Otocyst Sentence Examples
Two stages in the development of the otocyst can be recognized, the first that of an open pit FIG.
Further, two distinct types of otocyst can be recognized in the Hydro medusae; that of the Leptolinae, in which the entire organ is ectodermal, concrement-cells and all, and the organ is not a tentaculocyst; and that of the Trachylinae, in which the organ is a tentaculocyst, and the concrement-cells are endodermal, derived from the endoderm of the modified tentacle, while the rest of the organ is ectodermal.
P, Pedal ganglion with otocyst attached.
Accordingly the difference is one of position of the otocyst and not of its nerve-supply.
The right otocyst is seen at the root of the foot.
In Filibranchia and many Protobranchia the otocyst (or statocyst) contains numerous particles (otoconia).
B, Trochosphere of an Opisthobranch (Pleurobranchidium) showing - shgr, the shell-gland or primitive shell-sac; v, the cilia of the velum; ph, the commencing stomodaeum or oral invagination; ot, the left otocyst; pg, red-coloured pigment spot.