Outcome Sentence Examples
This was the only outcome we could allow.
I think tonight's outcome will be much more to your liking.
We're the only ones who can influence the outcome of this.
It didn't matter that she had no choice, the outcome was the same.
It will look at where they went to college and what the outcome was.
Every chain of events starts with one push, a catalyst, the perfect mix of different elements that craft a path and make an outcome more likely.
It would be difficult and even impossible to imagine any result more opportune than the actual outcome of this battle.
To ensure this preferred outcome came to fruition.
Betsy had confessed to Mr. Cooms her frustration over the lack of information regarding the outcome of our tips.
Better. I have a preferred outcome, one that involves you surviving and the soul embedded in your head not.
AdvertisementThe tales passing from mouth to mouth at different ends of the army did not even resemble what Kutuzov had said, but the sense of his words spread everywhere because what he said was not the outcome of cunning calculations, but of a feeling that lay in the commander-in-chief's soul as in that of every Russian.
Martha was anxious to hear about the outcome of the Georgia abduction as I'd not phoned her with the results.
A girls' Latin school, with the same standards as the boys' school, was established in 1878 (an outcome of the same movement that founded Radcliffe College).
I don't even know the outcome of your discussion with Julie.
It is the ultimate manifestation of the marketplace of ideas; the more people who proffer their ideas to the world, the better the outcome will be for us all.
AdvertisementAnatole had no notion and was incapable of considering what might come of such love-making, as he never had any notion of the outcome of any of his actions.
They were indirectly the outcome of the evangelistic efforts of Howell Harris and Rowlands.
I have an interest in the outcome.
Could he have prevented this outcome?
The outcome of the war increased the prestige of Prussia.
AdvertisementMost of Ray's minor works were the outcome of his faculty for carefully amassing facts; for instance, his Collection of English Proverbs (1670), his Collection of Out-of-the-way English Words (1674), his Collection of Curious Travels and Voyages (1693), and his Dictionariolum trilingue (1675, 5th edition as Nomenclator classicus, 1706).
We know that one idea suggests another, and that volitional movements are the outcome of ideation.
There is no single event that determines the outcome of one's destiny, he said with a shake of his head.
This shameful sentence was the outcome of mingled terror and obsequiousness.
The shifting of the balance of power that followed belongs to the history of Europe; for Austria the only important outcome was that in 1731 Charles found himself isolated.
AdvertisementIn 1731 Great Britain and Holland agreed to respect it, in return for the cession of Parma, Piacenza and Guastalla to Don Carlos; but the hostility of the Bourbon powers continued, resulting in 1733 in the War of Polish Succession, the outcome of which was the acquisition of Lorraine by France, and of Naples, Sicily and the Tuscan ports by Don Carlos, while the power of the Habsburg monarchy in northern Italy was strengthened by the acquisition of Parma, Piacenza and Guastalla.
Austria had to undergo further losses and humiliations, notably by the treaty of Vienna (1809), before the outcome of Napoleon's Russian campaign in 1812 gave her the opportunity for recuperation and revenge.
After long debates the law abolishing feudal services - the sole permanent outcome of the revolution - was carried on the 31st of August, and on the 7th of September received the imperial consent.
This was done in the teeth of the expressed wish of Russia; it roused the helpless resentment of Servia, whose economic dependence upon the Dual Monarchy was emphasized by the outcome of the war of tariffs into which she had plunged in 1906, and who saw in this scheme another link in the chain forged for her by the Habsburg empire; it 1 Alois, Count Lexa von Aerenthal, was born on the 27th of September 1854 at Gross-Skal in Bohemia, studied at Bonn and Prague, was attache at Paris (1877) and afterwards at St Petersburg, envoy extraordinary at Bucharest (1895) and ambassador at St Petersburg (1896).
The priestly board of decemvirs (sacris faciundis) was an outcome of the claim of the plebs to a share in the administration of the state religion.
On the one hand the famous Gorham judgment was the outcome of his refusal to institute to the living of Brampford Speke a clergyman George Cornelius Gorham (1787-1857), who had openly disavowed his belief in baptismal regeneration; on the other he denounced the equally famous Tract XC. in his episcopal charge of 1843.
Unlike Sweden, Denmark had remained outside the great religious-political movements which were the outcome of the Catholic reaction; and the peculiarity of her position made her rather hostile than friendly to the other Protestant states.
With but few exceptions the provenance of the individual sections may be said to have been finally determined by the labours of the critics, but even a cursory examination of their contents makes it evident that the sequence of events, which they now present, cannot be original, but is rather the outcome of a long process of revision, during which the text has suffered considerably from alterations, omissions, dislocations and additions.
His complex nature was, in truth, the outcome of the complex character of his early environment and education.
The outcome of the war, Alexander argued, was not to be only the liberation of France, but the universal triumph of " the sacred rights of humanity."
Yet to Alexander himself it seemed the only means of placing the "confederation of Europe " on a firm basis of principle and, so far from its being directed against liberty he declared roundly to all the signatory powers that " free constitutions were the logical outcome of its doctrines."
Lastly, whatever its ultimate outcome, the constitution of Poland was, in its inception, a genuine effort to respond to the appeal of the Poles for a national existence.
An immediate outcome of the new friendship was Schiller's admirable essays, published in the Horen (1795-1796) and collected in 1800 under the title Ober naive and sentimentalische Dichtung.
The settlement of Normandy was the only permanent outcome of the Viking Age in France.
It presented the Gospel in a suitable form for the edification of the Church; and it confirmed its truth by constant appeals to the Old Testament scriptures, thus manifesting its intimate relation with the past as the outcome of a long preparation and as the fulfilment of a Divine purpose.
But such an issue, he saw well, could only be the outcome of violence - of " blood and iron.
The outcome of all his labours was, however, only the first part of Studies and Researches in the Times and Life of Cardinal Bessarion, embracing the period of the council of Florence (privately printed at Jena, 1871), a catalogue of the MSS.
Though the external conquests of the Arabs belong more properly to the period of the caliphate, yet they were the natural outcome of the prophet's ideas.
Hosmer's Appeal to Arms and Outcome of the Civil War (New York, 1907); John Eaton's Grant, Lincoln, and the Freedmen (New York, 1907), and various works mentioned in the articles American Civil War, Wilderness Campaign, &C.
Its main argument is that speech is a necessary outcome of that special arrangement of mental forces which distinguishes man, and more particularly from his habits of reflection.
Dressing himself in the armour of the slain knight, which he has great difficulty in handling and eventually puts on over his peasant's garb, he sets out on a series of adventures which differ greatly in the various versions, but the outcome of which is that he becomes a skilful and valiant knight and regains the heritage of his father.
Probably this is the outcome of an extraordinarily elaborate system of social etiquette.
But the evidence of old documents seems to show that these syllabaries had a gradual evolution and that neither was the outcome of a single scholars inventive genius.
It is necessary to insist upon this fact, because it has been stated with apparent authority that numerous specimens which began to be exported from 1865 were the outcome of industry commencing in the 16th century and reaching its point of culmination at the beginning of the 18th.
The outcome was of importance far beyond the narrow limits of the duchy; for all Germany watched the constitutional experiments of the southern states.
That chief literary expression of Pharisaism, the Mishnah, was the outcome of the work begun at Jamnia.
Certain abortive attempts at co-operation among working men, and the movement known as Christian Socialism, were the immediate outcome of his teaching.
But within a somewhat narrower field he worked with patience, industry, and self-denying zeal; his ambition, which seemed to many personal, was rather the outcome of his devotion to the cause of the Church; and in the later years of his life especially he showed that he loved righteousness and hated iniquity, and that he realized as clearly as any one that the service of God was incomplete without the service of man.
The Statute of the Six Articles (' 1 539), " the whip with six strings," was the outcome of the retrograde policy which distinguished the latter years of Henry VIII.
But though his work is thus, like that of many historians, coloured by his opinions, this was not the outcome of a conscious purpose, and he was scrupulously conscientious in collecting and weighing his materials.
Under the Territorial government when first organized the governor was given an extensive appointing power, as well as the right of an absolute veto on all legislation, but this speedily resulted in such friction between him and the legislature that Congress was petitioned for his removal, with the outcome that the office has since been much restricted in its appointing power, and the veto has been subjected to the ordinary United States limit, i.e.
The only religious movement that can be regarded as even rather vaguely the outcome of humanism is the Socinian.
The outcome of the uprising was an encouraging test of loyalty to the commonwealth; and the insurrection is regarded as having been very potent in preparing public opinion throughout the country for the adoption of a stronger national government.
Popular with the people, the king could not control his own family; and as the outcome of a palace intrigue in 477 his son Kasyapa had declared himself king, and taken his father prisoner.
Hungary liberated was to become the centre of freedom for all the races under the Austrian crown, and the outcome was to be a new " fraternization of the Austrian peoples."
This is manifested by the muscular walls of the hollow viscera and of the heart, where it is the expression of a continuous liberation of energy in process in the muscular tissue, the outcome of the latter's own intrinsic life, and largely independent of any connexion with the nervous system.
The outcome was the rout of Friedland (June 13 and 14, 1807).
If it is obviously the outcome of immense learning on the part of its author, it is no less manifestly the result of the speculations and researches of many laborious predecessors in all departments of history, theology and philosophy.
In view of this general demoralization not even the victorious outcome of the campaigns in Georgia, the Crimea, Daghestan, Yemen and Persia (1578-1590) could prevent the decay of the Ottoman power; indeed, by weakening the Mussulman states, they hastened the process, since they facilitated the advance of Russia to the Black Sea and the Caspian.
Thenceforth 4 The opposite of this external Independency, admission of civil oversight even for churches enjoying internal ecclesiastical selfgovernment, was also common, being the outcome of the traditional Puritan attitude to the state.
The counterrevolution was chiefly the outcome of religious zeal played upon by the Mahommedan Union.
The full strength of the empire could not be exerted in Europe until months had elapsed; and the outcome of the war was decided in the first two weeks.
These were rapid and remarkable triumphs, but they did not affect decisively the outcome of the war; they took from Turkey two outlying provinces; they did not strike at the heart of Turkish resistance.
The polyphony of Beethoven was unquestionably influenced by it and, even in his latest sonatas and quartets, may be regarded as its logical outcome.
The convention was the outcome of a conference held at Cape Town in 1888, at which delegates.
A widespread agitation was the outcome, and the temper of the people, of what became known as the " Red Kingdom," was displayed in the elections of 1903 to the German imperial parliament, when, under the system of universal suffrage, of 23 members returned 22 were Social Democrats.
They regarded it as their principal task to bring about a compromise between the nationalities, and this again depended on the outcome of the GermanCzech negotiations which were always being started afresh.
It was rather of the nature of the savagetaboo, the outcome of totemistic beliefs or a mode of averting the contaminating presence of djinns and demons.
A clearer perception of the conditions under which the effective attainment of revenue is possible is another outcome of financial development.
These acts helped greatly to discredit the Moderate party, of whose spirit they were the outcome; and that party further injured their standing in the country by attacking Leslie, afterwards Sir John Leslie, on frivolous grounds - a phrase he had used about Hume's view of causation - when he applied for the chair of mathematics in Edinburgh.
The final outcome of these investigations was the hypothesis that Thomson's corpuscles or particles composing the cathode discharge in a high vacuum tube must be looked upon as the ultimate constituent of what we call negative electricity; in other words, they are atoms of negative electricity, possessing, however, inertia, and these negative electrons are components at any rate of the chemical atom.
Larmor and many others, the electronic hypothesis of matter and of electricity has been developed in great detail and may be said to represent the outcome of modern researches upon electrical phenomena.
Another work, which was soon translated into all the principal European languages, Die wahre Weihe des Zweiflers (1823; 9th ed., with the title Die Lehre von der Siinde and dem Versohner, 1870), the outcome of his own religious history, procured for him the position which he ever after held of the modern Pietistic apologist of Evangelical Christianity.
Ritualistic conservatism may be instanced as a practical outcome of this feeling.
We see here a natural outcome of religious awe supported by the spirit of esotericism, and by a sense of the need for an expert handling of that which is so potent for good or ill.
Judgment, indeed, was an inevitable outcome of the sovereignty of Yahweh, but it would be passed upon the nation in the immediate scene of its misdoings; and even when the scope of the divine doom 8 Von Kremer, Die Herrschenden Ideen des Islams, p. 233 ff.
In the policy of which it was the outcome she enjoyed the support of the Chancellor Michel de l'H6pital and the lieutenant-general of the kingdom, Anthony of Navarre; while on the other hand the heads of the Catholic party had attempted to frustrate any form of negotiation.
Their refusal, however, to baptize infants, and the formation of a separate church as the outcome of this refusal, brought upon them the condemnation of Zwingli, and a number of them were banished.
The outcome of his teaching was a division of Mahommedanism vitally momentous to the world of Islam.
The victory on the plain of Karnal, whether accomplished by sheer fighting or the intervention of treachery, was the natural outcome of the previous situation, and the submission of the emperor followed as a matter of course.
Considerable delay ensued, but the outcome of the whole proceedings was not only acceptance but fulfilment of all the engagements contracted.
Moreover, even after discounting the bias of his enemies, there is evidence to prove that his championship of the Church was not the outcome of his zeal for Christianity; for he was notoriously drunken, unchaste, avaricious and almost insanely ambitious.
Castelar soon became famous by his rhetorical speeches in the Constituent Cortes of 1869, where he led the republican minority in advocating a federal republic as the logical outcome of the recent revolution.
Other of his innovations, the outcome of his crude materialism, found less favour with his successor, who declined to follow him in identifying the primary substance with fire, or in tracing all vitality to its ultimate source in the sun, the " ruling power " of the world - a curious anticipation of scientific truth.
Of the three divisions logic is the least important; ethics is the outcome of the whole, and historically the all-important vital element; but the foundations of the whole system are best discerned in the science of nature, which deals pre-eminently with the macrocosm and the microcosm, the universe and man, including natural theology and an anthropology or psychology, the latter forming the direct introduction to ethics.
As an outcome of his mission an extradition treaty was concluded with Great Britain in March 1898.
The outcome of all these considerations is that, while recognizing that the " genera " and " species " as defined by Cohn must be recast, we are not warranted in uniting any forms the continuity of which has not been directly from the year 1872, when Cohn published his system, which was extended in 1875; this scheme has in fact dominated the study of bacteria ever since.
Religion, though not identified with morality, had its most important outcome in a faithful following of the eternal laws of morality, regarded as the will of God.
But deism is not a compact system nor is it the outcome of any one line of philosophical thought.
In 1307 the first attempt was made to combine the councils of K6lln and Berlin, but the experiment was abandoned four years later, and the two towns continued their separate existence till 1432, when the establishment of a common council for both led to disturbances of which the outcome was that Frederick II.
One outcome of the disclosures connected with the Agapemone deserves passing mention, as throwing some light on the origin of the wealth of the community.
This measure, passed with great difficulty and by bringing considerable pressure to bear upon the nominated council, was the outcome of a lengthened agitation throughout the Australian colonies, and was followed by similar legislation in all of them.
On the 30th of August, however, he stated that this had been discovered to be a forgery by Colonel Henry, but he refused to concur with his colleagues in a revision of the Dreyfus prosecution, which was the logical outcome of his own exposure of the forgery.
It was the outcome of a unifying tendency displayed during the latter part of the 19th century.
The hypostatizing of the Divine Word in the doctrine of the Memra was probably later than the time of Philo, but it was the outcome of a mode of thinking already common in Jewish theology.
In her childhood she was noted for her abounding physical energy; but her vivacity, so far from being tainted by any coarse or unfeminine trait, was the direct outcome of an abnormally sensitive nervous temperament.
The compilers, in their several collections, gathered only occasional decisions, the outcome of no predetermined plan, given by councils or by certain great bishops.
The establishment of an orderly administration, one outcome of which was a general fall of prices that made the unwonted regularity of the collection of taxes doubly unwelcome, naturally excited a certain amount of misgiving and resentment; but on the whole the population was prosperous and contented, and under Lord Elphinstone (1853-1860) the presidency passed through the crisis of the Mutiny without any general rising.
Even then the efforts of the Republican mayor were at first thwarted by the council, which passed an ordinance over his veto, taking from him the power of appointment and vesting it in themselves; the Maryland court of appeals, however, soon decided that the council had exceeded its powers, and an important outcome of the reform movement was the new charter of 1898.
This determined at once the nature of the Kansas struggle and its outcome; and after the South had played and lost in Kansas, " the war for the Union caught up and nationalized the verdict of the Territorial broil."
The first English scholars of the Renaissance, like Erasmus on the continent, did not see the logical outcome of their own discoveries, nor realize that the campaign against obscurantism would develop into a campaign against Roman orthodoxy.
The one satisfactory outcome was the establishment of the Council of the North, which gave the shires between the Border and the Trent a stronger and more efficient government than they had ever had before.
The London Corresponding Society, composed mainly of working-men, was the direct outcome of the excitement caused by the developments of the French Revolution.
A crisis, cabinet crisis was the result of the outcome of the unfortunate Waicheren expedition of 1809.
The Liberals could see no more than that he appeared to be committed to international engagements, the logical outcome of which might beas an orator of the Opposition put itthat Cossacks would be encamped in Hyde Park for the purpose of overawing the House of Commons.
That measure was in one sense the outcome of a mere sinister expediency, but that such a measure was expedient at all sufficed to prove that Burke's view of the present possibilities of social change was right, and the view of the Rousseauites and too sanguine Perfectibilitarians wrong.
Since there are various churches, widely differing alike in their principles and practice, it follows that a like difference exists in their ecclesiastical law, which is the outcome of their corporate consciousness as modified by their several relations to the secular authority.
In England, on the other hand, owing to the peculiar character of the Reformation there and of the Church that was its outcome, no theory of the ecclesiastical law is conceivable that would be satisfactory at once to lawyers and to all schools of opinion within the Church.
It is partly an outcome of Luther's personality - of his violence, no doubt, but also of his great qualities.
Harnack ranks his system with Tridentine and post-Tridentine theology on the one hand, and with Protestantism on the other hand, as the third great outcome of the history of dogma.
Without effort, and even without intention probably, it looked beyond first consequences to the farther or the final outcome; and to complete the operation, the faculty which detected the remoter consequences did not allow them to remain in obscurity, but brought them out as actualities no less than the first and perhaps far more important than the first.
More important was the revival of disturbances in European Turkey, which, in their outcome, were to fill the last chapter of Disraeli's career.
His own Christian belief, sincere and earnest, was more the outcome of the common sense which, largely through him, moulded the prudential theology of England in the 18th century, than of the nobler elements present in More, Cudworth and other religious thinkers of the preceding age, or afterwards in Law and Berkeley, Coleridge and Schleiermacher.
Thus far the outcome of what Locke teaches about matter is, that it is Something capable of being expressed in terms of mathematical.
Its results were momentous and durable in proportion as they were the outcome of causes which had been working long.
The further question whether the voluntary acts for which a man is ordinarily held responsible are really the outcome of his freedom of choice, is barely touched upon, and most of the problems which surround the attempt to distinguish human agency from natural and necessary causation and caprice or chance are left unsolved.
Nor, finally, does Aristotle's account of the relation of pleasure to human well-being (although he has to combat the extreme anti-hedonism to which the Platonic school under Speusippus had been led) differ materially from the outcome of Plato's thought on this point, as the later dialogues present it to us.
In fact, no acceptable scientific criterion emerges, and the outcome of Spencer's attempt to ascertain the laws of life and the conditions of existence is either a restatement of the dictates of the moral consciousness in vague and cumbrous quasi-scientific phraseology, or the substitution of the meaningless test of " survivability " as a standard of perfection for the usual and intelligible standards of " good " and " right."
The decipherment and interpretation by the learned Jesuits, Fathers Epping and Strassmeier, of a number of clay tablets preserved in the British Museum, have supplied detailed knowledge of the methods practised in Mesopotamia in the 2nd century B.C. 5 They show no trace of Greek influence, and were doubtless the improved outcome of an unbroken tradition.
Hipparchus and Ptolemy entertained the same large organic designs; they worked on similar methods; and as the outcome, their performances fitted so accurately together that between them they re-made celestial science.
The outcome of his discoveries was, not only to perfect the geometrical plan of the solar system, but to enhance very materially the predicting power of astronomy.
Eighteen observatories scattered north and south of the equator divided the sky among them; and the outcome of their combined operations aimed at the production of a catalogue of at least 2,000,000 strictly determined stars, together with a colossal map in 22,000 sheets, showing stars to the fourteenth magnitude, in numbers difficult to estimate.
He employed it, with an outcome of striking promise, to measure the radial speed of some of the brighter stars.
The objections to Descartes - one of which at least, through Descartes's statement of it in the appendix of objections in the Meditationes has become famous - have no speculative value, and in general are the outcome of the crudest empiricism.
This report furnished the material for much controversy, but little practical outcome; it was avowedly based on the consideration of Ireland as a separate country, and was therefore inconsistent with the principles of Unionism.
One almost immediate outcome of the reformation effected 1 It seems probable that the celebrated monastery of Whithorn in Galloway played some part in the reform movement, at any rate in the north of Ireland.
The outcome of this drawback is that our knowledge of the chemical constitution of the stars and planets is still confined to their atmospheres, and that conclusions as to the constitution of the interior masses which form them must be drawn by other methods than the spectroscopic one.
The word investiture (from vestire, to put in possession) is later than the 9th century; the thing itself was an outcome of feudal society.
When the missionaries of other Roman Catholic orders made their way into China, twenty years later, they found great fault with the manner in which certain Chinese practices had been dealt with by the Jesuits, a matter in which Ricci's action and policy had given the tone to the mission in China - though in fact that tone was rather inherent in the Jesuit system than the outcome of individual character, for controversies of an exactly parallel nature arose two generations later in southern India, between the Jesuits and Capuchins, regarding what were called "Malabar rites."
In fact the only Bantu tribes who are not agriculturists are the Ova-Herero of German South-West Africa, whose purely pastoral habits are the natural outcome of the barren country they inhabit.
Ancestor-worship occurs most naturally among a people where tribal organization has reached a fairly advanced stage, and is the natural outcome of patriotic reverence for a successful chief and his councillors.
Being the outcome of the Constitution of the year III., it should have been the organizing and pacifying government of the Republic; in reality it sought not to create, but to preserve its own existence.
The outcome of this positivism is the substitution for revealed religion of a religion of humanity - according to Huxley "Catholicism minus Christianity" - in which God is replaced by Humanity.
The origin of the three main divisions of Lincolnshire is anterior to that of the county itself, and the outcome of purely natural conditions, Lindsey being in Roman times practically an island bounded by the swamps of the Trent and the Witham on the west and south and on the east by the North Sea, while Kesteven and Holland were respectively the regions of forest and of fen.
But the contradiction here is one we cannot eliminate by the method of relations, because it does not involve anything real; and in fact as a necessary outcome of an "intelligible" form, the fiction of continuity is valid for the "objective semblance," and no more to be discarded than say -1 - I.
This frame, the outside measurement of which is 14 by 82 in., was the outcome of deliberations extending over a considerable time on the part of a committee of well-known bee-keepers, specially appointed in 1882 to consider the matter.
This finer work was the outcome of his friendship with Lady Austen, a widow who, on a visit to her sister, the wife of the vicar of the neighbouring village of Clifton, made the acquaintance of Cowper and Mrs Unwin.
In 1869 he was elected chairman of the executive council of the new National Education League, the outcome of Mr George Dixon's movement for promoting the education of the children of the lower classes by paying their school fees, and agitating for more accommodation and a better national system.
This was the outcome of the working of a one-sided free-trade system.
In the outcome Nebraska was one of the two Territories created by the Kansas-Nebraska Bill of 1854.
But practical organization was not among his gifts, and the bishops became jealous of his influence, so that after four years he retired, the best outcome of his stay there being a volume of lectures entitled Idea of a University, containing some of his most effective writing.
Although at times he persecuted heretics with great cruelty, he tolerated Mahommedans and Jews, and both acts appear rather to have been the outcome of political considerations than of religious belief.
The mirror galvanometer and the siphon recorder, which was patented in 1867, were the outcome of these researches; but the scientific value of the mirror galvanometer is independent of its use in telegraphy, and the siphon recorder is the direct precursor of one form of galvanometer (d'Arsonval's) now commonly used in electrical laboratories.
The outcome of our present knowledge points to the Stegocephalia, probably themselves derived from the Crossopterygian fishes (8), having yielded on the one hand the true batrachians (retrogressive series), with which they are to a certain extent connected through the Caudata and the Apoda, on the other hand the reptiles (progressive series), through the Rhynchocephalians and the Anomodonts, the latter being believed, on very suggestive evidence, to lead to the mammals (9).
Well, if they're not the same sex, I sure hope that's the outcome.
Yes. The Others were attempting to influence the outcome of who won the Black God mantle by using me.
The vamp before her went down before she saw the outcome of the meeting between Damian and Czerno in the safe house, but she saw what the vamp expected to happen.
It's a potential outcome, if this doesn't go my way.
It was an acrimonious debate, leaving the party divided over the outcome barely 18 months from a general election.
Regression analysis was used to predict the outcome.
The outcome for the absolute dating of Minoan civilization thus remains uncertain.
The CPA was confident of a satisfactory outcome for the new financial year.
You can infer which variable affects which outcome.
The discussion will probably influence the outcome.
The outcome depended on Bill Rice who unfortunately succumbed to defeat.
As there are no moral absolutes so there is no expected outcome to life.
Of the eyes with poor outcome (best corrected acuity 6/60 at 2 months) half were due to pre-existing eye diseases.
In cases of aldosterone-producing adenoma, surgery in the second trimester is the most appropriate option to avoid a poor obstetric outcome.
These are quicker, cheaper, less adversarial and provide a better outcome for the court user.
Sadly for the Defender the proposed amendment did not alter the eventual outcome!
Under similar circumstances only people like the Spanish anarchists or POUMists would have waited passively, hoping for a happy outcome.
By virtue of its checks and balances, a successful outcome is virtually assured.
In electional astrology we choose a chart to ensure the best possible outcome for an event.
A typical Key Outcome would be to improve levels of educational attainment.
Bryan's 52 lane autobahn painted a extreme scenario of the outcome of Knighton's masterplan.
Outcome in recipients of HLA-compatible related or unrelated bone marrow was compared to those receiving a second autograft.
And the convention's outcome still has to be unanimously passed by the next government conference beginning this autumn.
A large study is required to determine whether screening for asymptomatic bacteriuria continues to be relevant in improving pregnancy outcome.
Any plans to excavate a selected oval barrow would need to await the outcome of the initial study and the identification of suitable examples.
Today, there are many Internet bookmakers who offer odds on the outcome of the same event.
We NGOs wait with baited breath for the outcome of their deliberations.
There are two factors, which help to show the real outcome of free-market capitalism in Poland.
Outcome measures Loss of a tooth, caries in a tooth or loss of periodontal attachment on a tooth.
Visual outcome can still vary markedly however, particularly in the child with unilateral cataract.
I would not at this stage care to put much money on the outcome - central bankers are a naturally cautious breed.
If the liver function fails this is known as decompensated cirrhosis and without transplantation the outcome is likely to be fatal.
The world number two will be hoping for a similar outcome this Sunday to that enjoyed by his illustrious countryman over fifty years ago.
The outcome was development of end stage renal disease or doubling of serum creatinine.
On the other hand to rely on such an outcome is to descend headlong into parliamentary cretinism.
The primary outcome measured in all trials was mycological cure.
The outcome was analyzed for correlation with patient characteristics, the disease including cytogenetics, and the graft itself.
The payoff of mutual defection, DD, provides the baseline outcome that yields a payoff of zero to both participants.
The significance of evidence-based nursing interventions, supported by outcome measures, may provide a powerful denominator in promoting change.
Rather than making a specific prediction, however, the outcome of a match is expressed in the form of a probability distribution.
The presence of pain automatically downgraded the outcome to poor.
Similarly, a wide range of outcome measures is used, including neonatal encephalopathy, cranial ultrasound findings, seizures and cerebral palsy.
They see a fully federal system as the logical outcome for the UK, with sovereignty devolved.
A systematic overview (meta-analysis) of outcome measures in Helicobacter pylori gastritis trials and functional dyspepsia.
Such an outcome was regularly produced by the apprentices - hence they came to be called greenhorns.
The primary outcome measure was the effect on migraine headache.
Individual cases of fulminant hepatitis with fatal outcome have been reported in Japan.
As if that wasn't an entirely predictable outcome for popularizing previously hidden, esoteric material!
The main reason for this poor outcome is that HEFCE is going to impose a grant holdback of around £ 1m.
The outcome has been rather inconclusive, tho it is still considered that they have applications in highly sensitized pain states (hyperalgesia ).
Early background EEG activity is a relatively reliable prognostic indicator for outcome 24,25.
Genotypes of SARS patients were also tested for association with clinical outcome measures as well as hematological and biochemical laboratory indices.
In early years, the commonest occurrence was the development of severe opportunistic infections with death a likely outcome.
Mean daily intake averaged over 6 days was main outcome variable.
Furthermore, jejunal interposition can influence the motility of the entire intestinal tract resulting in a better functional outcome.
The primary outcome in the review was the overall anastomotic leakage.
And her sexual liaisons are usually met with a gruesome outcome.
Outcome of the SC workshop, includes a mailing list managed by Maarten.
The outcome measure of interest was mortality, which was reported as all-cause mortality in most trials and sudden cardiac death in some trials.
However a gap remained between linking a genetic mutation to the outcome of the disease.
The outcome of which was to employ 7 operatives directly.
Outcome of appeals This includes the outcome of appeals This includes the outcome of the appeals by the magistrates court.
Standard entry question invites client to attend to a desired outcome.
With passionately held views on both sides, predicting the outcome of the vote is tricky.
We await the outcome of this early in the New Year.
This aspect of this complex process can be deferred pending the outcome of planning consent being given or with held.
They have also welcomed the positive outcome of the 2000 NPT Review Conference.
The Council congratulated Cllr Taylor on the satisfactory outcome to the process.
Findings Data on pregnancy outcome were available for 244 women in the clindamycin group and for 241 women in the placebo group.
I just ended up having an outcome that is an extreme outlier on the bell curve.
The main outcome was that electroacupuncture induced regular ovulation in more than a third of the women.
A second consultation paper, which will include the outcome of an Equality Impact Assessment, is due to issue shortly.
The aim of this study was to compare perioperative outcome of liver resections with and without intermittent hepatic pedicle clamping.
We hope that the outcome in this case will make suing other school districts less necessary.
Off to the right was a little tableau, promising a grisly outcome.
In some patients an increase in ventricular ectopy including non-sustained ventricular tachycardia has been observed which did not affect patient safety or outcome.
The target group tau xsubi stands ie without distinguishing elasticity of outcome.
The patient's right ACL was reconstructed using part of his patella tendon with a successful outcome, ie, a stable knee.
The primary outcome was the sex therapists assessment of response to treatment.
Fundamentally these steps are not sufficiently transparent for citizens, who are eager to know the outcome ", the President added.
Not surprisingly, life-long friendships, lovers ' trysts and ongoing group reunions are often the outcome of our mystical journeys.
The likely outcome of the election campaign is a fall in voter turnout.
For the present, most doctors remain relatively unconcerned about the unexpected outcome of this isolated report.
The longer game length powerfully highlighted the inherent weakness of the design; luck played far too large a part in the outcome.
That means there must always be a real possibility of an outcome at variance with parental wishes.
These latter problems are the province of criminal anthropology and criminal sociology, sciences so called because they view crime as the outcome of anthropological and social conditions.
But such a scheme finds no place in the monarchy; it presupposes a hierocracy under which the priesthood increased its rights by claiming the privileges which past kings had enjoyed; it is the outcome of a complicated development in Old Testament religion in the light of which it is to be followed (see Hebrew Religion).
The seizure by Russia of the Chinese fortress of Port Arthur, which she had a few years previously, in concert with other powers, compelled Japan to relinquish, was from the Russian point of view the logical outcome of her eastward expansion and her need for an ice-free harbour on the Pacific. The extension of the Trans-Siberian railway through Manchuria to Port Arthur and a large measure of influence in Manchuria followed equally naturally.
He was conscious of his own intense unpopularity, the outcome of his efforts at reform; he knew that in popular opinion Mehemet Ali was the champion of Islam against the infidel caliph, and that the issue of a struggle with him was more than doubtful.
St Bernard accused him of sharing the doctrines of Abelard (see Ep. 189, 195), and procured his condemnation by the council of Sens (I 140) at the same time as that of the great scholastic. This was perhaps no more than the outcome of the fierce polemical spirit of the abbot of Clairvaux, which led him to include all his adversaries under a single anathema.
But the remarkable " Ostend Manifesto " (see Buchanan, James), the outcome of their conference, was quite unexpected, and Marcy promptly disavowed the document.
Their sanguinary violence was combined with an anti-religious policy, not atheistical, but inspired by mistrust of the clergy, and by a civic and deistic creed that was a direct outcome of the federations.
Bishop Hurst, by his splendid devotion in 1876-1879, recovered the endowment of Drew Theological Seminary, lost by the failure in 1876 of Daniel Drew, its founder; and with McClintock and Crooks he improved the quality of Methodist scholarship. The American University (Methodist Episcopal) at Washington, D.C., for postgraduate work was the outcome of his projects, and he was its chancellor from 1891 to his death.
Freecycle, Craigslist, and a thousand message boards achieve the same outcome.
This is one of the few areas in which government taxation actually leads to a more efficient outcome.
Outcome measures Knee Study - main outcome measure was isometric quadriceps strength.
It 's a story of a long-term quest for vengeance with a bizarre outcome.
Reliving the same experience over and over, knowing what is likely to happen next yet powerless to influence the outcome.
A worse outcome at that moment might have reopened the wounds of recent weeks.
I vaguely recall that you could not replicate the experiment to a successful outcome.
We have developed a protocol which is effective in improving IVF outcome in high responder patients, including those with PCOS.
The movement of the checkers follows the outcome of a roll of two dice, the numbers on the two dice constituting separate moves.
Iraq and Iran blame each other for their ruinous war and each sees the outcome as a victory.
I am pleased to report a satisfactory outcome to these negotiations.
He came out poorer than he went in, but satisfied with the outcome.
They are the outcome of factors such as water depth and seabed roughness affecting frictional forces.
It would be entirely inappropriate to try to second-guess the outcome of that procedure.
No difference in outcome for babies compared to singleton babies.
Title Female age is an important parameter to predict treatment outcome in intracytoplasmic sperm injection.
Principal Investigator to discuss outcome with Center Lead and agree plan to complete substantive revision of the project (with support as agreed).
The outcome depended on Bill Rice who unfortunately succumbed to a straight set defeat.
Second, who wants to wait over a year for the outcome of a suspense thriller?
The outcome will indicate whether Wld s mice constitute an effective model in which to study cellular and molecular mechanisms of synapse elimination.
Fundamentally these steps are not sufficiently transparent for citizens, who are eager to know the outcome, the President added.
And, since you 're always using the same tried-and-true formulas from the engineering handbook, the outcome is much more reliable.
The outcome of this process of tripartite negotiation is a learning contract.
The outcome however is always the same, good triumphs over evil.
Should you be unhappy with the outcome or with the action taken, you may address your complaint to OC Admin Sqn.
The uptime state, together with a clear outcome, can help you manage these explosive situations.
No matter what the outcome of your whiplash injury claim, you will not be asked to pay anything to anyone.
What type of contracts lead to a win-win outcome?
The poll aggregator used data from 12 different sources to accurately predict the outcome of the election.
No, the original dreams perhaps were not realized, but it's a decent outcome and importantly, much better than most were expecting.
There are many factors that can influence the outcome of an adoption proceeding.
A fourth or fifth addition may yield an entirely different outcome.
Also, the type of interest rate you have can affect the outcome.
Once you become a victim of identity theft, you could spend years dealing with the outcome.
California divorce lawyers can play a major role in helping their clients get the outcome they deserve.
Many states do not consider fault when deciding on spousal support; however, some do, especially if it negatively affects the financial outcome of the other spouse.
The mediator helps the couple negotiate each point of a settlement until both of them are satisfied with the outcome.
You may finish and the outcome may be brilliant, but it will probably take you a little longer than expected.
Instead, they multiply and grow stronger as they work their way up the food chain as that creature is devoured by another or the planet and nothing but death is the outcome.
Before you decide to create a permanent face, make sure you've considered the outcome of your look.
You can't control the outcome of this first date, but you can come into the experience with minimal expectations and a great attitude.
Simply give a potential name for your quiz as well as an outcome example, then click Submit.
Both casual and hardcore fans can enjoy making predictions about the outcome of any game via instant messaging or text messages.
If you can let go of the outcome of having a "perfect meditation," you will relieve stress and feel more focused, even if your meditation is a little unfocused.
No matter the type, there are practical steps you can take to help ensure a productive outcome while keeping you feeling less angry.
Health issues are a natural outcome when stress is present for long periods.
Fundraising should start with a premise of the end goal, such as a dollar amount or outcome.
There are also cases where the session does not result in immediate major changes in the addict's life, though some sort of a positive outcome is seen.
Keep in mind that seeking help for alcoholism at a treatment program can lead to a successful outcome and a fresh start in life.
In fact, plastic surgery needs to be discouraged for BDD patients since the most likely outcome of such is that the person doesn't like the result and then goes on to pursue corrective surgery.
After protesting the outcome of the first season's finale, a dance off ensued and another couple was crowned as the winners.
It has been an interesting ride for viewers, watching the amazing outcome as some stars have shed major weight and embraced a healthier lifestyle.
A friend of the pair commented that they were going to try to reconcile, but were unsure of the outcome.
Only time will tell the outcome of the ongoing Spears-Federline custody battle.
After the judge handed down her sentence and Brown et. al., left the courtroom, she brought Rihanna in to let her know the outcome.
Spears and Federline eventually married and had children of their own, which was a positive outcome for this particular oops.
The outcome of such a list depends a great deal on who compiles it.
The outcome of these tests also affects teachers and school administrators, and reflects the overall performance of the school.
Before using specialty collars you'll want to talk to your vet or dog trainer to make sure that the outcome will be worth the investment.
However, there are things you need to know to ensure a happy outcome for everyone involved.
Whether you agree with the eastern or western philosophy does not matter, the healing outcome of acupuncture is the same.
Again, this dog food appears to have helped a great many dogs and had a positive outcome on ending digestive problems, loose stools and even vomiting.
Imported examples show considerable variety, both in habit and flower-the outcome, as it would appear, of natural crosses.
To just add a pocket door does take a bit of work and creates a mess, but the final outcome is worth the inconvenience.
Treat these plans as the key to your new home and trust that the final outcome will be just as you envisioned it.
How important is fabric selection in the outcome of your clothing?
It doesn't matter whether you get married in a sweeping ball gown or a cotton shift - the outcome is the same.
This averages out to a member being saved from an emergency situation, which would have had a catastrophic outcome, once every 26 minutes.
Unrealistic expectations can occur when you think there is only one possible solution or outcome.
Make good or smarmy decisions that will affect the outcome of certain situations.
You have several options as to how you earn said gold, and your choices change the outcome of the game.
Finally, there are purely browser based games, where the user interacts with forms to control the outcome of the game.
Outcome - More options that appear after clicking the above.
Make the decisions that will make or break the outcome of the success of your missions.
A world and various characters are provided in the game, but the outcome of each scenario is highly dependent on the player's actions.
This will not change the outcome of the level, but you will be able to shoot the guards.
A strategy game is one in which the players' decisions have a major impact on the outcome of the game.
Sometimes winemakers add this many different grapes and the outcome is just a muddled mess.
Although he followed the instructions, the outcome was not successful.
A child's self-feeding skills can impact his or her health outcome.
According to a 2000 study published in the Journal of Child Neurology, the outcome of childhood stroke was a moderate or severe deficit in 42 percent of cases.
The outcome of poisoning varies from complete recovery to death and depends on the type and amount of the poison, the health of the victim, and the speed with which medical care is obtained.
Prompt dental treatment provides a positive outcome for toothache.
Heat stroke is a very serious condition and its outcome depends upon the general health and age of the individual.
Some types of cells are associated with a more favorable outcome in the patient than others.
These therapies are called adjuvant therapies, and this type of combination therapy has been shown to substantially improve outcome in patients with Wilms' tumor.
It is most likely that the speed of initial treatment will affect the ultimate outcome.
These patients, however, seem to have a less serious outcome.
The outcome in any particular case depends largely on the nature of the underlying disease.
The prognosis for fevers associated with more chronic conditions, such as autoimmune disease, depends upon the overall outcome of the disorder.
Orthodontic treatment usually continues until the desired outcome is reached.
Damaged appliances can extend the length of treatment and negatively affect the outcome.
However, the course of the disease can be quite variable, and it is difficult to predict the outcome for any given individual as A-T varies considerably from patient to patient.
Old assumptions have to be discarded and new, often very difficult, realities need to be accepted, including the uncertainty of the A-T outcome.
If this is not the woman's first pregnancy, outcomes of her previous pregnancies are of importance in relation to the outcome of this one.
The outcome of stridor depends on its cause.