Other-than Sentence Examples
When you offered me a job, were you thinking of me in any way other than a housekeeper?
What did she know about this man... other than the fact that he had a volatile temperament?
For the first time in his life, he wondered what solutions other than execution would work.
This was too similar to what she physically felt towards Gabriel to be anything other than the Immortal bond that branded Darkyn's name across her shoulders.
He wouldn't say much else, other than she cannot be fixed with the magic of Hell, Wynn explained.
His move was too deliberate to be other than planned.
Bordeaux was the closest thing she'd had to a friend in a long time... other than Pete, of course.
Yully's eyes closed, and she focused hard on feeling something other than Jule, whose presence still lingered in her body.
She kept the movies playing, focusing on nothing other than the brothers' time together.
The rest he had built in investments – other than what was in the special savings account drawing interest until he could decide whether to return it or accept the responsibility that went with it.
AdvertisementAlex had family other than Katie.
If he spoke with anger or frustration or anything other than the quiet, impassioned tone, she would've been able to handle the news better.
You don't tell someone you'll never be able to care for them and think you're doing anything other than hurting them.
She stood on a covered landing of a fortress made of black stones overlooking a parched desert beneath dual suns too faded to provide anything other than indirect light.
Suspecting you're in the women's wing to get something other than sleep, yes.
AdvertisementYou aren't surviving day-to-day anymore as you have your whole life, and for the first time, you're fighting for something other than you.
After all his sacrifices, after losing Lilith and Katie to Rhyn, he wasn.t sure what he.d do if Hannah chose someone other than him as her mate.
If they came from someone other than the man who'd supported his father and grandfather, he'd disregard the warning and have the messenger killed.
And someone other than Kisolm has the key?
Kiera hefted it and relaxed, cheered to be doing something other than thinking or pacing.
AdvertisementMansr's words returned to him, those that wanted him to be something other than a warrior.
He's going to need a lot of stitches, but other than that, I think he's all right.
Maybe they'll feed me something other than gummies.
More thunder boomed. Katie wondered what other kinds of storms the underworld might have. Would it rain something other than black water? With her luck, it'd rain bugs, like the beetle nest she skirted.
We can do more good by engaging Death from some place other than where she has absolute power. She has no reason to negotiate with us.
AdvertisementIt would be nice to be remembered for something other than stealing the souls of loved ones.
There wasn't any evidence to suggest other than an unfortunate accident.
He refused to accept that he and Cynthia were other than temporarily at odds with one another.
What did she have to be stressed about – other than not being able to get pregnant?
The phone call had to be something other than what it appeared.
There was little she could do other than put the food up so it wouldn't spoil and wait for him to come home.
Every few days a nurse came out to see her, but other than that, Alex took care of her for the next two weeks.
I think what they are actually saying is that there have been no confirmed sightings of animals other than feral ones.
Yet no one other than Felipa seemed to have noticed.
His children with Megan would have opportunities he and Sylvia never had, but no one was going to push them into a life other than what they wanted.
You are driven by something other than power.
For the first time in her life, she felt something other than conviction about what she had done.
He and his friend fought hard, with the intensity of men who fought for a purpose other than exercise.
The two exchanged some short communication before Jule tossed the bo to none other than Gerry.
The skin around Xander's eye was softened in something other than amusement, the light in his eyes a combination of hunger – and warmth.
He didn't expect the sight of his necklace dangling in the center of her chest to fill him with anything other than regret or dread.
Although the action of zymase may be regarded as mechanical, the enzyme cannot be produced by any other than living protoplasm.
Another fact of considerable technical importance is, that the various races of yeast show considerable differences in the amount and proportion of fermentation products other than ethyl alcohol and carbonic acid which they produce.
In the medieval inventories are sometimes found albae, described as red, blue or black; which has led to the belief that albs were sometimes not only made of stuffs other than linen, but were coloured.
He may only stand for one, and all votes given for him in any other than that specified in the declaration are void.
Under the Constitution Act the Commonwealth is given the control of the postal and telegraph departments, public defence and several other services, as well as the power of levying customs and excise duties; its powers of taxation are unrestricted, but so far no taxes Dave been imposed other than those just mentioned.
During the whole period from 1873 onwards, prices, other than of labour, were steadily tending downwards, so that the cost of living in 1890 was much below that of 1873.
When a divorce is granted, the defendant is not permitted to marry other than the plaintiff for three years, unless the plaintiff dies.
The homestead of a householder or head of a family to the value of $500 is, so long as it continues to be used as the homestead, exempt from levy or attachment other than upon causes existing at the time it was acquired and for taxes.
When this is done we have a syntonic system which is not easily affected by electric waves of other than the right period or approximating thereto.
Austrian mediation was now imminent, as the Vienna revolution had been crushed, and the new emperor, Francis Joseph, refused to consider any settlement other than on the basis of the treaties of 1815.
Piedmontese finances had been strained to breaking-point to organize an army obviously intended for other than merely defensive purposes.
We see by degrees - in general outline or upon general principles 9 - that what is is no other than what must be.
A local aggrettion of a species other than the dominant one in an associion brings about a plant society; for example, societies of Ericd etralix, of Scirpus caespitosus, of Molinia coerulea, of Carex irta, of Narthecium ossifra gum, and others may occur within i association of Calluna vulgaris.
Accepting this view of the phylogeny of the leaf, the perianthleaves (sepals and petals) and the foliage-leaves may be regarded as modified or metamorphosed sporophylls; that is, as leaves which are adapted to functions other than the bearing of spores.
Can any authority be claimed for their teaching or their exegesis, other than that which belongs to the best writers of every age.
The privileges of the Roman patriciate, whatever we may call them, were not usurpations; and, if we call the privileges of the Venetian nobility usurpations, they were stealthy and peaceful usurpations, founded on something other than mere violence.
Carriers were forbidden to keep any accounts, records or memoranda other than those approved by the Commission.
Accidents to passengers other than those caused by collisions or derailments of trains are very largely due to causes which it is fair to class either as unavoidable or as due mainly to the fault or carelessness of the victim himself.
In Great Britain railways are built to gauges other than 4 ft.
The homestead of a householder (with a family) who occupies it may be held exempt from sale for the collection of debts other than those for purchase-money, taxes, or improvements, or for the satisfaction of a judgment upon a forfeited recognizance or bail-bond, but a homestead so exempted is limited to $3000 in value and to 160 acres of land.
There seems practically no basis for the contention that a declaration of independence was adopted on the 10th other than the tradition that independence was declared by the Mecklenburg Committee on that date, and the occasional.
It is worn, too, on the vigils of fasts, Ember Days and days of intercession, on the Feast of Holy Innocents (if on a week-day), at litanies, penitential processions, and at other than solemn benedictions and consecrations.
This connexion, if true, must be very ancient, since it apparently goes back to a time when the distribution of land and water was other than at present.
The book is valuable also for the propositions in the theory of numbers, other than the "porisms," stated or assumed in it.
Of corn crops other than cereals, beans and peas are both less cultivated than formerly.
In addition there have been some cases of rabies in animals other than dogs.
The great canal was not begun; irrigation works were started but were soon given up. The letters of Kleber and Menou (the successors of Bonaparte) show that the expenditure on public works had been so reckless that the colony was virtually bankrupt at the time of Bonaparte's departure; and William Hamilton, who travelled through Egypt in 1802, found few traces, other than military, of the French occupation.
He names all the judges for criminal and civil cases, other than the juges de paix (magistrates) and the judges of the Cour de cassation, without having the power to discharge them."
Their invasions shook Indian society and institutions to the foundations, but, unlike the earlier Kushans, they do not seem to have introduced new ideas into India or have acted as other than a destructive force, although they may perhaps have kept up some communication between India and Persia.
An Arabian merchant city is thus necessarily aristocratic, and its chiefs can hardly be other than pure Arabs of good blood.
But this aspect of the law, under which the landlord, other than the crown, is himself always a tenant, falls beyond the scope of the present article, which is restricted to those holdings that arise from the hiring and leasing of land.
An agricultural lease does not, apart from stipulation, confer any right to kill game, other than hares and rabbits (as to which, see the Ground Game Act 1880, and Game Laws) or any right of fishing.
Thus, while the mineral may be formed in a stratum other than that in which it is found, though in many cases it is indigenous to it, for the formation of a natural reservoir of the fluid (whether liquid or gas) it is necessary that there should be a suitable porous rock to contain it.
The white inhabitants in 1904 numbered 895, and there were 2 2 2 coloured persons other than natives.
Its most important feature, when compared with the previous constitution of 1868, is its provision for the choice of state officials other than the governor (who was previously chosen by election) by elections instead of by the governor's appointment, but the governor, who serves for four years and is not eligible for the next succeeding term, still appoints the circuit judges, the state' attorneys for each judicial circuit and the county commissioners; he may fill certain vacancies and may suspend, and with the Senate remove officers not liable to impeachment..
The meeting was held and ten months later Bourne was expelled by the Burslem Quarterly Meeting, ostensibly for non-attendance at class (he had been away from home, evangelizing), really, as the Wesleyan superintendent told him "because you have a tendency to set up other than the ordinary worship" which was precisely the reason why, fifty years earlier, the Anglican Church had declined to sanction the methods of John Wesley.
Of practical instruction there was none other than that to be gained in a few private laboratories and in the shops of apothecaries.
There also exists an extensive class of compounds termed the " heterocyclic series " - these compounds are derived from ring systems containing atoms other than carbon; this class is more generally allied to the aromatic series than to the aliphatic.
These three acids yield on heating phenol, identical with the substance started with, and since in the three oxybenzoic acids the hydroxyl groups must occupy positions other than I, it follows that four hydrogen atoms are equal in value.
Therefore there must be another pair of hydrogen atoms, other than 2 and 6, which are symmetrical with respect to 1.
A clear distinction must be drawn between colour and the property of dyeing; all coloured substances are not dyes, and it is shown in the article Dyeing that the property of entering into chemical or physical combination with fibres involves properties other than those essential to colour.
So that we are not disposed to accept a recently propounded theory 22 that a certain King Manium of Magan who was overthrown by the Akkadian king Naram-Sin about 2850 B.C., was none other than Merles, the earliest king of Egypt, who is generally identified with Narmerza.
Anian, however, which they place upon the American coast, is no other than Marco Polo's Anica or Anin, our modern Annam.
Bulldog, bulldog (miniature), mastiff, Great Dane, Newfoundland (black, white and black, or other than black), St Bernard (rough and smooth), Old English sheepdog, collie (rough and smooth), Dalmatian, poodle, bull terrier, white English terrier, black and tan terrier, toy spaniel (King Charles or black and tan, Blenheim, ruby or red and tricolour), Japanese, Pekingese, Yorkshire terrier, Maltese, Italian greyhound, chowchow, black and tan terrier (miniature), Pomeranian, pug (fawn and black), Schipperke, Griffon Bruxellois, foreign dogs (bouledogues frangais, elk-hounds, Eskimos, Lhasa terriers, Samoyedes and any other varieties not mentioned under this heading).
He censures his brother, Timocrates, who, though professedly Epicurean, maintained the existence of pleasures other than those of the body.
A homestead which is owned and occupied by a debtor as his dwelling place is exempt from seizure or sale for debts other than taxes, those secured by a mortgage on it, or those incurred for its improvement or repair, or for services performed by labourers or servants.
A husband may, however, convey his real estate, other than a homestead, by his separate deed, whereas a wife's deed for her real estate is void without the joinder of her husband.
The declaration is to the effect that the clergyman has not received the presentation in consideration of any sum of money, reward, gift, profit or benefit directly or indirectly given or promised by him or any one for him to any one; that he has not made any promise of resignation other than that allowed by the Clerical Resignation Bonds Act 1828; that he has not for any money or benefit procured the avoidance of the benefice; and that he has not been party to any agreement invalidated by sec. 3 sub-sec. 3 of the act which invalidates any agreement for the exercise of a right of patronage in favour or on the nomination of any particular person, and any agreement on the transfer of a right of patronage (a) for the retransfer of the right, or (b) for postponing payment of any part of the consideration for the transfer until a vacancy or for more than three months, or (c) for payment of interest until a vacancy or for more than three months, or (d) for any payment in respect of the date at which a vacancy occurs, or (e) for the resignation of a benefice in favour of any person.
For small bodies other than spheres the coefficient will be different, but its sign will always be negative for diamagnetic substances and positive for others; hence the forces acting on any small body will be in the same directions as in the case of a sphere' Directing Couple acting on an Elongated Body.
The immigration from countries other than Portugal during the first half of that century was small, but before its close it increased rapidly, particularly from Italy.
Education other than elementary is controlled by the Union government.
It it absurd, therefore, to seek for a cause of the individuality of the thing other than the cause of the thing itself.
To the school so perfectly represented by 3 This will appear even more striking by a consideration of the number of periodical publications published in Hungary in languages other than Magyar.
This factor is the Record of the Past, which grows and develops by laws other than those affecting the perishable bodies of successive generations of mankind, and exerts an incomparable influence upon the educable brain, so that man, by the interaction of the Record and his educability, is removed to a large extent from the status of the organic world and placed in a new and unique position, subject to new laws and new methods of development unlike those by which the rest of the living world is governed.
It vanishes when u =mlr, m being any whole number other than zero.
In directions other than these it is a more delicate question how the partial effects should be compounded.
Their distribution, other than in the south-eastern districts, is imperfectly understood.
Of those born outside the Transvaal 2 4.6% came from other British possessions in Africa and 24.92% from Great Britain or British colonies other than African.
There are few manufacturing undertakings other than those connected with mining, agriculture and the development of Johannesburg.
Since 1910 education other than elementary is under the control of the Union parliament.
Shepstone was willing to find some way other than simple annexation out of the difficulty, but none appeared to present itself.
This work of reconstruction was carried out in face of many difficulties other than those inherent to the undertaking.
Psychology is inseparably linked with physiology; and the phases of social life exhibited by animals other than man, which sometimes curiously foreshadow human policy, fall strictly within the province of the biologist.
On its thoroughness depends the removal of small quantities of products other than the nitrates, for instance, some sulphates and products from impurities contained in the original cellulose.
It seems difficult also to believe that Map's name should be so constantly connected with our Arthurian tradition without any ground whatever; though it must be admitted that he himself never makes any such claim - the references in the romances are all couched in the third person, and bear no sign of being other than the record by the copyist of a traditional attribution.
In the west and south the principal routes, other than those already mentioned, are from Yambu to Medina, from Jidda to Mecca, Hodeda to Sana, Aden to Sana, and from Mukalla to the Hadramut valley.
The impossible cannot result from the possible; a past event cannot become other than it is; but if an event, at a given moment, had been possible, from this possible would result something impossible; therefore the original event was impossible.
In the montana there are no towns of importance other than the capitals of the departments and the small river ports.
Prior to 1830, little was known of the process other than that organic compounds generally yielded tarry and solid matters, but the discoveries of Liebig and Dumas (of acetone from acetates), of Mitscherlich (of benzene from benzoates) and of Persoz (of methane from acetates and lime) brought the operation into common laboratory practice.
As for the eye-lashes, not only are they comparatively short and sparse, but also they converge instead of diverging, so that whereas in a European the free ends of the lashes are further distant from each other than their roots, in a Japanese they are nearer together.
Marlborough possesses little trade other than agricultural; but there are breweries, tanneries and roperies.
By continuing the treatment of these in the ordinary way of refining, poling and granulating, all the foreign matters other than gold, copper and silver are removed, and, by exposing the granulated metal to a high oxidizing heat for a considerable time the copper may be completely oxidized while the precious metals are unaltered.
His connexion with the fall of Troy indicates that the fire-god himself set fire to the city; in like manner no other than the fire-god was thought worthy to kindle the pyre of Heracles.
These had been sacred to almost a hundred generations of men, and it was difficult for the eye of faith to see them as other than absolutely infallible documents.
The word has been also used of memorial services held in honour of a deceased person in churches other than the Roman.
The choice of Soderini and Machiavelli fell, at this juncture, upon an extremely ineligible person, none other than Don Micheletto, Cesare Borgia's cutthroat and assassin.
The consistent opposition of the retail traders in large urban centres other than the large stores, and of the country shopkeeper generally, has been sufficient to secure the refusal of the postmaster-general to the proposed scheme, but a commencement was made in 1908 for orders not exceeding X20 between the United Kingdom and Egypt, Cyprus and Malta, and certain British post offices in Turkey and Tangier.
When these processes continue for a long time in deep water shut off from free circulation so that it does not become aerated by contact with the atmosphere the water becomes unfit to support the life of fishes, and when the accumulation of putrefying organic matter gives rise to sulphuretted hydrogen as in the Black Sea below 125 fathoms, life, other than bacterial, is impossible.
It is equally opposed to the doctrine which represents the subject itself and its state and judgments as the single immediate datum of consciousness, and all else, whether the objects of an external world or person other than the individual subject whose states are known to itself, as having a merely problematic existence resting upon analogy or other process of indirect inference.
In 1895, in order to bring down its price, a distillation tax was imposed, from which a refund was paid on alcohol used for other than beverage purposes.
But the retention of the story without modification may imply a continuous recognition through some centuries of the idea that Yahweh revealed his will to nations other than Israel.
The scope of the inquiry in New South Wales was somewhat extended and made to include occupations other than agriculture and stock-breeding.
If the data for any of these figures are other than those given above, trigonometrical ratios will usually be involved.
In cases other than those described in § 82, the pth moment with regard to the axis of u is given by Pp = XPrA where A is the total area of the original trapezette, and S 2 _ 1 is the area of a trapezette whose ordinates at successive distances h, beginning and ending with the bounding ordinates, are o, x1P -1A, x2 P-1 (AI+AI),.
In order to find the corrections in respect of the terms shown in square brackets in the formulae of § 75, certain ordinates other than those used for C 1 or T I are sometimes found specially.
The number of cattle other than dairy cows was 946,315 in 1850 and 889,000 in 1910.
The first state constitution, adopted by a convention at Kingston, made few changes in the provincial system other than those necessary to establish it on a popular basis, but the powers of the governor were curtailed, especially his powers of appointment and veto.
In 1829 the Safety-Fund Act was passed, which required each bank thereafter chartered or rechartered to pay into the state treasury 3% of its capital stock other than that owned by the state, and from this fund the debts of insolvent banks were to be paid.
State school buildings can be, and sometimes are, used for religious instruction on days and at hours other than those fixed by law for ordinary school work,; but no child can be required to attend, except at the wish of its parent or guardian.
There are, however, a few passages which speak of subordinate superhuman beings other than the Mal'akh Yahweh or Elohim.
Thus the pre-exilic literature, as we now have it, has little to say about angels or about superhuman beings other than Yahweh and manifestations of Yahweh; the pre-exilic prophets hardly mention angels.
No law other than appropriation bills can go into effect until ninety days after the adjournment of the legislature, except in case of an emergency, by a vote in each house of two-thirds of all its members.
By a law enacted in 1909 the licensing of the sale of intoxicating liquors, other than for medical purposes by druggists and pharmacists, is left to the option of counties and cities.
Without his approval, also, no order or resolution of either House, other than to adjourn or relating solely to the business of the assembly, can take effect until passed again by a two-thirds vote as in case of a bill.
The qualifications for a senator are that he be at least twenty-four years of age and have resided in his county or district at least one year next preceding his election; for a representative there are no qualifications other than those required for suffrage.
Neither husband nor wife has any interest in the separate property of the other and the wife may convey her real estate, other than a homestead, without her husband's consent, but the husband must support his wife out of his property or by his labour if he is able, and if he is unable the wife must support him so far as possible out of her property.
Kent is also rich in examples of ancient architecture other than ecclesiastical.
Though able and intelligent cultivators they do not take kindly to any form of labour other than agricultural, with the result that most of the industries and trades of the country are in the hands of Chinese.
This "Palace language" appears to have come into existence from a desire to avoid the employment in the presence of royalty of downright expressions of vulgarity or of words which might be capable of conveying an unpleasant or indelicate idea other than the meaning intended.
This view is confirmed by the evidence of the Synodicon Orientate (the collection of the canons of Nestorian Councils and Synods), which shows that the Great Syriac Church built up by the adherents of Nestorius and ever memorable for its zeal in carrying the Gospel into Central Asia, China and India cannot, from its inception, be rightly described as other than orthodox.
In towns and districts in which there lives a considerable section (20% or more) of citizens speaking a language other than Czechoslovak, schools are to be provided, the instruction to be imparted in the language of that minority.
And this rebel was none other than John Sobieski, at a later day the heroic deliverer of Vienna!
The total European population, in which category are reckoned the Jews, other than those of Mzab, was 680, 263.
The lands of the state - other than woods and forests - but especially the barren lands and brushwoods situated in the plains, were offered for colonization, to be disposed of (I) by sale at a fixed price, (2) by auction, and (3), in certain cases, by agreement.
But (i.) Nero 2 is really September 56-September 57; (ii.) it is doubtful whether Eusebius had any authority to depend on here other than Josephus, who gives no precise year for Festus - Julius Africanus is, hardly probable, since we know that his chronicle was very jejune for the Christian period - and if so, Eusebius had to find a year as best he could.'
Other important manufactures (each with a product value in 1905 of more than one million dollars) were cotton-seed oil and cake (in 1900 Kentucky was fifth and in 1905 sixth among the states in the value of cotton-seed oil and cake), cooperage, agricultural implements, boots and shoes, cigars 1 In the census of 1905 statistics for other than factory-made products, such as those of the hand trades, were not included.
The strict application of the word to a sanctuary containing relics was extended to embrace any place of worship other than a church, and it was synonymous, therefore, with "oratory" (oratorium), especially one attached to a palace or to a private dwelling-house.
They are anomalies to the English ecclesiastical law, have no parish rights, and can be converted to other than religious purposes, but a clergyman may be licensed to perform duty in such a place of worship. In the early and middle part of the 19th century such proprietary chapels were common, but they have practically ceased to exist.
Diogenes Laertius says, "If the gods use dialectic, they can use none other than that of Chrysippus"; A yap v Xpuvciriros, oinc av i v Ewa, ("Without Chrysippus, there had been no Porch").
By one of its original laws the British and Foreign Bible Society could circulate no copies of the Scriptures in English other than King James's Version of 1611.
Monterrey is connected with Tampico by a Belgian line known as the F.C. de Monterrey al Golfo Mexicano, and the capital is to have direct connexion with the Pacific, other than the F.C. Interoceanico, by a line through Cuernavaca and Iguala to the coast.
The general business of the town, other than that which comes before the town meeting, is managed by the selectmen, and they are specially intrusted with the regulation of the highways, sidewalks and commons.
Nature is a whole and forms itself; within its range we are to look for no other than natural explanations.
For this common basis, however, he did not succeed at first in finding any other than the merely negative expression of indifference.
As regards wild goats other than the representatives of Capra hircus, the members of the ibex-group are noticed under Ibex, while another distinctive type receives mention under Markhor.
Ancus Marcius is merely a duplicate of Numa, as is shown by his second name, Numa Marcius, the confidant and pontifex of Numa, being no other than Numa Pompilius himself, represented as priest.
Electrostatic instruments, however, take up no power and hence cost nothing for maintenance other than wear and tear of the instrument.
But, excepting those in Cisalpine Gaul, the municipal system still embraced no towns outside Italy other than the citizen colonies.
That the chalk was deposited in shallow, clear seas is indicated both by the character of the fossils other than foraminifera and by the relation of the chalk to the elastic portions of the series.
The first metal other than iron mined by whites within the territory of the United States was lead, the discovery of which on the American continent was recorded in 1621.
After the Norman Conquest the ceorls were reduced to a condition of servitude, and the word translates the villanus of Domesday Book, although it also covers classes other than the villani.
By altering the quantity of shot in the small balls the instrument could be adapted for liquids other than water.
Octahedra having triangular faces other than equilateral occur as crystal forms. See Polyhedron and Crystallography.
In 1871 a new Lectionary was substituted for the previously existing one, into the merits and demerits of which it is not possible to enter here; and in 1872, by the Act of Uniformity Amendment Act, a shortened form of service was provided instead of the present form of Morning and Evening Prayer for optional use in other than cathedral churches on all days exeept Sunday, Christmas Day, Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and Ascension Day; provision was also statutably made for the separation of services, and for additional services, to be taken, however, except so far as anthems and hymns are concerned, entirely out of the Bible and the Book of Common Prayer.
The islands have large (unworked) supplies of pumice, sandstone, sulphur, gypsum, alum and mineral-paint ochres, and some salt, kaolin and sal-ammoniac, but otherwise they are without mineral wealth other than lava rocks for building purposes.
There is little or no evidence for the existence of towns other than Roman in early times, for the word urbs is merely a translation of burg, which was used for any fortified dwelling-place, and it is improbable that anything which could properly be called a town was known to the invaders before their arrival in Britain.
The price of a pig was twice, and that of an ox six times as great as that of a sheep. Regarding the prices of commodities other than live-stock we have little definite information, though an approximate estimate may be made of the value of arms. It is worth noticing that we often hear of payments in gold and silver vessels in place of money.
Lucian's Christ, then, was not " perfect man," for that which constituted in him the personal element was a divine essence; nor was he " perfect God," for the divine essence having become a person was other than the One God, and of a nature foreign to him.
Should the assumption be proved to be correct, and should it be found that the "Troy fragments were written first of all, followed by Alexander and Bruce or Bruce and Alexander, and that the Legends end the chapter," it will be by "evidence" other than that which has been produced to this date.
Cattle other than dairy cows as well as horses and sheep are most numerous in the western counties, in Bradford county on the north border, and in some of the counties of the south-east.
The financial institutions of Pennsylvania other than national banks are created by state charters limited to twenty years and are subject to the supervision of a kcommissioner of banking.
In fact, as mentioned in the article Mouse, there is no possibility of defining the term "rat" when used in a sense other than as relating to the two species above mentioned; while there is also no hard-and-fast limit between the terms "rats" and "mice" when these are likewise employed in their now extended sense, "rats" being merely larger "mice," and vice versa.
It may be noticed that while the Austrian branch excludes any other than Roman Catholics from the order, the Spanish Fleece may be granted to Protestants.
The following are the principal orders other than that of the Golden Fleece (supra).
The Lipscani was originally the street of merchants who obtained their wares from the annual fair at Leipzig; for almost all crafts or gilds, other than the bakers and tavern-keepers, were long confined to separate quarters; and the old names have survived, as in the musicians', furriers', and money-changers' quarters.
It has since remained, with the exception of the cope (q.v.), the sole vestment authorized by law for the ministers, other than bishops, of the Church of England (for the question of the vestments prescribed by the "Ornaments Rubric" see Vestments).
But if we confine the meaning of the term Alps to those parts of the chain that are what is commonly called " Alpine," where the height is sufficient to support a considerable mass of perpetual snow, our boundaries to the west and to the east must be placed at spots other than those mentioned above.
This general name seems best to describe the range in question, though, of course, portions of it are in Cantons other than that of Berne, viz.
Thus the Alpine states (Italy, Switzerland and Austria), other than France and Bavaria, hold bits of territory on the slope of the Alps where one would not expect to find them.
Specifically, it is cast iron in the form of castings other than pigs, or remelted cast iron suitable for such castings, as distinguished from pig iron, i.e.
Alloy steels and cast irons are those which owe their properties chiefly to the presence of one or more elements other than carbon.
Also in the curious tinker's " Thary " spoken still on the English roads and lanes, we find merely an often inaccurately inverted Irish Gaelic. But in none of these nor in any other artificial jargons can any grammatical development be found other than that of the language on which they are based.
As it is impossible that we shall ever discover any new furbearing animals other than those we know, it behoves responsible authorities to enforce close seasons and restrictions, as to the sex and age, in the killing for the purpose of equalizing the numbers of the catches.
Reindeer and other varieties are of little interest for use other than trophy mats.
Among educational institutions, other than the university, may be mentioned the veterinary and agricultural college, established in 1773 and adopted by the state in 1776, the military academy and the school of navigation.
He was included among the twenty liable to penalties other than capital, and was finally incapacitated from holding any office of trust.
For in the latter case we possess, according to Hume, no standard of equivalence other than that supplied by immediate observation, and consequently transition from one premise to another by way of reasoning must be, in geometrical matters, a purely verbal process.
But as each perception is in consciousness only as a contingent fact, which might not be or might be other than it is, we must admit that the mind can conceive no necessary relations or connexions among the several portions of its experience.
There are polymers which have hardly any inter-relations other than identity in composition; on the other hand, there are others which are related by the possibility of mutual transformation; examples of this kind are cyanic acid (Cnoh) and cyanuric acid (Cnoh) 3, the latter being a solid which readily transforms into the former on heating as an easily condensable vapour; the reverse transformation may also be realized; and the polymers methylene oxide (CH 2 O) and trioxymethylene (CH20)3.
A place in the school may be put at their disposal where the children may receive religious instruction," at hours other than those set apart for regular education.
Besides the tithes dealt with by local acts as already mentioned, certain other kinds of tithes are outside the scope of the Commutation Acts, namely, tithes of fish and fishing, personal tithes other than tithes of mills, and mineral tithes, unless the landowners and tithe-owners consent to make a parochial agreement for commutation before the confirmation of an apportionment after a compulsory award in such parish.
Until the Revolution no duty was laid on tea other than that levied on the infusion as sold in the coffee-houses.
Apart from the foreigners above mentioned, German subjects speaking a tongue other than German are found only in Prussia, Saxony and Alsace-Lorraine.
The above rates include government duty; but the privilege of free luggage (as up to 56 ib) has been withdrawn, and all luggage other than hand baggage taken into the carriages is charged for.
There were also mediate towns, acknowledging the supremacy of some lord other than the sovereign.
Bismarck, now that the choice was forced upon him, determined in favor of Austria, and during a visit to Vienna in October, arranged with Count Andrssy an alliance by which in the event of either being attacked by Russia the other was to assist; if either was attacked by any power other than Russia, the other was to preserve benevolent neutrality unless the attacking power was helped by Russia.
On the 23rd of October 1903 Baron Podevils, the new premier, addressing the Bavarian diet, declared that his government would combat with all its strength any tendency to assure the future of the Empire on any lines other than the federative basis laid down in the imperial constitution.
For other than the purposes indicated, the native judicial system, both civil and criminal, was superseded in 1884 by tribunals administering a jurisprudence modelled on that of the French code.
No grant is made to any kuttab where any language other than Arabic is taught.
In other than religious matters, however, the Egyptians were inventing and perhaps borrowing.
The intricate felt-work has by Golgi been ascertained to be a mere interlacement, not an actual anastomosis network; the branches springing from the various cells remain lifelong unattached and unjoined to any other than their own individual cell.
Not that there is paralysis of the muscles of speech, since these muscles can be used perfectly for all acts other than speech.
To interpret this vertigo, appeal must be made to disturbances, other than cerebellar, which likewise occasion vertigo.
After 1895 Mr Courtney's divergences from the Unionist party on questions other than Irish politics became gradually more marked.
The advent in 1351 of Hofmeister's brilliant discovery of the changes proceeding in the embryo-sac of flowering plants, and his determination of the correct relationships of these with the Cryptogamia, fixed the true position of Gymnosperms as a class distinct from Dicotyledons, and the term Angiosperm then gradually came to be accepted as the suitable designation for the whole of the flowering plants other than Gymnosperms, and as including therefore the classes of Dicotyledons and Monocotyledons.
Polyembryony is generally associated with the development of cells other than the egg-cell.
As mentioned above, the constituents other than the tricalcium silicate and tricalcium aluminate of which alite is composed, are of minor importance.
This website and project are not related to the current Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc. other than it being based on its 1911 Edition.
Since this website contains information dating from 1911, it should NOT be used for any health, medical, science or any other purposes other than providing historical information and context.
Nothing in the Agreement is intended to or shall confer on any Person other than the parties hereto or their respective permitted successors or assigns, any rights or remedies under or by reason of this Agreement.
The negotiations were constantly disturbed by Jacobite intrigues with France in favour of James VIII.; by Scottish adherence to the Act of Security, which might give Scotland a king other than a Hanoverian in succession to Anne; and by the hanging of an Englishman, Captain Green, for piracy on a lost Scottish vessel (1705).
That it was used for other than literary purposes strengthened that sentiment in a way which mere scholarly or literary interest could not have done.
If a leaf from this series be chosen at random, it is clearly more likely to have sixteen veins than to have any other assigned number; but if a first leaf chosen at random should prove to have some number of veins other than sixteen, a second leaf, chosen at random from the same series, is still more likely to have sixteen veins than to have any other assigned number.
Neither Lake Victoria nor Lake Chakmaktin derives any very large contributions from glacial sources other than those of the Nicolas range.
These powers include direct taxation within the province in order to raise revenue for provincial purposes and the control of municipalities and other local bodies, and of " elementary education " - which embraces all education other than university.
Of recent years the Thesls thesis has been introduced into lower examinations; it is required for the master's degree at London in the case of internal students, in subjects other than mathematics (1910); both at Oxford and London, the B.Sc. degree, and at Cambridge the B.A.
References to authorities other than Josephus are given in the course of the article; his Antiquities and War are the chief source for the period.
In dire poverty he fled, in 1779, to Halle, where in spite of the opposition of the senate and the theologians, he obtained through the interest of the Prussian minister, von Zedlitz, permission to lecture on subjects other than theology.
Where accurate differential observations or photographs involving other than instantaneous exposures have to be made, the additional condition is required that the optical axis of the telescope shall accurately and automatically follow the object under observation in spite of the apparent diurnal motion of the heavens, or in some cases even of the apparent motion of the object relative to neighbouring fixed stars.
This leasing-out system has been carried further in some of the southern states, and has produced the convict camps, which have been much criticized and condemned from the harshness of the discipline enforced, the many abuses that exist and the meagre results other than monetary that have been obtained.
The movement was organized by Islam, but the masses were induced to join it by quite other than religious motives.
But he thought that inferences other than syllogism are imperfect; that analogical inference is rhetorical induction; and that induction, through the necessary preliminary of syllogism and the sole process of ascent from sense, memory and experience to the principles of science, is itself neither reasoning nor science.
These are the ideas, and their mode of being is naturally quite other than that of the sensible phenomena which they order.
Again, so long as we keep to the syllogism as complete in itself and without reference to its place in the great structure of knowledge, the nerve of proof cannot be conceived in other than a formal manner.
It is a speech-andthought-form (Xoyos) in which certain matters being posited something other than the matters posited necessarily results because of them, and, though it still needs to receive a deeper meaning when presumed truth gives way to necessary truth of premises, the notion of the class to that of the class-concept, collective fact to universal law, its formal claim is manifest.
The tradition of the old world was too heavily weighted with the Ptolemaic astronomy and the like to be regarded as other than a bar to progress.
It would be the whole concern of logic, which, since in it thought has itself for object, would have no reference to the other term of the antithesis, nor properly and immediately to the knowledge which is compact of thought in conjunction with something which, whatever it may be, is prima facie other than thought.
Our task is not to realise correspondence with something other than thought, Logic, Eng.
The position of the search for truth, for which knowledge is a growing organism in which thought needs, so to speak, to feed on something other than itself, is conditioned in the view of logic wholly metaphysical.
A concept is instrumental to an end beyond itself, without any validity other than its value for action.
Since April 1905 a surtax of 7% has been imposed on all goods of other than French origin.
The homestead of a householder who is the head of a family or of any resident of the state who has attained the age of sixty years is exempt, to the value of $1500, or 160 acres of land, from execution and attachment arising from any debt, contract or civil obligation other than taxes, purchase money or improvements, so long as it is occupied by the owner or his or her family, and the exemption inures for the benefit of a widow, widower or minor children.
Convicts other than those for life are sentenced to the penitentiary for a maximum and a minimum term, and when one has served his minimum term the governor, under rules prescribed by the Board of Pardons, may release him on parole, but he may be returned to prison at any time upon the request of the Board of Pardons.
The constitution limits the state tax for other than the support of educational and charitable institutions and the payment of the state debt and the interest thereon to four mills on the dollar; the county tax for other than the payment of the county debt and the interest thereon to twelve mills on the dollar; the tax of an incorporated city or town for other than the payment of its debt and the interest thereon to eight mills on the dollar.
The history of the Territory was marked by few striking events other than Indian troubles.
Most scholars admit that the " we " narrative is that of a personal companion of Paul, who was probably none other than Luke, in view of his traditional authorship of Acts.
The narrative of Acts, too, itself implies something other than what it sets in relief; for why should the Jews hate Paul so much, if he was not in some sense disloyal to their Law?
This shrine contains an image of Krishna which is said to have been rescued from the wreck of a ship which brought it from Dvaraka, where it was supposed to have been set up of old by no other than Krishna's friend Arjuna, one of the five Pandava princes.
The act of 1829 forbids the assumption by any person, other than the person authorized by law, of the name, style or title of an archbishop, bisop or dean of the Church of England.
Although there is no objection to this product from a purely hygienic point of view, it is not natural wine, and the products present in the must other than sugar and acid are by this process seriously affected.
At one time the position appeared to be desperate, particularly in view of the fact that the farmers refused to believe that the trouble was due to anything other than the continuous drought of successive dry seasons, but at the present time, after much expenditure of energy and capital, the condition of affairs is once more fairly satisfactory.
The Bosporus is under Turkish dominion, and by treaty of 1841, confirmed by the treaty of Berlin in 1878 and at other times, no ship of war other than Turkish may pass through the strait (or through the Dardanelles) without the countenance of the Porte.
And this applies to all good work produced from whatever presses or machines other than those built on the rotary principle.
With the evolution of rank, however, and the concentration of magico-religious power in the hands of certain orders, there is less solidarity and more individualism, or at all events more opportunity for sectional interests to be pursued at other than critical times; whereupon fraud and violence are apt to infect religion.
In 1910 the commander-in-chief in the Mediterranean was appointed inspector-general of the overseas forces other than those in India, and the inspector-general in London supervises therefore only the forces in the home establishment.
The philosophical standpoint comprehends the necessity of all that is - a necessity that is none other than the necessity of the divine nature itself.
Under the reform of 1865 full religious freedom is practically accorded, and it is provided that the services of religious organizations other than the Roman Catholic may be held in private residences or in edifices owned by private individuals or corporations.
For three years the undertaking went on quietly and simply, subject to few outward troubles other than financial, the number of associates increasing to seventy or eighty.
This last document still, however, reserved for Great Britain certain rights, including the power of veto over treaties concluded by the Transvaal with any power other than the Orange Free State.
It was no doubt as a protection against such dangers that the earliest league of twelve Achaean cities arose, though we are nowhere explicitly informed of its functions other than the common worship of Zeus Amarius at Aegium and an occasional arbitration between Greek belligerents.
There are no populous towns other than the provincial capitals above enumerated.
The protoplasm itself may be tinged with colouring matter, bright red, yellow, &c., and may occasionally contain substances other than the deeply-staining granules.
The direct tax, other than that on the property of corporations, is assessed by the township supervisors, or, in cities and incorporated villages by the officer named in the charter for that service, on what is supposed to be the full cash value of the property.
The general appearance of the surface is arid and desolate, partly because of the volcanic remains, and partly because of the scanty rainfall, which is insufficient to support vegetation other than that of the desert except in the deeper mountain valleys.
Technically and scientifically the term syrup is also employed to denote viscid, generally residual, liquids, containing substances other than sugar in solution.
On ladies' seals the owner is often gracefully depicted standing and holding flower or bird, or with shields of arms. After the 14th century, the figures of ladies, other than queens, vanish from seals.
No adult Scyphomedusae are known to reproduce themselves by budding or by any method other than the sexual one.
An inheritance tax is levied on all bequests in excess of $500 to persons other than specially excepted classes; and in 1907 the receipts from the " collateral inheritance tax " were $241,480.
For the fiscal year 1907 the fees collected from corporations by the secretary of state amounted to $204,454, the receipts from the tax on corporations other than railways amounted to $2,584,363.60, and the receipts from the tax on railway corporations were $807,780.4 It is the revenue from these sources that has enabled New Jersey to dispense almost entirely with the general property tax for state purposes.
Artesian water is also obtainable in other than Cretaceous rocks.
Such disqualifications include the holding of any office or place of profit under the council other than the office of chairman, and the being concerned or interested in any contract or S r n ?'
Women, other than married women, are eligible.
It will be seen, therefore, that for some purposes, called in the act general county purposes, the entire county, including all boroughs other than county boroughs, is assessed to the county rate; while for others, called special county purposes, certain boroughs are now assessed.
Such grants repre- Revenue of sented a contribution out of taxation for the most part ty arising out of property other than real property, while co uncil.
The duties of a coroner are limited to the holding of inquiries into cases of death from causes suspected to be other than natural, and to a few miscellaneous duties of comparatively rare occurrence, such as the holding of inquiries relating to treasure trove, and acting instead of the sheriff on inquiries under the Lands Clauses Act, &c., when that officer is interested and thereby disabled from holding such inquiries.
As to higher education the local education authority must consider the educational needs of their area and take such steps as seem to them desirable, after consultation with the Board of Education, to supply or aid the supply of education other than elementary, and to promote the general co-ordination of all forms of education.
It should be added that the grant of a court of quarter sessions to any borough other than a county borough after the passing of the Local Government Act 1888, does not affect the powers, duties or liabilities of the county council as regards that borough, nor exempt the parishes in the borough from being assessed to county rate for any purposes to which such parishes were previously liable to be assessed.
In the quarter sessions boroughs other than county boroughs they have some only of these powers.
Officers and servants are prohibited from being concerned or interested in any bargain or contract made with their council, and from receiving under cover of their office or employment any fee or reward whatsoever other than their proper salaries, wages and allowances, under penalty of being rendered incapable of holding office under any district council, and of a pecuniary penalty of £50.
The only one of these that need be noticed is that which provides that after the market is opened for public use every person, other than a licensed hawker, who shall sell or expose for sale in any place within the district, except in his own dwelling-place or shop, any articles in respect of which tolls are authorized to be taken shall be liable to a penalty.
The expression " contributory place " means a place other than a parish chargeable with special expenses.
Where the order is obtained by a person or body other than the district council, the council may purchase the undertaking at the end of twenty-one years after the tramways have been constructed or at the expiration of every subsequent period of seven years, and the terms of purchase are that the person or company must sell the undertaking upon payment of the then value, exclusive of any allowance for past or future profits of the undertaking, or any compensation for compulsory sale or other consideration whatsoever of the tramway, and all lands, buildings, works, materials and plant suitable to and used for the purposes of the undertaking.
Among the duties transferred to parish councils may be mentioned the provision of parish books and of a vestry room or parochial office, parish chest, fire engine or fire escape, the holding or management of parish property, other than property Powers relating to affairs of the church or held for an ecclesiastical and duties charity, the holding or management of village greens or of parish of allotments, the appointment of trustees of parochial councils.
The owners and occupiers of houses, buildings and property, other than land, pay a rate in the £ three times greater than that at which the owners and occupiers of land are rated and pay for the purposes of the act.
Of these three classes, and of other than purely zoological interest, are mosquitoes, which swarm in summer in the interior in vast numbers; sea fowl, which are remarkably abundant near the Aleutians; moose, and especially caribou, which in the past were very numerous in the interior and of extreme economic importance to the natives.
As the general land laws of the United States were not extended to Alaska in 1884, there was no means, generally speaking, of gaining title to any land other than a mining claim, and so far as any method did exist its cost was absolutely prohibitive.
Only 32.9% of the state's land area was in that year included in farms, only 37.9% of this farm land was improved, and only 16.3% of the improved land was in crops other than hay and forage.
It is now generally recognized that the king symbolized by the Little Horn, of whom it is said that he shall come of one of four kingdoms which shall be formed from the Greek empire after the death of its first king (Alexander), can be none other than Antiochus Epiphanes, and in like manner the references in ix.
Faces of prisms other than m are also small and of exceptional occurrence.
The children of the sovereign other than his eldest son, though by courtesy " princes " and " princesses, " need a royal warrant to raise them de jure above the common herd; and even then, though they be dubbed " Royal Highness " in their cradles, they remain " commoners " till raised to the peerage.
During the last few years attention has been directed to the stresses - including shearing stresses - on planes other than horizontal.
The number of cattle other than dairy cows was 698,000 and that of dairy cows 174,000.
The chief thing to note is the existence, for these countries, of a civil-ecclesiastical to law, that is to say, a body of regulations made by the - civil authority, with the consent, more or less explicit, co of the Church, about ecclesiastical matters, other than spiritual; these dispositions are chiefly concerned with the nomination or confirmation by the state of ecclesiastics to the most important benefices, and with the administration of the property of the Church; sometimes also with questions of jurisdiction, both civil and criminal, concerning the persons or property of the Church.
But in interpreting these standards of faith and doctrine, the Church of the Province of South Africa is not bound by decisions other than those of its own Church courts, or such court as the Provincial Synod may recognize as a tribunal of appeal.
To create a debt for any purpose other than to meet a temporary deficiency, the mayor and council must first obtain the consent of both the state legislature and the city electorate.
Between ten and eleven years ago there was an hypothesis of mine registered in your books, wherein I hinted a cause of gravity towards the earth, sun and planets, with the dependence of the celestial motions thereon; in which the proportion of the decrease of gravity from the superficies of the planet (though for brevity's sake not there expressed) can be no other than reciprocally duplicate of the distance from the centre.
The extension of the principle to territory other than that to be acquired from Mexico was probably due to Preston King (1806-1865) of New York.
The benefit of the disafforestment existed only for the owner of the lands; as to all other persons the land was forest still, and the king's wild beasts were to "have free recourse therein and safe return to the forest, without any hurt or destruction other than by the owners of the lands in the purlieu where they shall be found, and that only to hunt and chase them back again towards the forest without any forestalling" (Manwood, On the Forest Laws - article "Purlieu") .
In Great Britain and her colonies, however, and in the United States, other systems of notation still survive, though there is none which is consistently in one scale, other than the denary.
Fractions other than decimal fractions are usually called vulgar fractions.
Again, In §§61 75 And 84 88 We Have Considered Various Kinds Of Numbers Other Than Those In The Original Number Series.
To find a root other than a square root we can use logarithms, as explained in § 113.
On the 3rd of October following the governor issued a proclamation providing further for the administration, and for the expropriation of the concessions other than those relating to land and minerals.
As I refer to myself the act of attention and volition, so I cannot but refer the sensation to some cause, necessarily other than myself, that is, to an external cause, whose existence is as certain for me as my own existence, since the phenomenon which suggests it to me is as certain as the phenomenon which had suggested my reality, and both are given in each other.
Thus the South had to establish slavery by other than actual slaveholders, unless Missouri should act for her to establish it.
It may be that he did not consciously present to himself any object other than fair treatment for his co-religionists.
But a grave commercial crisis of this character is often attended with other than financial consequences.
While on domestic matters, other than those affecting finance, the Liberal ministry was pursuing a Conservative policy, its members were actively engaged on, and the attention of the public was keenly directed to, affairs abroad.
Documents, other than records strictly so called, begin to grow with the habit of correspondence and the necessity of communication.
Resident French ambassadors in England only begin in the 16th century, and later still those from the emperor, the German and Italian states other than Venice.
As nearly as possible all the carbon dioxide is extracted, but most gas companies are now exempt from having to purify the gas from sulphur compounds other than sulphuretted hydrogen.
For other than school purposes rates must not exceed 2% of the assessed valuation of the taxable property in the town.
A homestead owned and occupied by any resident of the state and consisting of not more than 40 acres of agricultural land outside the limits of a city or village, or one-fourth of an acre within a city or village, together with the dwelling-house and other appurtenances, is exempt from liability for debts other than labourers', mechanics' and purchase-money liens, mortgages and taxes.
To prevent such extravagant expenditures for internal improvements as had brought disaster to Michigan and other states, the framers of the constitution of Wisconsin inserted a clause limiting its aggregate indebtedness to $100,000 for all purposes other than to repel an invasion, to suppress an insurrection or for defence in time of war, and the state is free from debt with the exception of that contracted on account of the Civil War.
The 72nd canon ordains that " no minister or ministers shall, without licence and direction of the bishop under hand and seal, appoint or keep any solemn fasts, either publicly or in any private houses, other than such as by law are or by public authority shall be appointed, nor shall be wittingly present at any of them under pain of suspension for the first fault, of excommunication for the second, and of deposition from the ministry for the third."
There has been likewise progress in other than material respects.
But in contrast with the phenomenal world governed by empirical laws Kant sets the noumenal and intelligible world in which by a timeless act of will man is free to accept the moral command of an unconditional imperative for no reason other than its own rational necessity as the deliverance of his highest nature.
For even when the felt obligation is absolute, where the will is completely moralized, where it is inconceivable in the case of a good man that the act which he performs should be other than it is, there the obligation which he recognizes is an obligation to choose autonomously, and as such is distinguished from desire or appetite or any of the other alleged determinants of action.
Thus there had become current the conception of a " state of nature " in which individuals or single families lived side by side - under none other than those " natural " laws which prohibited mutual injury and interference in the free use of the goods of the earth common to all, and upheld parental authority, fidelity of wives, and the observance of compacts freely made.
We have, in fact, to distinguish self-love, the " general desire that every man hath of his own happiness " or pleasure, from the particular affections, passions, and appetites directed towards objects other than pleasure, in the satisfaction of which pleasure consists.
Indeed, we may say that an egoist must be doubly self-regulative, since rational self-love ought to restrain not only other impulses, but itself also; for as happiness is made up of feelings that result from the satisfaction of impulses other than self-love, any over-development of the latter, enfeebling these other impulses, must proportionally diminish the happiness at which self-love aims. If, then, it be admitted that human impulses are naturally under government, the natural claim of conscience or the moral faculty to be the supreme governor will hardly be denied.
The old theory that referred this approval entirely to self-love, is, he holds, easy to disprove by " crucial experiments " on the play of our moral sentiments; rejecting this, he finds the required explanation in the sympathetic pleasure that attends our perception of the conduciveness of virtue to the interests of human beings other than ourselves.
Thus we have a new zoological factor in the history of the moral sentiments; which, though in no way opposed to the older psychological theory of their formation through coalescence of more primitive feelings, must yet be conceived as controlling and modifying the effects of the law of association by preventing the formation of sentiments other than those tending to the preservation of human life.
The number of foreigners, other than British, who took up their abode in the British settlement at Shanghai made it soon necessary to adopt some more catholic form of government than that supplied by a British consul who had control only over British subjects, and by common agreement a committee of residents, consisting of a chairman and six members, was elected by the renters of land for the purposes of general municipal administration.
The state banking board, which is composed of the governor, lieutenant-governor, president of the board of agriculture, state treasurer and state auditor, levies against the capital stock of each state bank and trust company, organized or existing, under the laws of the state to create a fund equal to 5% of average daily deposits other than the deposits of state funds properly secured.
Only 8.3 of the population was, in 1900, engaged in industries other than farming, which occupied 85.2%.
In another treaty in 1893, Siam bound herself to maintain no armed forces there other than police, but this arrangement was annulled by the treaty of 1904, by which Battambang was definitely admitted to lie within the French sphere of influence.
He had, Dissoludoubtless conscientiously, labored for the recon- tion of the stitution of the Empire; but it often happens that Frankish individual wills produce results other than those at Empire.
The disinterested peace of Aix-la-Chapelle (October 1748) had no effectual result other than that of destroying in Germany, and for the benefit of Prussia, a balance of power that had yet to be secured in Italy, despite the establishment of the Spanish prince Philip at Parma.
The great river flowing eastward reached by the Nasamonians as reported by Herodotus can be no other than the Niger.
At angles other than the polarizing angle common light gives a reflected stream .that behaves as a mixture of common light with light polarized in the plane of incidence, and is accordingly said to be partially polarized in that plane.
Now Fresnel's formulae were obtained by assuming that the incident, reflected and refracted vibrations are in the same or opposite phases at the interface of the media, and since there is no real factor that converts cos T into cos (T+p), he inferred that the occurrence of imaginary expressions for the coefficients of vibration denotes a change of phase other than 7r, this being represented by a change of sign.
A married man might be united in barragania to a woman other than his lawful wife, and the children of that connection, though not fully legitimate, were not bastards.
That control would have been lost had a European power other than Great Britain obtained possession of any part of the Nile valley; and at the time the Sudan was reconquered (1896-98) France was endeavouring to establish her authority on the river between Khartum and Gondokoro, as the Marchand expedition from the Congo to Fashoda demonstrated.
Horses doing slow or other than " upper ten " work may have oats crushed, not ground, and a variety of additions made to the oats which are usually the basis of the feed - for example, a few old crushed beans, a little linseed meal, ground linseed cake or about a wine-glassful of unboiled linseed oil.
In systems employed for visual observation (to which class the microscope belongs) the red and blue rays, which include the physiologically most active part of the spectrum, are combined; but rays other than the two selected are not united in one point.
Acids, other than carbonic, may promote rusting; this is particularly the case with ironwork exposed to the acids - sulphurous, nitric, &c. - contained in smoke.
He was appointed in 1839 bishop of Angelopolis (Puebla de los Angeles) in Mexico, and there honourably distinguished himself by his efforts to protect the natives from Spanish cruelty, forbidding any methods of conversion other than persuasion.
However extraordinary it may appear, especially to those who bring the living forms only into focus, that opposition should still be made to Huxley's primary division of the vertebrates other than mammals into Sauropsida (birds and reptiles) and Ichthyopsida (batrachians and fishes), it is certain that recent discoveries in palaeontology have reduced the gap between batrachians and reptiles to such a minimum as to cause the greatest embarrassment in the attempt to draw a satisfactory line of separation between the two; on the other hand the hiatus between fishes and batrachians remains as wide as it was at the time Huxley's article Amphibia (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 9th ed.) was written.
This, he exclaims, can be no other than the hero who slew the two kings of the Nibelungs, Schilbunc and Nibelunc, and seized their treasure, together with the sword Balmunc and the tarnkappe, or cape of darkness, which has the virtue of making him who wears it invisible.
Adjacent to the town is an arid plain without vegetation other than mimosa thorns.
If the parts of conscious experience are regarded as so many distinct things, there is no possibility of connecting them other than contingently, if at all.
But in such effort there are no notions to be employed other than the categories, and these, as has already been seen, have validity only in reference to objects of possible experience.
It was probably the first money, other than the air fares, Señor Medena had been able to spend on Alex - and even then he had to do it through Felipa.
Unfortunately, it was a rural location, difficult to pin point other than a general location.
While he didn't look anything other than pleasant, she felt his tension in the shimmering air around him.
The Black God had failed to elicit anything other than a sneer with every one of his approaches.
The rest he had built in investments – other than what was in the special savings account drawing interest until he could decide whether to return it or accept the responsibility that went with it.
Past-Death was beaten only by acting out of something other than duty.
I think we are worse to each other than the Dark One is to his enemies, Kris said, white rage buried deep within him to keep Sasha from seeing it.
What do werewolves like to do other than kill vampires?
Instead, she rose and stared again at the animated timeline, wishing her conclusions were something other than what they were.
The idea of caring for her overwhelmed him again. He'd never had a reason to try to control his power or to focus on anything other than surviving. That a simple little mortal could show him just how little his Immortal and demon powers really meant humbled him. If he found his way, it would be because of her. Her distress and sorrow were, buried but he still saw them. She was trying to be brave, asking him for one last moment of comfort before what she thought was the end.
What did she have to be stressed about – other than not being able to get pregnant?
I entrust this duty to none other than my brother, whose sons will forever guide the Warlords of Tiyan.
It would make a formidable weapon if he was anything other than what she suspected.
It was one thing to enjoy his company, but something other than companionship was hammering at the doors of her consciousness - something she didn't want to think about, because his job would be done in three more weeks.
The caller was none other than Dusty, the leader of the White God's vampire killing operations for the Western Hemisphere.
Born a predator, turned into a killer by none other than you.
The skin around Xander's eye was softened in something other than amusement, the light in his eyes a combination of hunger – and warmth.
The company was absolved from any liability, other than that of any employee.
The only absentee - other than Cambs - is Kent.
Little information on these, other than the purely anecdotal, was amassed by DTI and DH.
Patients should therefore avoid other than short-term bed rest, as immobility increases bone loss.
Further analysis of the microarray data has suggested roles for these regulatory elements other than in the control of flagellar biosynthesis.
What do Pachelbel's do other than provide ear candy?
Tobe Hooper has directed a real clunker here, a film devoid of anything other than giving the horror film a really bad name.
I don't know, other than to say an inner compulsion of some sort.
All of the responses, other than those that were marked confidential, are listed here.
Under such a shipment the shipper retains the right to direct the carrier to deliver the goods to someone other than the named consignee.
Best execution is inappropriate as a concept other than for the smallest corporates and non professional individuals.
To suggest that X is anything other than a man would tax most reasonable peoples ' credulity, of course.
I have worked on 4,000 sets and I have never been offered anything other than a disposable cup.
It need not be physically enclosed and buildings other than dwellings can have curtilages.
Shogun bond Straight bond denominated in foreign currency, other than JPY, issued by a foreign issuer on the Japanese capital market.
These words have no meaning other than to express disapproval by the ruling class.
Computers are useful for many simulations related to nuclear weapons other than designing clever little devices that rapidly disassemble in spectacular ways.
Most English teachers would deny that this offers anything other than a severely dysfunctional literacy.
That is not to say that patients with postpolio dysphagia should not be evaluated or treated other than with reassurance.
What else, other than their leadership, was important to making the party electable?
This country has designated areas where protest is not allowed for no reason other than the fear of the corrupt ruling elite.
What more can I say, other than that the experience of writing up my thesis is proving quite enjoyable.
The Blue ensign A variety of defaced Blue Ensigns are worn by Government vessels other than warships.
Someone other than the person enumerated may have provided the information, or the informant may have been uncertain, uninterested, or deceitful.
Our projects also reduce emissions of greenhouse gases other than CO2, and convert these to carbon dioxide equivalents.
Other research suggests a wider role for epoetin, which seems to have effects other than stimulating erythropoiesis in a range of tissues.
The evocative language of Scripture demands to be read with something other than the emaciated imagination of the scientific exegete.
For situations, other than medical or last minute computer problems, you are normally expected to submit the request 7 days in advance.
A web site makes great eye candy, but can your web site engage senses other than sight?
A few people have told me about this occurring but other than that it seems fabulous!
There are few things that seem fatal to anemones, other than metal-based chemical therapeutics or accidental introduction of metal ions from other sources.
When their reputations are all-important, corporations can't carry on as private fiefdoms with no obligations other than to the capital markets.
The second flip-flop can change state at a time other than the active clock edge.
Had slight oil leak recently coming out of the rocker gasket, other than that no problems.
Lamprecht traces the genesis of this idea to none other than Sir Edmund Halley.
The issues are altogether too gigantic for such faith to be other than utter folly.
Use of volumetric glassware for solvents other than water should not rely on the water calibration.
Unfortunately Edmund as very little information about his Uncle, other than he may have become a rear gunner although Edmund is not sure.
Not for any reason other than the driving is going to get horrendous.
Very many of these elderly householders have little contact with people other than their carers or medical personnel.
It is considered immodest for men to touch women - other than their wives.
Third, the skeptics often have little to gain other than their desire to defend the basic tenets of scientific inquiry.
Patients who may have reasons for adrenocortical insufficiency other than exogenous corticosteroid therapy.
This puts considerable pressure on the training program for mentors, and some institutions involve teachers other than the designated mentor in the training.
Many fertile ideas reach this group, but there are others which for reason other than intrinsic merit, do not.
They then find that the NHS midwifery service is unwilling to provide a midwife to attend them anywhere other than hospital.
Most forms require minimal pruning, other than the removal of broken, diseased or crossing branches.
Annoying persons are nothing other than the agents of one's own previous misdeeds.
The authors looked at patients who developed NEAD after having intracranial neurosurgery for reasons other than the control of refractory epilepsy.
The authors conclude that NEAD may develop after intracranial neurosurgery, carried out for reasons other than the control of refractory epilepsy.
No sanctions are available to the chief for enforcing obedience to his orders, other than calling in agents of the Administration.
Intimate samples include blood, semen or other bodily fluids, dental impressions or a swab from any body orifice other than the mouth.
We will be blocking outgoing SMTP traffic to other than our own and EUCS mail servers.
In other words, at what point does ethical particularism become something other than ethics?
In practice this means offering payment to the volunteer other than exact payment of expenses or offering some perks.
Not a one trick pony, Andrew has a wider topic range for his jokes other than just sex.
So does anyone really want to start taking potshots at people with chronic conditions other than our own?
Line stage preamplifier Stage of a preamplifier which accommodates all sources other than a turntable.
Crocodiles and large pythons are the Nile monitors main predators, other than man.
People with no strength other than the secret strength of the poem have made tyranny quake.
Bat rabies is different from classical rabies and rarely affects animals other than bats.
No benefit other than revolt is gained for inciting rebellion.
Eligibility requirements Only monographs dealing mainly with Canada written in a language other than French or English are eligible.
The remaining patients survived without long-term sequelae other than one patient with ongoing malaise.
Then you might get replies from other than an Ancient Fire Dragon, who has a short fuse.
It is difficult to see why anyone, other than dying victims, would wish to resolve this situation quickly.
Your arguments are rather specious than well grounded, for your name ought to be none other than your father's name.
I had a broken sternum many years ago; other than that, nothing too bad.
So, companies listed on an exchange other than a recognized stock exchange can qualify for further investment under the CVS.
All her work is raw glazed, slip-decorated stoneware which, once fired is soda glazed with sodium compounds other than salt.
A team sheet will not be considered sufficient to comply with this Rule, other than in a Reserve Section fixture.
Sunna applied to other than Muhammad.
Which brings them closer to each other than to the rich of their respective countries who at best can only sympathize with them.
If the certificate is in a language other than English, please include a certified translation.
Filet weld a fusion weld, other than a butt, edge or fusion spot weld, which is approximately triangular in transverse cross-section.
That was nothing other than a complete triviality which I just demonstrated.
It does seem virtually unreadable to anyone other than a philosophy graduate.
If the amount appears unreasonable there is no option other than not to take the accommodation.
From the age of around seven months children can become very wary of adults, other than their parents.
There is no limit on the number of oscillator waveforms other than the available memory size.
They usually have no specific purpose, other than to satisfy the whim or sense of mischief of the designer or builder.
But sly winks are all they are- they never overwhelm the film and are never played with anything other than a straight face.
This formula substantially holds good to the present day, although a number of definite bodies other than carbon dioxide and alcohol occur in small and varying quantities, according to the conditions of the fermentation and the medium fermented.
West Virginia's share of the Virginia debt which existed when West Virginia was set off from Virginia has not yet been determined (see below, § History), but other than this the state has no debt, and the contraction of a state debt other than " to meet casual deficits in the revenue, to redeem a previous liability of the state, to suppress insurrection, repel invasion or defend the state in time of war " is forbidden by the constitution.
In 1901 the population numbered 2,968,529, of whom 4932 were French (exclusive of French troops, who numbered 2537), 2,558,301 Annamese, 231,902 Cambodians, 9 Chinese, 4 2, 940 savages (Min Huong), the rest being Asiatics of other nationalities, together with a few Europeans other than French.
In all criminal prosecutions, other than those coming before the juge de pair, a secret preliminary investigation is made by an official called a juge dinstruction.
Of Japanese there were 3500, of Hindu and Sinhalese 4600, according to recent computation, but the policy of the Commonwealth is adverse to further immigration of other than whites.
Augustine accordingly held that each of the disciples talked all languages miraculously; Chrysostom that each talked one other than his own.
Where this is so there need be no confusion of style; but the danger of such confusion is great, and with the rise of modern dramatic instrumentation it may be doubted whether there are any standards of criticism in current use for chamber-music of other than the sonata style.
Placed under court-martial for his conduct, Baratieri was acquitted of the charge for having been led to give battle by other than.
You need not wish anything in the universe to be other than it is; as well grumble at once that two and two do not make five !
In their view, based on an analysis of Hebrew and Hindu forms of sacrifice, the unity of sacrifice consists in the immediate aim of the ritual, not in the ultimate end to be attained; for we rarely find a rite other than complex and by the same sacrifice more than one result may be sought or attained.
As affecting agricultural practice there were three noteworthy improvements in respect of the making of which, without the consent of or notice to his landlord, a tenant might claim compensation - (1) the consumption on the holding " by horses, other than those regularly employed on the holding," of corn, cake or other feeding-stuff not produced on the holding; (2) the "consumption on the holding by cattle, sheep, or pigs, or by horses other than those regularly employed on the holding, of corn proved by satisfactory evidence to have been produced and consumed on the holding "; (3) " laying down temporary pasture with clover, grass, lucerne, sainfoin or other seeds sown more than two years prior to the determination of the tenancy."
It is only by paying great attention to the current density that good results are obtained, since metals other than that sought for may be deposited.
Appropriate steps were taken to mislead the Ottoman authorities by means of feints and of reconnaissances executed at localities other than those selected for operations.
Its frequent explanation, however, of incompatible symbols by the doctrines of phonetic variation and interchange, or by alternative values of the same symbol used as ideograph, determinative or phonetic complement, and the occasional use of circular argument in the process of " verification," do not inspire confidence in other than its broader results.
It is, however, an open question whether a comet is other than an accumulation of meteoric bodies (see Comet).
All property which either husband or wife acquires during the marriage, other than by gift, devise or descent, is their common property, and during coverture may be disposed of by the husband only; on the death of the husband the widow has one-half of the property, which they held in common.
In the case of capital felonies other than murder the recording of sentence of death has the effect of a reprieve by the court.
The schedule required the number of houses, inhabited and otherwise, the population of each family, by sex, and the occupation, under one of the three heads, (a) agriculture, (b) trade, manufacture or industry, or (c) other than these two.
The State Training School is for the reformatory training of children between eight and eighteen years of age who have been found guilty of any crime other than murder, manslaughter or highway robbery, or who for some other cause have been committed to it by a court of competent jurisdiction.
Plates, angles and bars, other than rivet bars, must have a tensile strength of 28 to 32 tons per sq.
In 1856-60 the state was involved in war with the adventurer William Walker (see Central America); but its subsequent history has been one of immunity from political disturbances, other than boundary disputes, and occasional threats of revolution, due chiefly to unsatisfactory economic conditions.
It is remarkable that just two months later, in a conversation with her keepers, she again made use of the same extraordinary argument in reply to the same inevitable imputation, and would not be brought to admit that the two cases were other than parallel.
In theology the term "accommodation" is used rather loosely to describe the employment of a word, phrase, sentence or idea, in a context other than that in which it originally occurred; the actual wording of the quotation may be modified to a greater or lesser extent.
By some it is supposed that a mysterious hermit named Fomich, who lived at Tomsk until 1870 and was treated with peculiar deference by successive tsars, was none other than Alexander.'
The plebeians (plebs, plebes) are the complement (from root pleo, fill, see Plebs) of the noble families possessing a genealogy, and include all the free population other than the patricians.
The principle of Islam was, that no Moslem, whatever might be his nationality, should pay any tax other than the zakat or poor-rate (see Mahommedan Institutions).
Of the powers vested in the county authority under the Highway Act 1878, the most important are those relating to main roads, which are specially noticed hereafter; (ix.) the tables of fees to be taken by and the costs to be allowed to any inspector, analyst or person holding any office in the county other than the clerk of the peace and the clerks of the justices; (x.) the appointment, removal and determination of salaries of the county treasurer, the county surveyor, the public analysts, any officer under the Explosives Act 1875, and any officers whose remuneration is paid out of the county rate, other than the clerk of the peace and the clerks of the justices; (xi.) the salary of any coroner whose salary is payable out of the county rate, the fees, allowances and disbursements allowed to be paid by any such coroner, and the division of the county into coroners' districts and the assignments of such districts; (xii.) the division of the county into polling districts for the purposes of parliamentary elections, the appointment of the places of election, the places of holding courts for the revision of the lists of voters, and the costs of, and other matters to be done for the registration of parliamentary voters; (xiii.) the execution as local authority of the acts relating to contagious diseases of animals, to destructive insects, to fish conservancy, to wild birds, to weights and measures, and to gas meters, and of the Local Stamp Act i 869; (xiv.) any matters arising under the Riot (Damages) Act 1886.
The significant figures of a number are those which commence with the first figure other than zero in the number; thus the significant figures of 13 027 and of 0001-3027 are the same.
I take no side other than to be against hunger.
I will spare my readers a description of this other than to say it is exactly what it sounds like.
In addition, more than one billion of the world's seven billion people visited a country other than their own in 2011.
The material was pure, and his art was pure; how could the result be other than wonderful?
The motor programs producing the elementary speech sounds can be redirected to produce bodily movement other than that of the articulatory organs.
Eligibility Requirements Only monographs dealing mainly with Canada written in a language other than French or English are eligible.
How dare these teachers use methods other than rote memorization to teach you about 19th century America?
There is less emphasis on the benefits of cereal fiber other than for gastrointestinal health and its satiety value.
Your arguments are rather specious than well grounded, for your name ought to be none other than your father 's name.
Reading supposed subtexts can be nothing other than subjective unless she has a papyrus with the code on it.
Not very, other than perhaps taxing low sulfur fuel a little less punitively than the regular variety.
Is there a Creator, other than Allah, to give you sustenance from heaven or earth?
The generic syntax for URLs provides a framework for new schemes to be established using protocols other than those defined in this document.
Beside, anything other than letting P Neville tarnish what otherwise looks like a pretty decent english line up !
The meeting is not to transact any business other than that set out in the requisition and the notice convening the meeting.
The problem is more complex with verb inflections and in languages other than English.
Vocational training centers where the TOS can work with NGOs to re-train villagers in areas other than fishing are being considered.
A recent publication had stated that more than 90 Security Council resolutions were being violated by countries other than Iraq.
Motivation Wallboard systems can provide further motivation for agents by being able to import and display information from sources other than the ACD system.
Zirconium production, other than production of fuel cladding, is not subject to declaration or inspection.
Great leaders cannot be self-centered because they need to make decisions for people other than themselves.
Infants have no other way to communicate their pain or needs other than by crying, and a baby that cries excessively in lieu of sleep should be investigated for a medical condition.
Everybody knows that once baby arrives, there is little time or energy for anything other than taking care of her.
Are you afraid to leave your child with anyone other than yourself-even your spouse?
The primary reason that parents give a child a name other than just their father's is because they want a connection to both parents reflected in the last name.
As mentioned previously, there are no indicative factors other than an infant's age.
Also, because most toddlers won't be able to understand the concept of what a pop-up ad is, simplify it by instructing your toddler never to click anything other than objects inside the game she is playing.
If you choose to shop somewhere other than where the bride and groom have registered and you don't mind purchasing a gift certificate, choose a store where the couple will likely shop.
Flowery perfumes tend to be sweeter and a bit stronger, while earth-based are simple fragrances that take their base scents from minerals and plants other than flowers, like vanilla or cinnamon.
They may take more care in the early years while the plants are getting established in your garden, but many require little maintenance other than regular watering once established.
No skills are required, other than calmly applying the seeds.
If you use your computer for anything other than checking email, then a screen size of at least 15-inches will help keep eye strain to a minimum.
As a rule, it is illegal for anyone other than a licensed professional to install a propane tank.
If your trip itinerary allows time for any activity other than shopping, there are many places of interest nearby.
Many shelters and humane societies give their adoptable pets names so they have something other than a sterile file number to refer to them by.
And to think when she was born, I tried to push her into the pool, because I didn't want to be anything other than first born and top cat!
However, more than two hours after the first call my cat began gasping so much that I felt I had no choice other than to end his misery.
Although Nestle's decision to stop making Tender Vittles may seem understandable to most pet owners, there are a few finicky cats that simply refuse to eat anything other than this food.
Many pet owners recommend having a separate litter box for each cat to prevent the urge to urinate or defecate in places other than the litter box.