Ourselves Sentence Examples
We shook ourselves dry on the porch and returned to the warmth of the cabin.
We can defend ourselves at length.
It is nice to have the house to ourselves, isn't it?
We held one another and allowed ourselves to cry.
The others, even Quinn, didn't disagree, but added, "And protect ourselves in doing so."
How do we get ourselves into these messes?
We have therefore the idea of an infinite, perfect and all-powerful being - an idea which cannot be the creation of ourselves, and must be given by some being who really possesses all that we in idea attribute to him.
We are enjoying ourselves!
Love grows with the knowledge of its object, he proceeds, and at the highest stage self-love is so merged in love to God that we love ourselves only for God's sake or because God has loved us.
With thinking we may be beside ourselves in a sane sense.
AdvertisementWe embed the jagged side into the ice above us and pull ourselves up.
We introduced ourselves one by one, each adding a brief history.
We lectic" may explain this to ourselves as an extraordinarily space as well as in time; nothing does anything for itself.
We consider ourselves very beautiful in appearance, for mother has told us so, and she knows.
For one wild, glad moment we snapped the chain that binds us to earth, and joining hands with the winds we felt ourselves divine!
AdvertisementYes. We just wanted to see it for ourselves.
Let's turn ourselves in and get a high priced lawyer.
The remedy proposed by Descartes is (while not neglecting our duties to others, ourselves and God) to let doubt range unchecked through the whole fabric of our customary convictions.
Can we arm ourselves against our teachers and divinities?
The French losses were almost equal to ours, but very early we said to ourselves that we were losing the battle, and we did lose it.
AdvertisementThe activity of a commander-in-chief does not at all resemble the activity we imagine to ourselves when we sit at ease in our studies examining some campaign on the map, with a certain number of troops on this and that side in a certain known locality, and begin our plans from some given moment.
We can handle this job by ourselves.
We must learn to issue from ourselves, transport ourselves back to other times, and become children again in order to comprehend the infancy of the human race.
We don't find ourselves endlessly returning to their work again and again.
It was delightful to lose ourselves in the green hollows of that tangled wood in the late afternoon, and to smell the cool, delicious odours that came up from the earth at the close of day.
AdvertisementWhen he had finished the Litany the deacon crossed the stole over his breast and said, "Let us commit ourselves and our whole lives to Christ the Lord!"
If instead of imagining to ourselves commanders of genius leading the Russian army, we picture that army without any leaders, it could not have done anything but make a return movement toward Moscow, describing an arc in the direction where most provisions were to be found and where the country was richest.
But regarding him from within ourselves as what we are conscious of, we feel ourselves to be free.
Of course, we can go by ourselves.
We don't always get timely information ourselves.
We've convinced ourselves we're absolutely correct but we don't demand that of others.
It's nice to have the place nearly to ourselves, even if it is only for a few days, Dean said, as he stifled a yawn.
Don't you think we owe it to ourselves to figure out what all this means?
We do not propose to concern ourselves here with those technical subjects which are the chief concern of standard treatises on instrumentation.
If we try to know the real world, we find ourselves distracted by opposite arguments (" ` Antithetic of Pure Reason "), plausible and resistless in attack, helpless in defence.
These princes were, in fact, men of like passions with ourselves, and acted as powerful men generally do in a rude state of society.
It is much more likely than not that some principle which for the moment seems new, some distinction which we may flatter ourselves has not been observed before, has been pointed out over and over again by previous writers, although, owing to special circumstances, it may not have received the notice it deserved.
But when we look for the evidence of any such will beyond ourselves and our experience, we find Wundt offering nothing but an ontological " ideal " of reason, and a moral " ideal " requiring a religious " ideal," but without any power of inferring a corresponding reality.
These tell us something about ourselves we didn't know before.
Why concern ourselves so much about our beans for seed, and not be concerned at all about a new generation of men?
So energetically do we pursue this aim that after crossing an unfordable river we burn the bridges to separate ourselves from our enemy, who at the moment is not Bonaparte but Buxhowden.
At the time, we felt so infallible in our rightness we grabbed the proverbial bull by the horns exposing ourselves to a wealth of trouble.
We stumbled into an incredible gift that was bestowed on Howie and we couldn't live with ourselves or look at one another if we didn't embrace everything in our power to maximize its benefits.
I agreed and we committed ourselves to starting a family.
We're putting innocent people at risk and not just ourselves.
They let us go off by ourselves for the whole afternoon while they messed around.
I might have pulled your leg a time or two, but we've got along pretty good over the years keeping stuff to ourselves.
Boston was a tad rowdy back then and we were kind of young and frisky ourselves.
It looks like we have the second afternoon in a row to ourselves.
Why don't you tell Heinrich here we don't know shit about Shipton so we can get back to enjoying ourselves?
Aside from what we observed ourselves, everything we thought we knew about Jerome Shipton came from his wife, a dedicated liar.
We cannot call attention to ourselves until our numbers warrant our attack.
Then we started hearing all this nonsense about Byrne until it got us wondering if there might be something to it, so we did a little detecting ourselves.
Wallace is of the opinion that the Australians " are really of Caucasian type and are more nearly allied to ourselves than to the civilized Japanese or the brave and intelligent Zulus."
Omitting the paired tracheo-clavicular muscles, we restrict ourselves to the syringeal proper, those which extend between tracheal and bronchial rings.
In this article we propose therefore to confine ourselves to discussing the character and subject-matter of the science, indicating its relation to other sciences, and explaining the methods by which economists reach their conclusions.
In great part, it is by carrying the message of recovery to others like ourselves that we keep our own sobriety.
We just have to arm ourselves with pepper spray.
But don't let us worry over such things, Zeb; we can't help ourselves just now, you know, and I've always been told it's foolish to borrow trouble.
Before we take that further, let's consider something the Internet has taught us about ourselves.
So, far from reaching that point the pessimists foretold—where we have exhausted the meager resources of earth and find ourselves dwindling away—something entirely different is happening.
Sometimes it really seems as if the task which we have set ourselves were more than we can accomplish; but at other times I enjoy my work more than I can say.
Since I wrote you, Helen and I have gone to live all by ourselves in a little garden-house about a quarter of a mile from her home, only a short distance from Ivy Green, the Keller homestead.
If, then, we would indeed restore mankind by truly Indian, botanic, magnetic, or natural means, let us first be as simple and well as Nature ourselves, dispel the clouds which hang over our own brows, and take up a little life into our pores.
Shall we with pains erect a heaven of blue glass over ourselves, though when it is done we shall be sure to gaze still at the true ethereal heaven far above, as if the former were not?
We all know what is bad for ourselves.
We ourselves will not delay to appear among our people in that Capital and in other parts of our realm for consultation, and for the direction of all our levies, both those now barring the enemy's path and those freshly formed to defeat him wherever he may appear.
The ancients have left us model heroic poems in which the heroes furnish the whole interest of the story, and we are still unable to accustom ourselves to the fact that for our epoch histories of that kind are meaningless.
Really now, in our own yard--we asked them in ourselves and there are officers among them....
While they were strong we didn't spare ourselves, but now we may even pity them.
Of course he is right there," said Countess Mary, "but he forgets that we have other duties nearer to us, duties indicated to us by God Himself, and that though we might expose ourselves to risks we must not risk our children."
Only by watching closely moment by moment the movement of that flow and comparing it with the movement of the ship do we convince ourselves that every bit of it is occasioned by the forward movement of the ship, and that we were led into error by the fact that we ourselves were imperceptibly moving.
It would be salutary to remind ourselves of the story so far.
When we see a shooting star we begin to making silent wishes to ourselves.
He left us kids to fend for ourselves and now he thinks he can come back and pick up where he left off.
Little conversation took place as each of us kept our thoughts to ourselves.
We forbade ourselves to even discuss our impetuous actions for fear of disturbing Howie so all we could do is cross our fingers and pray.
We put ourselves at risk with any contacts like this.
We have this pledge among ourselves not getting a Texas mile near any of these cases.
We'd discussed this point among ourselves numerous times over the past months.
The way I see it, we best get ourselves involved in setting this Shipton business straight.
This he finds in the sense we have of our own existence and of what we feel within ourselves.
Without pledging ourselves to the acceptance of all its details - some of which, as is only natural, cannot be sustained with our present knowledge - it is certainly not too much to say that Merrem's merits are almost incomparably superior to those of any of his predecessors.
We must provisionally affirm life and devote ourselves to social evolution, instead of striving after a happiness which is impossible; in so doing we shall find that morality renders life less unhappy than it would otherwise be.
The evolution of the distinct business of cotton broking is readily comprehensible when we remind ourselves that the requirements, as regards raw material, of all spinners are much alike generally, and that no spinner could afford to pay an expert to devote himself entirely to purchasing cotton for his mill.
We must here group these important epochs together, as distinguished from the later period of Roman rule, and confine ourselves to a brief notice of their principal monuments and a record of the discoveries by which they have been illustrated in recent years.
Hitherto we have generally restricted ourselves to syntheses which result in the production of a true benzene ring; but there are many reactions by which reduced benzene rings are synthesized, and from the compounds so obtained true benzenoid compounds may be prepared.
Restricting ourselves to compounds resulting from the fusion of benzene rings, we have first to consider naphthalene, C10H8, which consists of two benzene rings having a pair of carbon atoms in common.
If the latter epistle could be finally established as genuine, or its date fixed, it would give important evidence with regard to Ephesians; but in the present state of discussion we must confine ourselves to pointing out the fact.
The number of cartographers throughout Europe was considerable, and we confine ourselves to mentioning a few leading men.
In the present survey we shall limit ourselves to the great formative periods in this literature - in Judaism to 200 B.C. t0 A.D.
We shall therefore confine ourselves to what, in the main, may be regarded as preliminary.
That is something that we are still only learning, so we should beware of being too presumptuous ourselves.
We hadn't got enough food or water and we had n't psyched ourselves up for this.
Transformed with the goodly transformation of the transfiguration of Christ, we find ourselves made radiant by our good works, magnifying it.
We also recommitted ourselves then to the Road Map.
We are constantly renewing ourselves, cell by cell, second by second, every minute of our lives.
Because He's the savior, there is no other savior, and we can't save ourselves.
But we ought to exercise enough self-criticism to ask ourselves whether it would not be better to pool competences in some cases.
We found ourselves at Albert where the Madonna, having been hit by shellfire, hung down from the top of a church.
Or we slip and fall yet again to our desires of one sort or another and feel angry with ourselves for being so spineless.
Having found ourselves parked at the rear of a beach taverna we decided to have a meal rather than seek out a sunbed.
By the end of the evening, we find ourselves invited to join a national telethon on the coming Friday for children with disabilities.
Who can predict what perils we may unwittingly unleash upon ourselves, without even realizing our mistake for years or decades?
We see ourselves as articulating the visions and the hopes and dreams of the ordinary people of our continent.
We pride ourselves upon offering the ultimate in skin care and body care treatments thus enhancing total body wellness.
We couldn't make ourselves heard through the roaring gales, and there was a total whiteout.
It examines the position we find ourselves in with regard to the person who has committed the wrongdoing.
In the end, our fundamental challenge is to become better individuals, and technology offers little help on that front; it is up to each one of us to solve that for ourselves.
In short, it tells us everything about ourselves.
The choices we make to test options never before contemplated will tell us all kinds of new things about ourselves.
Instead, we are surrounded by things we could not create ourselves.
At the same time, the percent of income we individually have to spend on feeding ourselves plummeted as well.
We have a comparatively decent system of common schools, schools for infants only; but excepting the half-starved Lyceum in the winter, and latterly the puny beginning of a library suggested by the State, no school for ourselves.
It is remarkable how easily and insensibly we fall into a particular route, and make a beaten track for ourselves.
Let us go ourselves.
Millions will pour forth from there"--he pointed to the merchants' hall--"but our business is to supply men and not spare ourselves...
It's not a case of feeding horses--we may die of hunger ourselves!
We pride ourselves, too, in our purple heather.
Snow quartz helps us to have a focus of purity in ourselves.
We had ourselves long since given up eating conventionally reared pork and chicken, because it tasted and felt horrid.
Let us beware of tinkering with our inner life in hope ourselves to rend the veil.
We threw ourselves down to the ground and could hear the bullets ricocheting off the rocks around us.
We know ' cause we 're quite scruffy ourselves !
With an effort, we pull ourselves back to reality only to be rudely shoved back into Gelsinger 's very own fantasy world.
Yup, we just sniggered at a few ourselves... particularly like those Ozzfest snapshots in Throwdown 's diary.
Avoiding solipsism requires that we assign consciousness (or reality) to everyone we could meet who is sufficiently similar to ourselves.
Yet we still make spasmodic efforts to dress ourselves in the colors of medieval feudalism.
We feel those symbols churning within ourselves in somewhat the same way we feel our stomach churning.
We may have to shut ourselves off from the strictures of the society around us.
That stance led to equal praise and brickbats, and much subsequent punditry about why we canât ever bring ourselves to support England.
As it is we are forced to swat flies, kill snakes and protect ourselves against robbers and murderers.
We kept swaying backward and forward at an angle of forty-five degrees with no way of stopping or protecting ourselves.
No need to overly concern ourselves with such minor, trifling matters.
Therefore, it is necessary that we train ourselves in the future in an unheard-of way.
Indeed, is it possible that we ourselves may also be blind to the future implications of some of our own unthinking assumptions?
We find ourselves in a world system of globalization willing to sacrifice millions of human beings.
We must not allow ourselves to be confused by people who say they believe in adopting a ' win-win ' strategy.
Yes, climate change happens naturally and that could also wipeout mankind but who should we try and wipe ourselves out?
The plan is to sequester ourselves in a cabin for a few days and separate ourselves from all technology.
As awareness spreads about the damage that mankind is doing to the environment, and by extension, ourselves, more of us have begun to seek answers and take action to reduce our personal impact on our surroundings.
When we think about ways we can recycle to save our planet, we need to think not just about ourselves and our wallets, but our air and water and the creatures that inhabit both.
It is possible that we familiarize ourselves with these issues we might change our ways whereby lessening the negative effects and shed some positive light on our planet.
It calculates the amount of carbon and emissions that we generate ourselves through direct activity, for instance driving a car.
Our children grow into adults as we ourselves age, saplings mature into trees, flowers bloom and our possessions that were once new, become old.
With many grown women going under the knife each year to achieve the face and appearance they've always dreamed of, we as adults are comparing ourselves to the media darlings that we can't help but notice on a daily basis.
While it's true that you are not able to control all the situations you find ourselves in, you can control how you think about them.
Many of the items that fall into quadrant three are really things that can be put off or avoided altogether, though we often fool ourselves into thinking that they are important simply because they seem to have a sense of urgency.
When we open up and share personal information about ourselves, we need to know that it will not be shared with other people.
While we as adults may now view first dates as sweet and worthy of an entire roll of pictures, when we were in that position ourselves we certainly did not think so.
For those who believe that physical, mental and spiritual health are intrinsically connected, and that how we treat the earth is reflected in how we treat ourselves, eating raw can feel like the only way to live.
Sure enough, the driver wasn't thinking and I wasn't paying attention, because when we pulled out of the hotel parking lot, we found ourselves in the midst of the Riverfext parade.
Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
We would come back home and find ourselves talking about a certain little glass or a particularly cool pattern that we liked, wondering, "What if this were a little more like that?"
With the sea of appealing celebrities, many of us find ourselves pining for a certain hot actress, actor or musician - so take a celebrity love match quiz to see how compatible you are!
You may be asking yourself the same question so many of us have asked ourselves when news of the show first surfaced and that is "Why?"
Man's best friend doesn't always relish being left behind, so many of us find ourselves travelling with companion dogs from time to time.
We usually wind up taking a few candid dog pictures by ourselves.
Keep in mind that some of the foods we eat ourselves are not safe for our pets.
Start taking Fido out for those much needed walks, cook light and healthy, and let's all try to live a bit "greener" ourselves in the coming year.
You bet that then they will start to listen to what we want to put into and on our pets body, and for that matter our children and ourselves!
We're all passionate about building better home environments for ourselves and sharing our favorite tips with others.
As we age, we may lose some of our ability, through illness or injury, to properly take care of ourselves.
Fast-forward to the present and we find ourselves enjoying NHL 08 for the PS3.
We put ourselves into the world we experience, we want to see familiar things everywhere.
If you're in a hurry, this is not for you-it took me and my guests 3 hours to get out of there, we were so enjoying ourselves.
Here at love to know we pride ourselves on being able to provide clear, consise information on a variety of wine subjects.
Rather than expecting moral perfection from ourselves or others, people set certain limits beyond which they cannot go.
Perhaps we just do not want to admit to ourselves we were unable to think of such an easy and successful idea!
Good luck charms are symbols that make us feel good about ourselves, attract positive energy and provide a deeper spiritual connection to the universe.
Hair is merely an extension of ourselves, so embrace your color, texture and style and celebrate your inner beauty to look and feel your best.
We at Sylene pride ourselves on finding great bras, swimsuits, and sleepwear for every figure.
Women who bare just a peek of flesh at the neck, the arm, the collar, or the ankle sometimes can look the most alluring in the crowd-isn't it time to experiment with that for ourselves?
We found ourselves regularly packing Pay Day, Pente Deluxe Edition, Lite Brite, and Easy Money until we ran out of stock on that one.
The Foundation demands ethical behavior of ourselves.
We all consider the condition of our hair to be part of how we look and present ourselves to the world - and when that privilege is taken away, the results can feel devastating.
Whether or not we call ourselves one, humans are the only creature on this planet that communicates in a written form.
These types of letdowns can make us question ourselves, our partner, and our relationship.
This is because our mothers and grandmothers and their mothers before them have modeled this ideology until we believed it to be true for ourselves.
Dating also provides us an opportunity to discover what we need to work on within ourselves in order to be a good partner to another person.
In general, we like to associate with people that make us feel good about ourselves.
It is through forgiving ourselves that we grow.
How will we make time for ourselves--just the two of us--once we have kids?
The idea behind the "marriage" is that unless and until we truly love ourselves, we are unlikely to find the right partner or have the type of romantic relationship we really want.
And that helps because it would be bad if we were all about collecting string but called ourselves LoveToKnow Movies.
That's bad news for those of us with narrow feet, who frequently find ourselves stepping right out of those standard sizes!
And, it can't be a coincidence that the deep breaths we're advised to take in order to calm ourselves are similar to the breath foundation used to move into a yoga posture, also known as pranayama.
This is a simple of an explanation as it gets, but it's a way of demonstrating that how we treat ourselves individually radiates into the world.
Noted yoga scholar Georg Feuerstein says, "If we genuinely desire to know ourselves more profoundly and make sense of the world in which we live, yoga is a reliable, well-tested vehicle."
The AWA published a Preview Edition last summer to introduce ourselves to the autism community.
If we went through life constantly worrying about the impact of our diets on our health, we may find ourselves slaves to diets which we find bland and not of our choosing.
Weight comes on a little at a time, we buy the next size bigger, and we tell ourselves we have to lose weight but can't seem to follow through.
Normally the holidays are a time for us to turn away from ourselves and fill our thoughts with other people.
That's a new question we have to ask ourselves.
Wearing sexy and erotic lingerie is a way to embrace the best in ourselves.
Whether or not the coolness of this power ballad makes your old Poison records cool again, well, let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Retaliation is swift and brutal - a human colony is destroyed and we find ourselves in a war with an enemy that is completely incomprehensible to us.
Thus warring parties turn their enemies into 'the other', something less than ourselves, to make hatred easier.
After all we still can't make ourselves invisible, or transport matter from one place to another.
In recent years however, the trend has steered away from hours of sunbathing and bronzed bodies and more towards protecting ourselves from the sun.
With the tremendous advances in skincare and technology over the years, it's quite possible that one day we could all be putting ourselves on waiting lists for this miracle cream.
We will confine ourselves here to algebraic complex numbers - that is, to complex numbers of the second order taken in connexion with that definition of multiplication which leads to ordinary algebra.
As this struggle is of too complex a nature to be described in detail, we must limit ourselves to a summary of its leading episodes.
Any obscurity that may hang over Huygens's principle is due mainly to the indefiniteness of thought and expression which we must be content to put up with if we wish to avoid pledging ourselves as to the character of the vibrations.
They declare that we are all the children of God, and therefore must consider ourselves as brothers and sisters.
The Lagrangian method being employed rarely, we shall confine ourselves to the Eulerian treatment.
Since this book is discussed separately we shall content ourselves here with indicating a few of the conclusions now generally accepted.
For simplicity we confine ourselves to mixtures of two components, in which experience shows that three cases are to be recognized according as the components are (I) completely immiscible, (2) partially miscible, (3) miscible in all proportions.
The characteristic basis of a religion is the existence of a Power without us, so superior to ourselves as to command the complete submission of our whole life.
Oxy-acids are carboxylic acids which also contain a hydroxyl group; similarly we may have aldehyde-acids, ketone-acids, &c. Since the more important acids are treated under their own headings, or under substances closely allied to them, we shall here confine ourselves to general relations.
If we go back in imagination to the beginning of the Victorian era and ask what was then known of the history of Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and Asia Minor, we find ourselves confronted with a startling paucity of knowledge.
Lastly, when we once have freed ourselves from the antipathy engendered by his severance of ethics from the field of politics, when we have once made proper allowance for his peculiar use of phrases like frodi onorevoli or scelleratezze gloriose, nothing is left but admiration for his mental attitude.
But the perusal of the piece obliges us to ask ourselves whether the author's radical conception of human nature was not false.
To these we shall now address ourselves.
Again, while the Gospel and the Epistle of John show marks of agreement which suggest a common authorship, the Apocalypse differs widely from both in its ideas and in its way of expressing them; we miss in it the frequent references to ` life,' ` light,' ` truth,' ` grace ' and ` love ' which are characteristic of the Apostle and find ourselves in a totally different region of thought..
Equally impossible was it thenceforth to assert the mediate or immediate certainty of material substance as the cause either of events in nature or of sensations in ourselves.
We may easily satisfy ourselves that, in every instance in which the sensation of sound is excited, the body whence the sound proceeds must have been thrown, by a blow or other means, into a state of agitation or tremor, implying the existence of a vibratory motion, or motion to and fro, of the particles of which it consists.
But we will content ourselves with noticing signs that the reminiscences of some eyewitness are recorded.
In the use of the ancient versions for the purposes of textual criticism there are three precautions which must always be observed; we must reasonably assure ourselves that we possess the version itself in its original integrity; we must eliminate such variants as have the appearance of originating merely with the translator; the remainder, which will be those that are due to a difference of text in the MS. (or MSS.) used by the translator, we must then compare carefully, in the light of the considerations just stated, with the existing Hebrew text, in order to determine on which side the superiority lies."
But even there it does not find the Highest, the One; it still hears a voice saying, " not we have made ourselves."
He did not minutely analyse the doctrine of predestination as Luther, Calvin and Zwingli did, contenting himself with the summary "Our Salvation is of God, our perdition of ourselves."
The idea, therefore, seems to be that as we must distinguish the holy food over which the words " This is my body " have been uttered from common food, so we must separate ourselves before eating it from all that is guilty and impure.
But this method of representation is a very imperfect one; we may easily impose on ourselves and others by strained and ambiguous renderings.
But when we descend from generals to particulars, we become less certain, and must here content ourselves with few details.
Poetry is the art of producing representations; (I) in words, rhythm and harmony (apyovia, " harmony " in the original sense); (2) of men like ourselves, or better as in tragedy, or worse as in comedy; (3) by means of narrative as in epic, or by action as in the drama.
At present we have still to content ourselves with a much diminished intensity of light when working with gratings, but there is some hope that the efforts to concentrate the light into one spectrum will soon be successful.
We consecrate ourselves either in a ritual act, as of baptism or ordination, vows or monkish initiation; or, without any implication of particular ceremonies, a man is said to consecrate himself to good works or learning.
Having, however, in consequence, lost his professorship at Jena, he gradually altered his views, until at length he decided that God is not mere moral order, but also reason and will, yet without consciousness and personality; that not mankind but God is the absolute; that we are only its direct manifestations, free but finite spirits destined by God to posit in ourselves Nature as the material of duty, but blessed when we relapse into the absolute; that Nature, therefore, is the direct manifestation of man, and only the indirect manifestation of God; and, finally, that being is the divine idea or life, which is the reality behind appearances.
But his ardent love of consistency led him far away from Kant in the end; for he proceeded consistently from the assumption, that whatever we think beyond mental phenomena is ideal, to the logical conclusion that in practical matters our moral responsibility cannot prove the reality of a noumenal freedom, because, as on Kant's assumption we know ourselves from inner sense only as phenomena, we can prove only our phenomenal freedom.
By the environment he meant not a thing existing in itself, but only a counterpart (Gegenglied) of ourselves as central part (Centralglied).
His theory of "attuition," by which he supposes that we become conscious of objects outside ourselves, is his " return to dualism," and is indeed so like natural realism as to suggest that, like Ferrier, he starts from Hamilton to end in Hegel.
He maintained that the physical and the psychical are two orders which are parallel without interference; that the physical or objective order is merely phenomena, or groups of feelings, or " objects," while the psychical or subjective order is both a stream of feelings of which we are conscious in ourselves, and similar streams which we infer beyond ourselves, or, as he came to call them, " ejects "; that, if we accept the doctrine of evolution at all, we must carry these ejective streams of feelings through the whole organic world and beyond it to the inorganic world, as a " quasimental fact "; that at bottom both orders, the physical phenomena and the psychical streams, are reducible to feelings; and that therefore there is no reason against supposing that they are made out of the same " mind-stuff," which is the thing-in-itself.
Finally, returning to ourselves, we can conclude that, while the conscious in God is Spirit without Body, in us it is spirit with body.
We can picture to ourselves how in the first period the savage smith, step by step, bettered his control over his fire, at once his source of heat and his deoxidizing agent.
It is the abasing of man, the exalting of God, - the belief that what He sends is all good, and that all the bad is from ourselves.
Historical and ethnographical discussions have led to no result; the most that can be said is that, if not a general term, "aborigines" may be the name of an Italian stock, about whom the ancients knew no more than ourselves.
The previous treatment of the motion of a rigid body had in every case been purely analytical, and so gave no aid to the formation of a mental picture of the body's motion; and the great value of this work lies in the fact that, as Poinsot himself says in the introduction, it enables us to represent to ourselves the motion of a rigid body as clearly as that of a moving point.
The nets are often very large, and are netted with a needle and mesh as in hand-netting among ourselves.
This makes them omit sensory judgments, and count only those which require ideas, and even general ideas expressed in general terms. Sigwart, for example, gives as instances of our most elementary judgments, " This is Socrates," " This is snow "- beliefs in things existing beyond ourselves which require considerable inferences from many previous judgments of sense and memory.
Inference The nature and analysis of inference have been so fully treated in the Introduction that here we may content ourselves with some points of detail.
When we have shaken ourselves free of the prejudice that all stars are first seen in the East, Oriental attempts at analysis of the structure of thought may be treated as negligible.
We proceed with the talk of instances and concern ourselves first with relations of inclusion and exclusion.
In transcendental analytic on the other hand we concern ourselves only with the transcendental " deduction " or vindication of the conditions of experience, and we have a logic of cognition in which we may establish our epistemological categories with complete validity.
We will therefore confine ourselves, so far as his predecessors are concerned, to attempts at interpretation which had geometrical applications in view.
But his result had to be submitted to another test, the Law of the Norms. As soon as he found, by trial, that this law was satisfied, he took the final step. " This led me," he says, " to conceive that perhaps, instead of seeking to confine ourselves to triplets,..
Others, such as the Barycentrische Calciil of Mobius, and the Methode des equipollences of Bellavitis, give elegant modes of treating space problems, so long as we confine ourselves to projective geometry and matters of that order; but they are limited in their field, and therefore need not be discussed here.
In good citizenship morality is practised out of regard to certain preconceived notions of the needs, the health and happiness of ourselves, our fellows and the community at large.
The convention adopted a tariff plank drafted by McKinley, and, of far greater immediate importance, a plank, which declared that the Republican party was "opposed to the free coinage of silver, except by international agreement with the leading commercial nations of the world, which we pledge ourselves to promote, and until such agreement can be obtained the existing gold standard must be preserved."
On the other hand, it finds its religious solution in the trust in a power not ourselves which makes for the same righteousness which was incarnate in Jesus Christ.
For the present we confine ourselves to the consideration of displacements in two dimensions, so that the body is adequately represented by a thin lamina or plate.
We now restrict ourselves for the present to the systems of forces in one plane.
When we do so, we at once find ourselves in the presence of differences of the broadest kind.
But 1 "It is, perhaps, by surveying India that we at this day can best represent to ourselves and appreciate the vast external reform worked upon the heathen world by Christianity, as it was organized and executed throughout Europe by the combined authority of the Holy Roman Empire and the Church Apostolic."
Knowledge is explained by the principle that the several elements in the things outside us are perceived by the corresponding elements in ourselves.
Both these writers, more particularly the latter, had postulated in controverting Hobbes the existence of a moral sense to explain the fact that we approve benevolent actions, done either by ourselves or by others, which bring no advantage to ourselves.
That is the first and the highest knowledge, the only knowledge that can strictly be called immediate; and to ourselves we as the subject of will are truly the "immediate object."
About this time, indeed, there was in Scotland a remarkable approximation to that solution of the toleration difficulty which later ages have approved; for the regent was understood to favour the demand of the "congregation" that at least the penal statutes against heretics "be suspended and abrogated," and "that it be lawful to us to use ourselves in matters of religion and conscience as we must answer to God."
The trekkers had been told by the lieutenant-governor of the eastern province (Sir Andries Stockenstrom) that he was not aware of any law which prevented any British subject from settling in another country, and in the words of Piet Retief's declaration they quitted the colony "under the full assurance that the English government has nothing more to require of us, and will allow us to govern ourselves without its interference in future."
Here he argues that the more love we have for ourselves, the less we can spare for our Maker.
Perfection lies in getting rid of self-hood altogether - in never thinking of ourselves, or even of the relation in which God stands to us.
We find ourselves on the verge of a system of abstractions, or " attributes turned into entities," as barren as any excogitated in medieval times.
Instead, therefore, of constantly beginning afresh in speculation, it should be our duty to attach ourselves to what may be considered the permanent results of historic developments.
Passing to the third decade, we find ourselves at once confronted by a question which has been long and fully discussed - the relation between Livy and Polybius.
We cannot, however, bind ourselves to this tradition.
Jacobi, accepting the law of reason and consequent as the fundamental rule of demonstrative reasoning, and as the rule explicitly followed by Spinoza, points out that, if we proceed by applying this principle so as to recede from particular and qualified facts to the more general and abstract conditions, we land ourselves, not in the notion of an active, intelligent creator of the system of things, but in the notion of an all-comprehensive, indeterminate Nature, devoid of will or intelligence.
Sensations, or the facts of the sensibility, are necessary; we do not impute them to ourselves.
Without forgetting that Augustine was partly a symptom and only in part a cause - without committing ourselves to the one-sidedness of the great-man method of construing history - we must do justice to his supreme greatness.
Sacraments are a republication of the " Word " of the Gospel; we have to content ourselves with this rather evasive formula, so often employed by the Reformers.
In instruction he gives the first place to " that which may direct us to heaven," and the second to " the study of prudence, or discreet conduct, and management of ourselves in the several occurrences of our lives, which most assists our quiet prosperous passage through this present life."
The hypothesis, that even our most profound and sublime speculations are all limited to data of the senses and of reflection, is crucially tested by the " modes " and " substances " and " relations " under which, in various degrees of complexity, we somehow find ourselves obliged to conceive those simple phenomena.
He likewise struggled bravely to be faithful to fact in his report of the state in which we find ourselves when we try to conceive continued personal identity.
Among other things he said, "It is, almost certain that within a generation the ever-increasing population of the United States will consume all the wheat grown within its borders, and will be driven to import like ourselves."
Though common sense will admit that virtues are the best of goods, it still undoubtedly conceives practical wisdom as chiefly exercised in providing those inferior goods which Aristotle, after recognizing the need or use of them for the realization of human well-being, has dropped out of sight; and the result is that, in trying to make clear his conception of practical wisdom, we find ourselves fluctuating continually between the common notion, which he does not distinctly reject, and the notion required as the keystone of his ethical system.
The old theory that referred this approval entirely to self-love, is, he holds, easy to disprove by " crucial experiments " on the play of our moral sentiments; rejecting this, he finds the required explanation in the sympathetic pleasure that attends our perception of the conduciveness of virtue to the interests of human beings other than ourselves.
Besides maxims relating to, virtue in general, - such as (r) that there is a right and wrong in conduct, but (2) only in voluntary conduct, and that we ought (3) to take pains to learn our duty, and (4) fortify ourselves against temptations to deviate from it - Reid states five fundamental axioms.
Other maxims, such as that of leaving persons in distress to shift for themselves, we can easily conceive to be universal laws, but we cannot without contradiction will them to be such; for when we are ourselves in distress we cannot help desiring that others should help us.
Referring to special articles, Solar System, Star, Sun, MooN, &c. for a description of the various parts of the universe, we confine ourselves, at present, to setting forth a few of the most general modern conceptions of the universe.
Nor is that a being bound foranother's offence; for when it is said that we through Adam's sin have become obnoxious to the divine judgment, is is not to be taken as if we, being ourselves innocent and blameless, bear the fault of his offence, but that, we having been brought under a curse through his transgression, he is said to have bound us.
We are ourselves proofs of the unity of the real and the ideal, of thought and being, for we are both, our self-consciousness supplying the expression of the fact.
As we have in ourselves an instance of the identity of thought and being, we must suppose a universal identity of the ideal and real behind the antithesis which constitutes the world.
God is to be sought only in ourselves and in the world.
It is in those two functions that the real life of the ego is manifested, but behind them is self-consciousness permanently present, which is always both subjective and objective - consciousness of ourselves and of the non-ego.
The extreme party of Sinn Fein (" ourselves alone ") were against it because of the power it gave to the government officials, and the Roman Catholic clergy because it involved local control of primary education, which would have imperilled their position as managers.
Not obedience to a moral law, but realization in ourselves of the divine life is the true ethical end.
The means whereby we put ourselves so in relation with Christ as to receive from Him his healing virtue are chiefly prayer and the sacraments of the church; mere works are never sufficient.
Savage men are like ourselves in curiosity and anxiety causas cognoscere rerum, but with our curiosity they do not possess our powers of attention.
But we cannot explain each detail in the legends as a myth of this or that natural phenomenon or process as understood by ourselves.
If we reinterpret the history of the family and its descent into Egypt, and belittle its increase into a nation, and if we figure to ourselves a more gradual occupation of Palestine, we destroy the entire continuity of history as it was understood by those who compiled the biblical history, and we have no evidence for any confident reconstruction.
We must limit ourselves in this article to indicating the chief features of the phenomenon in the more important cases.
In a resume' it is manifestly impossible to pass in review every pharmacological substance, and we shall therefore confine ourselves to those groups which are of practical importance.
So soon as we make clear to ourselves the essential nature of this method, we are able to discern the specific difficulties or perplexities arising ' See further Idealism; Metaphysics; Logic, &c., where Kant's relation to subsequent thought is discussed.
The world must be represented as having originated from an idea, if it is to harmonize with that use of reason without which we should hold ourselves unworthy of reason - viz.
How we controlled ourselves sufficiently as not to gasp and startle Howie awake, I don't know.
Howie was right about one thing; it's imperative we keep this matter to ourselves until we firm some decisions.
I wracked my brains in an attempt to formulate some way we could safely utilize Howie's unique abilities and produce beneficial results without exposing ourselves to God knows what.
This rule was absolute; we forbade ourselves from divulging so much as a hint to anyone.
We've not even discussed the woman among ourselves, instead leaving time to dictate the direction the wind will carry this matter.
We found ourselves in the middle of something that dropped in our laps through no fault or effort of our own.
Balancing ourselves on the ladder and hammering over our heads proved incredibly difficult.
We shouldn't give ourselves away by using Bird Song's e-mail or mine.
I was thinking that we should share all this — not hog it all to ourselves.
This situation acknowledges what we may not want to admit to ourselves.
The irony of the situation in which we find ourselves today should be evident for all to see.
Thursday should not be an occasion for congratulating ourselves on how far we have come from the moral abyss of National Socialism.
Perhaps any search for common ground between the Greeks and ourselves is similarly a romantic affectation.
We pride ourselves in being a Real ale pub serving the best of local and national cask-conditioned ales.
To cut ourselves off from the major strategic alliance on our doorstep would be an act of supreme folly.
We pride ourselves on providing a truly all-round education, building students for life.
Today we pride ourselves for having shaken off such primitive animism.
They are not of our race, it is true, yet compassion well befits beings so fairly favored as ourselves.
Going against ourselves Like the flower, we humans have the same birthright.
But, like ourselves, Luxemburg opposes any suppression of criticism, even bourgeois criticism.
Surely we should take it upon ourselves to extend the olive branch of reconciliation?
Well, what are we, beloved brethren, in ourselves?
Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to the earth?
We are led to see ourselves touching his clammy magician's hands, and almost to imagine wiping the hair from his fevered brow.
For some reason, we let ourselves get painted as dangerous buffoons who are living in the past.
The world, in the person of those we meet, must shape our lives or else we become unhealthy caricatures of ourselves.
Once we begin examining ourselves, we will experience catharsis many, many times.
Luangpor looked after us but he did n't coddle us, and as much as possible left us to find out for ourselves.
We may have conceit, we may find ourselves important or we may be jealous.
It requires that we consciously abandon the deeply ingrained conceit that we have any goodness in and of ourselves, apart from God.
It would have done so financially as well until local councellors convinced social services that we had bankrupted ourselves doing their job for them.
In fact, there are ways in which we can help ourselves become more creative.
We could resign ourselves to them with world-weary cynicism.
Perhaps, in view of our ongoing social decadence, we have brought this upon ourselves.
As balloon decorators we pride ourselves on being able to create a stunning scheme for your event, whatever the occasion may be.
There was a good mix of sightseeing, culture, tasting the local delicacy (guinea-pig) as well as time to ourselves.
Most of us, when in some direction we think ourselves to be strong, are in dire peril of collapse.
We have also dedicated ourselves to the hard, slow, painstaking work of advancing disarmament at the multilateral level.
Just as Christ does not disassociate Himself from a sinner like me, so we ought not to disassociate ourselves from our fellow sinners.
They remind us of the inner jogo and teaches us to conquer ourselves before we seek dominion over others.
Since 1995 (The 10 th edition) we have published them ourselves.
If you and I want to fan those embers of revival into full flames we must start with ourselves.
Constructed to the highest quality, we pride ourselves on supplying high end products.
As always the winter was full of socials and the odd very rare winter carp and on one occasion we truly excelled ourselves.
While avoiding fanaticism, we must give ourselves with loving enthusiasm to the service of others.
But if He does that, we have to look at ourselves and ask what we've done to lose the favor of God.
Those of us who do launch ourselves into the bigger gene pool soon reap the benefits and become much better fencers.
Having extricated ourselves, we motor off down the canal in a huge flotilla.
We learned to keep ourselves clear, rather than relying on somebody else having made a machine foolproof.
We need to make an effort to start schemes ourselves, and get local authorities actively fostering and encouraging community wind power.
If we're confining ourselves to organ fugues that's a bit optimistic isn't it?
It may be a useful exercise to ask ourselves which are the propositions of great generality in cybernetics?
In the rosy glow of an FA Cup win perhaps we can allow ourselves some optimism.
That's not to say we should go around hating ourselves or that we must never enjoy the goodness of God's creation.
Hope you can remember for the future that we often give ourselves terrible grief by resisting what is right for us!
Hedge-laying The younger hawthorns between ourselves and our neighbor's gardens were at a perfect stage for laying.
Clearly that does not always happen and if we desire to become heterosexual, perhaps we should ask ourselves why?
In prayer we quieten the hubbub of the day and hear a deeper part of ourselves instead.
To stop ourselves from looking like grinning idiots we needed ' Cold ' .
We asked ourselves whether the time had not come for my wife to be delivered from her agonizing and apparently incurable headaches?
We may not consider ourselves to be wealthy, but are we greedy and do we knowingly or unknowingly perpetuate injustices?
Too much party discussion is purely internal, talking to ourselves.
All these symbolize different yet interrelated aspects of ourselves.
We pride ourselves on our state-of-the-art, highly intuitive web interface.
Slaves to detail must not win urban battle We have wound ourselves into a Gordian knot.
Our greatest enemy will be our own lack of faith in ourselves, our own lack of confidence.
We abandoned our candy floss and got to work trying to lift the manhole by ourselves.
We pride ourselves on being creative, with great, some would say manic, attention to detail.
We must avail ourselves of rights and duties in equal measure.
A new set of coins from the royal mint offers a fresh chance to ask ourselves who we are.
The main purpose of Book I is to explain Keplers laws of planetary motion, so lets remind ourselves of these.
We made ourselves comfortable in the restaurant, where simple white napery contrasted with the old photographs of metropolitan life.
We realize how much our perception of the Other owes to our own narcissism, our inversion of ourselves into the other.
We, drawn into That orbit, filled ourselves out like the orb of the moon.
We will concern ourselves only with the overflow of dynamic buffers, otherwise known as stack-based buffer overflows.
I guessed this was as much to ensure we did n't overtax ourselves as anything else.
Previous topics have included ' People who help us ', ' Plants and things that y ow ' and ' Ourselves ' .
How are we preparing ourselves to combat the next pandemic?
Not only does mainstream research on high altitude physiology support this premise, but we have experienced it ourselves.
We may forgive posterity for the paucity of information left to us, but we ourselves shall not be judged so lightly by posterity.
Our -ism is declared in our almost religious devotion to a life determined, not from within ourselves, but by divine technological whim.
We know ' cause we're quite scruffy ourselves!
You made us rise above ourselves, to become less selfish, to think of others first, to make an effort.
We are also publishers ourselves - publishing yearbooks covering key sectors of the industry.
The further assumption, that the modified notions thus gained have an objective meaning, and that they somehow correspond to the real order of the existing world which of course they can never actually describe, depends upon a general confidence which we must have in our reasoning powers, and in the significance of a world in which we ourselves with all the necessary courses of our thoughts have a due place assigned.
All our errors in explaining the origin of human society arise from our obstinacy in believing that primitive man was entirely similar to ourselves, who are civilized, i.e.
Ever since those early days I had felt the impulse to describe them, but as is the case with all profound emotions, whether intellectual or moral, what we most desire to realize to ourselves we are the least inclined to reveal to the world at large.
If we even stop for an instant to ask ourselves how a word ought to be spelled, the deeper we ponder that one word by itself the more hopeless grows the hesitation.
As he maintains that probability may and ought to be our guide in life, he is content with proving in the first chapter of the Analogy that " a future life is probable from similar changes (as death) already undergone in ourselves and in others, and from our present powers, which are likely to continue unless death destroy them."
We might mislead ourselves if we interpreted this expression as referring to moral goodness; on the other hand, Plato more than most of the Greeks thinks of moral virtue as an imitation of God.
We must content ourselves by referring to the progress of physical (including chemical) theory, which has led to the great generalization of the conservation of energy; to the discovery of the fundamental chemical identity of the matter of our planet and of other celestial bodies, and of the chemical relations of organic and inorganic bodies; to the advance of astronomical speculation respecting the origin of the solar system, &c.; to the growth of the science of geology which has necessitated the conception of vast and unimaginable periods of time in the past history of our globe, and to the rapid march of the biological sciences which has made us familiar with the simplest types and elements of organism; finally, to the development of the science of anthropology (including comparative psychology, philology, &c.), and to the vast extension and improvement of all branches of historical study.
But if we accept either view we have still to examine the process of construction in detail, with a view to ascertaining the stages by which proteid is built up. Here unfortunately we find ourselves in the region of speculation and hypothesis rather than in that of fact.
Confining ourselves for the moment to forms of explicit address, we may group these under three categories according as the power addressed is conceived by the applicant to be on a higher, or on much the same, or on a lower plane of dignity and authority as compared with himself.
In so far we have embodied in the first part of the epic dim recollections of actual events, but we soon leave the solid ground of fact and find ourselves soaring to the heights of genuine myth.
It will be more appropriate here, without giving what would be a needless repetition of considerations, both historical and theoretical, which appear in other articles, to confine ourselves to two general questions, (I) the history of the various schemes of classification, or Morphography, and (2) the consideration of the main tendencies iii the study of zoology since Darwin.
We should delude ourselves by entertaining the hope that matters would mend by-and-by..
In this article, which covers the science of Acoustics, we shall consider only the physical aspect of sound, that is, the physical phenomena outside ourselves which excite our sense of hearing.
Molly was at school so we had some time to ourselves.
It is not our business to judge and we've removed ourselves from the chore of managing the lives of others outside our household.
The wild flowers are spectacular in Yankee Boy Basin and with this weather, we'll have the place to ourselves.
I was thinking that we should share all this — not hog it all to ourselves.
We've both learned important lessons about ourselves.
I cannot speak, but I would tell him the evil I've done for the beast, and then ask him if he thought the curse was worth a wall we might have built ourselves!
We have two days to prepare ourselves.
They bear upon very varied matters,' and we must confine ourselves here to a brief résumé.
We expect immortality not merely because we desire it; but because the desire itself arises from all that is best and truest and worthiest in ourselves.
After pointing out the immense difficulties which he had had to encounter owing to the absence of any regular accounts, and above all of any of " those statistics which constitute the soul, indeed the very life of a public administration," and that it was therefore impossible for him to pretend that he had been able to free himself altogether from the effects of the past, the minister continues, " every time we have endeavoured to have recourse to the previous elements of appreciation, we found ourselves faced by the chaos which characterized former years.
If we restrict ourselves to this set of symbols we can uniquely pass from a product of real coefficients to the symbolic representations of such product, but we cannot, uniquely, from the symbols recover the real form, This is clear because we can write n-1 n-2 2 2n-3 3 a1a2 =a l a 2, a 1 a 2 = a 1 a2 while the same product of umbrae arises from n n-3 3 2n-3 3 aoa 3 = a l .a a 2 = a a 2 .
It may appear a somewhat exaggerated assertion that glass was used for more purposes, and in one sense more extensively, by the Romans of the imperial period than by ourselves in the present day; but it is one which can be borne out by evidence.
The phrases " discern the body " and " discern ourselves " in i Cor.
The world, as he thought, on its physical side, always was a living body; and on its psychical side God always was its conscious spirit; and, so far from life arising from the lifeless, and consciousness from unconsciousness, the life and consciousness of the whole world are the origin of the lifeless and the unconscious in parts of it, by a kind of secondary automatism, while we ourselves are developed from our own mother-earth by differentiation.
Taking, then, will to be the essential thing in itself of which we are conscious, he deduces that we can infer that the psychical things in themselves beyond ourselves are also essentially " wills."
We have to content ourselves with what is for the greater part of this age a mere catalogue of embarkations and plunderings along all the coasts of western Europe without distinctive characteristics.
If we ask what must, on grounds of literary probability, have been added before the record was closed, we may content ourselves here with saying that some incident must certainly have been narrated which should have realized the twice-repeated promise that Jesus would be seen by His disciples in Galilee.
It is probable that many passages of St Luke's Gospeel which have no parallel in St Matthew were also derived from this early source; but this is not easily capable of distinct proqf; and, therefore, in order to gain a secure conception of the document we must confine ourselves at first to those parts of it which were borrowed by both writers.
We must, in short, resign ourselves to whatever fate and fortune bring to us, believing, as the first article of our creed, that there is a god, whose thought directs the universe, and that not merely in our acts, but even in our thoughts and plans, we cannot escape his eye.
But by reason we are the masters of those ideas and appearances which present themselves from without; we can combine them, and systematize, and can set up in ourselves an order of ideas corresponding with the order of nature.
But we can easily extricate ourselves from these confusions by comparing induction with different kinds of deduction.
It is asking for nothing from others which we do not give ourselves.
Having through centuries undergone cruel injury, from technical imperfections at the outset, from disastrous atmospheric conditions, from vandalism and neglect, and most of all from unskilled repair, its remains have at last (1904-1908) been treated with a mastery of scientific resource and a tenderness of conscientious skill that have revived for ourselves and for posterity a great part of its power.
But, although this is so, it is perhaps hardly desirable to deprive ourselves of the use of two terms instead of one.
I will also relate the manner in which we dedicated ourselves to God when we had been made new through Christ.
Then they are brought by us where there is water, and are regenerated in the same manner in which we were ourselves regenerated.
Such are modes of quantity in space, and time and number, under which Locke reports that we find ourselves mentally impelled towards immensity, eternity and the innumerable - in a word, towards Infinity which seems to transcend quantity; then there is the complex thought of Substance, to which we find ourselves mysteriously impelled, when the simple phenomena of the senses come to be regarded as qualities of " something "; again there is the obscure idea of the identity of persons, notwithstanding their constant changes of state; and there is, above all, the inevitable tendency we somehow have to refund a change into what we call its " Cause," with the associated idea of active power.
We find ourselves, when we try, compelled to lose our positive ideas of finite spaces in the negative idea of Immensity or Boundlessness, and our positive ideas of finite times in the negative thought of Endlessness.
We find ourselves inevitably " conscious of a different sort of perception," when we actually see the sun by day and when we only imagine the sun at night.
We pride ourselves on our very smart, punctual staff and they are all extremely discreet.
It might unite the different parties in Great Britain against us; and it might create disunion among ourselves.
September found us ready to fit the cork lino, which we found very easy to fit ourselves.
Everybody got so listless that for once I and my dreamer found ourselves in the lead.
The index will also challenge those like ourselves who promote new localism to prove that it can make a difference.
But, confining ourselves to what is here our special business, it is to be remarked that perhaps the heaviest blow dealt at these strange doctrines was that delivered by Rennie, who, in an edition of Montagu's Ornithological Dictionary (pp. xxxiii.-1v.), published in 1831 and again issued in 1833, attacked the Quinary System, and especially its application to ornithology by Vigors and Swainson, in a way that might perhaps have demolished it, had not the author mingled with his undoubtedly sound reason much that is foreign to any question with which a naturalist, as such, ought to deal - though that herein he was only following the example of one of his opponents, who had constantly treated the subject in like manner, is to be allowed.
It is on our familiarity with modes of transmission such as these, and with the exact analyses of them which the science of mathematical physics has been able to make, that our predilection for filling space with an aethereal transmitting medium, constituting a universal connexion between material bodies, largely depends; perhaps ultimately it depends most of all, like all our physical conceptions, on the intimate knowledge that we can ourselves exert mechanical effect on outside bodies only through the agencies of our limbs and sinews.
Both of these papal secretaries were mentioned in complimentary terms by Erasmus in his celebrated dialogue, the Ciceronianus (1528), in which no less than one hundred and six Ciceronian scholars of all nations are briefly and brilliantly reviewed, the slavish imitation of Cicero denounced, and the law laid down that " to speak with propriety we must adapt ourselves to the age in which we live - an age that differs entirely from that of Cicero."
This we are in a position to apprehend and constructively to exhibit to ourselves in the successive forms which its development assumes, for it is the same spirit, though unconscious, of which we become aware in selfconsciousness.
There we must figure to ourselves the philosopher, constantly referring to his autograph rolls; entering references and cross-references; correcting, rewriting, collecting and arranging them according to their subjects; showing as well as reading them to his pupils; with little thought of publication, but with his whole soul concentrated on being and truth.
The question has been fully discussed by C. Runge in the second volume of Kayser's Handbuch (see also Magneto-Optics), and we may therefore content ourselves with the mention of the law discovered by Th.
The conclusion of his epistemology is that we start with ourselves positing subjective sensations - e.g.
Further, from an early period in his Medicinische Psychologie (1852) he reinforced the transcendental idealism of Kant by a general hypothesis of " local signs," containing the subordinate hypotheses, that we cannot directly perceive extension either within ourselves or without; that spatial bodies outside could not cause in us spatial images either in sight or in touch; but that besides the obvious data of sense, e.g.
Such changes as occur come about, not in consequence of a new direction taken by conscious policy, but rather in the way that fashions in dress alter amongst ourselves, by subconscious, hardly purposive drifting.
We find ourselves in a strange world, between two orders of phenomena which do not belong to us, which we apprehend only on the condition of our distinguishing ourselves from them.
Further, we apprehend by means of a light which does not come from ourselves.
We were all - if you will allow me to include myself - on the road to distinction, all clever, all ambitious, and all with a perfect conceit of ourselves.
Justice (e.g.) is regarded by Mill as essentially resentment moralized by enlarged sympathy and intelligent self-interest; what we mean by injustice is harm done to an assignable individual by a breach of some rule for which we desire the violator to be punished, for the sake both of the person injured and of society at large, including ourselves.
Why would we conduct ourselves any differently in world affairs?
I also discuss the political situation with my dear father, and we decide the most perplexing questions quite as satisfactorily to ourselves as if I could see and hear.
We may waive just so much care of ourselves as we honestly bestow elsewhere.
In accumulating property for ourselves or our posterity, in founding a family or a state, or acquiring fame even, we are mortal; but in dealing with truth we are immortal, and need fear no change nor accident.
But the most luxuriously housed has little to boast of in this respect, nor need we trouble ourselves to speculate how the human race may be at last destroyed.
Also, as we are masters of Ulm, we cannot be deprived of the advantage of commanding both sides of the Danube, so that should the enemy not cross the Lech, we can cross the Danube, throw ourselves on his line of communications, recross the river lower down, and frustrate his intention should he try to direct his whole force against our faithful ally.
Now you know, Count," she said to Pierre, "even our dear cousin Boris, who, between ourselves, was very far gone in the land of tenderness..."
Because He 's the Savior, there is no other savior, and we ca n't save ourselves.
We all have qualities that we don't really like about ourselves.
We live an average of half of that time span and count ourselves as living to a ripe old age.
During the winter months we find ourselves indoors a lot.
How wonderfully universal manners are to us, whether it is about our dogs or our children or even applied to ourselves.
We need to train our dogs slowly to allow us to brush their teeth daily, and we need to train ourselves to take the time and make a few extra minutes daily for the new extra chore.
Walnut (Juglans) - Stately trees of northern and eastern regions, among them being our noble European Walnut, a tree as well known to the ancients as to ourselves, and useful and beautiful in all ways.
We have a responsibility to educate ourselves about safety issues and to take some responsibility for our own safety by making good choices about the way we will behave.
Don't worry, we've verified all of these ourselves (we probably spend more time playing Wii Sports than we do writing about it).
We all like to hear nice things about ourselves, after all.
Still, we sometimes found ourselves perusing a report out of pure curiosity.
We don't have the people or supplies to sustain ourselves on the regular army side.
We got to look at all these loose ends and satisfy ourselves about 'em.