Oust Sentence Examples
In order to oust his rival Henry of Guise, Henry III.
An attempt of the Atabeg to oust the new sultan, however, failed.
It is not possible to oust the jurisdiction of the court in any way.
In 1689 the name of Ivan was used as a pretext by Sophia in her attempt to oust Peter from the throne altogether.
Franklin's influence helped to oust Hillsborough, and Dartmouth, whose name Franklin suggested, was made 1 Many questions (about 20 of the first 25) were put by his friends to draw out what he wished to be known.
However, Otto died first (983), leaving a three-year-old son, Otto III., and Lothair, hoping for Lorraine, upheld the claims of Henry of Bavaria, who wished to oust Otto.
Strategic bombing did not oust the Iraqis from Kuwait or the Serbs from Kosovo.
Several other Iraqi police stations have been attacked since the conclusion of major combat operations to oust Saddam Hussein.
The big powers, which were determined to use force to oust Milosevic, are now urging the greatest restraint.
Mao remained in control of the Cultural Revolution and with the support of the army was able to oust the revisionists.
AdvertisementIn December 2006, Rosie O'Donnell, a host on The View, attacked Donald Trump for his decision not to oust the then-reigning Miss America, who was caught abusing drugs and engaging in underage drinking.
Though they had been scheming to oust him for several weeks, their chance finally came on Day 30, when Erik won immunity.
The Colorados have held the government for many years, and the attempts of the Blancos to oust them have caused a series of revolutions.
In July 1828 France had been commissioned to oust Ibrahim from the Morea; and though by a convention, concluded on the 9th of August by Codrington with Mehemet Ali, the principle of evacuation by the Egyptian troops had already been settled before the arrival of the French expedition, the Morea remained for the time in French occupation.
Then turning his attention to the count of Blois, he proceeded to establish a fortress at Langeais, a few miles from Tours, from which, thanks to the intervention of the king Hugh Capet, Odo failed to oust him.
AdvertisementThe policy of the government is to maintain the small proprietors, and to do nothing tending to oust the native in favor of European landowners.
Many years elapsed before an English sovereign made any effort to oust the Dutch from the dominions he claimed by virtue of the discovery of the Cabots.
If they push more of their money and keep pressing the Xbox onto consumers, Microsoft will definitely oust Sony.
Thus apparently he asserted his authority, but in reality, being only thirteen years old, he was a mere puppet in the hands of one of the opposition factions, who wished to oust their rivals, and for the next four years the misgovernment of the nobles went on as before.
The succeeding margrave, Leopold II., quarrelled with Henry IV., who was unable to oust him from the mark or to prevent the succession of his son Leopold III.
AdvertisementBefore, however, the "Tory" had thus sailed for Cook Strait, it had become known to the English government that a French colonizing company - La Compagnie Nanto-Bordelaise - was forming, under the auspices of Louis Philippe, to anticipate or oust Wakefield.
Arran's brother, later archbishop of St Andrews, arrived from France and worked on the wavering regent, while his rival, Lennox, came also from France, and failing to oust Arran, became Henry's pensioner in England.
William immediately quarrelled with Hugh, and by April 1190 had managed to oust him completely from office.
Athanagild, when himself king, vainly tried to oust his late allies from the footing which they had gained in Spain, nor were the Greeks finally expelled from Spain till seventy years later.
Formerly this was employed exclusively in the free state as brimstone, and this is still the case to a considerable extent in some countries, notably in the United States, but the great bulk of sulphuric acid is now made from metallic sulphides, especially those of iron and zinc. Most of the brimstone of trade comes from Sicily, but in the United States Louisiana sulphur is playing an important part, and seems likely to oust the Sicilian sulphur.
AdvertisementFinding that the king was ready to back them in all their enterprises, the Despensers resolved to take the fearful risk of snatching at supreme power by using their masters name to oust the barons who were now directing affairs from their position.
It is a remarkable fact that these genera, comprizing a separate family Lumbricidae, when introduced into tropical and other countries, thrive abundantly and oust the indigenous forms. In gatherings of earthworms from various extra-European countries it is always found that if the collections have been made in cultivated ground and near the coast the worms are of European species; farther inland the native forms are met with.
At this date, though still nominally associated with the Evangelicals, Newman's views were gradually assuming a higher ecclesiastical tone, and while local secretary of the Church Missionary Society he circulated an anonymous letter suggesting a method by which Churchmen might practically oust Nonconformists from all control of the society.
At the very beginning of his reign he came into collision with the turbulent szlachta or gentry, who had already begun to oust the great families from power.
But Brahmins by birth (not necessarily sacrificial priests, for they followed all sorts of occupations) were trying to oust the nobles from the highest grade.
But what right had I to oust johnswort and the rest, and break up their ancient herb garden?
The Mahommedans now formed a plot to oust the Christians, and treacherously massacred a number of their chiefs and then defeated their unprepared adherents.
In 1504 he arbitrated on the differences between France and Germany, and concluded an alliance with them in order to oust the Venetians from Faenza, Rimini and other towns which they occupied.
The last Celtic " bishop of Alban " died at this time; and when the dynasty of Malcolm Canmore was established after an interval of turmoil, English ecclesiastics began to oust the Celtic Culdees from St Andrews.
The one idea of Kruger and his faction was to oust Burgers from office on any pretext, and, if possible, to put Kruger in his place.