Orthodox-churches Sentence Examples
Of 3,591,974 members of all religious denominations in 1906, 2,285,768 were Roman Catholics, 313,689 Methodist Episcopalians, 199,923 Presbyterians, 193,890 Protestant Episcopalians, 176,981 Baptists, 124,644 Lutherans, 57,351 Congregationalists, 35,34 2 Jews (heads of families only), 26,183 members of the German Evangelical Synod, 19,302 members of Eastern Orthodox churches and 10,761 Universalists.
They rejected the pneumatic Christianity of the orthodox churches and did not accept the docetic teaching of some of the other sects.
He reformed the post-office, improved the banking system of Russia, regulated the finances, constructed roads, and united the Uniate and Orthodox churches.
The Catholic reaction represented by the Oxford movement in the Church of England early raised the question of a possible union between the Anglican and Eastern Orthodox Churches.
Such are the leading features of the rite in Tertullian, and they reappear in the 4th century in the rites of all the orthodox churches of East and West; Tertullian testifies that the Marcionites observed the particulars numbered one to six, which must therefore go back at least to the year 150.
The orthodox churches have nine patriarchs and the Eastern Catholics have seven.