outcomes, or your personal feelings.
Table T1 shows the profit for each of the six outcomes.
Pre-requisite Energy 1 Learning outcomes 1 Development of techniques to generate tractable models of real systems.
Deliverables and Outcomes The release of the TRIADS engine as a commercially viable product.
It is suffused, however, by a largely unspoken parallel dispute not about inputs or methods but about outcomes.
There's no right way to create liquidity because everyone is different and responds to the outcomes of creating liquidity differently.
The founder informed everyone of the problematic issues, saw the end coming and avoided worse outcomes.
In each of these situations, you may see different outcomes.
He treated patients free or charge with his flower essences and noted the outcomes.
Choosing the wrong one can lead to disastrous outcomes for recipes.
One reason bulimia is so prevalent is because long-term treatment outcomes are not very effective for individuals who have this disease.
Fifty percent is good when you consider the normal outcomes fail more than forty percent of the time.
Outcomes of Distance vs. Traditional Learning - This dissertation focuses on how prominent technology has made distance learning and whether it has had a significant impact on the learning model.
On-Line Instruction - Are the Outcomes the Same?
Many factors are involved in recognizing a breed, including a national organization, accurate records keeping and the consistent breeding outcomes for many generations.
Each different scenario has you going to historic places battling real battles that occurred, but the outcomes depend on you.
Your choices are always interesting and it's fun to see the outcomes.
In this game and others like it, players used paper maps created by a "gamemaster" or "dungeonmaster" and roled dice in order to determine the outcomes of various situations.
Some use real world historical battles, allowing players to change variables to see if they could have changed the outcomes; others use original war situations, allowing the player to wage unreal campaigns.
Often referred to as "god-games", players are put in control of characters called Sims, defining every aspect of their life and watching the outcomes blossom from their choices.
Novels that address the question of what would have happened if major historical events had different outcomes fall into the genre of alternate history rather than historical fiction.
Studies have shown neuroprotectant properties of magnesium sulfate in animal models of stroke, and improved outcomes following magnesium sulfate treatment in humans have been observed following small pilot studies.
Adverse outcomes after childhood stroke-including death in 10 percent, recurrence in 20 percent, and neurological deficits in two-thirds of survivors-can be reduced with available stroke treatments.
Parents can be assured of access to the current knowledge base in molecular biology and advanced treatment technologies that promise better outcomes.
Research on the use of intermittent monitoring and continuous monitoring found no difference in fetal outcomes with intermittent monitoring.
In general, children whose lungs or kidneys are affected have poorer outcomes.
Women who receive adequate prenatal care tend to have better pregnancy outcomes when compared to those who receive little or no care.
Educational programs with an emphasis on disease prevention can potentially improve outcomes concerning pediatric and geriatric diseases.
The SIB-R is widely used in preschool and special education programs for diagnosis, for intervention planning, and for assessing outcomes.
High quality early childhood education assists many at-risk children in avoiding poor outcomes, such as dropping out of school.
Research evaluates outcomes for groups, not individual students.
Miscarriage, stillbirth, or death in the first few weeks of life may be outcomes in very severe cases.
Outcomes for infants with IUGR differ depending on whether the condition is symmetrical or not and whether there are other sequelae from the underlying cause of the IUGR.
Outcomes include an increased risk of long-term neurologic and behavioral handicaps, possible intrauterine demise, low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), and low body temperature (hypothermia).
Initial results from this course have shown successful outcomes for course participants.
There are additional benefits that can be derived from infant massage to elicit positive outcomes for premature infants and disadvantaged mothers.
Appropriate psychological therapy is necessary for improved long-term outcomes.
If rheumatic fever does occur, the outcomes vary considerably.
Thus, states and the federal government have adopted standardized tests for evaluating knowledge and skills on the assumption that testing is an effective way to measure outcomes of education.
The most significant factors in overcoming fear are identifying the fear, developing a sense of control over the feared environment, and envisioning alternatives to the feared negative outcomes.
As of 2004 there is no cure for eosinophilic gastroenteropathies, and outcomes depend on the specific enteropathy.
The best outcomes result from early diagnosis and treatment.
Schuna. "Optimizing Outcomes in Rheumatoid Arthritis."
L. "Is presurgery and early postsurgery performance related to speech and language outcomes at 3 years of age for children with cleft palate?"
However, these behaviors often result in negative health outcomes such as the acquisition of STDs.
Injuries of the neck above C4 with significant involvement of the diaphragm have worse outcomes.
Hyperglycemia in children during severe illness is a risk factor for poor outcomes in the underlying illness and has been reported as a cause of increased mortality in pediatric intensive care units.
Analysis of at-risk family members using molecular genetic techniques leads to earlier treatment and improved outcomes.
Children with Down syndrome have a wide range of potential outcomes.
In such cases it is best to leave your first time experience in the hands of a styling professional who is experienced in a myriad of possible outcomes.
There does not exist one comprehensive study that points to negative outcomes for homeschooling.
The group offers support for parents to homeschool their children through family-centered activities to promote better educational outcomes.
They are convenient because you can use them at your leisure, even inputting different scenarios to judge potential outcomes.
In 2009, a study in the United Kingdom compared birthing outcomes of more than 500,000 births.
Lastly, parents who do not have high expectations for their children, especially in terms of educational outcomes, contribute to high levels of conception among teenagers.
The results in that experiment showed that vitamin C was no better than a placebo (an inert substance) at curing cancer or improving outcomes in cancer patients.
It's simple and sophisticated; changing accessories and footwear can give you entirely different outcomes, so the same dress can yield various looks with just a few style switches.
Opponents of block grants say a disadvantage of this type of grant is that federal government cannot track the way the money is being spent or see the program's final outcomes.
It may require a number of subsections, such as more comprehensive statement of the problem, goals and outcomes subsections.
Therefore, changing gender roles greatly influence the outcomes of behavior between men and women.
It is in this card that you can see all of the possible outcomes of your question.
Parents may want to consider limiting a child's exposure to media violence to prevent these possible outcomes.
While the media can have negative influences on children, modern media can also have positive outcomes for kids.
The authoritative parenting style and its outcomes are part of the debate over the most effective way to raise children.
Dr. Gwen Dyer wrote a comprehensive article on the authoritative parenting style and its outcomes for the website Parenting Science.
While individual children and parents vary, the research seems to indicate that of the four styles, authoritative parenting results in the best outcomes for kids.
Fake insiders claimed foreknowledge of upcoming storylines and outcomes.
But depending on the lore being discussed, fairies often can be sinister and mischievous, meddling in human affairs with detrimental outcomes.
Outcomes with early intervention can be promising, but it does begin with a proper diagnosis.
Measurable desired outcomes play a critical role because without goals, educators, therapists and parents would have little direction.
Also, since the liver and kidneys are involved in the drug breakdown process, there can be serious and fatal outcomes, if used without medical attention.
Although outcomes from the study provide valid information, limitations within the study must be addressed to portray the whole picture.
For example, it has been shown that a decreased risk of heart disease, certain cancers such as colon and breast, stroke, diverticulitis, cataracts, and macular degeneration are outcomes of eating plenty of fruits and vegetables.
The most desirable indicator for a healthy weight in women is less than .80 and for men is less than .95 as outcomes of waist to hip formula.
Studies regarding the use of food journals show more successful outcomes when accurate, consistent, and complete intake is recorded.
The program encourages consumers to make more informed health care decisions and collaborates with providers to improve quality outcomes and affordability.
If you don't mind ruining the surprise of the outcomes of reality shows, then spoiler sites can provide a lot of entertainment.
It always pains me to see some preferred outcomes involving the innocent.
No, but some outcomes are more likely than others.
Note how this trial covers a bewildering array of outcomes.
The results and outcomes of our services - particularly cardiac and transplant surgery - have been included in Clinical Governance reports for some time.
A decision model was used to evaluate the outcomes associated with using antiseptic impregnated catheters compared to standard catheters for 10,000 hypothetical patients.
There remains a dearth of evidence evaluating effects on patient outcomes.
F Attainment of intended learning outcomes appreciably deficient in critical respects, lacking secure basis in relevant factual and analytical dimensions.
Primary outcomes were pain ten days after delivery and superficial dyspareunia three months postpartum.
Outcomes The module will introduce students to the main aspects of contemporary epistemology.
The aim of the unit is to generate, disseminate and apply knowledge in order to improve practice and patient outcomes with rheumatology nursing.
It was vital to be clear from the start about intended outcomes.
Some outcomes will be financial, i.e. an organization cannot be assured of achieving other outcomes if it is not financially sustainable.
Get in the habit of bracketing exposures by one stop and compare the different outcomes.
It explains why young children are concerned with outcomes rather than intentions.
There is no scientific proof that coral calcium is better than other types of calcium supplements, nor is there any proof that calcium supplements help with cancer outcomes.
I monitor and balance potential outcomes and free will.
In its pages, the events of the Past were recorded, the Present written and the Future a blur of potential outcomes.
The greater teachers' level of autonomy in selecting their professional development opportunities, the greater the outcomes they derived.
The present magnificently organized consular system of Germany is, then, one of the most remarkable outcomes of the establishment of the united empire.
She smiled, honored he'd listen to a message that went against every part of who he was while desperately wishing she could be more assured about the outcomes she Saw.