Ours Sentence Examples
We all remember ours but yours is missing.
But ours is better.
Ours must have got the best of it.
But if it were a world like ours, I imagine it would be okay, right?
If it had been from the cold, ours would not have rotted either.
It's the way ours will.
The French line was wider than ours, and it was plain that they could easily outflank us on both sides.
Nothing is ours besides our will.
The days are distributed in the calendar into cycles of sixty, in the same manner as ours are distributed into weeks, or cycles of seven.
Ours is a many-sided, a many-coloured world.
AdvertisementNo, this one is ours.
And the money is ours, not mine.
But the choice will be ours and will be made based on facts.
In the midst of the peasants themselves there lived a consciousness of their special claims as to tenant right, claims which sometimes assumed the shape of the quaint saying, "The land is ours, though we are yours."
He occupied a portion of his leisure in writing a book, entitled This Country of Ours (1897), treating of the organization and administration of the government of the United States, and a collection of essays by him was published posthumously, in 1901, under the title Views of an Ex-President.
AdvertisementIt was ours yesterday, but now it is his.
She is not like ours.
The standard day is longer than ours, about thirty hours instead of twenty-four, with that divided evenly between day and night.
In it Peisistratus is made to say of himself that he "collected Homer, who was formerly sung in fragments, for the golden poet was a citizen of ours, since we Athenians founded Smyrna."
The chief distinction between his mode of conceiving the world and ours is his vast extension of the theory of personality.
AdvertisementMorever, the manner in which space and time had been treated made it possible for him to regard these as contingent forms, necessary for intelligences like ours, but not to be viewed as absolutely necessary.
This was Howie's problem, not ours.
He may be a very bad man but we won't know until we have a friend of ours check the license plate.
He won't pick ours.
This universe of ours is only one section out of the innumerable worlds in infinite space; other worlds may present systems very different from that of our own.
AdvertisementHe was so loved and honoured by his Syrians that, when he invited them to avenge the blood of Othman, they replied unanimously, "It is your part to command, ours to obey."
The orbits thus present themselves to us in the words of a distinguished writer as " Great clocks of eternity which beat ages as ours beat seconds."
They did not serve as the connecting links of formed experience; on the contrary, they were supposed to be absolutely dissevered from all experience which was possible for intelligence like ours.
I give this order in my brother's name; and tell them that what is ours is theirs.
You want me to think of all this as ours, but how can I when you insist that the problems are all yours?
There's nothing that would make him choose the immortal world over ours.
Are you comfortable saying it won't be ours?
I don't know what's true about Darian destroying a world, but the Others would do everything they could to destroy ours.
This is the creature that attacked one of ours?
In the introduction to his work Von der Weltseele, however, he argues in favour of the possibility of a transmutation of species in periods incommensurable with ours.
Then came a theological and disciplinary controversy with Virgil, the Irish bishop of Salzburg, who held, among other heresies, that there were other worlds than ours.
All these histories are more or less thrown into the shade by the great work of Tabari (q.v.), whose fame has never faded from his own day to ours.
Reflection shows that our apprehension of the tree is conditioned by the sense-organs with which we have been endowed, and that the apprehension of a blind man, and still more the apprehension of a dog or horse, is quite different from ours.
In the second part it is virtually a new Faust who, at the hands of a new Mephistopheles, goes out into a world that is not ours.
On the other hand, it is fair to remember that the taste of Ephraim's countrymen in poetry was very different from ours.
Out of the vague and limitless body there sprung a central mass, - this earth of ours, cylindrical in shape, poised equidistant from surrounding orbs of fire, which had originally clung to it like the bark round a tree, until their continuity was severed, and they parted into several wheelshaped and fire-filled bubbles of air.
Those of the desert region are only slight indentations in a remarkably uniform coast-line, sheltered on H arb ours.
They contain elaborate provision for dealing with crime, but the standpoint from which it is regarded and treated is essentially different from ours.
Every project of a material change in a government so complicated as ours is a matter full of difficulties; in which a considerate man will not be too ready to decide, a prudent man too ready to undertake, or an honest man too ready to promise."
He will end ours to preserve his.
I have used distant Reiju to attune two people who were not attune two people who were not attuned previously - the children of a friend of ours.
Traditionally, turkeys like ours were sold by independent family butchers, or by the farmer in the local market.
Good luck with your initial consultation, we found ours really good.
But thank God for John's first epistle, an epistle of certainty for his age and ours, which are ages of uncertainty.
During a journey in the South a train passed ours and in were two cleanly dressed men traveling first-class.
Today we have to compete head-to-head with countries like China which have wage costs which are 5% of ours.
Ours is such an unkind world, such an unkind society, so angry, so hostile, so merciless.
Our indoor play structures are made of beautiful, warm, maple wood - cardboard and plastic playhouses are just junk compared to ours.
For, first, their compasses are exactly like ours, and they buy them of Europeans as much as they can, scarce daring to meddle with their needles themselves.
What makes this duty the more urgent is the fact that the country so overrun is not our own, but ours is the invading army.
Here and there over the whole of that blue expanse, to right and left of the forest and the road, smoking campfires could be seen and indefinite masses of troops--ours and the enemy's.
It was killed by thousands in the nurseries and gardens in the severe winter of 1860, and it is no way suitable for the garden, being a forest tree of a climate very different from ours.
How is French food culture different than ours?
Granted, we didn't stop her death, but she didn't kill herself through any direct fault of ours.
If it's not returned before one day has completed, her life is ours.
Darian has magic far stronger than either of ours.
But where the mission of the computer center ends - the user's fingertips striking the keyboard, ours begins.
The English galleon, it was of a much more modern than design, ours were taller and slower.
The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier commemorates the heroism of the Polish soldiers who fought for their freedom and ours.
Ours windshields, flying, hubcap, do they escape ports, hoods tablespoons, and propeller is all chrome.
The next day a friend of ours took the ibogaine.
To take a local example the Essex Society for Family History has transcribed the monumental inscriptions from many churchyards including ours.
Ours was no exception - we'd been accumulating junk in our last house for 13 years.
There was a small kopje, about halfway between ours and their position, which was not occupied.
We are not called upon to wear the martyr's crown, but it is ours to share the martyr's crown, but it is ours to share the martyr's faith.
Ours doesn't bother himself with anything so menial as serving food.
Ours was an entirely masculine, almost monastic society.
What about society's children whose task ours is to ensure that they do not remain determinedly monolingual?
But since Holly's mother was born in Southampton, we are only getting back what is rightfully ours.
All bold, underline and capital emphasis will be entirely ours.
These things happen in gods time, not ours.
It is also a yearly reminder of the fact that what we earn and what we have is not really ours.
The ultimate standard is still ours, not theirs.
We, two market traders, had ours within 24 hours, they were still waiting for theirs.
Last spring a friend of ours discovered one inside an old pail, which was lying upside down in a corner of his garden.
So the attempt to get around Paul's language on homosexuality by suggesting that its cultural referent was different than ours doesn't work?
Suspect ours is quite rudimentary compared to yours - finding some appropriate Read codes has been an issue.
World in world has ta ' en Form ' s image; Which of these images is ours?
So you can imagine the uproar there was at such a crap school as ours.
They described all things farre different from ours, and shewed, that in steade of our Compas, they use a magneticall needle of sixe ynches long, and longer, upon a pinne in a dish of white China earth filled with water; In the bottome whereof they have two crosse lines, for the foure principall windes; the rest of the divisions being reserved to the skill of their Pilots."
It marks only that we feel our knowledge to be inadequate, and for the reason that there may be another species of sensation than ours, that other beings may not be tied by the special laws of our constitution, and may apprehend, as Plato says, by the soul itself apart from the senses.
How can this future I describe not be ours?
Thanks to our friend and helper, our world lies upward; the length and breadth and sweep of the heavens are ours!
They have decided that Buonaparte has burnt his boats, and I believe that we are ready to burn ours.
Its very rude name, reflects a less puritanical attitude than ours to the joy of hybridisation.
We have to change the UN, to reclaim what is ours.
So the attempt to get around Paul 's language on homosexuality by suggesting that its cultural referent was different than ours does n't work?
Still we have a year to develop ours now so I will reserve judgment.
The secretary-general of the UN is a mate of ours.
Ours is not a slavish following, however - we consider it essential to treat each program or project on its merits.
As demand stagnates, so prices (ours included) are cut by £ 20,000 or more.
Richard and Dalek would push on at their own pace and we would straggle along at ours.
As much as we watch to see what our children do with their lives, they are watching us to see what we do with ours.
A cat's skin is much tougher than ours, and her scratching may just be playing, but it hurts our skin and we don't like it.
Against mine, intimate memories, moist, mostly still ours.
Some of the ideas are ours, butmany of the ideas have come directly from our teen readers and their parents.
We get ours from fortified nutritional yeast.
It didn't help that ours was a do-it-yourself wedding and we were slightly behind schedule on several things.
In 2005 she and her Drake and Josh co-star Drake Bell played siblings yet again in the Dennis Quaid and Rene Russo film comedy Yours, Mine and Ours.
If your house is like ours around the holidays, there is no lack of food.
The saying goes something like "Yours, Mine and Ours".
A dog's hearing, like his sense of smell, is so much better than ours.
Believe it or not, our dogs' dental health is as important to their entire body as ours is to us.
America mostly, and usually hardy, they are sometimes well over 100 feet high; in their own country inhabiting moist woods and swampy grounds, and therefore likely to be useful in ours in soil not thought good enough for many trees.
It may be treated either as a half-hardy annual, and sown in February or March under glass or in a hot-bed, but it requires a warmer climate than ours to do well.
Mountain Sumach (Rhus Copallina) - A shrub or small tree with pinnate leaves of smooth glossy texture, turning a fine color in autumn in its own country, as they probably would in ours in full sun in warm soil.
It would probably attain a greater stature in river-side soil in a warmer country than ours, the best trees in its native country growing in rich moist soils.
It often ascends high trees in its own country, and may be planted in ours with this end in view.
This means that their exposure level is much higher than ours.
We chose to focus on impulse snacks as they represent an interesting category because they are so emotional for the shopper…..so a brand such as ours, based on our motto of "Good for you.
In this macro world of ours, it can be terribly interesting to take a peek under the microscope and see how individual cells react to changes.
While there are many excellent resources for sewing information -- including popular fabrics, trends, best machines and a huge array of patterns -- not all of them are free like ours.
In order to remedy the situation fast she spoke to the neighbor who allowed her to run an extension chord from his house through a window to ours giving us one lamp lit to get through the night".
The Golden Compass is set in world similar enough to ours to make the differences unsettling..
He runs directly to an unknown universe next to ours, where he meets Lyra, who left her own universe with no way to get back in the end of The Golden Compass.
Four of us, sans Martha, shared a bottle of bourbon with Quinn drinking two for each of ours.
She was unable to pin him down on the cases of ours she'd documented earlier but he practically admitted he was personally responsible for all them and more.
Martha gave her husband a searing snarl and reminded him it was Howie's life and not ours.
There was a sad acceptance Howie's future belonged in Howie's hands and not ours.
Can't he get these people off your back; and off ours?
She has her life—we can have ours.
What was once mine is now ours.
She's one of ours.
There are two realms, boy, the human realm and ours.
It is reasonable to hold that the supreme personality is the only fully personal being, while ours is a broken and imperfect personality, hindered by the Non-ego which in other ways helps it.
Severus laid such stress on the human infirmities of Christ as proving that His body was like ours, created and corruptible (09ap-rov) that his opponents dubbed him and his followers Phthartolatrae - worshippers of the corruptible.2 The school of Themistius of Alexandria extended the argument to Christ's human soul, which they said was, like ours, limited in knowledge.
We have sometimes ascertained things so strange that we cannot forbear expressing our astonishment at the idea that a great power such as ours could maintain itself under such conditions."
The mistake is not Hegel's but ours.
In 1870 appeared his Other Worlds than Ours, in which he discussed the question of the plurality of worlds in the light of.
These instruments they have from us, and made by our artists, and they do not in the least vary from ours, except that the characters are Arabic. The Arabs are the most skilful navigators of all the Asiatics or Africans; but neither they nor the Indians make use of charts, and they do not much want them; some they have, but they are copied from ours, for they are altogether ignorant of perspective."
Barlowe, in his treatise Magnetical Advertisements, printed in 1616 (p. 66), complains that "the Compasse needle, being the most admirable and usefull instrument of the whole world, is both amongst ours and other nations for the most part, so bungerly and absurdly contrived, as nothing more."
The divine law which bids us keep fast what is our own forbids us to make any claim to what is not ours; and while enjoining us to make use of whatever is given to us, it bids us not long after what has not been given.
The body which accompanies us is not strictly speaking ours; it is a poor dead thing, which belongs to the things outside us.
He died the death of a criminal, not for his sins, but for ours.
Again, many devices of civilization bear unmistakable marks of derivation from a lower source; thus the ancient Egyptian and Assyrian harps, which differ from ours in having no front pillar, appear certainly to owe this remarkable defect to having grown up through intermediate forms from the simple strung bow, the still used type of the most primitive stringed instrument.
This body of ours contains within itself the power which renews its strength for a time, but also the causes which lead to its destruction.
End in nature, therefore, is a subjective or problematic conception, implying the limits of understanding, and consequently resting upon the idea of an understanding constituted unlike ours - of an intuitive understanding in which particular and universal should be given together.
She has her life—we can have ours.
Ours ran under the major cities.
At night I'd hear your gentle paws Quietly creep out of the back room into ours.
McCarthy was cynically hacked down for ours but somehow managed to play on afterward.
They sound different to ours and seem less imposing.
If we have once seen, "the day is ours, and what the day has shown."
It must be one of ours, a prisoner.
About two hundred yards away there's a tavern where ours have already gathered.
Ours? said many voices, and the men were in such haste to clear out that the prince could hardly stop them.
He is said to be more Napoleon's man than ours, and he is always advising the Minister.
Ours is a common misfortune and we will share it together.
The French losses were almost equal to ours, but very early we said to ourselves that we were losing the battle, and we did lose it.
You would be more comfortable somewhere in a house... in ours, for instance... the family are leaving.
After all, ours are things that can be bought but think what being left behind means to them!...
The idea of time can spur theme ideas like "It's About Time," "The Time Is Here," and "Time is Ours."
The American Crowberry is said to be pretty in its own country, but is not known in ours.
There are other mazes in the area, and some of those people also come over to ours because ours is a little larger.
It follows the journey of Genly Ai, a diplomat from what can be presumed to be the 'earth' part of the galaxy as he attempts to persuade Gethen, a much colder planet than ours, to join the galactic federation.
The culprits are creatures living in a universe parallel to ours, and attempting to tap our sun as an energy source to replace their dying one.
This novel is set in an alternate world to ours, in which a strange event took place.
Yes Alex, he's ours... yours.
He's been stalking us all the way from New Hampshire where he killed two friends of ours.
And he won't pick ours, Jenn, Jonny continued.
After 1872, in addition to its regular organs, it issued Hungarian translations of several popular scientific English works, as, for instance, Darwin's Origin of Species; Huxley's Lessons in Physiology; Lubbock's Prehistoric Times; Proctor's Other Worlds than Ours; Tyndall's Heat as a Mode of Motion, &c. Versions were also made of Cotta's Geologie der Gegenwart and Helmholtz's Populcire Vorlesungen.
Not the slightest change in the direction of such a star when in this position has ever been detected, and it is certain that if any occurs it can be but a minute fraction of a second of arc. As an atmosphere equal to ours in density would produce a deviation of an important fraction of a degree, it may be said that the moon can have no atmosphere exceeding in density the b b l o o that of the earth.
Kutuzov wrote that the Russians had not retreated a step, that the French losses were much heavier than ours, and that he was writing in haste from the field of battle before collecting full information.
This was followed by a long series of popular treatises in rapid succession, amongst the more important of which are Light Science for Leisure Hours and The Sun (1871); The Orbs around Us and Essays on Astronomy (1872); The Expanse of Heaven, The Moon and The Borderland of Science (1873); The Universe and the Coming Transits and Transits of Venus (1874);(1874); Our Place among Infinities (1875); Myths and Marvels of Astronomy (1877); The Universe of Stars (1878); Flowers of the Sky (1879); The Peotry of Astronomy (1880); Easy Star Lessons and Familiar Science Studies (1882); Mysteries of Time and Space and The Great Pyramid (1883); The Universe of Suns (1884); The Seasons (1885); Other Suns than Ours and Half-Hours with the Stars (1887).
He says Count Orlov never gave such a dinner as ours will be!
That one of ours sold the keypad to the PMF?
She reaches out and touches the leaves, and the world of growing things is hers, as truly as it is ours, to enjoy while she holds the leaves in her fingers and smells the blossoms, and to remember when the walk is done.
They aren't supposed to be hunting on private land without permission, and ours is posted anyway.