Otto i Sentence Examples
This was captured in 949 by the emperor Otto I.
In company with his two patrons Gerbert visited Rome, where the pope, hearing of his proficiency in music and astronomy, induced him to remain in Italy, and introduced him to the emperor Otto I.
More extraordinary still was his knowledge of music - an accomplishment which seems to have been his earliest recommendation to Otto I.
In the 10th century learning flourished at Aachen under Bruno, brother of Otto I.
Europe was being split up under the influence of feudalism; Christendom was assailed by the barbarians, Norsemen, Saracens and Huns; at Rome the papacy was passing into the power of the local aristocracy, with whom after Otto I.
Under the Carolingian monarchs it was the site of a palace, and Otto I.
In 973 Burchard II., duke of Swabia, died, and the new emperor refused to give this duchy to Henry, further irritating this duke by bestowing it upon his enemy, Otto, a grandson of the emperor Otto I.
In his anxiety to obtain possession of southern Italy, Otto I.
At Pavia was celebrated in 951 the marriage of Otto I.
Bishop Balderic (918-76) successfully defended the see against the Northmen, and received from the emperor Otto I.
AdvertisementOne of the most authentic sayings attributed to him is his criticism of Otto I.
Louis soon proved to Hugh the Great, who was trying to play the part of a mayor of the palace, that he was by no means a roi fainant; and the powerful duke of the Franks, growing uneasy, allied himself with Herbert of Vermandois, William of Normandy and his brother-in-law Otto I.
In 967 he made peace with the Saracens of Kairawan and turned to defend himself against their common enemy, Otto I.
When Albert died in 1170, Brandenburg fell to his eldest son, Otto I.
In 972 he was sent by the Emperor Otto I to restore the monastery of St Gall.
AdvertisementRobert claimed in vain the right to crown the German king Otto I.