Osteoporosis Sentence Examples
Its calcium content may also help to prevent osteoporosis.
Lack of vitamin D makes development of the bone disease osteoporosis more likely.
With growing concern about adult osteoporosis, it is important to realize that the mass of skeleton built during childhood and into early adulthood constitutes bone banked against inevitable later withdrawals.
I also have mild osteoporosis and mild cerebral palsy.
Girls and women with Turner syndrome should be treated with estrogen/progesterone to maintain their secondary sexual development and to protect their bones from osteoporosis until at the least the usual age of menopause (50 years).
Osteoporosis Osteoporosis -- or brittle bones -- is one of the major health concerns for older women.
Osteoporosis occurs as a result of the body's inability to absorb sufficient levels of calcium.
However steroid treatment in lupus is often lifesaving, and shouldn't be stopped just because there is an increased risk of osteoporosis.
Low Massam is an effective program for increasing lower limb bone mass and delaying the effects of Osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis affects not just the bone mineral density, but also the internal microstructure of bone.
AdvertisementBroadly, two approaches are employed to diagnose osteoporosis.
They also appear to be efficacious at preventing or treating corticosteroid induced osteoporosis at the femoral neck i.
The annual cost to the NHS of treating osteoporosis is estimated at £ 1.7 billion.
A further way to prevent and even reverse osteoporosis is with a new product called Reosto.
For example, normal x-rays can only detect osteoporosis (weakened bones) when around one-third of the bone mass has already gone.
AdvertisementIn Barking, Dagenham and Havering, based on national prevalence studies, there are about 23,000 people affected by osteoporosis.
Vitamin D plus calcium is more effective than no therapy or calcium alone in corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis.
We hope to identify mechanisms through which postmenopausal osteoporosis can be reversed in these women.
For a given bone mineral density, the risk of fracture in steroid-induced osteoporosis is twice as high as in post-menopausal osteoporosis.
The efficacy of calcitonin for fracture prevention in steroid-induced osteoporosis remains to be established.
AdvertisementA deficiency of Vitamin D leads to a failure of the bones to grow and causes rickets in children and osteoporosis in adults.
Keep active to minimize the risk of osteoporosis & muscle wasting.
A vitamin D deficiency can lead to osteoporosis in adults or rickets in children.
Degenerative scoliosis may result from traumatic bony collapse, previous major back surgery or osteoporosis.
In the longer term sex hormone replacement reduces the risk of osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease in both men and women.
AdvertisementThis causes problems such as back pain, muscle wasting, osteoporosis (softening of the bones) and depression.
Osteoporosis, or thinning of the bones, may cause significant disability in older people.
Menopause Osteoporosis can affect older women after the menopause.
Breastfeeding can also reduce a woman's risk of breast cancer and osteoporosis.
Weight bearing activity can prevent osteoporosis.
Vitamin K isn't as well known as some of the others, but it is essential to blood health and can even protect the bones from osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis, skin sores, and itching are common in very long term alcoholics.
Weight-bearing exercise, like walking and jogging, helps keep bones strong and wards off osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis occurs when you lose bone mass and strength.
Increasing the consumption of phytoestrogens is also associated with decreased risks of osteoporosis, cancer, and heart disease.
Underweight, malnourished teenagers (such as those with an eating disorder) have an increased risk of osteoporosis and may not have menstrual periods.
The most frequent risk associated with amenorrhea is osteoporosis (thinning of the bone) caused by low estrogen levels.
Because osteoporosis can begin as early as adolescence, hormone replacement therapy is sometimes recommended for teenagers with chronic amenorrhea.
In some cases the athlete may be given calcium or vitamin D supplements to lower the risk of osteoporosis.
Female athlete triad-A combination of disorders frequently found in female athletes that includes disordered eating, osteoporosis, and oligo- or amenorrhea.
Because the symptoms of OI are caused by collagen abnormalities and not a calcium deficiency (such as in osteoporosis), supplementation of vitamins or minerals will not cure the disease.
Menstrual irregularities are known to be one of the three disorders comprising the so-called "female athlete triad," the other disorders being disordered eating and osteoporosis.
The absence of adequate estrogen increases the risk of osteoporosis, repeated bone fractures, and cardiovascular disease in later life.
Female athletes who develop bone loss or osteoporosis in their late teens or early twenties are at increased risk of developing arthritis as they grow older.
Poor mineral absorption may result in osteoporosis, or brittle bones, which may lead to bone fractures.
Secondary complications, such as anemia and osteoporosis, resolve in almost all patients.
Significant depletion of calcium stores can lead to osteoporosis.
It helps prevent cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and some cancers.
Boron supplements can improve calcium levels as well as vitamin D levels, and can help prevent osteoporosis in postmenopausal women by promoting calcium absorption.
It is essential in forming collagen for healthy bones and connective tissue, and helps prevent osteoporosis.
Except in osteoporosis, copper deficiency is rare, although dramatic changes in copper metabolism occur in two serious genetic diseases, Wilson disease and Menkes' disease.
In some children with osteoporosis, bone mass begins to increase at birth, but symptoms may not become evident until adulthood.
Steroids used for chronic inflammatory illnesses can lead to thinning of bone in adults (osteoporosis) and to slower bone growth in long bones and therefore shorter status in children.
Your doctor will probably recommend staying at a healthy weight afterward, too, to protect you against osteoporosis and other problems.
Vitamin D, along with vitamin A, phosphorous and calcium, work in concert to build strong bones and teeth and prevent tooth decay and osteoporosis.
Also, potassium helps preserve bone mass and is an important component in osteoporosis prevention.
Additionally, vitamin B12 is needed to control homocysteine levels which leads to a decreased risk of stroke, coronary disease, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer's.
Others are getting to the age where osteoporosis is a concern and calcium intake becomes more important.
A lack of calcium may encourage osteoporosis, a disease most prevalent in women, and causes the bones to become brittle.
Women who have osteoporosis may experience bone fractures easily.
Taking adequate vitamin D can help prevent osteoporosis.
In addition to osteoporosis, too little vitamin D can lead to muscle twitches and nervousness.
Excess vitamin A may even cause your body to breakdown too much bone tissue, leading to an increased risk of developing osteoporosis.
In adults, deficiencies can increase your risk of developing osteoporosis.
Both men and women may increase their calcium intake above the recommended 1,000 to 1,200 mg per day if they have a family history of osteoporosis or have been told they are at risk of taking it.
For example, a calcium and vitamin D liquid supplement may be more useful for osteoporosis than calcium on its own, since the vitamin D aids in calcium absorption.
There are many reasons to take calcium supplements, such as low levels of calcium in the diet, but the main reason is to prevent the onset and development of osteoporosis.
Men, too, can develop osteoporosis, a bone disease that can lead to an elevated risk of fractures and breaks.
Many websites and manufacturers claim that coral calcium is superior to other forms of calcium for rebuilding bone health, healing bone spurs, and prevent osteoporosis.
Not enough vitamin D in the body can cause thin and brittle bones, which leads to rickets in children and a very common disease in adults called osteoporosis.
Combining calcium and vitamin D helps prevent osteoporosis, according to the National Institute of Health Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases National Resource Center.
Osteoporosis weakens bones, potentially allowing fractures to occur.
This leads to iron deficiency, Vitamin K deficiencies, neurological manifestations, pancreatic problems, the early onset of conditions such as osteoporosis and many others.
If the person continues to consume gluten, without any type of treatment, he or she could face serious complications, including iron deficiency anemia, osteoporosis and even some forms of lymphoma.
Are the medications you take, such as prescriptions for ADD or ADHD, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, anemia, autism, or other illnesses needed as the result of gluten intolerance?
Over time, this can lead to conditions such as anemia, osteoporosis, and tooth decay.
Over time, additional complications can occur such as infertility, osteoporosis, and malnutrition.
Blood deficiencies in calcium and vitamin D may lead to a weakening of the bones and put you at risk for osteoporosis.
Drinking milk is one of the easiest ways to get the bone-strengthening calcium you need, which is especially important for women at risk of developing osteoporosis.
Sufficient amount of this mineral throughout a person's life can help prevent the bone-thinning disease called osteoporosis.
Strengthened bone density, lowering the risk of osteoporosis, stress fractures, or easy bone damage.
People on a low carb diet need to take extra calcium because they excrete more calcium in their urine increasing risk for osteoporosis.
This can help to avoid potential complications associated with osteoporosis, certain types of cancer or anemia.
Osteoporosis is another disease directly related to poor eating habits.
Rehabilitation and treatment for conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and osteoporosis are expensive.
Other nutrition-related health issues, such as osteoporosis and obesity, add an additional $130 billion in expenses as well.
Eating foods that are good for you can reduce your risk of health problems, like diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, and even some cancers.
Osteoporosis, infertility, and immune dysfunction rates are higher in underweight individuals than in those who maintain a healthy weight.
Obesity is associated with a plethora of very serious health conditions, and being underweight increases your risk of infertility and osteoporosis.
If you have or are at risk for osteoporosis, don't start a vinegar diet without checking with your doctor first.
Over time, this can amount to significant loss of calcium and eventually to osteoporosis.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention regular physical exercise can help prevent cardiovascular disease, Type 2 Diabetes, colon cancer, breast cancer, osteoporosis and stroke.
You can reduce your risk of osteoporosis through weight-bearing activities like walking.
Your bones tend grow brittle with age -- osteoporosis -- especially for women.
In fact, according to a study by the Mayo Clinic, this type of training exercise might even be helpful for women who already have osteoporosis.
According to the study, exercise can reduce the pain of osteoporosis and make it easier to perform daily tasks.
Regular exercise keeps the bones strong and healthy, while a sedentary lifestyle sets you up for brittleness and potential osteoporosis.
Regular weight-bearing exercise decreases the risk of osteoporosis and hip fracture.
Strength training is also important for preventing osteoporosis.
Weight-bearing activities in which you engage these muscles help prevent osteoporosis.
You are taking an important step toward increasing your overall fitness and preventing osteoporosis.
No matter which you use, you have the advantage of a weight-bearing activity which will lower your risk of osteoporosis.
This can reduce your risk of developing osteoporosis.
On the health front, working your legs will help prevent osteoporosis, especially if you engage in weight-bearing activities.
Another of the key benefits of strength training is the prevention of osteoporosis.
Women are four times more likely to develop this debilitating condition than men, explains the National Osteoporosis Foundation.
Staying active will also improve or prevent chronic health problems, such as high blood pressure, diabetes or osteoporosis.
The build-up of muscle mass and bone density decrease your risk for developing osteoporosis.
Weight-bearing exercises, such as walking and running, will help you build strength in your muscles and bones, which can reduce your risk of osteoporosis.
This can help you stave off osteoporosis and obesity.
Easy to Fasten Clothing - Seniors who experience arthritis, osteoporosis, or other health problems that limit their manual dexterity find dealing with standard clothing fasteners to be difficult, frustrating, and in some cases impossible.
Specific diseases causing an increased risk for fractures include Paget's disease, rickets, osteogenesis imperfecta, osteoporosis, bone cancer and tumors, and prolonged disuse of a nonfunctional body part such as after a stroke.
The primary cause of osteoporosis may be inadequate levels of estrogen circulating in the body; however, defects in bone structure or strength may also be related to the loss of unknown X-chromosome genes.