Originated Sentence Examples
He originated much, but perfected little.
The " children of Ion " originated in north-eastern Peloponnese; and traces of them remained in Troezen and Cynuria.
The office originated in Flanders.
It is only in the appendix to the Elohistic psalm-book that we find Heman and Ethan side by side with Asaph, as in the Chronicles; but this does not necessarily prove that the body of the collection originated when there were only two gilds of singers.
The old opinion that the law originated in south Holland is entirely without foundation.
The same principle which dictated the conquest of French Guiana originated attempts to seize the Spanish colonies of Montevideo and Buenos Aires, Portugal being also at war with Spain.
Originated by Father Kolping on the Rhine, they soon spread over the whole of Catholic Germany.
Her sketch for "Boston Teens," which featured Jimmy Fallon and Rachel Dratch, originated at Second City.
The compass may of course have been used for improving these charts, but they originated without its aid, and it is therefore misleading to describe them as Compass or Loxodromic charts, and they are now known as Portolano charts.
A committee was formed on the 22nd of May 1787 for the abolition of the slave trade, under the presidency of Granville Sharp. It is unquestionable that the principal motive power which originated and sustained their efforts was Christian principle and feeling.
AdvertisementTwo methods of treatment have been carried on in parallel lines, the unsymbolic and the symbolic; both of these originated with Cayley, but he with Sylvester and the English school have in the main confined themselves to the former, whilst Aronhold, Clebsch, Gordan, and the continental schools have principally restricted themselves to the latter.
Syzran originated in a fort, erected in 1683, to protect the district from the Tatars and Circassians.
The St Leger takes its name from Lieut.-General St Leger, who originated the race in 1776; but it was not so named till 1778.
The horse is supposed by these writers to have originated by separate lines of descent in the Old World and the New, from five-toed ancestors!
He seemed, not a professor amongst students, but a learner amongst learners; pauses for thought alternated with luminous exposition; invention accompanied demonstration; and thus originated his Theorie des fonctions analytiques (Paris, 1797).
AdvertisementDunkirk is said to have originated in a chapel founded by St Eloi in the 7th century, round which a small village speedily sprang up. In the 10th century it was fortified by Baldwin III., count of Flanders; together with that province it passed successively to Burgundy, Austria and Spain.
Modified though never essentially changed, (1) by contact with the star-worship of the Chaldaeans, who identified Mithras with Shamash, god of the sun,(2) by the indigenous Armenian religion and other local Asiatic faiths and (3) by the Greeks of Asia Minor, who identified Mithras with Helios, and contributed to the success of his cult by equipping it for the first time with artistic representations (the famous Mithras relief originated in the Pergamene school towards the 2nd century B.C.), Mithraism was first transmitted to the Roman world during the 1st century B.C. by the Cilician pirates captured by Pompey.
These causes and the fermentation of liberal principles produced by the French Revolution originated a conspiracy in Lisbon in 1817, which was, however, discovered in time to prevent its success.
But the negotiations for this purpose originated with himself in conjunction with Bright and Michel Chevalier.
In 1844 he originated the Annales archeologiques, a periodical devoted to his favourite subject, which he edited until his death.
AdvertisementThis does not necessarily prove that " the technical terms of the Temple music had gone out of use, presumably because they were already become unintelligible, as they were when the Septuagint version was made "; for it does not follow that technical musical terms which had originated in the Temple at Jerusalem and were intelligible in Palestine would have been understood in Egypt.
It was the belief of Professor Robertson Smith that the second (Elohistic) collection of psalms originated in a time of persecution earlier than the time of Antiochus Epiphanes which he referred to the reign of Artaxerxes III.
To have conceived and carried out a policy which, with certain reservations, Burke himself might have originated and owned, is indeed no small title to regard.
It is generally supposed that man originated in tropical or subtropical latitudes, and spread gradually towards the poles.
The Platonic testimony, if it proved anything, would prove too much, namely, that the doctrine of the unity of Being originated, not with Xenophanes, but before him; and, in fact, the passage from the Sophist no more proves that Plato attributed to Xenophanes the philosophy of Parmenides than Theaetetus, 160 D, proves that Plato attributed to Homer the philosophy of Heraclitus.
AdvertisementHe was credited with having originated the doctrine of metempsychosis, while Cicero and Augustine assert that he was the first to teach the immortality of the soul.
The Romans cannot be said to have at any time originated or possessed an independent school of medicine.
Although no system or important doctrine of medicine was originated by the Roman intellect, and though the practice of the profession was probably almost entirely in the hands of the Greeks, the most complete picture which we have of medical thought and activity in Roman times is due to a Latin pen, and to one who was, in all probability, not a physician.
He did not originate this line of research, for it had been pursued, if not originated, by Haller, and cultivated systematically by Tommasini, an Italian "contra-stimulist"; but he carried it out with much elaboration.
Maimonides, in his More Nevochim, states that the use of intense in the worship of the Jews originated as a corrective of the disagreeable odours arising from the slaughter and burning of the animals offered in sacrifice.
Dulwich College originated in the foundation of the College of God's Gift by Edward Alleyn in 1626, and is now constituted as one of the principal English public schools.
In the British Museum London possesses one of the most celebrated collections in the world, originated in 1753 by the purchase of Sir Hans Sloane's collection and library by the government.
This magnificent collection was originated in 1824, and the building dates from 1838, but has been more than once enlarged.
If what is here suggested really occurred it may be that this separation of London from the surrounding country originated the remarkable position of London with its unparalleled privileges, which were continued for many centuries and kept it not only the leader among cities but distinct from all others.
The view originated by Gomme certainly explains many difficulties in the history of the transition from Roman to English London, which have hitherto been overlooked by historians.
Another historic part filled by Amyraut was in the negotiations originated by Pierre le Gouz de la Berchere (1600-1653), first president of the parlement of Grenoble, when exiled to Saumur, for a reconciliation and reunion of the Catholics of France with the French Protestants.
The name " patent plate " arose from the fact that certain patented devices originated by James Chance of Birmingham first made it possible to polish comparatively thin glass in this way.
The great similarity in form, technique and decoration of the earliest known specimens of glass-ware suggests that the craft of glass-making originated from a single centre.
This method originated in the Pennsylvania anthracite mines in 1887, but has been employed in recent years on a large scale in Silesia, Westphalia and other European coalfields.
The process of embedding gold and silver leaf between two layers of glass originated as early as the 1st century, probably in Alexandria.
The so-called " Hedwig " glasses may also have originated in Constantinople.
It originated with the Salian Franks, often simply called Salians, the chief of that conglomeration of Germanic peoples known as Franks.
Although in 1472 some of the faculties and several of the professors were transferred to Pisa, it still retained importance, and in the 17th and 18th centuries it originated a number of learned academies.
This is only a tradition, but the institution of such schools originated undoubtedly in the upper Rhine district.
Its native country is unknown, but it probably originated in India or some parts of eastern tropical Asia where it has been cultivated from great antiquity and whence its cultivation spread westwards and eastwards.
This fact gave rise in ancient times to the false idea that the tapeworm originated from the union of these segments; and in modern times it has led to the view that the tapeworm is not a segmented organism (the monozoic view), but is a colony composed of the scolex which arises from the embryo and of the proglottides, which are asexually produced buds that, upon or before attaining their full size and maturity, become separated, grow, and, in some cases, live freely for a time, just as the segments of a strobilating jelly-fish grow, separate and become sexual individuals (the polyzoic view).
The present family doubtless originated in the northern half of the Old World, whence .it effected an entrance by way of the Bering Strait route into North America, where it has always been but poorly represented in the matter of genera and species.
The long Balkan troubles of 1908-12, which originated in Count Aehrenthal's exploitation of Russia's transitory weakness, called for great care, especially during the crisis of 1908-9, which laid bare Russian impotence.
The statement still commonly repeated that it originated with Petrus 1 These details are scarcely the invention of the chronicler; see Chronicles, and Expositor, Aug.
A more fundamental question is whether the name Yahweh originated among the Israelites or was adopted by them from some other people and speech.'
The late Charlemagne romances originated the legends, in English form, of Sowdone of Babylone, Sir Otnel, Sir Fieumbras and Huon of Bordeaux (in which Oberon, the king of the fairies, the son of Julius Caesar and Morgan the Fay, was first made known to England).
The public debt, which originated in 1752, amounted to £70,000 sterling in 1764, to £400o in 1775 and to $698,000 in 1783.
Children's magazines originated with the Young Misses' Magazine (1806) of Brooklyn; the New York St Nicholas (monthly) and the Boston Youth's Companion (weekly) are prominent juveniles.
The almost total absence from Homer not only of "Dorians " but of " Ionians " and even of " Hellenes "leads to the conclusion that the diagrammatic genealogy of the " sons of Hellen " is of post-Homeric date; and that it originated as an attempt to classify the Doric, Ionic and Aeolic groups of Hellenic settlements on the west coast of Asia Minor, for here alone do the three names correspond to territorial, linguistic and political divisions.
They joined an enthusiastic movement which had originated in a remote province, and had at first a merely local importance.
This accusation appears to have originated in his superior skill in natural philosophy, by which he produced effects that the ignorant attributed to magic.
He was a horticulturist of profound attainments, and himself originated several new varieties of flowers.
The earliest inhabitants of Malta (Melita) and Gozo (Gaulos) belonged to a culture-circle which included the whole of the western Mediterranean, and to a race which perhaps originated from North Africa; and it is they, and not the Phoenicians, who were the builders of the remarkable megalithic monuments which these islands contain, the Gigantia in Gozo, Hagiar Kim and Mnaidra near Crendi, the rock-cut hypogeum of Halsaflieni,' and the megalithic buildings on the hill of Corradino in Malta, being the most noteworthy.
This view was originated by the monk Molina (1528-1581), and has been widely employed by the Jesuits.
This idea originated in the discovery of a jelly-fish, gasteropods, and other organisms of a more or less marine type, and presenting some affinity with forms of Jurassic age.
He was a second cousin to the elder John Adams. His father, whose Christian name was also Samuel, was a wealthy and prominent citizen of Boston, who took an active part in the politics of the town, and was a member of the Caucus (or Caulker's) Club, with which the political term "caucus" is said to have originated; his mother was Mary Fifield.
As originated by Regnault, it consisted in filling a large glass globe with the gas by alternately exhausting with an air-pump and admitting the pure and dry gas.
A legend of his surreptitious bestowal of dowries upon the three daughters of an impoverished citizen, who, unable to procure fit marriages for them, was on the point of giving them up to a life of shame, is said to have originated the old custom of giving presents in secret on the Eve of St Nicholas, subsequently transferred to Christmas Day.
The legend probably originated in a desire to authenticate the relics in the abbey of Saint Denis, supposed to have been brought to Aix by Charlemagne, and is preserved in a 12th-century romance, Le Voyage de Charlemagne a Jerusalem et a Constantinople.'
The first of these is the recapitulation theory which Tyconius originated and Augustine adopted, and which has been revived in later times by Hofmann, Hengstenberg and others.
Moreover, we know that the Ethiopic Church did long possess a chapel and altar in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and, though we have been unable to find travellers' testimony to this older than about 1497, it is quite possible that the appropriation may have originated much earlier.(fn 5) We know from Marco Polo that about a century after the date of Pope Alexander's epistle a mission was sent by the king of Abyssinia to Jerusalem to make offerings on his part at the Church of the Sepulchre.
A modification of this method, which originated in Silesia, is now becoming of importance in many European coalfields.
The use of crowns by dukes originated in 1362, when Edward III.
Even before the beginning of the agitation led by Ronge, another movement fundamentally distinct, though in some respects similar, had been originated at Schneiderriihl, Posen, under the guidance of Johann Czerski (1813-1893), also a priest, who had come into collision with the church authorities on the then much discussed question of mixed marriages, and also on that PRO r.
In Hesiod (Theogony, 1013) he is the son of Odysseus and Circe, and ruler of the Tyrsenians; in Virgil, the son of Faunus and the nymph Marica, a national genealogy being substituted for the Hesiodic, which probably originated from a Greek source.
Under the inspiration of his friend Demetrius of Phalerum, the Athenian orator, statesman and philosopher, this Ptolemy laid the foundations of the great Alexandrian library and originated the keen search for all written works, which resulted in the formation of a collection such as the world has seldom seen.
The intellectual movement so originated extended over a long period of years.
Great Britain thus originated a principle of gun construction which has since been universally followed, and obtained an armament superior to that possessed by any other country at that time.
The Books of Homilies referred to in the 35th article of the Church of England originated at a convocation in 1542, at which it was agreed "to make certain homilies for stay of such errors as were then by ignorant preachers sparkled among the people."
This originated in the East, and was in early use in India, Persia and Arabia, and was introduced into Europe by the Arabs, who had perfected it - perhaps as early as A.D.
The notion of obtaining a periodical record of population and its movement, dissociated from fiscal or other liabilities, originated, as stated above, in Sweden, where, in 1686, the birth and death registers, till then kept voluntarily by the parish clergy, were made compulsory and general, the results for each year being communicated to a central office.
It is of interest accordingly to note how and why the device originated.
Coining originated independently in China at a later date than in the western world, and spread from China to Japan and Korea.
It is doubtful if, without the experience of this secretaryship, he could have successfully originated and carried out the plan of sending the United States navy around the world in 1907.
One favourite theory was that sovereignty originated in a social contract.
The general view was, that the embryo originated in the ovule, which was in some obscure manner fertilized by the pollen.
That servitude existed in many forms all over the archipelago, but among the most curious must be reckoned the pandelingschap or "pledgedom," which originated in Borneo, and according to which a man had the power to make his debtors his serfs until their debts were paid.
That date may therefore be reckoned as that of the foundation of the coaltar colour industry, which has since attained such important dimensions - in Germany, however, rather than in England, the country where it originated.
It was from the precarium, or ecclesiastical benefice, that the feudal fief originated.
Of the latter he was an ardent champion, and the word itself is commonly supposed to have originated with him - at least in its English form it is first found in his Silver Vindicated (1876).
The signs or symbolic acts of the prophet probably originated in the actions of sympathetic magic. Thus in the vivid scene of r Kings xxii.
It originated in a proposal made to the committee of the Religious Tract Society, by the Rev. Thomas Charles of Bala, who found that his evangelistic and philanthropic labours in Wales were sorely hindered by the dearth of Welsh Bibles.
It originated in Babylonia as the foot of that system (24), in accordance with the sexary system applied to the early decimal division of the cubit.
More likely then the 147 and 129 units originated independently in Egypt and Babylonia.
It is believed that this mina divided by 12 unciae by the Romans is the origin of the Arabic ratl of 12 ukiyas, or 5500 grains (33), which is said to have been sent by Harun al-Rashid to Charlemagne, and so to have originated the French monetary pound of 5666 grains.
Since Neoplatonism originated in Alexandria, where Oriental modes of worship were accessible to every one, and since the Jewish philosophy had also taken its place in the literary circles of Alexandria, we may safely assume that even the earliest of the Neoplatonists possessed 1 The resemblance would probably be still more apparent if we thoroughly understood the development of Christianity at Alexandria in the 2nd century; but unfortunately we have only very meagre fragments to guide us here.
Hyatt (1883) observed of the ammonites that each group originated suddenly and spread out with great rapidity.
They are derived from the same period in which the underlying idea of the Gnostic systems also originated, namely, the time at which the ideas of the Persian and Babylonian religions came into contact, the remarkable results of which have thus partly found their way into the official documents of Parsiism.
Mason died in December of this year, and New Hampshire, unlike the other colonies from which the United States originated, New Jersey and Delaware excepted, never received a royal charter.
It has to be remembered (1) that the movement originated within the pale of the Church, and had a great deal in common with that which it opposed; (2) that it was ante-Catholic rather than anti-Catholic, e.g.
The Hebrides are mentioned by Ptolemy under the name of "E330uSat and by Pliny under that of Hebudes, the modern spelling having, it is said, originated in a misprint.
It is indeed true that he not only described himself as the promised Paraclete - for this designation probably originated with himself - but also conceded a high place in his system to "Jesus"; we can only conclude from this, however, that he distinguished between Christianity and Christianity.
They consist of various distinct pieces, and originated in the beginning of the 4th century, probably at Edessa.
Moreover, the sea has worked on the shore line thus originated, reducing the size of the more exposed islands farther east, and even consuming some islands which are now represented by the Nantucket shoals.
It is difficult to see how salt could have originated in this region except under conditions very different climatically from those of the present time.
The mountain structures originated in three great orogenic periods, the earliest in the Archean, the second at the end of the Palaeozoic and the third at the end of the Mesozoic. The Archean mountain chains, which enclosed the present region of Hudson Bay, were so ancient that they had already been worn down almost to a plain before the early Palaeozoic sediments were laid down.
They have originated not as pits but as tentacles.
Dreissensia; lives in fresh water, but originated from the Caspian Sea; introduced into England about 1824.
Thus there originated a separate dynasty of Irak with its capital at Hamadan (Ecbatana); but Sinjar during his long reign often interfered in the affairs of the new dynasty, and every occupant of the throne had to acknowledge his supremacy.
The term originated in the autumn of 1862, and its use quickly spread throughout the North.
According to Roxburgh, the great Indian botanist, the cultivated rice with all its numerous varieties has originated from a wild plant, called in India Newaree or Nivara, which is indigenous on the borders of lakes in the Circars and elsewhere in India, and is also native in tropical Australia.
A statute fair, for long a hiring fair, originated in 1803.
The custom of blowing the wakeman's horn every night at nine o'clock is said to have originated about A.D.
When the borough originated is not known, but Domesday Book mentions two hundred and seventy-six burgesses and land in commune burgensium, a phrase that may point to a nascent municipal corporation.
That the group originated in Africa there can be no reasonable doubt; and it is remarkable that so early as the Upper Eocene the types in existence differed comparatively little in structure from the modern forms. In fact the hyraxes were then almost as distinct from other mammals as they are at the present day.
This piece of furniture, often very graceful and elegant, originated in France towards the middle of the 17th century.
Presumably this originated simply in the liberty-loving Briton's respect for proper legal procedure; instead of the brute exercise of tyrannous force he demanded "law," or a fair opportunity and trial.
This method of intermittent sterilization originated with Tyndall, and it was an important contribution to biological science and industrial practice.
In both the Castiles the central plateau has a naturally fertile soil, for after rain a luxuriant vegetation appears; but drought is common, owing to the insufficient volume of the rivers, and the failure of the Spaniards to extend the fine system of irrigation which the Moors originated.
The dalmatica, which originated - as its name implies - in Dalmatia, came into fashion in the Roman world in the 2nd century A.D.
Hamilton originated in the 15th century under the protecting influence of the lords of Hamilton, and became a burgh of barony in 1456 and a royal burgh in 1548.
Luminous arcs (T), tangential to the upper and lower parts of each halo, also occur, and in the case of the inner halo, the arcs may be prolonged to form a quasi-elliptic halo.1 The physical explanation of halos originated with Rene Descartes, who ascribed their formation to the presence of icecrystals in the atmosphere.
The doctrine of survivorship originated in the Roman Law, which had recourse to certain artificial presumptions, where the particular circumstances connected with deaths were unknown.
It probably originated outside Rome, and was imported thence into the Roman use.
The Latin word amictus was applied to any wrap-like garment, and, according to Father Braun, the liturgical amice originated in the ordinary neck-cloth worn by all classes of Romans.
The scheme originated with Gregory XIII., but was not fully organized till forty years afterwards, when Gregory XV.
In this way two lines of inquiry originated.
In 1865 the state of his health compelled him to retire, but he continued to take an interest in the movement he had originated, and in 1878 he founded at Neuwied a periodical, Das landwirtschaftlicheGenossenscha ftsblatt.
They are those species which, on general phyto-geographical grounds, must be regarded as having originated under steppe-like conditions.
This originated a deadly feud between the leaders of the opposite parties, for Joab, as next of kin to Asahel, was by the law and custom of the country the avenger of his blood.
Many garden varieties of flowers and fruits have thus originated.
Many garden plants have originated solely by selection; and much has been done to improve our breeds of vegetables, flowers and fruit by systematic selection.
Cultivated plums are supposed to have originated from one or other of the species domestica (wild plum) or P. insititia (bullace).
These tribes differed so completely in language and appearance from the surrounding nations, that the ancients originated various theories to account for the phenomenon.
Moreover, the use of each metal must have originated in many different places independently.
It is not necessary to imagine, however, that these devices originated with the Semitic priesthood.
Gabii became Roman in fairly early times, though at what period is uncertain, and with its subjugation must have originated the Via Gabina, afterwards prolonged to Praeneste.
It is uncertain whether the parallel communities of men originated also with Lambert le Begue.
It appears from the foregoing account that at most localities the diamond is found in alluvial deposits probably far from the place where it originated.
Ball thinks that the former legend originated in the Indian practice of sacrificing cattle to the evil spirits when a new mine is opened; birds of prey would naturally carry off the flesh, and might give rise to the tale of the eagles carrying diamonds adhering to the meat.
At the meeting of the states in 1604 Duke Charles assumed the Swedish crown as Charles IX.; and not long afterwards Duke John of Ostergotland introduced German craftsmen into Norrkoping, and thus originated its industrial activity.
The tax probably originated in a tribute levied by a conqueror or ruler upon his subjects, and perhaps the custom of dedicating a tenth of the spoils of war to the gods led to the religious extension of the term, the original offerings to deity being "firstfruits."
The system is due to the ability of the great Count Cavour; what he originated in Piedmont has been also carried out in Lombardy.
Ridgeway, who maintains that the Iron age originated in central Europe, and that iron must consequently have been worked in those regions as far back as C. 2000 BC.
Great importance was also acquired by the Hanseatic League, which had originated during the interregnum in a treaty of alliance between Lubeck and Hamburg.
It is a breed of mixed blood, and is believed to have originated from the "Big China" pig - a large white hog with sandy spots, taken to Ohio in 1816, and blended with Irish graziers in 1839, and with a breed known as Bayfields, as well as with Berkshires.
The municipal system still embodies the spirit and purpose of the Baldwin Municipal Act which originated it in 1849.
The scheme, which probably originated with the atticizing party in Thebes, resulted in the severe defeat of Hippocrates at Delium by the Boeotians under Pagondas, and was a final blow to the policy of an Athenian land empire.
Vicentini of Padua, will yield excellent diagrams of the gentle undulations of earthquakes which have originated at great distances, but for local disturbances, even if the bob of the pendulum acts as a steady point, the highly multiplied displacements are usually too great to be recorded.
The Mahmal, a kind of covered litter, first originated by Queen Sheger-ed-Dur, is brought into the city in procession, though not with as much pomp as when it leaves with the pilgrims. These and other processions have lost much of their effect since the extinction of the Mamelukes, and the gradual disuse of gorgeous dress for the retainers of the,, officers of state.
The stringent system of selecting British officers, originated by the first sirdar in 1883, is shown by the fact that of the 24 employed in creating the army, 14 rose to be generals.
They must have originated among a more cruel people.
Yet very few great monuments were originated by him; even the Ramesseum, his funerary temple, was begun by his father.
Roman taxcensuses, taking place every fifteenth year, probably originated in Egypt, in A.D.
He made large purchases of slaves (Mamelukes) for his army, and when the inhabitants of Cairo complained of their lawlessness, he built barracks for them on the island of Roda (Raula), whence they were called Bahri or Nile Mamelukes, which became the name of the first dynasty that originated from them.
Equally short-lived was the Danish dominion in England, which originated in a great Viking expedition of King Sweyn I.
Hartmann, set the dramas of Ewald and others, and thus the Danish school of music originated.
The name may have originated in the Swedish maenk applied to the European animal.
The idea of this originated with Bishop Montgomery, secretary to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, and was endorsed by a resolution of the United Boards of Mission in 1903.
Evidently the family originated in the northern continent of the Old World, from which an entrance was effected by way of Bering Strait into America.
It has already been pointed out that the Cervidae originated in the northern continent of the Old World; and it has been suggested that the Bovidae were developed in Africa.
The story of Falstaff originated partly in Henry's early friendship for Oldcastle (q.v.).
The name Scotland for this geographical area of northern Britain (the Caledonia of the ancients - a name still poetically used for Scotland) originated in the 11th century, when (from the tribe of Scots) part of it was called Scotia (a name previously applied to what is now Ireland); and the name of Scotland became established in the 12th and 13th centuries.
In pictures and sculptures of the 15th century and earlier, we often find represented this idea, originated by Marcion in the 2nd century.
Most pilgrims, probably, contented themselves with the brief guidebooks which seem to have originated in the catalogues of indulgences.
These monuments, which are found in Lydia, Phrygia, Cappadocia and Lycaonia, as well as in north and central Syria, point to the existence of a homogeneous civilization over those countries; they show a singularly marked style of art, and are frequently inscribed with a peculiar kind of hieroglyphics, engraved boustrophedon; and they originated probably from a great Hittite kingdom, whose kings ruled the countries from Lydia to the borders of Egypt.
This tragic story is the subject of one of the extant plays of Euripides.4 The famous friendship between Theseus and Pirithous, king of the Lapiths, originated thus.
Mr Shortland appears to think that cannibalism among the Maories of New Zealand may have thus originated.
But where cannibalism was practised as a means of subsistence, it probably originated in times of actual want, such as may have occurred during the long voyages of the people.
The name is derived from imba, fish, and bura, mother, and is said to have originated from the quantities of a fish called " prenadilla " (Pimelodus cyclopum) discharged from its crater during one of its eruptions - a phenomenon which, after a searching investigation, was discredited by Wagner.
The idea of this extension originated no doubt in the fact that the Italian patricius of the 6th and 7th centuries had come to be regarded as the defensor, protector, patronus of the Church.
Boucherie, a Frenchman, originated a system in which the sap is expelled from the timber under pressure, and a strong solution of copper sulphate is then injected at the end of the wood.
The process of liming, which originated at the time when the Dutch held a monopoly of the trade, was with the view of preventing the germination of the seeds, which were formerly immersed for three months in milk of lime for this purpose, and a preference is still manifested in some countries for nutmegs so prepared.
Among steel ships, the type known as the "whaleback" originated here; and iron and wooden ships, launches and small pleasure craft are also made.
A conspicuous feature is the difficulty of maintaining this single monarchy, which, however it originated, speedily became two rival states (Judah and Israel).
An enormous gap severs the pre-monarchical period from this age, and while the tribal schemes and tribal traditions can hardly be traced during the monarchies, the inclusion of Judah among the " sons " of Israel would not have originated when Judah and Israel were rival kingdoms. Yet the tribes survive in post-exilic literature and their traditions develop henceforth in Jubilees, Testament of the XII Patriarchs, &c.
Epinal originated towards the end of the 10th century with the founding of a monastery by Theodoric (Dietrich) I., bishop of Metz, whose successors ruled the town till 1444, when its inhabitants placed themselves under the protection of Kin& Charles VII.
Humboldt, Alphonse de Candolle and others, however, do not hesitate to say that it originated solely in America, where it had been long and extensively cultivated at the period of the discovery of the New World; and that is the generally accepted modern view.
Some hold the view that maize originated from a common Mexican fodder grass, Euchlaena mexicana, known as Teosinte, a closely allied plant which when crossed with maize yields a maize-like hybrid.
This was founded shortly after the Conquest and originated from the endowment which the monks of Lyre near Evreux held in Bowcombe, including the church, mill, houses, land and tithes of the manor.
This plan had originated with Captain Maconochie, at one time superintendent in Norfolk Island, who had recommended that the punishment inflicted upon criminals should be measured, not by time, but by the amount of labour actually performed.
Both these measures originated in the United States.
But as they are found in the late Bronze Age and early Iron Age, the early iron culture of Hallstatt must have originated long before 1350 B.C., a conclusion in accord with the absence of silver at Hallstatt itself.
The leading thesis seems to have been that all the great religions of the world originated from the same supreme source, and that they were all to be regarded as so many divers expressions of one and the same fundamental truth, or "Wisdom Religion," in such form and dress as was best adapted to suit the times and the people for whose spiritual growth and development religious instruction was required.
It originated a rotatory movement, which arising in one point gradually extended till the whole was in motion, which motion continues and will continue infinitely.
The Thessalian League originated in the deliberate choice by village aristocracies of a single monarch who belonged from time to time to several of the so-called Heracleid families.
It may probably have originated in religious associations, but the guiding power throughout was the imperial policy of Thebes, especially during its short-lived supremacy after 379 B.C.
The remarkable federation of the Dominion of Canada which was thus originated presented the unique feature of a federal union of provinces practically exercising sovereign rights in relation to all local self-government, and sustaining a constitutional autonomy, while cherishing the colonial relationship to Great Britain.
The Royal Botanic Gardens of Kew originated in the exotic garden formed by Lord Capel and greatly extended by the princess dowager, widow of Frederick, prince of Wales, and by George III., aided by the skill of William Aiton and of Sir Joseph Banks.
Wherever the alphabet may have originated, there seems no doubt that its first importation in a form closely resembling that with which we are familiar in modern times was from the Phoenicians to the Greeks.
The alphabet may have originated as Dr Evans thinks, but at present the proof is not conclusive.
Others contended that the disease originated locally; and, indeed, considering previous history, no importation of plague would seem necessary to explain its presence in Europe.
According to one view it was imported from the opposite coast of Dalmatia, though no definite history of contagion was established; according to others, it originated endemically in that place.
With respect to the origin of this epidemic, the possibility of its having originated on the spot, as in Resht and on the Euphrates in very similar situations, is not to be denied.
Any bill may originate in either house, but a bill of special, private or local interest must be referred to a standing committee of five members appointed by the Senate and seven members appointed by the House of Delegates, before it is referred to the committee of the house in which it originated.
The popular assembly, like the English House of Commons, granted supplies and originated laws, and the governor and Council enjoyed the right of revision and veto as did the king and the House of Lords at home.
These equations are due to Euler, with whom the conception of moving axes, and the application to the problem of free rotation, originated.
These equations are due to Lagrange, with whom indeed the first conception, as well as the establishment, of a general dynamical method applicable to all systems whatever appears to have originated.
Was the process one of spontaneous growth adapting an already existing social organization to a new order of things; or was it originated and perpetuated by regulation from above?
Whether the incarnation theory started from the original solar nature of the god suggestive of regular visits to the world of men, or in what other way it may have originated, must remain doubtful.
The independent treasury plan originated during Van Buren's administration as a Democratic measure; it had been repealed by the Whigs in 1841, and was now re-enacted.
The work of Faraday from 1831 to 1851 stimulated and originated an immense mass of scientific research, but at the same time practical inventors had not been slow to perceive that it was capable of purely technical application.
Electric Waves.-In the decade 1880-1890, the most important advance in electrical physics was, however, that which originated with the astonishing researches of Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (1857-1894).
The Musica Enchiriadis, published with other writings of minor importance in Gerbert's Scriptores de Musica, and containing a complete system of musical science as well as instructions regarding notation, has now been proved to have originated about half a century later than the death of the monk Hucbald, and to have been the work of an unknown writer belonging to the close of the 10th century and possibly also bearing the name of Hucbald.
The largest church of this section, consisting of approximately 500 members, originated in Edinburgh in 1765, before which date only one Baptist church - that of Keiss in Caithness, formed about 1750 - appears to have existed in Scotland.
This advice occurs even in classical and Chinese agricultural books as well as in those of our own day, and proves that the close adaptation of each variety or breed to the country in which it originated has always been recognized.
Any person who has compared the physical characters of the native races of South America must be convinced that these have all originated in a common stirps.
His Platon's Leben and Schriften (1816) was the first of those critical inquiries into the life and works of Plato which originated in the Introductions of Schleiermacher and the historical scepticism of Niebuhr and Wolf.
Stead in 1885, as he had earlier supported Mrs Josephine Butler in a similar cause; he attacked the trade in alcohol; was an anti-vivisectionist; he advocated arbitration; and his vehement attacks on Sir Charles Dilke and Charles Stewart Parnell originated the phrase the "Nonconformist conscience."
According to Weizsacker, he was an old Pelasgian or pre-Hellenic god, to whom human sacrifice was offered, bearing a non-Hellenic name similar to XLKo, whence the story originated of his metamorphosis into a wolf.
Out of this railway grew one of the largest companies, the London & North-Western; while the most extensive system as regards mileage, the Great Western, originated in a line from Paddington, London, to Bristol, for which an act of parliament was obtained in 1835, and which was opened in 1841.
This peculiar system of military tenure (indelningsverket) originated in the 17th century, when certain landowners were exempt from other military obligations if they provided and maintained armed men.
It originated in the small " Scania " party in the Upper House, and was devised to establish a modus vivendi between the conflicting parties, i.e.
It is generally conceded that the potato originated in southern Chile, as it is found growing wild in Chiloe and neighbouring islands and on the adjacent mainland.
It should be remembered that many of these railway enterprises of the desert region originated at a time when the territory belonged to Bolivia and Peru.
Its usefulness to Luther in his propaganda was no accident in its history; it originated in a controversy, and the varying views of the momentous struggle depicted in Gal.
Mardonius, alone, after his suppression of the Ionic revoltwhich had originated with these very tyrantsmade an attempt to govern them by the assistance of the democracy (492 B.C.).
The distinctive teaching of Marcion originated in a comparison of the Old Testament with the gospel of Christ and the theology of the apostle Paul.
Ireland has two police forces; the Dublin metropolitan police originated in 1808, and in 1829 the provisions of Sir Robert Peel's act for London were embodied in the Police Law for Ireland.
Certain large natural pits which are found in the plain behind, and have luxuriant gardens at the bottom, are supposed to have originated the myth of the Gardens of the Hesperides.
The next three or four years were employed by Emin in various journeys through his province, and in the initiation of schemes for its development, until in 1882, on his return from a visit to Khartum, he became aware that the Mandist rising, which had originated in Kordofan, was spreading southward.
The project was originated by George Ripley, who also virtually directed it throughout.
After a time a new fault originated at the foot of the sub-Himalayan zone thus raised, which now became part of the Himalaya themselves, and a new sub-Himalayan chain was formed in front of the previous one.
Zeno's residence at Athens fell at a time when the great movement which Socrates originated had spent itself in the second generation of his spiritual descendants.
But this theory, which originated in the 15th century and was perpetuated in the title of The Lusiads, has no historical foundation.
The conception of an ocean route to India appears to have originated after his death.
The Chambres des enquetes and des requetes originated at the time when it became customary to draw up lists for each session of the Parlement.
Galton was the author of memoirs on various anthropometric subjects; he originated the process of composite portraiture, and paid much attention to finger-prints and their employment for the identification of criminals, his publications on this subject including Finger Prints (1892), Decipherment of Blurred Finger Prints (1893) and Finger Print Directories (1895).
But to maintain therefore that he originated in Thessaly as the special deity of a single tribe, who were able to impose him upon the whole of Hellas, is against the analogies offered by the study of the special cults of Greek polytheism.
After leaving Congress he became one of the earliest champions of the "Ohio idea" (which he is said to have originated), demanding that the government should pay the principal of its 5-20-year 6% bonds in the "greenback" currency instead of in coin.
They originated in the agglomerations of Turkish stems which in the region north of the Altai reached some degree of culture between the 4th and the 8th centuries, but were subdued and enslaved by the Mongols.
Wallace became convinced of the truth of evolution, and originated the theory of natural selection during these travels.
In 1882 he published Land Nationalization, in which he argued the necessity of state ownership of land, a principle which he had originated long before the appearance of Henry George's work.
However little the conduct of the French government in this transaction of the Spanish marriages can be vindicated, it is certain that it originated in the belief that in Palmerston France had a restless and subtle enemy.
Thus the idea of Peter at Rome really originated with the Ebionites, but it was afterwards taken up by the Catholic Church, and then Paul was associated with Peter in opposition to Simon, who had originally been himself.
Thus originated the Great Schism of the West.
On a second expedition of his own he proved to his own satisfaction that the river originated some 40 miles S.W.
It is now the general opinion of most modern scholars who study the Old Testament from a critical point of view that this work cannot possibly have originated, according to the traditional theory, at any time during the Babylonian monarchy, when the events recorded are supposed to have taken place.
Furthermore, it is now very generally admitted that the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead, which is advanced for the first time in the Old Testament in Daniel, also originated among the Persians, 8 and could only have been engrafted on the Jewish mind after a long period of intercourse with the Zoroastrian religion, which came into contact with the Jewish thinkers considerably after the time of Nebuchadrezzar.
All the above evidences are merely internal, but we are now able to draw upon the Babylonian historical sources to prove that Daniel could not have originated at the time of Nebuchadrezzar.
It was said to have originated in the saying of Justice Bennet at Derby in 1650, "Tremble (or quake) at the word of the Lord," but it is now certain that it was used as early as 1647, and arose from the physical manifestations of religious emotion characteristic of many of the early Friends.
Hence, though, like Plato, Speusippus (4) studied the differences of natural products (5) with a view to classification, he did not agree with Plato in his conception of the significance of the results thus obtained; that is to say, while to Plato the definition derived from the study of the particulars included in a natural kind was an approximate definition of the idea in which the natural kind originated, to Speusippus the definition was a definition of the particulars studied, and, strictly speaking, of nothing else.
Godalming was incorporated by Elizabeth in 1574, when the borough originated.
The colonization of the eastern provinces and the struggle against the Sla y s necessitated a stronger concentration of aristocratic power, and the reception of Roman law during the 5th and 16th centuries hardened the forms of subjection originated by customary conditions.
Another phase in the myth of Dionysus originated in observing the decay of vegetation in winter, to suit which he was supposed to be slain and to join the deities of the lower world.
From this press originated also the no less important presses at Buzeu and Ramnicu Valcea, where in the following two centuries almost all the books for the Church service were printed.
During the sittings of the congress troubles broke out which originated in an insignificant conflict between students and soldiers of the garrison.
This cult probably originated in Crete, whence the god in the form of a dolphin led his Cretan worshippers to the Delphian shore, where he bade them erect an altar in his honour.
This ingenious device originated in America.
Pietism, as a distinct movement in the German Church, was then originated by Spener by religious meetings at his house (collegia pietatis), at which he repeated his sermons, expounded passages of the New Testament, and induced those present to join in conversation on religious questions that arose.
The party originated at the close of the wars with Napoleon I.
The Border Leicester originated after the death in 1795 of Bakewell, when the Leicester breed, as it then existed, diverged into two branches.
It originated in a strong infusion of Leicester blood amongst the old Bampton stock of Devonshire.
Only a remnant of the former under the name of the Western sheep survives in a pure state, but their cross descendants are seen in the modern Hampshire Down, which originated by blending them with the Southdown.
Basil, in his work On the Holy Spirit, confesses his ignorance of how these and other features of his baptismal rite had originated.
They for the most part originated among the believers, and not improbably the outside cults borrowed as much from the church as it from them.
First, whereas it has been assumed above that Xenophanes was theologian rather than philosopher, whence it would seem to follow that the philosophical doctrine of unity originated, not with him, but with Parmenides, Zeller, supposing Xenophanes to have taught, not merely the unity of God, but also the unity of Being, assigns to Parmenides no more than an exacter conception of the doctrine of the unity of Being, the justification of that doctrine, and the denial of the plurality and the mutability of things.
Although known as the Wilmot Proviso it really originated with Jacob Brinkerhoff (1810-1880) of Ohio, Wilmot being selected to present it only because his party standing was more regular.
All originated in pagan funeral or commemorative rites, and continued to be held, even in Christian times, in very ancient cemeteries.
We may, with Sedgwick, suppose the coelom to have originated by the enlargement and separation of pouches that pressed outwards from the archenteron into the thickened body-wall (such structures as the genital pouches of some Coelentera, not yet shut off from the rest of the cavity), and they would probably have been four in number and radially disposed about the central cavity.
Now ensued the great event that originated the phylum - the discovery of the sea-floor.
There is reason to believe that the whole scheme was originated at Washington, and though Buchanan was not privy to it before the event, yet he adopted it.
Briefly stated, these acts, which had been originated during the Protectorate of Cromwell, and continued after the Restoration, reserved the whole coasting trade of the country for British vessels and British seamen, and much of the foreign trade for British vessels, commanded and chiefly manned by British subjects.
As regards the latter order, although we are at present unacquainted with all the connecting links between the lemurs and the monkeys, there is little doubt that the ancestors of the former represent the stock from which the latter have originated.
The extinct creodonts, especially if they be the direct descendants of the anomodont reptiles, may have originated in Africa, although they are at present known in that continent only from the Fayum district.
As regards the deer-family (Cervidae), which is unknown in Africa south of the Sahara, it is quite evident that it originated in the northern half of the Old World, whence it reached North America by the Bering Sea route, and eventually travelled into South America.
Possibly, however, its birthplace may prove to be Africa; if so, we shall have a case analogous to that of the African elephant, namely that while giraffes flourished during the Pliocene in Asia (where they may have originated), they survive only in Africa.
The camels (Tylopoda) certainly originated in the northern hemisphere, but although their birthplace has been confidently claimed for North America, an equal, if not stronger, claim may be made on the part of Central Asia.
Several of his most striking contributions to knowledge originated in the discovery of errors or fallacies in the work of his great predecessors in astronomy.
Tylor - to the effect that it originated in the desire of the primitive man to bring on at will certain abnormal nervous conditions favourable to the seeing of those visions and the dreaming of those dreams which are supposed to give the soul direct access to the objective realities of the spiritual world.
After long controversy, St Alfonso Liguori's doctrine of Probabilism (originated by Molina) definitely triumphed everywhere.
Practically all Anglican sisterhoods originated in works of mercy, and this fact largely accounts for the rapidity with which they have won their way to the good will and confidence of the Church.
Whether Lord Derby or Mr Disraeli originated this resolve has been much discussed, and it remains an unsettled question.
Although Apollo has nothing to do with the earlier cult of Artemis, nor Artemis with that of Delphi, their association was a comparatively early one, and probably originated in Delos.
He was commander-in-chief of the Grand Army of the Republic from 1868 to 1871, and in this position successfully urged the observance of Memorial or Decoration Day, an idea which probably originated with him.
There are other remarkable and distinctive features of structure which hold the Arthropoda together, and render it impossible to conceive of them as having a polyphyletic origin, that is to say, as having originated separately by two or three distinct lines of descent from lower animals; and, on the contrary, establish the view that they have been developed from a single line of primitive Gnathopods which arose by modification of parapodiate annulate worms not very unlike some of the existing Chaetopods.
From this he concludes that all the forms have originated from one stock and are to be comprised within one species.
He originated a new theory as to the individual existence of the human soul; he held that the degree of its vitality after death depends upon the degree of its vitality in this life.
Sometimes, again, whole theories of ethics have been formulated which can be seen in the end to be efforts to subordinate moral conceptions to conceptions belonging properly to institutions or departments of human thought and activity which the moral consciousness has itself originated.
The long-lived conception of a series of crystal spheres, acting as the vehicles of the heavenly bodies, and attuned to divine harmonies, seems to have originated with Pythagoras himself.
Tobias Mayer of Göttingen (1723-1762) originated the mode of adjusting transit-instruments still in vogue; drew up a catalogue of nearly a thousand zodiacal stars (published posthumously in 1775); and deduced the proper motions of eighty stars from a comparison of their places as given by Olaus Romer in 1706 with those obtained by himself in 1756.
The proof supplied by him in 1802 that coupled stars mutually circulate threw open a boundless field of research; and he originated experimental inquiries into the construction of the heavens by systematically collecting and sifting stellar statistics.
The Land League, of which Michael Davitt was the founder, originated in Mayo in August, and at a meeting in Dublin in October the organization was extended to all Ireland, with Parnell as president.
The system originated by Parnell's Ennis speech became an all-devouring tyranny.
The type perhaps originated in Egypt, where figures of gods with human bodies and animal heads, and compound animal forms like the gryphon were numerous from very early times.
That the Osirian myth (much as it was elaborated and allegorized) originated in the same sort of fancy as the Tacullie story of the dismembered beaver out of whose body things were made is a conclusion not devoid of plausibility.
The industry originated with the colony of straw-plaiters transplanted by James I.
Though reform originated among the educated classes it speedily found an echo among the industrial classes of the 16th century, further assisted by the influence of German and Flemish journeymen.
He it was who originated the project which the legislative commissions, charged with elaborating the new constitution, had to discuss.
Uxbridge is an ancient borough, stated to have been one of those originated by Alfred the Great, but it is not mentioned in Domesday.
The idea originated in the stipulation made in a charter then granted by John that the citizen chosen to be mayor should be presented to the king or his justice for approval.
The cube may have originated by placing three equal squares at a common vertex, so as to form a trihedral angle.
In his Dialogo dei massimi sistemi, printed not less than thirteen years after the last of the three laws had been given to the world, the epicycles by which Copernicus, adhering to the ancient postulate of uniform circular motion, had endeavoured to reduce to theory the irregularities of the planetary movements, were neither expressly adopted nor expressly rejected; and the conclusion seems inevitable that this grave defection from the cause of progress was due to his perhaps unconscious reluctance to accept discoveries which he had not originated.
The name of Isidore usurped by the author at first led to the supposition that the False Decretals originated in Spain; this opinion no longer meets with any support; it is enough Nation= to point out that there is no Spanish manuscript of the ality of collection, at least until the 13th century.
The split in the Conservative camp originated in the rivalry between the two principal lieutenants of Canovas, Romero Robledo and Francisco Silvela.
The dance of the Corybantic priests, like that of the priests who represented the - - Curetes, may have originated in a primitive faith in the power of noise to avert evil.
It originated a rotatory movement in the mass (a movement far exceeding the most rapid in the world as we know it), which, arising in one corner or point, gradually extended till it gave distinctness and reality to the aggregates of like parts.
The family name had originated in their earlier home of Darmstadt.
Nevertheless it seems to have originated in the East, perhaps as a protest against the extreme Monophysites, who even denied the passibility of Christ.
When this union extends for a considerable length along the stem, several leaves may be interposed between the part where the peduncle becomes free and the leaf whence it originated, and it may be difficult to trace the connexion.
His jests, which were used by his enemies as a charge against him, seem to have originated in religious indifference, or perhaps in a spirit of inquiry which anticipated the ideas of a later age.
Therefore the so-called American forms may have originated in the Old World, or more probably, as Saporta suggests, in the polar regions, whence they were driven by the increase of cold southwards into Europe and into America.
This view has originated out of the very remarkable superficial resemblance between the Ichthyophis-larva and the Amphiuma.
The idea held by several writers, including Niebuhr, that frankincense was a product of India, would seem to have originated in a confusion of that drug with benzoin and other odoriferous substances, and also in the sale of imported frankincense with the native products of India.
In the pecuniary embarrassments of the margraves also originated the power of the Stdnde, or estates, consisting of the nobles, the clergy and the towns.
And, finally, it is not at all difficult to understand why Kant should say that the affection of sense originated in the action of things-in-themselves, when we consider what was the thing-in-itself to which he was referring.
The world must be represented as having originated from an idea, if it is to harmonize with that use of reason without which we should hold ourselves unworthy of reason - viz.
The first white settlement on the site of Topeka was made in 1852, but the city really originated in 1854, when its site was chosen by a party from Lawrence.
Beating the bounds had a religious side in the practice which originated the term Rogation, the accompanying clergy being supposed to beseech (rogare) the divine blessing upon the parish lands for the ensuing harvest.
This feature originated in the 5th century, when Mamercus, bishop of Vienna, instituted special prayers and fasting and processions on these days.
They originated in Egypt where they were erected in front of temples of the sun god.
Forrests also bought greaves from brokers without knowing where they originated.
In England the system originated in the medieval craft guilds.
Listen to the reggae lilt of the title-track and you'll be convinced that the rhythms of Jamaica also originated in Africa.
Entirely independent of encryption, region coding pertains to regional lockout, which originated in the video game industry.
The most famous of Florida desserts is Key Lime Pie, it originated in Key west and resembles lemon meringue but is more tart.
Many ancient cultures have legends that their ancestors originated from the Pleiades.
The breed originated from a series of matings carried out by Lord Tweedmouth from 1864 onwards.
The idea of a civitas Capital probably originated in Gaul.
Heinz Strobl has independently originated an essentially similar form.
The sands and gravels of the alluvial plain originated as glacial outwash from the melting glaciers inland.
Penstemons originated on the North American prairies, so they come in half hardy and fully hardy varieties.
The first million selling record for this vocal quintet was a traditional song which originated from slaves in Georgia, Alabama.
Rajput court paintings originated from the Jain illustrated manuscripts but each Rajput court paintings originated from the Jain illustrated manuscripts but each Rajput kingdom developed its own painting style.
The original hybrids, including skunk itself, are believed to have originated in the USA.
Oddly enough both French and Russian tarragon are said to have originated in Siberia reaching Europe in the Middle Ages.
We simply do not know when many traditional designs originated (or in many cases if they are truly traditional at all ).
The aristocratic troubadours were poets who originated in the south of France where they wrote the lyrics in Provencal (langue d'oc ).
Belted Galloways are a hardy rare breed which originated on the expose uplands of Galloway in the south west of Scotland.
Stuttgart seems to have originated in a stud (Stuten Garten) of the early counts of Wurttemberg, and is first mentioned in a document of 1229.
In historic times it was applied to the inhabitants of (I) Attica, where some believed the Ionians to have originated; (2) parts of Euboea; (3) the Cycladic islands, except Melos and Thera; (4) a section of the west coast of Asia Minor, from the gulf of Smyrna to that of Iasus (see Ionia); (5) colonies from ' any of the foregoing, notably in Thrace, Propontis and Pontus in the west, and in Egypt (Naucratis, Daphnae); some authorities have found traces of an ancient Ionian population in (6) north-eastern Peloponnese.
Curtius (1856-1890) that the Ionians originated in Asia Minor and spread thence through the Cyclades to Euboea and Attica deserts ancient tradition on linguistic and ethnological grounds of doubtful value.
It is, therefore, to the general interest that all these matters should be settled pacifically, by a common accord; and hence originated those conventions between the two powers which are known by the significant name of concordat, the official name being pactum concordatum or solemnis conventio.
The imperial family were renowned for their beauty, and the princesses of this race were sought as brides by Byzantine emperors of the dynasty of the Palaeologi, by Western nobles, and by Mahommedan princes; and the connexions thus formed originated a variety of diplomatic relations and friendly or offensive alliances.
There are vicissitudes and varying standpoints which point to a complicated literary history and require some historical background, and, apart from actual changes in the history of the Levites, some allowance must be made for the real character of the circles where the diverse records originated or through which they passed.
In this form a law prescribing one year's fallow in seven may have been anciently observed, but it scarcely originated from the analogy of a seventh day of rest.
The nature of Cromwell's statesmanship is to be seen rather in his struggles against the retrograde influences and opinions of his time, in the many political reforms anticipated though not originated or established by himself, and in his religious, perhaps fanatical, enthusiasm, than in the outward character of his administration, which, however, in spite of its despotism shows itself in its inner spirit of justice, patriotism and self-sacrifice, so immeasurably superior to that of the Stuarts.
The seven-day week (see Calendar) originated in West Asia, spread to Europe and later to North Africa (Mahommedan).
Notwithstanding the elaborate disguise which fear of the powers that were led Descartes to throw over his real opinions, it is impossible to read the Principes de la philosophie without acquiring the conviction that this great philosopher held that the physical world and all things in it, whether living or not living, have originated by a process of evolution, due to the continuous operation of purely physical causes, out of a primitive relatively formless matter.'
Bacteria (see BACTERIOLOGY) and Cyanophyceae (see ALGAE), which are often grouped together as Schizophyta, are from points of view of both structure and reproduction extremely simple organisms, and stand apart from the remaining groups, which are presumed to have originated directly or indirectly from the Flagellatae, a group of unicellular aquatic organisms combining animal and plant characteristics which may be regarded as the starting-point of unicellular Thallophytes on the one hand and of the Protozoa on the other.
It is used to a limited extent both in England and on the continent of Europe, and is rapidly increasing in favour in the United States, where it originated and is known as the " Atlantic " type.
Scientific theories date from the second half of the last century, and were originated in the first instance by the English anthropological school.
The first form of his theory distinguishes (i.) honorific, (ii.) piacular and (iii.) mystical or sacramental sacrifices; but the latter type is traced back to the same cycle of ideas as that in which the piacular sacrifice originated.
The word "pear" or its equivalent occurs in all the Celtic languages, while in Slavonic and other dialects different appellations, but still referring to the same thing, are found - a diversity and multiplicity of nomenclature which led Alphonse de Candolle to infer a very ancient cultivation of the tree from the shores of the Caspian to those of the Atlantic. A certain race of pears, with white down on the under surface of their leaves, is supposed to have originated from P. nivalis, and their fruit is chiefly used in France in the manufacture of Perry (see Cider).
The palaeotheres, which range in size from that of a pig to that of a small rhinoceros, are now regarded as representing a family, Palaeotheriidae, nearly related to the horsetribe, and having, in fact, probably originated from the same ancestral stock, namely, Hyracotherium of the Lower Eocene (see Equidae).
In these customs originated perhaps the scapegoat, some forms of sacrifice and other cathartic ceremonies.
According to its so fifth report, it originated " in the prospective fears of a portion of the trade that some dire calamity must inevitably, sooner or later, overtake the cotton manufacture of Lancashire, whose vast superstructure had so long rested upon the treacherous foundation of restricted slave labour as the main source of supply for its raw material."
The conspiracy originated in a belief that the Portuguese crown was about to enforce payment of certain arrears in the mining tax known as the "royal fifths," and its object was to set up a republic in Brazil.
It is understood that it was originated at the unofficial instigation of both the British and Ottoman governments, with the idea of forming a channel for the more generous investment of British capital in Turkey under the new regime, so that British financial interests might play a more important part in the Ottoman Empire than has been the case since the state bankruptcy of 1876.
On this hypothesis Poisson investigated the forces due to bodies magnetized in any manner, and also originated the mathematical theory of magnetic induction.
The distinction was never a scientific one, even in the sense in which the word science can be used of the middle ages; it originated in social conceits and in the contempt for mechanical arts which came of the cultivation of "ideas" as opposed to converse with "matter," and which, in the dawn of modern methods, led to the derision of Boyle by Oxford humanists as one given up to "base and mechanical pursuits."
The Spanish glass-makers were very successful in imitating the Venetian style, and many specimens supposed to have originated from Murano are really Spanish.
It has been customary to attribute the creation of the German navy to the Kaiser William II., and it is true that in large part the initiative for successive increases, and the demagogic appeals by which they were supported, originated with the Emperor.
But, however it originated, the phrase undoubtedly contributed to foster popular misconceptions as to the intrinsic value of Indulgences, apart from repentance and confession; though Dr Lea seems to press this point unduly (p. 54 ff.), and should be read in conjunction with Thurston (p. 324 ff.).
Opposite to the abbey church (see below) stands the town hall (1879-1882), which originated in a bequest by George Aitken Clark (1823-1873), and was completed by his relatives, the thread manufacturers of Anchor Mills.
But though his eclectic system failed, the spirit of toleration which originated it produced in other ways many important results, and, indeed, may be said to have done more to establish Akbar's power on a secure basis than all his economic and social reforms. He conciliated the Hindus by giving them freedom of worship; while at the same time he strictly prohibited certain barbarous Brahmanical practices, such as trial by ordeal and the burning of widows against their will.
This characterization originated with Henry Lee.
Its use originated in the Transcendental Club (1836) founded by Emerson, Frederic Henry Hedge (1805-1890), and others.
Tobias Mayer of Göttingen (1723-1762) originated the mode of adjusting transit-instruments still in vogue; drew up a catalogue of nearly a thousand zodiacal stars (published posthumously in 1775); and deduced the proper motions of eighty stars from a comparison of their places as given by Olaus Romer in 1706 with those obtained by himself in 1756.
It was a little different, more pungent, and one felt that this was where it originated.
Rajput court paintings originated from the Jain illustrated manuscripts but each Rajput kingdom developed its own painting style.
The staff originated from the long spears carried by classical warriors.
Noise - The word " noise " originated in audio practice and refers to random spurts of electrical energy or interference.
We simply do not know when many traditional designs originated (or in many cases if they are truly traditional at all).
The aristocratic troubadours were poets who originated in the south of France where they wrote the lyrics in Provencal (langue d'oc).
History The sestina is one of several forms that originated with the troubadour poets of medieval Provence.
The Hamadan you purchase should have a certificate of authenticity to verify where it originated, the materials used, and the approximate age of the rug.
Christmas tree costs vary greatly depending on the type of tree, its size, where it originated, shipping charges (or transportation costs for trees shipped to lots in a different area), and other factors.
Originated in 2005, the one-day shopping event was originally designed to increase Internet sales and e-commerce purchases.
While no one is sure exactly where these cats originated, it is known that the royalty of Siam kept these beautiful animals.
The breed originated from a litter born on a Cornwall farm.
The Cosmopolitan cocktail is a cool drink that originated in the 1970s.
This raspberry flavored liqueur originated in the Chambord region of France and is commonly enjoyed with meals.
Limoncello is a lemon-flavored liqueur that originated in Southern Italy.
Rum lovers delight in this drink, which originated in Cuba.
Although exact dates are sketchy, grenadine is believed to have originated in France, probably several centuries ago.
It is said that sometime between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the hand-block printing industry, which originated in Sanganer, a town outside of Jaipur, began exporting these intricate and beautiful textiles to Europe in bulk.
Ginger is a creeping perennial that originated in the tropics.
Slippery elm bark powder is an herbal remedy that originated in the Appalachian mountains in the United States.
The term "Essiac" originated with a Canadian nurse named Rene Caisse.
No one really knows where the art of punched tin originated, but it is widely believed that the lantern used in the famous Paul Revere ride was a punched metal design.
The movement originated in France under Napoleon’s rule.
Rouge, like most cosmetics, is thought to have originated in or around ancient Egypt.
The Cargo PlantLove lineup originated with the lipstick, which was introduced to much fanfare and consumer interest.
The makeup of today originated in the early 1900s.
Pokemon originated in Japan as a role-playing game for the Gameboy called Pocket Monsters.
Cantonese cooking originated in the region formerly known as Canton.
Chiu chow cooking originated in the Swatow district of eastern Guangdong province.
Beijing - Beijing (or Peking) is where the Imperial Cuisine of China originated, and the city is most famous today for Beijing (Peking) Duck.
Punjabi food, Tandoori chicken in particular, originated here.
The orange color originated from leftover orange resin during the prototype phase and is now even trademarked.
If your pet is a pure breed, document the history of the breed including where it originated from, the characteristics of the breed and what they were originally bred for.
It is believed that Telemark skiing originated in the Telemark region of Norway, and that a man by the name of Sondre Norheim was responsible for perfecting the Telemark turn.
The mountain that the resort is nestled in is Chinese Peak, thus where the name originated.
Proms originated in elite colleges as a way for middle-class parents to instill socialization skills and etiquette in their children.
Flannel originated in Wales and was first made from short wool, spun into cloth.
The People's Choice Awards originated in 1975.
Another big draw is the fact that the cities along the holiday market tour are where Christmas traditions originated.
If gingerbread sculptures and treats originated in this region, then cities may have large exhibits available to cruisers.
Dog clothing originated to give short haired dogs a little extra warmth in cold climes.
The Labrador Retriever (Lab) originated in Newfoundland as a working dog to help fisherman pull nets out of the water and catch any escaping fish.
The costume shocked audiences, but was allowed by censors since it had originated on ostensibly respectable stages in Europe, such as the Gaiety in London and the Folies Bergère in Paris.
The most valuable sorts have come from W. grandiflora, which has the largest flowers, while the smaller, but more numerously-flowered kinds, have originated from W. rosea and W. floribunda.
The paddles and skids are said to have been stuck in the ground, and to have developed into a grove of trees, from which all the other trees of the same kind have originated.
The beauty of the ordinary wild kind is surpassed by the varieties originated in gardens, of which superbum and roseum are the finest.
The process originated in Korea around 37 BC, when the excess heat from stoves was used to heat a home's floors.
Valspar originated with Samuel Tuck's 1806 business in Boston known as Paint and Color, and another business founded in 1820 that produced varnishes.
The claddagh symbol first appeared in the 1600s and bears the name of the Irish village where it originated.
It is not known where the term first originated, however today it is a popular item and can be found in a variety of styles which are suitable for people of all ages, especially children.
It originated in a small Irish fishing village some 300 years ago.
It originated in the area where Scandinavians settled.
This style, known as the Oxford Bag, originated at Oxford University.
George IV - Originated in New York in the early 1800s, this freestone variety has a rich flavor.
The Seven7 label began in Europe during the 1960s, while 7FAM is a newer label that originated in the United States in 2000.
Melon de Bourgogne originated in Burgundy and is widely grown in the Loire where it is often referred to as Muscadet, and go figure again.
It's known in Spain as Garnacha where it originated.
Champagne-style wines are wines made using the methode champenoise, a method of secondary fermentation that originated in the Champagne region of France.
The term projective refers to a concept originated by Sigmund Freud.
A metastatic osteosarcoma has spread to the lungs, to bones not directly connected to the bone in which the tumor originated, or to other tissues or organs.
It usually is used to treat patients with cancer that has spread from the place in the body where it originated (metastasized).
Reiki-A form of energy therapy that originated in Japan.
Yoga originated in ancient India and is considered one of the longest surviving philosophical systems in the world.
The majority of scientists believed that HIV originated in other primates and was somehow transmitted to man.
Attachment theory originated in the early 1950s with John Bowlby, a child psychiatrist, and Mary Ainsworth, a psychologist, who both became interested in young children's responses to experiencing loss.
It's a sweetened milk-based drink that may have originated in England or from a medieval hot milk beverage.
Ballet originated in Europe in the French court of Louis the Sixteenth.
African tribal dance originated with some of the earliest people groups found on the vast continent, however it is still enjoyed today in forms both modern and traditional.
The Jive has a smaller history, having originated with African slaves in the United States.
Salsa is yet another dance that originated in Cuba and spread throughout South America and eventually the world.
This dance originated in Jalisco, and is more correctly called Jarabe Tapatio.
Even though many of the dances originated in Europe and other countries, American dancers have not only helped preserve the art of ballroom dancing, but also developed it into whole new areas of entertainment.
Fu Hsi then originated the I Ching, which came to him supernaturally as a vision.
Many people believe that the koi originated in Japan; however, much of the ancient historical accounts place China as the first home to the koi fish.
It originated in India and has been popular in the Middle East for many years.
Since the company originated, the advancement of men's shavers has come a long way.
Punk hair styles originated in the 1970s with wild, crazy, rebellious looks - a trend that has continued ever since.
The braids originated in northern Africa and are still worn in a number of countries, although in many places they are exclusively a woman's hairstyle.
The style actually originated with a Native American tribe, who inhabited the Mohawk Valley of upstate New York.
Because ASC is a management company, none of the mortgages it handles originated within its walls.
In fact, very few of the mortgages ASC manages even originated from Wells Fargo.
Most ASC-managed loans originated from third party lenders who combined them and sold them along with other mortgages.
Even though neither Wells Fargo nor ASC originated the mortgages, ASC has the ability to make changes to the mortgage contract at any time.
Scholars agree that paper folding likely originated in Japan but otherwise the history of origami is somewhat murky.
The idea of creating money leis may have originated in Hawaii, where they are often given as gifts.
There is some disagreement as to whether origami, a Japanese word, originated first in Japan or in China.
Regardless of where it originated, it has found its home in a variety of places in modern culture.
A few historians believe that the art originated in Egypt, where it is often practiced today.
Tea bag folding, sometimes called kaleidoscope folding or miniature kaleidoscopic origami, originated in Europe.
The American Conservatory Theater's main stage is a thrilling spot to take in productions that originated in the Bay Area, as well as ones that sprung from the Great White Way.
It is currently unknown where rash guards originated, though some people speculate that they may have come from Australia.
As you might expect from a brand that originated in 1960's California, many of the swimsuit, coverups and clothing designs have a retro, surfer-girl feel to them.
It was originated during World War II when men were faced with having to try and maintain the razor blades they already had because steel was in very low supply.
Go, originated in China and has many names across the Asian seaboard.
The votive candle is believed to have originated as a devotional candle that was lit and placed in churches.
The term mod refers to a subculture movement that originated in the 1950s in London.
The H1N1 virus is a type of contagious influenza that first originated in pigs, therefore giving the disease its common name, "swine flu."
The holiday shopping season is thought to have originated with the large urban department store Thanksgiving parades of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
We know that many of today’s Christmas traditions originated when Emperor Constantine combined traditional Roman and Christian holidays to try to create harmony among a diverse society of religious sects.
It originated as a way to drive off ghosts, spirits and demons.
The basic concept of Club Bounce originated in California.
While the controversy originated in Canada, many media outlets reported on the controversy and it has become a feminist issue in the online community.
Just because a stone originated in Antwerp does not mean that you should buy it without considering a few things.
Often featured in Celtic engagement rings or other Irish jewelry, these knots may have originated from ancient times when a simple knotted string was used in place of a ring.
It originated in the 1960s and has only become popular in recent years.
However, most jewelry historians believe the puzzle ring originated in the Renaissance period in Italy, England, or Ireland.
The cut originated in the late 19th century, and was popular in both Art Nouveau and Art Deco jewelry, primarily as an accessory stone for elaborate rings that featured multiple stones.
If you can't verify whether or not the announcement originated from a reputable source, you may be better of waiting for the next opportunity.
The contest originated in Canada, but writers from around the world are allowed to enter as long as the submissions are in English.
Larabars are a nutritious gluten-free snack item that originated with one woman, a food processor, and a rolling pin.
As a direct competitor with Guess, Nine West handbags have a western originated style.
Nantucket straw bags originated over one hundred and fifty years ago and are distinctive in their construction and appearance.
Tooled clutches pay homage to an art form that originated centuries ago.
Duffle bags originated as military gear because they were tough and yet light enough that a soldier could carry all his things with relative ease.
Labor Day originated in 1882, when the members of the Central Labor Union in New York City decided the hard working citizens of America deserved a day off for recognizing their contribution to both the economic and social civilization.
Staring Matt Damon in the role he originated, the Bourne Identity 4 is set to come to the big screen in the summer of 2011.
During this time period, many of the well-loved classic Hollywood films originated.
Many of these are known urban legends, and others are simply stories that have been handed down through the generations; no one knows where they originated or how true they are.
His private research originated during his time in the army in 1944.
The original Resurrection Mary Legend originated in Chicago.
Even though the general ideas of reincarnation have spread around the globe for centuries, for the most part, historians agree that the concept of rebirth into a new life originated with Hinduism.
One of the newest theories originated from a talk that Dr. Ben Clennell of Leeds University offered on September 21, 1998 at the Festival of Earth Sciences in Wales.
This is the longest missing child email urban legend having originated sometime in September 2001.
KingSize originated as a shoe store for men who needed larger sizes than they could find in ordinary shoe stores.
The Frugal Living blog originated in 2008, when a woman by the name of Angela Davis taught a class on couponing.
The Lolita look originated in Japan, and aims to mimic the doll-like look of children and young women from Victorian times.
Today, Capezio's line includes the best commercial jazz, tap, and ballet shoes, but Capezio also offers ice skates and the same custom shoemaking for professional companies that originated in that small storefront over a hundred years ago.
His contemporary dress shirt line originated in Glasgow and has quickly been dubbed the "No Ordinary Designer Label."
Gianni Versace is a leading luxury brand that originated in Milan in 1978.
Spectator pumps are classic two toned pumps that originated in the 1950s.
She originated the role of Erica Kane on All My Children, and she portrayed the character for over three decades until the show ended in 2011.
MacDonald Carey originated the role of Dr. Tom Horton in 1965.
As one of the most famous actresses on daytime TV, Deidre Hall originated the character of Dr. Marlena Evans.
Gellar originated the role of Kendall Hart, the illegitimate child of Erica Kane.
In 1992, Smith originated the role of Nora Hanen Gannon Buchananon (yes they rhyme) on One Life to Live.
In 1966, actress Micki Grant originated the role of Peggy Harris Nolan on Another World, a black nurse and the first black character to be cast in a role other than that of a domestic worker.
Over the years, Farrell has appeared in many television shows including The Monkees, I Dream of Jeannie, Banacek and Marcus Welby, M.D. Farrell originated the role of Scott Banning on Days of Our Lives in 1970.
Budig originated the role of spoiled, rich girl-turned-makeup company executive Greenlee Smythe in August 1999.
Eileen Davidson originated the role of Ashley Abbott, the middle Abbott child.
Actress Eileen Davidson, who originated the role of Ashley Abbott, left the role for a decade to pursue other opportunities including a multi-character role on rival daytime drama Days of Our Lives.
During her absence from AMC, she originated the role of Eden Capwell on the short-lived soap opera Santa Barbara.
The controversial onscreen actions paired with off-screen drama early in 2009 when Chris Engen who originated the adult role of Adam Wilson left The Young and the Restless citing unhappiness with the direction the role was taking.
Eileen Davidson originated the role of Ashley Abbott Lassiter Bladeson Howard Carlton Newman on The Young and the Restless in 1982.
Eric Braeden originated the role of Victor Newman on The Young and the Restless in 1980.
Originated by the Chinese and adopted in Japan, these characters are used to convey concepts of love, courage, peace and so much more.
Birthstone charts vary, too, according to the culture where they originated, which gives you a few color options while still being technically correct.