Originals Sentence Examples
They were all originals, upwards of $20,000 each.
All the Originals have been freed and expelled.
Sofi said the Originals aren't what we've been led to believe them to be.
Do you remember much of the Originals?
The Originals have a truce that's older than all of us combined.
I imagine they'll blame you Originals for this one as well.
I can't get into specifics, but two Originals have gone missing.
One of five Original Beings, he'd landed on earth when the Originals escaped from their immortal exile.
Maybe you are not old enough to remember, Other, but the Gatekeeper existed before the Originals.
Something about how Originals stick together, Bianca said.
AdvertisementThe Others were not so fortunate, though the Originals all escaped.
I am here, because we Originals are obligated to one another.
We Originals gotta stick together.
When Xander tells the story, it was the Originals that did it.
Jule was right; he owned nothing else, but the number of people who knew about the gem was limited to the Originals and Sofi.
AdvertisementWe didn't know the Originals like him were still alive until a few months ago.
The only creatures that knew about his necklace were the Originals.
All the Originals do.
We Originals are forbidden from fighting one another.
The plays of Plautus are all based on Greek originals.'
AdvertisementIn the first half of the 13th century, Abraham ibn Ilasdai, a vigorous supporter of Maimonides, translated (or adapted) a large number of philosophical works from Arabic, among them being the Sepher ha-tappuah, based on Aristotle's de Anima, and the Mozene Zedeq of Ghazzali on moral philosophy, of both of which the originals are lost.
Some of these objects, such as certain forms of swords and vases, seem to be of local fabric, but derived from originals going back to the beginning of the Late Minoan age.
In the former case the cartographer is merely called upon to reduce and generalize the information given by his originals, to make a judicious selection of place names, and to take care that the map is not overcrowded with names and details.
The Strassburg Ptolemy of 1513 has a supplement of as many as 20 modern maps by Martin Waldseemiiller or Ilacomilus, several among which are copied from Portuguese originals.
During the first centuries both branches of the Church had used vestments substantially the same, developed from common originals; the alb, chasuble, stole and pallium were the equivalents of the anxItinov, e t fvoXcov, copapcov and 1 The rationale is worn only over the chasuble.
AdvertisementBut this is only true with certain reservations; for the Latin Vulgate was revised by Jerome according to the Hebrew, and, where Hebrew originals were wanting, according to the Septuagint.
That it was used also in official documents and ordinances is shown by copies of formularies of oaths, the import of which proves beyond a doubt that the originals belonged 1301- to the reigns of Louis I.
A much easier method, applicable to glass originals, is that of photographic reproduction by contact printing.
Beginning with the earliest versions of the Bible, which seem to date from the 2nd century A.D., the series comprises a great mass of translations from Greek originals - theological, philosophical, legendary, historical and scientific. In a fair number of cases the Syriac version has preserved to us the substance of a lost original text.
Though without claims to creative originality, Terence must have had not only critical genius, to enable him fully to appreciate and identify himself with his originals, but artistic genius of a high and pure type.
Neither of these passages would fit the prose romance, as we know it, but both might well suit the lost French source of the Lanzelet; where we are in a position to compare the German versions of French romances with their originals we find, as a rule, that the translators have followed their source faithfully.
There is no doubt that his work is chiefly a compilation; and Daremberg, with other scholars, has traced a large number of passages of the Latin text to the Greek originals from which they were translated.
The works bearing his name are, as has been said, entirely based upon the Greek of Soranus, but are important both because their Greek originals are lost, and because they are evidence of the state of medical practice in his own time.
Nearly all medieval medical literature was condemned under this name; and for it the humanists proposed to substitute the originals of Hippocrates and Galen, thus leading back medicine to its fountain-head.
This is decorated with circles of rosettes of blue, green and red enamel, each surrounded by lines of gold; within the circles are little figures evidently suggested by antique originals, and precisely like similar figures found on carved ivory boxes of Byzantine origin dating from the II th or 12th century.
A considerable amount of Semitic Babylonian literature was translated from Sumerian originals, and the language of religion and law long continued to be the old agglutinative language of Chaldaea.
The forms of Assyrian pottery, however, are graceful; the porcelain, like the glass discovered in the palaces of Nineveh, was derived from Egyptian originals.
The two poems give evidence of genius and trained skill, though the poet was no doubt hampered by the necessity of not deviating too widely from the sacred originals.
In some cases the originals have been brought to Europe, in other cases only squeezes of the inscriptions.
The poetry of the nation remained immovable in the ancient groove until very modern times, when, either by direct access to the originals or through the medium of very defective translations, the nation became acquainted with the masters of Occidental song.
But he has ever in form so far surpassed his originals that he alone has gained for the pure didactic poem a place among the highest forms of serious poetry, while he has so transmuted his material that, without violation of truth, he has made the whole poem alive with poetic feeling.
For some notice of the Arabic, Syriac and Hebrew translations of works professedly by Hippocrates (Ibukrat or Bukrat), the number of which greatly exceeds that of the extant Greek originals, reference may be made to Fliigel's contribution to the article " Hippokrates " in the Encyklopadie of Ersch and Gruber.
Wood was to ask, "if the French originals are found to tally with the Scots translations, will that be reckoned good evidence ?"
This French did not correspond with French copies of some of the originals recently discovered in Cecil's MSS.
Dialogorum de Trinitate libri duo (Hagenau, 1532); two reprints of 1 and 2, to pass for originals; No.
The statues in its niches are modern, but the originals are placed on the exterior of the town hall.
Philo Herennius of Byblus claimed to have translated his mythological writings from the Phoenician originals.
It was only with the advent of the " new learning " in England that a direct rendering from the originals became possible.
Had the copies made of ancient writings been mechanical reproductions of the originals, such as the photographic facsimiles of modern times, there would have been little here for textual criticism to do.
His industry was exemplary and unremitting, and the number of his literary works would be incredible, if the originals, all in his own handwriting, were not still extant.
Macpherson never produced his originals, which he refused to publish on the ground of the expense.
Such was the activity of these Jewish and Christian missionaries that their imitations have swamped the originals.
Pope's admirable imitations of Horace's Satires and Epistles had recently appeared, were in every hand, and were by many readers thought superior to the originals.
In short, however imperfectly the Koran may have been redacted, in the majority of cases the present suras are identical with the originals.
All later manuscripts are derived from these four originals.
Klamroth's translation of the fifty oldest suras, Die fiinfzig altesten Suren (Hamburg, 1890) attempts successfully to reproduce the rhymed form of the originals.
These consist of episodes in the life of the parish priest "Father Prout," and dialogues after the model of "Christopher North," varied by translations of well-known English songs into Latin, Greek, French and Italian verse, which he humorously represents as being the true originals from which the English authors had merely plagiarized them.
Montalvo alleges that the first three books were arranged and corrected by him from "the ancient originals," and a reference in the prologue to the siege of Granada points to the conclusion that the Spanish recast was made shortly after 1492; it is possible, however, that the prologue alone was written after 1492, and that the text itself is older.
The number of these "ancient originals" is not stated, nor is there any mention of the language in which they were composed; Montalvo's silence on the latter point might be taken to imply that they were in Castilian, but any such inference would be hazardous.
Probably by the same artist, though his name was spelled differently, were the bronze doors of San Paolo fuori le Mura, Rome, careful drawings of which exist, though the originals were destroyed in the fire of 1824.
Though it is a biographical tradition that he lacked wit, Moliere and Don Quixote seem to have been his favourites; and though the utilitarian wholly crowds romanticism out of his writings, he had enough of that quality in youth to prepare to learn Gaelic in order to translate Ossian, and sent to Macpherson for the originals !
Unluckily very few originals of the inscriptions are now in existence, though some few remain in the museum at Taranto.
The originals and the engraver's proofs are of great assistance to the workman in bringing out the details of an illustration when he is preparing it for printing.
It has been asserted that " the writings of recent Jewish critics have tended on the whole to confirm the Gospel picture of external Jewish life, and where there is discrepancy these critics tend to prove that the blame lies not with the New Testament originals, but with their interpreters."
The tribal poets were supposed to have " seen " the heavenly originals; elaborate arguments were devised to explain how the names of particular objects like rivers and mountains could have existed in the Eternal; while the grounds of belief in the infallibility of the sacred verses were enforced with the double weight of philosophy and tradition.
Allusions in particular passages of the Koran to the " mother of the scripture," the invisible originals of the prophet's speech, led to the doctrine of its uncreated being.
Nor is it improbable that works of the latter served Cicero as the originals of his De republica and De legibus.
The name Geber has long been used to designate the author of a number of Latin treatises on alchemy, entitled Summa perfectionis magisterii, De investigatione perfectionis, De inventione veritatis, Liber fornacum, Testamentum Geberi Regis Indiae and Alchemia Geberi, and these writings were generally regarded as translations from the Arabic originals of Abu Abdallah Jaber ben Hayyam (Haiyan) ben Abdallah al-Kufi, who is supposed to have lived in the 8th or 9th century of the Christian era.
But the great bulk of the collection consists of Mahayana books, belonging to all the previously existing varieties of that widely extended Buddhist sect; and, as the Sanskrit originals of many of these writings are now lost, the Tibetan translations will be of great value, not only for the history of Lamaism, but also for the history of the later forms of Indian Buddhism.
His book seems to have undergone very much the same fate as that which befell the originals of the first two volumes of the Paston Letters which Sir John Fenn presented to George the Third.
That she was the daughter of Audibert de Noves and the wife of Hugh de Sade rests partly on tradition and partly on documents which the abbe de Sade professed to have copied from originals in the, 8th century.
Caecilius holds a place between Plautus and Terence in his treatment of the Greek originals; he did not, like Plautus, confound things Greek and Roman, nor, like Terence, eliminate everything that could not be romanized.
Aristotle in his will made him guardian of his children, bequeathed to him his library and the originals of his works, and designated him as his successor at the Lyceum on his own removal to Chalcis.
On the other hand, some sections may wholly or in part go back to Hebrew originals.
Sylvestre also prepared a new edition of the Psalter as part of his Bible (Belgrad, 1651), verifying the text by reference to the Hebrew and Greek originals.
Slavonic having entirely disappeared from the sources of literature, writers and translators turned to Greek originals and for more than a century were busy translating into Rumanian the most important works of the older Fathers of the Church.
Those who kept in touch with the old literature - men such as Beldiman, Marcovici and Negrutin - were able even in their metrical translations to do justice to the originals and at the same time not to distort the character of the Rumanian language.
Alecsandri is less successful in his dramas, most of which are adaptations from French originals; the only merit of his novels is that amidst the phonetic and philological turmoil he kept to the purer language of the people.
His Greatheart, his Captain Boanerges and his Captain Credence are evidently portraits, of which the originals were among those martial saints who fought and expounded in Fairfax's army.
That Corneille was by no means destitute of the critical faculty his Discourses and the Examens of his plays (often admirably acute, and, with Dryden's subsequent prefaces, the originals to a great extent of specially modern criticism) show well enough.
This last class of documents exists in England mainly in the form of transcripts from the originals in foreign archives, which have been made for the purpose of the Venetian and Spanish Calendars of state papers.
The academy possesses 14,000 original drawings and sketches by the great masters, 24,000 engravings, and 248 water-colour copies of Italian originals; the municipal gallery contains valuable specimens of the local school; and the same is the case with the Schulte collection.
On the authority of the two great commentators Pappus and Proclus, Euclid wrote four books on conics, but the originals are now lost, and all we have is chiefly to be found in the works of Apollonius of Perga.
Marie seems to have contented herself with giving new literary form to the stories she heard by turning them into Norman octosyllabic verse, and apparently made few radical changes from her originals.
Both are 'abridgments and both are by the same hand; but the style and Latinity and the elementary mistakes (especially in the rendering of the Greek originals) are held to prove that they cannot have been the work of so distinguished a scholar as C. Julius Hyginus.
Mythical elements it certainly contains; and to those figures which - like Siegfried, Brunhild, Hagen and the "good margrave" Ruedeger of Bechlaren - cannot be traced definitively to historical originals, a mythical origin is still provisionally ascribed.
But criticism is still busy attempting to trace these also to historical originals, and Theodor Abeling (Das Nibelungenlied, 1907) makes out a very plausible case for identifying Siegfried with Segeric, son of the Burgundian king Sigimund, Brunhild with the historical Brunichildis, and Hagen with a certain Hagnericus, who, according to the Life of St Columban, guided the saint (the chaplain of the Nibelungenlied), who had incurred the enmity of Brunichildis, safe to the court of her grandson Theuderich, king of the West Franks.
His versions take risks, but honor the originals ' forms and intentions, making audible a wide array of individual styles and voices.
There are many shops on Oldham Street - from Oxfam Originals to small independent record shops and clothing boutiques.
Where boundary treatments are being renewed, walls, preferably matching the originals, should be constructed in brick with molded brick copings.
Based on ancient originals this brass effect incense burner features a double pagoda roof and has ample room to burn incense cones or dhoop.
Sumdy's Dad live, with their unique mix of cracking covers, fantastic originals and all round insanity... .
Should you wish to purchase one of my paintings please go to the ' buying originals ' page to make an online payment.
Following in the shadows of the originals, Tekken and Streetfighter, this game has a great sense realism to it.
In the absence of any possibility of separating copies from ostensible originals, each thing, in simulation, is thus an absolute singularity.
This ensures color uniformity across input and output devices so that final printed results match originals.
He was never content with secondhand accounts when the primary sources were accessible; " I have always endeavoured," he says, " to draw from the fountainhead; my curiosity, as well as a sense of duty, has always urged me to study the originals; and if they have sometimes eluded my search, I have carefully marked the secondary evidence on whose faith a passage or a fact were reduced to depend."
These maps existed, as a matter of course, before such an index could be compiled, but it is doubtful whether the maps in our available manuscript, which are attributed to Agathodaemon, are copies of Ptolemy's originals or have been compiled, after their loss, from this index.
His comedy, like that of Plautus, seems to have been rather a free adaptation of his originals than a rude copy of them, as those of Livius probably were, or an artistic copy like those of Terence.
Deshima the Dutch traders made it a yearly custom to submit to the governor of Nagasaki selected extracts from newspapers arriving from Batavia, and these extracts, having been translated into Japanese, were forwarded to the court in Yedo together with their originals.
In this domain the first place must be assigned to the splendid achievements of Raphael, whom the pope entrusted with new and comprehensive commissions - the Stanza dell' incendio, the Logge, and the tapestry-cartoons, the originals of the last named being now in London.
Even in the existing versions of the letters, translated from the lost originals and retranslated from this translation of a text which was probably destroyed in 1603 by order of King James on his accession to the English throne - even in these possibly disfigured versions, the fiery pathos of passion, the fierce and piteous fluctuations of spirit between love and hate, hope and rage and jealousy, have an eloquence apparently beyond the imitation or invention of art (see Casket Letters 1).
Paracelsus had seen how bodies were purified and intensified by chemical operations, and he thought if plants and minerals could be made to yield their active principles it would surely be better to employ these than the crude and unprepared originals.
But somehow, I should prefer to see the originals in the place where Genius meant them to remain, not only as a hymn of praise to the gods, but also as a monument of the glory of Greece.
A lot of the originals have their bottom halves missing when they are found, but this is rectified when they are recast.
Their repertoire spans a wide range of styles including plenty of sparky originals.
The second set is a mixture of more originals and a couple of well-chosen covers.
The French Martini cocktail is one of the originals.
It will stop payment on the originals and issue new ones for you.
Luckily for those of us without a spare $8 million to spend on a lamp, the Tiffany lamp shades have inspired millions of pretenders that are every bit as beautiful as the originals - although slightly more affordable.
Try Perfume Originals for a wide selection of fragrance kits for men and women priced at only $20.
Whether you're looking for a cartridge that was recently released, one of the originals or a limited edition cartridge, you'll have a good chance at finding it online.
An online bridal boutique such as Bridal Originals provides the perfect gallery to show just how varying punk wedding gowns can be, while all are still within the genre of originality and cutting edge design.
There are some overlaps from the other sites, but some originals as well.
In fact, her song "I Just Want You" is part of the WWE-produced compilation album WWE Originals.
At the time, these guitars were seen as knock offs available at a discounted price, but over time they have really held up, and some people believe the replicas are actually of a higher quality than the originals produced at the same time.
Should you repair the originals, buy replacement windows that are in line with the era of your home or install modern looking windows?
Current replicas of the Victorian crown brooch are actually harder to find than older vintage originals and retro reproductions of the brooch.
Be aware though that fakes may not be as high-performance as the originals.
The Lemtosh by Moscot Originals seemed to be his shades of choice when he was promoting Public Enemies in London.
Some replicas look almost identical to the originals and it can be hard to distinguish between the two.
Replica Radars may not come in every combination that the originals do.
In a world where most sequels pale in comparison to their originals, the Sims 2 crushes its predecessor into its own hardwood flooring.
The original, or at least one of the originals, came from Sharper Image.
Because these old lamps were often made of glass, many of the ones you'll find on the market have replacement globes because the originals have long since broken.
These are harder to replace so make sure the originals are in good shape.
You will need to go to the county clerk's office and look for the records among the originals.
While these records are officially available in either county offices or the state archives, you may be able to find transcribed copies in your local library genealogy room, or view originals on microfilm.
The funky and sexy look of vintage swimwear has always been popular among a certain contingent since the originals first went out of fashion.
Doll Clothes by Carole has clothes to fit all sizes of Cabbage Patch dolls, from the 11 inch newborns to the 20 inch originals.
Copies of celebrity gowns are just as beautiful as the originals, but without the expensive price tag.
As mentioned earlier, the originals are expensive due to the materials used and labor costs.
You can get those individually if you lose your originals.
Another solution is to make use of an all-in-one printer and copy and print out the instructions and store the originals, placing the printed pages in the box.
Everything Preschool - You'll find many nursery rhymes converted into familiar Christmas songs, as well as some originals that you can create a melody for.
Although the handbags manufactured and sold by XOXO offer fashion handbags at an affordable price, some of their designs resemble the originals too close for some handbags lovers' comfort.
Originals, reissues and reprints can be found in abundance at Movie Posters, a site that will also purchase posters, inserts and movie stills from customers' existing collections.
This site also offers movie poster gift certificates, monthly specials (although these are primarily reprints and not originals), and assistance in conducting searches for specific, hard to find titles.
Others were thought to be originals but turned out to come from previous work.
Women can choose from Casual, Dress Casual, Clogs, Sandals and Originals.
Men have the option of Casual, Dress Casual, Sandals and Originals.
After over one hundred years as a family business, the famous Clarks Originals were born.
Some replicas look and feel like they'd be just as good as the originals.
Imitation boots are not made from the same high-grade material as the originals.
When that happens, show producers introduce new characters to fans and hope that the fresh faces are embraced as heartily as the originals.
Swiss made watches are the best made replicas on the markets because they are manually assembled just like the original models and the quality of materials used is almost equal to the originals.
Or computerized typesetting can be used to create originals.
Set up time is the time it takes for a printer to "burn" a metal plate from typeset originals provided by a customer or in-house typesetter, and adjust his press so that the paper accurately feeds through press rollers.
Scan papers that you need to keep rather than filing them unless you need the originals.
Although you should always keep a copy of all documents submitted for your own records, your company may require that the originals be submitted with your claim.
If you like your retro lingerie a little naughtier than the originals, you'll love the selection here.
Thematically, the parodies were similar to the originals but the new versions tended to be more risqué.
Consumers often justify purchasing the counterfeit goods by saying that the originals are overpriced in the first place, or that the designers are all ready rich.
There are several companies that run legal purse parties, with either designer originals or handbags from smaller companies.
We have both read and studied the Frank Herbert originals so many times, we are both writing in a well-established universe.
It hard to differentiate these glossy reproductions from the authenticate originals.
Searchers will come across these posts before they see your originals, and suddenly you're losing website traffic.
Leather firefighter helmets were the originals and they're still in use today.
They may be made of different materials and have various features that were not on the originals.
For authentic historical uniforms, individuals will need to purchase originals, rather than throwbacks.
The fonts under the Microsoft heading are where you'll find most of the commercial fonts--though there are some knock-off Microsoft fonts that look similar to the originals.
It's what earned all the Originals their ten thousand year prison terms.
To what extent he is dependent on these originals, and how far he departed from them, we shall perhaps never know exactly.