Ornaments Sentence Examples
When you have got my ornaments ready, I will wear them.
The women wear more and more massive ornaments.
There are manufactures of paper, hats, leather, ropes, porcelain, majolica, soap, spirits, and ornaments made of palm leaves and grasses.
For the Anglican usage see the Report of the Sub-committee of Convocation on the Ornaments of the Church, &c. (London, 1908).
No trace of metal is found, except gold, which seems to have been sometimes used for ornaments.
Its only ornaments are the old market-place and the gardens formed by the purchase in 1825 of a seat called the Hof.
Such a circumstance occurring at a time of general festivity, when devices, mottoes and conceits of all kinds were adopted as ornaments or badges of the habits worn at jousts and tournaments, would naturally have been commemorated as other royal expressions seem to have been by its conversion into a device and motto for the dresses at an approaching hastilude."
It has since remained, with the exception of the cope (q.v.), the sole vestment authorized by law for the ministers, other than bishops, of the Church of England (for the question of the vestments prescribed by the "Ornaments Rubric" see Vestments).
For example, in the genus Primula, a highly characteristic genus of the alpine flora, whose members are among the most striking ornaments of the rocks, the single northern species, P. farinosa, grows only in marshy meadows.
No objects have been discovered belonging to the period intermediate between the 7th and 3rd centuries B.C.; but "from about 250 B.C. onwards we have a series of Praenestine graves surmounted by the characteristic ` pine-apple ' of local stone, containing stone coffins with rich bronze, ivory and gold ornaments beside the skeleton.
AdvertisementWhen, through the introduction of the male plant from Japan, its fertilization was rendered possible, ripe berries, before unknown, became common ornaments of the shrub.
At the present day they vie with precious gems and gold as ornaments and garniture for wealth and fashion; but by their abundance, and the cheapness of some varieties, they have recently come within the reach of men of moderate incomes.
The women wore two bronze pins, a bracelet on each arm, amber ornaments and a necklace of bronze tubes in spirals.
The ornaments are beads, earrings, brooches, rings, bracelets, &c., thickly studded with precious stones.
In conformity with the decrees of the council of Trent, he cleared the cathedral of its gorgeous tombs, rich ornaments, banners, arms, sparing not even the monuments of his own relatives.
AdvertisementThose of the earliest period, the lower limit of which is put about 150o B.C., are aeneolithic, metal being, however, rare and only found in the form of small ornaments; pottery with linear decoration is abundant.
The subjects of its nine chapters are - (I) the Corinthian, Ionic and Doric orders; (2) the ornaments of capitals, ac.; (3) the Doric order; (4) proportions of the cella and pronaos; (5) sites of temples; (6) doorways of temples and their architraves; (7) the Etruscan or Tuscan order of temples; (8) circular temples; (9) altars.
There is at Cairo and in other towns a considerable industry in ornamental wood and metal work, inlaying with ivory and pearl, brass trays, copper vessels, gold and silver ornaments, &c. At Cairo and in the Fayum, attar of roses and other perfumes are manufactured.
The corpse, having been washed and shrouded, is placed in an open bier, covered with a cashmere shawl, in the case of a man; or in a closed bier, having a post in front, on which are placed feminine ornaments, in that of a woman or child.
It was full of delicate variety in the surfaces, and of elaborated close-packed lines of hair and ornaments.
AdvertisementHe explained his inventions and described his discoveries in language so lucid and so characteristic that he claims an honoured place in the literature of the country of whose culture, in other branches, he is one of the most distinguished ornaments.
The prevailing mode of sepulture in all the different varieties of these structures is by the deposit of the body in a contracted position, accompanied by weapons and implements of stone, occasionally by ornaments of gold, jet or amber.
In addition to the varied and beautiful forms of implements and weapons - frequently ornamented with a high degree of artistic taste - armlets and other personal ornaments in gold, amber, jet and bronze are not uncommon.
Though it had been entered and plundered in the middle ages, a few relies were found when it was reopened, among which were a silver cup,ornamented with the interlacing work characteristic of the time and some personal ornaments.
In the chamber of one, opened in 1829, there was found an urn full of calcined bones; and along with it were ornaments of gold showing the characteristic workmanship of the 5th and 6th centuries of the Christian era.
AdvertisementIn these mounds cremation appears more frequently than inhumation; and both are accompanied by implements, weapons and ornaments of stone and bone.
Yet even in the middle ages kings of Christian countries were buried with their swords and spears, and queens with their spindles and ornaments; the bishop was laid in his grave with his crozier and comb; the priest with his chalice and vestments; and clay vessels filled with charcoal (answering to the urns of heathen times) are found in the churches of France and Denmark.
By section 8 of the Public Worship Regulation Act 1874, complainants may take proceedings if it is considered that "any alteration in, or addition to, the fabric, ornaments or furniture has been made without legal authority, or that any decoration forbidden by law has been introduced into such church.
The Langaza tomb had unusually elaborate architectural ornaments and two pairs of doors, one of wood, the other of marble.
Fragments of the temple included a series of terra-cotta architectural ornaments.
The European graveyard has repeatedly been the scene of outrages perpetrated, it is believed, by natives from the mainland of Borneo, the graves being rifled and the hair of the head and other parts of the corpses being carried off to furnish ornaments to weapons and ingredients in the magic philtres of the natives.
In its hot plastic state iron can be formed and modelled under the hammer to almost any degree of refinement, while its great strength allows it to be beaten out into leaves and ornaments of almost paperlike thinness and delicacy.
It is a very sumptuous work, the front of the altar being entirely of gold, with repousse reliefs and cloisonné enamels; the back and ends are of silver, with gold ornaments.
Whole volumes might be devoted to the magnificent works in bronze produced by the Florentine artists of this century, works such as the baptistery gates by Ghiberti, the statues of Verrocchio, Donatello and many others, the bronze screen in Prato cathedral by Simone, brother of Donatello, in 1444-1461, and the screen and bronze ornaments of the tomb of Piero and Giovanni dei Medici in San Lorenzo, Florence, by Verrocchio, in 1472.
At the same time a most active production of modern designs was proceeding, stimulated by rewards, with the result that the supply of clocks, lamps, candelabra, statuettes, and other ornaments in bronze and zinc to the rest of Europe became a monopoly of Paris for nearly half a century.
The native jewellers make excellent ornaments in silver, coral and enamel.
Most of the writings found, however, have been in the form of inscriptions, chiefly on ornaments.
The queen like to clothe herself in silken garments, and to wear ornaments of gold.
Coloured clothing, gold ornaments and silken raiment began to be worn commonly by Mussulman men in his reign.
From the great opercula of certain marine forms bracelets and other ornaments are carved, while the hard serrated edges of other species are sometimes employed in place of knives for harvesting rice.
In his youth, as duke of Anjou, he was warmly attached to the Huguenot opinions, as we learn from his sister Marguerite de Valois; but his unstable character soon gave way before his mother's will, and both Henry and Marguerite remained choice ornaments of the Catholic Church.
Avoid all poetical similes; be faithful to the perfect likelihoods of nature - healthy, exact, simple, disdaining ornaments.
All these guinea fowls except the last are characterized by having the crown bare of feathers and elevated into a bony "helmet," but there is another group (to which the name Guttera has been given) in which a thick tuft of feathers ornaments the top of the head.
It was decorated in the most sumptuous fashion, and like the chapel, served by thirty-five priests, was furnished with a profusion of golden ornaments.
An elegant portal leads from the church into the small cloister, which has a pretty garden in the centre; the terra-cotta ornaments surmounting the slender marble pillars are the work of Rinaldo de Stauris (1463-1478), who executed similar decorations in the great cloister.
One tomb contained some fine gold ornaments, with Roman coins of the 1st to 3rd century A.D.
See the Report of the sub-committee of Convocation on the Ornaments of the Church and its Ministers (London, 1908), and authorities there cited.
The manufacture of ornaments from the jet found in the vicinity forms a considerable industry.
Iron, which occurs rarely, and almost exclusively for ornaments, in a few tombs at Enkomi, suddenly superseded bronze for tools and weapons, and its introduction was accompanied, as in the Aegean, by economic, and probably by political changes, which broke up the high civilization of the Mycenaean colonies, and reduced them to poverty, 1 Myres, Journ.
Of the Byzantine period little remains but the ruins of the castles of St Hilarion, Buffavento and Kantara; and a magnificent series of gold ornaments and silver plate, found near Kyrenia in 1883 and 1897 respectively.
The metal was formerly worked by the Indians for implements and ornaments.
Ornaments are manufactured by the inhabitants from alabaster and spar; and excellent lime is burned at the quarries near Poole's Hole.
This direction was omitted in the second Prayer-book; but the " Ornaments Rubric " Church of of Queen Elizabeth's Prayer-book seemed again to make them obligatory.
Of still greater importance are the great deposits at Thorsbjaerg (in Angel) and Nydam, which contained large quantities of arms, ornaments, articles of clothing, agricultural implements, &c., and in the latter case even ships.
The sashes, broad-brimmed hats and copper-tipped quarterstaves of the men, and the brilliant cotton dresses and gold or silver filigree ornaments worn on holidays by the women are common throughout the country; but many classes have their own costumes, varying in detail according to the district or province.
Lisbon and Oporto; conspicuous among these are the filigree ornaments which are bought by the peasant women as investments and by foreign visitors as curiosities.
The use of the mitre, pastoral staff and pectoral cross, which had fallen into complete disuse by the end of the 18th century, has been now very commonly, though not universally, revived; and, in some cases, the interpretation put upon the "Ornaments rubric" by the modern High Church school has led to a more complete revival of the pre-Reformation vestments.
The beautiful varieties of porphyry - green, red, striped - which are obtained, often in big monoliths, near Kolyvan, are cut at the imperial stone-cutting factory into vases and other ornaments, familiar in the art galleries and palaces of Europe.
The town carries on a variety of small manufactures, including musical instruments, iron-wares, marble ornaments.
His successors carried still farther the practice of dressing up the rather bald chronicles of earlier writers with all the ornaments of rhetoric. The old traditions were altered, almost beyond the possibility of recognition, by exaggerations, interpolations and additions.
The only other articles they make are a few shell ornaments.
In the upper, which may represent the city of Balanjar (Balansar, Belenjer), have been found gold and silver coins struck by Mongol rulers, as well as ornaments in the same metals.
Several of the varieties are cut into gems and ornaments, balance weights, pivot supports for delicate instruments, agate mortars, &c.; or used for engraving, for instance, cameos and the elaborately carved crystal vases of ancient and medieval times.
Medieval tapestries, with ecclesiastical vestments, ornaments and some fine pieces of early woodwork, are also preserved in Bucharest museum.
The ornaments and furniture were of the most costly kind; the king's bow and buckler were of gold; his very whip intertwined with gold; the queen had golden diadems, necklace and breast-jewels, and at her feet lay a golden vase.
Evidence of this is to be found in the excellent roads which they constructed, and in the skilfully made gold ornaments which have been found in the district which they occupied, as well as in the contemporary accounts of them by their conquerors.
There, on the sandy bank of the river, at a spot where later piety erected a dagaba (a solid dome-shaped relic shrine), he cuts off with his sword his long flowing locks, and, taking off his ornaments, sends them and the horse back in charge of the unwilling Channa to Kapilavastu.
The Hallstatt cemeteries contained weapons and ornaments from the Bronze age, through the period of transition, up to the fully-developed Iron age.
Jade, which is very highly valued by the Chinese for making into ornaments, vases, cups, &c., has been extracted from time immemorial, and is still extracted to-day at Khotan.
Among the articles prized by the Beni is coral, of which the chiefs wear great quantities as ornaments.
It manufactures ornaments of various kinds, cigars, leather, paper, playing cards, silver and platina wares, chocolate, soap, woollen cloth, hats, silk, gloves, stockings, ropes and matches.
St Mary's contains a Norman font, an ancient brass lectern, buried during the Civil Wars, and some interesting heraldic ornaments which date from the 15th century.
The Papuan loves personal adornment and loses no chance of dressing himself up. His chief home-made ornaments are necklaces, armlets and ear-rings of shells, teeth or fibre, and cassowary, cockatoo, or bird of paradise feathers - the last two, or a flower, are worn through the septum of the nose.
Specimens of skilfully wrought ornaments of gold and silver, artistically made pottery, and finely woven fabrics of cotton and wool (alpaca), have been found in their huacas, or burial-places.
The foreign articles of luxury (dress, ornaments, wine, &c.) required by them were brought to the great oenachs or fairs held periodically in various parts of the country.
Like all ancient and semibarbarous people, the Irish were fond of ornaments.
The Malagasy are skilful in metal-working; with a few rude-looking tools they manufacture silver chains of great fineness, and filagree ornaments both of gold and silver.
Here the cylindrical type of hut prevails; clothing is of skin or leather but is very scanty; iron ornaments are worn in profusion; arrows are not feathered; shields of hide, spears with leather sheaths are found and also fighting bracelets.
The tribes of the upper Nile are somewhat specialized, though here, too, are found the cylindrical hut, iron ornaments, fighting bracelets, &c., characteristic of the Sudanese tribes.
Sir Robert Gordon of Gordonstown used one as a stable in the rebellion of 1745; weapons of prehistoric man were found in another, and the roof of a third is carved with ornaments and emblems of early Celtic art.
The decoration of some of the rooms is gorgeous, the walls being covered in part with mosaics and in part with carved work, while the ceilings are rich in arabesque ornaments, elaborately gilt.
Its chief manufactures are silk work, cloths and cloaks, gold and silver ornaments, &c., brass and copper work, furniture and ornamental woodwork.
The outer surfaces of the walls are usually divided by a horizontal moulding into two unequal zones, the lower one plain with a band of sculptured ornaments at the base, and the upper elaborately sculptured.
The internal decorations, especially the enormous quantity of wall ornaments, consisting chiefly of scrolls and bas-reliefs, were executed by different sculptors under the personal direction of Malatesta, who, even when engaged in war, sent continual instructions about their work.
She bit back her smile and returned to her myriad of ornaments, carefully laying a tissue paper over a packed box of delicate pieces, merged memories of two families, joined now by a few items of their first Christmas together.
He trailed Memon up the stairs and down the main corridor, watching as Memon paused to take in ancient tapestries and evaluate gilded ornaments.
Experimental studies of ornaments in crested auklets (Alaska) and Australian finches, with reference to mate choice and species isolation.
Tongans also made ivory breastplates as ornaments for themselves.
Inspired ideas in paving, decking, fencing and walling plus a host of garden accessories from ornaments to wonderful pond ideas.
These ornaments displayed the owner's tastes and skills, but it was the unfortunate housemaid who had the chore of regularly cleaning them.
Fish and whales feature broadly widely in the collection of hanging ornaments.
All her body hairs are shaved, and she is not allowed to wear any ornaments.
My business involves the creation of individually crafted gifts and decorative ornaments made from real egg shells.
They will chew furniture and break your precious ornaments.
There are lace curtains and china ornaments and an elderly couple very frightened.
Ornaments include a temple to Surya the sun god, and a snake coiled around a column in the snake coiled around a column in the Snake Pond.
Why have you decorated this evergreen with ornaments, lights, fake snow and Mylar plastic tinsel?
Blue and white ornaments and ceramics fill niches and deep-set windowsills, and upstairs the bedrooms are co-ordinated in keeping with the theme.
In these shops the few Moorish industries are carried on, such as embroidery in gold and silver thread, the making of kid slippers of every kind and colour, the manufacture of gold and silver ornaments.
Amber is extensively used for beads and other trivial ornaments, and for cigar-holders and the mouth-pieces of pipes.
The chief episode in his uneventful pontificate was the visit of Constans to Rome; the pope received him "almost with religious honours," a deference which he requited by stripping all the brazen ornaments of the city - even to the tiles of the Pantheon - and sending them to Constantinople.
We have in bas-reliefs of the 3rd century representations of what these ornaments were like - small 2 An illustration from a photograph is given in Rhys Davids' Buddhist India, p. 131.
In the controversies as to the interpretation of the Anglican "Ornaments Rubric" (see below) the term "vestments" has been applied particularly to those worn at the celebration of mass, which is what is meant when it is said that "the vestments" are worn at such and such a church.
At the outset the followers of Newman and Pusey were more concerned with doctrine than with ritual; but it was natural that a reassertion of Catholic teaching should be followed by a revival of Catholic practice, and by the middle of the century certain "Ritualists," pleading the letter of the Ornaments Rubric in the Prayer Book, had revived the use of many of the pre-Reformation vestments.
The makers of Buddhist images and of sword ornaments Thhd carried on their work with undiminished industry Pesiod.
At the art exhibitions held twice a year in the principal cities there may be seen specimens of statuettes, alcove ornaments, and household utensils which show that the Japanese worker in metals stands more indisputably than ever at the head of the worlds artists in that field.
The term parlour bronzes serves to designate objects for domestic use, as flower-vases, incense-burners and alcove ornaments.
The inro (medicine-box), which it mainly served to fix in the girdle, has been driven out of fashion by the new civilization imported from the West, and artists who would have carved netsuke in former times now devote their chisels to statuettes and alcove ornaments.
His letters (especially Ep. 45) are full of outcries against his enemies and of indignant protestations that he had done nothing unbecoming a Christian, that he had taken no money, nor gifts great nor small, that he had no delight in silken attire, sparkling gems or gold ornaments, that no matron moved him unless by penitence and fasting, &c. His route is given in the third book In Rufinum; he went by Rhegium and Cyprus, where he was entertained by Bishop Epiphanius, to Antioch.
The making of mats, fishing-nets, shell ornaments, decorated gourds, and stone implements, and the manufacture of pottery, canoes and sago, constitute the chief native industries, which are the subject of barter between different regions.
The earliest metallic money did not consist of coins, but of unminted metal in the form of rings and other ornaments or of weapons, which were used for thousands of years by the Egyptian, Chaldean and Assyrian Empires (see NuMIS Matics).
The improved cultural conditions become apparent in the multiplication of the varieties of tools, weapons and ornaments made possible by the more adaptable qualities of the new material; and that the development of the Bronze age culture in the lake dwellings followed the same course as in the surrounding regions where the people dwelt on the dry land is evident from the correspondence of the types of implements, weapons, ornaments and utensils common to both these conditions of life.
Among the more notable industries may be mentioned the manufacture of china (see Ceramics), of gold and silver ornaments, cigarettes, chocolate, coloured postcards, perfumery, straw-plaiting, artificial flowers, agricultural machinery, paper, photographic and other scientific instruments.
In many Anglican churches it has therefore been restored, as a result of the ritual revival of the 19th century, it being claimed that its use is obligatory under the "ornaments rubric" of the Book of Common Prayer (see Vestments) .
This judgment, founded as was afterwards admitted on insufficient knowledge, produced no effect; and, in the absence of any authoritative pronouncement, advantage was taken of the ambiguous language of the Ornaments Rubric to introduce into many churches practically the whole ceremonial use of lights as practised in the pre-Reformation Church.
Serpentine rock is also quarried, mainly in the Lizard district; ornaments are produced from it.
Ornaments include a temple to Surya the sun god, and a snake coiled around a column in the Snake Pond.
Male green swordtails can shift their investment into ornaments or body size Issue 20.
That lovely antique table that was covered with beautiful, glass or porcelain baby ornaments may now hold small plastic blocks, stuffed animals, and assorted board books.
Bears, snowmen, collectible figurines, toys, and clouds are often featured on purchased ornaments.
When decorating for the shower, keep it festive with a wreath, holly, and a small Christmas tree decorated with ornaments that mom can take home to put on her tree at home.
Many friends and family may commemorate the occasion with traditional gifts, such as ornaments, engraved baby items, or monogrammed blankets.
Some stores also carry first Christmas ornaments that can be personalized with baby's first name.
Make a batch of salt dough, create some fun ornaments or decorations, then microwave your creations so they will be preserved for several years to come.
Gold has always been treasured for its value, both as a metal and in the form of ornaments.
Golden Inspirations has a very good range of all types of gold ornaments, with and without stone settings.
If you are an animal lover, you'll want to consider bird, frog and duck lawn ornaments.
If you have a home by the sea, nautical-related lawn ornaments will make sense on your lawn.
There are other items to consider in the world of lawn ornaments besides ornaments fashioned after animals.
Light plastic lawn ornaments will work well in arid, windless desert climates, as well as during the summer in most regions.
Heavier ornaments made of metal will hold up well in stormier, windier climates, and can possibly stay out all year round.
Do keep in mind whether or not you're going to keep your lawn ornaments out all year round, or only during warm seasons.
You'll have a better chance of preserving your ornaments if you take them in during the winter, especially if your ornaments are painted.
Do not go overboard with purchasing lawn ornaments.
Unless you're going for a kitschy look (think Pee-Wee Herman's lawn in "Pee-Wee's Big Adventure"), you'll want to limit yourself to a certain number of ornaments, depending on how much space you have to work with.
Place your lawn ornaments in spots where you know where there won't be heavy foot traffic.
You don't want other people (or yourself, for that matter) tripping over your lawn ornaments and injuring themselves.
When removing lawn ornaments from your grass, be exceedingly careful.
The garden and lawn ornament store Harper's provides online sales of seasonal, religious and holiday ornaments, plus pedestals, birdbaths and feeders, and even human figurines.
This may seem exorbitant, but consumers also need to factor in the cost of ornaments, lights, and other necessities to turn a pine tree into the perfect Christmas tree.
You can get ornaments, yard art, wreaths, candles, snow globes, or just about anything you can think of to decorate your house and yard this Christmas.
Bulk Holiday offers products from different season as well and has a nice selection of ornaments and other Christmas decorations.
Office Max, the Photo Center at Walmart and Kinko's can make ornaments for you, but give yourself enough time during the holidays to have it completed.
Not only are ornaments beautiful on a tree but they can hold special meaning as well.
This site is filled with ornaments from personalized Christmas designs to ones done in themes such as sports, Santa, animal or even food and drink.
Displaying cat Christmas ornaments and cards is a "purr-fect" way to combine your passion for felines with the spirit of the season.
If you share your home with cats, then you might enjoy expressing your holiday spirit this season by decking the halls with a few cat Christmas ornaments and cards.
Amusing and beautiful in their own right, cat Christmas ornaments and cards can also be wonderful additions to any animal lover's holiday setting.
Cat ornaments by Debbie Mumm will look good on your tree, and are suitable for display the whole year through.
Cat Christmas ornaments and cards are just one more thing you can use to add fun to the holiday festivities.
The ornaments can be a hazard because they are so tempting just hanging there.
Also, it would be a good idea to place your ornaments, tinsel and other tree decorations out of your cat's reach.
Choosing a play clay that can be baked in the oven is perfect for making homemade Christmas ornaments or other trinkets to give as gifts.
The exterior of the manor house is made of limestone and features many fanciful turrets, cupolas, and other Gothic ornaments.
A tree lovingly decorated with handmade ornaments by the kids and overflowing with ornaments gathered over decades of shared Christmases is utterly charming and works in any home.
For a formal tree, a light hand with the amount of ornaments is key.
The best ornaments are the handmade ones brought home from school and the ones that have been in your family forever.
When you put away your Christmas lights and ornaments, organize, organize, organize.
Go for plain red (almost maroon, rather than bright red) and gold (again, not bright gold, but muted, almost tarnished looking gold) bulbs for your tree - using these bulbs as the main ornaments is a good way to go.
Handmade ornaments that bring back happy family memories look great on Country design inspired Christmas trees, as does garland made of popcorn, candy canes, or cranberries.
Ornaments that have seen better days shine on a Country Christmas tree because they have that warm, lived in look that is associated with Country decorating.
Anything goes on a Country Christmas tree, and this is one case in which you don't have to be shy about how many ornaments to put on the tree.
The same holds true if you're creating a holiday centerpiece with Christmas tree ornaments and Santa motifs.
Silver candles, silver candle holders, silvery streams of ribbon, silver ornaments, and other objects can help your design have continuity.
For example, if you use glass candle sticks, you might want to add hand-blown ornaments, figurines or a glass bowl of ornaments.
Traditional Mexican folk art includes wooden carvings, statues, religious art and other hand crafted ornaments.
Walls are a great place to showcase traditional Mexican arts, crafts and other ornaments.
Napkins rings made of silver stars and strands of silver glitter wire decorations and streamers combined with small snowflake ornaments are just the right touch to offset sterling silver tableware and silverware.
A centerpiece other than flowers can be constructed out of everyday items mixed with Christmas decorations and ornaments.
Add a few frosted snowflake and silver bell ornaments.
Use large plumes of white feathers around your centerpiece and introduce silver and blue glassware and ornaments.
Choose ornaments that are reflective such as mirror, glass, crystal, and silver.
If you go this route then focus on silver and crystal ornaments.
Drape your chandelier in colorful swags, decorate it with ribbon or hang teardrop ornaments from it.
The countertops - Scented candles, soft stacked guest towels or a decorative apothecary jar filled with brightly colored ornaments (or better yet, little soaps shaped like ornaments) will add some pop and interest.
When posing in front of the tree, make sure your photo subjects don't block special ornaments or other must-see props, such as brightly wrapped gifts.
Scrapbook the process of decorating your home for the holidays, recording the history behind your favorite lights and ornaments.
There are specialty items such as hand-blown glass ornaments and items by local artists as well as warm Alpaca wool blankets.
This will make an elegant focal point for the room and ornaments can follow the theme or color scheme of your wedding.
Christmas wedding decorations can be done for little money; you can even pick up ornaments at dollar and discount stores store.
Provide small baskets of ornaments for guests to carry home as thank you gifts or leave on the tree.
Glass pickle ornaments are traditional German gifts.
Baskets filled with pinecones or gold and silver or metallic red or green Christmas ornaments will also fit in with your Christmas wedding decoration theme.
Decorate the wedding cake with small ornaments, ribbons or candy canes.
You can decorate your wedding cake with tiny Christmas presents, wrapped in gold and silver paper, or even add tiny Christmas trees complete with ornaments.
Speaking of ornaments-Look for gold, silver, red, or green ornaments in whatever style you prefer to decorate your table and cake.
Check out the decorated mint tins, miniature flower pots and leaf shaped ornaments.
Decorate them with simple glass ornaments; tying bows on the tree in the wedding colors looks lovely as well.
Silver wedding bells atop a mirror with a large red, blue, gold, or green bow are simple and festive centerpieces, or small craft trees, bowls of simple ornaments, or gingerbread houses are great options.
You may even want to place small and simple ornaments that follow your theme on the table.
After all, a busy bride and groom may not have time to sew 100 potholders or carve 200 wooden ornaments.
Favors by Serendipity offers plants, a unique "tears of joy" hanky, sachets, candles, ornaments, and more to give your wedding the touch of class you desire.
A more informal Christmas wedding may include some merrier elements, like round ball ornaments or candy canes, in the bouquet.
Lighted trees, candles, and garlands are perfect Christmas wedding decorations, but equally gorgeous are centerpieces of pine boughs and glass ornaments, miniature decorated trees, gingerbread houses, or candy cane bouquets.
Personalized ornaments, decorated cookies, mints, candy canes, and cocoas are popular winter wedding favors.
Ornaments are a typical favor at Christmas weddings.
Choose a set of pumpkin ornaments to give guests as a thank you for attending your wedding.
Christmas themed weddings will look spectacular with vases filled with round glass ornaments in red and green.
Make sure the lights are functional, and remove excess ornaments if they do not fit into the understated theme.
German wedding cakes are traditionally large and elaborate, decorated with beautiful ornaments.
Look for warm, plush quilts adorned with holiday artwork, like snowmen, snowflakes and ornaments.
During the holidays, use typical décor, like Christmas ornaments or Easter eggs, to the cake table.
Try a forest of stylized pine trees, a whimsical Santa sleigh, a snowflake covered cake, intricate and detailed ornaments, or a manger scene made in fondant or gum paste.
Then, add whatever candies or other embellishments you'd like to represent the ornaments.
Expect a lot of snowflakes, reindeer, elves, Santas, candy canes, ornaments, bells and trees to adorn these holiday pieces.
Bonnets were very common, and, like dresses, ranged from everyday cotton to a fancy, patterned bonnet with ornaments on it.
For the sports loving boy, try the Christmas tree tie sporting baseballs, basketballs and footballs as ornaments.
Ornaments and a wide selection of items used for decorations are commonly available for purchase at the holiday markets.
This year, why not add a little character to your holiday celebration with some dog angel Christmas ornaments!
Dog angel Christmas ornaments offer one more way to include your faithful friend in your family festivities, and they also make great gifts for other dog lovers.
These ornaments run the gamet from kitschy to traditional to fine collectible, so let's take a look at what's available.
You can probably find dog angel Christmas ornaments at many local department stores, card shops and pet supplies, so keep your eyes peeled as you're taking care of the rest of your holiday shopping.
For anyone who doesn't relish being elbow to elbow with other Christmas shoppers, we've found some terrific ornaments to tempt you with on the Internet.
The site sells pet headstones and Urns, but they also have a wonderful selection of Christmas ornaments that are sure to please.
CollectiblesToday.com offers a collection of truly lovely dog angel Christmas ornaments from the Bradford edition.
Choices include cut crystal and beadwork, elk horns and handmade glass ornaments.
Geometric styles like Celtic knots work well and so do calligraphic ornaments.
The bracelet, necklace and earrings are made up of tile ornaments that are framed with roped edging with a crystal center.
Panama Hat with Icon Ornaments is a dark grey natural straw hat with multi-color enamel and gold hardware.
Working with polymer clay to create picture frames, vases, holiday ornaments and many other types of small, useful objects.
Ten years earlier, in 1946, as all things vinyl and plastic were flying off shelves, the Union Products company developed a line of plastic lawn ornaments.
In 1956, the company hired Don Featherstone from the Worcester Art Museum school, to redesign their line of two-dimensional plastic lawn ornaments.
Using his sculpture, the company created aluminum molds and produced the first plastic pink flamingo lawn ornaments.
Suddenly, sales of the pink lawn ornaments as well as fashion featuring the birds, started climbing once again.
This doesn't mean the follow is simply passive - remaining alert and adding in embellishments and ornaments to whatever forms are indicated by the lead is a very challenging skill.
Dress it up by adding a few discreet, well-placed ornaments on the bun or near the temples.
Folded paper ornaments are an interesting twist on traditional origami projects.
By combining basic origami folds with skillful cutting, gluing, and stapling, you can design attractive ornaments that are truly one-of-a-kind creations.
The Origami Resource Center has a page with several different ideas for folded Christmas tree ornaments.
Martha Stewart suggests making ornaments that can double as party favors.
If you're looking for more ornament ideas, keep in mind that many basic origami projects can easily be adapted for use as ornaments.
Since paper ornaments are easy to make and very inexpensive, you can create ornaments for any type of special occasion.
You can also try adding glitter, beads, charms, or fancy ribbons to make the ornaments more unique.
A tree is the traditional way to display ornaments, but you don't necessarily need to dig your Christmas tree out of the attic.
A tree branch placed in a large flowerpot filled with polished river rocks makes a great display area for ornaments as well.
If you don't have the space for a tree, you can try joining several ornaments together to make a mobile to hang from the ceiling.
Hearts are the perfect folded paper ornaments for Valentine's Day, anniversaries and birthdays of loved ones.
There are a number of easy and enjoyable holiday paper crafts that can double as Christmas ornaments, table decorations, or gift attachments.
Origami Christmas ornaments are designed to be hung from a Christmas tree.
You can also attach small origami ornaments to wrapped gifts.
Eclectic Homeschool Online has an extensive list of Christmas origami links, including several patterns for holiday ornaments.
Perhaps making origami ornaments will even become a new holiday tradition in your family.
Making figures into paper origami ornaments is an excellent use for models.
Change out the hanging ornaments with each season to showcase your best figures.
Although ornaments are typically associated with Christmas, they can truly be any origami figure.
A cohesive theme will help tie the group of ornaments together.
Finally, consider making a variety of ornaments using the same paper design or color for a unified look.
When making origami paper ornaments, many diagrams or instructions may call for using glue, tape or other mediums in addition to the paper.
It is perfectly acceptable to dress up the ornaments to suit your tastes.
Origami ornaments are a frugal way to create a décor scheme without a spending a lot of money on purchased ornaments.
Hang the ornaments from a small tree or branch, or in windows and entryways to greet guests.
Make ornaments like origami stars, poinsettias and angels for hanging on a tree.
Hanukkah is another winter holiday, so if your family celebrates this Jewish holiday, consider making Star of David ornaments.
Foil paper makes bright shiny paper ball ornaments that can stay up through New Year's.
Birds, bugs, butterflies and pinwheels are also excellent summer ornaments to fold.
Add pretty origami flowers to a tree with folded paper ornaments.
Instead of making simple figures, consider folding 3D origami ornaments or devising complex geometric designs.
Paper origami ornaments are the perfect home decoration for any origami enthusiast.
Origami ornaments offer a way to dress up a home while highlighting your folding skills.
Making birds into origami ornaments is another option for those who enjoy decorating their home with origami figures.
A ninja star can be used as hanging ornaments, for role playing, or as a simple rainy day activity.
Use fishing line to hang the models from the ceiling or turn them into unique Christmas tree ornaments.
If you're feeling extremely creative, tuck a few origami hearts into the branches of a Christmas tree decorated with origami ornaments.
Golden Gate Bridge ornaments are available during the holiday season, and books, postcards and DVDs are available year-round.
You'll also find glass or ribbon ornaments to embellish fancy dresses and other apparel.
Stack candles next to tall vases filled with assorted Christmas ball ornaments.
One interesting twist on the Christmas centerpiece with candles theme is to use your favorite candlesticks and candle holders as display bases for Christmas ornaments.
Schools and youth groups, for example often hold catalog sales of Christmas cards, ornaments, wrapping paper and other items each shortly after the school year begins.
In addition, ask parishioners to create religious ornaments.
Proving the best Christmas decoration is the one you make yourself, creative people make their own wreaths, ornaments, garland, stockings and anything else they can think of.
The trend lately has been to inflate large bulbous lawn ornaments each holiday season.
There's nothing wrong with inflatable Christmas ornaments, if that's your preference.
Typical decorations include bows, candles, lights, round ornaments, and a star at the top of the tree.
Sweden. The Swedish tree is unveiled on Christmas Eve, decorated with straw ornaments and animals.
They can be found on Christmas cards, window decorations, ornaments, and on wrapping paper.
Layered outlines are particular good for displaying a large number of ornaments.
Adding hobby ornaments to the wreath, like miniature motorcycles or purses/shoes.
Others are made up of only ornaments or present boxes.
Homemade ornaments are another easy idea for decorating.
Written by Frank Peretti, this book is the charming story of how Daniel and his mother must sell a box of old Christmas ornaments to help pay the rent after the family falls on hard times.
Most people can't look at a Christmas tree, stockings hung by the fire, or other types of Christmas ornaments without thinking about celebrating the season.
For many people, glass Christmas ornaments embody the warmth, mystery, and cheerfulness of this holiday.
Whether you love simple glass spheres, art glass balls, or traditional handmade and handpainted glass ornaments, you'll find something to lift your spirits each Christmas.
In 1847, his descendent, another Hans Greiner, began making glass ornaments shaped like fruits and nuts.
His unique process combined hand-blowing and molds, and he silvered the inside of the ornaments with mercury or lead.
By the 1870s, German glass Christmas ornaments were being exported to other parts of Europe.
They were especially popular in Britain, after a London newspaper printed an illustration of Queen Victoria's Christmas tree decorated with glass ornaments.
After World War II, the glassmakers of Eastern Germany stopped producing ornaments.
Families who came to North America from Germany and England often brought their glass ornaments with them, but glass Christmas ornaments only became widely popular after 1880.
Woolworth imported German-made ornaments to sell in his stores, where they were displayed on small trees made of dyed goose feathers.
By 1890, the Woolworth stores sold $25 million worth of ornaments annually.Japan began producing large quantities of glass Christmas ornaments in 1925, designed especially for export.
Czechoslovakia also began producing beautiful and complex ornaments at about the same time.
More than 250 million glass Christmas ornaments were imported into the United States in 1935.
U.S. manufacturers did not begin making ornaments until 1939, when war broke out in Europe.
Today, we cannot imagine Christmas without beautiful glass ornaments.
Whether we buy packages of simple glass balls, collect handmade treasures, or make our own, glass Christmas ornaments are part of our seasonal celebrations.
Your favorite ornaments should be displayed where pets and children cannot bump into them and winds cannot dislodge them.
Many families own some unbreakable ornaments for children to put on the Christmas tree and allow only adults to handle the heirlooms.
Don't display painted glass ornaments in direct sunlight.
Your ornaments may look dusty by the end of the Christmas season, but resist the impulse to wash them.
Remember that most glass Christmas ornaments are painted on the exterior, and the paint is often water-soluble.
Store your glass Christmas ornaments carefully.
These conditions can cause stress fractures in glass, so store your ornaments in a location with stable temperatures and humidity levels, like a closet.
One layer of ornaments in the box is ideal; two layers is tolerable.
Multiple layers of ornaments increase the risk of breakage.
After all your cherished glass Christmas ornaments are wrapped and boxed, be sure to handle the boxes carefully when you move them.
If you enjoy unique Christmas ornaments, consider making your decorations themed.
Instead, take something you are interested in and find ornaments for your tree that relate back to that theme.
For a really different idea, consider doing several smaller trees throughout your home with ornaments relating to different themes.
To find unique Christmas ornaments for themed trees, stop into specialty stores during the holiday season or look at online Christmas shops.
Another way to get unique Christmas themed ornaments is to create your own.
While you can start from scratch, you can also turn other household items into ornaments.
To make musical ornaments, find old sheet music.
Take gold glitter glue and make lines across red ball ornaments.
With the holiday season being extremely hectic, not everyone has time to create their own unique Christmas ornaments.
Instead, find places that stock unusual and extraordinary ornaments for you to buy.
Christmas Decorations & Gifts Store stocks a variety of unique ornaments, helpfully sorted by theme.
Christmas at the Lake has themed ornaments for categories that include whimsical ornaments and "manly man" ornaments.
TracyTrends sells egg ornaments with Americana and patriotic themes.
A Christmas Ornament has specially made ornaments revolving around American government.
No matter what kind of theme you choose for your tree, you are sure to find unique Christmas ornaments to decorate it with.
And Christmas trees are often accented with an array of beautifully wrapped packages below in complementary colors to the ornaments.
Do I want to keep all my ornaments made of one material (cotton, glass, wood, metal) or will I mix up materials?
How much am I willing to spend on antique Christmas ornaments?
How do I feel about "antique-style" ornaments versus more modern touches?
To get the best deals, be on the lookout for ornaments all year 'round.
You may find several antique or vintage Christmas ornaments packed away with the moth balls.
Once you have found antique Christmas tree ornaments, you can add other antique items to the tree display.
Rustic Christmas ornaments can lend a certain charm to your holiday decorations this year.
If you love a country or pastoral theme in your home décor, rustic ornaments can fit into that style and bring in some simple holiday cheer.
By using holiday ornaments to give your home a little rustic Christmas flavor, even city dwellers can bring some country charm into their lives.
If you're having a difficult time finding rustic ornaments locally, there are several online retailers who carry this type of décor.
Even if you don't already own family heirlooms, you can still have a rustic Christmas by making your own ornaments.
To fashion original ornaments that are uniquely yours, visit your local craft stores for materials.
One of the nicer aspects of making your own ornaments is allowing your full creativity to flow; your designs don't have to be perfect.
If you truly want to make rustic ornaments from scratch, look in your home and backyard for items.
Placing rustic Christmas ornaments on a live tree will lend a homey aspect to your holiday season.
Christmas ornament collectors welcome the season each year with the release of a new line of Hallmark Limited Keepsake Ornaments.
In fact, the number one reason people decorate with ornaments, according to research conducted by Hallmark, is to commemorate a milestone.
Hallmark, a company known worldwide for putting sentiment to paper, first crafted holiday ornaments in 1973.
Each of the ornaments featured that year were one-of-a-kind, and available for a limited time.
The company has created more than 3,000 individual Keepsake Ornaments.
Deidre Parkes of Hallmark shared with LoveToKnow Christmas the history of ornaments, their appeal, and what happens with "misfit ornaments."
Keepsake Ornaments that have sound, light and motion do well as well as perennial favorites such as Barbie and Star Wars and Star Trek.
There is only one collection offered each year, it is the same everywhere you find Keepsake Ornaments including online and in-store.
Have you heard of people using the ornaments for occasions other than the holidays?
Many of the Keepsake Ornaments are related to a hobby or activity that is important to someone, and they like to keep them up all year long.
Is there a stash of "misfit ornaments" somewhere?
No. Hallmark Keepsake Ornaments are year-dated and only offered for one year, so those that are not sold are destroyed in order to protect their value.
Read more about the history of Christmas ornaments.
Fill clear glass ball ornaments from your local dollar store with rolled strips of wrapping paper to create customized tree décor.
LoveToKnow Crafts has many suggestions for creating handmade Christmas tree ornaments.
The ornaments on the Christmas trees in the United States were generally homemade, often created by children in anticipation of the Christmas holiday.
You know…those reindeer ornaments that are missing a leg or two, or that handmade ornament that has lost some of its glitter.
The pleasure families derive from pulling out those old ornaments and reminiscing about where each one came from is worth the sometimes shabby condition you'll find some of them in.
Whether your neighborhood or town is hosting a "most beautiful Christmas tree" contest, or you want to enter your tree into a photo shoot, you can certainly decorate a gorgeous tree if you have the right ornaments and other decorations.
You can have the most beautiful ornaments in the world, but if your tree is scrawny and odd-shaped, you'll have trouble competing for the coveted title of best decorated tree.
For example, use lots of bleached seashells, soft ribbons, etc. for an ocean theme, or create a musical tree with a variety of gold and/or silver instrument shaped ornaments.
A tree decorated with crystal ornaments can be pricey, but how beautiful it will look in the dark as the lights shimmer and shine through each crystal decoration.
A woodsy tree can be covered in natural ornaments, such as nuts, fruit, pine cones, Sometimes, the more unusual the tree, the better its appearance and appeal.
When you make your own Christmas ornaments, you can be confident that your tree will earn rave reviews from your family and friends.
Have the kids color them in with crayons to make ornaments for the tree.
Twist together red and white chenille stems to make cute candy cane ornaments.
Use glitter glue to add swirls, words, or fun designs to plain ball ornaments purchased from your local discount store.
Family Fun magazine also has a number of suggestions for Christmas ornaments that kids can make with minimal adult supervision.
Make a batch of popcorn balls, then wrap them in colorful cellophane to use as handmade Christmas tree ornaments.
If you're going to decorate a tree that is outside, use pinecones, peanut butter, and suet to make edible ornaments for the birds.
Photo ornaments make it easy to create a tree that's uniquely you.
Recycle unwanted CDs by turning them into customized ornaments for your tree.
If you're not crafty, or simply lack the patience to make your own Christmas tree decorations, you can buy handmade ornaments at various craft shows in your community.
In most areas, crafters begin selling Christmas ornaments in mid-September.
Another great way to find unique ornaments for your tree is to browse the selection of handmade items on Etsy.
Check out LoveToKnow Crafts for suggestions on making ornaments, holiday décor, and handmade Christmas gifts.
Today, manufacturers produce holiday greenery that is full and lush, looks and feels like you just cut it that morning, and displays Christmas ornaments prominently.
If you have more modern tastes, then enjoy this year's trend towards brighter, vibrant ornaments in non-traditional Christmas colors like deep pink, blue, and lime green.
Crafted from classic materials such as red velvet and rich embroidery, our ornaments and tree skirts are detailed with classic touches to add a timeless elegance to any tree.
I decorate it with a collection of ornaments which were passed down to me, and vary the look each year with different embellishing touches such as bows, garlands, or using a different tree topper.
I'm going to decorate with white and clear ornaments, clear lights, and white and silver ribbon.
Check out Balsam Hill's collection of skirts and ornaments.
Christmas tree storage solutions are something that people often forget about in the rush to buy ornaments and gifts.
Most of the solutions listed require the tree be cleared of ornaments and taken apart.
Without the case, ornaments, ribbons and Christmas lights will get dusty, making the tree hard to clean.
Hanging a bunch of ornaments, garland and tinsel on a tree without any thought can look sloppy.
A tree does not have to have a specific theme, but most people tend to coordinate similar styles of Christmas ornaments and decorations.
From rustic ornaments to wild bird decorations to Hallmark Christmas ornaments, a theme will become clear to anyone who sees the tree.
An animal lover may choose to hang pictures of Fido and Fluffy on their tree, complete with miniature bone ornaments.
Small ribbons can be curled and attached to plain ball ornaments for some extra pizzazz.
Hang ornaments that are silver and white.
Put ornaments with similar themes on the tree, spacing them evenly between the bulbs.
Try to adjust one or two ornaments at a time.
Children who enjoy decorating the tree will not notice if their parents adjust the ornaments slightly after they have gone to bed.
Heather Shepardson is the CEO of the Christopher Radko company, maker of fine holiday ornaments and decorations.
After years of struggling to keep delicate ornaments secure on tree branches and wreaths or seeing them broken on the ground because of a flimsy ornament hook, Heather created a new type of ornament clip.
The clips come in several decorative styles and keep all your ornaments, including those most precious, from falling off the tree or wreath.
The patent-pending Sure Grip Clips are probably the best option for keep ornaments secure from children or pets.
Regular old hooks just slide over the tree branch, and if pulled, easily come off, along with the precious ornaments.
For example, no matter how fun it would be to have individuals acting as ornaments on a 30 ft. high Christmas tree, it's probably not the safest idea.
Often Koreans will create paper ornaments or decorate their trees with popcorn.
Holiday-themed items will be slashed the most, so pick up some generic Christmas ornaments, candles, snowglobes or figurines for next year's gift exchanges, teacher presents or gifts for neighbors.
Add lyrics as greetings to your Christmas cards or family letters, or sing into recordable cards or ornaments as gifts.
People didn't always decorate their trees with plastic balls or ornaments featuring licensed characters.
Each state and territory sends handmade ornaments to be used to decorate its tree each year.
Have your children pick out their favorite ornaments.
If you have small children, you might want to steer them toward the less delicate ornaments.
This designated spot is all theirs to go crazy decorating any way they want with their ornaments.
Instead of numbers and letters, write down colors like "gold bulb" or names of your ornaments like angel or silver star.
Trim the Tree - This is a game for children in which they get to pick and choose the ornaments to add to their virtual tree.
Whether a live evergreen or a modern synthetic version, the tree is elaborately festooned with lights, ornaments and garlands.
These wreaths are adorned with ribbons, ornaments and even lights.
Add tree ornaments that reflect the style of the heritage.
Pictures of Decorated Christmas Trees shows many evergreens with dazzling displays of ornaments, lights, baubles, natural items, and more.
Use ribbon as a tree topper, unfurl it across the branches vertically or horizontally, or hang some of your favorite ornaments with it.
There's a plywood cutout tree, a LED tree, and a tree made with a ladder, some lights, and a few ornaments.
Homemade Christmas ornaments are fun for the whole family.
Even very young children can make ornaments, and seasoned craftspeople can make elegant and complex ornaments.
Homemade ornaments can be made from a variety of materials.
Many ornaments can be created without any special supplies or equipment.
You can make homemade Christmas ornaments from a range of materials, many of which can be found around the house or in your craft or scrap box.
At your local library, you'll be able to find many magazines and books with ideas and designs for Christmas ornaments.
In addition, craft websites offer many ideas, templates and instructions for homemade Christmas ornaments.
Christmas lawn ornaments can be inflatable and bouncy, elegant and charming, or colorful and electric.
Because decorating for the holidays is such a popular notion, there's really no limit to what you can find for Christmas lawn ornaments.
You'll find these types of ornaments at home supply stores, some hardware stores, and on sites like Christmas Lights Etc.
If you really want Christmas lawn ornaments that are different from everyone else on the block, there are a few things to consider.
The tree ornaments may be homemade or perhaps simple, such as balls and tinsel.
Before Christmas, stores are full of beautiful ornaments and trimmings, but if your budget is tight you can decorate your tree with homemade ornaments.
You may want to choose a theme or a color scheme for your tree, but you can also have a beautiful tree that simply displays an eclectic collection of ornaments gathered over the years by you and your family.
Themed Christmas tree ideas use ornaments with a unifying element.
Collect small angel figures and ornaments and hang them from your tree.
Angel ornaments are made of glass, straw, bamboo, tin, plastic, fabric, wood and other materials.
Mexican straw and tin ornaments are relatively easy to find in the Southwestern United States and online.
Collect ornaments that feature a favorite character or characters from a series of animated features.
It is quite easy to find ornaments that feature Disney characters like Winnie the Pooh or Mickey Mouse and friends.
You can decorate your tree with ornaments handmade by your family or, if your budget permits, you can invest in beautiful handcrafted ornaments.
Few Christmas trees are complete without some spectacular Christmas tree ornaments.
While garland, tree toppers and tinsel are pretty, hanging ornaments is a common decorative touch that completes the decorations on the tree.
Hallmark Christmas ornaments are a tradition for many families to hang on their tree, as the quality and variety is perfect for almost anyone looking for decorations.
Christopher Radko ornaments are another popular brand that can be found virtually anywhere holiday decorations are sold.
Retailers often market their own Christmas ornaments for trees, which can help cut the costs of Christmas decorating.
Consider mixing up the more expensive brand ornaments with some generic round ball ornaments to complete the Christmas tree.
Christmas ornaments for trees come in a wide variety of styles.
Round ball ornaments are perhaps the most popular style of tree ornaments, but ovals, stars and icicles are also commonly-used shapes for ornaments.
Finally, licensed characters, such as Disney characters or movie characters, are common choices for figurine ornaments.
Homemade Christmas ornaments are an excellent decorative choice for a Christmas tree.
Fabric ornaments can also be easily made using holiday-themed fabrics.
Homemade food ornaments, such as hanging gingerbread men or popcorn balls, add a rustic touch to any tree.
Glass ornaments add a luxurious touch to any tree.
However, be sure to keep small children and animals away from the tree so that these ornaments are not shattered, and position them high up the tree.
Ornaments that have been passed down through the years add a vintage touch to any Christmas tree.
Hang Christmas ornaments on a tree that have special meaning to everyone in the family.
If you do not have vintage ornaments, purchase them from antique and collectible shops to begin your nostalgic ornament collection.
Religious ornaments are a wonderful addition to a tree during Christmas.
The religious ornaments may deal directly with Christ's birth or simply represent favorite stories from the Bible.
Personalized Christmas ornaments are a favorite choice for many people.
Many ornaments can be custom ordered to have someone's first or last name on them.
Family ornaments with personalization are also common, such as a snowmen family with everyone's cap featuring someone's name.
Photo ornaments are another way to personalize a tree hanging.
Get the scoop on Christmas tree ornaments from the LoveToKnow editors in the list of the Top 10 Christmas Ornaments Web Sites.
LoveToKnow recommends 10 places to learn about ornaments and 10 places to shop for ornaments across the Internet in this article list.
Angel Christmas ornaments are an important part of celebrating Christmas, because holy angels announced Jesus' birth to the world.
Whether your holiday will have a modern, traditional or a vintage Christmas theme, include angel Christmas decorations and ornaments for an enchanting, symbolic touch.
Consider both the style and the color of your tree, your other Christmas ornaments, and your holiday decor in general when choosing a tree-top Angel Christmas Ornament to coordinate with your home's Christmas theme.
Nearly every discount and department store carries angel Christmas ornaments during the holiday season, and some fine jewelers and crystal retailers create high-quality, annual collections of angel ornaments, too.
Waterford Crystal is well-known for its annual ornament collection, including a series of angels, and The Bradford Exchange carries heirloom-quality angel ornaments as well.
Import stores, estate sales, and dollar stores are also good sources for angel ornaments that are different from the usual traditional choices.
If you want to fill your tree with inexpensive but attractive angel ornaments, check out online import shops that carry several styles of ornaments at great prices every year.
Make your own angel ornaments by dressing small fashion dolls from a craft or discount store in long, satin doll gowns and gluing a length of ribbon folded in half to form a hanger to tie on the tree.
Better yet, encourage your children to help you make the angel ornaments.
The best angel Christmas ornaments become treasured family heirlooms over time.
Pink Christmas ornaments can coordinate with home décor or give a girly touch to a special Christmas tree.
Bright pink ornaments can also give a tree a contemporary or tropical flair, or to celebrate your baby girl's first Christmas.
There is an abundance of flamingo ornaments.
For ballet buffs and little girls who dream of wearing pink ballet tutus, there are lots of ballet-themed Christmas ornaments.
Hallmark has produced Barbie keepsake ornaments over the years.
For lovers of all things porcine, there are lots of pink pig Christmas ornaments.
You may want to celebrate your baby girl's first Christmas with a single pink Christmas ornament, or you may want to decorate a little tree especially for her with pink Christmas ornaments.
If you are simply looking for pink ornaments without a particular theme in mind, there are lots of possibilities.
There are a lot of possibilities for decorating your tree with pink Christmas ornaments.
Beaded Christmas ornaments will twinkle and glow by catching and reflecting the light from your Christmas tree, candles, and fireplace.
Styles of beaded ornaments vary as much as styles of Christmas tree décor.
You may want an arts-and-crafts feel to your tree with bright, multi-colored beaded ornaments.
Beaded ornaments with elaborate strands of beads draped to hang from their centers will give your Victorian tree a vintage charm.
If you are simply looking for a Christmas project to keep your children busy on a snowy day, the beaded ornaments you help them to create will make wonderful family heirlooms for years to come.
You can often find beaded Christmas ornaments in import shops, such as Cost Plus, or even thrift shops.
You may find some of the most beautiful beaded ornaments at these shops, but you will usually pay a premium price.
The least expensive way to make your own beaded Christmas ornaments is to use either Styrofoam balls or old ornaments that have lost their charm and cover them in beads.
To create your own beaded ornaments, hold your ornament by the hanging loop if there is one, or create your own in a Styrofoam ball by pushing the center of a six-inch length of ribbon firmly into the ball with a sewing pin.
Combine your beaded ornaments with other homemade Christmas ornaments for a rustic Christmas.
Measure your ornaments at their widest circumference before buying your fringe, and multiply that measurement by the number of ornaments you plan to make to determine how much fringe you need to buy.
For super easy fringed ornaments, buy double-sided tape at the craft store.
Whether you buy or make your own beaded ornaments by hand, your tree is sure to be a unique and a beautiful sight to behold this Christmas.
We like the fact that Christmas decorating is a time for heartwarming surprises when relatives and friends unwrap vintage ornaments with engraved greetings.
Christmas ornaments make wonderful collections.
Instead of cluttering up tables all year long like figurine or doll collections, Christmas ornaments are carefully packed away most of the year.
Engraved ornaments can be very effective at marking special occasions, like a couple's first married Christmas together, or a baby's first Christmas.
Engraved Christmas ornaments make great heirloom pieces.
Themed ornaments are also available, so if your loved one collects potbellied pig ornaments or enjoys chubby, cherubic Santas, it shouldn't be hard to find something appropriate.
Choose ornaments that are large enough to contain the message you want to add.
It features a dog eyeing a tree filled with hanging ornaments in the shape of human backsides.
The beauty of German folk art ornaments made Christmas trees a magical sight in the middle of the dreary East Coast winters.