Ornamental Sentence Examples
As garden plants the aconites are very ornamental, hardy perennials.
This is printed on an ornamental title-page.
It is well engraved in Richardson's Studies of Ornamental Design.
Many of the ornamental processes which we admire in Venetian glass were already in use in this century.
Coloured and ornamental glass held among them much the same place for table services, vessels for toilet use and the like, as that held among us by porcelain.
Behind it was a windy pedestrian plaza with an ornamental pool and a fountain.
Species of Ipomaea (morning glory), Convolvulus and Calystegia are cultivated as ornamental plants.
There were paths through these gardens, and over some of the brooks were ornamental glass bridges.
Pottery is manufactured on a small scale; ornamental carvings are made in Maltese stone and exported to a limited extent.
They are much cultivated as ornamental plants, especially in public buildings and gardens, for their stiff, rugged habit.
AdvertisementAs garden plants the Phyllocacti are amongst the most ornamental of the whole family, being of easy culture, free blooming and remarkably showy, the colour of the flowers ranging from rich crimson, through rosepink to creamy white.
These properties are most highly developed in the substance known as jet, which is a variety of cannel found in the lower oolitic strata of Yorkshire, and is almost entirely used for ornamental purposes, the whole quantity produced near Whitby, together with a further supply from Spain, being manufactured into articles of jewellery at that town.
It was afterwards, with various changes, adopted in all succeeding styles of architecture as a basis of ornamental decoration.
One Oriental species (Sciurus caniceps) presents almost the only known instance among mammals of the assumption during the breeding season of a distinctly ornamental coat, corresponding to the breeding plumage of birds.
To the east is the Schlossteich, a long narrow ornamental lake covering 12 acres.
AdvertisementThe state has made great advances, too, in the production of flowers, ornamental plants, nursery products, fruits, vegetables, poultry and eggs.
Assiut is famous for its red and black pottery and for ornamental wood and ivory work, which find a ready market all over Egypt.
On account of their regular form they have been used, threaded on wire, for making ornamental baskets.
Under this system the plan of 1848 was carried out more completely, every department of state being placed under one or other of the ministries in Paris, whilst the governorgeneral became little more than an ornamental personage.
This appendage is merely a fold of the skin, ornamental and sexual; it has no cavity in its interior, and has no communication with the mouth or with the respiratory organs; it is supported by the posterior horns of the hyoid bone, and can be erected and spread at the will of the animal.
AdvertisementBetel nuts have been used by turners for ornamental purposes, and for coat buttons on account of the beauty of their structure.
In England the tree grows well in warm situations, but suffers much in severe winters - its graceful form rendering it ornamental in the park or garden, where it sometimes grows 30 or 40 ft.
On one side of the inner court, to which a finely ornamental doorway gives access, is a large hall with a vaulted ceiling of stone, 20 ft.
Zanesville is an important centre for tha manufacture of art and domestic pottery, plain and ornamental tile, building and paving bricks, and other clay products.
At Blacksod Bay the granite has been quarried as an ornamental stone.
AdvertisementThe smaller.specimens are quite plain, but the larger ones are gilt and generally of a highly ornamental character.
Its houses are of the usual central American type, constructed of adobe, rarely more than one storey high, and surrounded by courtyards with ornamental gateways.
Limestones and dolomites suitable for building purposes are obtained chiefly in Montgomery, Chester and Lancaster counties, and even these are generally rejected for ornamental work on account of their colour, which is usually bluish, grey or mottled.
The Landza of Nepal, however, is certainly not the origin of the Tibetan letter, but rather an ornamental development of the parent letter.
There are Armenian and Catholic churches, but the most beautiful building is a medresse erected in the 12th century by the Seljuks, with ornamental doorway and two graceful minarets known as the Chifte Minare.
The young lack the ornamental plume, and in them the head and neck are clothed with short black feathers, while the bill is yellow.
A considerable portion of the north wall is usually covered in front with the glazed structures called forcing-houses, and to these the houses for ornamental plants are sometimes attached; but a more appropriate site for the latter is the flower garden, when that forms a separate department.
For the latter walls are much more convenient and suitable than a boarded fence, but in general these are too low to be of much value as aids to cultivation, and they are best covered with bush fruits or with ornamental plants of limited growth.
These include all those structures which are more intimately associated with the growth of ornamental plants and flowers, and comprise conservatory, plant stove, greenhouse and the subsidiary pits and frames.
They are best, nevertheless, when grapes and ornamental plants are grown in the same house, except, indeed, in very wet and cold districts, where, in consequence of its greater warmth, the lean-to is to be preferred.
Somewhat heavy loam y are best for potting pine apples, for melons and strawberries, fruit trees in pots, &c., and may be used with the addition of manures only; but for ornamental plants a loam of a somewhat freer texture is preferable and more pleasant to work.
It any state most plants feed greedily upon it, and when pure or free from decaying wood or sticks it is a very safe ingredient in composts; but it is so liable to generate fungus, and the mycelium or spawn of certain fungi is so injurious to the roots of trees, attacking them if at all sickly or weakened by drought, that many cultivators prefer not' to mix leaf-mould with the soil used for permanent plants, as peaches or choice ornamental trees.
It is perhaps of most importance as the principal means of propagating our hardy kinds of fruit, especially the apple and the pear; but the process is the same with most other fruits and ornamental hardy trees and shrubs that are thus propagated.
In transplanting trees of the ornamental class, less need be attempted in respect to providing new soil, although the soil should be made as congenial as practicable.
Nowadays, however, quite large trees, chiefly of an ornamental character, and perhaps weighing several tons, are lifted with a large ball of soil attached to the roots, by means of a special tree-lifting machine, and are readily transferred from one part of the garden to another, or even for a distance of several miles, without serious injury.
When plants are required to stand in ornamental china pots or vases, it is better, both for the plants and for avoiding risk of breakage, to grow them in ordinary garden pots of a size that will drop into the more valuable vessels.
To obviate this defect, it has been recommended that ornamental plants should be formed into four or five separate suites of flowering, to be distributed over the garden.
Hardy bulbs of the garlic family, some species of which are ornamental; the inflorescence is umbellate.
A very large family of autumn-blooming composites, including some ornamental species, all of the easiest culture.
There are many very ornamental kinds.
P. alpinum, 6 in., white with yellow centre; P. nudicaule, i ft., yellow, scented, and P. pilosum, i to 2 ft., deep orange, are ornamental smaller kinds.
Ornamental strong-growing perennials requiring much space.
P. Parthenium eximium, 2 ft., is a handsome double white form of ornamental character for the mixed border; P. uliginosum, 5 to 6 ft., has fine large, white, radiate flowers in October; P. Tchihatchewii, a close-growing, dense evergreen, creeping species, with long-stalked, white flower-heads, is adapted for covering slopes in lieu of turf, and for rockwork.
Distinct liliaceous plants with bold ornamental leaves regularly folded and plaited.
The Speedwell family, containing many ornamental members; all the hardy species are of the easiest cultivation in ordinary garden soil.
We can only afford space here for lists of some of the better and more useful and ornamental trees and shrubs, old and new.
See that the ornamental plants and trees are not injured by heavy weights of ice or snow.
Thus ornamental iron castings were made in Sussex in the 14th century, and in the 16th cannons weighing three tons each were cast.
Thus thick machinery castings usually contain between 1.50 and 2.25% of silicon, whereas thin castings and ornamental ones which must reproduce the finest details of the mould accurately may have as much as 3 or even 3.4 0% of it.
Attached to it are schools for the study of architecture, ornamental drawing and modelling.
In the middle of the ruins are the scattered remains of a synagogue of richly ornamental style built of black basalt.
It grows luxuriantly in the south of Ireland, where it was introduced in 1798, and also flourishes on the west coast of Scotland, and is generally cultivated as an ornamental garden plant in Europe.
Of the numerous works of art discovered in the course of the excavations the statues and large works of sculpture, whether in marble or bronze, are inferior to those found at Herculaneum, but some of the bronze statuettes are of exquisite workmanship, while the profusion of ornamental works and objects in bronze and the elegance of their design, as well as the finished beauty of their execution, are such as to excite the utmost admiration - more especially when it is considered that these are the casual results of the examination of a second-rate provincial town, which had, further, been ransacked for valuables (as Herculaneum had not) after the eruption of 79.
These tombs are in many instances monuments of considerable pretension, and of a highly ornamental character, and naturally present in the highest degree the peculiar advantage common to all that remains of Pompeii, in their perfect preservation.
The tea bush or tree is a member of the natural order Ternstroemiaceae and is closely allied to the well-known ornamental shrub the camellia.
Many coloured and variegated chalcedonies are cut and polished as ornamental stones, and are described under special headings.
The natives round the Cameroon estuary are clever carvers of wood, and make highly ornamental figure heads for their canoes, which also sometimes show very fine workmanship. In the interior the people use the wild-growing cotton and fibres of plants to manufacture coarse drapery and plait-work.
This people had dwelt in the Aegean from the Stone Age, and, though still in the Bronze Age at the Achaean conquest, had made great advances in the useful and ornamental arts.
A winding passage leads through the ornamental doorway into the court, in the centre of which is a fountain shaded with palm-trees.
The design of these entrance gateways is extremely simple and massive, depending for their effect on the fine ashlar masonry in which they are built, the decoration being more or less confined to ornamental disks.
There is at Cairo and in other towns a considerable industry in ornamental wood and metal work, inlaying with ivory and pearl, brass trays, copper vessels, gold and silver ornaments, &c. At Cairo and in the Fayum, attar of roses and other perfumes are manufactured.
The law in regard to images, which in this connexion include pictures and stained-glass windows, but not sculptured effigies on monuments or merely ornamental work, is contained in various judicial decisions, and is not defined by statute.
To effect the rescue of these incidents, he boldly admits the forgeries in the registers, abandons all the traditional dates, throws over Tschudi's account, and regards the shooting by Tell of the apple from his son's head as an "ornamental addition" to the tale.
Their initial expense and the high cost of working preclude their general use, and they are consequently reserved to a great extent for specially heavy constructional work and ornamental finishing joinery.
It is very suitable for constructional and engineering works, and it supplies one of the finest woods for ornamental joinery work.
On account of its scarcity it is little used for building purposes, except for ornamental joinery, being more used by the cabinet and furniture maker.
The Spanish wood has a darker colour and richer figure than the Honduras, and is therefore preferred for ornamental j oinery work.
Birds'-eye maple has a peculiar curly grain, and is much in request for ornamental joinery.
The Corporation Park and Queen's Park are well laid out, and contain ornamental waters.
As an ornamental feature in landscapes, it is worthy of notice; and the pleasing shelter it affords and the beauty of its blossoms have frequently been alluded to by poets.
In the medieval period it was used to some extent in the shape of thin sheeting for roofs, as at St Mark's, Venice; while during the 16th and 17th centuries it was largely employed for ornamental domestic vessels of various sorts.
The abundance in which iron is found in so many places, its great strength, its remarkable ductility and malleability in a red-hot state, and the ease with which two heated surfaces of iron can be welded together under the hammer combine to make it specially suitable for works on a large scale where strength with lightness are required - things such as screens, window-grills, ornamental hinges and the like.
In the ornamental iron-work for doors the French smiths were pre-eminent for the richness of design and skilful treatment of their metal.
The crockets and finials on the fleches of Amiens and Rheims are beautiful specimens of a highly ornamental treatment of cast lead, for which France was especially celebrated.
The ornamental bronzes and brasses are generally lacquered, though in engineers' machinery they are as a rule not protected with any coating.
For ornamental work lacquering divides favour with colouring - sometimes done with coloured lacquers, but often with chemical colourings, of which the copper and iron salts are the chief basis.
The sela is gaudier and more ornamental generally; it is worn by the nobles and wealthier classes.
Ornamental metal-work is made at Benares.
In addition to native trees many others - especially ornamental species - have been successfully introduced from various parts of the world.
These characteristics were naturally emphasized in the Aramaic writing on papyrus which, beginning about 500 B.C., during the Persian sovereignty in Egypt, lasted on there till about zoo B.C. The gradual development of this script into the square Hebrew, and the more ornamental writing of Palmyra, may be traced in the works of Berger and Lidzbarski.'
Some species afford valuable timber; such are Acacia melanoxylon, black wood of Australia, which attains a great size; its wood is used for furniture, and takes a high polish; and Acacia homalophylla (also Australian), myall wood, which yields a fragrant timber, used for ornamental purposes.
The plants are rapidly-growing, hardy, ornamental climbers, which flourish in common garden soil, and are readily propagated by cuttings.
But such paintings are rather illustrative than decorative, and the only strictly ornamental adjuncts are the frames in which they are set.
Several interesting gold rings of Saxon workmanship have been found at different times, on which the owner's name and ornamental patterns are formed in gold with a background of niello.
The substitution of the word " concurrence " for " call " about 1764 indicates the subsidiary and ornamental light in which the assent of the parishioners was now to be regarded.
Mock-privet is Phillyrea, a member of the same order and a small genus of ornamental hardy evergreen shrubs, natives of the Mediterranean region and Asia Minor.
The Buxton Gardens are beautifully laid out, with ornamental waters, a fine opera-house, pavilion and concert hall, theatre and reading rooms. Electric lighting has been introduced, and there is an excellent golf course.
In plantations its bright foliage, with the orange cones and young shoots, render it an ornamental tree, hardy in southern Britain.
The climate of Scotland appears less suitable for it, probably from the want of summer heat, and it can hardly be recommended for British planting otherwise than for ornamental purposes.
The Bhotan pine is quite hardy in southern England, and has been largely planted of late as an ornamental tree.
Many species have been introduced, especially from Japan, for ornamental purposes.
In Britain it is cultivated as an ornamental tree, as being conspicuous for its flowers in spring, and for its red fruit and foliage in autumn.
The town possesses 103 acres of parks and open spaces, the chief being Llewelyn Park of 42 acres in the north of the town near Morriston, Victoria Park (16 acres) and recreation ground (8 acres) abutting on the sands in the west, with the privately owned football field between them, Cwmdonkin (13 acres) commanding a fine panoramic view of the bay, and Brynmill (9 acres) with a disused reservoir constructed in 1837 and now converted into an ornamental lake.
The hard haematite is occasionally cut and polished as an ornamental stone, and certain kinds have been made into beads simulating black pearls.
He was transferred, therefore, in 1903 from the influential post of finance minister to the ornamental position of president of the committee of ministers.
The architectural and ornamental sculpture of the interior is mostly by the same artist, and there are a few interesting pictures, as well as some realistic wall paintings by the 18thcentury artist Jacob de Wit similar to those in the Huis ten Bosch near the Hague.
In 181 2 he committed the serious mistake of accepting a well-paid ornamental mission to Lisbon, which he was about to visit for the health of his eldest son.
The Yorkshire Ladies' Council of Education has as its object the promotion of female education, and the instruction of girls and women of the artisan class in domestic economy, &c. The general infirmary in Great George Street is a Gothic building of brick with stone dressings with a highly ornamental exterior by Sir Gilbert Scott, of whose work this is by no means the only good example in Leeds.
Very durable grey granite has been quarried near Aberdeen for more than 300 years, and blocked and dressed paving "setts," kerb and building stones, and monumental 'and other ornamental work of granite have long been exported from the district to all parts of the world.
The public portion of the buildings comprise an ornamental and lofty pavilion with entrances on each side, and a high-domed octagonal room in the centre, beautifully fitted and appointed, where public receptions take place.
The wood is very aromatic and is used for ornamental purposes.
Numerous species of ferns, both temperate and tropical, are cultivated as valued ornamental plants.
In Nial's, Gisli's and Droplaug's Sons' Sagas there is good verse of a later poet, and in many sagas worthless rubbish foisted in as ornamental.
On the north-east coast many of the villages are tastefully kept, their whole area being clean swept, nicely sanded, and planted with ornamental shrubs, and have in their centre little square palaver places laid with flat stones, each with an erect stone pillar as a back-rest.
Among the less important Spanish minerals are manganese (chiefly in Ciudad Real), antimony, gold, cobalt, sodic sulphate, sulphate of barium (barytes), phosphorite (found in Chceres), alum, sulphur, kaolin, lignite, asphalt, besides a variety of building and ornamental stones.
The nobles and the clergy, who as exempt from taxation had no vote, became purely ornamental parts of the Cortes.
They were summoned to the royal council, but only as ornamental members, the real authority and the exclusive right to vote being confined to the letrados, or lawyers, chosen by the Crown from the class of the burghers.
Ornamental articles of inlaid wood, called Tonbridge ware, chiefly sold at Tunbridge Wells, are largely manufactured.
Of the total 200 species 150 (130 indigenous) are valuable for forage, 34 (20 indigenous) are classed economically as weeds, 10 are non-indigenous cereals and 6 are ornamental.
Its chief manufactures are silk work, cloths and cloaks, gold and silver ornaments, &c., brass and copper work, furniture and ornamental woodwork.
In the typical newts (Molge) of Europe, the males are adorned during the breeding season with bright colours and crests or other ornamental dermal appendages, and, resorting to the water, they engage in a lengthy courtship accompanied by lively evolutions around the females, near which they deposit their spermatozoa in bundles on a gelatinous mass, the spermatophore, probably secreted by the cloacal gland.
Other newts, and many salamanders, whether terrestrial or aquatic, pair, the male embracing the female about the fore limbs or in the pelvic region, and the males of such forms are invariably devoid of ornamental secondary sexual characters; but in spite of this amplexation the same mode of fecundation by means of a spermatophore is resorted to, although it may happen that the contents of the spermatophore are absorbed direct from the cloaca of the male.
The spaces between the vaults are filled with solid masonry, and above all is the roof covering, also of masonry, which is sometimes surmounted with an ornamental roof-comb.
Ornamental cherries include numerous species that are grown for their white, pink or red flowers.
Ornamental onions On the other, southern side of Weather Hill is a stand of tall alliums, ornamental onions.
An extensive patio area provides space for community events and the recently restored bandstand and ornamental fountain provide focal points within the gardens.
There, the precise association in the urn with different parts of the body strongly suggested the veneers had decorated an ornamental bier.
People put ornamental cabbages in pots so I dont see why not.
In 1773 George Hart advertised that he was making sugar pots and molds, plus useful and ornamental chimney pots.
An example is that of the ruddy duck, introduced into Europe as an ornamental species from America.
In the third series the compositions range from purely epigraphic, to abstract ornamental inscriptions, to the total filling of the central area.
The sitting/dining-room, formerly two separate rooms, is very spacious with ornamental fireplaces at either end of the room.
There was even a small ornamental fishpond complete with ' some fine trout ' .
A large ornamental fountain has been placed here, the gift of Messrs. Buchanan Brothers.
Many ornamental gourds (Cucumis pepo) are hardy enough to be grown outside once the danger of frost is past.
Gleditsia triacanthos L., the honey locust, may be found in cultivation as an ornamental tree.
Following the take-over of Gray's in 1960, Susan used the malachite transfers to create a sumptuous range of richly guilded ornamental pieces.
Feature stone paved ornamental fireplace recess, timber mantel, textured ceiling.
Originally it was the water supply for the house, but is now merely ornamental.
And she looked at Carr and smiled, as tho he were particularly ornamental.
The silver birch is a very ornamental tree with many named varieties.
The old stereotypes of white robes, harps and frankly rather ornamental wings still persist.
In the sixteenth century Dutch and Flemish sculptors started to use lead as an ornamental material especially for garden ornamentation.
Other research in various stages could add more panache to the ornamental flower industry.
All items of smoking paraphernalia are for ornamental purposes or for the use of legal smoking mixes only.
Try winter interest Chaenomeles - Ornamental or Japanese quince.
Our seed taken from ornamental plants exhibits bright scarlet seed pods on two year old or more plants.
At present this does not include fruit trees, ornamental shrubs, climbers or ground cover plants.
I mean to look around for a building lot; a lot with fine ornamental shrubbery and all that sort of thing.
He engaged Farmer & Brindley of Westminster Bridge Road, London, to provide ornamental stonework for the church.
The book also includes decorative mosaic treatments that can be used to create ornamental tabletops, coffee tables and garden planters.
A view down a path lined with ornamental urns, with a lawn to the left and trees to the right.
A beginner's guide to keeping and breeding ornamental waterfowl.
The white poplar is an ornamental tree, from its graceful though somewhat irregular growth and its dense hoary foliage; it has, however, the disadvantage of throwing up numerous suckers for some yards around the trunk.
She strove to impart also something of the refinement and ornamental attributes of Western civilization, and aspired to raise her adopted fatherland intellectually and artistically to the west-European level.
To its embellishment they probably contributed the older ornamental entrance, facing south-west, the precursor of the greater structure of Mnesicles (see Propylaea) and the colonnade of the " Hecatompedon," or earlier temple of Athena, at this time the only large sacred edifice on the citadel.
Many of the ornamental processes which we admire in Venetian glass were already in use in this century, as that of mille fiori, and the beautiful kind of glass known as " vitro di trina " or lace glass.
These are used both for the summer growth and winter protection of various kinds of ornamental plants, for the growth of such fruits as cucumbers, melons and strawberries, and for the forcing of vegetables.
There are various herbaceous plants which may be similarly treated, such as sea-kale and horseradish, and, among ornamental plants, the beautiful autumn-blooming Anemone japonica, Bocconia cordata, Dictamnus Fraxinella - the burning bush; the sea hollies (Eryngium), the globe thistle (Echinops ritro), the Oriental poppy (Papaver orientale), the sea lavender (Statice latifolia), Senecio pulcher, &c. The sea-kale and horseradish require to be treated in the open garden, where the cut portions should be planted in lines in wellworked soil; but the roots of the others should be planted in pots and kept in a close frame with a little warmth till the young shoots have started.
That most chaste and most ornamental of buildings was erected by Shah Jahan as the mausoleum of his favourite wife Mumtaz Mahal, and he himself lies by her side (see Agra).
In heraldry "mantling," also known as "panache," "lambrequin" or "contoise," is an ornamental appendage to an escutcheon, of flowing drapery, forming a background (see Heraldry).
The ornamental braiding is also more probably due to "frock," Lat.
Answer me these questions, and then perhaps I may look at your bawbles and find them ornamental.
Floor of ornamental tiles; plastered and painted walls; roof of close-set rafters and a ridge purlin, all 19thC.
The banks here are mostly overrun with ornamental ivies planted in the car park shrubbery beds.
They come out even better between other brightly colored plants like Delphinium, ornamental onions, iris stork 's bill or violet sage.
One look at Filey 's Crescent and you will feel uplifted, especially on a sunlit morning with the ornamental gardens in the foreground.
Ceramic tableware - Lisa Marklew Salt & Pepper pots - Shona Carnegie Many items will provoke the question, Is it functional or ornamental?
A beginner 's guide to keeping and breeding ornamental waterfowl.
You can also find ornamental decorative items such as frames, desktop accessories and cufflinks for men in silver.
Most of the time we create ornamental items like bracelets, earrings, and so on.
Basically ornamental in nature, beading has its own logic of aesthetics which you will discover as you create more and more of bead items.
You can also find highly ornamental designs in all of the types mentioned above.
These trees are often quick-growing and highly ornamental.
A valance or soft cornice an also be made from table runners which often feature ornamental fabrics with a reasonable price tag.
A dome-top style lamp with ornamental chain pulls will create a soft, ambient glow.
Ornamental wrought iron is commonly used in Mexican interior design.
In Italy, as in the United States, the fruit of the tomato plant was originally thought to be poisonous as it is a close relative of the nightshade plant, and it was grown as an ornamental.
Gauze or crystal ornamental butterflies perhaps placed on individual flowers for each guest.
Several times a year, particularly for the Christmas season, Janie and Jack will put out a variety of ornamental dresses in silks, velvets and elaborate materials.
The last is the best, but not one is ornamental enough for border culture, but only for banks and dry walls.
R. crenata, from Japan, is ornamental in autumn, when loaded with its glossy black berries.
Weigelas make large bushes, 6 to 10 feet high and as much in diameter, and their graceful drooping branches are ornamental, even when leafless in winter.
The wood is yellow, tough, and straight-grained, and is used for ornamental cabinet work.
It is not such a fine evergreen as some of the other species, and cannot be said to be very ornamental.
It is very ornamental, and may be grown in the same way as the Lyme Grass.
French Honey-suckle (Hedysarum) - Plants of the Pea order, mostly weedy, only a few perennials being ornamental.
It is the most ornamental of its distinct family, and is highly suitable for grouping with the bolder herbaceous plants.
His Majesty are the most ornamental of these plants.
A new kind has recently been found in Europe-S. europaea, and has proved the least ornamental.
Hordeum - Grasses, of which the Barley is the most familiar type, few of ornamental value except H. jubatum (Squirrel-tail Grass), which has long feathery spikes.
Apart from the type gnaphalioides, Hookeri and tomentosum are the most ornamental and distinct.
It is highly ornamental as a back line to a long border, as a single specimen to let into the lawn, as the centre of a bed or vase, or in masses with other elegant foliage plants.
P. uniflora, P. media, P. minor, and P. secunda are also interesting British plants, and the first-named is very ornamental, besides being very rare.
Sophora Secundiflora - A low dense tree or leafy shrub, with ornamental foliage composed of neat rounded leaflets with a glossy surface, and strongly fragrant violet-blue flowers borne in a dense spike.
There are other ornamental Apples in the section Malus, but the foregoing include the finest.
The last is not very ornamental, as the variegation is seldom distinct.
P. Barrowi and P.Prestoni, plumous forms of P. cambricum, are handsome and ornamental forms.
Graceful water-plants, hardy, easily grown, and very ornamental whether at the waterside or cut for decoration.
Rue (Ruta) - The common Rue (R. graveolens) is not ornamental, but R. albiflora is a graceful autumn-flowering plant about 2 feet high, with leaves resembling those of the common Rue, only more glaucous and finely divided.
The alpine Skullcap (S. alpina) is a spreading plant with all the vigour of the coarsest weeds of its natural order, but neat in habit and ornamental in flower.
They thrive in borders or margins of shrubberies in sandy loam, but are scarcely ornamental.
Their chief value is for undergrowth in woods, or for ornamental covert (as birds eat the berries), and they will flourish anywhere.
Smithiana. It is worthy of a place among the finest ornamental trees, but must have a deep moist soil, more heavy than light, and the position not too sheltered.
America. In appearance they are unlike other shrubs, often with handsome leaves cut into leaflets, and small white or greenish flowers followed in some kinds by ornamental fruits.
T. pannonicum, with creamy-white flowers, is ornamental.
U. paniculata is a taller kind which grows well upon the sand of the seashore, with Oat-like clusters which are very ornamental when dried.
S. californicum has stout stems of 5 to 7 feet, with branched and tapering spikes of greenish-white bell-shaped flowers, followed by ornamental fruits.
All are handsome, with broad beautifully arching fronds, which are especially ornamental if seen a little above the level of the eye.
Zygadenus - Plants of the Lily family, not very ornamental for their flowers, which are all greenish-yellow, but their distinct growth makes them worth cultivating in a botanical or a full collection.
A beautiful ornamental shrub, the Cranberry provides the garden with clusters of tiny, light pink, bell-shaped flowers in the spring and edible fruit for both humans and birds in the fall.
No border or wall is necessary with this type of raised bed, but adding a small border of bricks or plastic edging can help prevent erosion as well as adding an ornamental touch.
From ornamental arches to rigid tomato cages, adding a little structure to the garden can improve your yield and your garden's appearance.
Many of these choices straddle the line between utilitarian and ornamental, because they look great while also doing a great job holding up your plants.
The farm features eight specialty gardens containing more than 3,000 different species of unique ornamental and edible plant varieties.
These light fixtures suspend from the ceiling by a chain or rod, and larger ornamental fixtures can be used to enhance the décor of your updated kitchen.
Once just an ornamental add-on for trim on kitchen backsplashes and bathroom shower walls, glass tile is moving out into the more traveled areas of the home for installing on walls, mirrors and flooring adornment.
Teardrop shaped gems dripping from the bottom of Celtic ornamental earrings.
Originally named, Tiffany & Young, the store offered stationary and ornamental goods such as fine silverware and jewelry.
Some contain gemstones, while others are simply designed from sterling silver and etched with ornamental detail.
This can include your home vegetable garden but also extends to your lawn and ornamental plants.
Terrariums are simple to create, and many diverse plants and ornamental accents can be used.
The koi is an ornamental carp and there are at least 14 different classifications of koi distinguished by their color and markings.
This contemporary design comes accented with an ornamental ring and the plunging neckline is guaranteed to flatter.
Most of these looks come with the ornamental tri-color ring and an adjustable front for added comfort.
In fact, so little fabric is offered here that the suit is really more like an ornamental decoration than an actual swimsuit.
A mirrored base adds instant elegance and romance to any candle centerpiece by reflecting the ornamental details and the soft candlelight.
Although the actual candle making process can be simplified to the point that many candle makers choose food jars and cans for molds, those desiring to make more ornamental candles may need to purchase pre-made molds.
One of the most popular trees in the US, this high-altitude fir tree is widely cultivated for ornamental and holiday purposes.
The ornamental objects will be placed deliberately and more evenly than assembly line items; therefore, the overall appearance of your handbag will be much improved.
Usually, the screw had an ornamental stone or flower pattern on its visible surface.
It is a very popular ornamental tattoo; thousands of women have adorned their skin with this stunning symbolic creature.
While the definition of the word "bangle" is "a stiff usually ornamental bracelet or anklet slipped or clasped on" or "an ornamental disk that hangs loosely (as on a bracelet)".
Clipart, or more accurately, "clip art", refers to typically hand-made graphics that are created for ornamental or display purposes.
At Bridlington Quay there is excellent sea-bathing, and the parade and ornamental gardens provide pleasant promenades.
At Rutland, Proctor and Dorset many darker shades are found, including "moss vein," olive green and various shades of blue, green, yellow and pink, which are used for ornamental purposes.
In Britain the evergreen oak is quite hardy in ordinary winters, and is useful to the ornamental planter from its capacity for resisting the sea gales; but it generally remains of small size.
The several steps whereby the members of the grand council succeeded in eliminating the people from a share in the government, and reducing the doge to the position of their ornamental representative, cannot here be described.
Among the imported flora are tea, Siberian coffee, cocoa, Ceara rubber (which has not done well), Manila hemp, teak, cocoanut and a number of ornamental trees, fruit-trees, vegetables and garden plants.
Amber was much valued as an ornamental material in very early times.
The Lombardy poplar is valuable chiefly as an ornamental tree, its timber being of very inferior quality; its tall, erect growth renders it useful to the landscape-gardener as a relief to the rounded forms of other trees, or in contrast to the horizontal lines of the lake or river-bank where it delights to grow.
Its fragrant shoots and the fine yellow green of the young leaves recommend it to the ornamental planter.
The so-called "beetle-stones" of the coal-formation of Newhaven, near Leith, which have mostly a coprolite nucleus, have been applied to various ornamental purposes by lapidaries.
Amethyst is a very widely distributed mineral, but fine clear specimens fit for cutting as ornamental stones are confined to comparatively few localities.
The cypress, as the olive, is found everywhere in the dry hollows and high eastern slopes of Corfu, of the scenery of which it is characteristic. As an ornamental tree in Britain the cypress is useful to break the outline formed by roundheaded low shrubs and trees.
Lawsoniana, the Port Orford cedar, a native of south Oregon and north California, where it attains a height of Too ft., was introduced into Scotland in 1854; it is much grown for ornamental purposes in Britain, a large number of varieties of garden origin being distinguished by differences in habit and by colour of foliage.
The albino variety especially, which is known as the "golden tench," can be recommended for ornamental waters, as its bright orange colours render it visible for some distance below the surface of the water.
The palace is surrounded by gardens and ornamental waters - to the north the Jardin de l'Orangerie, to the south the Jardin Anglais and the Parterre, between which extends the lake known as the Bassin des Carpes, containing carp in large numbers.
From an equally loose application of the word "fir" by our older herbalists, it is difficult to decide upon the date of introduction of this tree into Britain; but it was commonly planted for ornamental purposes in the beginning of the 17th century.
As a picturesque tree, for park and ornamental plantation, it is among the best of the conifers, its colour and form contrasting yet harmonizing with the olive green and rounded outline of oaks and beeches, or with the red trunk and glaucous foliage of the pine.
As for the chambers, based avowedly on universal suffrage, their existence thenceforth was ornamental or sepulchral.
The facade has the characteristic circular pediment with a large west window surrounded by three smaller windows separated by two ornamental roundels in coloured marble and of geometric design.
The hill is worked like a mine; pieces cut from it are carved by artists in Cardona into images, crucifixes and many articles of an ornamental kind.
An ornamental entrance near the Olympieum, the existing Arch of Hadrian, marked the boundary between the new and the old cities.
Travellers are especially struck with the beauty of some of the wild flowers, more especially with the lilies and convolvuluses; and European greenhouses have been enriched by several Formosan orchids and other ornamental plants.
The use of Manchester prints and other European goods is fairly general; and the women, who make a fine native cloth from hemp, introduce coloured threads from the foreign stuffs, so as to produce ornamental devices.
The more special industries of Turkey are tanning, and the manufacture of muslin, velvet, silk, carpets and ornamental weapons.
At the present time obsidian is sometimes cut and polished as an ornamental stone, but its softness (H = 5 to 5.5) detracts from its value.
By the 12th century, mitre and gloves were worn by all bishops, and in many cases they had assumed a new ornament, the rationale, a merely honorific decoration (supposed to symbolize doctrine and wisdom), sometimes of the nature of a highly ornamental broad shoulder collar with dependent lappets; sometimes closely resembling the pallium; rarely a "breast-plate" on the model of that of the Jewish high priest.'
It has, in general, been greatly shortened, and the ordinary sermon of to-day is no longer an elaborate piece of carefully balanced and ornamental literary architecture, but a very simple and brief homily, not occupying the listener for more than some ten minutes in the course of an elaborate service.
These hills contain good building stone for ornamental architecture, and in some of them iron ore is abundant.
Secondly, the application of extraneous matter to the body, as painting and tattooing, and the raising of ornamental scars often by the introduction of foreign matter into flesh-wounds (this practice belongs partly to the first category also).
Two inscriptions in Cufic characters surround the vase, but they, it would seem, are merely ornamental and destitute of meaning.
In the 16th century the fashion for using glass vessels of ornamental character spread from Italy into France and England.
The case has been the converse of that of the Romans; the latter had no fine pottery, and therefore employed glass as the material for vessels of an ornamental kind, for table services and the like.
In the manufacture of ornamental glass the leading idea in China seems to be the imitation of natural stones.
It, too, was frequently of very ornamental nature and served to carry aristocrats or officials of high position.
The majority are distinguished by the beautiful arrangement of their bright and highly ornamental colours; many species of Elaps have the pattern of the so-called coral-snakes, their body being encircled by black, red and yellow rings - a pattern FIG.
Amboyna wood, of great value for ornamental work, is obtained from the hard knots which occur on certain trees in the forests of Ceram.
P. plicatum, with broad folded leaves, is an ornamental greenhouse grass.
Species of Chloris are grown as ornamental grasses.
The delightful gardens include an enclosed lawned garden, ornamental garden, orchard with a variety of trees and flagstone courtyard.
At Rosemoor are collections of Cornus and Ilex, while Hyde Hall holds the collections of Malus (ornamental crab apple) and Viburnum.
Several double flowered ornamental cultivars have been bred with flowers of white to purple.
It is also used to make ornamental dagger handles in the Yemen.
In 1925 Messrs J.A. Harper and R. Carter donated an ornamental drinking fountain near to the Dartmouth Avenue entrance.
A 600 hour course that provides initial training for anyone working, or intending to work in ornamental horticulture.
Among them was John WHITE, who set up his own business making hand wrought ornamental ironwork in 1922.
A cedar tree stands guard, while just below, a sparkling stream runs with little waterfalls and ornamental lakes.
Even in the dim lamplight he could see the ornamental plantings, the blooms, the symmetry.
From the 18th century, it was popular as a purely ornamental feature.
The ceremonial mace of today is a highly ornamental descendant of the prehistoric club!
Further garden areas include a pergola with pleasant seating; a fish pond; an ornamental pond and a Japanese garden.
Shrubs and ornamental trees, including pinetum with rare specimens.
The other remarkable feature is the ornamental plasterwork on the ceilings.
An ornamental pond can be found in the center of the garden, close to which is the tea garden.
The Chinese Painted quail is probably the most widely kept of the ornamental aviary breeds.
The old man was still sitting in the ornamental garden, like a fly impassive on the face of a loved one who is dead, tapping the last on which he was making the bast shoe, and two little girls, running out from the hot house carrying in their skirts plums they had plucked from the trees there, came upon Prince Andrew.
It is now much cultivated in England as an ornamental plant.
They no longer devote themselves to the manufacture of sword ornaments, but work rather at vases, censers, statuettes, plaques, boxes and other objects of a serviceable or ornamental nature.