Originating Sentence Examples
The dates were all from the past week, and she recognized two of the originating net codes as being from Mr. Tim and General Greene.
The white type, originating in the north temperate zone, has spread over the whole world.
Voluntary action, Aquinas had said, is action originating in self or in an internal principle.
The states are forbidden, likewise, to tax federal property, to tax inter-state commerce, to impose duties of their own on foreign imports, or to resist the execution of judicial sentences originating in other states.
The muscular wall of the blood-vessels also exhibits tonic contraction, which, however, seems to be mainly traceable to a continual excitation of the muscle cells by nervous influence conveyed to them along their nerves, and originating in the great vaso motor centre in the bulb.
Some lines of certain elements are always seen fainter or thinner than on the photosphere, or even wholly obliterated; others sometimes show the same features, but not always; other lines of the same elements, perhaps originating at a level above the spot, are not affected; there are also bright streaks where even the general absorption of the spot is absent, and sometimes such a bright line will correspond to a dark line on the photosphere; most generally the lines are intensified, generally in breadth, sometimes in darkness, sometimes in both together, sometimes in one at the expense of the other; certain lines not seen in the photosphere show only across the umbra, others cross umbra and penumbra, others reach a short distance over the photosphere.
The tariff for unlimited use has to be made very high to cover the cost of the additional burdens thrown upon the service, and it only works economically to the individual subscriber who has an exceptionally large number of calls originating from his instrument.
They have been surmised as originating as early as 1523; but there is nothing to prove that Henry's passion was anterior to the proceedings taken for the divorce in May 1527, the celebrated love letters being undated.
Vezhdovsky has lately seen reasons for regarding the blood system as originating entirely from the hypoblast by the secretion of fluid, the blood, from particular intestinal cells and the consequent formation of spaces through pressure, which become lined with these cells.
This society early began td hold a great show of live stock, implements, &c. In 1842 certain Midlothian tenant-farmers had the merit of originating an Agricultural Chemistry Association (the first of its kind), by which funds were raised for the purpose of conducting such investigations as the title of the society implies.
AdvertisementIn 1865 the rinderpest, or steppe murrain, originating amongst the vast herds of the Russian steppes, had spread westward over Europe, until it was brought to London by foreign cattle.
The visceral commissure, while still surrounding the digestive tract, becomes looped; its right half, with its proper ganglion, passes to the left side over the dorsal face of the alimentary canal (whence the name supra-intestinal), while the left half passes below towards the right side, thus originating the name infra-intestinal given to this half and to its ganglion.
Equally certain is a second observation of a general character that the epic originating as the greater portion of the literature in Assur-bani-pal's collection in Babylonia is a composite product, that is to say, it consists of a number of independent stories or myths originating at different times, and united to form a continuous narrative with Gilgamesh as the central figure.
The pro-deltidium, a term introduced by Hall and Clarke, signifies a small embryonic plate originating on the dorsal side of the body.
The pro-deltidium originating on the dorsal surface later becomes anchylosed with the ventral valve.
AdvertisementIn process of time the rights originating in royal grants of privilege overbalanced, as it were, folk-right in many respects, and became themselves the starting-point of a new legal system - the feudal one.
To these stories have been added others originating in Bagdad and Egypt and a few others, which were at first in independent circulation.
Nothing is positively known of his ancestry, for the supposition (originating with Du Cange) that a certain William, marshal of Champagne between 1163 and 1179, was his father appears to be erroneous.
The particular species of phylloxera which attacks the vine is a native of the United States, probably originating among the wild vines of the Colorado district.
His short administration was one of the most disgraceful and incompetent in English history, originating in an accident, supported only by the will of the sovereign, by gross corruption and intimidation, the precursor of the disintegration of political life and of a whole series of national disasters.
AdvertisementPermanency of occupation, however, dates from the voyage of the " Mayflower," which brought about a hundred men, women and children who had mostly belonged to an English sect of Separatists, originating in Yorkshire, but who had passed a period of exile for religion's sake in Holland.
The tax on corporations, originating as a capital stock tax in 1880 and extended through succeeding years, is administered by the state comptroller.
In consequence of these events, originating with the Committee of Union and Progress, hostilities were recommenced at the beginning of February.
In the use of the ancient versions for the purposes of textual criticism there are three precautions which must always be observed; we must reasonably assure ourselves that we possess the version itself in its original integrity; we must eliminate such variants as have the appearance of originating merely with the translator; the remainder, which will be those that are due to a difference of text in the MS. (or MSS.) used by the translator, we must then compare carefully, in the light of the considerations just stated, with the existing Hebrew text, in order to determine on which side the superiority lies."
That this mode of originating standards was greatly promoted, if not started, by the use of coinage we may see by the rarity of the Persian silver weight (derived from the Assyrian standard), soon after the introduction of coinage, as shown in the weights of Defenneh (29).
AdvertisementSimilarly, among vertebrates the method of restoring past centres of origin, largely originating with Edward Forbes, has developed into a most distinct and important branch of historical work.
It has jurisdiction in cases arising from the enforcement of the federal laws, except cases involving private interests, in admiralty cases, in cases where the republic is a party, in those between two or more states, or between a state and the citizens of another state, in those originating in treaties with foreign states, and in those affecting diplomatic and consular officials.
This duty of interpretation belongs to all tribunals, but as constitutional cases are, if originating in a lower court, usually carried by appeal to the Supreme Court, men have grown accustomed to talk of the Supreme Court as in a special sense the guardian of the Constitution.
The Statuta Ecclesiae Antigua (falsely called the Canons of the Fourth Council of Carthage in 397), a Gallican collection, originating in the province of Arles at the beginning of the 6th century, mentions the acolyte, but does not give, as in the case of the other orders, any form for the ordination.
The Great Church of St Nicholas, probably founded in the 14th century, was largely rebuilt after a fire in 1602, which, originating in the church, destroyed nearly the whole town.
He carried metaphysical idealism to its height, by not only resolving the bodily into the mental, but also elevating the action of mind into absolute mental construction; not inferring things in themselves beyond, but originating things from within, mind itself.
The term binnacle, originally bittacle, is a corruption of the Portuguese abitacolo, to denote the housing enclosing the compass, probably originating with the Portuguese navigators.
Cauchy (Paris, 1846); and the Geometrie descriptive (originating, as mentioned above, in the lessons given at the normal school).
The tactual organs of the soles, and the muscular sense organs of limbs and trunk, are originating perceptions that indicate that the self is standing on the solid earth, yet the eyes are at the same time originating perceptions that indicate that the solid earth is far away below the standing self.
Originating in the common sentiment of humanity, which desires by some visible memorial to honour and perpetuate the memory of the dead, it was practised alike by peoples of high and of low development, and continued through all the stages of culture that preceded the introduction of Christianity.
We have learnt that the division of Buddhism, originating with Burnouf, into northern and southern, is misleading.
Other names for this timber are "yellow pine" and "Weymouth pine," the last name originating in the fact that the earl of Weymouth first introduced it into England.
In the Analytics he took the final step of originating the logical analysis of the proposition as premise into subject and predicate as terms mediated by the copula, and analysed the syllogism into these elements.
The nature of the readings themselves, and the distribution of the witness for them, alike point to a process involving several stages and several originating centres of diffusion.
Recent exact surveys have shown these originating marshes to be no more than 665 ft.
Enormous engineering difficulties had to be overcome, originating not so much from the nature of the ground as from intense public prejudice against the new mode of locomotion.
It seems merely to set the stamp of its approbation on certain courses of action to which we are led by the various passions and affections; it has in itself no originating power.
General Jorge Cordova succeeded him, but had not been long in office when a new revolt in September 1857, originating with the garrison of Oruro, spread over the land, and compelled him to quit the country.
The mandibles, like the antennae, have, in the nauplius, the form of biramous swimming limbs, with a masticatory process originating from the proximal part of the protopodite.
It may be supposed to have approximated, in general form, to A pus, with an elongated body composed of numerous similar somites and terminating in a caudal furca; with the post-oral appendages all similar and all bearing gnathobasic processes; and with a carapace originating as a shell-fold from the maxillary somite.
The first half of the story is based on a tradition - originating possibly in Jer.
Two instances probably originating in some such cause are shown in fig.
Amongst the more conspicuous secular buildings in the street may be mentioned the Town and County Bank, the Music Hall, with sitting accommodation for 2000 persons, the Trinity Hall of the incorporated trades (originating in various years between 1398 and 1527, and having charitable funds for poor members, widows and orphans), containing some portraits by George Jamesone, a noteworthy set of carved oak chairs, dating from 1574, and the shields of the crafts with quaint inscriptions; the office of the Aberdeen Free Press, one of the most influential papers in the north of Scotland; the Palace Hotel; the office of the Northern Assurance Company, and the National Bank of Scotland.
It is not clear from the analysis whether the self is immediately observed as an acting or originating cause, or whether reflection working on the principle of causality is compelled to infer its existence and character.
Some unimportant riots had broken out in Lincolnshire, originating probably in mere local quarrels, but possibly King in Lancastrian intrigues.
During the Mutiny the district was the scene of considerable fighting, and after its close a large portion was distributed in jagirs to loyal chiefs, thus originating the taluqdari estates of the present day.
The careful study of the development of the synangium of Tmesipteris, which consists of two loculi, and of Psilotum, which consists of three, has shown that their structure can be explained as originating by the septation of a single sporangium resembling that of Lycopodium.
The Malpighian tubes of Hexapods are outgrowths of the proctodaeum, but those of Scorpion and the Amphipod Crustacea are part of the metenteron or endodermal gut, though originating near its junction with the proctodaeum.
His first act was to repudiate the Henoticon, a deed of union, originating, it is supposed, with Acacius, patriarch of Constantinople, and published by the emperor Zeno with the view of allaying the strife between the Monophysites and their opponents in the Eastern church.
These eyepieces are intentionally provided with a different chromatic magnification, which however is in opposition to that originating in the objective.
Originating emotion still clots the lines and, while we strive for originality, the work becomes muddled, pretentious or incoherent.
Not all large bowel blockages are due to cancers originating in the bowel.
A standard error 99 mJy is listed as 99 mJy because of space limitations in the originating catalog.
Long distance supply pathways originating in Sandown and Hayling Bays remain conjectural.
And Alice's public key will not decrypt documents originating from Eve, even if she claims they come from Alice.
In short, modesty and apparent diffidence, originating mainly in physical causes, were his leading characteristics.
The convention preserves the status of their eldest son by preventing the dissipation of status originating in the wife's line.
Rating * * * * Rabih Abou Khalil plays the oud, a fretless lute originating from the Lebanon.
The form originating from collecting ducts is highly infrequent and very malignant with the five-year survival in 20% only.
Fetal monitoring using phonography involves the transcription and analysis of vibrations originating in the fetus.
All this was high priestly knowledge originating in the first temple.
The above method was adopted by Bousset in his work Der Antichrist in der Uberlieferung des Judenthums, des Neuen Testaments, and der alter Kirche (1895), in which he sought to show that a fixed tradition of the Antichrist originating in Judaism can be traced from New Testament times down to the middle ages, and that this tradition was in the main unaffected by the Apocalypse, though in chap. xi.
The presence of this field of force results in the molecules, when they reach the boundary, being acted on by forces in addition to those originating in their impact with the boundary.
Paper, parchment, or any other thin membrane stretched over a square, circular, &c., frame, when in the vicinity of a sufficiently powerful vibrating body, will, through the medium of the air, be itself made to vibrate in unison, and, by using sand, as in previous instances, the nodal lines will be depicted to the eye, and seen to vary in form, number and position with the tension of the plate and the pitch of the originating sound.
If this dream or prejudice be exploded, then the scepticism originating in it - and a large proportion of recent sceptical thought does so originate - loses its raison d'etre.
Ionia has laid the world under its debt not only by giving birth to a long roll of distinguished men of letters and science (see Ionian School Of Philosophy), but by originating the distinct school of art which prepared the way for the brilliant artistic development of Athens in the 5th century.
The Ku Klux Klan, originating in 1865 as a youthful prank at Pulaski, Tennessee, spread over the state and the entire South, and in 1860 nine counties in the middle and western sections were placed under martial law.
Material Used All our fountains are crafted by hand from natural Schist rock formed more than 200 million years ago originating in central Asia.
The originating emotion still clots the lines or, in striving for originality, the work becomes muddled, pretentious or incoherent.
Lahars originating from the summit crater lake on Mt.
The court set aside the previous grant of leave made on the husband 's originating summons.
Time travel Introduce pupils to the genre of time travel stories, originating with The Time Machine by H.G. Wells (1895).
Originating in the mountains of Turkey, the Turk developed an unusually long coat for protection from the harsh Turkish winters.
But they can report your lack of payment to the originating creditor, who then can take legal action to seize assets or garnish wages.
Many phone cards can be used for calls originating in any country in the world to dial any other country.
Swag style lamps originating in the 50s and 60s were frequently covered in a fabric shade, rather than glass, and used a chain to hang them across an area.
A vegan on the other hand is a vegetarian, but as stated above, they do not eat anything originating from animals nor do they use any products originating or tested on animals.
Climbing hydrangea (H. anomala petiolaris) - Originating in China and Japan, Climbing hydrangea can reach up to 60 feet, using its stems to cling to walls or other supports.
By far the most popular sweater was the Fair Isle, a multi-colored, multi-pattern sweater originating in Scotland.
Alexander - An apple originating in Russia in the late 1700 to early 1800s.
Ananas Reinette - Originating in the Netherlands in the early 1800s, this apple is sweet with a pineapple flavor.
In order for a cell phone originating in the United States to work in Europe, it must meet some specific standards.
Cervical nerves-The eight pairs of nerves (C1C8) originating in the cervical (neck) region of the spinal cord.
Phantom limb pain occurs after a limb is amputated; although an individual may be missing the limb, the nervous system continues to perceive pain originating from the area.
Usually originating in strong connective tissue (cartilage) in ribs or leg or hip bones, chondrosarcomas grow slowly.
The mortality rate for infections originating in the head and in newborns is also very high.
There are 12 sets of bilateral cranial nerves originating in the posterior portion of the brain stem, called the pons.
They are the leading cause of primary infections originating in hospitals in the United States.
Originating from the Tahitian word tattau, meaning "to mark," tattoos are relatively permanent marks or designs on the skin.
Contact dermatitis is the name for any skin inflammation that occurs when the skin's surface comes in contact with a substance originating outside the body.
The word "foreign" in this context means "originating elsewhere" or simply "outside the body."
Pulmonary embolism-Blockage of an artery in the lungs by foreign matter such as fat, tumor tissue, or a clot originating from a vein.
Rumba comes from a family of Latin dances originating in Spain with the Bolero.
From a hybrid art form originating in the inner cities the music, style, and culture of hip hop has spread throughout the world.
Whether you've been samba dancing for years, or are just getting acquainted with the dance form originating in Brazil, you'll want a wide repertoire of samba dance moves in order to keep the time you spend dancing full of fun.
Originating in Havana among the slaves early in the 19th century, it was considered a "low" form of dance until the 1930s, when it began to appear in upper-class ballrooms.
Use of the system is actually mandatory for taking care of many issues related to originating, processing, and servicing loans on single family homes guaranteed by the FHA.
Originating in Germany in the 1700s, German Solo evolved from the game Quadrille, an expanded version of the game L'Hombre.
Originating in law as a form of sex discrimination in the workplace, sexual harassment has many turns and twists.
Moissanite is a rare and beautiful gem with the distinction of originating in the stars.
Some people may think that full body tattoos are a recent phenomenon, originating with circus performers and body modification legends like Katzen.
Around the same time that this story was released, CNN also released a report that State Farm wrongly denied a number of claims in the states of Louisiana and Mississippi originating from Hurricane Katrina.
Deacon Blue is probably one of the most well known bands originating from Scotland.
A band originating from Ontario, Canada with a punky-pop musical style and whose song lyrics range from plain to fun to powerful.
A rock band originating from Agoura Hills, California Linkin Park has earned their success over the last decade.
You can find nail spas originating in various parts of the world, such as Asian, Japanese, and European approaches.
Hypertrophic scars are usually limited in size to the area of the originating pimple, while keloids may grow beyond the site.
Why not interpret at once and render intelligible the common conception originating in natural science, viz.
The understanding between Hastings and Francis, originating in this state of affairs, was for a short period extended to general policy.
The south-moving currents originating from melting ice are probably quite shallow.
This, with proper apparatus for originating electric currents at one end and for discovering the effects produced by them at the other end, constitutes an electric telegraph.
Marconi, however, made the important discovery that if his sensitive tube or coherer had one terminal attached to a metal plate lying on the earth, or buried in it, and the other to an insulated plate elevated at a height above the ground, it could detect the presence of very feeble electric waves of a certain kind originating at a great distance.
Then, when the connexion was made, the originating subscriber rang up the other.
At the close of a conversation the originating subscriber again entered the call-wire and requested the operator to take down the connexion.
During the progress of these operations the A operator connects the originating subscriber to the junction circuit named by the B operator.
By similar methods nature, unassisted, betrays herself but too often; in many instances - probably originating primarily in the nervous tissues themselves - the course of disease is observed to follow certain paths with remarkable consistency, as for instance in diseases of particular tracts of the spinal cord.
Laurence Gomme, in The Governance of London (1907), opposes the view that the city was for a time left deserted (a view which, it may be remarked, is a comparatively modern one, probably originating with Dr Guest).
The Polyzoa are colonial animals, the colony (zoarium) originating in most cases from a free-swimming larva, which attaches itself to some solid object and becomes metamorphosed into the primary individual, or "ancestrula."
Pyrites is a mineral of very wide distribution, occurring under varied conditions and probably originating in various ways.
The second, already mentioned, the third or ornate, with its freer use of ornament and its introduction of designs which suggest an Egyptian origin (originating in the time of Augustus), and the fourth or intricate, dating from about A.D.
Urged on by necessity and opportunity, the Egyptians possessed sufficient enterprise and originating power to keep ahead of their neighbors in.
The court set aside the previous grant of leave made on the husband's originating summons.
Originating probably, in the observation of the fertilizing effect of rains and streams upon the receptive and reproductive soil, baalism becomes identical with the grossest nature-worship. Joined with the baals there are naturally found corresponding female figures known as Ashtaroth, embodiments of Ashtoreth (see Astarte; Ishtar).
The tunica dalmatica was a long, sleeved upper tunic, originating, as its name implies, in Dalmatia, and first becoming fashionable at Rome in the 2nd century; it is the origin of the liturgical dalmatic and tunicle (see Dalmatic).
In originating this impromptu scheme, Lloyd George was influenced by secret indications that the Serbian reactionaries, if promised Skutari in return for Fiume, might throw over Trumbic and abandon the Wilson Line and American principles generally.